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02x18 - My Master, the Spy

Posted: 04/26/22 19:22
by bunniefuu
- You did not eat your breakfast.
- No, I didn't have time, Jeannie.

- Will you be home for lunch?
- No, I can't make that either.

I have a conference
with General Peterson...

...and Dr. Bellows.
Then there's NASA officials...

- ... coming down from Washington.
- Oh, that is a shame.

I thought we might have lunch
at a little restaurant on the Left Bank.

I wish I could, but-

There's no Left Bank in Cocoa Beach.

Well, there is in Paris.
It is called Chez Moustache.

It is in a quaint little part of town
with a cobblestone street in front.

- The people wear the loveliest clothes.
- Some other day. Sorry.


They make a marvellous
cheese soufflé there.

- Why don't you go there?
- I could not do that.

It would not be any fun
without you, master.


Do you read French?

Yeah, a little. I studied it in school.

- Can you read this?
- Oh, sure.

Oh, that's easy.
" I wish I were in Paris. "

Oh, master!

I'm sorry. I'm- I'm sorry.

Welcome to Paris, master.

Yeah, I'm terribly sorry.

Jeannie, I told you,
I'm supposed to be at a meeting.

Oh, please,
do not be angry, master.

You must eat lunch,
and this was right on the way.

Right on the way to where,
the Eiffel Tower?

I'm due to be in a conference room
at NASA headquarters this minute.

Oh, that is no problem, master.

You are at NASA.

Now, shall we order
the cheese soufflé?

Where is Major Nelson?

Oh, he's always on time, general.

He should be here any minute, sir.

- I'm sorry I'm late, sir.
- Oh, Tony, you know everybody.

- Yes.
- All right, let's all sit down.

We've got a long day ahead of us.

Are you telling me that I'm at
the meeting right now?

Have I ever deceived you?

Well, let's not go into that.

I don't understand. How can I
be here and there at the same time?

Oh, that is child's play.

If you like, we could also be having
lunch in Rome right now.

No. Believe me,
I'm nervous enough as it is.

You sure nothing can go wrong?

Believe me, master,
all that can happen is... will have a marvellous lunch
and then you can go back to work.

And I'll remember everything
at Cape Kennedy?

Well, of course. You are there.

- I am there.
- Oh, let me explain it to you.

You see, you concentrate
on a polliwog-

No, please, please.
I might understand.

Don't tell me. Really, don't.

Could I help you?

Oh, yes.

I would...

That was very good, master.

Well, I haven't used it
since high school.

The reason
I came down here myself... to let you know
how excited Washington is...

...about the potential
of Operation Galaxy.

Gentlemen, for the first time...

...we have a really big jump
on every other country.

- And we intend to keep it that way.
- That's right.

Washington wants to be certain
that we maintain absolute security.

Well, you can reassure Washington
on that score.

Oh, yes, gentlemen,
our security here is foolproof.

Once, I forgot my pass.

I had to spend the whole day
at the beach with a blond.

Do you like it, master?

It's the best thing
I've ever eaten in my life, really.

Did I not tell you?

I wonder how I'm doing
in the meeting?

Brilliantly, master.

Oh, good.


Isn't that the American astronaut,
Major Nelson?

Yes, but what is he doing in Paris?

I don't know why
we were not informed of his arrival.

Maybe they sneaked him in?

It is a deliberate insult
to the French air force.

De Gaulle will be furious.

Perhaps, only he looks
like Major Nelson.

For his sake, I hope so.

I know.

I will call my good friend,
Dr. Bellows at NASA...

...and find out what marches.

So phase three will only go off...

...if phase two and phase one
go off perfectly.

Dr. Bellows.

Excuse me, sir, but we have
a call for you from Paris.

From Paris? For me?

Yes, sir. They say it's urgent.

- On line one.
- Thank you.

- before we commit ourselves
to any final steps.

So phase three will take place
only if phase one and phase two go...

- Dr. Bellows here.
- Dr. Bellows?

This is General Rafael.

We were wondering why
we were not notified...

...that Major Nelson
was coming to Paris.

We would have been happy
to have given him a reception.

Major Nelson?

He's not going to Paris.

I did not say he was going to Paris,
Dr. Bellows.

He is in Paris.

That's impossible. He's right here.

I'm looking at him.

So am I.

I don't know who you're looking at,
but I can assure you...

...that it's not Major Nelson.

Well, it's probably somebody
who resembles him.

Of course. One who is wearing
an American Air Force uniform...

...a NASA insignia,
and an astronaut wings?

And he's in Paris now?

Under my very eyes.

- What's he doing?
- He's eating a cheese soufflé.

It looks delicious.

General Rafael, I wonder
if you could do something for me?

Could you tak e a picture
of the man you have there...

...and wire me a telephoto?

A picture? But why?

Because, obviously, one of us
is looking at an impostor.

And this system is the responsibility
of Huston Control.

Would you like another soufflé,

I couldn't eat another bite.
It was just marvellous.

I knew you would enjoy this.

And believe me,
you will not get into any trouble.

Yeah, well, that'll be a change,
won't it?

If you are through,
I think perhaps we should leave.

Maybe you're right. I hate to rush...

...but I really have to get back
and do some kind of work, don't I?

Here it is, sir.

- It's just come over the wire.
- Let me see it, please.

It is Major Nelson.

Or his double.

Operation Galaxy.

Spies are after the information
on Operation Galaxy?

Yes, sir,
and they're diabolically clever.

And you think that someone
at Cape Kennedy is involved.

I know it.

Who is it?

That's just it, sir. I'm not sure.

Because it's either him,
or his double.

I can't believe it's he,
so it must be his double.

And if it is his double... would explain everything,
and I mean everything.

Oh, yes, of course it would.

Is this the first time that
you've come across spies, doctor?

Yes, sir.

Don't you think we need
a little proof?

Oh, don't worry.
I'll get all the proof I need... soon as I find out who's who.

Yes, you do that.

Thank you, sir.

- Master?
- Yes, Jeannie.


...did you like that cheese soufflé?

- I told you I did. It was wonderful.
- Then let us move to Paris.

- Move to Paris?
- Yes, now.

You will love living in Paris.

What are you talking about?
What would I possibly do in Paris?

- Escape.
- Escape from what?

Oh, master, how do you get yourself
into these situations?

- What are you talking about?
- Come to my office, please.

Hello, sir.

I'd like to talk to you a minute,
Major Nelson.

- It is Major Nelson, isn't it?
- Yes, sir.

I'm after a piece of information.

Now, we're going to
play a little game.

I'm going to ask you some questions
and you're going to answer them.

- What sort of questions, sir?
- Oh, you'll see.

I want you to answer quickly
and without thinking.

- Ready?
- Yes, sir.

Who did Sandy Koufax pitch for?

- Sandy Koufax?
- Quickly, major.

Oh, the Dodgers.

What goes on hot dogs?

Mustard, relish, sauerkraut-

What was the name
of your first flight instructor?

- d*ck Olson.
- d*ck Olson.

Where was President Lincoln shot?

The Ford Theatre, sir.

What was the name
of the first school you ever attended.

Horace Mann.

I'll have some more questions
for you later.

Did you get the information
you wanted to?

Don't worry, major.

I'm getting it. I'm getting it.

I think I've got a bigger one
back there.

Come this way, please.
I'll show you.

You look around back there.
Whatever you find, bring it in.

I think I can help you.

Well, if it isn't doc-

No names, please.

I'm sorry.

I'm here on
a very confidential mission.

What can I do for you, doc?

I wanna buy a listening device.

- A bug?
- Yes.

Something that can't be detected.

You came to the right place.

I think I got just what
the doctor ordered.

See this? This little beauty?

This is perfect for you.

- It's so tiny.
- But that's the beauty of it.

See, this is a magnetic microphone.

Stick it on a piece of metal and... stays right there.

Where are the wires?

No wires. You are living in
the horse-and-buggy days.

See, this mike is tuned to
the same frequency as this receiver...

...and you can listen in
on a range of up to a mile.

Perfect, I'll take it.

I sure hope you catch her.

- Catch her?
- Yeah.

That's the way I caught my wife.

I'll wrap it up for you.

Careful, careful. I am sorry.

You wanna finish up those charts
this afternoon?

No, I better get home.
I have a feeling something's wrong.

- You mean...
- Yeah.

She popped in here with some
wild story about my escaping to Paris.

That is wild.

You have no idea how nerv ous
this thing is making me.

I haven't had a moment's peace
since I-

- Since I got inv olved.
- You know what you should do?

You should sit down and have
a long talk with Dr. Bellows.

- Yeah, that's a good one.
- I'm not kidding.

You're so nerv ous lately.
You need a long vacation.

There isn't any place I could go
without being found.

As long as Dr. Bellows doesn't
find out, I guess you'll be all right.

Hey, look at that, will you?

Do you know what that looks like?
That just looks like it might-

A beautiful day out.
Let's take a walk.

Walk? Are you kidding?
Who wants to walk? I discovered-

That exercise
is the best thing in the world.

- I don't wanna exercise. I want a-
- A breath of fresh air.

- Hi.
- That was a microphone.

- You mean you knew?
- That's right.

You don't want whoever's listening
to know you're on to them.

- That's the idea. Give me a dime.
- That's quick thinking.

- You should've been a secret agent.
- You have any idea what this means?

- Spies on the base.
- Spies?

That's right. They're probably after
information on Operation Galaxy.

We gotta track them down.

Someone planted a microphone
in your office?

- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir. And it was about this big, sir.

It was...

It sounds incredible anything like this
should happen on this base.

It doesn't sound as incredible
as you'd think.

This is the second espionage report
I've had.

- It is?
- Yes.

Dr. Bellows is on the trail
of a spy ring.

Why don't we all get together
and track them down?

I think I know how to trap whoever
planted that microphone in my office.

All right, I'll leave it to you.
There's only one thing I'll ask.

- Yes, sir?
- I wanna be in on the k*ll.

- You remember what you're to do?
- I don't like this. Could be dangerous.

It's our chance to crack
an espionage ring. Just be natural.

Yeah, I'm going to be natural.
I'm going bowling.

Well, it's been
a very successful day.

Yes, it has been
a very successful day.

We have the information.
Now all we have to do is pass it on.

Yes, we have the information.
Now all we have to do is pass it on.

Where are we going to meet?

Where are we going to meet?

You know the old warehouse
near the beach?

Yes, I know the old warehouse.

It is near the beach.

Well, we're going to... there tonight and pass on
the information to the chief.

Yes, that is a good place to pass on
the information to the chief.


Perhaps you'd like to know
what time?

Oh, yes. What time? What time?

- Midnight.
- Midnight.

The old warehouse.


I'll get flashlights,
we'll be on our way.

- I must talk to you.
- Not right now.

- We have something to do.
- We've got spies to catch.

- I feel just like James Bond.
- Please do not go out tonight, master.

It's all right. General Peterson
and his men will be there.

Do you know who they are after,

No, no, but after tonight,
whoever they are will be in jail.

Oh, dear.

Yeah, it serves them right.

I cannot talk you out of going,

Not a chance. Would you mind
getting out of the way.

- I've gotta get lights.
- Then I must go with you.

That's not the kind of light
I had in mind.

- Please let me go with you.
- No, I'm afraid-

- You must not go alone.
- This is men's work...'re gonna stay right here.
No arguments.

- Great.
- You take this.

- Please, let me go with you.
- No, Jeannie. No.

- You must not go out alone.
- I've gotta be adamant. I insist.

- Please?
- No.

Very well, master, good luck.

Boy, you sure know
how to handle her.

You just have to be firm.

Hey, there's nothing down there.

Look, dresses.

These look pretty good.

Good enough.
Let's grab them and get out of here.

This way.

I'll take care of him.

Somebody else is coming.

Let's get out of here.
It's getting like Grand Central Station.

- After midnight. They ought to be there.
- What are your plans?

I'll go in,
give them a chance to jump me.

Yeah, good thinking.
I'll be in the bowling alley.

Wait two minutes,
then you'll come in.

You kidding?
Might be a mob of guys in there.

Roger, don't worry.

General Peterson and the men
are gonna be here soon.

- What time you got?
- I've got : .

I've got : .

- Two minutes, remember.
- Yeah.

- Get out of sight.
- Hold it, major.

Turn around.

- Who are you?
- All right, buddy, hold it.

I got you covered.

- Doctor, what are you doing here?
- Watch it, major!

All right, that's enough.
Get your hands up.

Take those two men out.

Hi, fellas. Hey.

- I'm not late, am I?
- No, it's all over, Roge.

Not quite.
I'm arresting you for espionage.

You're arresting Major Nelson
for espionage?

No, general, I'm not arresting
Major Nelson. I'm arresting this man.

- Who do you think I am?
- I know who you are.

You're Major Nelson's double.

Major Nelson is being held prisoner
somewhere in Paris.

You dirty rat! What have you done
with my best friend?

- It's me!
- Oh, it's him.

Dr. Bellows, you better explain
what this is all about, and fast.

I shall be very happy to, general.

I planted a microphone
in Major Nelson's office.

- You're the one that planted-?
- He planted the microphone!


You see, I know the real Major Nelson
as well as I know myself.

He would never be involved
in anything like this.

So I heard you making plans... pass on the secret information
to your chief tonight...

...I knew that you were the double.

What makes you think
there's a double?

I don't think, general, I know.

I have the proof right here.

This picture was taken
at a sidewalk café in Paris yesterday.

Who do you think it is?

Looks like General de Gaulle.

Oh, no, no. It's...

General de Gaulle.

Yes, it's a very good likeness
of General de Gaulle.

Is there anything
that you would like to say?

Yes, sir.

He's done it to me again.