09x06 - Baby Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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09x06 - Baby Love

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "nypd blue"...

It’s not just you.
I‐it’s the whole situation.

You and gibson.

I can’t say a word
to either one of you

Without it getting back
to the other.

We’re a very close
family, andy.

He’s like a father to me.

Yeah, I know.

So that’s it then?

I’m sorry.

I know there’s
a lot of guys on this job

Don’t like
partnered up with women.

But I worked with
some dynamite broads,

So don’t think twice
about where i’m coming from.

I won’t even think twice.

Gassing up the car.
You what?

All those arson fires ‐‐
the smell of gas ‐‐

I really don’t care
for filling up.

And she does?

She didn’t seem upset
when I told her to do it.

How about
tomorrow morning?

I know this great
omelet place in soho.

I have yoga
tomorrow morning.

A little spontaneity
every now and then

Never hurt anyone.

Baldwin, I ‐‐

I‐i’m just saying.

I got pregnant
when I was 15.

My folks made me
give her up for adoption ‐‐

A baby girl.

You’re thinking
you want to reach out.

I really want to see her.

Just to see
if she’s okay.

[ Clears throat ]
don’t do it.

[ Knock on door ]

Just a second.



Is everything all right?

Can I come in?

Yeah, yeah.


[ Clears throat ]

Want some, uh,
some tea or something?

I’m fine.

Did you ever see "grease"?

What, the movie?

Yeah. Some of it.
Way back.

It’s always been a guilty
pleasure of mine, that movie.


Olivia newton‐john played
this girl, sandy,

And she really liked this
john travolta character, danny.

And he really liked her
a lot, too,

But she came from a really
strict background,

And everyone thought she was
this real square.

But in the end, she says,
hell with it,

And she let her hair down.

And she shows up at this fair
in these leather pants.

Okay, now,
that part I remember.

So as I was watching it last
night, it dawned on me

That i’ve been really
wrapped up with work,

You know, too much.


I haven’t let my hair down
with you.

And you were right yesterday

When you said we could use
a little spontaneity.

Do you wanna get spontaneous
with me, baldwin?

Gibson called.
He’s gonna be a little late.

You know who I got a page from
last night?

His niece, cynthia.

You two dated, right?

We had dinners.

Half the reason
it didn’t work out

Was gibson constantly sticking
his nose in my business.

Now he’s working in our squad,
and she’s paging me.

She called here as well.

A half‐hour ago,
asking if you were in.

She didn’t want to leave
a message,

But I recognized her voice.

Good morning, everyone.

Doughnuts. I’ll put them
in the coffee room.

What, a doughnut truck
overturn outside?

I brought them for the squad.
What, I gotta have a reason?

Two years,
you’ve never bought doughnuts.

Then don’t eat them.

What did you get?

15Th squad.

One moment, please.

I thought you said
you liked her.

I’m not saying I didn’t,

But what she was looking
for, I couldn’t deliver.

Check you out,
talking like a player.

Watch it.

Cynthia? Andy sipowicz.

How’s it going?

I got your page.

Is it about anything in
particular, or just checking in?

Yeah, as a matter of fact,

Uncle eddie is working
in our squad now.


Yeah, okay.

Uh, what time do you
take lunch?

All right, i’ll call.

No, I won’t tell him
that we talked.

I promise.

Mm‐hmm. Okay.

She wants to meet now.

Let a player play.

I’m not gonna
tell you again.

We got a baby taken
out of maternity ward

At jefferson hospital.

Director of security there
is paul cotaldo.


You cotaldo?

What’s going on?

Patient here, donna berryhill,
had her baby taken.


Two hours ago?

I got my own security
force here,

And we did our best
to handle it in‐house.

There’s people walking in
and out downstairs,

You haven’t closed down
the exits yet?

I got my men stationed
at each exit.

Close them down.
Nobody leaves without i. D.

And get uniform to search
the building.

We already did
a complete search.

Well, now we are, too.

What kind of security
do you have up here?

Electronic transmitters attached
to the baby’s umbilical cord.

If they’re removed from a room,
an alarm goes off,

And both double doors lock.

And I guess that didn’t work.

I’m trying to figure out
what happened there.

You have video?

Downstairs in the lobby.

Where’s the nurse in charge
of the missing baby?

Julie chin.

So how we working this?

We’ll be taking over.
We’ll find you if we need you.

Nurse chin?

I don’t know what happened.

Did the alarm sound?

Yes, and the doors locked.

Did you see anything?

They go off a lot.
They’re usually false alarms.

So no one looked.

Andy, there’s an arson fire
at a tv repair shop

That baldwin and I
gotta respond to.

You take care
of the exits?

Then get e. S. U. To check all
the garbage cans and dumpsters

Within two blocks from here.

Mother share a room
with anybody?

No. I don’t know how
this could happen.

No? How about
no one checked

When the alarm went off
for starters?

You two talk to the mom, i’ll
start hitting up the staff.

Sorry i’m late, andy.
What’s going on?

Gibson, I don’t have time
to go into all the details.

You go help with the cops
at the front entrance
checking i. D. S

Mr. And mrs. Berryhill?

I’m detective mcdowell,
this is detective clark.

Did you find our baby?

No, but we’re doing
everything we can.

Please find her.

We’re absolutely
gonna do our best.

How the hell can something
like this happen?

They don’t have
security here‐‐
what the hell?

What happened this morning?

She fell asleep,
and I went to take a shower.

I was gone
for maybe five minutes.

Okay, were you here?

I went to the cafeteria
to get something to eat.

The baby had finally
fallen asleep,

And we thought we had time
to take care of some things.

Who found her missing?
I did.

Notice anyone unusual
hanging around your room?

There’s so many people
walking around out there.

We’re gonna need you
back home

So we can put
a trap on your phone

In case you get a call
from the people who did this.

You mean like a kidnapping?

We don’t know.

We ain’t got any money.

Is that what you guys are
gonna be focusing on?

We don’t know what
the motive might’ve been,

So we gotta cover
all the bases.

I’m not gonna leave
without my baby.

This needs to happen.

If you feel better
staying here,

I’ll go back home
and do this, okay?


Can you give us
a couple minutes first?

Of course.

[ Sobbing ]

Excuse me.


Arabs.two brothers
own the business.

Both families
live above it.

Teenage daughter had a shelf
come down on her

While they were trying to put
the fire out themselves.

She’s at jefferson.

Crime scene and vice units
are on their way.

You got anything?

No, no one’s come forward.

The owners are going on
about this local kid

Who’s been hassling them‐‐
a chris padgett.

It’s probably worth
checking out.

This your sector?

Jones: anybody else
jump out?

Nah, they’ve been getting
a lot of flak since the att*cks.

I couldn’t begin
to narrow down who
might’ve done this.

Yeah. Thanks.

Are we sure
this is arson?

Yeah‐‐molotov cocktail.

Soon as we mop up,
we’re out of here.

Detectives jones and medavoy.
You’re the owners?

Chris padgett‐‐
he lives two blocks down.

You saw him do this?

No, but he was
across the street

When the firemen
were putting it out,

Clapping his hands.

He’s always insulting us,
wishing bad things on us.

One time, we had
to call the police.

Chris padgett. If it’s not him,
then he’ll know who did this.

We’ll look into it.
Will you really?

You’re just saying that.
[ Speaking arabic ]

We’re gonna do our best
to find out who did this, sir.

Anyone else
you have problems with?

Chris padgett.

We got him. We’re asking
is there anyone else?

My daughter’s
in the hospital now.

Let’s go check on her.
There’s nothing more we can do.

We’ll be
at jefferson hospital.

Usa! Usa!

Oh, this is
gonna suck!

I can give a message‐‐
hold on, he’s right here.

A counselor who works
at the hospital

Called me from home.

Detective clark.

Nothing from crime scene
on the prints yet,

And that bloodhound
from canine unit

Didn’t catch a scent.

You interview
all the staff?

Mcdowell and gibson
are still doing that.

We’ve got a list of staff
who aren’t scheduled today,

Plus women who’ve had
miscarriages and stillborns
in the last month.

Oh, and a nurse
got a call yesterday

Asking about
the williams baby,

But no williams
was a patient there.

You trace the call?

I put a uniform
on the maternity switchboard

With the caller i. D. Box

If they get any
other calls like that.

Let’s go with this
to the local news,

Start getting the word out,

See if the public
can provide a tip.

There was a grief counselor
who met with a woman
three days ago

Who had a stillborn.

She was hysterical‐‐
said she’d do anything
to have a baby.

Probably worth looking at.
She lives on the west side.

Get connie to respond and keep
gibson interviewing staff.

Sit down.

Mr. Padgett, greenwich tv
got torched this morning.

Yeah, bummer, huh?

Looks like you had a pretty
serious beef with the owners.

I’d stop by and give ’em some
advice from time to time.

Where were you
this morning at 8:00?

At work.
Where’s work?

Eddie’s body and paint.
Ask eddie.

Ask his wife,
she keeps the books.

So you went
across the street

When greenwich’s tv
was b*rned?

Hell yeah, I was.
Enjoying the view.

I heard a fire truck so I went
to see what the deal was.

Listen, we all know these are
arabs who own the place.

So if you couldn’t
take it anymore‐‐

Maybe you lost some people
in the att*cks‐‐

We can understand that.

I mean, we’re at w*r
with these people.

If looking at these people
every day got to you‐‐

Seeing how good they’re
living in our country.

That’s understandable.
You snap.

We get a lot
of cases like this,

And we’ll work it out
if you know what I mean.

But our job is we gotta
find out who did it.

Now, we can help him
once we do, but we
gotta find out.

Then find out.

Write down
your work info,

So we can verify it.

If it was you, chris, or you
knew and didn’t tell us,

We’re not gonna be able
to help you then.

I don’t know
who did it.

But I do know‐‐those people,
they don’t belong here anymore.

Take off.

Can I get you anything?

No, i’m fine.

What’s the investigation
you’re working on?

Uh, there was a complaint
at jefferson hospital,

And we’re talking to people
who stayed there recently.


You were discharged
three days ago?


What were you in for?

I was in the maternity ward.

How is everything?

She was stillborn.

I’m so sorry.

We’ve been trying
for so long.

$20,000 We spent on in vitro,

And then I got pregnant
the old‐fashioned way, but...

That must be very hard.

Do you have any children?

Yes, I have a daughter.

Cherish her.

I do.

So, what’s the complaint
against the hospital?

There was a baby taken from
the maternity ward this morning.

Oh, my god.

We’re looking into that.

Did you come here because you
thought I stole the baby?

Well, we’re asking a lot of
people. That’s our job.

I lose my own baby,
I have to go through that,

And now on top of it,
I get accused of stealing one?

I didn’t accuse you.

You knew my baby was stillborn
when you came here,

Didn’t you?

If yours was taken,
wouldn’t you want me out there,

Following every lead I could
trying to get her back?

I didn’t steal a baby.
And you can go now.

I’m sorry
for what you’ve been through.

Are you sure uncle eddie
won’t be coming back?

He’s out in the field.

Thanks for taking the time.

I don’t wanna be rude,

But we just got
a major case here,

And I gotta head out
in five minutes.

I know you and eddie have had
your differences,

But you are friends, right?


And he’d listen to you,

As a friend?
As a fellow cop?

What do you need me to know?

We want him home.

His wife carol and his sons
want him home.


Because he insists on working
when he should be home.

Cynthia, what’s going on
with eddie?

He was diagnosed with
colon cancer three weeks ago.

And dr. Brouchard told him to
stop work and start treatment.

So, eddie can b*at this?

But only if he starts now.

[ Sighs ]

Either he’s sticking his head
in the sand,

Or he wants to keep busy.

He won’t listen to anybody,

And he doesn’t want
anyone to know.

Will you talk to him without
letting him know I told you?


Look, uh...
I gotta go.

I’m way behind here.

I’m sorry I ‐‐


I’ll take care of this,
but I ‐‐ I gotta go now.



Okay, thanks.

Cop on the switchboard

Got another call
about the williams baby.

Yeah, it came from
a tonya dunbar.

She called from her work ‐‐
a stationery store on 18th.

You take care of this,
i’ll handle the news conference.

You done with your interviews?

I’m done with my list.

There’s a couple gals in
janitorial I didn’t get ‐‐

Finish your interviews.

I can get a sector car
to pick this tonya up.

Yeah. Good.

No baby yet?



Who’s this?

That’s the family
whose case we’re working.

You pat them down
for box cutters?

Come on.

You figure they’d give them
their own hospital.

And what, their own drinking
fountains, too?

All right,
I withdraw the comment.

Is it me, or did it just get
a little hot in here?

Your interviews.
I got it.

Come on.

You’re the detectives
investigating the fire?

Detective jones and medavoy.

I’m solomon.
You spoke to my dad and uncle

Were you upstairs
when the fire hit?

I go to st. John’s.
I came as soon as I heard.

Was it your sister
got hurt?

My cousin.

How’s she doing?

She’ll be all right.

Glad to hear that.

Did you find chris padgett?

He doesn’t look good for it.

He’s been giving my family

He was at work.
We verified that.


What we’d like to get is

Anybody else your family
had problems with.

Padgett did this!

Sir, we looked into it.
Did you?

Yes. We did.

You’re not trying to find
who did this.

They don’t care
because of september 11th!

Hey! We lost a lot of people
that day.

And the firemen who put
your fire out this morning?

They lost even more!

So, you do
blame that on us?!

I’m telling you ‐‐ in spite of
that, we’re doing our job!

Hey, come on.

I don’t like him accusing us
of different!

If you can get a list
from your dad and uncle ‐‐

Other guys they maybe had
problems with ‐‐

That’d be a big help.

That’s what i’ll do.

Come on.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

May I help you?

Yeah. There was a fire over at
greenwich tv this morning?


You have any information
on that?

Yeah, but I wanna be sure
this gets to people

Who can do something about it.

Detective medavoy,

You are?

Jane doe.
Where are we doing this?

I’m doing
the right thing here.

Whatever we talk about
stays in the room.

That’s absolutely
a requirement.

All right, so what’s
on your mind?

The al burmis ‐‐ they’re
the owners of greenwich tv.

They’ve been in this
neighborhood for 10 years.

They’re nice people.

What happened to them
was wrong.

No doubt about it.

And the guy who did it,
he’s an assh*le ‐‐

An assh*le always looking for
an excuse to be an assh*le.

What’s his name?

Remember, now ‐‐
I live in that neighborhood.

This conversation’s

You have our word.

Mike bigelow.

1453 8Th street,
3rd floor ‐‐ in the back.

How do you know he did it?

We share a wall.

My bedroom window is
right next to his. I heard him.

He was bragging about it on the
phone to one of his buddies.

Did he mention a name,
who he was talking to?

Did he mention if he did this
with anybody?

I told you all I heard.

We appreciate
you coming in.

I was never here.

thanks for coming in.

Am I in trouble here?

Not at all. We’re sorry
if it came across like that.

Two cops come
and pull me off of my job?

It didn’t look like
I won the lotto.

You called jefferson hospital
about the williams baby?


Which williams
were you calling about?


Why were you calling?

She said she was
having her baby there.

But maybe I got
the wrong hospital.

She’s a friend of yours?


Kinda, sorta?

Well, we was tight in
high school,

But she went through
some hard times.


Why am I here?

We got a call
from the hospital.

They need to follow up with
nicole about something,

But the number and the address
they got is wrong.

She skipped out on a bill,

That girl.

If you could write down whatever
address and numbers you have.

Do I have to get
in the middle of this?

We need to find her.

[ Sighs ]

When did you see nicole last?

Two weeks ago
at a baby shower.

And I hadn’t seen her for,

A year before that.

She have other kids?

No. That’s why
we were all so excited ‐‐

Because nicole always thought
she couldn’t have a baby.

I really hoped being a mama was
gonna straighten her out.


She was showing?
Not really.

But she is kind of big‐boned,
I guess.

Is her baby okay?

Well, we don’t know details.
We just gotta find her.

Tell her tonya said
to get her act together.

If she don’t,
she’s gonna lose her child.

We’ll pass it along.

Woman: randy?

Baby, is that you?

Who’s that?

Uh, nicole?


I‐i work with tonya.

She wanted me to come by
and check on you.

Uh, tell her i’m fine.

I got a gift basket
she wanted me to drop off.

Gift basket?

Who are you?

Police. Who’s randy?

I don’t know.

You called out "randy."

I ordered some food.
From where?

Why are you
in my apartment?

Where’s your baby?

I don’t have a baby.

What’s with the crib?

Um, i’m gonna have one
one day.

Where’s the baby you stole
from the hospital today?

Where’s the baby,

Nicole. Nicole.

If we get the baby back,
a lot of this can go away.

I don’t know
what you’re talking about.

Do you want
to get locked up?!

Tell us where the baby is!

[ Crying ]
she wouldn’t stop screaming.

Where is she?

I couldn’t stop her
from screaming.

Where is she?

I’m trying to think.

How long ago was this?
A couple of hours.

Is she alive?

I don’t know.

Where did you have her

I‐i‐i was walking and she was
screaming and I got scared.

I‐i went into a building
so I could calm down.

Did you go in there
to get high?

You left her
in a sh**ting gallery?

Can you show us?
I hope so.

Good, come on.

The father
of this missing baby ‐‐

His name is randy.

Sipowicz: watch your feet.
There’s needles...

And rats.

Mcdowell: where, nicole?

Nicole: uh, it’s around here.
I’m pretty sure.

[ Baby crying ]

Slow up.

How’s the baby?

She looks okay.

Go down to the corner market
and get some diapers

And baby formula.

We’ll meet you out front.

Shh. Shh, shh.
It’s okay.

I guess you know
why you’re here.

No, I don’t.

Where were you
this morning?

Jersey city.

at my buddy jason’s.

We know you torched greenwich tv
this morning.

I didn’t do nothing
of the sort.

So the three witnesses
who saw you do it,

They had
a simultaneous hallucination?

Must be.

[ Sighs ]

Let me give you a brief
thumbnail on the legal system.

Three legit, independent
witnesses with the same story

Beats one guy
saying he didn’t do it.

You want to take my word,
or find out the hard way?

I ain’t sayin’ nothing.

What happened?

And this stays in the room.

We can understand
where that came from ‐‐

A bunch of camel jockeys
getting a little payback.

There are worse things that
have happened in this city.

Yeah. Like 6,000 people
getting crushed to death.


So, we’re gonna give you
a little tip.

What you want to get
down on the record

Is that you didn’t know these
were arabs who owned the store.

That wasn’t
what it was about.

Something happened, um...

A girl broke up with you.

And you went looking out to
destroy something ‐‐ randomly.

’Cause if you say
you knew they were arabs,

That’s a hate crime.

And that ain’t good.

Now, there are a lot of years
of your life at stake.

So let’s work
on your statement

Right now in this room,
just us.

Listen to him, mike.

No one d*ed.

It’s just merchandise
their insurance will replace.

We’re doing all we can
to help you.

So, uh...

If someone was out
and they did this randomly,

That’s what?

criminal mischief.

And maybe
reckless endangerment.

That’s a fine
and some probation..

But it ain’t a hate crime,
that’s for damn sure.

We need an answer,
or we got to go the hard way.

Okay, yeah. Yeah, right.

Uh, write it down.


[ Clears throat ]

So, uh...

I was pissed ’cause, uh,
this girl I liked,

She, uh, she blew me off
in a bar.


I appreciate this.

No problem.

Sit down.

All right...

What happened, nicole?

And don’t screw around with us.
We’re past all that.

I wanted a baby.

I’ve wanted one
for a long time.

And I let that need build up
in my mind.

And it led me to do something
that I know now is wrong,

And i’m sorry.

Why this baby?
No reason.

You just went to see
which you could pluck?

I’ve been on antidepressants,
and they’ve affected me wrong.

I think that they screwed up
my brain

Even more,
and today I just snapped.

You had a baby shower
two weeks ago.

You set up a crib
in your apartment.

What are you trying
to sell us?

That your brain’s been snapping
every day the last month?

[ Sighs ]

Randy berryhill.

He’s saying
it was your idea.

Where’s that coming from?

Uh...randy maybe.

He wouldn’t say that.

Do you know how many felonies
you’ve committed?

I made a mistake,
and i’m sorry.

And the baby’s okay, right?

Who do you
have to rely on?

Who determines how you’re gonna
get through each day?



These are your options,

And you got to decide
what’s best for you.

Be honest,
tell us what happened,

And we’ll get you
some help,

Work to get you
less jail time,

Tell the da’s office
that we believe you ‐‐

"A prescription dr*gs
gone haywire" scenario.

Or you play the martyr routine
with randy,

In which case,
we go with his version,

And you do hard time
and lots of it.

You’re on your own
right now.

Do what’s best for you.

Randy and donna
have five kids.

Randy didn’t want
another one,

And donna refused to have
an abortion.

And I told randy
that i’d take the baby.

I’d ‐‐ i’d be its mother,
and i’d love it.

And so he put the plan

Who knew the hospital

They’ve had five kids there.

You taking the kid
off his hands ‐‐

That’s what’s in it
for him?

Plus, randy was going to sue
the hospital.

Randy’s wife in on this?

How long randy kept you
on the side?

Two years.

We love each other,
and when the time was right,

He was gonna leave donna
and start a family with me.

Taking this baby, that was what?
A down payment?

It just wouldn’t
stop screaming.

And I had one
of my panic att*cks,

And I hadn’t used
for two months, but...

[ Sighs ]

I do really feel
that I need help,

And i’m not just saying that
as an excuse.

We’ll see about
getting you some.


So, where am I at?

[ Sighs ]

Mike, you didn’t tell us
you had run‐ins with the owners.

What do you mean run‐ins?

You had verbal confrontations
within the past months.

We ran your name and photo
past the owners,

And they confirmed it.


I asked how the flight‐training
courses were going.

Maybe I told them to go back

To wherever the hell
they came from.

They weren’t confrontations.
You want to see confrontation?!

The problem is, mike,

It establishes you had
a preexisting beef

With these people.

So you saying it was random,
that doesn’t jive.

We tried to help you out

But now we got to go
with the truth.

You knew
what you were doing

And who you were
doing it to

When you started
that fire.

Did I get screwed here?
Did you guys screw me?

We didn’t know the owners
would i. D. You.

You didn’t ask!

Well, here we are, mike.

We got to amend
your statement.

You screwed me.

Did we put the molotov cocktail
in your hand?

Did we light it?

You got a major flaw,

You blame people for things
they didn’t do.

That’s what got you
into this.

You screwed you.

There they are.

You’ve met detective clark.
This is detective sipowicz.

They helped, too.

I cannot thank you enough
for bringing her back to me.

You found her
in an abandoned building, huh?

I don’t want to hear

Guess what they’re gonna
name her ‐‐ connie.

I’m still trying to talk them
out of it.

I always tell people
the real heroes

Are the cops
and the firemen.

You guys are heroes
in my eyes.

Glad we could help.

Can I get a picture
of all of you together?

I want to remember this moment

We got to talk to you

About what?

Real quick.

So, what’s going on?

Nicole gave you up.
Nicole who?

I ought to smack you
in your face.

Nicole, your girlfriend.

Was she behind this?
Did she steal my baby?

Five kids.
Didn’t want half a dozen.

Sue the hospital.

I said that as a joke,

You know, like you say to
someone you want to k*ll them.

Those were exaggerations.

No way did I think
she’d take me serious.

We’ll give you 30 seconds
to say good‐bye to your wife.

You don’t do me any favors,

All right, turn around.

Hey, do you want to humiliate
your wife more than you have,

’Cause i’ll drag you out of here
by your hair. Turn around.

Why don’t you kiss my ass?!

I got him.

I guess
you gotta tell her.

The victims had i. D.’D him as
a guy they had problems with.

We let him say
it was random,

That it wasn’t about them
being arabs.

the first statement.

We went back and used the i.d.
Against him.

the amended statement.

Looks good.

Occupied dwelling ‐‐
that’s arson one, right?

By means
of incendiary device.

Minimum, 15 to life.

Do you want to go
for the hate crime?

That’s what it was.

That’ll push the minimum
to 25.

Which he’ll do.

Every day of it.

All right.

I’m gonna need you later.

I’ll be there.

Well, well, well.

Hey, how’s it going?


We got mike bigelow in custody,
and he’s made a statement.

Thank you for your help.
This will be a big relief.

We’re just as happy as
you are to catch this fool.


I apologize for what my uncle
said at the hospital.

It was wrong for him
to accuse you of not caring.

That’s not
how he really feels,

Because all of us

What this department went
through ‐‐ is going through.

Well, some things came
out of my mouth

That i’m not happy about

We’ll come get statements
from your family tomorrow.

In the meantime,
if you have any questions,

Just call.

What can we do?

’Cause my family’s lived here
for 30 years.

I was born here.

We’re americans.

There were times in this country
it wasn’t a big plus

To be japanese...or german.

Or black.

It’ll pass.

Hang in there.

On that note,
good night.

How’s gibson doing?

Is he bringing anything
to the table?

Uh ‐‐

The dad was in on it,


I got a bad hit off him
from the get‐go.

You should have been there

When connie
brought the baby back,

Put her in her ma’s arms.

Not a dry eye in the room.


I’m just still trying to figure
out why you left night watch.

Trying to beef up
my pension.

You got plenty of money coming
with 28 years.

Maybe I might want more.

Why put up with the headaches
if you don’t have to?

There’s no headaches.

I still got a lot to offer
despite what you think.

You sure about that?

I mean, you come in late.
You seem a half step back.

Your heart don’t seem in it.

I know you well enough,

And something’s up.

What’s going on, eddie?

You got a problem with me
working here, andy?

You trying
to get me 86’d?

All right, then.

Let me do my job,
and i’ll let you do yours.

[ Sighs ]

I haven’t been working
with him,

So he hasn’t had a chance
to annoy me much yet.

Same with me, but I can see how
he’s bringing connie down.

I’m not saying he isn’t
a decent enough guy.


The thing you got
to understand about eddie

Is he’s been on night watch
so long

His detective muscles
are atrophied.

He’s used to ‐‐

You want him in or out,

It’s not working.

You can tell.

Andy, i’m gonna call
the borough commander

And ask to have gibson
transferred back to night watch.

I’ll partner up with him.

You don’t have to do that.

I know how to handle him.

You don’t think
his being here’s disruptive?

Yeah, well,
I got my days, too.

You can partner connie
and junior for now.

If you can carry him,
that’s fine.

But if he starts to bring your
work down, i’m bouncing him.

This ain’t got nothing to do
with me and you.

Don’t worry.
I got it.

I, uh ‐‐

I’m sorry if it looks like
I pushed him off on you.

You didn’t.

Good night.

Good night.
Good night.

I know today you dealt

With a lot
of mother‐daughter stuff.

I’m fine.

I’m just making sure
you’re not thinking more

About reaching out to her,

Which is not a good idea.

Yeah, I know.

If you want, come over for
dinner tonight with me and theo.

Order a pizza or something.

Thanks, but actually,
i‐i got a date.

Is this something new?

Yeah. A friend set me up.

But thanks for the offer.


Good night, andy.


Good night.

You and me
got something to work out?

’Cause I don’t want this
carrying over.

It won’t.

We’re cool.

You know anybody
who converted?

To islam?


My cousin in houston.

He catch any heat since
this whole thing went down?

Not off his appearance.
He looks like sugar ray leonard.

But his mosque
got vandalized ‐‐

Some graffiti,
a rock through a window.

Nothing like what happened
to those people today, though.

Andy made a comment,
and I jumped down his throat.

I can’t say I didn’t have
the same thoughts

Going through my head.

Hell, I played like I was
a r*cist to get the guy,

But it’s not like I had
to search for the words.

You’re not r*cist.

You’re human.

And there’s what goes
through your head

And what shows
in your actions.

That’s the difference.
That’s what matters.

Yeah, well...

I don’t like it going
through my head, period.

It sure as hell wasn’t there
before september 11th.

When the att*cks happened

And we were all reeling

And you were working
18‐hour days,

I look back on that,

And I wish we could have been
there more for each other.

Well, we’re here now,


He thinks he’s so cool
’cause these rock stars stop by

And call him
by his first name.

That’s not true.
Yes, it is.

Then all the hip‐hop guys
come by. He gets all down.

He gives them
a little one‐arm hug

With his fist in the back

Like he’s born queens
or something.

He’s lame.

He’s hot.

What about
all the other vj’s?

What are they doing now?

In a couple years
he’ll be doing infomercials

On channel 5,000
at 2:00 in the morning

For "hits from the ’90s."

You’re just saying that because
he looks like pat vaughn.

I dumped pat vaughn.
Why would I care?

Yeah, whatever.

See you, jennifer.

And I don’t care about
what pat’s been saying.

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