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07x27 - Unpleasantville

Posted: 04/26/22 09:26
by bunniefuu
(siren wailing)

Oh, you are such a
big, woolly buddy bear

for seeing me this early.

Lexi, we should try to keep
this a bit more professional.

So I'm going to Santa
Barbara with Megan

for this New Century Brides
client conference and...

Should I feel guilty?

Do you feel guilty?

Well, I mean, I think
a woman has a right

to pursue her
Mr. Right, don't you?

Mr. Right.

Well, that's an
interesting concept.

Do you think there
is a Mr. Right?

Well, I mean, according
to my very sophisticated

and expansive survey,
there is, and I found mine.

It's Ryan McBride.


You don't mean
Megan Lewis's Ryan?

Doctor, if Ryan's my Mr. Right,
he can't be Megan's, too, right?

So when I break them up...

Break them up?

Lexi, I think maybe we
need to talk about aggression.

Wait a minute.

I don't have to feel guilty.

I'd actually be
doing her a favor.

She won't be wasting
her time on the wrong guy

when she should be out there
pursuing her own Mr. Right.

I think maybe we need to
revisit this entire concept.

You know, I spoke to
three of Ryan's ex-fiancées.

They all had the same story.

Each of them asked him
to marry her, he said yes,

then he goes on this
surprise business trip,

comes back, and calls it off.

I think that's a commitment
phobia, don't you?

Commitment phobia?

That's not a term I
like to throw around.

So here's my plan.

I'll just get Megan to ask
him to marry her, he'll say yes,

he'll go away, come back,
and he'll call the whole thing off,

and then I'll move in.

Lexi, your time's not up.

Please take off your coat.

There are certain
things to be considered,

even if you do get
Ryan interested in you.

No, I've already
figured that one out.

I mean, once I've got Ryan,

I won't be stupid enough
to ask him to marry me.

I mean, why should I?

When a woman has
Mr. Right in her bed,

she doesn't need a
ring on her finger, huh?

(thunder claps)

(moans) How could I
ever live without this?

Well, luckily you don't have to.

Nothing's ever going
to break us up again.

(thunder claps)

(Amanda moans)

(grunts) Oh!


The roof is leaking.

- I am going to k*ll Michael Mancini.
- (Kyle laughing)

- This is his fault.
- No, babe, it's...

For seducing Megan
and crashing through.

It's just a roof.

Uh, that I paid good
money to have repaired,

and it's obviously not.

- Ugh.
- Okay, you know what?

I could be in Boston
right now, miserable.

You gonna let a little rain and
a leaky roof ruin my happiness?


- (moans)
- Oh, boy.

(knocking on door)

Oh, what now?

(Kyle sighs)

(Amanda grunting)



Oh, just the person
I want to strangle.

The ceiling in my bedroom
is leaking and it's all your fault.

Hey, upkeep of
this building falls

under your bailiwick, landlady.

Now, this list includes
my clogged shower nozzle

and the temperamental
outlets in my kitchen.

I mean, how's a bachelor
supposed to make coffee?

I see you've got some.

You don't mind if I
help myself, do you?

Well, as a matter of fact, I do.

Hey, I'm sorry to bother you.

The pipes in my
apartment just burst again.

Oh, Megan, you look cold.

Coffee's warm.


Kyle, you're supposed
to be in Boston.

Does Ryan know you're here?

I was gonna call him and
tell him the good news.

(thunder rumbling)

Hey, the heat's out
in our apartment.

MICHAEL: Peter, Eve,

hey, try this coffee.

It's got that vanilla
flavor, it's great.

Oh, well, pour it up.

I'm gonna start
charging for coffee.

Hey, Pete, I want
to say thank you

for the helicopter,
for everything.

Oh, yeah, well, it's
good to be friends again.

What do you think the
chances are for those two?

I'll put your
complaint on the list.

Amanda, how long are
you going to shut me out?

Just talk to me.

If that's why you're here,
you're wasting your time.

(thunder claps)

You know, the temperature
in our apartment's

just about as cold as that was.

I'd appreciate a
repairman today.




♪ Oh... ♪



We should have
done this more often...

Gotten away,
ourselves, and talked.

Yeah, from now on we
talk about everything.

Yeah, whatever bugs us,
we can't let anything slide.

God, I just can't believe
I had to hit rock bottom

and end up in rehab
to figure that out.

You know, this is the first
time that I've taken a hard look

at all the images that I
was trying to live up to.

I mean, my dad's
expectations, the marines,

feeling like I
had to be perfect.

I always felt like I would
lose you if I disappointed you.

I don't want
perfection, I want you.

You have just enough
annoying habits

to make you human and lovable.

Amanda, about the baby...

We will have our family.

I want to take our time.

I don't want to rush
anything that important again.

And while we take our time...


We should do this
more often, too.

KYLE: Mm-hmm.

(knocking on door)


Hi, I can't find my brown pumps.

Oh, come on, our meeting
starts exactly at : .

I know.

MAN: Hey, your pipes
are from the Stone Age.

Tell the landlady
to replace them all.

I can't work miracles.

You know, I think
I pay you enough

to rent a place with
decent plumbing.

Well, I'm hooked
on the building.

It's, it's charming.


This place needs an overhaul

and it's filled with
obnoxious people.

Hey, Megan, have you
seen my, uh, briefcase? Hi.

It's, um, it's under the couch.

Did you talk to Kyle?

Uh, yeah, we're
gonna hook up later.

Passion Island
Resort Singles Camp.

- Would have made a hell of a campaign.
- We agreed not to talk

about what happened there.

Ah, yes, getting drunk
and doing the nasty

in the closet all night

was memorable, but we both
know it was an error in judgment.


Honey, honey, I'm sorry.

- Yeah.
- Do you have my...?

- Brown pumps.
- Mm-hmm.

They were hanging
from the shower rod.

- Oh, good.
- What were they doing there?

- Ah, yeah.
- (laughter)

Oh, my shoe.


I was looking for this.



Okay, you guys, stop, please.

Half your stuff is in his place

and half of your
stuff is over here,

and you're both
paying Amanda rent?

You guys, she's laughing
all the way to the bank.

It's time to make
the big commitment.

- (Ryan scoffs) -What?
It's not a four-letter word.

It's a beautiful thing, and
if any two people should do

that "until death
do us part," well...

Lexi, we'll worry
about our own love life.

Thank you.

- See you later.
- Bye.

How could you do that?

Honey, be smart.

There are thousands of female
sharks in the dating waters.

They're ravenous
and Ryan is top sirloin.

You want someone
else gobbling him up?

You know what?
I have no intention

of letting anyone else gobble.

Well, then, you
better reel him in.

Honey, he's the real McCoy.

Or shall I say real McBride?

Now, come on, our New
Century Bride clients await.

You know, it's like you
picked this account on purpose.

(scoffs) As if I could do that.

All right, new neighbor.

I'm Brad.

Oh, hi, I'm Jane.

Um, the lamp goes
in the living room.

I just moved in down
the beach last week.

Man, I heard the most
beautiful women lived out here,

and, looking at
you, I guess it's true.

Hope you packed a bikini.

Kind of busy, Bill.


Well, I'm paying the
movers by the hour.

No man lightening
your load, huh?

Excuse me?

Let me show you where that goes.

Well, I'll stop by later,
drop off a map of Malibu.

MAN: There you
go, watch the corner.

Thanks, you can just center
it on that wall right there.



Amanda, oh, how nice of you.

You didn't have to
come all the way out here.

Oh, yes, I did.

Ryan left all the balls in the
air while I was in the hospital.

Now the clients want
me to catch them.

Anyway, the figures are
due on your museum account

and they can't
wait till tomorrow.

You said I'd have
time off to move.

Well, it looks like
you've moved.

You can always unpack later.

- Amanda...
- Jane, you have a mortgage to pay.

You can't afford
to lose your job.


By the way, did you know
our new house will be just

a half a mile down the road?

Pretty soon we'll
be neighbors again.

Wow, that'll be great.

BP / .

Respiration's .

(overlapping chatter)


Start a large bore of lactated
Ringer's for that lady, please.

Thank you.


This man needs
a peritoneal lavage

and let's get, uh,
Dr. Jensen here

- to do the splenectomy, please.
- Right away, Doctor.

That's going to room two.

Nurse, alert County Hospital.

There patients will be routed.

Oh, my God. I thought I
felt a cold wind blow by.

Uh, Dena, ignore the
wicked witch of neurosurgery.

She has no authority.

For your information,
Dr. Mancini,

I'm head of peer review for
Good Hope Conglomerate now.

Oh, the money-grubbers
who just bought the hospital.

How do you sleep at night?

On silk sheets.
Nurse, call County.

These cases do not
belong at Wilshire Memorial.

What, because they
don't carry insurance

and the Conglomerate can't
make money off this tragedy?

Look, I'm the first man
to make a quick buck,

but not at the risk of
losing patients' lives.

Dr. Burns, sorry to page
you at your conference.


I'm sure the Chief of Staff
is aware of hospital policy.

I thought you went corporate,
what are you doing here?

She's trying to wipe
out the Hippocratic oath

by moving the uninsured.

You know, my
dad's laid off this job.

His insurance stopped.

You gonna let him
die 'cause he's poor?

No, son, your
dad's not gonna die.

I don't want any
patients transferred.

We'll treat them here.

Oh, wait a minute. I
have the authority to...

Chief of Staff
makes the decisions.

Now, you either scrub up
and get ready for surgery

or I suggest you
move, you're in the way.

We'll see about that.

Peter, I'm very proud of
you, but you do remember

that Dr. Shulman's
a pit bull of revenge.

Don't worry, I
haven't forgotten.

All right, let's get to work.

MICHAEL: Come on, let's go.

Let's put her in four.

♪ Going on a field trip ♪

♪ Just like school ♪

♪ We're gonna go
somewhere that's really cool ♪

♪ Destination ♪

♪ Vacation... ♪

Jackie, you have to speak up.

I can't hear you.

JACKIE (over phone):
No, I was just thinking about

that trip that we were
gonna take, you know?

To get away, start things fresh

and have an adventure, you know?

How are things going with Peter?

Well, they're
great, thanks to you.

That's good, that's good.

Um, I got to go, Eve.

But I'm really
happy for you, okay?

- I...
- Jackie, you never

- told me why...
- (dial tone drones)


Eve, I heard you
wanted to talk to me.


Oh, I was just wondering if, uh,

if I should be clearing my
stuff out or if I still had a job?

Well, you know, I
mean, you know,

the first time you hired me, it
was because Amanda pushed you,

but now, since
thing's are different, I...

Kyle, doesn't she
know how sorry I am?

I think it's time
you branch out,

start playing some other clubs.

Yeah. I'll, um...

I'll get my stuff out
of the dressing room.

Eve, I'm sorry.

EVE: Yeah, right.


whatever Amanda wants,
Amanda gets, isn't that right, Kyle?

I used to work construction,
high school summers.

Good memories, being
outside, working with my hands.

Seeing nothing
grow to something.

Quickly, I hope.

Hey, when do you
think we can move in?

Uh, I figure ten
months, maybe a year.

Ooh, we were thinking
the end of summer.

Uh, yeah, well, that
was the original date,

but the place got
burned down, remember?

Had to switch
lots, lost some time.

How do we get it back?

Oh, I'd say a hundred grand
might shave a few months off.

- Oh.
- Yeah, right, in our dreams.

Can we look at the plans and
see if we can speed things up?

Uh, yeah, sure.

There you go.

Kyle, what do you think if
we can simplify the kitchen?

KYLE: Let's put it up!

Hey, he does look like
he belongs out here.

(siren wails)

Are we good or what?

Didn't lose a one.

Very good, Michael.

I must say, very good.

You know, working
all night like that

reminds me of why I became
a doctor in the first place.

Contrary to popular
opinion, it was not the money,

but a chance to help
people, save them, be a hero.

You know, super
surgeon to the rescue.

Is that crazy or what?

You know what sounds crazier,

all night, I'm thinking
of my old man in there.

He never had insurance,
never had checkups,

- thought it cost too much.
- Mm-hmm.

Never know, maybe he
didn't have to die when he did.


- (Michael sighs)
- PETER: Hey.

Hey, hey.

The nurses told me about
your all-night surgery.

- I'm so proud of you.
- Oh.

Hey, I was there,
too. Don't I get a hug?

Yeah, sure, Michael.

Down, Michael.

How did it go with Kyle?

Um, well, we decided I'd
pursue singing at another club.

He fired you? I'll talk to him.

No, no, no, don't.
Really, I'm okay.

(knock on door)

Ah, Dr. Burns, may
I have a few words?

In private.

PETER: Anything
you want to say to me,

you can say in front of
Dr. Mancini and my wife.

SHULMAN: Another wife?

Oh, you don't know when
to quit, do you, Burns?

My sympathies.

DENOFF: Dr. Burns, it's
been brought to my attention...

And I can guess who
brought it to your attention.

- Michael.
- That you cost the hospital

over $ , in
the last hours.

Seems that of the
people injured in the accident,

less than half were insured.

And as Chief of
Staff, it's your duty

to think of the
welfare of this hospital.

Um, I thought it was
the welfare of the patients

that came first.

You know, saving lives?

How many lives did you save

ordering the medevac
helicopter for Amanda Woodward?


(laughs) I'd love
to see the charts.

And, Dr. Mancini,

your recent $ million
sexual harassment suit

that Dr. Burns was
instrumental in settling,

did that save lives, too?

(Michael clears throat)

Things are gonna change
around here, gentlemen.

Be prepared.

Mr. Denoff.

- She hates you. Why?
- (door closes)

Well, it was a nasty fight
to get this Chief of Staff job.

MICHAEL: Yeah, Shulman
tried to put her boy toy in

as Chief of Staff.

You know, she's basically
just a-a-a tight-ass,

power-hungry woman
who wants her own way,

which is to get Peter buried.

Will she get it?

No, don't worry.

There's nothing Shulman
can use against me.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Traffic was a nightmare.

Can't sign off on the roof
repair, Ms. Woodward.

- Why?
- After the big quake,

buildings this size had
to be brought up to code,

section - of
the L.A. Municipal.

So I can't sign off
on the roof repair

because the roof is
not properly supported,

according to code.

Well, if you don't sign off,
my insurance is in jeopardy.

Would a hundred dollars help?

I have to report
offers like that.

Oh, no, I-I was just offering
for your expert advice.

I mean, there's got to
be something I can do.

You can apply for a three
month stay of decision,

if you show work scheduled
to begin within days.

So how much will
this retrofitting cost?

Building this size,

I'd say neighborhood of
about $ , , $ , .

You've got to be kidding.

(Amanda sighs)

♪ Upon my face ♪

♪ Today's the day
I find my place ♪

♪ Ready to move... ♪

- Michael.
- Hi.

- Have you seen Ryan?
- No, no.

Megan, let me ask you something.

Do you think I'm shallow?

- Shallow?
- Yeah, like the surf?

No, I think just the opposite.

I think you're kind of deep.

- You do?
- Yeah.

You're never satisfied, you
always want more out of life,

you have the biggest
heart, and, you know what?

Deep down, you think of
other people's happiness

almost as much as
you think of your own.

Oh, Megan, you really
understand me. Mwah.

Listen, let me get another beer
and a white wine for the lady.

We'll be at that table.

- Come on.
- I told you I have to meet Ryan.

Yeah, yeah, I
like Ryan just fine.

Come on, sit down.

You know, he reminds me of a
square-jawed narc sometimes.

Do you guys have to make
love by a manual, actually, or...?

(laughs) You're so bad.

- What?
- No, he's-he's... he's very inventive.

Yeah, well, he doesn't have
the Mancini moves, though.

I mean, if I could patent those,

- you know I would be a millionaire.
- Oh.

(Michael and Megan laughing)

- MEGAN: Stop it.
- MICHAEL: Right?

- You remember those moves.
- All right.

A little up there,
a little down there.

Hey, Mancini, no
horning in on my date.

Oh, excuse me.

But may I remind you,

that I know Megan a hell
of a lot longer than you do.

Did she ever tell
you how we first met?

Don't you have some place to be?

No, actually, I have
time, thank you.

Now, I was running
along the beach.

This blonde vision shows up,
starts running along beside me.

We start talking, liking,

before you know it, we
were rolling in the hay.

Michael! You know, I don't
think Ryan needs to hear that.

What? I'm the one
who married you,

made an honest woman of you.

What has he done for you, huh?

You got the wedding
willies there, bucko, huh?

- Do you? Hmm?
- Michael.

Well, just the man
I want to steal away

from this happy couple.

I want to dance with the doctor.

I thought you swore off doctors.

Every now and then,
I need a fix. Hmm?

- Come on.
- Mm.

What's this all about?
I hardly know you.

Yeah, well, Ryan and Megan
need a little time alone, all right?

They've got some, uh, really
important things to discuss,

some commitment things.

Oh, really? Well, it's not
gonna last, you know why?

'Cause Megan's got a wild streak

and that soda jerk is
gonna cramp her style.

Yeah, well, that soda jerk is
the kind that women marry.

- For keeps.
- Oh, and I'm not?

Uh, honey, you're not exactly
"happily ever after" material.

You know, I resent that.

I resent that because I
want the whole fairy tale.

Yeah, Michael, well, wanting it

and being capable of it,
honey, is two different things.

Let's face it, you're not
exactly a Ryan McBride.

♪ Hoping that you'll be there.


It's weird.

Not having a singing
gig to go to at night,

just staying home.

PETER: A lot of
couples do it, you know?

You know, we can go
to bed early, have sex,

watch the late show,
have sex again.

Don't look so excited.

I'm sorry.

Look, Eve, you don't need Kyle,

you don't need Amanda.

You're very talented.

Yeah, well, I keep
telling myself that.

I just... am having a hard time

getting myself to believe it.

Amanda and I have been
best friends since the first grade.

We were inseparable.

I hated my life, she
let me share hers.

I-I... I guess I was so
busy being grateful,

I didn't realize
how jealous I was.

She even had you before I did.

PETER: Oh, come on.
Amanda and I are friends.

We tried something together,
it didn't work for either of us.

(knock on door)

Oh, God, I don't want
to see anybody tonight.

- JACKIE: Eve?
- (knocking continues)

Oh, my God, Jackie!


I'll get an ambulance.

Come here, Jackie.

Come here, it's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.


WOMAN (over P.A.):
Dr. Thurman to Physical Therapy...


I got your message that you
wanted to buy me breakfast.

I want to know how long

you're gonna carry
this grudge against Eve.

- (Amanda sighs)
- Amanda.

I appreciate what you've
done for Kyle and me,

but Eve crossed the line.

She made a mistake. The
whole thing was an accident.

Well, maybe it was subconscious,
but she wanted to hurt me.

Listen, Eve is
here this morning.

A friend of hers from
prison got beat up.

Eve's with her.

If you asked me
here to try and trap me

into talking to her,
it's not gonna work.

Look, Amanda, she needs you.

She should have
thought about that

before she tried to destroy me.

(elevator bell dings)

Nice job, people.


Super surgeon
finishes up another day.

Dr. Burns wanted you to know

the auditors are here
for a surprise audit.

Oh, yeah? So what do I care?

Uh, he said to tell you

they're checking into
all the hospital books.

Budgets, expenses, charities
like the Children's Foundation.

Children's Foundation?

Why didn't you
tell me that before?

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Patient Catherine Feinberg

to pharmacy, second floor.

Patient Catherine Feinberg
to pharmacy, second floor.

Um, excuse me, but
are...? (clears throat)

Are you auditing every last
penny of every hospital account?

Yeah, and I'm thorough.

You got a problem with that?

Um... no.

I got to stop this.

I got to stop this! Oh!

PETER: Don't even
think about it, Michael!

Peter, listen, I... I'm
in big trouble here.

These auditors
are gonna find out

that I borrowed all that money
from the Children's Foundation.

- I'll be ruined.
- I paid it back.

You did?

Oh, Peter, you're
a giant among men.

No hugging, no hugging, Michael.

Okay. I mean, but
my career, my life...

It-it passed before
my very eyes.

I-I saw myself on a chain
g*ng, being wife to some bubba.

But, now... Oh, Peter,
how can I ever repay you?

I suggest cloning yourself.

You've got a lot to pay back.

Oh, and I'm gonna
pay back every cent.

What did I do to deserve
such a good friend?

I didn't do it for you, Michael.

I did it to piss Shulman off.

Her and her bean counters.

She wants to dethrone me,

and I'm not giving
her the satisfaction.

WOMAN (over P.A.): Nurse
Jacobs to hydrotherapy.


JACKIE: Easy for you
to say, doctor's wife.

You know how long it
took me to find that job?

EVE: I'll lend you money.

JACKIE: You know, at
least, in prison, you knew

that you had a roof over your
head and three meals a day.

You figured who
to stay away from

so that you
wouldn't get beat up.

EVE: Well, you did
know your way around.

Guards, cafeteria staff.

You made my
life a little easier.

You know, when they
told me my second time in

that I would be
rooming with a m*rder*r,

I was shaking in my boots.

But you turned out okay.

So, Dr. Burns married an ex-con.

Now it's not just
indigents he wants to save,

but murderers and thieves, too.

The man must have
quite a savior complex.

You have no right
to listen on a priv...

SHULMAN: Hospital business?

Oh, but I do.

Another uninsured patient
under Dr. Burns care.

As Chief of Staff, he
should be more circumspect

in his choice of spouses.

Hey, you can't use
my past against Peter.

It's not fair.

(Shulman laughs)

I never let an
opportunity slip by.

Damn it.

- This is my fault.
- EVE: No.

No. Don't worry.

I'll take care of her.

JACKIE: Eve, don't do anything.

If you get in trouble,
you're gonna go back inside.

You know that.

Let me handle it.


(clears throat)

(bells chiming)

MEGAN: Ever since I was a
little girl, I fantasized about this.

Big wedding, big dress.

Oh, can you just
say it one more time.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.

Mrs. Ryan McBride.


(both moaning)

(knock on door)

- (door opens)

- MEGAN: Hi.
- Sorry to barge in,

but I felt like doing
dinner and a movie,

and I wanted
to do it with a girl

who thinks I'm so
deep, so are you free?

No, I'm not.

Ryan and I are going to Jane's
housewarming party at the beach.

Jane's having a
housewarming party?

I know, I didn't
want to bum you out.

I guess she decided
not to include me

on her friends list, huh?

You know what? I will
always be your friend.

- Oh. -Oh.
- (Lexi clears her throat)

I'm sorry, but the
last time I checked,

it said "Sterling Conway
Enterprises" on the door,

not "Come In and Cop a Feel."

I'm leaving.


Oh, you know what?

I've been thinking
about what you said,

about me not being
happily-ever-after material.

- Yes?
- Yeah, and there's something

I wanted to say back to you.

Look who's talking.

I don't know why anybody
finds him attractive.

And you... You are
absolutely certifiable.

You know you're endangering
your relationship with Ryan

every time you let that
little weasel grope you.

- He wasn't groping me.
- Uh-huh.

And I don't know why you're
taking this so personally.

Because I'm your friend,
and you're wasting time.

You love Ryan.

It's time to make the
commitment. Marry him.

Why does everyone
keep bringing up marriage?

Oh, don't tell me it
hasn't crossed your mind.

Megan, I don't want you
to miss your opportunity.

You know, if Ryan
was my Mr. Right,

I would move heaven and
earth to make him mine.

Ask him to marry you.

Do it tonight, hmm?



- Peter, Jackie's gone.
- She's what?

Dr. Shulman
overheard us talking.

She knows we
were both in prison.

She said that she was gonna
use the information to ruin you.

You let me deal with Shulman.

Peter, I'm just afraid Jackie's
gonna do something stupid.

(waves crashing)

PETER: Oh, you know what?

I would like to make a toast.

- To Jane's new life.
- Oh, it's a good one.

- Here, here. Thank you.
- Here, here. -(whooping)

I love you guys,
but I got to tell you.

I don't miss pulling your
laundry out of washing machines,

or running out of hot water,

or knowing who's
sleeping with who.

Absence does make
the heart grow fonder.

I can totally relate
to that sometimes.

How about all the time?

Well, I didn't know you
felt so strongly about it.

I just get tired of everybody
knowing our business,

looking in, listening in.

Watching people
vacuum in their underwear.

- MEGAN: What?
- Nothing.

Well, I love the building,
because that's where I met you.

- Aw.
- Mmm.

Babe, I didn't want
to say anything

when we didn't have any
place to go, but now we do.

Our house on the beach.

It's quiet, private,

- just like this.
- JANE: Since the previous

owner added an extra bedroom,

you'll all be issued
guest passes,

but not to be used
too frequently.

- (Ryan laughs)
- Hmm?

Oh, you know, I was thinking

about adding steps off
the deck to the beach,

and I could never
get Michael to do it.

Does anyone know an inexpensive

that's, you know...

You're looking at one.

- Kyle.
- RYAN: Yeah, that's right.

Uh, you loved
doing construction.

He's pretty good at it, too.

- Well, what about the club?
- KYLE: I was thinking

about pulling back
from the club, anyway.

I'll get an assistant manager,

Mario can pretty much
run the restaurant.

I'd love to work with my hands.

I can build the
house in the day,

and snag some
wood for Jane's steps.

Did you look at my
financial statements

that I put on your desk?

Um, yeah, I had those
clients to deal with.

I thought they were a priority.

No, I'm your priority.

I need to juggle
paying for the retrofitting

of the apartment building
and find enough money

to get our-our new
house done quicker.

I want an answer tomorrow.

She's pretty direct, huh?

Well, she knows what she wants.

- And I want to take a walk on the beach.
- Oh.

I'm not responsible
for my actions out there

because... it's pretty romantic.


Romantic is just
what I'm looking for.


(key jangling)

JACKIE: Don't move,

bitch. Turn around.

Oh, God, please don't. Please.

Oh, how does it feel?

Now you're scared,
now you shake.

Feels pretty rotten, doesn't it?

PETER: Jackie!

Jackie, it's me, Peter.

Honey, put the g*n down.

This isn't gonna do any good.

shouldn't I just k*ll her?

She's Eve's problem.

- She's your problem.
- PETER: No.

Trust me now, I'll-I'll
take care of Eve.

G-Give me the g*n.

I can't do that. I
need her wheels.

- Car keys.
- (keys jangling)

(Shulman muttering)


(engine starting)

PETER: Jackie, don't do this!

Jackie, listen to me.

- (engine revving,
tires squealing) -Jackie!

(tires squealing,
engine revving)

Are you all right?

Is that how you met your
wife? She steal your Beamer?

I'm gonna bury you, Burns.

You're through!

(band playing rock music,
indistinct crowd chatter)

♪ Another day
alone without you ♪

♪ Another last regret... ♪

Hey, buy me a drink?


You're always insulting me.

I'll have a stinger.

MAN: Right away.

You're in a bad mood.

- Ah, figures.
- (grunts)

- You're a loser at love.
- I am not a loser.

- Just have rotten timing.
- Oh.

And that's the difference

between winners and
losers, isn't it? Timing.


- That's right.
- Hmm.

Look, Jane and I got married
when we were too young.

And-And Kimberly...
I married her

just on the brink of
her going psycho.

And Syd was just more interested

in being a madam
than she was my wife.

Then Kimberly again, but...

that time she
was terminally ill.

And then...

Then came Megan.

I was really in love with her,

but, well, I cheated
on her, and she left me.

And then when Coop
finally dumped her,

and she told me that I
was her one true love,

Jane came back in
town, and we got engaged.

Now that Jane's left town,

Megan thinks she loves Ryan,
and they could be married.


- Hey, Michael.
- Mm?

That's not gonna happen,
'cause my timing is never off.

I am so happy for Jane.

It is so beautiful
out here, but...

But what?

But like you said,
it's just so romantic.

It's too romantic of
a place to live alone.

I mean, I guess I just don't
want to live alone anymore.

You don't?

I love you, and I think
what we have is special.

And I can't believe I'm even
thinking about this again. I...

Wait. Thinking
about what, Megan?

Thinking about...

spending my life with
someone, making a commitment.

No, no, no, no.

Please don't ruin everything.

I'm sorry, I-I thought we
were feeling the same way.


It just got really
cold out here.

No, I didn't mean it...

I didn't mean it
to sound like that.

Maybe I'm old-fashioned
or something,

but I'd like to do the
asking, if you don't mind.

I'd love to spend the
rest of my life with you.

Would you marry me?



(birds chirping)

(door opening)


- Hi.
- Did they find Jackie?


What did the police ask you?

Just the details.

I tried to keep
your name out of it,

but I don't know what
Shulman's gonna tell them.

I can only imagine how she's
gonna present this to the board.

I'm sorry.

I'm a good Chief of Staff,

and I'm not going down
without a fight here.

This is all my fault. If
I would've just gone...


No, we're not giving
up an inch here.

You're gonna stand next to
me, and I'm gonna show them

how proud I am
that you're my wife.

We're gonna come
out on top here.



Guess what?

Ryan and I are engaged.

Oh, you go, girl!

So did you propose to him?

Well, I started to, and
then he proposed to me.

It was incredible.

Wait a minute, he
proposed to you?

Th-That's not right.

Well, listen, I'm thinking
about a June wedding,

something very traditional.

Hey, where are you going?

I thought we'd stay in
bed and celebrate all day.

Um, I'm going to New York
for a few days. Business.

New York?

Listen, Lexi, I'm
gonna call you back.

Ryan has to leave
to go to New York

on a sudden business trip.



Good boy.

You go to New York,

'cause the sooner you do,

the sooner you'll come
back and dump Megan.

Then you and I can
live happily ever after.

I'm so happy.

I want to have an
engagement party.

I want to tell everyone. I
even want to tell my mother.

Am I freaking you out?


Nope, you're not
freaking me out.

I want you to be happy.

I want us both to be happy.


I'll be back before you know it.


(door opening)

AMANDA: Ryan, wait.


What, uh, what money
figures did you come up with?

I have to go out of town.

We'll talk in a couple
days, Amanda.

Wait, I didn't assign
you a business trip.

I'm taking personal days.

This is not a good time.

Amanda, my plane
leaves in an hour, I'm sorry.

Well, I need to know now.

You have a second
mortgage on the building,

which means you
can't take out a third,

and the only other
option is to liquidate stocks

and the market is
volatile right now,

so that's not a good option.


So, it means that you're gonna
have to choose one or the other.

I got to go.

This is not what I want to hear.

Amanda, do you have

a patient bone in your body?

Hold on to your assets,

even ones with dicey
heat and bad plumbing.

Move into your dream
house at Christmas.

Is that so hard?


You're gonna have
to learn to live with it.



Oh, no.

It's him again.

He's been over every day
with some lame excuse.

Let's see, map of Malibu,
saltwater taffy from the marina.

I was never hassled when
I was here with Michael.

That's 'cause you
looked unavailable.

We'll get the rest of the stuff.



Wind's good. You want to fly?

Look, Bob...


RYAN (loudly): Oh, sweetheart,

that was the best sex
that we have ever had.

Oh, we got company.

How you doing?

I'm Jane's boyfriend.

I'm gonna be spending a lot
of time out here at the beach.

Wait a minute. Are you Brad?

Thanks for the taffy, man.

Had a couple of
pieces in bed last night.

It was, it was good.

It was good.


Sorry, I didn't
mean to interrupt.

Okay, well, catch
you on the beach.



That was, uh,
that was brilliant.

Thank you.

Yeah, no problem.

Did you see his face?


What are you doing here?

You have to get out of town,
maybe even leave the country.

Eve, I know where I belong.

I stole that car 'cause
I want to go back in.

Inside, I know how to maneuver.

I can handle things.

Out here, I can't.

You don't mean that.

Peter and I, we're gonna
get you a good lawyer.

I'll loan you money.

- We'll make it work somehow.
- No.

Eve, you can't change my mind.

The cops are on
their way right now.

I called them.

I just wanted to say good-bye.

Don't do this.

Please, don't do this.

(tires screech, siren wails)


Eve, you can make it.

Don't give up.

Tell that fat-cat doctor
she can find her car

at the bottom of the L.A. River.

What took you so long?

Mr. McBride?

What are you doing here?

I came to see Sarah.

It's late. Visitors
are not allowed.

Come back tomorrow.

I promise not to
wake her. Please?

(door opening)


You've seen her.

You can't stay.

Let me sit with
her for a minute.

She is my daughter.

AMANDA: Alison, Billy.

What are you doing here?

My big surprise.

I'm buying the building.

I mean, Dad and I
are buying the building.

But I'm gonna live here
and manage the place.

I don't believe it.

Yeah, this is, this is...

Wonderful, isn't it?

Great investments,
great friends.

I think I'm really
gonna love it here.


What are you doing down here?



Remembering the
day I bought this place.

The big mistake.

Hmm, yeah.

It's weird.

When I bought the building,

I told everyone the big
hopes and dreams I had for it,

but the truth is, I was using
it to get into everyone's lives.

And in the end,
everybody got into yours.

You know, you'd think I'd
have all these happy memories,

but all I can think of are the
bad things that happened here.

Brooke dying in the pool.

Oh, yeah.

And Kimberly
blowing up the place.

You, the dark days.

Possessed by a building.

You think it's possible?

It's possessed me.

And, you're right,

it's wrecking our lives.

You know, I think it's
doing more than that.

I think it's wrecking
our dreams,

and I don't mean
just financially.

I want to finish our house.

I want to have a family, I
want to move into the house.

I think we need to get
our careers in perspective.

Start living for each other

and not, not for our
jobs or for your tenants.

Then there's only
one thing left to do.

It's got to be your decision.

Come on.

Oh, I can't find it.

Now, are you sure?

I'm positive.

And you're not
doing this just for me?

No, I'm doing it for us.

Oh, I found it!

All right.

Why don't you do the honors?


So this is it.

This is the end.

Um, no.

This is the beginning.