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07x24 - Saving Ryan's Privates

Posted: 04/26/22 09:19
by bunniefuu
(crickets chirping)

(Michael moaning passionately)

Whoa, take it easy there, girl.

Where's this coming from?

I just wanted to see what
a real affair would feel like.

I mean, the scam's been fun,

but I think the real thing
would have been better.

Yeah, well, curiosity
will get us both nailed.


You do remember
what tomorrow is, right?

Yeah... yeah, confession day.

Right, the hospital
board meeting.

All the muckety-mucks
will be in conference room.

I'll burst in,
sniffling and crying.

(sniffles) I lied, I made
the whole thing up.

There was no affair;
there was no harassment.

I'm a freaking psycho.

(laughing): That's right.

And then, they'll come
to me, of course, first.

Peter, on point, hat in hand:

"Will I please forgive them
for their rush to judgment,

for their obscene assumptions?"

Then they'll try to
buy my forgiveness

by giving me my job back.

- Oh, but that won't be enough.
- Mm-mm.

In true malcontent style,

you'll sue the bastards
for everything they've got.

That's right, and don't forget

your piece of the
action: grand.

Good-bye, bedpans.
Hello, acting class.


You know, grand
has a much nicer ring to it.

- What?
- After all, I'm the one

who's gonna look like
the screwball in all this.

Excuse me, but all you
did was cry harassment.

I'm the one who lost everything.

Yeah, well, either way,
I'm gonna miss this.

It's fun playing
at playing around.

- Yeah.
- Buy me dinner, Michael.

- I'm starving.
- Okay, okay.

Listen, why don't you
order room service, kid?

Get anything you want.

(footsteps receding)

(door opens)

(door closes)

RYAN: After the
fight, I took Dad home.

When I got back
here, he was gone.

It's insane.

(Ryan sighs)


These are Kyle's?

I really can't talk
about it, Amanda.

Like hell, you can't.

My husband's on dr*gs,
and you can't talk about it?

How long has this been going on?

A while now.

Uppers, downers... He
mixes them with alcohol.

I got him to stop,

but apparently with Dad in town
and all the pressure, he just...

- he just lost it.
- (tosses bag of pills)

I think I know where he is.




(glass shattering)

What are you doing?

Are you crazy?

You stay the hell back!

Oh, God, no!

Not the nursery!

You are out of your mind!

No, it began here,
it ends... here.

Kyle, please, please.

I know about the dr*gs.

This is our dream,
our dream together.

I hate to be the one to break it
to you, but the dream is dead.

Why? Why are you doing this?!


'Cause I can't give you a baby.


I'm sterile.

Something I picked
up in the Gulf, sir!

I couldn't tell you, I just...

I couldn't... I couldn't
do that to you.

It's all right; it
doesn't matter.

It doesn't, it doesn't.

It's too late.

No, it's too late.

It's just too damn late.

Kyle! Kyle!

(car engine starts)






I can't find him anywhere.

I checked the club,
our apartments.

Everybody keeping
an eye out for him.

Maybe you should get
home, get some rest.

Why didn't he tell me
when he first knew?

Why wait so long?

Turn to dr*gs, to
your father, to you.

Everyone seemed to
know, except for me.

I mean, how, how
is that protecting me?

He didn't want to
disappoint you, Amanda.

Doesn't he realize
that I don't care.

All I want is him.

LEXI: Oh, Ryan.

Ryan, I know
everything about you,

except how to make
you fall in love with me.

(phone rings)


Hey, it's Megan.

Um, I might be
late to work today.

Kyle went crazy and
burned down the house

that he and Amanda
were building,

and now he's missing and Ryan
has us stationed all over town,

hoping he'll show up.

I'm, uh, covering the
apartment building.



You know, I'm not
surprised about any of this.

I just wonder how
Kyle found out.

I mean, I certainly
didn't tell him, but, uh,

you know, Amanda and Peter
weren't exactly being discreet

in that hotel lobby.

I don't know what
you are talking about.

This has nothing
to do with Peter.

Kyle went crazy because
he found out he was sterile

and he didn't know
how to tell Amanda.

Ryan told me the whole story.


What is this about
the hotel lobby?

Nothing, no, I just, I
got my stories mixed up.

Listen, keep your butt
parked in that window

all day if you have to.

I'm gonna call Ryan and see

if I can volunteer my help.

Where'd you say
he was stationed?

At the club.

The club, right, um...

Bye, now.


I'm not so sure you should
be hanging around here.

You know, to many,
you're a hero, but not to all.

The correct label
would be martyr, Amy.

I'm a martyr.

Anyhow, I hate to
say I told you so,

but I warned you
about that nurse.

Shh, I got to see this.

Wait a second, I don't get it.

What? What is it?


- MICHAEL: Peter.
- Michael,

aren't you barred
from this area?

Yeah, well, I was just
in the neighborhood.

The board meeting,
did it go okay?

It went fine, Michael. Why?

Was just curious.

You know, you're
right. I shouldn't be here.

St. John's might be calling
for a recommendation,

so I'd appreciate
any kind words.

I better get...

going... This way.

(departing footsteps)

What is your problem?

Did you have a memory lapse

or is your watch broken?
Because the board meeting

just ended and
you had a job to do.

I do have an
excuse, if you care.

Only if it's a very,
very good one,

like you got stuck in
surgery or locked in a closet.

Actually, I've done
some thinking.

Oh, no, no. That
is not a good idea.

That is not recommended.

I'm getting the short end
of the stick here, Michael.

Sure, I'll make a few bucks.

But I'll end up alone.

I enjoy our little game.

I like the time I
spend with you.

See, Michael, I
think you're just about

the most fascinating
man I've ever met.

Well, of course I am.

I mean, that's understandable.

And I'm not asking for anything
more than a renegotiation.

Okay, if you go to Peter
right now, I'll give you

a , grand cut.

As I said before,

money may very well

- have nothing to do with this.
- (approaching footsteps)

(door handle jiggles,
knock on door)

The window, it goes
to the parking lot. Hurry!


WOMAN: Hey, is anybody in there?

WOMAN: Hello?



Dr. Mancini?

Oh, man.

When they throw you
out of a hospital here,

they really throw
you out of a hospital.

What do you mean the
police can't do anything?

Not for hours.

Has there been word
from anyone else?

The only call I've gotten
is from Jane at the agency.

Apparently, um,

the president of Passion
Island Resorts called.

He's, um, invited a
dozen top agencies

down to experience his
singles resort in Cabo.

You know, pitch competition.

Experience the resort,
conceptualize a campaign,

best campaign gets the account.

(sighs) Ten million, at least.

Listen, I-I can't even
think about this right now.

Um, put something together
for me and keep me informed.

I'll call you later.


Passion Island
Resort account, huh?

Yeah, we've been
summoned as well.

So, who's Amanda sending?

Or is that company secret?

Well, probably me,

but I can't think about that
right now; my brother's missing.

Yeah, I heard.

I'm sorry.

Look, drink up.

You need to hydrate.


You know, by the way, in case
you care, I found my Mr. Right.

- Really?
- Mm.

He's just a regular
old Joe, too.

Nothing exotic or put-on.

Sincere, the guy sweats it.

He's got just the
right combination

of modesty and shyness,

and it's really a
k*ller combination

all around, wouldn't you say?

When's the wedding?

Well, we, um, have
to have our date first.

We still haven't had that
all-important first date.


Well, I will keep my
fingers crossed for you.

Well, is there anything

I can, um, do for you?

I mean, my
afternoon's pretty light.

Well, you can,
uh, hang out here,

man the phones, keep
an eye out for Kyle.

I'm gonna hit the streets.

All right, well, what
do I do if he walks in?

Hit him over the head
or tie him to the piano?

You can call my cell phone.

(clears throat)

Julie, hey, it's me.

Listen, uh, tell the
office to drop everything.

We're going after the
Passion Island account.

(mariachi music playing)

(music stops)

Heard the music.
Going on vacation?

Because I don't know
how you can afford that.

It's business; the Passion
Island Resorts account in Cabo.

Mexico, huh? That's
kind of far away, Jane.

I need you in town.

Oh, what's the matter, Michael?

Are you lonely? I know.

You should ask that bimbo
nurse you're sleeping with

to move in with you;
in fact, I'm surprised

- you haven't already.
- You know, Jane,

- how many times do I have to tell you...
- You don't.

I already know you're
having an affair with her.


Saint John's never called.

- They will.
- The rent check's due.

- You paying for Jane's, too?
- She pays her own.

- Oh.
- Any word on Kyle?

No, I've been back and forth

between the lot and
the police station all day.

Do you have any wine in there?

- I could really use a glass.
- Yeah, sure.

You knew about Kyle's problem

the whole time, didn't you?

Yeah, I did.

He had a suspicion

because of what his
Marine buddies had told him.

I did the test.

And I agreed the
keep the secret.

I saw what it was doing
to him by not telling you.

I asked him to come forward.

He can be a stubborn guy.


I'm just...

I'm so worried about him.

I know you are.

Situation sucks, sir!

I'm sh**ting nothing but blanks.

Objective is lost.

Fall back!


Fall back!


Had a feeling
you'd be here, Kyle.

Any time you ran away as a kid,

it was always down
to the barrack's gym.

Enlisted men, only.

Come on, let's get you home.

You got to hell.

I don't have a home
anymore, okay?

I burned it down.

You have a wife, Kyle.

She's worried sick about you.


- Come on.
- I bet she has

all kinds of crap to say,

but you tell her I don't want
to hear it, you understand?


Pop was right,

that bastard.

Oh, feel sorry for yourself,
Kyle; that's perfect.

Oh, little brother,

see, I'm not perfect.

I'm not perfect; that's
the problem here.

That's her problem.

She needs perfect; she deserves


That's a load of crap, Kyle.


Two-zip, your ball.


Come on, Kyle.

You love to beat me.

Come on, beat me.

Okay, you know
what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna beat your ass.

You know who you
can't stand right now?

It's not me, Kyle.

It's not even
Amanda; it's yourself.

Yeah, Dad raised this
perfect little Marine, didn't he?

We had to be perfect or
we were a disappointment.

I went off, forging my own
life, but you, you stuck it out.

You climbed mountains,
didn't you, Kyle?

Nothing was too dangerous.

You give me that ball.

And when you fell,
you fell hard, Kyle.

You're not perfect,
you're human.

I hate you.

I hate you.

Because I'm right.

And because for the
first time in your life,

- (crying)
- you can't whoop me.


I just want her back so much.

I-I-I just want her back.

It's okay.

I'm so sorry.

- It's okay.
- I just want her.

It's all right.

(door opens)


Oh, thank God you're all right.

Oh, I was so worried.

Where were you?

Babe, I'm sorry about the house.

I... I mean, I just snapped.

- I lost it.
- But I understand.

I mean, I understand that
it was as much my fault.

No, you had nothing
to do with this.

No, it was my fault.

I put the pressure
on you; I didn't listen.

No, no, you didn't put
the pressure on me.

I put the pressure
on myself; Look,

I don't have very much of
this figured out, just that...

I wanted to be a perfect man.

And when it turned out I wasn't,
I didn't know how to tell you.

I... It was just easier
to get wrecked.

Don't you realize

that you are the most
perfect man ever?

You've always given me
everything I have ever needed.

You're wonderful,
and you're sensitive,

and you're the only
family I ever need.

Oh, baby.

You believe me?


Just promise that you
will never leave me again.

Not for a day, not for a minute.


I'm gonna get off the alcohol,

- the dr*gs.
- Just promise me.

I promise.

Hey, Ryan.

I heard that Kyle's okay.

Yeah, yeah, for now.

Yeah, thanks for your
help yesterday, by the way.

Oh, you're welcome.

Though, you know, a phone
call would have sufficed.

Well, actually, I'm
here to see Megan.

Yeah, of course you are.

She's in her office, I think.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.


Hey, no more bad news, I hope.

No, all good.

Kyle's back with Amanda,
Dad's on his way home.

Although, that fence is
gonna take a while to mend.

Actually, the reason I'm here is
'cause I have to go out of town.

I'm going to Cabo for the
Passion Island account,

and I was wondering if you...

I'm sorry, I need
the Flannigan file.


Carry on.

MEGAN: Sterling Conway's
going after the same account.

Lexi's got everyone
working double time.

Right, so would this

or would this not be the perfect
way for us to get away together?

All you have to do is
convince Lexi to, uh,

let you represent
Sterling Conway.

I don't know, opposing armies?

During the day, but the nights

(kisses) would be
just the two of us.

This is gonna take some talking.

I've got every
confidence in you.

But I'm leaving tonight,

so you got to let me
know as soon as you can.

- Okay.
- Okay, bye.



Yeah, come in.

(door opens)

Do you have a
second for a request?

- Sure, Megan, what can I do for you?
- Well, I'd like to take

a s*ab at the Passion
Island account.

Oh, that's a great idea.


Hey, did, um, Ryan say who
Amanda was gonna be sending?

Actually, it is Ryan.

Oh, well, no, no can do.

That's that whole
conflict of interest thing.

No, but we talked about it.

We have it all worked out.

Come on, Megan.

You go, he goes,
spit gets swapped,

ideas get swapped.

Well, look at it this way,
in a few more months,

you'll have some vacation time,

and you guys can
go wherever you want.

Great, thanks.

May I ask who you
are sending to Cabo?

You know, I really
haven't decided yet.

(phone beeps)


JULIE: Coffee, Ms. Sterling?

Make it a margarita, Julie.

I'm going to Mexico.

RIKKI: "Opening act,

"the Sharp Objects,
got the room stomping

"with several
harder-than-rock originals.

Oh, "Notable was
lead singer, Eve Cleary,

"whose sultry
get-down good looks

"and soulful renditions
didn't hurt things.

Watch for these
headliners in the future."


I bet that's the best
review you ever got, huh?

AMANDA: Excuse me?

Is it Mr. G., or should
I just call you Rikki?

Well, you can call me brainless,
I'd still follow you anywhere.

Well, you have been
a pretty poor influence

on my husband now,
haven't you, Mr. Brainless?

Well, you see,

Kyle and I share a, uh,
passion for having a real time.


Ryan told me that you
supplied my husband

with a lot of his dr*gs.

Well, that'd be
most of his dr*gs.


You're fired.

Take your Sharp
Objects with you.


We're the house band.

Kyle hired us, I mean,
only Kyle can fire us.

Well, I am half
owner of this house

and I want you out of
here or I call the police.

Hey, hey, Rikki, I'll handle it.

Hey, you can't do this.

This is my career
you're messing with.

- Look, I'm sorry.
- Did Peter put you up to this?

'Cause it's no secret
he hates the band

and the time I'm spending on it.

They're bums, okay?

They're a horrible influence
on anyone they're around,

and, no, Peter had nothing
to do with this decision.

Neither did Kyle, apparently.

Kyle's not here, so I'm
making the decisions,

and you'll just have
to live with them.


(door opens)

- Hey.
- RYAN: Hi.

Hope you don't plan on
leaving without saying good-bye.

Mmm, I was just on my way over.

Oh, I am so jealous.

Salsa, sunsets, piña coladas...

- (door opens)
- JANE: Oh, and me.

RYAN: Hey, yeah, Amanda
wanted Jane to go as well.

Well, it's my second
big shot at an account.

I mean, after Alex
Bastian, it could be my last.

Yeah, we'd better get
going; the limo is out front.

Great... don't worry,
I'll keep an eye on him.


Oh, yeah, and who's gonna
be keeping an eye on you?

No one, Michael,
I'm a free woman

and I plan to take
full advantage of it.

You know, here's
a prediction, Jane.

By the time you get home,

you're gonna be begging
me to take you back.

Do you want to put
money on that, Michael?

I'll be happy to
risk everything.

Sure, how about your
half of the divorce?

You know what? You two better go

before this gets any worse.


You just ruined
the chance for me

to make a very good
chunk of change.

You know what, Michael?
Your confidence is unsettling.

What is that cologne I smell?


Yeah, that special scent.

You only use it when
you want to get lucky.

You know what? You're
getting a little too close.

How can I get away with anything

with all my ex-wives
hanging around?

I got to go, I'm late.

(static hissing)



(hissing continues)


AUDREY: Come on
in, I'll buy you a drink.

Oh, now that I think about it,
I don't have anything to drink.

That's okay, we can just talk.


Who are you, Michael Mancini?

Who are you, really?

I'm no different
than anybody else.

We're all rotten inherently.

I mean, it's just human nature.

Some people hide
it better than others,

but me... I'm like a volcano.

I just go along dormant
and then, kablooey, I erupt.


Why? Need for power,

need for, uh, money,
just need for attention.

I know I've been stringing
you along about all this

and what I want to get
out of it, and I'm sorry,

but I now know what
I've been holding out for.

You, Michael.

I've been holding out for you.


Oh, my God.


Oh, God.

Oh, my God.

I'm sorry.

- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.

I thought I could
do it, but I can't.

I can't.

I need help.

It's all right. We'll
get you help.

I'll get you through this.

It's okay.


I'm gonna need
some new blood tests.

Amy, take the patient down
for a complete blood workup

and send the results
to the Erwich Center.

Certainly, Doctor.

- This way, please.
- What's going on?

Peter will explain.


I'm checking him into the
Erwich Institution in Pasadena.

It's a rehab center.

It's the only choice right now.

For how long?

Long as it takes.

Hey, how you doing?

(sighs) Last night
was, was scary.

I felt pretty helpless.

That's why he'll be better
off in a facility right now.

I'm still scared.

I know.

MAN (over P.A.):
Radiology, E.R. Three.

Radiology, E.R. Three.


competing advertising
agencies, all in the same place.

There's never been
anything like this before.

- Yeah.
- Like Passion Island,

a place where you can
forget who you really are.

- Yeah.
- Oh, whoops.


No hints now, no, no.

No, you people
have got to come up

with these campaigns
all by yourself.


First thing, though, bright
and early, the beach games.

- Oh.
- Oh.

Find out who's really
king of this island.


Hey, better get
some sleep, kids.

You're gonna need it.

(Jane and Lexi laugh)

Oh, God, I am so
tired of kissing his butt.

What's up with
these beach games?

Yeah, what, swimming,
running, and a three-legged race?

No, it's just a bunch of
adults acting like idiots.


Wait a minute.

Wait, there's a
good campaign ad.

Passion Island, more
fun than a village of idiots.

(all laugh)

Listen, you guys, tomorrow
sounds exhausting.

I'm gonna go to bed.

Good night.
- All right, good night.

And I'll second that.

Hey, wait a minute,
where you going?

It's early yet.

I've run out of exciting
things to experience.


You know, we could always,
um, go walk on the beach

and check out the course for
tomorrow's three-legged race.

Sure, why not?

All right.



That is so sweet.

(Michael sighs)

Even though I
know it's insincere.

Oh, come on, I do
feel a lot closer to you.

You know, last night... It
awakened real feelings in me.

Well, in me it awakened

real demands, concrete demands.

Um, is that a list?

Number one, when I come forward,

declaring myself
a liar and fraud,

you will pay me a $ ,
cut of your settlement

and you will promise to
continue our relationship.

Now, Audrey, now, this, um...

It's not that we can't
work this out or anything

- because I like...
- Look,

I know your plan, once
you were exonerated,

was to get your wife back,

but you'll just have
to scrap that, Michael.

I mean, really, do you
want someone back

who didn't stand behind you?

This is blackmail...
You know that, right?

We're compatible,
we look good together,

we're both greedy and horny

and not particularly honest.

In a perverse way
we belong together.

So do you agree to my terms?

Well, I mean, do I
have any choice?

Of course I agree.

Wise choice, Doctor.

(both chuckle)

(Michael moaning,
Audrey laughing)

RYAN: So tell me

about this, uh,
new guy you found.

Nah, I don't want to jinx it.

No names.

Too bad you had to fly here
after, uh, just meeting him.

Well, actually, no, I think
it, it worked out for the best.

You know, I don't want to
blow it by saying the wrong thing.

That's my biggest fear, you
know, I do too much too fast.

I just can't let nature
take its course.

You know, this whole
Mr. and Mrs. Right thing,

I mean, how, how does
anybody really know?

If you don't mind me saying,

I really don't think that
Megan is your Ms. Perfect.


Who is?

I don't know.

I just... I think you need
someone more substantial,

someone smart, educated,

aggressive, sophisticated.

The only requirement I
have for a mate is that...

she never stops surprising me.

(both moaning)

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, God, I let myself
get out of control.

I hate when that happens.

(Lexi laughs)

I surprised you,
though, didn't I?

Yeah, yeah, not just the kiss.

It was your apology that
shocked the hell out of me.

Excuse me.

(thunder claps)

(maniacal laughter)




(horn blaring)


(crickets chirping)

(brakes squeak)

Look, baby, let-let's just
say good-bye right here.

I hate this.

I know, but it's not forever.

I should be able
to do this for you.

I should be able
to do this for myself.

Look, we're not gonna be
able to talk very much. I just...

I just need you
to believe in me.


I want you to close your eyes...

and don't open
them till I'm gone.

(siren wailing)

Doctor, I need to talk to you.

Oh, I'm just about
to make rounds.

I'm afraid it's
really important.


All right.

What is it?

See... I kind of lied.

No, not kind of.

That's an exaggeration.

I really lied.

I made the whole thing up.

The affair, the promises
that Dr. Mancini made...

None of it happened.

I just... I wanted
that promotion,

and I knew to get it,
I had to cut corners.

Dr. Mancini said is true.

I did make it up.

I did lie.

And I'll quit.

I'll apologize.

I am so sorry.

No, no. Please.

You did the right
thing in telling me this.

What about Dr. Mancini
and his career?

Is-Is it too late?

Well, not to worry.

(opening briefcase)

I'll take care of Dr. Mancini.

(cheering, laughter
and indistinct chatter)

Move it, damn it.
We can win this thing.

(distorted shouting)


- Yeah!
- Yeah!

Yeah! Yeah!

I knew we should have practiced.

Oh, I think I sprained my ankle.

- What's wrong?
- I think

- she sprained her ankle.
- Well, we have

a doctor on the premises.

Let me help you with that.

- Let me give you a hand.
- Thanks.

Oh! Ow. Thank you.

Well, Jane there just
won some serious points,

letting the boss win.

'Cause if anybody had beaten me,

whoosh, they're on
the next plane home.



Ooh, I'm looking good on that.


Yes, uh, yeah, I'll-I'll take
any job you got, any hours.

I just need a job, Doctor.

Yeah, sure, I understand.

Yeah, thank you so much.

Holy Cross in
Missoula, Montana...

Even they won't take me.

Are you all right, Peter?

You don't look so good.

Audrey paid me a visit.

She said her story was
a complete fabrication.

She made the whole thing up.

- (Peter laughs)
- Told you, didn't I?

Right from the beginning,
everything was a lie.

I'm just here to say, obviously,
you can have your old job back.

I'll get a formal
apology from the board,

and I'd like to personally
apologize, as a friend,

for all the inconvenience
this might have caused you.


Yeah, I suppose
you could call it that.

Well, I'm... I'm sorry, Michael.

Forgive me.


You can apologize,
but I don't think

you really know
what this has cost me.

I mean, can I ever
restore my reputation?

Will a formal apology
get me my wife back?

I mean, I don't think you
understand the trauma

that this caused me, Peter.

- Nobody is arguing that, Michael.
- MICHAEL: I know,

but you want me to forgive
and forget, just like that,

and I'm telling you, I
don't know that I can.

I mean, uh, I
have to think about

if I really want
my job back here.

I mean, all those...
nurses looking at me

and the whispering
behind my back.

I don't know if I can function
in this environment anymore.

Hey, you know what?

I shouldn't say another
word until I talk to my attorney,

and I think I'm gonna
call him right now.

- (dial tone drones)
- Uh, you don't mind, do you?

Sure. Whatever you want.

MICHAEL: You know what?

That's exactly what it
might come down to...

Whatever I want.

(door closes)


(puts phone on receiver)


Jane, what happened?
Are you all right?

Yeah, I-I, uh, just
sprained my ankle.

I had to come home.

Listen, Michael, I
just ran into Peter.

I can't believe it.

That nurse came
forward, it's all a lie?

I told you, didn't I?

Yes, I know, you
did, and I'm sorry.

I feel awful about it.

Michael, I... I should
have been more trusting

and more-more sensitive.

Don't worry about it.

I do, though, Michael.
I do worry about it.

I mean, I was judging
you for who you used to be,

not for who you are now.

Well, 'cause I was a
louse for a very long time.

So, it's understandable that
you would rush to judgment,

that everybody would
rush to judgment there.

Yeah. Well, you
must be pretty pissed.

Well, uh, tell you the truth,

losing my job and all that
stuff didn't mean that much.

It was losing you that hurt.

The rest I could live with.

Mm. Well, I'm not lost anymore.

I'm right here.

(crutches thudding)


- Oh.
- Oh. (laughs)

Does it hurt?

Oh, only between the kisses.

(both moaning)

Oh, thank God. This
place is falling apart.

Did you see it out
there, half empty?

You know, if I round up
some musicians, can you sing?

Just tell me who to call.

Actually, Amanda,
I'm here to quit.

Well, that's funny.

I'm dead serious.
I've just decided

I'm not letting you hold
me back any longer.

Headlining here every night...
That's holding you back?

You shouldn't
have fired the band.

You're blaming them
for Kyle's problems.

You're blaming
me, when the person

you should be
blaming is yourself.

You know what? I am tired

of your constant
commentary on my life.

And I am sick of you
constantly running my life.

I'm not your pet, Amanda.

Go ahead. Fine, get out. Go.

You're sick of me
running your life?

I am sick of you dumping on me.

I'm sick of the whole
world dumping on me.

Well, you dump on enough
people, they always dump back.

That's life.

You're the expert.

I learned from the best, Amanda.


Hey, Rikki, you book
the band anywhere yet?

Working on it.

Hey, where's Amanda?

She's in the back
office, but, um...


(door opening)

Hmm. You owe me a check.

Plane fare back home.

My deal with your
husband's my deal with you.

Just leave an address,
and I'll send it to you.

Right now, I'm going home.

No, money now.

Bitch, home can wait!

That looks like a
checkbook to me right there.

Two grand, make it out to cash.

I think that's a little steep.

No, look, it was
half in New York,

half when I got home.

Man, I carried the
dude for a month.

You know, if you're
a little short, just, uh,

take it out of your dream
house account, like Kyle did.

Get your ass out of this office.

Look, maybe you talk to
that whipped husband of yours

that way, but not to Rikki G.

You have two seconds to get
your scummy hands off of me.

(laughs) No, lady, you got two
seconds to write me a check.

(car horn toots)


You all right?

(Eve sighs)

What is it? What's the matter?

Take it and get out of here.

You like bad boys, don't you?

Maybe not now,
but... I bet you used to.

And I bet, uh...

Yeah, I bet this whole
check that you miss it.

You know, the dr*gs, partying.

Rough sex.



(yelling and grunting)

Get off of me.



(Amanda grunts)


Oh, Peter, thank God.


