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07x23 - The Younger Son Also Rises

Posted: 04/26/22 09:18
by bunniefuu

You better get going.

Don't you have
surgery this morning?

Oh, hey, baby.

You know what, um,
I'm not gonna go in today.

What are you talking
about? What about our deal?

You were gonna
work double shifts

and I was gonna work overtime
so we could pay off our debts.

Yeah, right, but, you
know, I'm having a little,

a little problem
at the hospital.

How little?

Well, don't get mad, okay?

But I've been suspended.


Yeah, one of the
nurses in the hospital

filed a complaint against me.

Oh, I knew it.

Michael, was it that nurse
that I saw at the hospital

that was straightening your tie

and laughing at
your stupid jokes?

Yeah, and she claims I
sexually harassed her.

And did you?

No! Of course not.

Jane, the woman's a psycho.

She's got some sort
of Fatal Attraction thing.

Oh... God, Michael!

How stupid do you think I am?!

All those nights you told
me you were out working late

or you were too tired for sex!

Jane, will you please
stop hitting me?

I didn't cheat on you, I swear.

Honestly. I've changed.

Oh, yeah, you've
changed, all right.

You're worse than before.

You can't even keep your damn
pants zipped past the honeymoon!

God! I can't even
stand to look at you.

- You're despicable!
- Ow!



Morning, Jane.

Hey, Ryan.


Oh. Ah, I didn't want
you to see me, Ryan.

I was gonna sneak
up and surprise you.

Yeah, it's a
surprise, all right.

What's the occasion?

Since when do I need an
occasion to hang out with my boys?

- Huh?
- Right.

Well, your, um,
other boy's upstairs.

Unit on the end.

Um, I got to run though.


Where you heading
off to so fast?

We'll go see your brother,
do some catching up.

I'm running late for work.

Um, but he's up
there with Amanda.

You know he got
remarried, right?

Yeah, I, uh... Well,
we keep in touch, Ryan.


- Well, see you later.
- Wait, wait!

You come home early,
we'll grab a couple beers,

we'll yak about old times, huh?


See you later.



Uh, do you want me
to make you breakfast?

I thought I was the
cook around here.

Oh, I didn't mean...
I mean, of course.

You-you can make it.


Nah... no.

No, I'm-I'm not really hungry.

(knock on door)

Um, whoever it is,
I'll get rid of them.

Very fast.


You're not too hard
to look at, are you?

Who the hell are you?



How's my number one son, huh?!

- All right.
- (laughs)

Good to see you.

Ah, you must be Amanda.

I'm Mack McBride.

Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you.

No, no. My pleasure.

You know, now that Kyle
has finally found himself

a real lady, let's hope it
makes him a real gentleman.

And what would you know
about being a real gentleman?

Hey, take a lesson, Kyle.

What are you doing here?

Ah, your mom... She
went to visit her sister.

You know how much I
love that charming gal.

So I figured I'd
come and see you.

You know what, I'm
gonna give Ryan a call.

I'll get him up here.

No, no, no,
forget it, forget it.

I already ran into
him. He had to run off.

Jumping through hoops
for some sl*ve-driving boss.

That would be me.


No, no, say that ain't so.

Ryan is one of my key players.

I couldn't run my
company without him.

Ah, takes a strong
hand to run a company.

I know my way
around the boardroom.

How about the bedroom?
You got a bun in the oven yet?

What? Pop! Come on,
what are you doing? Stop.

No, not yet, but
we-we're working on it.

Ah, I never
doubted that, darling.

Now, if you could point
me toward the head,

I clean up pretty
good, like a real gent.

- Yeah, right through there.
- Oh, thank you.


I like him.

He's a good guy.

No nonsense, and
I've always been able

to lean on him
when I needed help.

You love him.


I think that everything
is gonna be okay.





♪ Are we caught in a dream ♪

♪ Of tangled memories? ♪

♪ And what if those
were closer to you? ♪

♪ You are here ♪

♪ And I'm okay ♪

♪ You are here ♪

♪ And I'm okay... ♪

♪ And you say ♪

♪ We are children tonight ♪

♪ And we're gonna fly away ♪

♪ Till oceans meet the sky ♪

♪ Under low little lights ♪

♪ We're gonna fly away ♪

♪ Till oceans meet... ♪


I'm here for the rent check.

Um, Peter dropped
it in the mail.

I hope that's not a problem.

- No, of course not.
- Good.

Can I come in?

Yeah, sure.

For what it's worth,

I wish I hadn't encouraged you
to lie to Peter about your past.

God, is that an apology?

I'm admitting I made
a mistake, okay?

All right, I apologize.

You're my oldest friend, I don't
want to keep fighting with you.

It's not even all
your fault anyway.

I could've told Peter
the truth so many times.

I just couldn't quite
figure out how to say,

"Guess what, honey.

I have been in prison
for years for m*rder."

I never kept a secret yet that
didn't turn around and bite me.

You'd think I'd learn.

Yeah, well, you are
kind of hardheaded.

Yeah, and controlling
and selfish and a bitch.

Go ahead, say it.

Yes, but a good bitch.




I promise, I will never come
between you and Peter again.

MEGAN: Oh, good.

You're sitting down.

Promise not to fly off the
handle when I tell you this.

Why? What did you do?

Did you run over my dream
date with your car or something?

No, no, it's
nothing at all, really.

It's just that I sort
of had to tell Ryan

that I was helping
you look for Mr. Right.

You did what?!

You told him about my project?

There was nothing
else I could do.

He thought I was hooking again.

You know, all the guys
coming to the building,

my number.

Oh, God. That's great.

He's probably blabbed it all
over Amanda's office by now.

God knows what she'll do
with this kind of amm*nit*on.

You know what, he swore he
wouldn't say anything to anyone.

Right, just like
you swore, right?

You know what, I'm doing
the best I can do, all right?

Which brings me to, uh,
bachelor number three.

(clears throat)

- What?
- Gary Johnson.



Pharmaceuticals, that is.

You're meeting him at
the Stage Bar tonight.

Correction: you're meeting
him at The Stage Bar tonight.

Remember our little deal?

You milk the cow,
I get the cream.

I told Ryan I wouldn't have any
more dates with strange men.

Break your promise.

You don't seem to have
any problem doing that.

You know what?

I have a great idea.

How about if Ryan
and I double date

with you and
tonight's candidate?

Yeah, right.

So you can, what,
rub it in my face?

No, it'll just take some of
the pressure off, that's all.

I mean, you might
as well have us along.

It's not like you have any
secrets from Ryan anymore.

That's very funny.

You're in love, and me...
I'm Miss Lonely Heart.


All right.

Fine, fine.

What time is the date?

You know what, I
just remembered.

I have dinner with
Ryan's father tonight.

He just got into town.

We're gonna have to change
Mr. Right to tomorrow night.

Wait, wait, wait,
Valentine's Day?

Oh, come on, great.

That's not too much
pressure on me.



Audrey Williams, right?

I'm Jane Mancini,
Michael's wife.

Look, I'm sorry
about the lawsuit.

I mean, I'm sorry for you.

But I'm the victim here.

Your husband came on
to me and he harassed me.

Oh? He says that you have
an overactive imagination.

I didn't imagine anything.

Including the promotion
he promised me

if I had sex with him.

Michael never had to use
leverage to get a woman in bed.

Maybe I had the good sense
to hold out for what I wanted.

And what exactly did you want?

A step up, that's
all. A little help.

So you cooked up a sex scandal
and filed a fantasy lawsuit?

No fantasy involved.

Let's see.

Michael likes to start
with a foot massage,

but he'll actually lick my
toes if we're in the bath.

That's enough.

What's the matter?

Too close to home?

If you're looking
for a liar here,

why don't you try the
guy who's cheating on you.

Let's go somewhere
else for dinner.

Like Paris.

I've racked up some
frequent flyer miles.

No, it'll be fine.
Come on, relax.

I'm looking forward
to meeting your dad.

Hi. Sorry we're late.

Dad, I want you to
meet Megan Lewis.


Whoa, another knockout.

You sure don't
look like a librarian.

- (chuckles)
- Oh, why would I?

Well, this kid wastes
his entire life at a library.

I thought that's the only
kind of woman he'd ever meet.

Real men don't read books.

Oh, if you want to
spend the rest of your life

hunched over a
desk, go right ahead.

It's better than spending it
hunched over a pool table

like you and your
drinking buddies.

KYLE: Hey, guys,
can you just relax?

MACK: Hey, hey,
don't look at me.

Kid's all in a twist. Must be

that time of the month, huh?

It was just a joke.

Don't leave.

AMANDA: Um, let's
start the evening over

and order dinner.

KYLE: Sounds good.

MACK: Yeah.


Jane, open the door!

Now, Jane... Oh!

Watch it.

Guess what, Michael.

- You're moving out.
- Ow!

Jane, I know you really
don't want to hurt...

You know,
honestly, I don't think

you're handling this
like a... mature adult.

Stay out of my way, Michael,

or next time, I won't miss.

Okay, we just have to talk
about this, honey... that's all.

Ah, maybe not.

MACK: Come on, Ryan.

I didn't mean to insult you.

I'll tell you what, I'll give
you a free compliment.

Moving out here next
door to your big brother

- was the smartest thing you ever did.
- Mmm.

So he could keep an
eye on his little brother.

That's quite a compliment, Dad.

- Ah, I can't win.
- Ryan, that's not what he said.

You know what, it
was kind of patronizing.

That's a library word.

AMANDA: Uh, you know what?

Why don't you, um, check

on the dinner and
put a fire under Mario?

- Good idea.
- MEGAN: So, Mack,

- I hear you were a Marine.
- Ah, you're always

a Marine, darling...
It's a way of life.

Code to live by.

Ah, the semper fi speech.

MACK: You're always
true to your buddies.

Which means you never
rat them out, like you did

- with your partner.
- MEGAN: You're talking

about his Wall Street partner.

He was breaking the law.

MACK: The law is,

- a man never turns in his friends.
- MEGAN: Oh.

So Ryan's not a man...
Is that what you're saying?

I find him caring,
responsible, successful,

and you should try
being proud of him

instead of tearing
him down all the time.

Unless, of course,
you're just too threatened

because he's more
educated than you.

AMANDA: Megan,
that's hardly helpful.

MACK (chuckling): No, no, no.

Amanda, it's... it's all right.

Unlike, uh, some
people at this table,

I don't need a woman

- to defend me.
- RYAN: And I don't need

your permission
to leave this table.

I'm sorry, Amanda.

So am I.

You know, um, Megan
was right about one thing.

I-I think you make
Ryan feel like a failure

when his only crime
is that he's not like you.

Yeah, well, Amanda, someday
you're going to find this out...

That when you're raising boys,
you got to toughen them up.

Some figure it out.

Others... (sighs)

All I know is, in business,

when you play two
competitors against each other,

sometimes they both turn on you.


(Mack chuckles)

I hate that old man.

He's awful.

No, that was nothing compared
to our dinners growing up.

Look, I hope I didn't
make anything worse.

He's never given
a damn about me.

I went to college... The
first one in our family.

Do you think he ever
bragged about that

to his drinking buddies? No.

No, no, I come
home for Christmas,

and nobody even knows
what the hell I've been doing.

All he talks about is Kyle:

Kyle the w*r hero, Kyle
the... the club owner,

Kyle the pride and joy
of that pathetic old man.


I just wish I could stop caring
what he thinks about me.

I'm so sorry.

- You know, when you told him off...
- Yeah?

That was the first time
anybody's ever stood up for me.

The first time I ever
felt like I wasn't alone.


You're not alone.

You're not alone.



Uh, ooh, what
happened to your hand?

Oh, a little domestic v*olence.

Um, listen, I got to get out
of town for a couple days,

so I... I moved the Faceworks
meeting in New York back.

Oh, you know what, it's
Kyle's birthday tomorrow,

and your dad wants to
throw him a surprise party.

Oh. Should have known that's
the reason he came to town.

- So you'll move the meeting back.
- Look, Amanda,

you're not dealing with the
Brady Bunch here, okay?

Bottom line is, I
show up to this party

and I'm going to ruin it.

Kyle's going through a
really hard time right now.

(sighs) Can't imagine why.

He's got his biggest fan around.

You saw how he
was drinking last night.

I was worried.

- I thought you would be, too.
- I'm sorry.

My mind wasn't exactly
on Kyle last night.

For what it's worth, I think
your father was way out of line.

I mean, it's like he's a...

a different man
when he's drinking.

Yeah, mean, abusive.

And get used to it, Amanda,

because Kyle's headed
down the same road.

Don't give up on your brother.

He really needs you right now.


Okay, I'll stay... for Kyle.

So, now she's suing me
for three million bucks,

but, you know, I figure it
could be a lot worse, you know.

The board of
directors has decided

not to indemnify
you, Dr. Mancini.

You're on your own. Good luck.

MICHAEL: Uh, excuse me, sir,

but are you kidding me?

Because I've already
been suspended

from my surgical duties.

But are you expecting
me to defend myself

against this lunatic alone?

It was spelled out very clearly

at the sexual
harassment seminar.

The hospital will not defend
you against harassment charges

if you violate
hospital protocol,

which you have done repeatedly.

Yeah, but, I mean,
come on, I mean, this, uh,

seminar was for all
the little worker bees.

We're talking about me here.

Gifted healer.

Talented surgeon.

I was hoping we
could do a little better.

I'm sorry, but you'll
have to resign.



I refuse.

Then we'll be
forced to fire you.

And if that happens,
your license will be

put under review
by the state board.

Then how am I
expected to make a living?

Sir, I have given seven
years of my life to this hospital,

and now you people
are dumping me.

Without even hearing
my side of the story.

Where's the loyalty?

You know, one day, the
tables will be turned, my friend.

And then we'll see
if I indemnify you.

- Michael, I'm sorry.
- Oh, you're sorry.

That's nice. I feel all
warm and fuzzy inside now.

Especially since the
only job I have left

is working for free for
the Children's Foundation.

You can't be treasurer
of the foundation,

not with this hanging
over your head.

What are you saying?

You got to hand over the books.

But, Peter, I love the
Children's Foundation,

and those kids... You
know, those little guys

are very close to my heart.

Now, come on, please, Peter,

you got to leave me
some dignity here.

Sorry, Michael.
I have to insist.

You know what, I, um...

I don't know where
the books are.

You know, Jane's
thrown out half my stuff

and we're not talking.

Find those books, Michael.

I want them on my
desk tomorrow morning,

along with your resignation.

Peter, I'm going to fight you

the whole way
on this one, buddy.

You and that whole
lousy board of directors.

Don't yell at me, Michael.

I'm not the enemy here.

No, you're just a foot soldier

in the w*r against
the little guy.

The real enemy
here is Big Brother.

Yeah, that's right.

Amy, you want somebody
breathing down your neck?

Snooping into your
personal life every day, huh?

No, not me.

No, I thought not. And you...

You want somebody
to tell you how to think?

Huh? Or you... you want somebody
to tell you what you should say?

Huh? Or whether or not you
can look at a beautiful woman

and not have somebody
make a federal case out of it.

MAN: Yeah. Yeah.

These are our rights.

Our God-given rights as
red-blooded American males.

And these rights
cannot be abridged.

I have passion in my veins.

That's who I am.

Are we going to be
denied our inalienable rights

to-to-to be who we truly are?

MAN: No. No.

I think not, my
friends. I think not.

Bravo, Michael.

You're right.

(dance music playing)

You know, um, Lexi is from Ohio.

You said you graduated
from Oberlin, right?

Right, in ' .

Mmm. You're still young
enough to last all night.

Can you last all
night, honey? Hmm?


Waiting for an answer.

RYAN: Uh, so, Gary, I
hear you like to travel.

Uh, Thailand, Indonesia...
You must be doing well.

LEXI: Of course he's doing
well, or else he wouldn't

have made the
cut... Money, looks...

Uh, Lexi, we've all
read the questionnaire.

Um, I think maybe
we should dance, huh?

That's a good idea.


(song ends, soft ballad begins)

♪ Sip your sad champagne ♪

♪ And smile all the while... ♪

Chivalry. Hmm.

That's extra credit.

(clears throat)

This is not how I planned
on spending Valentine's Day.

Mmm, well, it's
for a good cause.

I just hope it
turns out all right.

I hope that, uh...

I hope Lexi can relax.


Get real, Megan.

She's blowing it big-time.

You know, Valentine's
Day rolls around,

and I think, oh,
God, another year

without someone
special in my life.


I was really looking
forward to meeting you.

Well, what do you think?

Am I everything you ever
hoped for in a woman or what?


I admire your initiative,
going after what you want.

Well, honey, why
don't you admire this?

(Lexi chuckling)

GARY: You know what?

I was trying to take
tonight seriously.


But, obviously, it's
just one big joke to you.

You know, do me a favor.

Next time, find someone
else to be your punch line.

LEXI: Okay, buddy.

Uh, maybe he went
to the bathroom.

Or not. I'm going
to go talk to him.


- Yeah.
- Mmm.

You ask me, I think you
screwed things up on purpose.

Oh. Well, you know what?

- I didn't ask you.
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, you never ask; you tell.

I don't remember you
having a problem with it

- when I told you what I wanted.
- Mm-hmm.

And how long did that last?

I mean, take tonight.

You never let him
see the real you.

The real me.

Ah, yes, the real me.

The one that Peter dumped.

The one that Coop,
my ex, dumped.

Honey, if you haven't noticed,

when I show them the real
me, they just walk right over me.

Then they were the wrong guys.

You know, I'm starting to think

I've got a special
radar for that.

Yeah, I seem to
find the predator,

and I zero in on them,

and they just
circle me until I fall.

Now, why are you
selling yourself short?

I mean, you can be difficult,

but you can also be
exciting and passionate,


And I know you have
a vulnerable side.

You let a guy see that,
he'll never forget you.


Oh, my God. What
were you thinking?

Please, don't you start with me.

This is Valentine's Day.

You guys definitely
need to be alone.

I'm gonna get out of here.

Megan, honey, you got
yourself a great guy over there.

Don't let him go.

♪ And you may think
that I'm crazy... ♪

Hey. Happy Valentine's.

Oh! They're beautiful.

Thank you.


Kyle said he needs
you on stage in a minute.

Nice outfit.

Where's the rest of it?

Oh, I know it's kind of skimpy,

but I need something really
smokin' for Friday night.

We got a gig in San Francisco.

You're travelling with the band?


Well, it's only for
a couple of nights.

If you're worried about
my parole officer, don't.

I already checked with
him. Everything's totally cool.

Oh, that's good.

You know, we did
just get married.

I thought we might
spend a little time together,

given what we've been through.

What I've been through
is years of hell

and five months
of bottling up inside.

I need to turn it all loose.

Oh, I understand.

I'll just wait for you at home.

Oh, come on. Don't be angry.

I'm leaving after Kyle's party,

and I'll be gone
only a couple of days.

- What party?
- It's his birthday.

Amanda's throwing
him a surprise party.

Come on.

Please come?

I promise I won't make
you talk to Amanda.

- Hey, everybody!
- (crowd cheering)

Happy Valentine's Day.


(slow rock playing)


Pete, have you met my dad yet?

Uh, Pop, this is Peter Burns.

- Ah, Mack McBride.
- A pleasure.

You look a little too uptown
to be a buddy of Kyle's.

Peter used to be
married to Amanda.

That's how we met.

Are you still friends?

Yeah, and not only
that, he's my doctor

and he's married to my singer.

It's very L.A., isn't it?

You people are too damn close.

So Eve tells me that you're
giving her some time off

to go on the road with the band.

Yeah, unless you got
a problem with that.

Well, I'm a newlywed.

I'd like to spend a
little time with her,

she's running off with a
bunch of social misfits.

Well, I think she
can handle herself.

I mean, if things got out
of hand, she'll walk away.

Oh, really? She'll just
be able to handle it, huh?

Just like you?

What does that mean?

It means you're not the type of
person that can tell somebody

how to take care of themselves.

First, you quit the pills,

and then you get right
back on with the booze here.

Office hours are over, Doc.

That takes care of that.

Here, have another one.

I'll send the bill
to your widow.

- Ah, moving on.
- (knocking)

I'm ready for my next date.

You know, I don't think you
should jump right in again.

Oh, come on, Megan.

It's like falling off a horse.

One bad fall doesn't
make me a bad rider.

That's the problem. Right
now, you are a bad rider.

I mean, dater.

It's your attitude.

Great. Now you're trashing me.

Do I have some big target
on my forehead or something?

Come on, everyone, hit
me with your best shot.

No, this is not a b*ttlefield.

It's just about putting
yourself out there and hoping

to connect to someone.

Yeah, as if I didn't know that.

Look, I know it's hard, okay?

I just think you should
take some time off.

Megan, I don't
have any more time.

Every day that goes by,

I get a little bit
more empty inside.

I mean, my gosh, there won't
be anything left for Mr. Right.

I'm convinced he's on that list.

Then you know what?

You're going to have
to find him yourself,

because I cannot go through
another fiasco like last night.

Fine. That's just fine.

I try to delegate
responsibility and...

You know, I guess if I
want something done right,

I better just do it myself.


(saw buzzing, hammering)

MACK: Ah, garage, huh?

KYLE: Yep.

MACK: Yeah?

Hey, you know, you gotta
stay on top of these guys.

You gotta show up
every morning, first thing.

Let them know the
boss is watching.

I'll stay on them, Pop.

This is gonna be a
great house, Kyle.

Yeah, a big yard.

Good place for
your kids to grow up.

Yeah, that's-that's what
we were counting on.


(chuckling): Your kids,

they're part of you!

That is the strongest
love you'll ever know.

It's like a, it's
like a holy feeling

It ties them to you
and back to me.

I don't know if that's
ever gonna happen.

Of course it is.

You're young.
Got plenty of time.

Pop, did you hear
about the Gulf w*r vets?

About a lot of them getting
sick when they came home?

Yeah, yeah, sure.

Bunch of crybabies,
most of them,

because if they
were really sick...

Something happened
to me over there.

What are you talking about?

Pop, I can't have kids.

Says who?

Says my doctor.

That guy I met at the bar?

Tell him to fix you up.

No, it's just the way it is.

Then see a specialist.

I can't have kids.

Amanda and I, we're just...

I mean, we're
gonna have to adopt.

Aw, come on, Kyle,
that's not your own kid.

That's somebody else's mistake.

I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't
say anything to Amanda.

I haven't told her yet.

She has her heart
set on having a baby.

You're building a
damned nursery here!

I know.

I've tried to tell
her, but I can't.

You're scared.

You're scared if she finds
out you're only half a man

she'll dump you.

You have to tell her, Kyle,

or you ain't any
kind of man at all.

(door opening, closing)


What are you doing home?

Um, I'm sorry.

I don't know what I was thinking

letting my beautiful
wife go to a party

all by herself.

Oh, then you're
going? That's great.

Might have slipped your mind,

but that Foundation
dinner's tomorrow night, so...

Oh? Oh, well, I'll be in San
Francisco tomorrow night

with the band.

Oh, that's right.

Well, it's a very
important dinner.

Well, it's a really
important gig.

This is going to open up a
whole bunch of new things for us.

Well, w-w-what's going on?

Are you, are you
giving me a guilt trip?

No! No, no. Pfft!

No, I was just hoping that...

Were you hoping that
you were going to be able

to use the foundation dinner

as an excuse to keep
me from leaving town?

I don't know.

I don't know! I...

I feel a little silly here,
you know. I don't...

(clears throat)

I don't want you to go, and I...

I love you, all right?

I-I... and I don't want the
honeymoon to be over yet.

The honeymoon is not over.

Definitely not over.


Before you say anything,

yeah, I been
drinking a little bit.

I can see that.

But I-I gotta brace myself,

and I gotta start
facing facts...

Well, here's a fact: Mack
is up there waiting for us,

and I want you all
to myself tonight,

so if you could think
of a good excuse

that'll give us just
an hour alone...


there's something
I gotta tell you.

Well, there's something
I've gotta tell you.

Me first.

(footsteps approaching)

You two get up here, and I
mean right now. Come on.

(both sighing)

Come on.

EVERYONE: Surprise!


Oh, you got me.

My idea, son.


Oh, do you remember...

this birthday party?

Oh, my God!

I was eight years old.

Look at Ryan in his cowboy hat.

MEGAN: Oh, my God!

- I love that hat!
- That was Kyle's.

He let me wear it till
Dad made me give it back.

- Oh...
- Aw...


(Mack clears throat)

Let me see that.

You know what, I know
you only came here

for my sake, but
since you're here,

how about breaking
the ice with Amanda?


Don't push it.

Hey, Jane. Listen...


Hit me up, too, will ya?

Do I dare ask what
the problem is?

The same old thing.

Michael's in heat again.

Now, let's see, this
must be affair number...

Oh, God, where's
my pocket calculator?

Oh, come on, he wouldn't dare
cheat on you this time around.

Well, he's got you snowed.

Hey, you should be a
character witness at his trial.


You're not suing
him again for divorce?

No, the nurse he's sleeping with
is claiming sexual harassment.

So if you still think
Michael's innocent,

you can have him.

All right, how did it
go at St. Emory's?

Not that great.

You know, they're
really judgmental.

Like we're supposed to
believe none of those quacks

ever nailed a nurse
in a linen closet.

(clears throat)

I'm glad you showed up tonight.

Let's not get carried away.
I'm only here because of Eve.

You know, we said some pretty
terrible things to each other,

and I probably deserve
every shot that you took.

She went to prison
for both of you.

I was . I did
the best I could.

I'm sorry if I screwed up.

That is about the lamest
"I'm sorry" I have ever heard.

Oh, really? Oh,
okay, well, um...

how about this?

I am sorry that I ever
introduced you to Eve.

I'm sorry that I-I helped
her fall in love with you.

And I'm really sorry
that I stood by her side

when you got married.

You pretty much covered
it all there, didn't you?

- Mmm.
- Okay.

Apology accepted.

Would you look at that?

I don't know what
kind of bull they've been

feeding you, but something's
going on between those two.

- Happy birthday, Kyle.
- Hey.

I'm sorry I can't stay.

No, it's all right.

San Francisco, I
know, good luck.

MACK: Yeah, yeah, take, uh,

Romeo with you

if he can drag himself
away from Amanda.

(Amanda laughs)

Oh, I'm glad they finally made
up. Would you excuse me?

MACK: You'll have
a kid all right, Kyle,

but don't expect him to
look like a McBride, huh?

AMANDA: Hey, are
you enjoying the party?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

MACK: You've got

a one of a kind here, Amanda.

God made my boy
and then broke the mold.

Dad, take it easy. You're
drinking a little bit too much.

What's going on?


Hey, we need, uh,
more coffee filters,

and the, uh, natives
are getting restless.

- Excuse me, guys.
- Okay.

I'll show you. Come here.

I don't, I don't know
what happened,

but you were in the
Marines and came back

half a man.

I told you to lay off of me.


I've been thinking, Ryan,

why don't you get
hitched to that girl of yours,

and get me a couple
of grandkids, huh?

AMANDA: Don't rush him.

Kyle and I will take care

- of the baby department.
- Are you packing

a punch, Ryan? Or are
you always gonna be my...

little girl, huh?


what's your problem?

It's okay, Amanda.

His problem's leaving right now.

(door opens)

Where's your party spirit?

I can't take anymore

of Dad's bull tonight.

You can't take it anymore?

I'm the one he's always
dishing it out to, Kyle.

No, man, he is always

riding me, you
just don't notice.

I mean, you, you get
to do whatever the hell

you want to do... He doesn't
expect a damn thing from you.

And he never lets me forget it.

Oh, it must be real tough
being the perfect son.


Happy birthday, Kyle.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Come in.

Eve asked me to check in on you.

Check in on me? Why?

Well, to see if you're
still worried about her

travelling with the band.

(scoffs) Oh, please. I'm fine.

Want some coffee?


What happened last night?
I turned around, I looked,

and, uh, all the McBride's
were heading to the door.

Oh, well, from what
I've seen so far,

I'd say it's a tradition.

(phone rings)

- Here.
- Thank you.

- Let me, uh, excuse me.
- Oh.



Oh great, I caught you.

Hey, listen, we're
doing two shows tonight.

Any chance you can
fly up for the late one?

Oh, no. No, there's
no chance at all

with that foundation dinner,

but I'll make the
next one. I promise.

Next time? You mean it?

Yeah, absolutely. I know I
can't have you all to myself.

You do have your
own room, don't you?

You're not crashing
with the band?

No. But I am glad you're
okay with this though.

I was having second thoughts.

- I asked Amanda to check on you.
- Oh.

Well, she's right here.

You want to talk to her?

Uh, both of you actually.

Um, I just wanted
to tell you guys

that, uh, I'm really happy

we made it through
all the bad stuff.

And I love you both.

- Love you, too.
- Knock 'em dead.




I'll see you tonight.

Yeah. I'll see you at the, uh,

foundation dinner.

- Right.
- Okay.

(door opens)

(door closes)

MAN: Okay, Ms. Sterling,

um, we're all ready to go.

Now you're sure you
transferred all the data

from Megan's hard
drive into mine?

Oh, not just the data, uh,

but the analysis
of the data as well.

Good. So it's all ready
to kick out the name

of my number one candidate?

Well, like I told Megan, um,

all you have to do is, is,

press enter.

Okay. Finally.

Here goes.

MAN: Hmm.

- Ryan McBride.
- (scoffs)

Gee, Megan

told me to delete this guy. He
popped up a couple of times.

There's got to be some
sort of mistake here, right?

No. No, no. He's the right guy.

Ryan McBride.

out of answers
matched your specs.

Ryan McBride. He's the one.

(clears throat)

Ooh, wow. Who are these from?

Your loving husband.
Consider it a belated

- Valentine's Day gift.
- Yeah.

Get out of here, Michael,
before I call security.

Oh, Jane, please. Audrey
is suing me for three million

dollars... My attorney
says that if you don't

stand by me in court, the
jury's gonna crucify me.

W-Wait, you want
me to save your butt?

Yeah, well, you don't
have to do much really.

Just stand there.
Smile at the jury.

Maybe hold my hand
during the bad parts.

Like when Audrey's testifying
about having sex with me.

You know what?
You got a lot of nerve.

But then again, you need it

because you're a
full time liar and cheat.

Jane trust me, by
the time this is all over,

everybody's gonna owe
me an apology including you.

Did you say "trust you?"

(sighs) Oh, boy.

You know,

you must really think
I have a thick skin.

That nothing ever
gets to me. That, uh,

you know, they could
destroy my reputation,

ruin my career, and it
would be no big deal.

Oh, well, you'll bounce
back, Michael, you always do.

Not from losing you, Jane.

That I would never
bounce back from.

Yeah, well, I wish I could
believe you, Michael.

We've been through this a
million times. You know what?

You make me feel
like a fool for loving you.

Just, just get out.

Take these.


PETER: Oh, boy,
typical foundation dinner:

Bad food, bad speakers, huh?

Did you like the way

that I blacked out Michael's
name as treasurer?

- Very discreet.
- Dr. Burns?

- Yeah?
- Great party!

Uh, Dr. Burns,

Mr. Castor's feeling
a little bit woozy.

Would you mind
getting the key for

from the front desk?

I don't think he can make
it to the lobby and back.

- Does it matter if he doesn't?
- He's donating

$ , to the foundation.

We'll meet you upstairs.

I think I've actually
heard that joke before.

Oh, um...

Thank you so much for
signing with me gentlemen.

I promise to make your
freeze-dried sushi the best

ad campaign this town
has ever seen. Um,

if y'all excuse me
for just a moment.

- Arigato.
- Arigato.

I "ari-gotchya" first.

(laughs) Oh, yeah.



Hey, bro.



Just want to, just want
to apologize for last night.

No, no, it was my fault, okay?

I threw the first
punch. I'm sorry, man.

I guess Dad makes us

both pretty crazy sometimes.


I've been thinking of, uh,

keeping a low profile until he
heads out of town, you know?

Oh man, I wish I could
do that, it sounds good.

MACK: Hey.

(laughs) There you are. You two

have been avoiding me all day.

Hope you got your beauty rest...

'cause we're gonna
be playing all night.

You know what? I'm out of here.

No, Ryan, stay.

MACK: What is it
with you two? Ask you

to play a couple of hands

of poker and it's like... what?

It's like death in here.

Open for a buck
without even looking.

I'll raise you two.

Okay, two.

I think that you bluffed
the nine. I think you got

- a handful of nothing.
- MACK: Well,

you should know, Kyle.

Shut up, okay?

You mouth off to me like that
again and I'm gonna smack you

right in your face.

And you...

you're gonna make
me a promise, kid.

You promise me that you
come up with the goods,

keep my name alive, 'cause
it's all on you now, huh?

KYLE: I am warning you, Dad.

- Don't do this.
- Why? What are you

gonna do, Kyle?

Not a damn thing. Because
you don't have any guts.

You can't even

look your wife in the eye

and tell her

you're sh**ting blanks.


Is it true, Kyle?

MACK: Yeah, it's true.
Your brother's a gelding.

Get off me, Ryan.
This isn't your fight.

Why? So you can k*ll him?

He's still our father, Kyle.

Get up. I'm gonna
take you to my place.

I'm really sorry about your
problem, Kyle, but you're

gonna have to learn how
to handle it better than this.

You ought to think about
heading back to Boston.

At least you're doing
something, Kyle.

Come on, Dad.

It's something.


Michael, you're late.

Yeah, well, I had
another fight with the wife.

Hmm. I'm so sorry.