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07x22 - A Fist Full of Secrets

Posted: 04/26/22 09:17
by bunniefuu

Where have you been?

When you didn't
come home last night,

I went to the hospital,
I went to the office.

I-I've been looking
for you everywhere.

So, you k*lled someone?


Yes? No?

Cat got your tongue?

Aren't you even

gonna ask who told me?


Don't you feeling like saying,

"Oh, Peter, please, I
could never lie to the man

that I'm supposedly
in love with," hmm?

Peter, please, it was
an accident, I swear it.

I-I was years old;
I was in high school.

With Amanda.

I-I know, Kyle
told me about that.

Is there anything that you
didn't lie to me about, Eve?

I-I was gonna tell you.

I wanted to tell you,
but I was scared.

Scared of what, huh?

That I might leave you?

- That I might not love you anymore?
- Yes!

Well, you're right; I don't
even know who the hell you are.

Peter, please, I love you.

You've got to believe me.

AMANDA: Can you
two keep it down?

People are trying to sleep here.

Look who's here, huh?

It's Amanda.

Your old pal, Amanda.

How long have you two
known each other? What...

Well, forever. Hmm?

You know, Eve's spent
some time in prison,

years to be exact.

You know she was
convicted of m*rder, right?

You can add your two cents

- anytime you like.
- Kyle told him.

Guess it slipped your mind when
you were busy playing matchmaker

to me and Lizzie Borden.

This isn't fair.

You don't know the whole story.

Whose fault is that?

Mine. I begged
Eve not to tell you.

But you could tell
Kyle, right? Huh?

The best man gets honesty,
while the groom gets screwed?

You know who warned me? Lexi.

Isn't that a little ironic
that Lexi warned me?

My wife lied to me, you
lied to me, but not her.

Peter, please
don't do this to us.

There's no us, baby.

It's you and Amanda.

You two deserve each other.

- Peter!
- Just let him go.

Don't you ever stop?

You're always
butting into my life,

and I'm always paying the price.

I don't need any more
of your bad advice.

Keeping your past a secret was

a mutual decision.

Mutual, as in you forced me,

and I had no choice but to go
along like some idiot puppy dog.

Everybody has a choice.

You don't get it,
do you, Amanda?

You don't give anybody a choice.

It is your way or no way.

You ruined my life once.

I am damn sure not gonna
give you a chance to do it again.



♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Hey, oh ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Living in a dangerous world ♪

♪ And it's so hard
to find the time ♪

♪ To feel the earth
beneath my feet ♪

♪ And feed my soul
and drink the wine ♪

♪ So much more for me to be ♪

♪ Far beyond what I can see ♪

♪ I choose to let
the sunshine in ♪

♪ And this is how
my day begins ♪

♪ Na, na, na-na, na-na ♪

- ♪ Na, na, na-na, na-na ♪
- ♪ I got sunshine ♪

- ♪ Na, na, na-na, na-na ♪
- ♪ I got you ♪

♪ Yes, I do ♪

♪ Hey, na, na, na-na, na-na ♪

- ♪ Na, na, na-na, na-na ♪
- ♪ I got no fears ♪

- ♪ Na, na, na-na, na-na ♪
- ♪ I got no tears ♪

♪ I got you ♪

♪ Na, na, na-na, na-na ♪

- ♪ Na, na, na-na, na-na ♪
- ♪ I got sunshine ♪

♪ Na, na, na-na, na-na... ♪

You bastard!

Thanks to you, Peter
walked out on Eve.



It was thanks to you
and all your little secrets.

You stepped on your
own landmine, Amanda.

(expl*si*n sound)

I guess you have stopped
taking responsibility for everything.

For drinking, for cheating,
for ruining people's lives.

Yeah, well, a guy's got
to get his kicks somehow.

What the hell is going on?

Do you want a divorce?

Do you want it over between us?

You know what, I'm
a little too hungover

to have this
conversation right now.

Too bad; you are
not going anywhere

until I get some
answers. I have had it.

I can't live like this anymore.

You be careful what you ask for.

No, I mean it.

No more games, just lay
it on the line and get it out.

Okay, y-you want the
whole miserable truth?

RICKY: Whoa.

You want me to call the cops or,

uh, is this your idea
of domestic bliss?

Excuse me, this is a
private conversation.

No. Wh-What is it that you need?

I don't believe this.

Hey, I'm running
a business here.

Ricky manages my house band.

Sometimes a guy just
has to take care of things.

Oh, sure, take care
of everything but us.

You got a way with women, dude.

To sum up the major
points of this seminar:

One, Wilshire Memorial

has zero tolerance
for sexual harassment.

Two, if you are
brought up on charges,

the hospital will
not indemnify you,

meaning you pay
your own legal fees.

Three, we have a watch list.

Any questionable
behavior will land you on it.

Four, a major hospital
recently paid out

a ten million dollar settlement

and eight doctors
lost their licenses.

So, if you doctors feel
the need to date nurses,

or vice versa, get
out of medicine.

PETER: Young lady,

this is crap.

Dr. Burns, please
watch your language.

You can't govern human nature.

People are gonna date; they're
gonna fall in and out of love.

Not anymore.

Oh, bite me.

- (laughter)
- That is just the type

of behavior that
will not be tolerated.

Dr. Burns, as Chief of Staff,

it is your
responsibility to report

any and all misconduct.

I see.

Well, I'm a doctor, not a spy,

and this meeting is over.

Let's tell them, Peter.

Who are they to try

- to tell us who we can date, huh?
- I agree.

These are ludicrous,
police-state tactics.

Dr. Visconti, you're
already on the watch list.

Your intern-dating
days are over.

I'm on a watch list?

(scoffs) This is un-American.

Well, just try candy stripers.

They're not officially on staff.


Uh, listen, since you're
already in a bad mood,

there's something I
need to talk to you about.

- You got a minute?
- I'm going up north for a few days.

I need to be alone, Michael.

So, whatever you have to
say is gonna have to wait.

I don't know if it can wait;
you see, it's kind of urgent.

I did something I
shouldn't have done.

Well, put yourself on a
watch list then, Michael.

I don't really care; I
don't care about anything.

As a matter of
fact, in my absence,

I'd like you to take
over as Chief of Staff.

- Really?
- Yeah.

That way if anything goes wrong,

you can just pass the
buck like you always do.

- Oh, here you go.
- Oh.

Yeah, Burns.


S-Sorry, Dr. Burns.

- Thanks, Dr. Mancini.
- I'm on my way.

Mm, fresh meat
from pediatrics, huh?

Grade A, and what a package.

Looks can be deceiving, Michael.

You know, once you
rip open that package,

you never know
what you might find.

Dr. Reed to Pysch Services.

Dr. Reed to Psych Services.

- LEXI: You're late.
- MEGAN: I know.

I was up until after
midnight; I had a date.

Remember? I was
fronting for you,


I don't know what else
you'd call it except for weird.

Never mind. How was he?

You know, I thought
he was kind of sweet.

But you would think he was dull.


Anyway, there's always tonight.

- Who's up next?
- You.

I think this is a stupid plan.

I can't find Mr. Right
for you, okay?

Come on, Megan,
you're my best friend.

Nobody else knows
me like you do.

Right, so tell me,

why are you so scared
to meet these guys?

I have work to do, okay?

You know what, you say you're
lonely and you want a man,

but you're not willing to
risk getting to know anyone.

Maybe I didn't make
myself very clear.

I won't date more than one guy.

But you find me
Mr. Right, honey,

I will take a lot of risks.

You know what,
finding the perfect guy

for you is not easy, all right?

What might be perfect for
me is not perfect for you.

Okay, all right.

How about a little hint?

More Ryan McBride,
less Peter and Coop.

Come on, Megan.

I've already had
two strikes, honey.

One more, I'm out for good.

Lexi, come on.

No, Megan, I am
totally serious about this.

I just can't handle
any more rejection.

Or betrayal or disappointments.

I mean, God, do
you know what it's like

to always be second
best or runner-up?

You don't, do you?

(scoffs) You're a lucky girl.

You know what, Mr. Right
is out there for you.

But he can't fall in love

with you if you're
hiding behind me.

I just need a
little bit more time

to get myself prepared, okay?

Come on, be a pal.

Okay, okay, for now,
but you know what,

I have a feeling I'm
not doing you a favor.


(indistinct P.A. announcement)

- Dr. Mancini?
- Yes?

Um, the way you handled
that burn patient just now

was just incredible.

Yeah, I was good, wasn't I?

You were better than good.

We're lucky to have you around.

Will you put your eyes back
where they belongs, Doctor?

Please, Amy, I'm a
happily married man.

Oh, yeah.


And here's my wife now.


(noisy kiss)

- Hello.
- You see, happily married.

Good night, Amy.

Michael, why would Amy

think our marriage
is in trouble?

Oh, she doesn't, she
doesn't think at all.

She just believes
everything she hears,

especially at sexual
harassment seminars.

Michael, you're not
harassing Amy, are you?

Oh, please, honey,
she's not exactly my type.

(laughs) Okay, so you're
not harassing anyone?

Hmm-mm, not as long
as I have you to harass.


You know, Amanda sent
us to one of those seminars.

It was really becoming
kind of a big problem.

I mean, I was harassed
by Alex Bastian.

Right, but you took care of it
person-to-person, you know?

It's those sue-happy malcontents
who see sexual harassment

as an alternative
to their (k).

Hey, let's go out for
dinner tonight, huh?

- Honey, no, we're broke.
- We have credit cards.

Which have to be paid
at the end of the month.

Yeah, so, who says we
won't be back in the black

by the end of the month?

I don't know about you,
Jane, but when I knock,

- the universe always answers.
- Yeah.

WOMAN: Excuse me, sir.

We're closing.

Oh, I'll be done in a minute.

Hey, the murdering cheerleaders?

I know all about that case.

A rich girl, poor girl,
best friends, both babes.

Make a cool flick.

Right. Well, I-I
already know that part.

Okay, well, my big brother
went to high school with them

and the dead jock.


What kind of guy was he?

Uh... major hunk.

Captain of the football team.

Loaded. His family... they
own everything in this town,

including the biggest
house. It's insane.

No kidding. You wouldn't happen

to have an address for
that house, would you?

Yeah. No, I-I can't give
you that information.

Like I said, we're
closing. Um...

Well, if it's the
biggest house in town,

it shouldn't be too
hard to find, right?

That's your business.

You got two minutes, max.

It's my butt if
you stay too long.

MEGAN: Thank you.



What kind of client gives you
a ride home on his motorcycle

and then kisses you good night?

Were you, uh... were
you watching us?

No, I was working
on my car out back,

and I happened to be walking by.

- You jealous?
- No.

I'm curious, and I'm
waiting for an answer.

Did you have a bad
day... or something?

Or something.

Well, um...

maybe I could fix that.

Maybe you could come inside,

and you could
take your clothes off

and maybe fix a glass of wine

and take a hot shower.

(soft sighing)

Mmm. Come on, come on.


God... in here.

I missed you so much.

Well, I have been here.

I know. I am so sorry.

Lexi has been having
me work these long hours.

- Right. Lexi, the big project.
- (clearing her throat)

Have I done
something to upset you?

I don't know. You tell me.

I'll tell you.

You... go pour the wine.

Mmm. I'll start the
water, and, um...

(whispering): you can
take your clothes off, too.

(faucet squeaking,
water pouring)


"Dear Ms. Lewis, we
are pleased to inform you

"that your application for an
number has been processed?

As requested, your
anonymity will preserved..."

What's she need
an number for?

(dial tone)

(touch tones sounding)

(phone ringing through)

MEGAN: Looking for the
woman of your dreams?

Look no more. Just
leave your number.

I'll do the rest.

(phone beeps off)

MEGAN: Ryan,
what's taking so long?

Um, I just got paged.

Uh... I got a work emergency.

I'll-I'll have to
call you later.

(door closes)

(chatter and soft
music playing inside)

(doorbell ringing)

- Hi.
- Oh.

Are you Mrs. Damarr?

Yes, but I don't
think I know you.

I would never forget a
handsome face like yours.

Oh, thank you.

I can see you're having a party.

I-I hate to bother you, but,
um, I'm Dr. Peter Burns.

Oh. Oh, oh, the new
doctor at the hospital.

Oh, come in, come in.

Let me show you off,

get you acquainted
with all the right people.

That's my husband.

You can meet him later.

Ah, a glass of
champagne, Doctor.

That'll get you started.

What I'd really
like, Mrs. Damarr,

is a moment of
your time, if I could.

Oh, and over there
are the Spencers.

He's the town sheriff.

You slip him a hundred,

you'll never get a
speeding ticket. (laughs)

Oh, excuse me, Doctor.

I must confer with the help.

It's hard to find good help,

especially since my husband
gives them sex as a gratuity.

Is that your son?


PETER: He looks a
lot like your husband.

That's Kent, my only child.

He died.

I'm sorry. That must
be very difficult for you.

Oh, I'm sure
you'll hear about it.

He was m*rder*d
by his whore girlfriend.

Trailer trash.

She only wanted
him for his money.

I-I warned him, but she
had this hot little body.

He just couldn't resist.

Like father, like son.

My, you're direct.

Why did she k*ll him?

If she wanted the money,
why didn't she just marry him?

Oh, please.

As if we would have
ever welcomed that slut

into this family.

No, like all men,

Kent eventually found
somebody else to tickle his fancy.

You ask a lot of questions.

introduce us, Gloria.

I'd like to know who's drinking
my liquor and eating my food.

GLORIA: Uh, this is Peter Burns,

the new doctor at the hospital.

I don't think so.

I was just introduced
to Dr. Gianopolis

a moment ago at the bar.

I'm just passing through.

Well, if you're not
on our guest list,

I suggest you leave now.

I still have a few questions.

Oh, well, so do I!
Who the hell are you?

I'm Eve Cleary's husband.

Get out.

Get out of my house!

Want me to take
care of this, Richard?

I'm here to find out the truth.

The truth?

Your wife is a
cold-blooded k*ller.

Now, that is the truth.

(crowd murmuring)

Just get him out
of here, Sheriff.

With pleasure.

I'll see myself
out... thank you.

Get your hands off me.

- (grunting) -SHERIFF:
Now, you stay away from here.

And you tell that lying
bitch of a wife of yours,

if she ever shows
her face in this town,

she'll be really sorry.

MICHAEL: Thanks for the
ride, honey, and good luck with

your appointment today.

Honey, maybe you should
think about trading in your car.

It's always in the shop.

Yeah, but at the moment,
I can't afford a new car.

- I mean, I can't even afford a used car.
- Yeah.

But there's always the bus.

So, will you let me know
what Dr. Moore has to say?

Sure. I mean, she'll
probably just say

I'm healing nicely
from my surgery.

- I hope.
- What time do you want me to pick you up?

Um, I'm gonna be working
late, so I'll take a cab.

Better yet, you better
fax me the bus schedule.

- Mm, all right.
- Mmm.

- Bye, honey.
- Love you.

Love you.

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Dr. Lindsay to room...

- Oh, hi.
- Yeah.

Can you sign this
for me, please?

Sure. Um...

This what you
need? Oh, there it is.


- I, just, I...
- Yeah.

Usually can find it
pretty easily, but...

MAN (over P.A.): Dr. Williams...

MICHAEL: Oh, thank you.

I picked it out
myself, actually.



I'm a friend of Eve's.


I saw you at the
Damarrs' last night.

They send you
here to finish the job?

No. Look, I'm here because...

like-like I said, I knew Eve.

Can I come in?

Look, um... people
around here don't like

to talk about what happened.

See, uh, Damarrs...
They got all the money.

They dole out the jobs, they
got their hands into everything.

That's why the sheriff was
so gracious last night, hmm?

MAN: Yeah, well, um,

don't believe everything
Old Lady Damarr told you.

Eve was a nice girl.

Nice girl who
k*lled her boyfriend.

That's... that's
not the way it was.

Look, I played football
with Kent Damarr.

A real pig.

The night he was k*lled,
he bragged to all of us

that he was gonna nail this
real looker, Amanda Woodward,

Eve's friend, after the game.

See, Kent had
this thing for her.

I mean, hell, I
mean, we all did.

I know her.

Well, his exact words were,

"Whether Amanda
likes it or not."

Anyway, Eve happened
to see the two of them

in the bleachers, and...

when she realized that Kent
was going to r*pe Amanda...

Look, she was just
protecting her friend, that's all.

You didn't tell
anybody about this?

I told the sheriff, the D.A.,

but the Damarrs let it be known

that anybody who crossed
them was gonna go down, too.

My dad worked for them.

He made me back down.

I, um...

I always regretted it.

That-that's all I have to say.


do me a favor.

Tell Eve I'm sorry.

She got a bum wrap.




- Hey.
- Hey.

- Um...
- What's going on?

Yeah, what's going on?

You, uh, didn't return my calls,
you never came back last night.

Well, Amanda, piled
all this work on me and...

Um, I can relate.

I, uh... I have to cancel
our plans for tonight.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, me, too.

Well, I guess there's a
lot of money at stake, huh?

- What do you mean?
- Well, your business...

It's all about economics, right, I
mean, bringing home the bacon?

Listen, you know what?

I'm gonna have to
call you later, okay?


(wolf whistle)

There's a Betty. (chuckles)

What do you want?

Kyle's not here.

Hey... you're that
Wall Street dude, right?

You ever hear my
band play at Hell's Gate?

- No.
- Well, Kyle dug that dive, man.

We partied hard till his
old lady busted up our fun.

I work for the old lady.

Oh, hey, I'm gone, man.

I just wanted you to
give this to the man.

That's for his eyes only, right?


(door closes)


EVE: Peter.

What are you doing here?

Looking for you.

I was doing the same thing.

So, what's it feel like?


Be back at the
scene of the crime.

I was just...

trying to imagine what
it was like that night.


You know what happened.

I k*lled Kent Damarr.

I pushed him over the bleachers.

It's public record.

Yeah, it is.

I went to the library
and I... I read about it.

But you know what they say...

You can't always
believe what you read.

And what do you believe?

(siren wailing)

(garbled radio transmission)

(officer speaks indistinctly)

You're trespassing
on private property.

PETER: Don't tell me.

Mr. Damarr owns the school, too.

Now, you shouldn't
have come back,

and as far as I'm concerned,

you should never have
gotten out of prison.

I served my time.

And after the
sheriff arrests you,

you're going to serve even more.

PETER: Oh, is that
what you call justice?

Is that the way it
works around here?

The guy with the most
money makes the rules?

I told you what'd happen if that
murdering tramp showed her face.

And I don't take
well to threats.

- Peter, just go.
- This girl didn't m*rder anyone.

She was protecting
her friend from your son.

Everybody in this town knows it,

but they're too
afraid to say anything.

I suggest that you deal with the
fact that your son was a r*pist,

instead of punishing the
person who paid for his crimes.

As for you, you lay one
hand on me and my wife,

and I give you my word,

somebody else will be
wearing that badge tomorrow.

Come on.

Did you really mean
what you said back there?

Every word.

Let's go home.

Hey, what the hell?

You doing dr*gs now?
Is that what's going on?

You know what? Do... keep your
nose out of my business, Ryan.

No, no, you're my brother,
that makes it my business.

No, no, that just
makes us related.

I'm out of here.

Aah! Wish the old
man were here right now

to see his w*r hero son

popping pills,
wasted off his ass.

He'd be so proud.

- Don't mess with me, Ryan.
- Or what?

- I could always take you.
- I don't think so, Kyle.

I came to L.A. to have
a relationship with you.

Now, I'd rather sh**t
hoops or watch football,

but, God, I'm here
for the dark days, too.

Get the hell off of me.


You need what's in there.

You're hooked on that junk.



I don't need anything or anyone,

and that includes
you, little brother.


called you all together

to make an announcement.

As acting chief of
staff, I've decided to fill

the newly vacant position
of head floor nurse,

and so the title, the raise,
and the unquestionable prestige

goes to Nurse Amy.

- Congratulations.
- Aw... -AMY: Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Make me proud.

Let's give her a
round of applause.

- You bastard!
- Ow.


- Michael...
- Peter, Peter, what are you doing here?

How was your trip?

Why did she slap you?

I think it was envy.

I just promoted Amy, you know.

She has seniority.

Audrey flipped, you know.

She wants the position, I guess.

I've only been gone
hours, Michael.

Well, the hospital
is still standing.

Nobody died.

Let me rephrase that...
We didn't k*ll anybody.

Oh, God, does this mean
I don't get my promotion?

No, Amy, you've
got your promotion.

Nurses, continue.

NURSE: You don't have
to worry, Amy, you earned it.

NURSE : You really
did, you deserve it.

Audrey, uh,
listen, I, uh, I know

that not getting that
promotion can sting a little bit.

I earned it, Dr. Burns.

Well, you've only been on
the floor for a couple weeks.

Amy's been here a lifetime.

Well, then, Dr. Mancini had
no right making those promises.

What promises?

(elevator bell dings)

Audrey, what did
Dr. Mancini promise you?

The world.

He promised me the world.

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Pediatrics, Waiting Room South.

RYAN: Hey, Lexi.

LEXI: Hey, Ryan.

RYAN: Is, uh, Megan around?

Sorry, lover, you
just missed her.

Oh, well, that's good
because I wanted to talk to you

about her.

Really? Hmm.

You want some noodles
or some moo shu?

No, no, I'm, I'm
okay, um, thanks.

Has she said anything
about dating other guys,

um, or not being
ready for a relationship?


Why, you two having
some problems?

Are you having sexual problems?

Come on, tell me, I
can handle the details.

We're having sexual
problems, as in no sex at all.

Ouch, that's a problem.

She's out every night.

We barely talk anymore.

I just don't feel like these
are problems I should ignore.

Do you?

Ryan, what's really
bothering you?

My noodles are getting cold.

I think maybe
Megan's hooking again.

Oh, please.

Ryan, come on.

Megan, my star account
exec, hooking again?

Honey, not on my payroll.

Besides, Megan would
rather jump off a building

than go back to that lifestyle.


Yeah, look, if it makes
you feel any better,

Sterling Conway
has a very strict policy

about no moonlighting,

and if I thought that she
was hooking again, honey,

I would have kicked her
ass out a long time ago.

What was I thinking?


Actually, I think I'm
getting my appetite back.

Well, here, help yourself.

There's some extra chopsticks.

- You sure?
- Mmm.


I appreciate you
talking to me about this.

It's my pleasure.

(door closes)

Hi, Peter.

(clears throat) Bye, Peter.

Stop right where
you are, Michael.


Look, i-if this is about
the children's foundation...

You know damn
well what this is about.

Well, look, I never
meant it to get this far.

I mean, just give me some
time, I swear I can make it right.

How, when you make
promises you can't keep?

Michael, just tell me that
you didn't make them in bed.

Tell me that Audrey
is not going to slap us

with a sexual
harassment lawsuit.

Audrey, oh.

(laughing): This
is about Audrey?

She's a wacko.

The woman is totally unstable.

Which is why it's even
more unbelievable to me

that you would promise
this woman a promotion.

- She said that?
- Yes,

and she inferred that there
were more than words exchanged.

Oh, please.

I'm still on my honeymoon.

I mean, you were my best
man and you're my best friend.

It insults me that you
would even think that.

Our friendship will mean
nothing if you go on that watch list

because I won't be
able to protect you.

Now, consider yourself warned.

AMANDA: Peter, you're back.

Um, have you seen Eve?

Yeah, everything's
fine, no thanks to you.

Wha... you know what?

How did I become the bad guy?

I'm the one that got you
two together in the first place.

Only because you
wanted me out of your life.

Well, congratulations,
it worked.

You know, I am so sick of
everyone shutting me out,

blaming me for their misery.

I mean, what is this,
Dump on Amanda Month?

Well, here's a novel approach.

(slams briefcase)

Maybe you deserve it.

I went to Oakhurst,
I met the Damarrs,

I found out the truth about Eve,

and in a roundabout
way, I guess I found out

the truth about
you, too, didn't I?

What's that supposed to mean?

No one had the guts to
stand up to those people.

No one had to guts to stand
up for Eve, including you,

her friend that she
risked everything for.

Oh, no, I tried.

I testified on her behalf.

I did everything I could
to keep her out of prison.

Except share the blame.

Everything you've done for
Eve has been done out of guilt.

You go free, she loses
years of her life.

How do you really
feel about that?

(unlocking door)

- Amanda?
- I guess you're wondering

why I'm here.

Yeah, the architect called,
he told me to meet him here.

I know, I asked him to call you.

We have to decide what we're
going to do about the house.

I mean, do we keep on building?

Do we sell the lot?

(quietly): Yeah.

It's off to a good start.

So was our marriage.

(quietly): Yeah.

If I put too much pressure
on you about the baby,

this house, I-I can back off.

And-and about New York,

I am so sorry I
didn't trust you.

I do. I-I should've given
you the chance to explain.

I miss you and I love you.

(sighs) I want
us to be together.


I want that, too.

Then come back home.

We can... we can work this out.

I've lost so much.

I-I don't want to lose you, too.

You haven't lost me.

(whispers): You haven't lost me.

(birds chirping)

Good morning.


Why do you feel you
couldn't be honest with me?

(Eve sighs)

How do you tell the man you
love that you were in prison?

I don't know, you just tell him.

You don't lie.

I gave you a
hundred opportunities.

I didn't think you
would understand.

I thought you would reject me.

Well, you should have
a little more faith in me.

You're right.

I should have.

I'm sorry.

(sighs) I just love
you so much, I-I...

I didn't want to lose you.

I don't want to
lose you, either.

- (knocking)
- Uh-huh, yeah. I'll...

I'll call you as soon as I
get to the office, all right?

- Hi.
- Ryan.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Look, um... I don't know
how else to say this,

- so I'm gonna be blunt.
- Okay.

- Are you hooking again?
- What?

You have an
number, a hotel suite,

I see you out with a different
guy every night... I mean...

I even saw you at the Stage Bar
last week, money changing hands.

- (laughs)
- It's not funny, Megan.

No, I know it's not funny.

It's... it's sad that you would
assume the worst about me,

that you would think that I
would ever go back to that.

What am I supposed
to think? I mean,

we're spending all
this time together,

I fall in love with you,
and all of a sudden

you're canceling
our dates, dating!

Did you just say you
fell in love with me?


I've been in love with you
since our first night in the desert.

- Really?
- Yes. I do love you,

and I know we can work
this out; we can get you help.

You know, it took you
a long time to say it.

I didn't know if
you'd say it back.

Oh, I love you.

Wait, wait, before we get
all carried away with this,

there's still a whole issue.

No, no, I-I-I'm...

I'm not sleeping with those men.

I'm interviewing them.

Interviewing them? For what?

For Lexi.

When I talked to
Lexi, she said that...

No, it's, um, it's not a
project for the agency.

It's-it's personal, for her.

It's, um...

I'm finding her Mr. Right.

You're joking.

No, no, she's been burned

so many times, she decided

to approach this whole
dating thing scientifically.

Which is why we
have the questionnaire

and the interviews,
and it's-it's like a...

a game show,
and... I'm the host.

So, the guys you
were dating were...

Were contestants.

(laughs): Oh, no.

And that questionnaire

- that I filled out?
- Yes, you were my guinea pig.

This is... this is nuts,
you know that, right?

(laughs): Yes.

But, you know, when
Lexi wants something...

Oh, no, I get that,
I just don't know...

I don't know why you did it.


because of you.


you made me believe

that there's a perfect
mate for everyone.

- Hm.
- And I want Lexi to be as happy as I am.

You really think I'm perfect?



But don't let it go
to your head, okay?


MEGAN: Mm. Mm.

It's a simple question, Michael.

How much money is in
the children's foundation?

Well, to the
penny, I'm not sure.

Well, then to the dollar.

Well, it's in my computer.

Look, to be honest, I
just took over as treasurer,

and I'm gonna need a couple
of weeks to sort things out.

I mean, no offense,
Peter, but, uh,

the books were a disaster.

Ballpark, Michael;
just give me a figure.

Okay, um, $ , .

Dr. Burns, I need
to talk to you.

N-Nurse Williams,
this is a private meeting.

I'm sorry, Dr. Burns,

but I can't keep silent anymore.

Dr. Mancini wronged me.

Wha...? I never touched you.

Oh, right. The final indignity.

Dr. Mancini

promised me a
promotion in return for sex.

And it wasn't just
a one-shot deal,

he wanted it everywhere.

In the linen closet, O.R. Three,

- the on-call room.
- Michael?

- Peter, you know me. It's a lie.
- Dr. Mancini,

you are going to need a
better defense than "it's a lie."

I swear I never had sexual
relations with this woman.

Really? What would
you call it, then?

I slept with you, Michael.

I pleasured you in other ways,

and, God knows,
it's not like I find you

the least bit attractive!

Hey, hey, hey, I resent that.

And I resent you
for humiliating me,

lying to me, betraying me,

- using me.
- I think we've heard enough.

This is the wrong
forum for this discussion.

- Michael, could I see you outside, please?
- Sure.

I warned you, Michael.

Hey, how many times do I
have to say it? I'm innocent.

The woman's a nutcase.

But the board doesn't know that.

Right now they think
she's telling the truth,

and when they start
digging into your colorful past,

watch out, it's settlement time.

Peter, a wink in the hallway is
not an intimate encounter, okay?

I... I never laid my
hands on the woman.

Now, I may have
thought about it,

but thinking and doing are
two different things, aren't they?

I have no choice here, Michael.

Right now you're
suspended from the hospital,

pending a full investigation.


EVE: ♪ I know you can see ♪

♪ I'm in pain ♪

♪ Always remain ♪

♪ Lost ♪

♪ Out in the rain... ♪

(song ends)

(indistinct chatter)

- (whistling)
- Hey, hey!

(whooping, whistling)

- Hi.
- Hi.

I didn't think you were playing
with these guys anymore.

Eh, they said they'd
behave themselves.

So, what did you think?

I got to admit, you
sounded pretty good.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

You don't know much
your support means to me.

Yeah. You know what?

I'm gonna go...

fix my lipstick.

I'll see you later.

I think you owe me an apology.

- You're right, I do owe you an apology.
- Mm.

You were finally telling
the truth for a change.

Well, that was lame.

But it's accepted.

So, tell me, Peter,

are you really still
in love with her,

or are you just, um,
doing community service?

The old "Give the
Ex-Con a Home" program.

(laughs) Oh, you don't
know when to quit, do you?

Just so there's no
misunderstandings, I love Eve.

Well, just so there's
no misunderstandings

on your part...
I'm happy for you.

I've moved on.


You got someone
new in your life?

Not tonight.

Buy me a drink,
and we'll call a truce?

Come on. No hard feelings.




- Yes, sir?
- What'll you have?

I'll have a Sex on the Beach.


So, um...

want to, uh, order a
pizza or something?

No, I'm not really
hungry, you know.

I mean, unless you are?

No, no, I ate a late lunch.


Well, I'm almost done.

Oh, good.

(clears throat quietly)

How about, um,
watching some television?

There might be a game on.

Uh, no. No, I don't think

- there's a game on, not this late.
- Right.

Um... how about some music?

Yeah, music would be good.

♪ Angels sing ♪

♪ To send your love to me ♪

Maybe I should
change the station.

- ♪ And I've been blind ♪
- No.

- ♪ But now I see ♪
- It's okay, I like this song.

Me, too.

♪ And I can breathe ♪

♪ Now that you're here with me ♪

♪ You bring me joy ♪

♪ And you brought me peace ♪

♪ It's been so long ♪

♪ That love was about to leave ♪

♪ But now you're here ♪

♪ And my heart's relieved... ♪