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07x17 - When Cheerleaders Attack

Posted: 04/26/22 09:14
by bunniefuu
(birds singing)

Amanda, no one was
supposed to know.

Know what? Hey, what the hell
is going on here? Who was k*lled?

I want to know why you
were in prison and what

my wife has to do with this.

It's ancient history.

Somebody did die
years ago, but Eve paid for it.

EVE: Kyle, please.

All I want to do is
go on with my life.

I want to marry Peter.

Good. I'll get him up
here for story hour.

- No.
- No. No. Peter can't know.

- Then somebody better start talking.
- All right.

- Amanda!
- AMANDA: It was

years ago.

Eve and I were in high school

- right down the road from here.
- (Eve sighs)

(camera shutter squeals)

Eve's boyfriend was quarterback

of the football team.

Richest boy in school.

He thought he was God's gift.

(footsteps approaching)

I got your message, you
wanted to talk about Eve.

Yeah, Amanda,

wanted you to be the first one
to know... I'm gonna dump her.


I wanted to give you a
chance at the super bod here.

- (Amanda scoffs)
- Had my eye on you.

Not interested.

- Sure you are.
- (Amanda screams)

First of all, you are a
conceited, spoiled creep.

And second of all, Eve is my
best friend, and she loves you.

Oh, yeah. I know
you've been watching me.

Those are the legs I
see down in practice.

- Let go of me, you jerk!
- Come on.

Forget above Eve. I
know you want me.

- Just shut up and enjoy it.
- (Amanda screams) Let go!

He would have r*ped
me if Eve hadn't shown up.

I saw them.

Amanda was fighting him...

so I yelled.

Kent, what are you
doing? Let her go!

(Eve yells, Kent grunts)

Get off of me!

You're just a poor
pathetic piece of trash!

Don't say that. You love me.

I just use you to drive
my parents crazy.


EVE: I pushed him.

I hated him so much right then
for what he was doing to you

and what he was saying to me.

(Kent grunts, Eve yells)


- (thudding)
- Oh, God.


(camera shutter
repeatedly squeals)

He didn't move.

I knew he was dead.

I panicked and ran all the
way home and hid in my room,

and if I stayed, maybe
I could have talked Eve

into calling the police.

Or maybe I would have
talked you into helping me,

and then we both would have
been put away for years.

(sighs) See, I knew
there'd be trouble.

(camera shutter squeals)

His parents hated
me, my whole family.

I wasn't good enough.

The only time I was
inside their house

was when Kent
snuck me in for sex.

He thought it was a big joke.

(crickets chirping)

I was afraid no one
would believe me.

I wanted to make it look
like an accident. I-I mean,

he'd been drinking.

Maybe people would think

he'd fallen into one of
the construction ditches.


But someone saw me.

- Stand back.
- (overlapping chatter)

EVE: I was arrested.

- (overlapping shouting)
- Watch your head.

Oh, no questions.

EVE: They found Amanda's
bracelet in Kent's hand,

and she was arrested, too.

Right here.

WOMAN: Do you have any
comments on what's happened?

AMANDA: My parents
could afford good lawyers.

My charge was

reduced, and I got off.

But Kent's parents
wanted somebody to pay.

AMANDA (sighs): I testified
that Eve was trying to protect me,

but no one believed me.

The lawyers made me out

to be some kind of a
whore, a gold digger.

They said it was premeditated,

that I knew Kent
was gonna dump me.

They gave me years.

I was paroled after .

So you guys were best friends,

and then, you
don't see each other

until Eve shows up at
the club looking for a job?

EVE: No.

I was in prison just
outside San Francisco.

Amanda came to
visit me once a month,

every month for
the last years.

All those trips
to San Francisco.

Eve and I made a
pact not to tell anyone.

Matt was the only who knew

'cause he was counseling
AIDS patients at the prison,

and he saw me one day.

So that's what was on
the missing journal page.

Peter has a right to know.

EVE: Kyle, please.

It's in the past.

It's over. It's not
who I am anymore.

No. Eve, your past
makes you who you are.

If you're not gonna
tell him, I am.

Kyle, Eve lost years
because she was protecting me.

I think she deserves
some happiness.


You've got to keep our secret.

KYLE: Look, I am

sorry that you went through
this, Eve. It sounds awful,

but you can't get married
to Peter without telling him.

- He's got a right to know.
- No!

Kyle, if you won't do it
for Eve, then do it for me.

- It's not about that.
- AMANDA: If people find out

that I'm connected to a m*rder,

it's gonna effect
my business, our life.

I mean, people believe the
worst, whether it's true or not.

- Is that what you want for me?
- KYLE: No.

No, I-I don't want
you to get hurt,

or Eve, or anybody else here.

Then there's no choice.

For me, please.

- All right.
- (Eve sighs)

I won't say anything.

Thank you.

(Amanda sighs)

Come on. We've got a
wedding to get ready for.






Well, finally. I didn't think
anybody was coming.

Thought we were gonna have
a Jane-Michael wedding here.

No. We are, uh,
right on schedule.

Good, good, good.

Well, I never had any doubts.


♪ And you give me
the strength to go on ♪

♪ To live my life ♪

♪ And I know that I'll
always be thankful ♪

♪ For what you've given to me ♪

♪ In you I've found
courage to hold on ♪

♪ To everything I believe ♪

♪ I will always love you ♪

♪ With every beat of my heart ♪

♪ I do. ♪

Peter, I never thought
this day would come.

All the heartache and sadness

that touched my life
before has vanished.

Now all I feel is joy.

I love you, Peter.

I promise to love you forever.

Eve, I pledge my love to you.

And I promise that our
future will be together forever.

Why don't you say
what you have to say?

Because I'd really like to kiss

- my bride now.
- Well,

uh... (clears throat)

By the power vested in me, I
pronounce you husband and wife.

♪ I will always love you ♪

♪ With every beat of my heart ♪

♪ I do... ♪

Hi, Dr. Moore. This
is my friend Megan.


Um, I drove Jane here.

I'd like to stay, if you
don't mind, just for support.

That's fine. Have a seat.


Jane, the results of your biopsy
are not what I had hoped for.

You mean I have cancer?

I mean, the results
were inconclusive. I'd like

to recommend a lumpectomy

so we can further
assess the situation.

It's minor surgery.

What we do is excise the
entire lump from your breast.

If it's benign, we'll celebrate.

If it's malignant,

we'll have some decisions
to make... about chemo,

about the possibility
of a mastectomy.

When would you like to do this?

MOORE: I'd like to clear it for

the end of the week?

The sooner, the better.

We'll, um... we'll
stay positive.

Um, Dr. Moore,
I'd like to ask you

a favor, not to say
anything to Michael.

Um, we're not
speaking, at least civilly.

It's a big hospital.

He doesn't have to know.

Thank you.


Look at you... The
eternally-tortured Dr. Burns

looking positively happy.

Well, I have you to thank.

You're the one who orchestrated
getting me and Eve together.

You can't orchestrate love.
You must know that by now.

- Yeah.
- And this is the way it should be.

Everyone married
to the right person.

(Eve sighs)

Hey, Kyle, I just want to
thank you for what you did.

It meant everything to me.

I just hope that we
can all be friends.

- I hope that we can be, Eve.
- PETER: Kyle.

- Hey.
- Thank you again for being my best man.

- I appreciate it.
- Hey, no problem.

I guess we'll see
you guys back in L.A.?

Yeah. Amanda, I'll call
you when we get back.

Behave yourself. No, on second
thought, don't behave yourself.

(Kyle clears his throat)

I know you're not sure
we did the right thing...


But see how happy they are?

Yeah, but you know what?

If it's one thing I
know about secrets

it's that they don't
stay secret forever.

They always seem
to find the light of day.

When Peter finds
out about this one,

I know I don't
want to be around.

Well, he won't.

That's just the
way it'll have to be.


WOMAN (over P.A.):
Dr. Neil to Cardiology...

Oh, well, if it
isn't the Jezebel.

What are you doing here?

Interviewing my colleagues
so you can get some dirt

- on me for your crazy lawsuit?
- Oh, didn't you hear?

Alex Bastian was
here having a physical.

I just ravaged him
in his hospital gown.


Oh, that's a real
knee slapper, Jane.

You know, I love
your sense of humor,

and you're gonna need it
for the deposition tomorrow.

Uh, hi, Michael, how you doing?

- Um, Jane, you ready to go?
- Yeah.

H-Hey, w-wait, what's
with this chummy

"Jane, you ready to go?" thing?

Megan and I are
going out to lunch.

Yeah, lunch.

Really? Well, this can't be

about an innocent
burger and fries.

Why else would two
ex-wives of mine go out

if they weren't out to get me?

You know what? I forbid it.

(both scoff)

Don't laugh.

- He forbids it.
- Yes, the, uh, the king speaks.

Well, Jane, let's go
before he beheads us.

- Wait a minute.
- You know what, Michael?

Touch me again, I will
file a harassment suit

against you, too.

- You are getting scary, Jane.
- I had a good teacher.

AMANDA: I don't want
to go to work tonight.

- (babies crying)
- KYLE: What was that?


All right, I want to see
the Spanta twins again,

also the Nelmans.

Uh, all other group
two, you're released.

Group three, I need
those forms filled out.

All right?

Uh, what is going on here?

The casting session from hell.

She's happy about it.

- Hi, hi.
- Hi.

RYAN: Okay, okay, okay.

Oh, my...

Amanda, thank God you're here.

I thought you said you had
everything under control.

After we hung up, the Flavor
Fun baby food people called.

They decided against the
twins they chose last week.

They weren't jolly enough.

- Oh.
- The sh**t is tomorrow.

How do you make
these things stop crying?

Uh, there is not a
button that you push.

Uh, I'm definitely not
ready for parenthood.

Aah, don't even think about it.

You're elected, bro.

Uh, hi, buddy.

Look at these figures.

If we don't find the
baby face today,

we're out the studio money,

- photographer, props, wardrobe.
- Do you see up there?

Is that the moon?

Do you see the moon?

That's the light.

You're such a good girl,
yes. You're such a good girl.

What do you see, huh?

What do you see, huh?

What do you see?

(baby cooing)


Michael, I'm working,
what do you want?

You know, Megan, I
thought you were my friend.

I helped you escape

your parents' Napa
Valley garden parties,

I helped you out with Coop,

I married you when
you were a hooker.

I, I helped you start
a whole new life.

So why, why do you take
Jane's side against me?

Michael, why does everything
have to be about you, all right?

All right, all right,

the other day you
told me Jane had

a personal problem.

What is it?

Michael, please leave.

Fine, fine, okay, make me guess.

All right, so, worse
than our divorce...

Okay, what would that be?

A life,


Oh, my God.

Jane's having a baby?

Hey, is it Alex Bastian's?

Because I'm gonna k*ll him
and I'm gonna k*ll her in court.

I-I'm not going to
give her a penny,

I'm telling you right now.

Oh, boy, all that denying.

"Oh, I didn't sleep with
Alex, I swear, Michael."

Oh, right, it's
blown up in her face.

She's having that
Viking worm's baby?

Michael, stop it.

She's not pregnant, okay?


- No.
- Well,

then what is it? I mean,

why else do two women hold
each other's hands in a hospital?

Megan, is she sick?

Is Jane sick?

I can't tell you.

Now, look, you know, I
work there, I have access.

I can find out
whatever I want to

and I'll raise hell until I do.

Michael, Michael, wait, wait.


All right.

This is what's going on.

Jane has a breast tumor

and she's going in for
surgery at the end of this week.


Um, what did her doctor say?

Is it, um, is it malignant?

They don't know yet.

EVE: Our first night

as husband and wife.

How are we gonna
make this memorable?

Well, I have a couple of ideas.

(Eve moans)

LEXI: I took the first
flight I could get, Doctor.

I figured out, our conversation
should continue face to face.

Well, body to body.

- Lexi.
- Oh, my God.

What is she doing here?

- Me?
- What are you doing here?

Oh, well, I thought you were
here to grieve for your father.

No, I-I came here
to get married to Eve.

But, wait a minute, on
the phone this morning

- I told you that I loved you.
- What?!

Ah, the phone went dead
before I could tell her about

- the wedding.
- Have you completely lost your mind?

You don't even know her.

I'm not the one
who's here uninvited,

naked, with a-a-a robe
wrapped around her...

- You...
- who's about ready to get thrown

out of here on
her butt, come on.

- Come on!
- What is your...?

PETER: Move!

LEXI: You're hurting my arm.

You made a big
mistake coming here.

No, your mistake was
marrying that nobody.

Her name is Mrs. Burns.

Get used to it.


Your other mistake
was forgetting

that I know you had
Amanda kidnapped.

I could have you put
behind bars, buddy.

So if I say divorce
her, you will.


If I had Amanda kidnapped,

what do you think I
could have done to you?

Believe me, I'll do it.


She's never going to bother
us again, I promise you.

I knew everything
was too good to be true.

No, no, no.

No one, nothing is ever
going to come between us.


You trust me on that.

- Hmm?
- Mm-hmm.

- Hmm?
- Yeah.

- Trust me.
- Mm-hmm.

I'm in there selling my heart
out, waiting for you to jump in,

but your head is in some cloud.

Well, I was thinking
about something else.

More important than a
half million-dollar account?

Oh, well, I used to be
totally focused on that...

It's what turned me
on... But now I want

to spend more time with Kyle

and rearrange my life.


(tires screeching, horn honking)



Oh, my God.

Oh, I d... I didn't even see it.

You don't start paying
attention, Amanda,

you're not going to spend
another second with Kyle.

(Amanda sighs)

It's all right.

Then I poured lighter
fluid on my wedding dress

and burned it in the barbecue.

I think that completes
Jane's side of this deposition.

Clearly the damages she seeks

in this divorce are warranted

and the court will
surely recognize that,

and since your client has
failed to present himself,

we'll reconvene at a later date

- at Dr. Mancini's expense.
- (door opens)

Sorry I'm late, got
held up at the hospital.

Okay, so, uh, you all know
my name, et cetera, et cetera.

Here's the Bible.

I swear to tell the truth,

the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth, so help me God.

Lot of malpractice depositions.

Okay, now for the really
important questions.


All right, fine.

Is it not true that
you, Michael Mancini,

humiliated Jane and
caused her emotional stress

by verbally attacking
her at your wedding?

Well, technically it
happened at the reception,

but, yes, that is true.

But you admit you
publicly humiliated Jane?

Yes, I did.

It was a terrible thing to do.

Michael, I don't
think it's a good...

Mort, it's okay.
You were asking...?

Is it true you assaulted

a business client of
Jane's named Alex Bastian

and accused him of
carrying on an affair with her?

Hit him every chance I got.

Oh, no.

Dr. Mancini,

were you attempting
to seduce your ex-wife

on the night of your
marriage to Jane?

Well, in my own defense,

um, Megan, Megan
Lewis... L-E-W-I-S... uh,

was doing a little bit of the
seducing herself, but, you know,

she knows her stuff,
she used to be a hooker.

Excuse me, I need to talk
to Michael alone, please.

We'll be right outside.

(clears throat)

- What?
- You know, don't you? Did Megan tell you?

Look, Jane, due to
the circumstances...

Michael, you are not
backing off on your lawsuit.

Please don't get upset.

It's not good for you.

I am upset, Michael,

and the circumstances
don't change a thing.

We're going through
with this divorce,

and I'm gonna beat
you fair and square.

(door opens and closes)


♪ Sun is shinin' every day ♪

♪ Silver lining, well,
it's on the way ♪

♪ I've got a feeling
it's here to stay... ♪

Hey, give me another stinger.

I'm celebrating the
nuptial of Dr. Burns

and the little songbird.

Where's the happy,
happy couple, huh?

- Think it's time to cut you off, Lexi.
- Just like you

and your little happy wife, huh?

Where is she?

She at your apartment
making it all cozy for you?

(chuckles) Yeah, all you
happy couples make me sick.

Lexi, have some
coffee and go home.

Hey, want you to cut her off.

I'll be in my office
if you need me.

All right.

All right, everyone,
put your hands together,

get with the beat.


(clapping rhythmically)

Honey, I got the beat, which
is something I've noticed

that you particularly
have a lack of.

Oh, you're a real
laugh riot, lady.

You know what? I am so sick
of all these crappy love songs.

Don't you have anything
down and dirty like, um,

like "The Dumped One's Revenge"?

Why don't you get off the stage?

LEXI: No, no, no, because I have

something to say, okay?

- Love songs are bogus.
- (jeering)

Romance... it's bogus.

(laughing): Looking for love?

You can forget it...

because it's, it's, it's
like the Easter Turkey.

It's a fairy tale.

- Life sucks.
- WOMAN: Get off the stage.

- Hey, do you know that one?
- Lexi, Lexi, Lexi.

"Life Sucks"?


Hey, hey, come on down,
you're embarrassing yourself.

- Come on.
- Honey.

- She's wasted.
- Yeah, come on, help me get her offstage.

Let me tell you, this is nothing

compared to landing buck-naked

in the middle of someone
else's honeymoon.

(overlapping chatter)

Oh, look, it's Studly
Do-Right, huh?

- Come on.
- Get off me, I can walk just fine.

Thank you.

- (thud) -Oh!
- Come on, man.

(indistinct chatter)

- Come on, let's get you up.
- Lexi, are you okay?

Oh, my God.

(overlapping chatter)

Hey, you put me down.

Oh, I'm gonna scratch
your pretty-boy face off.

I got the nails to
do it; let me go.

Oh, gosh I've got
the car outside.

- I'm gonna take her home.
- Excuse us, excuse us.

- I'm gonna rip your nose off.
- Listen, Megan, I know

you're a competent, intelligent
woman, but I think tonight,

Lexi is more than
you can handle.

You know, I don't
need you, okay?

Hey, what's up here, Ryan?

You know what your pretty-boy
face needs? A black eye.

- Whoa!
- Aah!

(customers gasping)


Okay, maybe you're right.

I do need you.



Hopefully she'll sleep it off.

- All right, I'll stay.
- You don't have to stay.

I can stay.

No, I'll stay.

She's my friend;
really, you can leave.

(sighs) Okay, I get it.

You don't want me here.

In fact, you'd probably
prefer if I wasn't breathing.

So, I'll just catch a
cab; don't worry about it.

He's gonna k*ll me!

Oh, my God.

- Lexi!
- Somebody help me!

Get in the corner.

- Take my hand.
- Come on down.

Somebody help me;
he's gonna k*ll me.

Who? Wait, wait, Ryan?

Ryan's not gonna k*ll
you; we're here to help you.

No, not Ryan, you ninny, Peter.

Peter's gonna k*ll me.

Lexi, just take my hand.

He says if I don't
keep my mouth shut,

thumbs down for me.

Just 'cause I love him,
I get the thumbs down.

And he knows who to call.

He knows how to have it done.

Lexi, no.


Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God, you saved me.
- This is crazy.

You saved me.

Oh, my God.

You saved me.

I was gonna die,
and you saved me.

Oh, oh, my bed.

Oh, God, I love my bed.


AMANDA: Are you absolutely sure

that Kyle's not there?

He told me he'd be
at the club all night.

All right, well, have him call
me as soon as you see him.


You looking for me?


It's crazy; I feel like I'm...

I'm having a panic attack
or something, I just...

I wanted to be close to you.

Fancy that,

I was feeling the
same way, like I wanted

to feast my eyes upon you.

Did Ryan tell you that
I was almost run over

- by a truck today?
- What?

No, I mean, he, uh...

Here, sit down, babe; you okay?

Well, um,

I know this sounds strange,

- but I think it's another sign.
- Sign?

Like seeing you with the baby.

What are you
talking about, "signs"?

In the last few days things
have been happening

that seem important, like, like,
I'm supposed to pay attention.

Like seeing how wonderful
you look with a baby

and almost being run over.

And-and I think
it's another sign

to remind me that you never
know when your time is up.

I'm rattling on.

I am so sorry.

Shh, it's okay,

but we are gonna stop the panic.

- Okay?
- Okay.

I will make the
place nice and cozy.

You slip into something sexy.

Sounds perfect.

(mellow music plays)

I will get us

some wine.

Oh, my God.


What is it?

I'm out of birth control pills.

I forgot to order

my refill.

- It's another sign.
- You know, but I'm not sure

that I'm following.

It's time for us to make a baby.

(chuckles) You mean tonight?

♪ When you're
in it for love... ♪

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

I love you.

I want us to have a baby.

- Do you?
- Yeah.

♪ Nothing else
matters at all... ♪

You have made me

the happiest man in the world.

I love you so much.

♪ When you're in
it for love, baby. ♪

(birds sing, foghorn blows)

Oh, yeah?


Oh, God.

Well, we finally slept together.

Was it as good for
you as it was for me?

Very funny,

I could definitely
use some coffee.

Oh, gosh.


Hey, what you did for, um,

Lexi was really, really nice.

I mean, even though
you two do have a history.

Look, for the record,
nothing is going on now.

And the only reason
we ever got together

was because you rejected me.

Well, you know what, it's
really none of my business.

No, I don't mind
talking about it.

(clears throat)

- (groans)
- I would, uh...

I'd like to thank you two

for pulling me
through my last hurrah

as the pathetic Lexi Sterling.

Can't say it was a pleasure.

Yeah, well, starting today,

I'm going to pull myself
up by my bootstraps,

and I'm gonna
concentrate on business.

No more men.

Just money, power,

and success.


Hey, I saw that look.

What look?

- You don't believe me?
- Well, like they say,

actions speak a hell
of a lot louder than...

Yeah, okay, all right.

Fine, for my first good deed,

I knew you never
gave a hoot about me.

And the hardest thing

for me in our short and, well,
slightly perverse relationship

was knowing that you and Megan

belonged together.

I see it.

I mean, you guys have
this spark between you two.

It's electric.

Honey, when are
you gonna get together

and make some fireworks, huh?

You know, I really think
I have to go to work now.

- (door opens)
- Well, she didn't deny it.

(door closes)

Well, this is a nice surprise,

you stealing me away from
work in the middle of the day.

That's right. Can't a guy
take the mother of his children

to a picnic on the beach?

- Children?
- Yeah.

I-I think we should
start with just one.

No, see, I was thinking six.

I mean, you know,
we'll start off with Betty,

- and then we'll move on to Barney...
- Okay.

- (engine knocking)
- Oh, man.

Oh, no.

I didn't put gas in the t*nk.

So much for the picnic.

I'll call AAA.


Yes, we're on Bayview
Road, just above Canyon.

And bring a t*nk of gas.

- Picnic is on.
- Ooh.

Oh, it's amazing.


Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

That this would
be a perfect place

for us to build our dream house?

- Oh.
- Oh,

look at that.

- Oh.
- It's for sale.

Oh, you see that, it's destiny.

Destiny made us run
out of gas right here.



I... They've got to be kidding

God, that makes me crazy.

I mean, you and I both make
good money, we work hard.

It still doesn't come close
to buying a place like this.

- It's okay.
- No, baby,

I wish that I had
barrels full of cash

because I would
buy you the world.

I don't need the world.

I just need one of
those turkey sandwiches

in our picnic basket.

And you.

(door opens)

Where are we going?

It's a surprise.

We're almost there.

Come on.

These old wine
cellars, they've got a lot

of hidden tunnels and rooms.

The old goat that built this
was very protective of his wine.

Isn't this beautiful?

Here we are.

Only the privileged guests
get to use the private room.


I'm sorry, I-I know...

I know you went
through a lot of trouble.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I can't stay here.

- I got to get out of here.
- Sure, sure.

God, it won't open.

- Hold on.
- It won't open; it's locked.

This way, here, here. Eve?


I hate being closed in.

It's a...

It's a crazy kind of fear

that I'm gonna be locked
away and forgotten.

You must think I'm a mess.

No, no.

No, no, no.

I've ruined our honeymoon.

Everybody's afraid of something.


What are you afraid of?

Losing you.


(rock music playing)

♪ Better slow down ♪

♪ Fast girl ♪

♪ You're driving
everyone insane ♪

♪ You better slow down ♪

♪ Slow down, fast girl ♪

♪ Before you
crucify your brain... ♪

(clears throat)

Lexi, didn't I throw you
out of here last night?

Yeah, well, that
was the old Lexi.

I'm here to tell you
that you've seen

the last of my
pitiful lounge act

and to say that I am sorry.

I also want to apologize

for the rumors

and the bitch sessions

and blaming you for
Peter's loss of affection.

Well, the list goes on, but I
don't want to exhaust myself.

You see, I've had an epiphany.

I've realized that those
who are truly successful,

they're honest, and
they're trustworthy,

and they certainly don't make
fools of themselves in bars

or boardrooms, for that matter.

It's a bitch it's taken
me this long to realize it,

but better late than never.

I just wanted to let you know.

Thank you.

♪ Irrational, illogical... ♪


You buy any of that?

- Please.
- Yeah.

♪ Slow down... ♪

(dog barking in distance)

(gate closing)


Where were you?

You should be resting.

What are you doing
out at midnight?

I was driving around, thinking.

No law against that.

Listen, I looked
at your test results

and I checked your
mammograms and I called experts.

I want you to know
that I want to help you.

I'd love a glass of wine,

but I can't eat or
drink before surgery.


I'm still standing here.

You haven't kicked me out.

I've been standing here
for a whole seconds,

and I still have all my teeth,
and you haven't kicked me out.


Yeah, well, I-I don't
want to be alone tonight.

I'm scared.

Sure you are.

Let me stay with you.

I'll be here for you.

Hold me, Michael, please.

(seagulls calling)

This is private property.

Yes, sir, I know.

I'm only here for a minute.

I'm the one that made you the
offer on the land earlier today.

Oh, that's ridiculous.

I turned that offer down.

Yeah, I know, it was low,

but it was all the
money that I had.

Look, the agent told me

that you visit the land
every Friday afternoon.

How'd you get that out of her?

Took a little persuading.

You're determined, aren't you?

Sorry you wasted your time.

Yeah, well, I had to
give it my best shot

for my wife, Amanda.

You see, sir,

we were headed out
towards the beach,

and we ran out of gas
at the bottom of your hill,

and we saw the sign
and we thought that...

we thought maybe it was destiny.



Bunch of hogwash.

You don't believe
in signs, Mr. Hadley?


I don't really know
if I do, either, but...

my wife and I have
been noticing lately

that things are happening

that are making us
reevaluate our lives.

You see, the other day
she was almost run over.

It was a freak accident,
but I could've lost her

and she is the best thing

that has ever happened
to me in my life.

I'd do anything to
make her happy.

Sir, I want to build
her her dream house.

- Signs?
- Foolish, huh?

This property...

I bought this for my wife

to build a dream house.

Well, did you ever do it?

I mean, I don't
see a foundation...

The day we were
meant to break ground,

she died.

Freak car accident.

Oh. I'm sorry.

I couldn't build after that.

I couldn't bear to
think about selling it,

I wanted to move on,

but the time never
felt quite right.

Hey, well, I understand that.

I mean, the timing seemed right

for Amanda and I
to make the offer,

and dream about
raising a family here.

I wouldn't have been able
to get it out of my mind,

if I hadn't at least
given it a shot.

You thought it might
be destiny, huh?


Well, you can't
blame a guy for trying.

(car door closes)

LEXI: Call Smith and
Jay back tomorrow.

I want you to confirm Clancy
on the Checkered artwork.

And, uh, I want you
to send some flowers

over to Amanda's office for me.

- To Amanda?
- Yeah.

Roses. And, uh,
have the card read,

"Looking forward to a rosy
future as friendly competitors."

So it is true... You
did bury the hatchet.

Well, I tried.

I just don't know
if they bought it.

But I'm not letting my
Amanda guard down.

You know what they say,

"It's easier to get close
enough to s*ab a friend

than it is an enemy."

(whispers): Shh,
it's our little secret.

All work and no play
makes Megan a dull girl.

(phone rings)

Megan Lewis.

Figured you'd still be working.

Ryan, hi.

Can I help you?

Yeah, Amanda piled
all this work on me,

but I was thinking of
taking a dinner break,

if you, uh, if you'd
care to join me?

Come on, you can say it.

One syllable word... yes.

(Megan laughs)

No, I-I can't. I'm
really swamped.

Look, even your
boss thinks we should.

- All right, well, maybe next time, huh?
- Maybe?

That's the most
encouragement you've given me

in a long time, Megan.

I'm going to hold
you to "maybe."


(dial tone drones)

Good night.

(Amanda grunts)


Over here.


I got your message
to meet you here.

- What's going on?
- Oh, you know what,

I just, I couldn't get this
place out of my mind.

Oh, it's a beautiful spot,
but we can't afford it.


- Oh, wait a second, go back.
- What?

property is already sold.

Oh, man.

Well, that's a definite sign.

I mean, it's a real
sign and then it's a...

you know, it's a sign sign.

Let's stop torturing
ourselves and go home.


You know what?

Before we leave,

I think there's one more
sign that we should check out.

I don't believe it.

Believe it.

I talked to the owner.

Turns out we were the
right people at the right time.

It's ours?

- It's ours, baby.
- It's really ours?

It's our destiny.

(Amanda laughing)

(Amanda gasps)

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh

(door opening)

- Hey.
- Hey.

You must've heard
the great news.

Yeah, congratulations
on a clean bill of health.

- Thank you. Put them there.
- Sure.

(sighs heavily)

Michael, I, um...

You know, uh, when
you were in surgery,

a lot of stuff went
through my head.

First time I ever saw you,

our first date,
our first wedding.

You know, the good
times, the bad times.

Everything up until last night,

which I have to tell
you, I consider one of

the most important times
that we spent together.

- Michael...
- I mean,

it was, um, just you and me.

Not fighting, not making
love, just being together.

And, um,

well, it hit me
like a ton of bricks.

All this pettiness,
this mistrust,

you know, it has to end.

And as far as I'm
concerned, it has.

- Michael, about last...
- See, we're lucky

that we're married

so I can forgo the proposal

and we can get right
to the honeymoon.

Michael, stop.

- It's time to listen.
- Oh, yeah, sure.

Sure, go ahead.

Last night didn't change
my mind about us splitting up,

not being together.

But we're going to be together.

No, we're not.

At least not as
husband and wife.

Last night was about
me needing someone,

and I-I appreciate
you being there...

So I could've been anyone?

What I'm trying to say

is that I appreciated you
being there for me as a...

as a friend.

W-Wait a..., what
is this friend stuff?

Friend? I mean, what-what...

I'm your lover.

I'm your husband,
the guy you wanted

to spend the rest of your life
with up till a few weeks ago.

Jane, I just bared
my sole to you.

I love you.

Were you listening to that?

Michael, it's not going to work.

I don't want a life of turmoil.

I want peace and happiness.

Well, I can be as peaceful
and happy as the next guy.

But I don't want
to be your friend.

Maybe not now, but...

No, no, never.

Do you know why?

Because a friend won't pursue

the kind of messy divorce
that I'm going to throw at you.

Well, I am... I am going
to wipe you out, Jane.

I'm going to smear
your good name,

I'm going to make you
wish you never met me!

Damn it, how could
you do this to us?

(door opens)

I'll see you in court.

(door closes)


(wind whistling)

(rhythmic heartbeat)

(heartbeat grows louder)


(rhythmic heartbeat continues)


(rhythmic heartbeat continues)


Who is it?

(rhythmic heartbeat continues)

(Eve screams)

- No!
- Bitch!


What is it?

- (gasping)
- What happened?

Are you okay?


You just had a
nightmare, that's all.

(Peter sighs)

It's okay. It's all right.

It's okay.

It's all right. It's okay.