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07x16 - Lethal Wedding 4

Posted: 04/26/22 09:14
by bunniefuu
MICHAEL: Are you
okay? Anything broken?

- MEGAN: I'm dizzy.
- (Michael groans)

Oh, where are we?


What are you doing here?

This is my bedroom,

and no one is supposed
to be up on the roof.

They broke into my place.
That's how they got up there.

Our special place, huh,
Megan? The place I showed you.

Oh, and the powder room
at the wedding reception,

what was that, your
and Lexi's special place?

Listen, Jane, nothing
ever happened.

Oh, they were rutting like dogs.

I mean between
you and me, I mean.

Oh, right, Michael, lookit,
you're both half naked.

On my wedding dress,
on our wedding night!

Well, you wanted a divorce.

And where's Alex?

I figured you two lovebirds
would be married by now.

- Hey, everybody...
- (overlapping shouting)

- Everybody, relax!
- You know what,

I don't know who to call
first, ambulance or police.

Yeah, well, try a lawyer,
'cause that roof is unsafe.

- Yeah.
- Somebody could've been k*lled.

- Come on, Megan.
- You know what, Michael?

I was considering taking
you back, but you can forget it.

Oh, yeah, well who says I
even want to come back?

Go back to this pig?

Well, like they say,
once a hooker...

You are such...

(overlapping shouting)

(Jane screams)

(Ryan groans)

RYAN: Let go of
me, let go of me.

(Amanda shrieks)

(Megan moans)

KYLE: Hey.

- Okay, cool off, cool off.
- Let me go. Let the hell go.

Stop it, you guys.
Stop it, both of you.

(Jane sighs)

I never should've
come back to this town.

You might have a
very good point there.

(Megan moans)

MICHAEL: Easy, easy.

(Megan sighs)

Oh, my gosh, thank God, I
have a hide-a-key, Michael.

Are you... are you sure
you're all right, huh?

Nothing hurts anywhere.

Fine, just a few bruises

and I feel I just
can't stop trembling.

Oh, yeah, well,

I got a cure for that.

Michael, I don't believe it.

After everything that's
happened you want to make out?

Yeah, turn back
the clock a few ticks,

what's wrong with that?

- Come on.
- When we were upstairs, I was drunk,

and now I'm sober.

Listen, I want you
out of here, okay?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

This has got to be the most
embarrassing night of my life.

You know what you are, Mancini?

You're that crap that washes
up on the beach after a storm.

Syringes and specimen bottles.

Waste, Mancini, medical waste.

From now on, you see me
coming, you go the other way.

That's fine, caveman.

You can beat me up all you want.

You can pummel
me like a ragdoll.

But you blew it with Megan.

That's what's really
pissing you off, right?

- (door closes)
- (running footsteps)


Hey, Jane, maybe we
should talk about this, huh?

Stay the hell away.

Jane, that's your wedding dress.

What are you doing?

Get back into your
apartment, Michael,

or I swear to God,
I'll set you on fire.

This place is out of control.


(door closes)




(upbeat music playing)

♪ Don't you worry
about tomorrow ♪

♪ Until it stands to bear ♪

♪ And when you find
you're on your knees ♪

♪ Best not to get too bad ♪

♪ Say, when you
see your reflection ♪

♪ Say what a fine looking man ♪

♪ You don't need to
know what road you're on ♪

♪ If you know exactly
where you stand ♪

♪ Let your woman go across you ♪

♪ Like a sweet
September breeze ♪

♪ Then go speeding
down the highway ♪


♪ Keep on keepin' on ♪

♪ You gotta keep on keepin' on ♪

- ♪ Sing hallelujah ♪
- (flames whooshing)

♪ You gotta keep
on keepin' on... ♪

(alarm blaring)


(music stops, alarm blaring)

Peter, help!

Oh, Peter!

- (blaring continues)
- What, what's wrong?

- I was trying to make
breakfast - Oh. (coughs)

and I guess I just
wasn't thinking.

- No, it's all right. No.
- I'm so sorry.

We just need to
get some air in here,

that's all.

- (alarm stops) -Hey, do I
need to call the fire department?

No, no, no, we got it under
control. We just had a...

Oh, at least somebody does.

How you guys slept through
last night, I'll never know.

Why? What happened?

Well, Peter should ask
his partner, Dr. Mancini.

By the way, if there's
any damage in here,

you guys are responsible.

Have a good day.

I am so sorry.

Breakfast was supposed
to be a big surprise.

Oh, it's very surprising.


You know, it's not
really an accident

that I'm a lousy cook.

I've kind of been
that way my whole life.

Well, good, then I get to
take you out more often.

After we clean up, okay?


(phone ringing)



Yes, this is
Dr. Burns. Who's this?

I see.

No, no, no, of course.

Right. Thank you.

Well, it's not a total loss.

I was able to rescue
half a glass of fresh...

What's wrong?


it was someone from Texas.

My father died.

Oh, Peter, I'm so sorry.

Oh, no, it's not...

not like we were
close or anything.

I really never even
mentioned him to anyone.

It's just that, um,

well, they want me to fly down
there and sign some things

and take care of his affairs.

I was the only one
left in the family.

I'll go with you, if you want.

We can catch a morning flight.

Well, it's not like
we're in a rush.

I mean, he's already dead.


Here to seal off the
roof before it rains.

Access is through
there, gentlemen.

Go ahead and use the
ladder right outside the window.

- All right.
- You've done it, little bro.

You've done it,
you've done it good.

What are you
talking about, Kyle?

I wasn't even on the roof.

Did you see what
Mancini did to my door?

Look at the jamb, it's
busted all to hell. Go look at it.

I just want to know,
that stuff that Megan said

about you and Lexi,
any of that stuff true?

Is this you or Amanda
wanting to know?

She is using you
to get to Amanda.

She's gonna screw
up your whole life.

I can take care of myself, Kyle.

I've been doing
it my whole life.

You are in way
over your head here.

Why don't you
stay out of my life?

If it affects my
wife, if it hurts her,

I am gonna be so in your life

that you're not gonna be
able to piss without company,

you understand me?


- Knock, knock.
- (knocks)

Tendering your resignation?

What is this about?

Has it gotten so bad

that you don't even realize
when you hurt people?

Okay, wait a minute.

Look, you pushed Ryan away.

That's an open invitation
for me to move in.


Look, you know,

I'm not even going to have
this discussion with you.

I didn't even go near
him until you rejected him.

Okay, look, if it's
any consolation,

it was never serious.

Oh, sex in bathroom
isn't serious?

Look, we were just
releasing a little tension.


Well, you know what,
you can keep him.

I'm through with both of you.

(sighs) Megan...

My God, Visconti, what is this,

the psychiatric version
of ambulance chasing?

My wedding blew up
in my face. Big deal.

And falling through
your landlord's ceiling

in the arms of your
ex-wife the same night,

that's not a big deal?

In the spirit of Socrates, I'm
going to answer that question

with a question:
What do you think?

I think this is a very
complicated situation.

Look, Jane and I
don't trust each other.

Marriage without
trust don't last.

But, Michael, if you could
get together in the same room,

just sit down and really
talk to each other...

- You don't understand...
- Dr. Michael Mancini?


Oh, no, look at this.

This is Amanda suing
me for the, uh, roof, right?

Your wife,
actually, for divorce.

You're officially served.


Yeah, all the usual,
plus punitive damages.

Cost of the wedding,

the dress.

Oh, plus emotional
pain and suffering.

Yeah, give me a break.

We'll be in the
same room, all right...

A courtroom.


I am holding you
personally responsible

for what happened at my
apartment building last night.

Excuse me.

Honey, I wasn't
anywhere near that place.

Oh, it was your sexual
hijinks with Ryan that started it.

Megan wouldn't have been
on that roof with Michael

if you hadn't hurt her.

Listen, Ryan and I are lovers.

How other people respond
to that, that's their problem.

Oh, there you are, darling.

Listen, could I have
a word with you?

How about two: "get" and "lost."

Anything I had to say to
you, I said last night, Lexi.

Our sick little
relationship is over.

AMANDA: Worse than
that, we don't validate.

You'll have to pay
your own parking.

Hmm. Kiss my ass.

Both of you.

Ooh, there's an ugly thought.

My office, now.

Shut the door.

If you weren't Kyle's
brother, I'd fire you.

If nepotism is the only way
I keep my job, I don't want it.

Give me one good reason
why I shouldn't fire you.

I'll give you six.

The new accounts I
brought into the agency

in the last two month.

You only brought
in Alex Bastian in.

Well, we know
how that turned out.

You're going to keep
me because I'm good.

In fact, you're going
to count your blessings,

apologize and thank me for...

I don't think so.

Then I'm just going to
head on back to work

and we'll forget this little...
conversation ever took place.

- Oh, excuse me.
- Sure.

- You wanted to see me?
- Yes.

Alex Bastian was
your one client,

and I just received notice
that he's terminating.

Therefore, I'm doing
the same to you.

Oh, uh, by the
way, Jane stays, too,

or I take my accounts elsewhere.

Just wanted to let you know
that before you did anything stupid.

Fine. But you're
both month-to-month.

Just like your leases at
the apartment building.

Thank you.

Though I'm not
sure I deserved it.

When you've lost
everything in your life,

you don't want to
lose your job, too, so...

(crows cawing)

This is where your father lived?


Golf... sport of kings.

(faucet dripping)


Is this your mother?


She took off right
after I was born.

She died a couple years
later in a car accident.

She ran off with a touring pro.

My old man never
quite made the cut.



It's the only
tournament he ever won.

The Greatest Texas
Amateur, .

You might think he
was a little bitter, but no.

He moved past
that right into mean.

Mean to the bone.

He had to have been
proud the way you turned out.

It's kind of tough to
impress my old man.

Very tough.

Jane! Jane, will you
just wait one second?

You're suing me for
punitive damages?!

What the hell is that, huh?

What the hell is that?!

You have five seconds to
leave before I call the police.

Jane, you holed up with
Bastian for a week in Chicago.

- One, two, three, four, five.
- Just the two of you.

- What'd you...
- What I told you!

That's what I expect
you to believe.

But wait a second.

You stood me up
our first wedding,

and then you bamboozled
me into a quickie for the second,

and we still didn't talk.

Then I turn around at our
reception and there's Bastian,

and he had plenty to say, Jane!

Anything he said
was a lie, Michael.

But for you to
believe him over me...

You have never denied

sleeping with him, not once.

You should know I
didn't sleep with him.

- You should trust me.
- Oh, but you just can't say it, can you?

You don't say it,
and it didn't happen.

Look, it's like saying
"I swear to gah"

instead of "I swear to God."
You're not swearing to God.

You're swearing to gah,
whoever the hell that is.

So when it comes to
the big day of reckoning,

you're off the hook
with the Almighty.

What are you talking about?

I'm saying just say it.

Just look me in the eye and
say you didn't sleep with him.

You know, we never
should have gotten married.


I want you out of this building.

Oh, yeah, well, I'm not
moving, I'm happy here!

Hey, Jane! Jane, this is
it, this is w*r, you hear?

Do you understand me? w*r!

(frustrated sigh)

MAN: Head down, do you hear me?

Left arm straight,
eye on the ball.

How many times
do I have to tell you?

Hit it again.

We're gonna keep doing
this until you get it right.

And you ain't gonna
get it right unless you try.

You just don't listen.

- I am trying, Daddy.
- Shut up and hit it!

No! Look, you're
not coming through it.

Belt buckle to the target.

Look at your feet. Look at 'em.

- You finish like crap.
- (sniffles)

Oh, my...

Now you're gonna cry.

That's why your mama left,

you know that?

She couldn't take
all the bawling.

I said to quit your
sniffling and hit the ball.

I can't.

Nobody in this
family says "can't"!

I said to quit the
crying, damn...

You ain't even worth
hitting anymore.


I'm sorry.

You're pathetic, kid.

I mean, what the hell did
I do to get stuck with you?

Aw, to hell with you.

EVE: Are you all right?

You've got to talk about this.

No, you're wrong.

I don't have to talk about this!

You can't change the past.


We're flying back first
thing in the morning.

(birds chirping)

I better get to the hospital.

Shouldn't you just take
a couple of days off?

You know, Eve, when
someone dies at the hospital,

we call it "closing the chart,"
and this chart is closed.

Hey, come on, this
is supposed to be

a happy time for us, all right?

Well, that's all I want; I
want you to be happy.

I'm fine. Really.

I'm fine.

I'll see you tonight.



Don't tell me you guys
are already fighting?

(sighs) His father just died.

We just got back from
taking care of things.

- Did you know him?
- Uh, no. He mentioned him.

Do you know that
Peter's from Texas?

That he comes from nothing?

Nothing? Really? I always
assumed that he grew up

with a silver
spoon in his mouth.

Well, it's not exactly a
life that he's proud of.

No matter what I say, I
cannot get him to deal with it.

Oh, well, good, right?
You stay out of his past,

- he'll stay out of yours.
- Amanda,

he needs to deal with it.

Maybe I need to deal with ours.

Wait, wait, stop right there.

We agreed that Peter can't know.

And I was able to steer Kyle

off the trail of your
phony references,

but next time it
won't be so easy.

And look how far we've come.

You're living with him.

Because I love him.

I want him to be happy.

You won't get it by pushing him.

If he doesn't want
to deal with it, fine,

we'll all be better off.

Megan. Hi.

I've been wanting
to call you, but, uh,

I feel like it'd be better
to talk face to face.

Amanda actually let me
go out for lunch today.

Oh, congratulations on
having a job, because I don't.

Look, at least let me apologize
for what I said the other night

after the roof fell in.

I mean... the truth is,
I might as well have

walked you up there and put
you in Michael's arms myself.

You hurt me.

I know.

I wish I could take
it back, I wish I could

- take everything back.
- Yeah, well, you know what?

- You can't, okay?
- Listen...

Let go of me.

MICHAEL: Look, besides
my own punitive damages,

including, uh, now
weekly visits to Dr. Visconti,

I also want you to add
the damages to the roof.

'Cause Amanda
hit me up for those.

And I would have never
gone through the thing

in the first place if Jane
had remained faithful.

- Are you getting all this?
- Yeah, um, Michael,

do you realize your chances

of winning any kind of a
countersuit are next to nothing?

Even settling seems
unlikely? Now, if the two of you

were to go into a room
together and talk things out...

If I hear that one
more time, I swear...

It makes sense, Michael.

Weekly visits to
Visconti? This is serious.

Oh, just type that up and
get back to me, all right?

Listen, buddy, you
know, at some point,

I'm gonna need a
deposition from you.

Oh. I'm sorry.

Your father's funeral.
How did things go with that?

Well, thanks for asking... it
puts pettiness into perspective.

Hey, I'm not being petty
here, I'm being strong.

Part of being a man
is taking a stand.

It's also about admitting
your weaknesses, Michael.

Oh, please, Peter,
don't lose your edge.

It's your finest trait.

There's two ways
to look at everything,

including lawsuits.

Think about it.

- Put down my underwear!
- Huh?

- God, Michael!
- Ow!

Filthy pervert.

All right, since
neither one of us

intends on moving
out of the building,

I think that we should set
up some sort of schedule.

Mornings, you can have the
laundry room; evenings are mine.

I'll swim in the mornings;
you can take the nights.

Did you wear this for Alex?

I mean, did he
make you model it?

- Or did he just rip it off your body?
- No, Michael!

I was naked! Oh,
except for the garter belt,

jackboots and whip...
Alex likes it rough.

Jane, how could you
make a joke about this stuff!

Who's joking? Oh, I even
have pictures to prove. Here.

You promise you won't
show your lawyer, though?

Brace yourself.

Take a good, long look.

Smiles, the happiness.

In exactly one hour

and minutes, singlehandedly,

you dismantled the entire thing!

Why do you refuse to take
any responsibility for this?

- Okay, Michael, I will.
- Thank you.

I kissed him!

And I'm sorry, Michael.
I feel guilty about it.

It was a mistake.
But it was only a kiss.

I mean, you can't say the
same thing about Megan.

Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?

- You started this!
- (groans)

That's right!

- (Michael shouting)
- Oh...

- They are at it again.
- You know what, let's just let it go.

I mean, we'll fix what
we can fix, like the roof.

Sweetheart, I'm...
telling you that...

- Oh, please! You...
- (door slams)

See, now, what if
they k*ll each other?

- (pounding on door) -Hello!
- Let 'em.

We'll finally have some
peace and quiet around here.


- We're locked in.
- No kidding.

Nobody can hear you...
They're all behind closed doors.

In bed with their lovers.


(Michael sighs)

Listen, Jane, uh, it
might get a little cold.

Why don't you take this. Here.

- (grunts)
- What?

Take another
step, I'll k*ll you.


(crickets chirping)


Delayed reaction?


I don't want to end up like him.

You know, he
died without a wife,

without a family.

And I'm on the identical track.

Just... set myself up.

Do you love me?

You know I do.

Then marry me.


I want you to marry me.

I-I want to spend the
rest of my life with you.

I want to grow old
together, I want to...

I want you to marry me.

Yes. Yes.


I love you.

(knock on door)

(birds chirping)

(knocking continues)


- Hey.
- I don't mean to be rude,

but do you have any
idea what time it is?

Seven a.m., almost. I'm sorry.

Look if this has anything to do
with the plumbing or the roof...

Amanda, we're getting married.

We'd like you and
Kyle to stand up for us.

Well, isn't this kind of sudden?

Well, we don't want to wait.

Peter and I love
each other so much.

Please be happy for us.

Oh, no. I am.

No hugs, but congratulations.


I just... I hope I'm
not losing a singer.

Only for a couple of days.

We're eloping.

Well, what happened
to long engagements?

I want to throw you a shower
or a-a big engagement party.

I don't want her to
change her mind.

We're not going to
Vegas or anything.

We want to keep it romantic,


Well, Peter was such a doll,
he let me choose the place.

Take a little drive up to this
little chateau near Oakhurst.

We know it's
short notice, but...


Well, I, I saw pictures
of it in magazines.

It's near Yosemite.

Uh, you know, it
is short notice...

Oh, no, no, no, count us in.

We wouldn't miss
it for anything.

- Oh, my God.
- What?

Michael and Jane.

Wait, uh, you
didn't by any chance

hear screaming coming
from the laundry room?

- No.
- (sighing)

You know, every time
we talk about the past,

you rewrite it and I get blamed.

Yeah, well, it's funny
how a person's memory

gets clearer over time.

I'm the victim here, Jane.

Kind of.

Oh, okay.

Let's take marriage number one,

if you can remember
back that far.

- Okay, let's.
- I had a miscarriage,

and the next thing I know,
you're sleeping with Kimberly.

Yeah, right, and instead
of trying to work things out,

you not only hire
a divorce attorney,

but then you sleep with him.

Oh, and you used Sydney and
one of her call girl connections

to set the guy up and
videotape him having sex!

Yeah, well, I only did that to
stop the divorce proceedings.

Oh, to save money.

You didn't want
to pay me alimony.

Jane, there you go!
Rewriting the past again!

Oh, okay, how about
marrying my sister?

You can look that up
in the hall of records...

That's right, I thought
Kimberly was dead.

Besides, Sydney was
blackmailing me, too.

Did you guys make up?

Huh! Not on your life.

Yeah, if anything,

I'm more committed to
this divorce than ever.

All right, you two.

Michael, Jane told me she
didn't sleep with Alex Bastian.


Then I guess that makes you
a coconspirator in the big lie!

Oh, I give up. You know what?

I'm beginning to think you two
whackos deserve each other.

Yeah, well, there's
a weird logic to that.

Yeah, a recipe for divorce.

Like I said before,
I'll say it again:

I'll see you in court.

I must have taken a wrong turn.

Better get some directions.

I was too busy looking
at my lovely lady.

Oh, then it's my
fault. I'm sorry.

Let's check inside.

(bell on door tinkles)

You're playing with fire.

I know, but Peter
and Kyle don't,

so let's just play
it cool, all right?

What if someone in
Oakhurst recognizes us?

- Someone on the street?
- (bell above door tinkling)

I'm going to be on my honeymoon.

Peter and I are never
going to leave the room,

and you and Kyle
are going to be there

for less than hours.

Amanda, Oakhurst is my home.

I have always dreamed
of getting married there.

All those years...

You're going to
visit her, aren't you?

I may never have another chance.


Well, then, I guess
we play it cool,

and keep our fingers crossed.

EVE: Can you believe this place?

PETER: Wait till you
see the wine cellar.

Oh, I hate to put a
damper on all the fun,

but somebody needs to check
on the flowers for the wedding.

- Oh, right, the flowers.
- Wait, let's put a hold on that

till we have another
bottle of champagne.

Yeah, that gets my vote.

No, I don't want you to have to
worry about anything tomorrow.

I saw a flower shop on
the way in, it's open late.

We can drive there and
meet up with you guys later.

Well, if you don't want
to have another drink,

what do you say that
we adjourn to our room?

Let's worry about the
flowers in the morning.


Okay, well, I guess we'll see
you in the morning, around ten.

Right, ten.

(slow, bluesy funk playing)


Uh, a cosmopolitan, please.

Coming right up.

(slow scatting)

♪ Oh-ho, I've been
loving you so long ♪


♪ Ah ♪

♪ My hair's gone grey ♪

WOMAN: Whoa!


♪ I been, oh, oh, ♪

♪ I...'ve been
loving you so long ♪



♪ Since you ♪

(crowd cheering)

♪ Been gone ♪

(crowd applauding)

♪ Well, now, ♪

♪ I won't tell, bitch and yell ♪

♪ Oh, no, I can't stand still ♪

♪ And I don't know what to do ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm alive,
I'm cold and betrayed ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, alive, cold, betrayed ♪

♪ Oh, oh, yeah... ♪

Where the hell are they going?

Wow, you are not an
easy woman to find.

Well, look around.
There are plenty of tables,

and I'm sure that the
powder room is vacant.


You know, I'm exhausted.

I've been running
around all day.

I'm doing your job,
I'm doing my job

You know, Megan,
to tell you the truth,

I can't get along without you,

not as an employer,
and, well, not as a friend.

The feeling is not mutual.

Okay, um, let me put
this to you another way:

without you, I am
morally bankrupt.

Megan, you know that

you're the only thing
that's standing between me

and total alienation.

I have no friends, no family.

I've lost Peter.

And, well, despite
this brave front,

it's really starting to bug me.

Bug you?


It hurts.

You know, it actually
keeps me up at night.

Please, Megan, I'm begging
you. Give me another chance.

You can help me to
be a better person.

Oh, the Pope's not available?

No, he was busy,

but you were my first choice.

Come on, say you'll do it.

Maybe you can even
help me get Peter back.

I will,

but not because I
feel sorry for you,

but because Ryan is not
important enough for me

to quit my job over.

I love the job, but
there are conditions.


One: I won't be lied to;

two: no manipulating;

and three: I'm no
longer a Pollyanna.

Well, then, what are you?

A vice president.

You got it.

EVE: Hi, can you tell me
where room is, please?

WOMAN: Can you sign in, please.

WOMAN: That will
be the third door.

AMANDA: Thank you.


(indistinct talking)

(car approaching)


Who are you?

Uh, ma'am,

I'd like to ask you a couple
of questions, if I could.

You're one of them.

Oh, God, you're back.

I haven't seen her, I
haven't talked to her.

Wait, uh, excuse me?

My granddaughter
paid for her mistake.

Served long years.

Can't you people
leave her alone?


Eve? Wait, she was in prison?

(alarm beeps)

Get out.

- Get out.
- What about the other woman

in this photo?

What does she have
to do with all this?

What are you doing in here?

Look, uh, I apologize.

I just, I took a wrong turn.

NURSE: Oh, are you all right?


Can I have some of that?

Where'd you go last night?

I woke up and you were gone.

Oh, sorry, I should
have left a note.

Um, Eve came down with a
case of pre-wedding jitters,

and she knocked on the
door, but you were asleep.

And then, um, well,
then the desk clerk

told us about this
all-night pizza place.

- (knocking)
- Oh, don't move.

I will get it.

(door opens)

- Morning.
- Hi.

- Can I steal you away?
- Yeah,

she needs a little
help with her dress,

and she doesn't want
me to see the bride

- before the wedding.
- I was hoping that Peter

- could just get dressed in here.
- A lot of rules here.

- Good idea.
- Hope I... Hope I have everything here.

- See you later, honey.
- Yeah.

- Hey.
- So, how you doing?

Well, you know, a little, uh...

- Nervous?
- Yeah.

Yeah, a little bit.

Look, I want to thank
you for being my best man.

- No, forget about it.
- No, no, really.

No, I think, given our past,

what with Amanda and all
that, we really haven't been...

Look, if this is your
way to bury the hatchet,

forget about it; I thought
that we already had.

Well, officially, then.




Yeah, this is Jane Mancini.

Dr. Moore told me
to call; he said...

Sure, I'll hold.

Oh, Dr. Moore, hi.

I see.


Y-Yeah, I can... I can move
a few things around tomorrow.

Okay, : .

I'll be there.

Jane, look, I know I'm
probably the last person

you want to talk to right now,
but I just want to let you know

what happened between
Michael and me...

It wasn't his fault,

a-and I wasn't with him
because I'm still in love with him,

I was up on that damn roof

because of Ryan.

I thought he was
different than other men.

But I was wrong.

Are you all right?

I mean, I didn't come
here to upset you.

I came here to help...

No, no, it's...

It's nothing you said.

I don't know, you
just seem kind of...


Yeah, kind of.

I, uh...

I found a lump on my breast.

And... I-I wasn't really worried

about it because I'm so young,

but I went to see a
surgeon just to be safe.

And she said it's / .

I might have cancer.

Peter, why are you so
nervous about tying the knot?

It's not like you
haven't done it before.

Does it ever get any easier?

Yeah, if it's the right woman.

She's the right woman.

You know, Amanda told me
about Eve's case of the jitters.

She said they spent the
night at a pizza joint, talking.

I didn't even hear her leave.

I can't believe I got swept
off my feet like this, you know?

I mean, me of all
people, Mr. Cynic.

It feels right, though.

I can't believe I
care about somebody

as much as I care about myself.

Well, it definitely
sounds like true love.

Don't want to stand in the
way of something like that.

- Help me with this in the back?
- Yeah.

I think I'm gonna go down

and check on the
wedding preparations.

Want to come?

Um, no; you know what?

I am gonna go down
and check on Amanda.

All right, I'll see
you in a minute.


(door opens)

(sighs, door closes)

(indistinct talking)

Dr. Burns?

Call for you.

Oh, thank you.

Dr. Burns.

Peter, d-don't hang up.


Listen, I heard
about your father.

I'm so sorry.

Well, thanks.

You know,

Peter, sometimes when
someone close to you dies,

it-it opens up another door.

Look, this isn't a good time.

Please let me finish.

I just... I have to
get this off my chest.

I love you.

You love me?

(chuckles) I swear, I love
you more than anything.

And I know that you've gone
away to process your grief.

That's what
Dr. Visconti told me,

and he said to give
you some space.

There's something
that you need to know.

- I-I'm not here...
- Look,

we'll talk about this
when you come back.

I love you.


Hold it.

(dial tone drones)

Hey, Julie, honey,

how long does it take
to drive to Yosemite?

Mmm, five hours, but in a
plane, it's less than an hour.

Hm, really?

How convenient.

(beeps, footsteps approaching)

Well, it's time.

If you'd like to step
over to the altar, Peter.

Okay, this phone
call can wait, I guess.

- Good, good.
- Sure, here we go.

(phones ringing)

I feel guilty taking
the rest of the day off.



You know my lawyer's been
calling your lawyer all morning?

Are you gonna pretend that you

didn't get the papers,
that I'm not counter-suing,

that you don't have as
much to lose here as I do?

Fine, Michael, you win.

I'm throwing in the towel.

Um, did your lawyer
tell you to say that?

Or are you asking
for a settlement here?

No, I'm not asking for anything.

Michael, I need to talk to you.

Well, look, I'm a
little busy right now.

No, no, right now.


But Jane, if you
think this little ploy

to make me feel sorry for
you is gonna work, forget it.

What is so damn important here?

Huh? You can see I'm
embroiled in a lawsuit over here.

Michael, leave Jane alone.

- (elevator dings)
- Well, this is interesting.

Why are you suddenly
taking Jane's side, huh?

Are you on a witness list,

'cause I'm gonna
find out eventually.

I'm not on anyone's side, okay?

Jane has a personal problem
that needs her full attention.

What do you mean,
"personal problem"?

(sighs) I can't say;
I'm sworn to secrecy.

But trust me, Michael, just
leave her alone, all right.

You're a beautiful bride.

Well, I have you and
Peter to thank for that.

Thank you for
everything, Amanda.

I love you.

Oh, I love you, too.

I'll see you downstairs.


Oh, Kyle.

You just missed Amanda.

No more games, Eve.

I want to know what
the hell is going on.

I don't understand.

I followed you and
Amanda last night.

I know you went to
visit your grandmother.

I know you went to
high school together,

and I also know you
spent time in prison.

Oh, my God.


You k*ll somebody?


We both did.