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07x07 - Buona Sera, Mr. Campbell: Part 2

Posted: 04/26/22 09:10
by bunniefuu
(indistinct radio transmission)

MAN: Ten-nine net base,

I got a ten-one, it's raining
so bad here at Brady's Creek.

Evening, Officer,

How you doing? What
seems to be the trouble?

The roads washed out. You
gonna have to turn around, sir.

But I got to get up to Aleves
Road, my wife is missing.

Nothing to do but go back
to Ojai and wait out the storm.

And if I refuse?

I arrest you.


(breathing heavy)

Oh, God.


(thunder rumbles)


Oh, no!

Where are the life jackets?

COOP: I don't know,
honey, you bought the boat.



I tell you what, if it will
make you feel better,

I will buy you a dozen tomorrow

and I'll buy you a
dozen yellow roses, too.

Because even
though you can't swim,

you are the prettiest second
mate that a guy ever had.

Oh. Coop, I don't want
to be out here anymore.

Hey, hey, you know
what you need?

You need another
drink, all right? Now, here.

Hold the wheel, all right?

Stay out of the rain.

I'll grab the last
bottle of champagne.

Coop, what I need is to
turn this damn boat around.

No, no you don't.

J-Just hold her
steady. I'll be right back.



(door opens)


Let's get one thing straight,

I'm not gonna let you do it.

W-What are you doing here?
How did you get on board?

MEGAN: Michael told me
where you were, so I stowed away.

Listen to me. If you love me,

you will turn this boat
around, we'll go back,

we'll pack our suitcases and
we'll get out of town tonight,

- okay?
- I-I got this all worked out.

You're ruining everything.

Did you hear what I said?

I don't care if you
slept with Lexi, okay?

I will go away with you.

We'll, we'll start
all over again.

We don't have to.

I'm gonna take care of it.

What? By k*lling Lexi?


(laughs) No, I get...

Look, how could
you even think that?

I mean, yeah, I-I hate her,

but I could never hurt her.

I just want to
scare her a little bit.

That was your
plan? To scare her?


- (sighs)
- Look,

think of it as payback.

All right?

Now if my plan works out,

then she's gonna kick me out

and this sham of a
marriage will be over.

I'm so sorry. I don't
know what happened.

I, I feel like such a fool. I
know you would never...


LEXI: Coop?

Yeah, yeah, I'll be
right there, honey.

I love you.

Stay out of sight, okay?


Oh, wait, champagne.






♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ The sky looks ♪

♪ So grey lately ♪

♪ And I wish ♪

♪ I could fly could fly ♪

♪ Could fly away ♪

♪ I don't know if ♪

♪ You've noticed ♪

♪ The birds are not at play ♪

♪ And there's something ♪

♪ Strange in the air ♪

♪ It's time to fly away ♪

♪ Oh I want to ♪

♪ Fly ♪

♪ I want to go... ♪

- (moans)
- I don't think the ambulance

is gonna make it in time.

Michael, we have to

get to the hospital...

'cause I need to be on dr*gs.

Uh, better yet,
knocked out cold!

Yeah, well, thanks to the
mudslide you're out of luck.

And you're out of time.
We're getting very close.

Now you've heard of
natural child birth, Taylor?


Not until you and Jane agree on

taking custody of the baby.

Stop negotiating

and push.

- Come on, Taylor.
- Come on, Taylor, push.

I need an answer, Michael.

JANE: Just tell her yes.


All right, all right, anything,

just push, okay?


Okay, all right,
that's a nice one.

All right, now the
baby is crowing.

- Just a few more, Taylor.
- Good job, Taylor.

Oh, I can't I'm too tired.

I have heartburn
from that sandwich.

whose fault is that, huh?

Would you two stop it?

Come on, Taylor,
you've got to do it.

Push. Big one.


- Good, good.
- Oh, God.

MICHAEL: One more and we're
there. One more and we're done.

- All right, Taylor.
- It's coming, Taylor.

- Just a little bit more.
- Push.

MICHAEL: Come on.


(baby cries)

- Oh. Hey.
- (chuckles)

- Yeah. Hi there.
- (laughs)

Well, it looks like he's got

all his fingers
and all his toes.

Oh, but no nose.

- (gasps)
- Oh, just kidding, just kidding.

He's beautiful, Taylor.

I can't believe it.

I finally did something
right and I get a prize for it.

TAYLOR: (laughs)

This is Jeff Baylor

We're talking to Joe
from east Tampa.

You want to know who
my personal hero is?

Ken Griffey Jr.

Man plays clean and
hard. He even plays injured.

He is a great role model
for the guys coming up.

He is definitely one of those...

Uh, hold on.

We're gonna go to
commercial break.

Don't go away.


What are you doing here?

How's the new job?

All right. Sam...

I just, I wanted to tell
you that what you said

the other night,
it really hit home.

I really hated you for it.

Well, I said some
pretty harsh things.

Yeah, well, you were right.

I've really messed things up.

I've hurt the people
that I love the most...

and care about...


I don't know what
you expect me to say.

Apology accepted?


I-I just needed to
tell you that, um,

that I tried to fix things.

I went to Jennifer and
I came clean with her.

I told her about
the fax from Allison.

And I, um...

I apologized to Billy.

Well, that couldn't
have been easy for you.

Actually, getting on a
plane and coming here

wasn't easy, either.

It was the hardest
thing I've ever done.

Is it too late for us?

I know that I hurt you.

I've just been so stupid
and so self-absorbed.

It's just that when you
were gone, I just realized...

how much I love you.
Oh, more than ever.


That's how I feel.

No, look, it is too late, okay?

When I left L.A. without
you, I mean, you just...

you just broke my heart
one too many times.

And there's nothing
that you can say

that's ever gonna
change my mind.

I understand.

I do.

Good-bye, Sam.

Safe trip back.

(door closes)

(dial tone drones)

(key tones)


(phone rings)

Where the hell are you?

I'm at the sheriff's
station in Ojai,

the road got washed out.

The sheriff's?
They said no cops.

They wanted no cops.

You didn't tell them
about Amanda?

What else am I gonna do?

Okay, we, we gave
them the money,

we still don't
know where she is.

Well, let's just hope that
we didn't get her k*lled,

- that's what.
- Look, they're bringing in

the body of a woman.

Blonde, mid-thirties.

I-I can't hear you,
you're breaking up.

I lost you. Say it again.

They want me to I.D. the
body. They think it's Amanda's.

(beep) I can't...

You're breaking
up. I can't hear you.


(dial tone drones)

It's the battery.

(wry chuckle)

It's a dead battery.

Dead battery.

(phone shatters)

(thunder rolling)


You're on with Jeff
Baylor, WQAK, AM.

Who am I talking to?

SAMANTHA: I'm a former
pitcher for Crisfield, Maryland.

I clocked my fastball
at miles an hour.

- No kidding.
- Yeah.

And I have a question.

You see, there's this,
um, team that I played for,

and this other team came along,

and, well, I...

I liked it a whole lot better.

Actually, it was like
a... new ball game.

So, do you have a question?

Well, it's kind of
complicated. Um...

you see, I made a
commitment to the one team,

and I've never walked
away from a contract before...

so I stayed,

and I was miserable.

And it started to
affect my game.

I started making all
these unforced errors.

And the second team thought

that I wasn't the
pitcher that I used to be.

And you... and they...

they were right.

I just... I don't
know what to do,

'cause I want to be
on your team so badly.

I'm down on my knees.

Will you marry me?

Where are you?

I'm outside in the parking lot.

Uh, the board's lighting up.

We have to go to commercial.

Uh... stay tuned.

(commercial playing)


- Guess you changed your mind.
- Yeah.

And yeah about the
marriage part, too.

- But we're doing it right away.
- Okay, five months

and days... that's when
my divorce with Billy's final.

- Deal.
- Deal.

(thunder rumbling, rain falling)

I got to tell you, I've never
been so love with anybody

in my whole life.

(both laugh)

That's the first time you've
said those words to me.

I guess I was afraid you
wouldn't feel them back.

(whispers): I
didn't want to risk it.


Well, go ahead.

I dare you.

Risk it now.

I love you, Amanda.

I... I love you, too.

Dance with me, okay?

Before I start to cry.

(footsteps approaching)

If you need a minute...

No. I want to
get this over with.

(thunder rumbling)


It's not her.

It's not Amanda.

(thunder rolling)

LEXI: Coop, the radio is out!

Doesn't anything
on this boat work?

What'd you pay for this thing?

Okay, there's no life
jackets, there's no radio.

Party's over, I want to go home.

All right, help me
tie up the boat.



Careful, you're
gonna k*ll us both!

Trust me,

dying with you...
is not my intention.

Wha... What?

Wait a minute,

th-that's it, isn't it?

You're gonna throw me off here

and you're gonna
claim it as an accident.

I told you it was a bad
idea coming out here,

but you just wouldn't listen.

You just had to come
out on your new sailboat.

You always were
a party girl, Lexi.

Don't you do... Coop, no! No!

No! No!

There's nowhere to hide, Lexi!

Just a whole...

lot of water!

And you can't swim!

(both scream)

- You...
- No.

No, it's not what you think.

Oh, really?

Two's company, but three
is a crowd in a marriage,

and I'm the expendable one.

You are Coop's alibi.

He's not gonna hurt you.

Okay? That's
what I thought, too,

and I came here to stop him.

But he swore to me he's
just trying to scare you.

Oh, are you that much
of an idiot, Megan?

He got rid of the life jackets.

- He dismantled the radio!
- No, you're wrong.

- (loud thumping)
- Does that sound like

a man who wants
out of a bad marriage?

Oh, my God, he's gonna
break that thing down,

he's gonna come down
here, he's gonna k*ll me.

Lexi, listen to me, I
won't let him hurt you.

- Oh, why should I believe you?
- Because I love Coop,

and if he kills you, I
lose him forever, okay?

Oh, honey, I got news for
you... You've already lost,

and he's a freaking psycho!

- (thumping stops)
- Wait, wait. It stopped.

Why? Wh-What's he doing?

(whispers): I don't know.

(laughing): I'm as good as dead.

Oh, gosh, Megan, if I were
you I would start working

on your story to
the Coast Guard.

Yeah, well, he'll listen to me.

I'm gonna go up and
talk to him. You stay here.

Just lock the door
behind me, okay?

Oh, believe me, you
are not getting me

back up on that deck.

Lock it; you'll be safe.

(groans, pants)

Oh, my...

(engine stops, muffled splash)

MEGAN: Coop?

(panting): Coop?

I talked to Lexi!

Everything's okay!

She says...

she says she wants out, too!

No hard feelings!


M-Megan, that you?

(low creaking)

(door creaks)

My God.


Megan! Megan!

Megan! Megan! Where is he?

- No!
- Let's go for a little swim.

- No, Coop!
- Coop, don't do it!

- You'll go to prison!
- Yeah, I'd pick prison over you any day.

- (panicked shouts)
- Go below!

No! If you love me, I'm
begging you, let go of her!

I am not gonna let you stop me

from doing what
I want ever again!

Stop it! Don't do this!


- Coop!
- Megan!

- Grab my hand.
- (Megan gasping)

LEXI: Megan!


(Megan gasping for breath)

You lied to me! What
is going on with you?

- Coop...
- Just don't.

All right, just... don't.

'Cause whatever
you got to say...

I don't want to
hear it, all right?

'Cause I'm standing here
on a boat that I didn't want

(laughs): with a wife that
I sure as hell didn't want.

Why? I'll tell you why.

Because I loved you.

Why couldn't you
just leave it alone?

We had everything.

Our happiness,

our dreams.

But that wasn't enough for you.

I wasn't enough for you.

You had to save the world.

The hooker with
the heart of gold.

Well, congratulations.

I almost k*lled
someone for you tonight.

(panting) Where are you going?

- (engine rumbling)
- I'm turning this boat around.

I'm turning my life around.


(crickets chirping)

(door opens)


Don't get the wrong
idea; I'm only here

'cause I have to finish packing.


Can I help?

That's right... you're
my little helper.

You helped me right
out of my marriage,

you helped me with
my feelings for Alison.

So much for talking
things through.

I'll just get out of your
way, take a shower.

There's pizza in the
fridge if you're hungry.

(phone ringing)


MICHAEL: Oh, you. I
thought you'd be gone by now.

- Is Jennifer there?
- She's in the shower.

Okay, when she gets
out, tell her she's an aunt.

Tell her I had the baby early.

Seven pounds. Mikey Jr.

Oh, congratulations.

I'm sure you're gonna
make a wonderful father.

Yeah, thanks.

But tell me, after I left,
how'd things go with Jennifer?

The engagement's off.

Oh, really? So I got
something else to celebrate.

(clears throat): Uh... listen,

tell her that I'm
at the hospital now

and I'll pick her up at :
to take her to the airport.

Um... if she's still
going to New Jersey.

I'll tell her to
give you a call.

I'm hanging up now.

(dial tone drones)

(water running)


Sorry. Michael just called.

At this hour? Is there
something wrong?

No. Taylor had her baby.


I'm an aunt.

He said to call
him at the hospital

if you still need a
ride to the airport.

Do you want to join me?

I can't.


(siren blaring)

I'm gonna tell you
something, Mikey.

I've always wanted
to be a mother,

and now I'm gonna be your mommy.

One of your mommies.

And I'm gonna love you
and take care of, and...

help you understand your father.

He's kind of complex.


Oh. Oh.

(baby cooing)

You've got his eyes, yeah.

You've got his eyes.

He's got my coloring.

And don't you think
my nose, Jane?

Yeah, I can see that.


JANE: Oh, I think he's perfect.

A little miracle.

Oh, did I mention

that you're gonna be
living at the beach?

Oh, in a big house
right on the sand.

Excuse me, but could
I hold him for a minute?

- Sure.
- (cooing)

Guess what, Mikey.

Your other mommy's
gonna hold you now.

How do I do it? Like-like this?

- Yeah, just...
- Oh.

Make sure you support his head.

Okay. What if I drop him?

- You won't.
- Ooh!

- (baby crying)
- Like that, right?

- That's right.
- Okay. Okay.

Here. Just take his
bottle and let him go for it.

- (baby crying)
- Okay.


- (crying) -Oh.
- Oh he hates me.

It's okay. No, he's just hungry.

No. Um... Jane, I'm not cut
out for this. Here, you feed him.

- Okay.
- Oh.

Let's see.

(Taylor sighs)

Yes, just like that.

Just do what comes naturally.

The only thing that
comes naturally to me...

Well, I can't discuss
it in front of a minor.



(baby cooing)


Fun's over, Blondie.



(grunting, g*nsh*t)

It'd have been a lot easier if
they'd just taken the money.

You don't listen too good.

I only work for one guy.


I'm the one who saved his life.

I'm Beck's doctor.

And that means what?

I just got off the
phone with him,

and the orders are,
"Forget about the blonde,

and get your butt back to town."

So you could be a hero?

No. No.

So we both can.

Now why don't you fire
off a round... for effect?



Amanda, what are you
doing?! I'm trying to save you!

What are you doing here?!

I thought you were one
of them trying to k*ll me.

- Well, no.
- I heard a shot. -Oh, no.

I practically got
my head blown off.

You know, the big guy
took a shot at me and ran off.

- Are you all right?
- I've never been

so happy to seen
anyone in my life.

Even if it is you. Oh.

You keep that up, and
I'll throw you off this ledge.

(Amanda panting)

(crickets chirping,
bird trilling)

Oh, sorry you have to carry me.

You're heavier than I remember.

It's the wet clothes.

I'm so cold, I
can't stop shaking.

It's the first stages
of hypothermia.

My body heat will do you good.

Is that your opinion as
a doctor or as a man?

(Peter chuckles)

That's my girl.

I'm either hallucinating,
or we made it.

- Hello. Anybody in there?
- Open up!

Hello! Hello.

- (barking)
- Hello. Anybody in...? Oh.

- (knocking) -AMANDA: Open up.
- PETER: Open up, please.

PETER: Yeah,
thank you. Thank you.

- Yeah. We're closed.
- I need to use your phone.

This woman needs an ambulance.

Uh, listen, the only phone

we have is here
at the front desk,

and it's been down all night.

PETER: We-We'll get a room then.

Please, just-just
let us in. Please.

MAN: Hmm.

Thank you.

- Sit here.
- (Amanda sighs)

We got to get you out
of these wet clothes

and into a hot shower.

He says that to
all his girlfriends.

We also need any of the
extra blankets you might have.

Oh, well, yeah, listen, Mister,
this isn't the Hyatt, okay?

What's in the room
is what you get.

Do me a favor. When those
phone lines come back up,

I want you to call this number.

It's her husband.
He's looking for her.

Oh, her husband. Oh,
okay. Uh, who are you?

Uh, well, I'm the...

AMANDA: He's my personal hero

and good friend.




Okay, um, I had one of my
guys check out the old fire road.

It'll get you to the cabin,
but it's gonna be a few hours

before that road's
even close to passable...

- Few? I don't have a few hours.
- (phone ringing)

Take your call.

- (beep)
- (thunderclap)

Yeah, talk to me, Pete. Talk...

It's Taylor, Silly.

Tayl... Tay...

What are you doing calling
me in the middle of the night?

TAYLOR: I had the baby.

Oh, Kyle, it was the most...

incredible miracle,

just like everybody says.

Well, congratulations,
uh, to both of you.

I got to go.

TAYLOR: No, Kyle. Wait. Listen.

Lately I've been thinking about,
uh, what kind of person I am.

You know, the

pluses and the minuses.

Oh, my plus side
is really, really short.

Actually, the only thing
on it is my love for you.

- Taylor...
- No, Kyle. Please let me finish.

Kyle, anything I learned
about being a good person

I learned from you.

And... well,

after my excruciating labor,

I just realized that you
deserve to be happy.

You and Amanda.

(rolling thunder)

So, I've decided to
move back to Boston.

I'm gonna sell you my share
of the restaurant and club.

That should make Amanda happy.

Aren't you proud of me?

Hasn't motherhood
changed me already?


Maybe it'll change me so much
you'll want me back some day.

But probably not.


Well, just checking.

Good-bye, Taylor.

Good luck.

- (click, dial tone drones)
- Oh, the hell with you.

- There you go.
- Thank you, Doctor.


MAN (over P.A.):
Dr. Garcia to Anesthesiology.

All right, why are you
looking at me that way?

Jennifer's crying her eyes
out in the bathroom, Michael.

If you had anything to do with
her and Billy breaking up, I...

No, and even if I
did, she'll get over it.

Keep telling yourself
that, but do you think

you ever get over
the right person?

Oh, it's possible.

Michael, he was the one.

Her one true love,
and you've ruined it.

You know, sometimes it's
okay to admit you screwed up.


Hello! Is any of
this registering?

(sighs) Okay,
okay, I screwed up.

I thought I knew what
was best for Jennifer.

But she'll go back
to New Jersey,

she'll work in Pop's
bakery, she'll get fat.

No reason to stop meddling now.


JANE: You can still fix things.

Play matchmaker.

I guess it depends on how
good of a brother you are,

and how good of a man.

(crickets chirping)

(water running)

Hey, I never thought
I'd be saying this,

but put this on before
you come out. Here.

- AMANDA: Oh, thanks.
- Yeah.



Oh. It's your color.

Oh, not everyone
can pull off this look.

Come on, get in the bed here.

That's a prescription,
not a come-on.

Yeah, I can't tell
the difference.

I'm too tired to tell.

(sighs) I'm starting
to feel a little warmer.

I still look like a
piece of chalk?

No, no.

Just still not home free yet.

You got to be careful.
You had a rough

time out there. Anything
could have happened.

AMANDA: Yeah, but it didn't.

You found me.

Well, I figure,
once I got all wet,

I couldn't really come
back without you.

(Amanda laughs)

Well, what good
would that have done,

if both of us ended up dead?

I thought I was
gonna die out there.

I really did.

No one's gonna hurt you now.

Come on, try and get some sleep.



(Amanda groans softly)

- (knocking)
- Oh.

(Peter clears his throat)

- Hi. Where is she?
- Hey.

Oh, she's right here. Except for

a mild case of
hypothermia, she's fine.

And happy to see you.

I don't mean to be ungrateful,

but why don't you
have any clothes on?

AMANDA: Oh, how
about giving me a kiss

before grilling my rescuer?

Oh, I was so worried about
you, I couldn't see straight.

(sighs) I tried to
make it up to the cabin,

but the road was washed out.

You don't have any
clothes on, either.

On, no. Everything
was wet and muddy.

I couldn't stop shivering.

I told you, it was hypothermia.

We had to get her clothes off

as fast as we could
and warm her up.

And exactly how
did you do that, Doc?

AMANDA: Kyle, if
Peter hadn't come along,

I'd still be stuck on a
-foot ledge, or worse.

Dead from exposure.

He was incredibly brave.

He wouldn't let me give
up, and when I couldn't walk,

uh, he carried me.

Well, then, I guess I owe
you a big thanks, Doc.

My pleasure.

(Amanda laughs)

MAN (over P.A.): We're
now pre-boarding Flight...

I can't believe that Michael
didn't drive me to the airport.

I mean, not that I don't
appreciate you seeing me off.

Oh, it's not that
he didn't want to.

Something urgent came
up... He had to take care of it.

I know... first-time father.

Baby comes before sister.

Hey, do you love him?

Michael, I mean.

Call me crazy, but yes.

Then don't let anything come
between you guys this time,

because, believe me, if I had
a second chance with Billy...

I'd never blow it.

(over P.A.): to San Francisco
is now boarding at Gate .

Don't look now, but here
comes your second chance.

I don't understand.

Consider it an engagement
present from Michael.

Look who I ran into
at a gate far from here.

I thought your
flight already left.

Doesn't leave for minutes.

I bought him a ticket...
Full fare economy.

Do you mean it?

You're really coming with me?

told him he can go

with you now or spend
the rest of his life chasing

women who look like
you and talk like you

- but would never be you.
- BILLY: Shut up, Michael.

I made up my mind
before you showed up.

JENNIFER: Are you sure, Billy?

Because I-I don't want
to get my hopes up.

You really hurt me, Billy.

I was having some airport coffee

and a really bad
breakfast burrito

and, uh, I was
thinking about Italy

and how amazing it's going to be

to go to the Colosseum
and Florence and Sicily.

And I'm like, "Why
am I going over there

if you're not coming with me?"

It's like I'm leaving my
whole life behind here and...

You are my whole life, Jennifer.

I need you.

I've never needed
anybody like I need you.

I love you so much.


You did good.

AMANDA: How long has it been...

Three days?

Seems like forever.

I'll second that.

I'm sure you two
want to be alone.

I have to call
into the hospital.

I'll see you later.

Get some sleep; you deserve it.

- Thanks for your help, Pete.
- Yeah.

I just realized,
did Billy leave?

This morning,

but I called him as soon as I
found out that you were okay

and he told me to tell you he
wants you to visit him in Rome.

Oh, that's gonna be so
weird, not having him around.

You know what? Let's
not talk about Billy, hmm?

We're home, we're safe.

What do you want to do first?


First is good.

Second is even better.

- (Kyle grunts)
- Will you take a rain check?

You bet.

(both sigh)

My bed is calling me.

Me, too.


Look, I know it's your
job to cover for Coop,

but I just saw his
car in the parking lot,

so don't try to tell
me he's not in, okay?

Well, he is, but he's
not seeing anyone.

I'm not in for anyone,
and that includes you.


Look, I don't understand,
you're not talking to me anymore?

It's just over just like that?


Look, I understand
you're still angry.

No, no, I'm not angry.


Now, if you'll just
excuse me, please.

MEGAN: You know,
you can't just shut me out.


Just have dinner with
me tonight, all right, Coop?

I can't.

I'll be in Philadelphia tonight.

You remember Dr. Larner?

Well, it seems they
had, uh, some difficulty

filling that research position,
so, uh, I finally accepted.



You would take a job with that
scum after what he did to me?

I figure he just
snapped momentarily.

You know, some women can
bring out a man's dark side.

LEXI: You are some piece
of work, you know that?

Carrie, what do I

- pay you for?!
- I can't believe

that you called my lawyer

and told him that our
marriage was over.

- It is.
- That's great, Coop, that's just great.

Now they want the ten million
bucks back and we don't have it.

Well, that's not
my problem, is it?

'Cause I didn't
spend a dime of it.

You're the one who paid
back taxes, bought yachts.

I'm in the clear.

Oh, yeah?

I'm gonna file charges
against you... attempted m*rder.

Go ahead.

Your word against mine.

You know what? You can't just
solve things by running away.

- You cannot fix this, Megan!
- (slams desk)

All right?!

There's nothing left to fix!

You threw it all away.

You know what?
You don't mean that.

You still love me.

Not anymore.

And the sad part is,

you're never going
to find anyone

to love you the way I did.

(door opens)

God, he can't just turn
his feelings off overnight.

(door closes)

What, Mr. Mood Swing?

You bet your ass.

Megan, you just got
the abridged version

of what I lived
through for eight years.

Yeah, well, then why
did you want him back?

Bad memory and poor judgment.

He also happened to
be conveniently located

in the bedroom next to mine,

and he had one thing I
always wanted in a man...

- Five million bucks.
- (Megan sniffs)

(Lexi sighing)

Oh, God, I love him, I can't
imagine my life without him.

Oh, Megan, honey, please,
don't let Coop get to you.

- (Megan exhales)
- He's not worth it.

No man is, believe me.


Gosh, I'd love to buy
you a cup of coffee, but...

(laughing): I'm broke.

Hey, maybe we can
go scrounge one up

at the Burns-Mancini
lounge, huh?

Come on.

Yeah, maybe they have
some of that instant oatmeal.

My God, I haven't had breakfast.

My stomach hurts.

I know.

announcement over P.A.)

Jane, um, Taylor can wait.

Uh, well, when I told her we
were both going to the airport,

she decided to take a nap

right after she stopped
screaming at me

for us not caring about her.

Well, she's just hormonal.

I envy her.

But why? I mean, you're the one

that's gonna be changing
the diapers and walking

the floors at night.

Really, and what are
you going to be doing?

Whoa, oh, no, well,
I'm a changed man.

I'll be right there with you.

I'll be rooting you
on... Go, Jane, go.

We can joke about it,

but, um...

Michael, when we were married,

you know how much
I wanted a baby.

Oh, yeah, me, too.

Did you?

Because w-when I miscarried
I-I sort of felt like maybe,

maybe you were relieved.

Well, you know, I wasn't
ready to grow up then.

But I want this now.

I want us to have a family...

You, me, and the
kid... And I promise

I'm gonna really, really
try to make it work this time.

I'm, I'm going to be the
man you thought you married.

I love you.

Come on, let's go check
in on Mommie Dearest.

(Jane laughs)

Where is she? Did
she change rooms?

(door closes)

She left a note.

"Dear Michael and
Jane, I know this is going

"to be hard for
you to understand.

"But I really feel
Mikey Jr. and I

"have a bond that
shouldn't be broken.

I love him."

I know it's kind of weird,
facing backwards like that,

but it's for your
own personal safety.

I'm your mommy and
I know these things.

Look, I want to
be honest with you.

I haven't had the best of
luck hanging onto guys,

but it's going to be
different with you, I promise.

I will always be there for you

and you will always
be there for me.

Whatever bad things
anyone says about me,

you just won't believe 'em.


(engine starts)

You're gonna love your mommy.

(gulls squawking)

(line rings, Amanda sighs)

(phone ringing)

(Peter sighs)


(over phone): It's me.

Are you all right?

(over phone):
Yeah, I just didn't get

a chance to thank you properly.

(over phone): Well,

you don't have to
thank me for anything.

(over phone): No, I think I do.

I said some pretty
mean things to you lately

and I put you down
for carrying a torch,

and you still came
through for me.

You always do.

And I always will.

It's one of my
favorite things to do.


You know, I just assumed,
as, as time went on,

the connection between
us would go away, and...

it hasn't and I'm glad.

I won't take it
for granted again.

(phone beeps off)