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07x04 - Ball N' Jane

Posted: 04/26/22 08:51
by bunniefuu
You know, you can leave
your stereo system with Megan.

I've got a great
one at my place.

I mean, our place.

I'm just bunking there,
try to remember that, okay?

Oh, you know, that reminds me,

we should get you an
elegant bed to sleep in,

instead of that lumpy,
old pull-out couch.

Listen to me, I don't want
to get too comfortable there.

And we're not spending a
penny of your father's bequest

because when I divorce you,

I plan on being

a very wealthy man.

Oh, bye, sweetheart.

I'll see you after work.

(moan, loud kiss)


Don't wait up.


Well, you two
are pretty friendly.

Well, we should be.

We got married last night.

You what?

Yeah, we've committed
to each other, Peter.

Coop's come home.

Thank God your
sorry butt moved out,

make room for a
real man to move in.

I bail you out of jail, I
try to be there for you.

You're changing.

It's not very attractive.

I think I've become a
little bit more focused

ever since you shared with me

your special little
feelings for Amanda.

Get used to it, Peter,

because I'm not gonna
be stepped on anymore.

Not by you,

not by my father,

not by Coop,

not by anyone.

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Dr. Perkins to respiratory stat.

- (phone ringing)
- Dr. Perkins to respiratory.

(clears throat) You need to sign

these insurance forms so
I can get them out today.


We still on for tonight?

Oh, I don't think so;
something's come up.

What's her name?

Um, it's not anybody, all right?

I just have to get
some things done.

You know, you come on to me,

you imply
advancement at the job,

I put out, and you cut me off.

- MEGAN: Oh, Nurse Lynn.
- You know,

some people might
call that actionable

sexual harassment.

Uh, we'll work that
out later; I got to go.

page him if you'd like.

- No.
- Nurse, nurse,

I'll handle this.

Oh, Megan, you look awful.

I-I talked to Lexi this morning.

She told me she
married Coop last night.

You must be a wreck.

No, I'm fine, really.

I mean, that rat.

After all that bold talk

about being through with Lexi.

You know, I knew he
was no good for you.

You know what,
Michael? I really don't want

to talk about this
right now, okay?

Okay, no pressure, okay.

Look, I just want you to know

I'm here whenever
you need comfort or joy.

Look, forget it, Michael.

Coop or no Coop, we're
never getting back together.

We were never meant to
be together in the first place.

Okay, why don't you just
start your fabulous career

- with women all over again, okay?
- (elevator dings)

Oh, Coop.

on your marriage.

Too bad you had to
trash Megan to do it.

Shut up, Michael.

Can I, uh, walk with
you for a second, please?

Oh, God, I missed you so much.

Not only do you spend
the night with Lexi,

but you take the ring that you
gave me and you give it to her.

How do you think that
makes me feel, huh?

Let's see, used, discarded,

maybe a little less
than worthless.

What was I supposed to do?

Jordan was standing
there watching,

and I needed a wedding band.

I mean, it's not like I can
wear two rings at once,

- you know, yours and hers.
- Yeah, well,

it might as well have come
out of a cr*cker Jack box,

the way you just
passed it around.

Come on, Megan.

You're the only one I love.

You know that.

You got to know that.

How're we gonna do this?

Hey, you know,

it's only more nights apart.


it's, uh, not night right now,

and I, um...

I have a little free time.





♪ I've been waiting
to ask you something ♪

♪ Your heart won't ignore ♪

♪ Your heart won't ignore it ♪

♪ Maybe this time,
you'll come my way ♪

♪ When I hear your name ♪

♪ And I start to dance ♪

♪ With a note on the floor ♪

♪ It means everything
and so much more ♪

♪ What've you got to lose? ♪

♪ What are you saying here? ♪

♪ Go on and say it ♪

♪ What've you got to lose? ♪

BILLY: I see this on the
right-hand side of the magazine,

then we turn the page, and...

"what you see is what you get."


This was excellent.

I'm most impressed.

AMANDA: Thank you, Giorgio.

Um, we're all very proud
of how it's turned out.

And Billy, I understand,

was the lead man
in the campaign?

Very nice.

- Mille grazie.
- Thanks.

We had a good time with
it; we're looking forward

- to your next project.
- Actually,

our office in Rome is expanding.

We plan to do our advertising

in-house from now on

and, sadly, Amanda
has refused my offer

to come to Italy
to join the firm.

Now, Billy, perhaps, um,

you could come to lunch with me

and give me your thoughts
on our winter campaign?

Well, I'm sure we can
survive without him

for a couple of hours.

Thank you. Sure, let's go.

- Ciao.
- Ciao... (chuckles)

Oh, that does it;
you know, I bet

he's gonna offer
Billy the job in Rome.

That is so unfair.

I did as much work as he did.

You did the art,
Billy ran the show.

I don't get why
everything is just so rosy

for him all of the sudden.

You know, he had
an affair just like I did.

He is not standing on
any moral high ground,

and now job offers are
just dropping into his lap,

and Jennifer, she waits
on him like a house sl*ve.

He's paid his dues.

You know, if you
want my opinion,

you need to learn some patience.

Ah, patience takes too long.

Look, I'll tell you what.

I don't really want
Billy to go to Rome.

I want him to stay here.

But if Giorgio's open to it,

how would you like
to go instead of Billy?

I would love it.

Can you fix it?

I'll just tell Giorgio how
key you were on the ad.

And maybe undercut Billy
just enough to give me an edge?


But the rest is up to you.

The rest is just
good advertising.

Hey, Michael,
where are you going?

Why are you packing?

I turfed my patients to Coop,

and I'm off to Chicago
for my college reunion.

I thought you threw
that invitation away

as soon as you got it?

You said, and I quote,

"Those idiots were losers then,

and they're even
bigger losers now."

They were, and they are,
and that's why I'm going,

to remind them how sorry they
are they don't see me anymore.

Hmm, it's nice to be admired.

Hey, it sounds like fun.

I'll come with.

The hell you will.

But, Mikey, I want to see
your humble beginnings.

I was born this way, okay?

Now, be a good girl and
stop asking questions

and let me pack.

I'm not asking questions.

Hey, who are you really
going to see in Chicago?

There you go,

more questions.

Taylor, you're probably too
pregnant to travel anyway.

- I'm not that delicate.
- No,

but you'll probably throw the
plane's balance out of whack.

That is the end
of our discussion.

I'm going alone.

You're late.

What do you think of dreams?

I think they're the secret
language of the soul.

Why do you ask?

I've been having this
dream about Amanda.


She comes by the apartment
to pick up the rent check,

and she's dressed
in this hot red dress,

very sexy.

And I offer her some wine

and embrace her.

She resists me.

Then I get physically assertive.

That excites her,

and she ravishes me.

We call that wish fulfillment.

I don't know, it's like we're
on the same wavelength,

like I can sense what
she really wants me to do,

not what she says she wants.

Of course, in reality,

it's not possible to
read people's minds.

So, you have to
respect what they say,

right, Peter?

I'm not delusional, you know?


but I wouldn't take
obsessional off the table.

Why, because I moved back in
to Amanda's apartment building?

Because I want what I want,
and I'm willing to go after it?

Because I can focus on
what's meaningful to me

and not lose sight
of it, not give up on it,

and not fall apart at the first
obstacle that gets in my way?

Peter, remember
when I loaned you

my cabin in the woods
to go deep inside yourself,

and I told you not to
go to a party resort?

Well, I think the time has
come for the party resort.

Peter, I think you've
gone too deep.

It's funny how clear
it looks down here.

JEFF: Hey, you look great.

Why'd you get so dressed up?

- We're just going to have pizza.
- Oh, God, I'm so sorry.

I have to cancel.

I have this business dinner

that just came up.

I'm really excited.

I might get to go to Italy.

Really? On assignment?

No, for good.

That's what this
business dinner is,

it's a job interview.

- Italy?
- Yeah.

Where would that leave me?

Well, I'm sure you would like it
there, and you could come visit

- and then maybe...
- Wait a minute.

When were you planning
on telling me all this?

I just did.

Listen, I don't
have time for this.

♪ I know a little bit
about a lot of things ♪

♪ But I don't know
enough about you ♪

♪ Just when I
think you're mine ♪

♪ You try a different line... ♪

So, Giorgio took me to lunch,

basically said that the
Rome job is between me

and a couple other guys.

This is so exciting, Billy.

Yeah, he said he
found me to have a...

maturity beyond my years.

Guess he wasn't fooled
by your boyish good looks.

Can you imagine? I
mean, we're talking Italy.

- I can speak Italian, you know?
- Yeah, that's nice.

Well, I got to get back
to the office so I can, uh,

- put together a résumé.
- Well, I can help you,

mio amore.


All right, I'll see you at home.


♪ I'm so sure that
you'd be good for me... ♪

Hey, what's the matter?

You look like you
lost your best friend.

Well, I'm just
afraid I'm about to.


♪ And I'm nobody's fool ♪

♪ That is to say,
until I met you... ♪

How's married life treating you?

I think I'm getting
the hang of it.

Actually, it's, it's
come back pretty fast.

Like falling off a bicycle.

Yeah, only, this time, we get
to lick each other's wounds.

Ooh, Lexi.

I think your father may have
known what he was doing,

putting the two of you
back together again, Lexi.

COOP: Well, Tom had
some pretty strange ideas.

Mmm, but he sure
knew what I liked.

Sex and money?

All wrapped up into one cute,

little package.

That's us, just a
cute little couple.

LEXI: Yeah.

(gasps) Oh, my God!

Oh, gee, oh!

COOP: I'm sorry,
that was, that was

- completely my fault.
- Oh, God, yes, it was.

COOP: Excuse me, I, uh,

I got to go to the
bathroom and clean up.


Uh, I think you missed
a little spot there.

Oh, no, I didn't miss a thing.

♪ But I don't know
enough about you. ♪


♪ Fall away, never rest ♪

♪ Keepin' alive
the promises... ♪


Michael Mancini! H-Hey, it's me!

Irv Zuckis! Eta Kai Pi!

Oh, yeah, yeah, the cow
pies. How's it hanging, Zuckis?

Ah, it couldn't be any better!

I sold more rugs than
anyone in the state this year.

Really? You must be
one hot carpet salesman!

(laughs) No, not
carpets, toupees!

Oh, hey, hey,
here's my wife Faye,

my little Georgia peach!
Ah, remember her?

Here you go, honey!

I made the guy mix it
just the way you like it.

Hey, Faye, you
remember this yutz?

Michael, how are you?

I'm sensational. (laughs)

And it's, uh, very
good to see you again.

Irv, show him
pictures of the kids.

Oh, oh, yeah!

You must have quite a
family yourself now, Michael.

Oh, yeah, I bet
you married Jane,

boom, right after
graduation, just like us, huh?

First love, true love,
hmm? Am I right?

Actually, that didn't work out
and then my next two wives died.


So, are you gonna give me a hug?

(gasps) Jane, you look great!


Well, you're not
so bad yourself.

So, uh, did you just
come in for the reunion?

Oh, I was in town for a
big medical conference,

but, yeah, I just stopped
by at the spur of the moment.

Oh, well, it's good to see you.

So, how've you been?

Well, you know, business
has been booming.

You know, I was the chief
of staff at the hospital, until...

some bigger
opportunities came along,

like buying and
selling medical clinics.

- Wow!
- Yeah.

Unfortunately, it
hasn't left much time

for a love life,
so, uh, you know,

I've kind of sworn
off women this year.

I'm living alone at the, uh,
beach. H-How are you doing?

Oh, actually, I'm
house-sitting for my parents,

they're out of town.

No, I-I meant,
how's your life going?

Oh, it's... (laughs)

Oh, it's terrific.

I-I'm working for a clothing
design firm on the North Side.

I've got a really interesting
bunch of new friends...

Kind of an artsy crowd.

Yeah, things are
really coming together.

So, um, listen, um,

you want to tear
yourself away, uh,

from these fascinating alumni?
Maybe get ourselves a drink?

- Oh, no, no, I don't think...
- No, no, just the hotel bar!

Scout's honor, I won't try to
get you back up into my room.

Really, I-I should get going.

No, no, how about
tomorrow night then?

I'll pick you up at
your folks place.

No, no, uh,

tomorrow's the
pre-wedding party.

- Wedding?
- Yeah, it's, uh,

it's in a few days!

Really? Who's getting married?

- I am!
- Oh my... that's great!

- Congratulations!
- Thank you.

He's a great guy, he's
very, very successful,

very loving... I'm really happy.

It's really great
to see you're not

wilting away here in Chicago.

Oh, hardly. Listen,
I've got to get going,

I've got a million
things to do to get ready.

Oh, yeah, you must,
absolutely, you, uh...

Well, you must be
very happy and, uh,

I'm very happy for ya!


- So.
- So.

So, I, uh, well, I guess
I'll see ya around then.

Yeah, uh, catch you
at the next reunion.

Yeah, right.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Bye.
- Bye.


(phone rings)


Your service said you
were in Chicago, Michael.

What are you doing in Chicago?

Jennifer, why is this
any of your business?

All right, whatever, don't
jump down my throat.

Listen, I need your
advice about something.

- Uh-huh.
- Um, Billy got offered

this job in Italy and
he didn't ask me

to go with him, and I
feel terrible about it,

but I'm gonna be damned if
I'm gonna beg him to take me,

you know?

A-And then I was thinking,

well, maybe I should
just show up on my own,

but what kind of idiot
would do that, you know?

So, I don't know what to do.

Well, if he didn't ask
you to go right away,

that's, like, a big red flag.

It means he doesn't
want you to go

and he's not saying
that loud and clear.

So, I'd dump this creep before
it's too obvious he dumped you.

But, I still love him.

Oh, love is just an
arrangement, kiddo.

You got to learn when it's
time to move the furniture.

God, you make it
sound so cold, Michael.

(scoffs) It's just realistic.

Listen, take me, for example.

I ran into Jane yesterday.

It didn't make me
suddenly wonder what if or...

You saw Jane in Chicago?

How is she? Oh, I loved her.

I wish you guys
had stuck it out.

Oh, calm down, girl.
She's getting married.

Well, stop her, you moron!

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about
what a weenie you are

if you went all that
way to see her and...

That's not why I went.

And you're just gonna let her

slip through your fingers again?

True love doesn't happen
all that often, Michael.

You can't just walk away.

Oh, yeah? Just watch me.

Look, I'm glad I
could help you out

with this Billy thing and all.

See you when I get home.

- Hi.
- Hi!

Yeah, I just came
by to let you know...

Oh, I'm so glad
that you came here.

I just tried to call you
and you weren't home.

I need to apologize. I'm sorry
that I forgot about our date

and I didn't tell
you about Italy.

Look, Sam, I'm tired
of all the head games.

You're obviously trying to
put some distance between us.

You're right, that is
what I'm trying to do.

I-I promise, I'm
gonna work harder.


I just stopped by to tell you
that now that my knee's useless,

I'm gonna go for a
career in sportscasting.

Something I know and it's...

something that I could
support a family on.

Because, despite
everything that's happened,

I'm still doing this for us.

(sighs) I don't
know what to say.

Well, don't say anything.

I'm leaving town for some
job interviews back east,

give you some
time to think about it.

I still want to marry you.

I just won't be made
a fool of anymore.

So, uh, when you
come to your senses,

I'll be here.

But not forever.


Everything all right?


I found out today
that Sam's trying to...

steal Giorgio's job
right out from under me.

She can't match
your credentials, right?

Well, it sounds like
she doesn't have to.

Guy saw them out
to dinner last night,

said Sam was
practically sitting in his lap.

Yeah, well, I'm sure he'd never

fall for a trick
like that, right?

I mean, he's
probably a family man

and men like that
would never fool around

with babes on the prowl.

You know what? That's an idea.

We could do like a big
family-style Italian dinner

for the guy, you
know? You could cook!

You're a good cook,
like your mom, huh?


We will fight fire with pasta.

You want me to
wear a sexy dress?

No, you look okay.


I look okay.

God, that is so gratifying.

Okay, um,

we will start with an antipasto.

I do an "okay" antipasto.

And then maybe a nice manicotti.

The "okay" girl
doing a nice manicotti.


What is the matter?
Why are you crying?

I-I'm just gonna...

be so sad when you go to Rome.

I'm gonna miss you much more

than any of the other
guys that ever dumped me.

Miss me? Aren't
you coming with me?

I don't know. You
never invited me!

- Well, I just assumed...
- Y-You assumed?

Billy, you never said anything!

I-I thought that you
were done with me!

I thought that you hated me!

Are you nuts? I love you!

Of course, of course I
want you to come with me.

I'm counting on it!

Oh, you're counting
on me coming?!

Like, you're just
assuming that I want to go?

What if I don't
want to go, Billy?

Well, do you or don't you?

- Yes, I do!
- Oh, good.


No. Billy.


(music playing faintly)

♪ ...the wind ♪

♪ You are not the same... ♪

Um... hi. Excuse me, um...

I'm an old friend of the bride.

Do you know where she is?

There goes the groom.

The bride's usually
not too far off.

Okay, thanks.

♪ I'm thinking why you're gone ♪

♪ For so long... ♪

Excuse me.

(clears throat loudly)



You're not Jane.

- Who the hell is she?
- Who the hell are you?

You bastard.


You're getting married tomorrow!

(crash, guests exclaiming)

Ah! Somebody call the
police! That man is crazy,

and just started attacking us!


Jane! You can't marry this jerk.

He's not good enough for you!

I just caught him making
out with this bimbo.

This "bimbo" happens to
be my fiancé, you... clown!

Oh, Michael...

MICHAEL: What...?

W-What does he mean,
that she's his fiancé?

There's, uh, been a little
misunderstanding, everyone.

But it's, uh, it's
clearing rapidly.

I'll explain later.

- Sorry about the door.
- Oh, Michael...


This is, uh, really
embarrassing, Michael.

I'm not getting married.

To that guy? Good,
because you know,

I think he's involved
with this other woman.

No, to any guy.

I'm giving this party for
my girlfriend's wedding,

and I kind of exaggerated
to you last night

when I said it was mine.

I don't understand.
Why would you do that?

Well, um...

Seeing you last night
was really hard, Michael.

I mean, I came there to
see you, and when I did, it...

it sort of threw me.


I have had this really bad year.

I was giving
this party, and I...

I embellished a little.

Or maybe I was trying to
push you away, I don't know.

I'm sorry.

Ah, forget it.

Come on.

Let's go for a walk.

Thank God you came.

Oh, I am so sorry
about what happened

in the club last night.

No, I'm sorry. I
couldn't help myself.

The way Lexi was
drooling all over you,

I thought I was
going to k*ll her.

I-I could have sat
in a different chair.

We still could have
fooled her lawyer.

It's just so hard
publicly pretending

that I don't love you anymore.

And-and that "cute
couple" comment,

you got to understand,
I was just trying

to satisfy Jordan
while getting Lexi

to back off a little
bit, and it just...

it was a stupid
thing to say, and I-I...

Just shut up and kiss me.

Oh, man.

I haven't done this
since high school.

Well, then, you're in luck.

It's how I won my letter.

(knocking on door)


I was just passing
by and was wondering

if you wanted to give
me the rent check.


Oh, nothing. Um, I'm sorry.

I-I was just, um...

I was noticing
your dress. It's...

Oh, that's right.

This used to be
your favorite, didn't it?

You know, if this is
a bad time, I can...

No, no. No, not at all.

Actually, it's a...
it's a perfect time.

Come in. I'm sorry.

Would you like some wine? I...

No, I don't need any wine.

Just the check will do.

Right. Right, of course.

I was just, um...

celebrating moving back in here.

Oh. Well, that's great.

But I'm kind of in a hurry.

Is something wrong?


No, nothing.

You see, I've...

I've seen this dream before.

You are crazy if you think this is
somehow going to get me back.


- Peter!
- Well, I-I...

What? I was just doing what
I thought that you wanted.

What I want is... is for you
to drop the check in the mail.

Moving back here was like
moving backwards in time.

It was kind of surreal.

Yeah. I think about
the good old days.

- Puts a smile on my face.
- Yeah.

I remember sneaking you back
into your dormitory after hours.

- Oh, God.
- Hmm? How about that?

Oh... ah, you were so beautiful.

Uh, hey.

Uh, y-you still are.

I didn't mean it that way.

Well, what I think about
is moving out to L.A.

and moving into the apartment.

- Ah.
- Yeah, buying you that...

that cheesy coffee mug
with the picture of L.A. on it.

- That was my favorite!
- It was your favorite.

(laughing): I know!

(both sigh)

We were so young.

There was this feeling
that anything was possible.

Hey, everything was possible.

I was doctoring the rich;
you were designing fashions.

We were living
fast and having kids.

Oh, those are
probably some years

we don't want to
revisit, Michael.

Um... you know, Jane...


I'm amazed you
even like me anymore.

Oh, I always have.

I guess I always will.

Well, thank you for...

Thank you.

You know, it was nice

thinking about some
of the good old days,

even if, uh, some of
them weren't so great.


- (clattering, glass breaking)
- (man shouting)

Oh, I guess I better go,
uh, survey the damage.

Yeah, well... well,
um, good-bye.

Yeah, bye.

Give me a call sometime.

See how I'm doing.

It's a deal.

Please tell me that
this is just office gossip.

Not only is Sam competing
with me, but you're backing her?

Live with it, Billy.

The last thing I need right
now is you traipsing off to Italy.

What you need? Get this.

I want that Rome job, okay,

and if you ruin it for
me, I'm out of here.

So, what, take your
marbles and go home?

This is a business decision.

Don't turn it into a
personal vendetta.

It is personal, okay?


I need to get out of here.

I want to leave L.A.

I want to leave
here with Jennifer.

It's not good for me
around here anymore.

I just keep tripping
over bad memories.

Well, if you haven't
figured this out yet,

let me be the first
to spring it on you.

Can't run away
from your memories.

You and I have been
friends for a long time.

If that means anything to
you, you will help me here.

I'm in love with somebody, okay?

Do you remember
what that's like?


All right, I'll call Giorgio.

You are such a pain.

Thank you.


(woman speaks Italian phrase)

(Jennifer repeats phrase)

(woman speaks Italian phrase)

(Jennifer repeats part
of phrase, then stops)

- What?
- (knocking on door)

(woman speaks Italian phrase)

I've got to talk
about Coop and Lexi,

or I'm just... I'm
going to go nuts.

Oh, it's not really a
good time, Megan.

I'm trying to make gnocchi,

learn Italian and
clean the house

before Billy brings
Giorgio home for dinner.

Who's Giorgio?


(speaking Italian)

- Yeah, whatever.
- (Jennifer laughs)

So, is there anything
I could do to help?

Yeah, you could cover
for me at the bar tonight.

Okay, if it's okay with Kyle.

(phone ringing)

You know what? I'm
going to come back,

and we can talk later.


MICHAEL: Hey, Jennifer,
it's your big brother.

Look, uh, I'm sorry I was
a little out of line yesterday.

You sounded a little down.

I just want to make
sure you're okay.

Oh, that is so sweet,
Michael, but I'm fine, really.

In fact, I'm making
this huge dinner

for the guy that Billy
is trying to impress,

and then we're moving to Rome.


Didn't you hear a word I said?

You gotta run from
this situation, Jennifer.

Michael, Billy loves me.

Love is just a word, Jennifer.

It's not even a
word; it's a sound,

like... like Pavlov's dog
drooling at a dinner bell.

This call is quickly
losing its charm.

Well, did he give
you the big ring?

No, not yet, but
I'm sure he will.

Oh, yeah, and I'm
sure pigs will fly, too.

Does that mean you're
coming home soon, Michael?

You bet I am... tonight.

To save you from
your own illusions.

Michael, Billy's
feelings for me are real,

and not every man is like you.

You know, guys are guys.

They're like hounds.

They just can't help themselves.

The best they can do
is not rub your face in it.

Yeah, like you're
doing right now?

- Jenn...
- (dial tone droning)

(woman speaks Italian phrase)

Oh, shut up!

♪ Those happy hours ♪

♪ I spent with you ♪

♪ That lovely afterglow ♪

♪ Most of all... ♪

Amanda, look, I
want to apologize

- for the other night.
- Don't touch me.

I don't want you to talk to
me. I don't even want you

to look at me, so I'm going
to make it easy on you.

Your lease is up at
the end of the month.

No, no, no. Now, listen to me.

- I just want to tell...
- Don't!

Amanda told me what
happened last night.

You're not welcome here, either.

You hang around,
you're going to end up

- a patient in your own hospital.
- Oh, you think you scare me?

Huh? You overgrown soldier boy.

Okay, excuse me.
Nobody wants a scene here.

So, if you don't mind, I think

I'll just escort this
gentleman outside.

You're doing him a big favor.

Just had to thank you
for getting me out of there.

I was really no match for
him in my present condition.

Honey, you are
not a match for him

on the best day of your life.

Well, thanks for your support.

You know, I never thought

that you could actually
make me happy again,

but seeing you
shot down that way

by the woman you worship...
Oh, oh, sweet music.

That's funny.

You know, when we were
together, I never saw this part of you.

This must be the woman that
was married to Coop all those years.


(bottle uncorking)


Mmm. This smells delicious.

Oh, it's so nice to have
an appreciative audience.

You should always
appreciate what you have.

In advertising, more is better.

By life, what is on your
table is what you must love.


- (door slams)
- Hope I'm not late.

- What are you doing here?
- SAMANTHA: Well, I was just

curious as to why Amanda
was pushing me for Giorgio's job,

and then, all of a sudden,
she's your biggest fan.

Are you kidding me?
Sam, you don't know

the first thing about
running a company.

- (phone ringing) -All right,
you'd fall flat on your face.

You'd end up pulling
Giorgio down with you.

Is that what this is all
about? Like, winning some,

- like, imaginary contest with me?
- Hello.

- This isn't imaginary. It's very real...

My flight's in an hour.

You're gonna go through
with this dinner thing?

It's happening
right now, but Sam

is gate-crashing
and the whole thing is

falling apart, and I don't
know what to do, Michael.

All right, put me on speaker
phone. I'll fix everything.

Yeah, what are you gonna say?

Oh, what a great exec Billy
is, that Sam should get a grip,

and everybody else should
relax and have some Chianti.

I'm sick of you
getting what you want

- instead of what you deserve.
- I don't know, Michael.

- You know what I deserve?
- MICHAEL: Jennifer, come on.

Want me to call
Mom, get her involved?

I promise you, you'd rather
have me on the box than her.

All right.

Um, okay, attention, everybody.

My brother would
like to say a few words.

Go ahead, Michael.
You are on the air.

MICHAEL: But you
listen to me, Campbell.

If you go to Italy, you're
not taking my sister with you.

I don't see how this is any
of your business, Mancini.

Okay, Michael, thank
you a lot for calling.

No, no, let's hear what
he has to say. I'd like

to see the puffed-up
phony exposed for who he is.

MICHAEL: Yeah, yeah, and
you, Mr. Honcho from Rome.

Now, I know Billy's
a top-notch ad man...

Oh, like we need another
one of those in the world...

But he happens to
be taking advantage

of someone I feel
very strongly about.

Advantage-taking is perhaps

not such a bad trait
in a businessman.

Oh, unless it's been taken
by a business woman,

and then she's a
bitch. It's just not fair.

MICHAEL: Look, listen,
all I know is, personal life

interferes with
business dealings.

Now, how long do you think
this relationship is gonna last

once it reaches
sunny Italy, huh?

Yeah, try forever.

Oh, try two seconds.

- (knocking)
- Oh, hang on a sec.

It's the bellman. He's got to
bring my luggage downstairs.

Hey, bags are right there.
I'll be down in a second.

Now, now, face
it, Jennifer, okay?

You fell for Billy
on the rebound.

He's not the kind of guy you'd
want to spend your life with.

I mean, he's not the kind of
guy you can love and love again.

Even after you
both crash and burn,

and-and you dust yourselves
off for the fiftieth time,

and you're just
hanging on the ropes.

And you wake up one
morning in a cold bed,

and your life's missing
something, and you...

And you realize you're
still thinking about her

after all these years.

I do love you like that.

Will you marry me?

Yes. Mmm.

Yes, I will marry you. Mmm.

Oh, I may puke.

BILLY: I love you.

- JENNIFER: I love you.
- I love you.

JENNIFER: He loves me! Mmm!

(phone clicks off)

(Michael moans)

- (horns honking)
- MICHAEL: Thank you.

Well, I guess I better be going.

The airport limo
leaves in ten minutes.

Last night was
wonderful, Michael.

MICHAEL: Yeah, yeah, it was.

You know, Jane, it...

It'd be a real shame
if we lost touch,

but you know, I know you're
not gonna come near L.A. again.

No. No, I have a life here now.

No, no. Yeah, I
know. Of... Of course.

I'm gonna miss you, though.

I'm gonna miss you, too.

Thank you, Michael,
for everything...

For talking and
listening, and...

And hey, don't forget
the night of fantastic sex.

Thank God some
things never change.

Hey, nothing never
changes. Not even me.

I'll remember that.

I'll never forget you.

Have a great life.

You deserve it.

(door opens)

(door closes)

MEGAN: I keep thinking Lexi's
gonna come home and catch us.

Ah, don't worry.

Her plane's not even due back
from Sacramento until noon.

- Ah.
- Mmm.


What the hell are you two doing?

COOP: I'd say,

it's fairly obvious. What
are you doing back so soon?

LEXI: Oh, my meeting

got rescheduled, decided
to take an earlier flight.

(laughs) Apparently,
not early enough.

(laughing): What did
you do, you little tramp?

You tell your mommy
that you were sleeping

over your girlfriend's house?

Hey, what's the
matter with you, Lexi?

(Megan clears her throat)

This is a matter of
convenience, remember?


well, it's not gonna
be very convenient

if we all get thrown
in jail for fraud, is it?

- You better get out...
- Oh, excuse me!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Enough! Look, I love this
woman, and we had an agreement.

LEXI: No, I never agreed to get

humiliated in my own home.

You know, I am human.
I do have feelings, too.

You know what? I've had
enough of this. I'm out of here.

No. -Megan, wait.

Wait, wait, wait a minute, Coop.

We need to talk about
this, and... (gasps)

- I got to get out of here.
- (Lexi groans)

I just might k*ll you. (groans)


(door opens)

(door closes)

(birds singing)

(door closes)

Dr. Burns.

What a pleasure
it is to see you.

Mr. Beck, good to see you.

I hope I'm not intruding here.

No, no, no, not at
all. Please sit down.

- Oh, thank you.
- Can I get you a drink?

No, no, no, no, really, really.

How you feeling? You
taking those meds?

Absolutely. Feel a thousand
percent, thanks to you.

Oh, I just did what doctors do.

BECK: Oh, no, no.

You took my case when
all others had written me off.

You saved my life, Peter.

That's not something
I take lightly.

You know, I didn't get to where I
am by beating around the bush.

I can tell something's
on your mind.


Well, you always
were a very astute man.

BECK: When I got out of surgery,

I told you, if there was
ever anything you needed,

anything at all, all
you had to do is ask,

it'd be done.

Yes, I remember.

Anything, Doctor.

Now, what could I do for you?

There's a woman I know.

She owns an advertising agency.

No. I'd be glad
to do it, Alison,

for old time's sake.


That was Alison?

- No.
- Yeah, it was.

I heard you say her name.

What were you talking about?

applying for a job,

and she needed a
recommendation from me.

I thought she already
had a pretty good job.

Well, she lost it.

Alison's been having

some adjustment
problems in Atlanta.

How do you know all this?

- I know, that's all.
- How do you know?

- I've been in touch with her.
- Since when?

Since she left L.A., if
that's all right with you.

Actually, I've...

I've helped her get
a few different jobs.

She's fallen off the
wagon a couple of times,

and has been in
and out of rehab.

BILLY: When were you...?

I mean, you never

bothered to tell me any of this?

What were you gonna
do, run off and save her?

BILLY: Yeah, maybe.

- Maybe I'll call her right now.
- You can't!

She's on her way into
another treatment program,

and they don't
allow calls there.

Look, Billy, you
have a life here.

Don't blow it on a
flaky ex-girlfriend

out of some misplaced
sense of debt.

(phone ringing)


Hi, Jeff.

Um, it's so good
to hear your voice.

Hi, Sam. What's up?

Well, um, I just
miss you. That's all.

I've been thinking about
you, and about what you said,

and... (sighs)

I want to make things
right between us.

Okay, what do you have in mind?

Um, well, um, I want
to be there for you.

Whenever and wherever you are.

Um, I just... I just need
you to do me one favor,

and I promise I won't
ask anything again.

Have you been to Atlanta yet?

No. I get there in
a couple of days.

Hi, Michael.

Hey, why were you
at the hospital so long?

Oh, surgery.

You could have at least called.

Yeah, well, I was busy.

And you stayed an extra day in
Chicago at that stupid reunion.

Even though you're a
pain, it got kind of lonely

here without you.

Here, I made you something.

What's this?

Our baby.

He's been kicking
me all day, and

I have to pee every ten
minutes, and my back hurts

and I just don't feel good!

Uh, Taylor, why don't
you take a warm shower?

I'm gonna make
myself a stiffer drink.

Okay, but you have to promise to
rub my shoulders when I get out.

Fine. I'll be there
in a few minutes.


(phone ringing)

Oh, geez, what now?

(water running)


Michael, hi. It's me.

Jane. Jane, uh,
is everything okay?

Everything's fine.
Perfect, in fact.

Listen, I'm, uh... I'm
calling from the road.

Oh, oh. You're on
your way to dinner?

JANE: No, no.
I'm here. I'm in L.A.

I got a rental
car at the airport.

I am about to turn
on PCH right now.

I will be at your place in
about five, ten minutes.

I-I know this is a big leap,

but it's like you
said this morning.

I do deserve a good life, and
I've decided to try it out here.

- You're in L.A.?!
- TAYLOR: Hey, I'll be

ready for that back rub
in a couple of minutes.