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07x02 - A Long Way to Tip-a-Rory

Posted: 04/26/22 08:50
by bunniefuu


Michael, I don't believe it.

Things get a little hopeless,

and you decide to check out?


Well, sounds like you.

It is me,

and I'm mad, okay?

There's a child inside you,

and no matter how careless
you are with your own life,

that baby is
destined to be born,

to live,

to grow, and to
do amazing things.

And you are responsible
to that baby and to yourself.



Our destiny, Taylor.

Yours, mine, and the baby's.


Our destiny?

Yours, mine, and ours together?



MAN: You all right, ma'am?

I-I saw your car from my truck.

Where is he? Where's Michael?

He was just here.

Just stay still.

I'm gonna... I'm
gonna call for help.

(indistinct radio transmissions)

No, you're too late, Kyle.

You're divorced, and
we're already married.

- Show him the ring.
- Kyle, stop.

Oh! (screams)

Stop it; you're
acting ridiculous.

KYLE: You want to marry
that skeezball, go ahead,

- but you're gonna hear the truth.
- The truth is,

I'm married to someone else,
and you're making it worse...

Damn it, listen to
me, this whole thing,

- this punishing yourself...
- Get that guy, he's nuts.

- He att*cked me.
- You didn't have anything to do

with Christine's death,
Amanda; I got proof.

Get him out

of here; I want him arrested.

You're not responsible
for her death, Amanda.



You knew he'd
show up eventually.

Don't worry, it's all
been taken care of.

That jarhead's gone.

Now, where were we?

Oh, right, the, uh...

"you may kiss the bride" part.

It's over, Amanda, I promise.





♪ We don't know
where we're going ♪

♪ We only know
where we've been ♪

♪ We're trying to make
it in a cold, cold world ♪

♪ Get on the road
and back again ♪

♪ You see, we're dancin' ♪

♪ On the edge of a dream ♪

♪ Ooh, baby, we're dancin' ♪

♪ On the edge of a dream ♪

♪ It's time to stop
and think about it ♪

♪ 'Cause it smells
like paradise ♪

♪ If the taste is bittersweet ♪

♪ It's a long and lonely night ♪

♪ You see, we're dancin' ♪

♪ On the edge of a dream. ♪

JENNIFER: When I was a kid,

this really cute guy dumped me,

and my ma said,
"Change is good for you.

It toughens you up,
makes you stronger."

I always remembered that.

This is weird.

I feel like I'm on, like,
one of those specials,

like, America's Worst
Marriage Disasters: Part Three.


I know, but nothing can
change what happened.

How come... how come I
never see these things coming

and then... they end
up so out of control?



you got to stop it
with all this thinking.

It's giving me a headache.

Hey, what do you say
we run away for the day?

We'll drive up the
coast, sit on the beach,

breathe in the fresh air,

and smile a lot.

Hey, reverse that.

We'll smile first.

I'll start right now.




How's that? Good?

Come on, now you try.

Teeth, come on.


Just hold on to me, Billy.

Everything will work
out fine, you'll see.

(sirens wailing)

MAN (over P.A.):
Physical therapy, main floor.

Dr. Reed...


Who is it?


thank God it's you.

Hey, how long
have I been asleep?

How's my baby?

Oh, fine; baby's fine.

What was with the
disappearing act last night?

You're the one who disappeared.

See, I get this good-bye
call on my cell phone.

Next thing I know, I'm
on rounds this morning,

and everybody's yammering
about this McBride woman

who tried to k*ll herself.

Wait, so that wasn't
you last night?

Huh? It wasn't me?

What-what are you talking about?

I did try to k*ll
myself, Michael,

but then you showed
up out of nowhere,

and you pulled
me out of the car,

and you gave me mouth-to-mouth.

Now I know you're delusional.

The things you
were saying, though,

about my baby

and my responsibility...

No, that was a
dream, a hallucination.

Carbon monoxide
can do that to you.

No, when you were
talking about the baby,

you kept saying that you
wanted to be involved.

Taylor, I'm warning you,
if you keep up this babble,

I'm gonna have to have you
committed to a psycho ward.

Now, listen, this is
what we're gonna do.

I'm gonna check you
out under my name.

Then I'm sending you straight
home, and when you get there,

I'd suggest you start
working on a new lease on life.

(door opens, closes)

But I already have a new
reason for living, Michael.

And it's you.

What the...?

Who are you people?

FBI, ma'am.

Official business.

What is this, a joke?

They've been here all
morning, Miss Sterling.

Your lawyers are in your office.

Th-There's warrants
or something.

Talk to me, damn it.

They're seizing our records

and all of our books by
order of a federal judge.

Apparently they've been
conducting an investigation

since your father's death.

This office,

this company, its assets,

it's all going into
a receivership

until financial
restitution can be made.

Financial restitution?

How much?

$ million.


I don't understand this.

What... Was it a bad investment?

Was it back taxes?

- What?
- Embezzlement, I'm afraid.

Most likely by your
father, and somehow,

while you were
setting up these offices,

he got your signature on some
very incriminating documents.

- They think it's me?
- Well, listen,

we've got a week,

a week to straighten this out.

But if we can't,

you're gonna go to jail.

(phone rings)

Good morning. Upstairs.

It's me... Kyle.

Hey, Kyle, what's new?

How's the Dominican Republic?

You and Amanda all patched up?

(groans) Actually, I
ran into a little snag.

I'm in jail on an
as*ault charge.

Oh, no, foreign jail.

Should I call
Amnesty International?

No, it's not that
serious; I think $

wired to the
Dominican District Jail,

Santo Domingo,
ought to cover it.

No problem.

And may I ask,
who did you as*ault?


And when I found them,

he was marrying Amanda.

Oh, my God, but
you stopped it, right?

No, actually, I was too late.

And the truth you
found out from Taylor,

about Christine's death,
Amanda doesn't care?

She doesn't know.

Look, the whole thing is a mess.

I just...

As soon as I get to Amanda,

I am gonna straighten
everything out.

When we get back, Amanda's
gonna be married to me.

That's quite a prediction, Kyle.

It's not a prediction.

It's a promise.

(guard speaking Spanish)

(waves crashing)

RORY: Come here, you.

Oh. Oh.

Do you love it?

Miles from anywhere
on our own little island.

Snorkeling, scuba,
fresh seafood every day.

I'd just assumed we'd
go back home to L.A.

Oh, even an improper wedding
deserves a proper honeymoon.

It's the outermost island,
and it rents for nothing.

After all the craziness
these last few days, you and I

just need to veg
out for a while.

You still thinking about Kyle?

I'm just curious, I guess,

about what he meant about
me not being responsible.

Hasn't he been
saying that for weeks?

Yeah, good point.

(chuckles) What proof
could he have now

that he didn't have weeks ago?


Oh, I am so tired of
desperate, lovesick men.

That's why marrying
me was so brilliant.

I'm none of those things.

Oh, by the way,

I'm only staying here one night.

First thing tomorrow,
back in the boat

and out of this place.


Plenty of time.

Yeah, I just never
really thought about it.

You know, why.

W-Why I was
acting the way I was.

What motivated me?

I mean, I was just
wandering through life.

And-and now,
b-because of our talks,

I-I realize the root of it all.

I've discovered it.

I still love Amanda.

All of these complex problems
with one simple solution:


You're not sharing
my enthusiasm, Doctor.

Well, I-I suppose

it's your "simple
solution" reference.

Uh, discovering you're
still in love with Amanda...

Doesn't that actually
create a new problem?

I'm not following you.

Well, your relationship
with Amanda is over.

Any feelings of love
would remain unrequited.

Well, see, I am
not so sure there.

Hmm? Is it really over?

Peter, she's moved
on to someone else.

But so had I.

Wasn't that the
root of my problems?

Can't moving on
mean moving back?


No, no, Doctor, I-I really
feel that I need to tell Lexi

my true feelings about Amanda.

In my heart, I feel that
this is the right thing to do.

Well, your brain should
tell you otherwise.

Look, Peter, as your doctor...


We've had a great time here,

but I think it's-it's time
for me to go it alone.

That's fine.

But what happens when this fails

and you find
yourself really alone?

Uh, well, I'll make
another appointment, huh?

Wish me luck.

(door opens, closes)

(door opens, closes)

(keys clink)

It's not a good sign
to sit alone in the dark.

I was just admiring the view.

Well, I called you earlier.

Something's wrong with
the phones in your office.

It's more than just the phones.

Listen, I, I need
to talk with you.

I, uh, I have a problem here.

Well, me, too,
but, but you go first

because whatever your
problem is, mine's a lot worse.

Well, you know, all
I've been doing, w...

Seeing the... you
know, the shrink

and that experience with
Michael in the wilderness.

I mean... as weird as it sounds,

it's actually given me some
time to think, you know,

and kind of explore why
there's this hole in my life

that I can't seem to fill,

and I, I think
I've figured it out.


I wanted to, to let you know,

before our relationship
goes any further, that...


I'm still in love with Amanda.


Wait, you're kidding me, right?

Oh, no, no, no,
maybe you're just

trying to cheer me up with
a little gallows humor, huh?

Oh, baby, it's working.


That is funny as hell.

That's damn near
hysterical, actually.

Lexi, look, I-I couldn't
be more serious.

I love her and I
just can't shake it.

- (Lexi huffs)
- Lexi, hey, wait a minute.

- Please, Lexi.
- (Lexi yells)

You son of a bitch pig!

Of all the times to hurt
me, you selfish jerk!

No, I'm just trying to
be honest with you.

No, no,

you want to break up with
me, and this is the sickest way

you could think of doing it.

- No.
- You got it, you win, get out.

- Lexi.
- Do you understand me?

Get out that door right now.

Don't say another word
either, because I swear to God,

I will find a knife and I will
cut your freaking heart out!

- Listen to me.
- Get out!

(door closes)


Oh, my God.

Place growing on you yet?

Trade winds, sound
of crashing surf.


Not in the mood, huh?

Understand completely.

First night jitters...
I got 'em, too.

It's not like that at all, okay?

It just... it seems like you
planned this whole honeymoon

for some ulterior motive,

as if you could actually
make me fall in love with you,

and that was never the idea.

Hey, I'm just trying to make
an awkward time less awkward.

I mean, after all, you and I

are more of a partnership
than anything, right?

In a way, I suppose.

I mean, this is about
nothing but opportunity,

right, for you to
keep Kyle away,

for me...

Well, what do I get?

I know,

you could give me a piece of
your agency... say, half, right...

And of course I'll work for it

by giving ideas,
handling new accounts.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

A-Amanda, think about it.

With a sharp guy like me
on board, profits will soar.

I mean, whatever it costs you,

I'll make it up by
bringing in new business.

I'm sorry, but that's
never going to happen,

and I can't believe you
even thought that it would.

I mean, you have your
business and I have mine.

Never the twain
shall meet, right?

Never, ever.

You'll regret that decision.

I probably will, but you
do understand, right?

Oh, right, yeah, absolutely.

I think I'll go, um, see if
that shower rig really works.

Uh, I'll refill your glass
and I'll bring it in to you.



(indistinct chatter)

Uh... I think we need
to talk about getting...

a divorce.

I already spoke to an attorney.

Takes, uh, six months.

I know.

Really shouldn't be a big deal,
you know, 'cause we don't...

own anything together.

No, we just file the
papers and that's it.


So you going to be
moving in with Jeff?

No, I'm not ready
for anything like that.

How about Jennifer?

Well, we're still both
a little shell-shocked.

If you're wondering about
the apartment, you can have it.

You lived in that
place for years, um...

Yeah, too many years.

Really, I want you to have it.

Maybe you'll have more
luck there than I did.

Well, I guess...
I guess that's it.

Yeah, that's it.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(boat horn blows)

(knocking on door)

I just thought, in
the sober light of...

Your stuff's in the bedroom.

I started packing it last
night and I thought to myself,

"What the hell?

Let the S.O.B. do it himself."

If you say we need to talk,

I'm going to throw
up on your oxfords.

It's just that last night you
said that you had a problem,

and I read this morning's
business section.

Well, I mean, that's, that's
quite a problem... facing arrest.

Look, cut the sympathy.

Unless you have $ million,
you are useless to me.

Actually I know
where you can get ten.

Oh, let me guess.

You were, you were two
when you bought IBM at $ .

All you have to
do is marry Coop.


Oh, right.

Right, what was I thinking?

I-I'll marry a guy who
has less money than I do,

a-a guy that I hate almost
as much as I hate you.

There was a codicil
in your father's will.

Coop told me about it.

You marry him,
you get $ million.

Just like your old man
to do something like that.

That and so much more.


He was the one who
got me into this mess.

Steals $ million
from the company,

but he manages to stow

$ million in a secret codicil?


Oh, I swear, I swear,
it's like he orchestrated

this whole thing just
because he liked Coop.

Well, that's a
pretty short list...

People your old man liked.

I marry Coop, I get $ million.

God, that is so sick.

(Lexi sighs)

Do it.

Marry him, split the money,
and your problems are solved.

I'll get my stuff.


Thanks for this.

I still despise you, but
it's a little less right now.

(door closes)

(indistinct chatter)

I'm looking for Amanda
Woodward and Rory Blake.

I'm showing Mr. and
Mrs. Blake as checked out.

I'm assuming they're on
their way back to the States.

Mr. and...

Uh, what time did they leave?

They le... they left yesterday.

What time is your next
flight back to California?

I'm afraid you missed it.

There's one flight a day,
same time every day.



Where are you?

(Amanda sighs)

Good. Tea.

How you feel?


It's getting worse.

A bad fever and chills.

Listen, if the tea
doesn't break the fever,

I'm bringing you
back to the mainland.

The sea's a little
rough right now,

but as soon as it calms down...


I don't think I can move a
muscle. Everything hurts.

Well, not to worry.

I'm not gonna let
anything happen to you.

- Come on.
- (Amanda sighs)

Come on, down the hatch.

(Amanda sighs)

Come on. There
you go. That's it.

That's it.

(sighs heavily,
hissing through teeth)

(sighs and groans)

(Amanda groans softly)

(siren blaring)


Look, Lexi, um,

I'm in kind of a hurry
here. It's Megan's

- one night off, and...
- Look, Coop, this won't take long.

I'm sorry about
your troubles, I am,

but I'm not exactly
on easy street myself.

You would be if you'd marry me.

I know about the codicil.

I know you know.

Five million apiece

for the simple
act of saying I do.

I think it makes sense.

Not to me.

Coop, I need that money,

or I'm going to jail.

God, it's not even like
a real marriage here.

- In name only.
- (Coop sighs)

Up to and not beyond
the terms of the will.

Yeah, one of which
is that we have

to live together
under the same roof.

So what?! We will work it out.

No, we won't.

Listen to me.

Your father was a sick
man, putting this in his will,

but I'd be even
sicker if I agreed to it.

Now, I'm marrying
Megan, and nothing,

including all the
money in the world,

is gonna change that.

You understand?

(Coop sighs)

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Respiratory to Physical Therapy.

Northwest. Stat.

Respiratory to Physical Therapy.

Northwest. Stat.

(groans) Yeah.

Got 'em.

Manual shredding works
better than the machine.

Too late, Doctor,
or shall I say Daddy?

Taylor came to you, didn't she?

Oh! What am I saying?

Of course she did.


Well, what are you waiting for?

Let's hear the demands.

Yes, there was a day that
I might blackmail you, but...

I think I'm past
that now, Michael.

We both are. Don't you agree?

Oh, of-of course I agree.

I-I couldn't agree more.

So, um, you're talking

about that little transformation
in the mountains, aren't you?

Well, let's test it, shall we?

Sure, pal. Anything.

(laughs) What did
you have in mind?

(clears throat)

I want you to tell her, Michael.

Admit you're the father.

Oh, you know, Peter,
now, I could do that...


You will do that.

Am I nuts, or is
there an implied

"or else I will" in your voice?

Michael, I'm giving
you an opportunity here

to handle this like an adult,

not the sniveling
coward that you are.

Tell her, Michael.

Or I definitely will.


(waves roaring)

AMANDA: Please help me.

RORY: Did you say, "Help you?"

Oh, I think I've helped you
along as much as I needed to.

This is one of those good
news, bad news things, Amanda.

See, the good news is...

Actually, I can't think
of any good news.

No, this is just a... this
is just a bad news thing.

I've poisoned you.

(waves crashing)

First the champagne,
then the tea.

It's a lethal dose of digitalis.

It's... it's a very
hard-to-trace drug.

See, the autopsy will
confirm my suspicions

that you caught some
deadly jungle virus.

You can't do this.

Hey, look, all I wanted
was a job, an office,

and half of everything you got.

Oh, my God, I'll give it to you.

Just... get me to the boat.

I-I won't tell anyone.

(Amanda panting)

See, I can't take
the risk, Amanda.

Eventually you'd tell someone.

Probably Kyle.

Probably the minute you saw him.

There'll be questions.

Yeah, like, "Why
didn't I get you

to the boat the minute I
knew you were sick?" Right?

I'll say I tried,

but a wave washed over us,

the boat was ripped
up on the rocks.

Our one last chance
to get to shore.

(waves rumbling)

Sorry, Amanda.

It's hopeless.

(air hissing out)

(birds singing)

(crowd chatter)

Ah, Mr. McBride,
as I told you earlier,

I-I do not know
where your friends are.

It-it's all right. I found 'em.

Really? I'm... oh, hmm... glad.

Come here.

What did Rory pay you
to keep quiet... $ ? $ ?

You know something,
and you better tell me.

They're on their honeymoon.
He doesn't want interruptions.

And after that
incident in the chapel...

Incident in chapel's
gonna be nothing

compared to the
incident in the hotel lobby.

You better talk, puke face.

Puke f...

All right.

They're on an outer
island, the furthest one out.

You can rent a boat
down at the dock.

Hey, what's going on here?

Oh, just a little
business transaction.

Thank you, my friend.

Good day, gentlemen.

(phone ringing)


MICHAEL: Hi, Taylor.

It's me, Michael.

Look, when you get
your next bill, don't panic.

Just send it on to your
insurance company.

Oh, there was a
mix-up at the lab.

It's no big deal.

Just, uh, about the
father of your baby?

Well, it's me, not Nick.
Like I said, no big deal.

All right, I got to go.

I knew it. I knew
it. I could feel it!

Yeah, uh, really busy.
I got to go, Taylor.

Oh, Michael!

Oh, gosh, I knew

you'd blow this
out of proportion.

Look, this doesn't change
anything, understand?

There is nothing different.

You're still raising
this child by yourself.

If you were here right now,
I'd give you the biggest hug!

But I'm not. I'm
at the hospital...

being called in for surgery.

As a matter of fact,
emergency surgery.

Good-bye, Taylor.


(phone beeps off)



(waves rumbling)


- Hey, Kyle!
- (wood thudding)

Man, thank God you're here.

Amanda's really sick.

I got her in the cabin.

Yeah, I-I tore the
boat up on the rocks.

We've been marooned here.

Amanda, it's Kyle.

Can you hear me?


- Kyle.
- I'm gonna get you out of here.



Don't talk.

No, you've got to...

- Kyle!
- (grunting)


(Rory grunting)

Come on, Rory.


(Rory groans)


It's all right.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

(Amanda groans)

Hi, sweetie!

Oh, I have nice Chianti for you,

and you do love
mussels, don't you?

Oh, I've got 'em, and they
are as fresh as a baby's breath.

- Oh.
- Oops.

I promised myself I wasn't
gonna mention our baby.

I knew you'd do this.

Really? Oh, sh**t! I
wanted it to be a surprise.

What was I thinking?

That you'd actually
listen to me?

That you'd actually
stay out of my life?

Of course you won't. You can't.

You haven't got
the capabilities.

It's like asking an
ape to do algebra.

TAYLOR: Now, now, Michael.

Apes are very intelligent.

Oh. You have a hard time
with change, don't you, Michael?

What? Wha-What's
changed? Nothing's changed.

Do the right thing,
my life is still the pits.

I don't want anything
from you, Michael.

Well, nothing serious anyway.

I just...

I want some company in this...

sometimes arduous
time that I'm experiencing.

And-and you... you are
supposed to take care of me, right?

I mean, that is what
you told the police.

Oh, well, yes, but...

You know, I believe a father
should experience the beauty

of childbirth, too.

It is a time to be shared.

Michael, this baby's
a piece of you.

It's your big shot
at immortality.

Easy on the hard
sell, okay, Taylor?


I have another
bombshell for you.


Nuke me.

All right, I got my amnio
test results back today.

It's a boy!

I'm gonna have my
own little Mikey! (giggles)

Oh, he's already been
kicking up a storm.

Can't wait to come
out and meet his daddy.

And vice versa, I'm betting.

- Oh, yeah.
- Here, feel him.

Vice versa.

That's right, vice versa.

(crowd chatter)

I think you should know,

Billy and I are
getting a divorce.

That must be... difficult.

It takes six months.

California law.

That long? Really?

Yes, really.

Isn't there a quicker way?

I mean, I, I've
heard that there is.

(sighs) I knew you
were gonna do this;

just start pushing.

I'm not doing anything.

(sighs) Look, I
have no intention

of getting married
right away again, okay?

So, whether it takes six months,

or a year, or whatever...

you're just gonna
have to live with it.

All I did was ask a question.

- Can we just enjoy...
- (approaching footsteps)



(smooth jazz music playing)

(indistinct murmuring)

(door closes)

Psst. Hi.

♪ I guess you wonder
where I've been... ♪

I was just thinking about you.


Sam and I filed for divorce.

(sighs) Wow.

♪ I came back to
let you know... ♪

Am I losing my mind,

or is that the second
day on that shirt?

Guy and I don't
wear the same size.

And you don't want to
go back to your place?

Not really.

Would you like
me to do it for you?

- Mmm.
- Pack up your things?

I don't know.

I don't mind.

I'll deliver them to Guy's
first thing tomorrow.

So, they let the bartenders
dance around here, or what?

Hmm, not normally.

But it just so happens
that the boss is out of town.

- Mmm.
- Ooh.

Oh, too bad for
him. Good for us.


♪ What you won't do ♪

♪ Do for love ♪

♪ You tried everything ♪

♪ But you won't give up ♪

♪ In my world ♪

♪ Only you ♪

♪ Make me do for love ♪

♪ What I would not do. ♪

(wind blowing)

(phone rings)

(door closes)

The woman confirms your story.

That along with
her toxicology report

indicate that Mr. Blake
was intending to k*ll her.

You're free to go.

(mechanical whirring)


How you feeling?

I don't know.

Divorced, married, widowed...

within a space of
what, hours?

I'd say confused sums it up.

No surprise there.


Hey, thanks for saving my life.

- I mean it.
- Yeah.

Are you ready to hear what I
had to tell you at the chapel?

- Oh, Kyle.
- It's gonna change everything.


You can't change things
that have already happened.

But you can explain them.

You were manipulated,
Amanda, both of us

- were manipulated...
- I don't care.

Damn it! You're
gonna listen to this.

The Christine that I
knew, the real one,

she died a long time ago, okay?

The woman that came to
L.A., that was an imposter.

She was hired by Nick and
Taylor to ruin our marriage.

Oh, and, hey, those
rascals, it worked.

But she didn't commit su1c1de.

Okay, you didn't force
her to do anything.

She was m*rder*d by Nick
because was gonna confess

their whole scheme.

And then Nick and Taylor,
they set it up to look like

a su1c1de to guilt-trip you.

Come on, do you need proof?

I need to be left alone.

Wait, maybe you don't
understand what I'm saying...


I'm sorry, but...

it doesn't matter to me
who Christine was or wasn't.

But, like I've been saying,

people die when
they're around us.

Rory's dead, I almost died...

I can't explain it.
It's just, it's wrong.


Amanda, I'm...

I am so tired. Just...

leave me alone.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(birds chirping)


Your cab to the airport's
here. He's waiting downstairs.

And the gentleman I
asked about? Kyle?

Um, no one's seen him.
He must have left last night.

(gulls cawing)


Oh, I slept so well last night.

Mmm. I love it here.

I think it's the salt air.

You're gonna kick
me out, aren't you?


I won't shirk my
responsibility to your child.

You can stay until
the baby comes.

But then you'll have to leave.

And after that, I'll
help support the child,

but only financially. That's it.

But a child needs nurturing.

Baby needs his father.

Look, uh...

I'm just not the parental type.

I don't have a nurturing
bone in my body. Not a one.

Michael, you're being
too hard on yourself.

You're gonna be a good daddy.

Do you or do you
not accept my terms?

I accept them.

For the time being.

(brakes squeal)

I said to take me
directly to the airport.

(speaks in Spanish)

Oh, I don't believe this.


Do you really think that

after everything we've been
through that I'm just gonna

fall back into your arms?

I tried everything else.

(laughs): You're a lunatic.

No, you are, if you
think we're bad together.

That's just some kind
of psychological babble,

and I'm not buying it anymore.

There's nothing left to
feel guilty about, Amanda.

Yes, there is. I feel
pretty damn bad

about the way I've
been treating you.

Am I complaining?

Well, and, and there's the fact

that I haven't listened to
you, that I took up with Rory,

that I was unfaithful.

Absolved, absolved,
and absolved.

Next obstacle, please.

I was stupid.

So was I.

Yet another reason we are
so damn perfect together.


You know,

this is the exact spot
that I fell in love with you.

I couldn't leave
without coming to visit.

Why visit? I'm ready to
spend the rest of my life here.

Welcome home.

(soft jazz music playing)

(soft laugh)

Can I, uh, get you a drink?

Uh, no, no thank you.

I've already had
three downstairs.

I just thought I'd come up
here, listen to a little jazz,

get even more depressed
than I already am.


God, I hate maudlin.

Here I am being
maudlin. (laughs)

And now they're waiting
for me back at the office.

The attorneys, the FBI boys.

I'm gonna turn myself in.

Gonna go quietly.

Quietly drunk. (chortles)

I'm sorry.

Are you?

Are you as sorry as Coop was?

Well, I'm sure if Coop could've
done anything, he would.


Oh, he didn't tell you.

Of course he didn't tell you.

There's this codicil

attached to my father's will

that says if Coop and I

get married in the next year...

we get ten million bucks.

Here, let me do
the math for you.

That's five million
clams apiece.

(laughs): That's like
winning the damn lottery.

I, I don't know what to say.

Aw. Say you'll bake
me a cake with a file in it.

Coop! Hey, Coop,

come here.

Join the party. I just, uh,

I just told her.

You know, she's
taking it very well.

She's very stoic.

All right, Coop,

this is your last chance. Hmm?

And I, I won't even make
you get on one knee.

You're pathetic.

No, you are, you rotten bastard.

It's one year, one
measly, little year.

No. You know what? You think
money means that much to me,

you're wrong.

What about my freedom?!


Do you give a
rat's ass about that?

I'm looking at real
prison time here.

You know...

I am wasting my
time here. (chuckles)


I got a date with
an executioner.


Well, let's get on
with this, shall we?

Sorry for the formality,

but we have to handcuff you.

Not too tight, okay?

You are under arrest.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you

- in a court of law.
- (handcuffs clicking)

You have the right to a lawyer

before or during
any questioning.

If you cannot
afford an attorney,

one will be appointed
to you free of charge

before and during
any questioning.

And at any time

you can decide to
waive these rights

(fading): and not
make any statement...

Do you understand?


(metal cell door
sliding, slams shut)