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02x02 - Always on Sunday

Posted: 04/26/22 07:21
by bunniefuu
Five, six, seven, eight...

...nine, ten, eleven,
twelve, thirteen...

- What's the matter?
- Please, go back to sleep, master.

- What time is it?
- It's : .

Please go back to sleep.
You're exhausted.

Seven o'clock!
Jeannie, I gotta get dressed.

I have my Monday morning meeting
in an hour.

Oh, master, you are working
much too hard.

You have worked hours a day
for the past five weeks.

Yeah, I know. Well, it can't be helped.
We're getting ready for our space shot.

Oh, but you must have time
to play and relax.

Well, I relax on Sunday.

It's too bad every day
can't be a Sunday, huh?

- That is a marvellous idea.
- What's a marvellous idea?

- Wait-
- You may get back into bed now.

Today is Sunday. I will serve you
Sunday breakfast in bed.

No, no, no.
Today is Monday.

General Peterson and the whole staff
is waiting for me. Really they are.

There's Roger, come pick me up.

- I'm sorry, Roge, I overslept.
- Good morning.

Holy, you better get dressed.
We tee off in minutes.

Are you going to the office
dressed like that?

Office? I'm gonna play golf.

- On a Monday?
- Boy, you are mixed-up.

It's Sunday morning.

I tried to tell him, Major Healey,
it is Sunday.

No, no, no.
Yesterday was Sunday.

- We played golf yesterday, remember?
- That was last Sunday.

You gonna play golf or aren't you?
The foursome is waiting.

We're due in General Peterson's office
for a meeting in less than an hour.

A meeting on Sunday?
When did all this happen?

All right, forget it.

When he asks where you are,
I'll tell him you're playing golf.

I'm gonna get dressed.

Jeannie, this is not exactly
what I had in mind.

Oh, but, master, it is Sunday.

The sun is shining, the birds twittering,
a perfect day to play golf.

- Jeannie.
- I was- Very well, master.

Oh, thank you, thank you.

You sure
you won't change your mind?

General Peterson
has a terrible temper.

I told you there's no meeting.
Now, come on, let's go and play golf.

Well, all right, I'll let you know
how the meeting went.

- I will see you in a little while.
- No, you won't.

- Yes, I will.
- No, you won't.

Yes, I will.

- Hi, Eddie.
- Morning, Major Nelson.

- They got you working on Sundays?
- Sundays?

All day. I guess you astronauts
have no sense of time.

Yeah, yeah.

She didn't.

- Jeannie. Jeannie.
- You are back.

What would you like for
Sunday morning breakfast, master?

I wouldn't like anything,
because it's not Sunday.

- Now, you stop this, young lady.
- Stop what?

- Stop making it Sunday.
- Oh, I will.

- As soon as you are rested.
- I'm not asking you, I'm telling you.

Now, you seem to forget
who's master around here.

I can't go on like this.

Now, Jeannie, come back.
Where are you?

I wanna get this settled, right now.

Look here. Jeannie, be reasonable.

You can't go around
stopping the days of the week.

What'll happen
if every day is Sunday?

You would rest and relax.

Husbands could spend more time
with their wives.

Mothers could be
with their children.

Genies could be with their masters.
Oh, I think it is a lovely idea.


Jeannie, that's the worst idea
you've had in years.

Oh, but why, master?
Everyone needs time for relaxing.

Do you know what kind of chaos
this could create?

I know that you have been working
too hard, and it is not good for you.

- Jeannie.
- It is no use talking about it, master.

This is for your own good.

It is going to remain Sunday
until you have rested.

It will give you a chance
to do all those things you enjoy.

I'm not gonna enjoy anything.
I'm not gonna let you do it.

I'm gonna put my foot down.



Oh, you look handsome
in that outfit, master.

- Oh, you like it?
- Did you enjoy your safari?

- Why did you do it?
- I thought you would be pleased.

The next time you plan on sending me
some place, do me a favour.

Let me know first.

Well, you told me you always wanted
to go on a safari.

Yeah, oh, yes.
But not on office hours.

You see, there's a time for working
and there's a time for tiger hunting.

- Did you bag a tiger, master?
- No.

No, as a matter of fact,
a tiger almost bagged me.

Is this the one, master?

I don't know. I don't know.
A tiger's a tiger.

Now you've got your rug,
can I go back to work?

Would you make it Monday
so I can go back to the office?

Thou canst not.

- Now, what do you mean, I canst not?
- You have not had any fun yet.

Jeannie, thou better make it Monday,
or I'm gonna put thee in thy bottle...

...and throw you back on the beach
where I found you. I mean it.

Please, enjoy thyself.

- Good shot.
- Oh, thank you. Thank you very much.

- Say, aren't you Pancho Segura?
- Yes. I didn't plan on playing doubles.

Neither was I.
I'm sorry I dropped in on you like this.

Just carry on.

Who's that?

- Jeannie!
- How did the tennis game go, master?

About the same as the tiger hunt.
Listen, young lady-

- I'm knitting you a ski sweater.
- You can forget it...

- ... because I'm not going.
- But you love to ski.

- Yeah, I ski on my vacation.
- Well, this is your vacation.

- Jeannie, you can't stop time.
- Oh, but you are wrong, master.

I already have.

What do you think would happen
if every day were Sunday?

Oh, it would be wonderful, master.

Children could stay home from school,
no one would have to go to work.

You could play golf every day and
become the best golfer in the country.

There wouldn't be a country
to play golf in.

I don't know what it was like
in old Baghdad...

...but our whole economy
is built on people working.

- Why must people work, master?
- Well, to make a living.

And then...?

And then, one day,
they hope to work long enough... they can save up enough money
to retire.

- And then...?
- And then they can stop working.

Good. I have taken a short cut.

With my system,
everyone can stop working now.

I hope I have these sleeves
long enough.

- How long is it gonna be Sunday?
- Until you are rested, master.

You are pale,
you have circles under your eyes...

- ... and your little hand is trembling.
- My whole body is trembling.

- When will you turn Sunday off?
- You are shouting at me.

That is always a sign
that you are nervous.

You're driving me out of my mind!

- You're shouting again.
- Yeah-

Oh, well, I-
I will finish this elsewhere.

Good morning, Major Nelson.

Forgive me for intruding
on your Sunday...

...but I broke my lawn mower
and wondered if I could borrow yours.

Doctor, I have to talk to you.

- What day is this?
- Today is Sunday.

That's what everybody thinks.
Today is Monday.

Well, it's true
that in some parts of the world-


- Doctor, time has stopped.
- Time has stopped?

- Yes, sir.
- Your clock is running.

The clocks haven't stopped,
just the calendar.

- Just the calendar?
- Yes, sir.

Every day is Sunday, and if we don't
do something about it...

...the world could be destroyed.

- How long has it been Sunday, major?
- Yesterday was Sunday.

And today is Sunday,
but what really worries me... that tomorrow
is gonna be Sunday...

...and the day after,
unless I get some rest.

Yes, you must rest.

I haven't got time to go on tiger hunts
and play tennis...

...not with a space shot coming up.

Of course. Now, you just lie down,
right there.

All over the world, people are
gardening and golfing and fishing.

What's gonna happen to the factories
and offices?

I thought I could handle this myself,
but I need help.

Yes, major, you certainly do.
But don't you worry.

Except, I'm the only one
who can do it.

By getting plenty of rest, getting rid
of these circles under my eyes, see.

- You just lie there. I'll be right back.
- Thank you. Where are you going?

To call a calendar maker,
to stop the calendars for you.

Thank you.

- Dr. Bellows.
- Oh, it will be beautiful.

Jeannie, Dr. Bellows thinks
I'm crazy.

He was probably upset
because you yelled at him.

General Peterson,
could you come right over?

It's Major Nelson again.
He thinks the calendar has stopped.

Yes, general.

No, it has nothing to do with
Einstein's theory of relativity.

It has to do with Major Nelson.

He thinks every day is Sunday.


- Try it on.
- No.

It fits perfectly.

Well, I must finish the right arm.

Jeannie, stop fooling around.
I'm telling you for the last-



I came over to borrow
Major Nelson's lawn mower...

...and he said,
" Doctor, I need your help. "

I said, "You need my help?"
And then he said, "What day is it?"

And I said, " It's Sunday. "
And then he said:

" No, it's Monday,
only everyone thinks it's Sunday.

You see, every day is Sunday.
The calendar has stopped.

I haven't got time for tiger hunting
and playing tennis. "

And then I said, "You lie down,
I'll go get some help. "

I went downstairs and called
the general...

...and he hung up on me.

And then I went back
upstairs again...

...and Major Nelson had vanished
into thin air. Thin air.

And I only wanted to borrow
his lawn mower.

Are you feeling all right?

- Major Healey.
- What is it, sir?

What day is it?

- What day is it? It's Sunday, sir.
- Is it? Are you sure?

- Sure, I'm sure, sir.
- Oh, I feel a lot better.

Oh, thank you.
Thank you, Major Healey.

It must have been
the touch of the sun.

Well, it could happen to anyone, sir.

There's something about
this house.

There's something about
this house.

If you wanna borrow
Tony's lawn mower...

...he keeps it in the garage.

I wouldn't touch his lawn mower.

Anybody home? Tony?

Tony! Tony? Anybody home?

- Oh, hey, Jeannie.
- Hello, Major Healey.

- Where's Tony?
- Major Nelson is skiing.

- In Cocoa Beach?
- In Switzerland.

- Oh, are you going somewhere?
- I am leaving.

- When will you be back?
- I'm not coming back.


I sent Major Nelson skiing on
the highest mountain in Switzerland.


I found out he cannot ski.

I try to please him,
but everything I do turns out wrong.

Jeannie, he's-
He's awfully crazy about you.

Talk to him before you go.

He said he would
put me in a bottle...

...and throw me on the beach
where he found me.

Well, since you'll be
changing masters anyway...

...I have a room at my place,
and since you like to keep busy...

...I have a few hundred things
you could-

I am sorry, Major Healey, but I do not
want any other master but Major Nelson.

Say goodbye for me,
will you, please?

- Yeah, goodbye.
- And see that he rests...

- Oh, yeah, rest.
- ... eats properly, and-

- Properly.
- And you give him a big kiss for me.

Okay. Don't cry,
I'll give him a big kiss.

- Tell him I love him.
- All right, I'll take care of it.

Will you hold this please?

There goes the nicest genie
I ever met in my whole life.


- Tony, what are you doing here?
- I live here. Where is she?

- I thought you were in Switzerland.
- Where is she?

- Jeannie?
- Yeah.

- Oh, Jeannie. Well...
- Come on, come on.

- She just left.
- Well, when she gets back...

- ... there's a few things I wanna tell her.
- I don't think she's coming back.

- What do you mean not coming back?
- She packed her little bags...

...and she left.

- She wouldn't do a thing like that.
- She was pretty upset.

- What'd she say?
- Well, she said...

...that you should eat properly
and to-

- And that she loves you.
- Yeah?


She might've waited until I got back
to say goodbye, huh?

I suppose it's for the best.
We can get back to work.

- Probably for the best.
- Yeah.

- Let's get back to the base, huh?
- What for? It's Sunday.

- Sunday?
- What's the matter?

- You know what she did?
- What?

She went away and she forgot
to turn the calendar back on.

- Oh, good morning, Dr. Bellows.
- Major Healey, is Major Nelson in?

He's out on the patio.
He's feeling depressed.

Maybe you can cheer him up.

- Depressed?
- Yes, sir.

I didn't mean to yell at you.
You were right.

Absolutely right.
I have been working too hard.

You know how I feel about you.

I'd like to marry you, but...

...I can't.
People wouldn't understand.

When we first met,
you said you'd do anything for me.

I'm asking you
to do something for me now.

I'm asking you to forgive me.

Please, say something.

I don't blame you.


- You play very well, Major Nelson.
- I don't play the piano, sir.

Please go on. I didn't mean
to interrupt your conversation.

- You heard what I said?
- Yes, Major Nelson...

...but I'm sure you have one of your
marvellous explanations.

- No, sir.
- Did you say, " No, sir"?

Yes. I don't care
what happens to me now.

I'm gonna explain everything.

- Everything?
- Everything.

About the yacht,
the elephant, the tree?

- Everything.
- Major Nelson... don't know how long
I've waited for this moment.

- It all started-
- Wait.

If you don't mind,
I'd like to have a witness here.

Now that I'm gonna confess,
I feel better already.

We're all going to feel a lot better.

General Peterson, Dr. Bellows.

Could you come to Major Nelson's
right away?

He has a problem
he'd like to discuss with us.

- What kind of a problem?
- Well, this time...

...I'd like you to hear it
for yourself, sir.

Well, I was on my way
to the golf course.

I'll stop off on my way over.

- It all started when I-
- Please.

- Not until General Peterson gets here.
- Yeah, but I-

Wait until I have a witness.

Why don't you go
and put some coffee on?


- Coffee. Oh, yes, coffee.
- That's a good boy.

- Jeannie!
- Good morning, master!

Jeannie, you're back.

Oh, I tried to stay away
but I could not, master.

Then you said
all those lovely things to me.

Did you really mean
what you said, master?

Yes, I meant every word.
And I missed you, Jeannie.

Oh, and I missed you, master.

Oh, I will try never again
to interfere with your work.

I don't think you have
to worry about that.

- I don't have anymore work.
- What do you mean?

- That's General Peterson. I'm trapped.
- Oh, he shall not stay.

- I will blink him far away.
- No.

- It rhymed.
- What?

" He shall not stay.
I shall blink him far away. "

- That's it. That's it.
- Do you want me to blink him away?

No, I want you to stay out of sight.
I may need you.

- Oh, hello, General Peterson.
- Hello, Tony. How are you feeling?

- Oh, fine. Never felt better.
- Of course you haven't.

Confession is very good
for the soul.

- Now, we're ready to hear you, major.
- You're ready to hear me, sir?

Well, don't be shy.

You're gonna tell the general,
aren't you?

Oh, yes. Do you wanna hear
the whole song, sir?

- The whole song?
- I worked on the lyrics...

- ... when Dr. Bellows came in.
- The lyrics? But you said-

Yes, I said, "When we first met,
you said you'd do anything for me.

I'm asking you
to do something now. "

That's the title, sir,
" I'm Asking You to Do Something Now. "

- I've been working on the melody too.
- Doctor, is this what you-?

As long as I'm here,
why don't you play it?

- You want me to play it for you?
- Yeah, on the piano.

Yeah, on- On the piano.
Well, I...

Right, please, sit down,
gentlemen, please.


When we first met
You said you'd do anything for me

Well, I'm asking you
To do something now

Tell me that you love me, baby
Tell me you'll always be true

Put an end to all this maybe

Tell me that I belong to you

It's about this couple
that wanna get married...

...and their parents are opposed to it.
It's sort of like Romeo and Juliet.

- Well, what did you think?
- This time you're right.

- He's got a problem.
- Thank you...

- ... but that's not the problem-
- You don't like the song?

Of course, I'm no judge,
but as a songwriter, well-

Tony, you're the greatest astronaut
in the program.

- Thank you.
- But, general, this isn't what I-

Tony, if I were you,
I'd forget about the songwriting.

- Yes, sir. If you say so, sir.
- I'm glad you asked me over, doctor.


- Let me see you to the door, sir.
- Now, listen, Tony, all this...

He was talking to that bottle.

He said, " You know I'd like
to marry you, but I can't. " I heard him.

Where did I go wrong?

Come in, Roge.

What are you all dressed up for?

What am I dressed up for?
What are you dressed up for?

We're gonna go play golf,

Play on Monday morning?

General Peterson and the staff
are waiting for us.

No, yesterday was Saturday.
Today's Sunday.

Would you pull yourself together?
It's Monday morning.

- Jeannie!
- Yes, master.

What have you done with Sunday?

You wished there were more
work days in the week... I took away Sunday
and given you two Mondays.

Last week we had three Sundays.

Do you like Tuesday?
I think that is a very nice day.

And if you like,
I can give you three Tuesdays...