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02x01 - Happy Anniversary

Posted: 04/26/22 07:20
by bunniefuu
Four o'clock in the morning?

Good morning, master.

Good morning.
I didn't mean to wake you up.

Do you know it is : ?
That is even early for Cocoa Beach.

Yeah, well, it's a pretty special day.

- Oh, master, you remembered.
- Well, it's kind of hard to forget.

I mean, after all, I'm going up
into orbit in a few hours.

Is that-
That all this day means to you?

That's quite a bit. Unless the Russians
have something up their sleeves...

...I'm the only man in the world
that's going into orbit today.

So you- You have forgotten
what day this is.

Oh, no, of course not.
How could I forget? Happy birthday.

Is it your birthday?

- No, isn't it yours?
- No.

Well, what day is it?

Oh, it is not important, master.
Let us forget that I mentioned it.

Yeah, okay, let's forget it.

If I meant anything at all to you,
you would have remembered.

Jeannie, I don't know
what I'm apologizing for, but I'm sorry.

Now, tell me
what's so important about today?

Oh, it was nothing.

- Today is our first anniversary.
- Our what?

One year ago today... rescued me
from my bottle on the beach.

Well, now, what kind
of an anniversary is that?

Well, I am sorry,
but it is the only one I have.

And you forgot it.

Oh, come on, be reasonable,

Not a man in the world
remember an anniversary like that.

- Hi, Jeannie. Hi, Tony.
- Hi.

Well, happy anniversary.

Do you realize
it was a year ago today...

...that you rescued Jeannie
from that bottle?

You see,
even Major Healey remembers.

Roge, how did you remember
a day like that?

Jeannie called me up yesterday
and reminded me.

I've thought of a wonderful way
to celebrate, master.

Why do we not go back to the beach
where you first found me.

You can open the bottle and rescue
me again. Wouldn't that be romantic?

- That's the wildest thing I ever-
- It's out of the question.

But why? I will get into the bottle
and you will open it and rescue me.

Well, for one reason, they're
sending me into orbit in a few hours.

Oh, which is more important...

...going on some silly ride
or celebrating our anniversary?

If you want my advice,
you won't answer that.

When I come down, I will-
I'll take you out to dinner...

...go to the theatre,
and that's the way we'll celebrate.

We are going to celebrate
our anniversary on the island.

No, I'm afraid we're not.

You be good,
amuse yourself around the house.

When I come back, I'll phone you.
Goodbye and happy anniversary.


If there's anything that makes me
nervous, it's an angry genie.

- There you are, doctor.
- Thank you.

We were having some trouble
with the electrical system.

Trouble was in the fuel cells.
All checked out.

- How are you feeling, Tony?
- Fine, just fine.

- Wish I made this one with you.
- Next time, Roge.

- Well, Major Nelson.
- Sir.

- Happy anniversary.
- Did you say, " Happy anniversary"?

Yes, one year ago today
you went up on your last space flight...

...and landed on that island
in the Pacific. Don't you remember?

Yes, yes, that anniversary.
How could I forget?

Well, this time
I'm expecting a perfect flight.

- So am I, sir.
- All the rangers have reported in...

...and everything's fine,
so there's nothing to worry about.

- How's it feel?
- Watch- Watch- Watch the nose.

- Here, Ken. You got that side?
- All right.

Well, good luck, Tony. You got it?

T- minus seconds and counting.

All recorders
and oscillographs can pass.

Status check,
range safety arm light on?


- Range ready?
- Ready.

- Weather system ready?
- All systems go.

Ten seconds until final stage
of rocket firing.

- Nine, eight, seven, six, five...
- Ten, nine, eight, seven...

- ... four, three, two, one, zero.
- ... four, three, two, one, zero.


Perfect lift-off.

Status check,
range safety arm light on?


- Range ready?
- Ready.

- Weather system ready?
- Affirmative.

I have a "threat complete" light.

He's off course.
What's happened to him?

His final stage misfired.
He won't be able to maintain orbit.

- Bring him down.
- But it was a perfect launch.

I don't understand. That's the same
place he came down last year.

Now, what could
have happened to him?

I think he might have stopped off
to celebrate his anniversary.

Jeannie! Jeannie!
Do you know what you've done?

Jeannie, where are you?

Look, I haven't got time
to fool around.

I can't play games.
I am as sentimental as the next guy.

Do you realize what
this gesture of yours... gonna cost the United States
government? Jeannie!

Oh, there you are.
Oh, you got a new bottle, huh?

You got a different bottle
for your anniversary?

Come on out of there.

- You're not Jeannie.
- I am the Blue Djinn.

You mean, there's more than one
of you?

You mean, I opened
the wrong bottle?

I have been imprisoned in that bottle
for years...

...and yours is the hand
that freed me.

I know.
I've been through all this before.

You're grateful and I can have
anything in the world I want.

I have taken an oath
to destroy whoever opened that bottle.

Wait a minute, destroy?
Why would you wanna destroy me?

I'm the one who just rescued you.

If thou had rescued me a thousand
years ago, I would have been grateful.

But for the last years,
I have become angry.

How dost thou wish to die?

Of old age.

Perhaps you would like
to be fed to the sharks.

- Do you have anything else?
- Drop thee into a live volcano.

Well, you're getting warmer.
What else do you have?

I could turn thee into a flea
and trample thee.

I have a little surprise for you, fella.

Happy anniversary, master.

Jeannie, I have a little
anniversary present for you too.

- The Blue Djinn!
- Oh, I have found thee.

You know the trouble with you?
You're hostile. Yeah, hostile.

You didn't think I had a genie
of my own.

- All right, get him, Jeannie.
- Master- No, master.

How would you like me
to feed you to the sharks, huh?

Throw me into a live volcano?

If there's one thing I can't stand,
it's a bully.

- Master.
- Get him, Jeannie.

I shall take pleasure
in seeing that you die slowly.

All right, Jeannie, now.

I- I cannot, master.
He- He's the Blue Djinn.

He's the one who put me in my bottle
years ago.

He- He's the most
powerful one of us all.

Well, it's certainly
a pleasure to meet you.

- I have searched for thee everywhere.
- Leave me alone.

- You heard her, leave her alone.
- Master.

I have been thinking about thee
for years.

Hey, take your hands off her,
you hear me.


- Please help me, master.
- You bet I'll help you.

To tell you the truth, fella...

...I don't take kindly to people
burying me in the sand.

Thou art coming back with me.

Hey, I warn you, fella,
I got a pretty bad temper.

I'm going to get rid of this one
once and for all.

No. No, wait. No, wait.
If I go with you, will you spare him?

- You will come with me willingly?
- If you will set him free.

- I can't let you do that.
- If I do not, he will k*ll you.

- Well, I can't let you do it.
- But it's the only way I can save you.

- What'll happen to you?
- Do not worry about me, master.

- Jeannie, will I ever see you again?
- I'm afraid not.

- Come. Let us leave.
- Wait a minute.

- At least let me say goodbye to her.
- All right, hurry then.

Jeannie, what do you think of
when I say Cocoa?

- Chocolate?
- No.

- Vanilla?
- No.


- Now?
- Yes.

Hey, you did it.

I'm so happy.
Oh, happy anniversary, master.

Happy anniversary, Jeannie.

Look out, master!

Hey, good girl, Jeannie.

I'm as hospitable as the next guy,
but this is my house.

You tried to trick me.
You'll be punished for that.

- Please help me, master.
- Don't worry, I'll handle this.

- He has annoyed me for the last time.
- No! No!

- No!
- Jeannie.

Wait a minute.

All right, fella, that's it.

You've done it. I didn't wanna do this,
but you've forced me to.

- I'm gonna have to destroy you.
- You destroy me?

Please do not make him any angrier
than he already is, master.

He's gonna have to worry
about making me angry.

I have more magic in my little finger
than you have in your whole body.

- Thou has no magic.
- Oh, yeah?

I can command a whole army
out of thin air.

Truly, it is an army.

How would you like me to throw you
into a raging flood, huh?

I have never seen such magic.
You are a greater magician than I.

- You are brilliant, master.
- I'm only beginning, Jeannie.

Fire. Oh, master, I meant no harm.

One word from me
and my army will destroy you.

Oh, please, master, I meant no harm.
Please, send them away.

- Do you mean that?
- Yes.

Down on your knees, you cur.

- I'll send them away on one condition.
- Oh, yes, master.

Get out, stay out,
and don't ever bother that girl again.

Yes, master, I promise.
I will never harm either of you.

I promise. I promise, master.

I am not sure that I would
trust this one, master.

Don't worry. You know what's
gonna happen if you tangle with me.

- Yes, yes, master.
- And furthermore...

...if anything ever happens to this girl,
I'm gonna hold you responsible.

You and nobody else.
I'll send my armies after-

I had a hunch I'd find you here.

How can you hear yourself think
with that television on, anyway?

- The magic is gone.
- Half the world's looking for him...

...and he's watching television.
Who's your friend?

- He turned it off.
- I'm no friend of his.

- He turned the television-
- Now you shall die.

But first, I will learn the secret
of your magic.

How did you create armies
out of thin air?

Armies out of-?

He thought you create armies.
You kidding? That's television.

That's just pictures, that's not real.

- Thanks, Roge.
- Oh, you have no magic.

Stop fooling around and get
to the base. They're going crazy.

Please do not harm him.
I will go with you.

You tricked me before. I shall see
that you do not trick me again.


That is true magic.
She is going back with me.

Wait a minute.
Who is this joker, anyway?

Roger, you better
keep away from him.

Look, you may be bigger than I am,
but I happen to be an expert in karate.

You don't know
who you're tangling with. Roger.

You don't know what you're
getting into. Roger. Roger.

Dirty fighter. Dirty fighter.

Roger. What have you
done with him? Roge.

Now to take care of you.

All right, go ahead.
Go ahead, k*ll me, k*ll me...

...but don't touch
the Nelson treasure.

Do not worry, I am not interes-

What is the Nelson treasure?

Oh, I could cut my tongue out.
Forget it, forget it. Go ahead, k*ll me.

First, tell me
about the treasure.

Promise not to say anything
to anybody.

Of course I promise.
Where is the treasure?

What treasure is that?

Oh, oh, yeah, the treasure.
The treasure.

It's right in here. It's right this way.


Right here.


Right here.

See? This is the way
we keep the Nelson treasure.

Now, wait a minute,
this is too small.

You're too big.
You'd never get in there. No-

I have a way.

If this is one of your tricks,
you'll regret the day you were born.

All right, there you are, mister.
That ought to hold you. Yeah.


...come on out.

Oh, master, what did you do
with the Blue Djinn?

You don't have to worry about him.

He's strong,
but he's not terribly bright.

I caught him in here.

- Tony. Tony.
- Oh, take care of Roger, will you.

Oh, those feathers tickles.
Where is he? Where is he?

I got him here
in the vacuum cleaner.

Do not worry about him,
I will take care of him.

I will drop him
to the bottom of the sea.

- Okay.
- Come on.

Gee, it's a shame to waste
a perfectly good vacuum cleaner.

You are so clever, master.

How are you gonna explain
how you got back here?

- The th Fleet is looking for you.
- That's right.

I'll have Jeannie
pop me back on the island...

...and let them find me there.
Won't you, Jeannie?

Jeannie? Where are you?

I think she went back
to drop her friend off.

What's your next false move?

You're right. Oh, boy,
what is my next false move?

There's thousands of guys
looking for me all over.

You have any idea how long
that search would last?

This is gonna cost the United States
government millions.

There's no way around this. I'm gonna
go back and level with them.

Level with them? You can't
go back and tell the truth.

You think NASA's gonna hold still
for an astronaut who has a genie?

- Now, forget it.
- It can't be helped.

- Well, then good luck, huh?
- Thanks.

- And bye.
- Yeah.

Major Nelson.

Yes, sir?

- But it can't be you. You're up there.
- I was up there, sir.

I saw them launch you
into orbit myself.

Yes, sir, I know that, sir-

The whole fleet's looking for you
out there, and you're here.

- I can explain that, sir.
- You're going to.

But you're gonna explain it
to General Peterson.

Wait right here.

Sergeant. I want you to stand guard
in front of this door.

No one is to enter or leave.
Do you understand?

Yes, sir.

- Any sign of him at all?
- Negative, general.

Poor Tony.

- You can call off the search, general.
- Call it off?

- What are you talking about?
- I'm talking about Major Nelson.

You won't find him there,
because he's in my office.

Do you know what you just said?

I said that Major Anthony Nelson
is in my office...

...right this minute, under guard.

He can't be there,
he's , miles from here.

I know we've had our little differences
about Major Nelson in the past...

...but this time there's no question
about it. I've got him, general.

And when he explains this,
he can explain a lot of other things.

Well, I don't believe
he's there, doctor.

You don't have to take my word,
you can see for yourself.

- I'm warning you, doctor...
- He's under guard, general.

Let's go.

You see, sir, I have this little genie
that I carry around with me...

...and she wanted
to celebrate our anniversary...

...and, well, you know
how genies are.


There are a lot of things in this world
that we can't understand, sir...

...and this is one of them.

I am back, master.

- Where have you been?
- Oh, dropping the Blue Djinn off... the middle of the ocean.

- Can you get him back?
- Whatever for?

Because I want him to throw me
into a roaring volcano.

Do you know what's gonna happen
when General Peterson comes?

I won't be able to explain this...

...if I live to be-
If I live to be your age.

Jeannie, I'm supposed to be in orbit.

Stand aside, sergeant.

I've waited a long time
for this, general.

Jeannie, get us out of here.

- Here he is.
- Here who is, doctor?

- But he was right here. Sergeant.
- Yes, sir?

- Where's Major Nelson?
- He's in orbit, isn't he?

Did anyone come out
of this room?

No, sir.

And the windows are locked
on the inside.

But he was standing right here.

I said, " But it can't be you. "
And he said, " I can explain it, sir. "

I said, "The whole fleet's
looking for you. " Then he-

General, we just picked up
Major Nelson's capsule on our scope.

Where is he?

He's in orbit,
right where he should be.

Something must have gone wrong
with our telemetry.

- I am ready, master.
- All right, Jeannie.

Where would you like to go to-?

Well, you're the most beautiful thing
I ever saw.

Oh, thank you, master.

- Thank you.
- Do you like my new dress?

Yes, Jeannie, it's just beautiful.

I could not decide
whether to wear this one...

...or whether to wear this one.

You certainly don't have any problem
with your wardrobe, do you?

Oh, that's wonderful, Jeannie,
just wonderful.

Where would you like me
to take you to dinner?


- Say...
- Happy anniversary, master.

When you go out, all out,
you really go all out, don't you?

- Are you content, master?
- Content?

Who wouldn't be?

Lovely girl, deserted island,
wonderful food and...

Say, that wine's nice.

Oh, it is a very old bottle.
I found it somewhere.


What is it? What are you doing?

Jeannie, what hap-? What-?

- Happy anniversary, master.
- Happy anniversary.