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01x21 - Jeannie and the Kidnap Caper

Posted: 04/26/22 07:13
by bunniefuu
Fine, thank you.
That's enough.


-Some cakes, master?

No, no. No, thanks.

Jeannie, you've got to stop
doing everything for me.

Oh, but that is what
l am here for.

Well, l think you're
too much of a good thing.

What does that mean?

Well, it means that l almost didn't pass
my physical examination yesterday.

l haven't lifted a finger
for myself...

...since l found you on the beach.

Why should you have to lift a finger
when l can do everything for you?

Promise me, the next time l ask you
to do anything for me, you'll refuse me.

Refuse you?

Oh, l cannot do that.

Oh, yes, you can.

l lean on you too much.

-You're getting to be a habit.
-l want to be.

Now, promise me, the next time
l ask you to do anything for me... will just say,
''Tough luck, Charlie.''

''Tough luck, Charlie?''

Yeah. That's right. Promise.

Well, if that is what you wish.

-What was that?
-The sacred oath of the genies.

Oh, l see.
Well, l feel better already.

l better get to the base.

l've been assigned to
a new secret project.

Oh, l love secrets.
What is it about?

Well, there's only four people
in the world who know about this...

...and it's gonna remain that way.

Have a good day, huh?

l'll get it. l'll get it.

-l beg your pardon, sir.

We seem to be lost.

l'm looking for Oakdale Street.

Oakdale-- Oh, that's down
to your left two blocks, and a left turn.

Well, my car's out in front.
Come and show us.

l'm sorry.
l really haven't got time.

l'm afraid l'm gonna have
to insist, Captain Nelson.

You're not gonna
get away with this.

Get in the car, quickly.

You fellows picked on the wrong man.

Get rid of these guys.

Tough luck, Charlie?

Come along!

All right. Right down there.

Sit here.

Listen. You fellows are gonna
get in a lot of trouble.

l'm due at a very important meeting.

lf they find l'm missing,
they're gonna start looking for me.

We know about
the meeting, captain.

Do not worry.

You're gonna have it, with us.

You're working on a project
called Operation Gamma.

-Well, that's interesting. Tell me more.
-You will tell us more, captain.

You will tell us everything
we wish to know.

l'd certainly like to,
but l never heard of this--

What did you say?

Do not be childish,
Captain Nelson.

l have a drug that will make you
very eager to talk.









Oh, Jeannie.

Good morning, Captain Healey.

Good morning.
l'm looking for Tony.

-Tough luck, Charlie.
-What did you say?

l said, tough luck, Charlie.

l heard you.
What does that mean?

lt means l cannot help
Captain Nelson anymore.

lf l tell you where he is,
that'd be helping him.

So l cannot tell you where he is.

Wait a minute, let's--

Hold on.
Let's start from the beginning.

When did you see
Captain Nelson last?

This morning,
when he was leaving the house.

And the Chinese gentleman
with a g*n took him away.

Oh, is that where he is?

A Chinese gentleman
with a g*n took--

What Chinese gentleman
with what g*n?

The one who took him away
in his car.

You mean, a man with a gu--
And you didn't try to stop him?

Believe me, l wanted to,
but he would not let me.

This morning, when l was
pouring his coffee...

...he made me promise never
to do anything for him again.

Jeannie, pouring his coffee and
being kidnapped are different things.

-He's in trouble. You gotta help him.
-l cannot!

l have taken the sacred oath,
and if l break it...

...l'll lose my power as a genie.

You mean there's nothing
you can do to help him?

l did not want to take
the sacred oath.

Well, couldn't you at least visit him
and see how he is?

That is a wonderful idea.

Of course l could!

How soon could you leave?

Oh, Jeannie, l--
l knew you'd be along.

Hey, what kept you?
Will you get me out of here?

Tough luck, Charlie.

Tough luck, Charlie?

No. Jeannie, you--
You don't understand.

That was just a joke.
A joke, you know?

My name's not Charlie.
You know that.

Now, get me out of here.
Right now.

l wish l could, master.
l want to very much.

All you have to do
is blink these handcuffs off.

l cannot. You made me take
the sacred oath...

...and if l break it,
l will lose my genie power.

Jeannie, they want some
information out of me.

Now, if they force it
out of me, it's....

lt's gonna be bad. Very bad.

l cannot stand by
and let them hurt you.

-l will help you.
-Oh, wonderful.

l knew you'd think of something.

l bet you got something great
in store for them.

-l can't wait to see their expressions.

What are you gonna do?

Since l cannot help you as a genie,
l'm going to help you as a woman.

-You're gonna help me as a woman?

And when they come in,
l'm going to hit them with my fists.

You're going to hit them
with your fists.

And l will tell them that l insist
that they let you loose.

Jeannie, forget it.
Will you forget it!

They're coming.
They're coming.

-l am ready for them.
-No, no, no.

Get out of here.
l don't want you to get hurt.

Go on, get out.

-But what about you?
-Well, l'll think of something.

Could you at least fix it so when
they give me this truth serum...

...l won't tell them
what they want to know?

Whom were you
speaking to, captain?

Oh, a little genie l picked up
in a bottle on the beach one day.

l'm glad you still have
your sense of humour.

Captain Nelson...

...because l have such great
respect for you...

...l'm gonna give you a chance
to tell me what l wish to know...

...without the indignity of this.

l tell you what.

Why don't we go down to my office?
l can dig up some information for you.

We're wasting time.

You won't change your mind?

l assure you
that a few drops of this...

...will make you tell us everything.

l'd like to tell you,
but l don't know anything...

...about any new projects.

This is a new serum, captain.

lt begins operating
in five seconds.


You will tell us everything you know
about Operation Gamma.

Operation Gamma
is a project designed to....

What is he saying?

Sounds like Arabic.

He's telling us everything he knows,
but we cannot understand a word.

Obviously been brainwashed.

Very clever, these Americans.

What will we do?

You stay here with him.
Perhaps you can make him talk.

lt will be a pleasure.

Oh, poor master.

-Jeannie, did l tell them anything?
-Nothing that will do them any good.

Thanks, Jeannie.

Poor, poor master.

l don't suppose you can get
poor master out of here?

Only one genie ever broke
the sacred oath.

-What happened?
-She turned to dust.

Well, Jeannie, can you at least
tell Roger where l am?

l am afraid not.

But l do not think there is any harm in
telling him what is happening to you.

You do that, yeah.

Roger will find a way to rescue me.

Good old Roger.

Captain Nelson, you have a treat
in store for you.

One of the oldest form
of t*rture known to man.

-Did you see him?

Captain Nelson's being held prisoner
by Chinese agents in Cocoa Beach.

Chinese secret agents
in Cocoa Beach?

They gave him some truth serum...

...but it's all right,
he answered them in Arabic.

That's using his head.
l'd better report this.

l'll be right back.

Oh, Captain Healey.

Yes, sir?

-Did you find Captain Nelson?
-Oh, did l?

Chinese secret agents are holding
him prisoner in Cocoa Beach.

Chinese secret agents are
holding him prisoner in Cocoa Beach?

-Yes, sir.
-Did you see this?

Not exactly, sir, but l found it
out from an informed source.

See, secret agents gave Tony
a shot of truth serum...

...but he fixed them.
He answered their questions in Arabic.

Captain Nelson
doesn't speak Arabic.

l know, sir.
That's what was so clever.

We better track Tony down, sir.
There's no time to lose.

Yes, of course.

The important thing
is to stay calm.

Stay calm? Sir, there's no telling
what they're doing to him.

Why don't you go and see if
you can't find some more information.

Good idea, sir.

Meanwhile, you start
the ball rolling.

General Peterson.

l'm calling about Captain Nelson
and Captain Healey.

General, this time l've got them.

What is happening
to you, master?

l am taking a shower.

Those handcuffs are most
difficult to get out of, are they not?

Yes. Yes, you might say that.

Jeannie, would you hand me
the screwdriver...

...on the desk over there, please?

-Tough luck, Charlie.
-Tough luck, Charlie. l know.

You tell Roger
what's happening to me?

Oh, yes, master.
And he was most upset.

Good, good.
He'll get people stirred up.

l'll bet at this very moment,
there are hundreds of men...

...combing the streets
of Cocoa Beach for me.

They're coming.

Now, get out of here, Jeannie.
l don't want you to get hurt.

-Oh, let me stay with you.
-No. l'll handle them alone.

Well, thank you, miss.

Look, l'm in a little trouble,
and l need your help.

My name is Captain Anthony Nelson,
United States Air Force.

And l've been kidnapped,
and as you can probably observe...

...l'm being held prisoner.

l need you to get to a phone
as quickly as possible...

...and call General Peterson
at Cape Kennedy.

You got that?
That's General Peterson at Cape--

Your car is hidden away, Princess.

Forget the phone call.

l'm sorry that we have
inconvenienced you, Captain Nelson...

...but we need some
information from you.

Tough luck, Charlie.

-Let me take care of him!

l have plans for him.

l certainly wouldn't want
to upset your plans...

...but l have plans of my own.

Why should we settle
with one piece of information...

...when there is much
that Captain Nelson can tell us?

But he will not talk.

He will talk.

We are gonna take him with us.

There we are going to have
plenty of time.

-Any news?

Their leader
is a beautiful princess...

...and she is going to
take my master away.

-Take him away where?
-l do not know.

l am sure it is out of the country.

Don't worry. They'll never
get him out of the country.

Dr. Bellows probably has half
the Air Force looking for him.

l'll go tell him the latest news.
You keep an eye on Tony, okay?

-l certainly will.
-Yeah. Okay.

Guess who the ringleader is.
A beautiful, female spy.

-A princess.
-A princess?

They're taking him out of the country.
But you're gonna stop her, aren't you?

l promise you that Captain Nelson
won't be taken out of the country... a beautiful, female spy.

l knew l could count on you.
l'd better see how Tony is.

Yes, do that. And keep me
informed of any developments.

Yes, sir.
You'll be the first to know.

A beautiful female spy?

-Are you out of your mind?
-l'm not. No, sir.

And l must say that this
doesn't surprise me one bit.

As a matter of fact, l'm writing a book
on Captain Nelson's behaviour.

And l'm also gonna do
a sequel on Captain Healey.

Well, doctor, l don't pretend to know
anything about psychiatry.

But l do know something about men.
l'd stake my life on either one of them.

l don't believe that Captain Nelson
is being held by any Chinese spies.

Neither do l.

But the point is that Captain Nelson
and Captain Healey believe it.

-Captain Healey tell you that?
-Yes, sir.

He was in my office
not five minutes ago.

Where is he now?

He went back to get
further information.

Let me know when you
hear from him.

Believe me, l will, general.

So you still refuse to talk,
Captain Nelson.

You could save yourself
a lot of trouble by letting me go.

l'm not afraid of trouble, captain.

-Are you?

See, l'm gonna take you
to a secluded place...

...high in the mountains...

...where we can work.

l can hardly wait, princess.

The arrangements
have been completed.

There's a boat waiting
for us at the pier.

And we have already
contacted the submarine.


You are a very important man,
Captain Nelson.

-Well, thanks.
-How soon can we, leave?

-The car will be ready in minutes.

But, meanwhile, let's don't
be rude to our guest.

Take him down,
and we'll have some tea.

l will prepare it.

-What's happening?
-The beautiful lady spy... going to give my master
some drugged tea.

-Drugged tea?
-He will not have a chance.

They are going to place him onboard
a submarine and take him away.

Drugged tea, submarine,
take him away. l got it.

Better get back to him.

What's the use?
l cannot do anything to help him.

Oh, you may not be helping him,
but you're making me feel a lot better.

-Dr. Bellows.
-Any news?

Oh, l'll say.

This lady spy is going to
slip Tony some drugged tea...

...and take him away
in a submarine.

-Drugged tea and a submarine?
-Yes, sir.

All we have to do now
is alert the Navy.

Oh, yes.

How do you feel, captain?

How do l--?
l feel fine, sir.

No headaches, dizziness?

No, it's Tony's
drugged tea, not mine.

Oh, yes. Of course.

l'll see if l can get the name
of the submarine, okay, sir?


-l don't believe it.
-You can ask Captain Healey.

l intend to. Where is he?

He went back to get
the name of the submarine.

When he returns,
l'd like to see him here in my office.

And, l want you here too, doctor.

l think you're
making a mistake.

l can force the information
we want from him...

...and then dispose of him.

l am in charge.

That's right. She's in charge.
And don't you forget it.

-lt's too risky.
-lt is a risk we must take.

l agree with her.

-Be quiet!
-Don't be a poor loser.

My orders are to get
all the information l can from him.

Nothing was said about taking
him out of the country.

l have changed those orders.

Yeah-- Oh, and very wisely.
Very wisely.

See, he is worth much more to us
alive than dead.

Oh, l should hope so.

Not good thinking, Wong.

Go help Chan with the tea.

Wong, go light on the sugar.
l'm on a diet.


l don't trust him.

Why should you?
He's your enemy.

No, l mean, l don't
trust him for you.

l think he's out to get your job.

l have a feeling
he's pretty tricky.

There's only one way
to keep him from getting you.

And what is that?

Get him first.

Now, here's my plan.

You help me take off
these handcuffs...

...and you and l
will slip away, and--

Do not be impatient.

We're gonna spend
many long hours together... my country.

Here we are.

Now, this will refresh you.

Smells wonderful.

Oh, l'm sorry.

l'm sorry. lt's clumsy of me.

-l wasn't very thirsty--
-Bring another cup.

-No, you don't have to bother for me.
-You will do as you're told, captain.

-Oh, Captain Healey, it is terrible.
-Don't worry about a thing.

-We got the Air Force out, the Navy.
-lt is too late.

They're forcing him to drink the tea.

-Then stop them.
-l cannot break my oath.

As long as l am his genie, l c--


Take this.

Take this? What for?

Then you will be
my new master.

l'll be your new master?

Oh, Jeannie, this is the nicest thing
anyone's ever done for me.

Now, now-- Now, say
that you command the bottle.

l command the bottle.

Now that Captain Nelson
is no longer my master...

...l am free of my oath to him.

Jeannie, you remember that
Rolls-Royce you got for me once?

Well, l'd like it back,
only this time with a gold top.

And l'd like
my yacht back again...

...only this time with a lar--

Jeannie? Jeannie.

You will drink this.

-Drink it, captain.
-l don't like tea!

What are you doing?

l do not know.

Jeannie, you'll turn to dust!

Oh, there you are.

l've been looking
everywhere for you. Oh, Tony!

-What about your oath?
-Oh, l'm free of my oath be--

Because l am
no longer your genie.

What do you mean
you're no longer my genie?

What she's trying to say is, buddy...

...she has a new master,
and you're looking at him.

Now you will give the bottle
back to Captain Nelson.

Why would l want to do
a stupid thing like that?

What is more important to you?

A new car, or saving
your friend's life?

What kind of new car?

Oh, l-- l was only kidding.

She's yours. l--

l guess she could never really
belong to anybody else.

-Thanks, Roge.
-Oh, thank you.

Hey, we'd better
get back to the base.

-They must be going crazy.
-Oh, wait! Wait!

-What are we gonna tell them?
-l don't know. l'll think of something.


And please? Thank you.

l've seen things
like this before, general...

...but never in such
an advanced stage.

My suggestion is that they be given
a complete rest...

...of at least three months.

-Captain Healey.
-l'm sorry l'm late, sir.

No, sir. lt's-- lt's my fault.

l was working at home,
and l got so carried away...

...l lost all track of time.

l really must apologize.

You've been at home
all this time?


Tell him about the Chinese
secret agents holding him prisoner.

Chinese secret agents
holding me prisoner?

You weren't being held prisoner?

What about the beautiful princess?
The ringleader of the spies?

-Did you tell him about that?
-He certainly did.

And he told me about
the submarine and drugged tea.

Shouldn't have done that.
That was supposed to be a secret.

You see?

What is this all about?

Well, sir, it's a....

lt's the plot of a show
that Roger and l are writing...

...for the Air Force Benefit Funds.


The plot of a--?

Yeah, well, don't blame
Dr. Bellows, sir.

Thank you, captain.

Dr. Bellows.

You know that three months' rest
that we were talking about?

Yes, sir.

l don't think that's long enough.
Make it six months.

Well, that's a splendid
idea, general.

And you can begin
immediately, doctor.