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01x18 - Is There an Extra Genie in the House?

Posted: 04/26/22 07:11
by bunniefuu
Drink up, and old Roge'll open up
another bottle of champagne.

lt's almost : in the morning.

ln China, it's noon.

We're not in China.

However, my uncle just may send
you there if you don't get me home.

He's gonna be furious.

Don't panic, darling.
Doesn't he know you're out with me?

That's why he's gonna be furious.

-Did you like the scampi?
-lt was divine.

lt was nothing.

l didn't know you liked
to fool around in the kitchen.

With a little encouragement...

...l can be a lot of fun
in the living room too.

lt is exactly : .

l'll tell you what, darling.
One more sip and then--

Then l'll take you home, okay?

-One more sip?

One more. One more sip.

Don't go away.

Hey, Jeannie. Hey, Jeannie,
everything's working out great.

Jeannie, you can come out now.

Tony, Tony.
What were you doing in the bottle?

-l sent Jeannie home.
-Not so loud.

-You can't. l'm not through with her.
-Oh, yes, you are.

When l said you could borrow her,
l didn't know what she was in for.

Look, you haven't given her
a moment's rest.

Maybe l did get a little carried away,
but l've never had a -course meal.

Tomorrow l'll have her
do a cheese sandwich.

Forget it, Roge. Forget it.
l mean the party's over.

You see, l'm not loaning Jeannie
to you anymore.

lf there's one thing--!
lf there's one thing l can't stand...'s a selfish astronaut. What if l
found her in that bottle on the beach?

Good night, Roge.
l'll let myself out the back way.

Oh, wait, wait, wait.

Someone's got to set
Dr. Bellows' clock back three hours.

Jeannie was gonna
set it back for me.

-You know what?

You got big problems, buddy.
Jeannie's asleep.

Good night.

You're doing fine,
Captain Healey, just fine.

Now, shall we try it again?

lf the big hand
is pointing straight up...

...and the little hand is pointing
out that way, what time is it?

-Three o'clock, sir.
-Right you are.

And would you believe it,
my watch looked just like this...

...when you brought
my niece home last night.

Yes, sir, but l can explain that, sir.

l issued a directive last week... regard to a voluntary curfew
for all astronauts.

To facilitate certain tests,
and to safeguard your health...

...l asked you gentlemen
to be in by p.m.

Why did you ignore the directive?

Well, you see, your niece and l
were involved in a heated discussion.

Only three guesses per astronaut.

Yes, sir.

Blatant disobedience.
No excuse, sir.

Concise, to the point,
and right on target.

Captain, l've decided
that you need a vacation.

Vacation, sir?
Well, you're very kind, sir...

...but l've got a lot of work piled up
and l really--

Take it along with you.

lt'll give you something to do
for the next days.

Have l decided where
l'm going on my vacation, sir?

lndeed you have.

You're headed for Andromeda lnlet.

Andromeda lnlet?

Anyway, that's what
Dr. Bellows says.

l can't even find it.

Well, it's a remote island
somewhere in the Celebes.

l'm serving days
as a lone Army observer... the Navy's Neptune Project.

-Forget it. Forget it.

Jeannie is not gonna help you.

Be reasonable. One blink and
Dr. Bellows would change his mind.

-You've gotta ask her to help me out.
-Roger, she's worn out.

l don't even let her help me.

l forgot my briefcase and l'm gonna
go back myself and pick it up.

You forgot your briefcase, master.

Oh, Jeannie,
you didn't have to do that.

You better rest. But while you're here,
l have a little problem.

Dr. Bellows is going
to send me away.

Oh, that is terrible.

You see? She understands.

May l help your unfortunate friend?

My unfortunate friend has to learn
to help himself. And that's final, Roge.

No, if he wants any more magic,
he'll have to find his own genie.

Oh, that is an excellent idea,

May l summon my cousin Marilla?

-My cousin Marilla.

She was a genie when
l left Baghdad years ago.

Oh, l'm sure she would love
to serve Captain Healey.

-Marilla? My own genie?
-No. No, Roger, no.

How long would it take her to get here
if she hopped on a rug?

-Oh, it would take her no time at all.
-Roger, l said no and l mean no.

All we need is another one
running around.

One genie in Cocoa Beach
is quite enough.

Master, if l may not help him...

...may l please ask you to help him?

Jeannie, look,
l don't want to have to--

Well, maybe l was a little
too rough on him, huh?

Okay, l'll fix it.


Hello. Dr. Bellows, please.

Oh, hello, Dr. Bellows.

This is Captain Nelson here.

Yes, l wonder if you could do me
a little favour, sir.

There we are. l'll be gone
for about a month, Mr. Billings.

l'd sure appreciate it if you'd
keep things straightened up here.

No trouble at all, captain.

Would you mind feeding my fish?
You know, changing the water.

Captain Healey, you're talking
to an American citizen, right?

-What kind of a patriot...

-...says no to an astronaut?
-Thank you very much, Mr. Billings.

Well, don't forget
to take care of the fish.

l gotta go over to the base
and check out.

Well, this is the apartment.

Right. This place is gonna
work out great.

Oh, well, l'll say.

We'll rehearse all week,
get the act in shape...

...and then maybe
we can get some bookings.

Oh, l meant to tell you.

Watch the pigeons and the rabbits
when you open the front door.

-Well, the owner don't allow...

-...pets in the building.
-We'll be quiet as mice.

Good. Good.


...if you need anything, holler.

Arnie, do you still cut Myrt in half
with the band saw?

Oh, yeah. That's our flash finish.

Well, if you try it out up here...

...make sure the shades
are pulled down, will you?

Well, it's our joint for days.

Let's say we open the trunk.

Here's one. My favourite trick. Ladies
and gentlemen, '' Magic Factory.''

Hello? What's the matter with this?

lt's all right. lt worked this morning.

Get the--

Captain Healey,
what are you doing here?

l came back to pick up
some notes l forgot.

Oh, that's smashing, that's smashing.
That's great, great.



Jeannie, you did it.

You sent me Marilla.

You sent me Marilla and a--

And a friend.

You have my permission to speak.

Your na-- What's your name?

l'm kno--

l'm known as Abdul the Great.

-Very pleased to meet you, l'm sure.
-Nice meeting you.

-Do you mind if l just call you Abdul?
-No, no.

You can call me ''master.''


Boy, oh, boy,
am l glad to see you two.

You are? You mean you aren't mad
about us being here?

You'll let us stay here
for the whole days?

Thirty days?
l'm never gonna let you go.

Look, you two sure got here in a hurry.
You must've had that magic carpet...

...opened full throttle
all the way from Baghdad.

Well, have you--?
Have you talked to Jeannie yet?

-What do you call your cousin?

l call him Harry.

Harry. l don't remember any Harry,
but she sure thinks a lot of you.

She thinks you're one of the
greatest in the business.

-She does?
-lf you're half the genie Jeannie is...

...boy, l'm gonna be
a happy astronaut.

You.... Look, you folks
work the same way? You know:

ls that the way you do it?


ls that the way we do what?

l see l asked
the wrong question, huh?

Okay? Professional secret?

Don't ask me how to fly
a space capsule...

...l won't ask how you do your work.
ls that fair enough?

Oh, anything you say...


'' Master.'' '' Master.'' You don't know
what that word does for me.

-That makes me feel feet tall.
-lt does?

And you just don't send
that big man to Andromeda lnlet.

No, sirree. Not when the little man
who issues the orders... going to change his mind.

And that's exactly what you're
gonna do for Dr. Bellows.

You better get on it.
The plane l won't be on...

...leaves in half an hour.

Make yourself at home here,
and if you have any questions...

...l'll be over at
Captain Nelson's, okay?

You two can just...

...pop in.

l suppose it figures, doesn't it?

-What does?

...a fella walks all those miles
out in space...

...something's gotta happen, isn't it?

l'll get it.

Yes? Oh, hi, Roge.

Good morning. Good morning.

There's the little old miracle worker.

Oh, what is this?

A little token of my appreciation.

Boy, you really go all out.

l asked for one and she sends two.

-Two what?
-Abdul the Great, and l mean great.

Boy, you should see him.

Well, l'd like to. What does he do?

Well, l don't know what his specialty is.
He's kind of an all-around man.

-A handyman.
-l suppose you could say that.

Oh, Jeannie, do you mind?

-Thank you.
-Boy, l can't wait to see Abdul do that.

What are you talking about?

-Oh, Dr. Bellows.
-Oh, excuse me.

l saw Captain Healey's car outside
and l--

Captain Healey.

l wanted to give you
the good news myself.

You're not sending me away, right?

That's right. l've decided
that you're needed here.

And this decision came as quite
a surprise to you, didn't it?

Roge, you're feeling all right?

l never felt better in my life.
Look, don't worry about a thing.

You won't have
any trouble with me...

...because l won't have
any trouble with you.

Right? Okay? Because all you need
is the right friends, right?

Right. l'll say hello
to your niece for you...

...and say goodbye
to you know what. Goodbye.

You know,
l'm really worried about Roger.

He's acting like a wild man.

You hear him tell
Dr. Bellows off this morning?

He sounds as if
he's got you behind him.

He sounds-- Jeannie, you're not
helping Roger, are you?

Of course not, master.
l promised that l would not.

All right.

l better give him a call.

Oh, thanks.

l could've done that, you know.


-Who's this?
-This is My--

Marilla. ls this you, master?

ls this me, master?

Jeannie. Jeannie, you lied to me.

Oh, but l do not lie.

Hey, are you there?

Who is it, Myrt?

l don't know. They won't answer.

l have your cousin on the phone.

-You want to talk to her?
-My cousin?

-Yeah, you know, Marilla. Remember?
-But l did not--

Hello. Marilla?

Yeah, this is Marilla. Who's this?

Well, this is your cousin Jeannie.

l got another one of them.

Hello, Jeannie.
lt's been a long time.

How's the family?

How did you get here?

l came with Abdul.

Oh, Marilla has brought
a friend with her.

-By flying carpet.
-Oh, she came by flying carpet.

Jeannie, we're getting out of here.

-But l did not--
-Come on.

They hung up.

Boy, we've really landed
in a den of kooks.

Come on, better get dinner ready.

Are you sure this is all right
with my uncle?

Listen, you leave
your little old uncle to me.

l've planned a meal tonight
that just won't stop.

Pottage oriental, pheasant,
truffles, baba rum.

Smell that?

lt smells like
something's burning.

But that's impossible.

l've hired two of the greatest chefs
in the world. Abdul and Marilla.

They wouldn't know how
to burn anything if they tried.

Excuse me a minute.

-Hey, wait, what's going on out here?
-Oh, hiya, master.

-We're cooking.
-What is it, old shoe? lt smells terrible.

Sorry, l thought you'd like it.

l hate to offend you, Marilla.
lt's just when Jeannie cooks...

...everything seems
to come out so great.

Oh, you mean my cousin Jeannie?

Maybe this isn't what you do best.
Do you have some specialty?

-Oh, yes.
-Now we're getting somewhere.

-What is it?
-Sawing people in half.

We'll eat in minutes.

lt won't be ready
for two hours, master.

Dinner won't be ready
for a couple of hours.

l guess they're on Baghdad time
out there.

l promised my uncle
l'd be home early tonight.

l told you not to worry
about your uncle.

-Well, he's been a bit edgy lately.
-How can you tell?

He's up for a promotion.

You-- You mean they're--

They're gonna send him away?

No, he was to be head
of the Medical Department...

...but he doesn't think he'll get it.

Some machine in Washington
decides who's right for the job.

He's jumpy because he thinks
he won't get the job?

-That's right.
-And if he gets the job...

...he'll be mellow
and get off my back?

He's already heard
that he's not gonna get it.


There are not too many people
l can tell...

...but l'm probably as influential
as anyone here on Cocoa Beach.

Twice as influential.

Your uncle wants that job...

...l'm going to give it to him.

-You're gonna give it to him?
-l mean l'm going to see that he gets it.

You know someone that could help?

You.... You might say that.

You're marvellous.

l won't argue with that.

Look, little one, if you could have
anything in the world you wanted...

...what would you choose?

Oh, l don't know.
l've always wanted a mink coat.

You got it.

-What do you mean, l've got it?
-Just what l say. lt's yours.

Just like that?

Don't get me wrong.
No strings attached.

lt's just that l have this thing about
wanting to see pretty girls happy.

You're a pretty girl,
you got a mink coat, it's yours...

...and now you're
a happy pretty girl.


Roger! Roger, open up!
l know you're in there.

lt's my other influential friend.

Excuse me.

Tony. Jeannie?


Captain Nelson,
this is Dr. Bellows' niece.

-And this is his...

...friend Jeannie.

-Where is she?
-Where's who?

-Marilla. Marilla.
-Oh, what a treasure.

l can't thank you enough.

-So you didn't bring her here, huh?
-Well, l told you l did not.

She came by flying carpet.

This is some kind
of wartime code, isn't it?

-lt's wartime, all right.

They're calling us again.

Boy, they sure expect a lot of service
for a free month's rent.

For two cents l'll tell him
to take his apartment--

Let's humour him a little bit, huh?

l'm sick and tired
of sleeping on the beach.

Honestly, l don't know....

You called, master?

How about that?
She can't cook as well--

But she is not my cousin.

l don't care if she is,
she's marvellous.

Jeannie, l want you
to get rid of them right away.

Hold it!

Sheila, l decided we're going
out for dinner tonight.

-Wait in the car.
-Good night, all.

Now, just a minute. Those are my
two genies you're trying to get rid of.

Now, if they stay around here,
we'll all get in trouble.

Wait, how come you can have a genie
and l can't have one?

What are you, some kind
of lndian genie giver?

You gave me two.
l like them and l'm keeping them.

-l did not send them.
-You keep out.

Wait, you're forgetting one thing.
l have two genies and you got one.

lf you don't behave,
l'll take yours away.

-Yeah? Try it.
-Go ahead, blink her out.

Blink her out.

Blink her out?

Give her the old ''one, two, three.''

Yeah, well, saved by the phone.


Oh, Dr. Bellows. How are you?

Yeah, Sheila's here.

What time will I have her home?

l don't know, in the morning,
in the morning.

-lt depends on my mood.
-Are you sure this is Captain Healey?

Yes, and little old Captain Healey
has got news for you.

l decided to make you
head of the Medical Department.

You've decided to make me
head of the Medical Department?

-That's right, doc.
-What do you think you're doing?

Look, you'll have
confirmation tomorrow at....

Would :
in the morning be all right?

Yeah, it's fine with me.

Ten o'clock tomorrow morning, doc.

l just made Dr. Bellows
a very happy man.

And l decided to let you
keep your genie.

The least l can do
for my best friend.

Abdul, Marilla, give them my dinner.

See you tomorrow morning.

Come on, we're getting out of here...

...before they bring on
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.

Blink her out?

That is not Marilla.

l don't care. You're the only one
that could've brought her here.

lf you think l'm gonna stand by
and allow this to happen--

''Abdul the Great and Company''?

That's right, mate.
l thought show business was wacky.

You've got us topped.
Come on, Myrt.

-You're not genies, then?
-Are you kidding, sweetie?

l don't even know
what you're talking about.

Will you tell your friend...

...thanks for the use of the hall?



Well, master?

l'm very sorry, Jeannie. l--

l thought they were real genies.

That's what Roger thought.

And that is why
he acted so strangely.

Oh, what will happen
when he learns the truth?

l think he might spend about
five years in a place called...

...Andromeda lnlet.

A long rest is indicated, captain...

...and that's just
what you're going to get.

l feel fine, sir.
l just made a little mistake.

Captain... you know
what megalomania is?

Not exactly, sir.

lt's when you tell me
that you're making me...

...head of the Medical Department
at : .

You see, l happen to know that
l've already been rejected.

Come in.

Excuse me.
These orders came through for you.

-l thought you might like to see them.
-Thank you.

And congratulations, sir.

-On being appointed...

...the head of the
Medical Department here.


l don't know what to say.

-They told me l'd find you here.
-Sheila, where--?

-lsn't it beautiful?
-lt's beautiful.

-Captain Healey bought it for me.
-Are you prepared to pay for that coat?

-How much did it cost?
-Five thousand dollars.

Five thousand....

Five thousand dollars,
at exactly $ a week...

...would make $ ....