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06x25 - Four Affairs and a Pregnancy

Posted: 04/25/22 13:35
by bunniefuu
I'll get us
a couple beers, okay?



Hey yourself.

What can I get you?

I'm not sure what I want.

I could probably
make a suggestion.

Well, two beers will do for now.

Jennifer: Do you see something
else you like?

Oh, yeah.

This wind's wild, isn't it?

Makes you feel like
anything can happen.

I mean, of course,
anything won't happen,

but it feels like it might.

Like the laws of nature
might explode.

Let's get out of here.

But we just got our drinks.

I just totally forgot,

I got an early meeting tomorrow.

I got to get to bed.


Something wrong?

Michael kissed me today.

Do you want me to tear him
limb from limb?


He was just pleading with me

not to go to
Philadelphia with you.

And what'd you decide?

Well, the truth is,
this place has become...

kind of my home, my family,

and Michael made that
happen for me.

And, uh...

The person that I've become
here has to grow,

and you're making that happen,

which makes Michael
totally crazy.

And at the end of the day,
I love you

more than I feel bad for him.


the bottom line is
wherever you go,

I'll go.

You've made me a very happy man.

And your timing
couldn't be better.

The, uh,

the head of the search committee

is taking me to dinner at the
Imperial Hotel tomorrow night.

I'd love for you to come.


But maybe we should, uh,

go to Kyle's instead.

I mean, it's much more intimate.

Well, you know,
it's his invitation,

so he kind of gets
to pick where we eat,

but, uh, if it's
intimate that you want,

I think I can give you that.


Michael, are you still there?

No, this is my answering service.
What do you want?

I was just wondering how things
were going at the clinic.

Actually, mom called,

and she wanted to know
how her investment was doing.

Lousy. I'm in debt
up to my glottis.

The patients here,
they're all deadbeats.

And now I find out that Megan
might be going away with Coop.

I feel like
a walking train wreck.

Well, just hold on, Michael,
don't do anything stupid.

You know, if you pulled
yourself together,

Megan might reconsider you.

That's exactly my point.

I need money so I won't look
like such a... such a loser.

I mean this suit
against Peter and Coop

might take years to cash in on.

Thing is...

this clinic is worth
a fortune on paper.

Michael, you're not thinking
about fire insurance, are you?

You don't remember the cannoli
expl*si*n at grandpa's bakery?

Yeah, only like
it was yesterday.

Yeah, well, the proceeds
from that policy

got the family back
on its feet again.

Yeah, but, Michael, you don't
have a defective pastry oven.

Well, there's more than one
way to liquidate a business.

You know, Michael,
get a clue, okay?

Megan's not interested in money.

It's character she responds to,

and I just hope
you find some soon.

I'm just considering
all my options.

What's happening?
I'm going for a run.

Now? What time is it?

It's late.

I thought you had to get up
early in the morning.

Yeah, well, I can't sleep.
You go back to bed, though.

You bet I will.


Running away from home?

No, just feel a little
restless, you know.

I got a lot to think about,
issues to work out.


What are you doing?

Is something wrong?
Yes, something is very wrong.

I can't stay away
from you, Billy.

And I think you feel
the same way.

I think that's why you're...

running circles in the middle
of the night, running scared.

This is nuts.
You are way off base.

I love you.

Don't say that.
I have to.

I can't keep it inside anymore.

We can't keep denying this.

I'm married.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I must have been crazy ♪

♪ To let you change me ♪

♪ I must have been crazy ♪

♪ You shattered me till
I felt like broken glass ♪

♪ Your lack of conscience ♪

♪ Shelters you from
your past ♪

♪ You got 'em all lined up
so pretty in a row ♪

♪ I must have been crazy ♪

♪ To let you save me ♪

♪ I must have been crazy... ♪


We need to talk about Michael.

Ugh, what is it now?

he's in a bad way,

and I'm worried that
he might torch his clinic,

and you're the only one
that could stop him.

And just exactly how am
I supposed to do that?

I'm not sure.

Maybe you could use
how much he still loves you

to save him from
his own worst instincts.

It's too late for that.

I'm with Coop,
and if everything works out,

we're going back east together.

Um, Megan, if you left now,

it might push Michael
right over the edge.

I'm afraid he might do something desperate.
He needs your help.

You can't desert him
at a time like this.

You know, it's always
"a time like this" for Michael.

I have enough problems of my own.
I can't take it right now.

I'm sorry.

I just barge in here
making all these demands,

never stop to think that
you might be going through

who knows what.

I mean, you're in
a new relationship

and everything's up in the air.

Oh, it's nothing, just...

this doctor's meeting Coop at
the Imperial Hotel for dinner,

and I'm supposed to go along,

except that the Imperial is where
I used to do my escort business,

and it's just making me
a little jumpy.

Megan, that is exactly
what I am talking about.

That is the life that
Michael saved you from.

Don't you owe him
anything for that?

Yeah, but how long
do I have to be grateful?

How many times
do I have to rescue him,

I mean...
to return the favor?

All I'm saying is,

you're the only thing
that Michael talks about.

Don't you remember
what it feels like

to love something
that you can't have?

Yeah, I remember.

I'll, uh...

I'll see what I can do.

What are these for?

Did I forget an anniversary
or something?

I was thinking about you,

and I wanted you
to know that I love you.

They're beautiful.

Watch out when a man
brings you flowers.

He's either trying to get
away with something

or guilty of something
he already got away with.

Peter, I really don't have time.

I just wanted to stop by
and apologize

for walking out
on you like that.

No apologies necessary.

Lexi is the woman you should be
giving your attention to now.

I'm just a friend.

Well, in that case,

friend, I'd like to...

take to you to dinner
with Lexi tonight.

I don't think so.

Look, Peter, I'm really busy,
so if you don't mind.

Oh, come on, we're three adults.

There's no reason
why we can't go out

and have a normal,
social evening together.

Fine, whatever, just please,
no sermons on my life choices.

It's a deal.
: reservation at Kyle's.

Wait, see, that's exactly
what I'm talking about.

You're already trying
to play matchmaker,

and I have no interest
in seeing Kyle.

Hey, I just like the food there.

If you've got a problem with it,
we'll go anywhere you like.

Lexi's out riding this morning,
I'll have to call her...

Kyle's is fine.

He and I have to
co-exist in this town.

We might as well start tonight.

Great! See you at : .
We'll meet you there.

No problem.



My God! What are you
doing here?

I moved out.
I live here.

Well, I hope you escaped that
hypocritical husband of yours.

Well, actually,
Coop lives here, too.

But we are happily divorced,
and we've both moved on.

Good. You always deserved better.

You always deserved me, actually, but
I guess that was never in the cards.

No, never.

So, are you still with Diane?

God, no. What an albatross
she turned out to be.

I got a nice settlement
out of it, at least.

Same old Rory. Mmm.

So, you with anybody else?
Anybody I know?

I'm all alone
in the cold, cold world.

Oh, well, that won't last long.

What are you doing out here?

I'm just putting together
kind of an investment thing.

Ah, you always got your hands in
some sort of sweet deal, don't you?

Ah, I just rely on the kindness
of strangers, sugar.

This duck is terrific.

How's your trout, Amanda?


Well, that's good advertising right?
I mean,

promises to be a fresh water
fish and, by God, it delivers.

I guess I've lost my appetite
for a lot of things lately.

Give it time,
you'll bounce back.

Rory: This must be the place.

Mmm! Oh, Rory, I'm so
glad you could make it.

Hey, Peter, Amanda, this is
my old friend, Rory Blake.

Of the Cleveland Blakes.

Peter Burns, Canadian Mounties.

Yeah, I bumped into
Rory this morning

and invited him to
join us for dinner.

He's in town on business.
What kind of business?


I'm sure.

Rory moves money.

Peter, here, is the chief of staff
over at Wilshire Memorial Hospital,

and Amanda runs
her own ad agency.


I love the advertising metaphor,
the way it creates its own

reality with words and pictures.

And a lot of smooth
talking, huh?


Advertising is the bedrock
of human interaction.

We all do it.

In personal relationships,
in business.

Some of us just
do it better than others.

Some of us have
more to work with.


Rory's a connoisseur
of quality merchandise.

Well, I just love a good show.

I mean, take this place,
for example.

Warm setting,

expensive artwork,

the illusion it creates
justifies the pricey menu.

Maybe, but this place stays open

because the menu is created
by a great chef,

who also happens
to be a great guy.

Oh, Peter, give me a break.

Well, as long as he has a great
wine list, he's got my vote.

Just closed a deal today,
so I'm going to have

a glass of champagne
to celebrate.

Make it a bottle,
and I'll join you.

Waiter, a bottle of
your best champagne.

Man: Michael?
No! Um, um!


Father Maldonado,
what are you doing here?

Saving your butt, it looks like.

I don't know what you're
talking about. I was, um,

just catching up on some
lab work, actually.

You should be more careful.

A spill like this
could be dangerous.

Well, um,

you know, you surprised
me is all, you know.

I get a little jumpy at night.

It's not a great
neighborhood, you know.

I'm not here
to hurt you, Michael.

Yeah. So, why are you here?

Coming to make you an offer.

What kind of an offer?

A young doctor I know would like
to practice in this neighborhood.

I propose to buy this clinic

with the money you
so kindly donated

to the church last month,

and my friend
will run it as an HMO.

Are you serious?
I mean, this place is...

Wait a minute, this place
is perfect for you.

Yes, I accept the offer,
assuming it's a reasonable one.

Oh, it's more than generous.

Consider it a gift...

from your guardian angel.

Come on, you guys,
join the party.

You're supposed
to be lifting my spirits.

You look like my pallbearers.

I'm sorry, Amanda, I'm bushed.

Yeah, we really
ought to get home.

Mmm. What's the rush? Come on,
we're just getting started.

Well, it's a school night
for some of us.

Well, you guys go.

I've been a bad girl, so I'm
going to stay after school.

Ma'am, could I have
a word with you?

In private.

Looks like you've had
a couple drinks.

This is why you brought
me out here?

You're going to give me
a breathalyzer?

No, I just want to let you know that
I'm going to Dallas to find Nick.

And I care about this why?

I talked to his landlady,
and she said that Nick

left Dallas five weeks ago

which exactly when
Christine showed up here.

See, I know that these
two things are connected,

and I am absolutely sure that Nick is
involved in this whole Christine mess,

and I think if I could
just figure out...

You don't know when to
cut your losses, do you?

Well, I do. So please stop trying
to rewrite the ending. Go home.

I love you.

This is not about love.

It's about two dead women,
Christine and me,

and I k*lled us both.

I know you're the one who brokered
the deal with Father Maldonado,

so don't bother
trying to deny it.

I just want you to admit that,

well, you wouldn't have done
it if you didn't love me.

I used to love you, Michael,
and I went to the priest

in honor of that.

Okay. I'm willing
to start there.

And now that I'm financially
secure again,

well, I'd like to show you
what kind of guy I am.

I know what kind of guy you are,

which is why I knew
you needed help,

and I wanted to stop you
from becoming an arsonist.

Yeah, well, you know,

I was going to use this money
from the sale to sue Coop,

but, you know,
that's the old me.


well, I figure it could
be a nest egg

for you and me
to start over again.

I am starting over.
I love Coop.

And if this new job comes
through, then I'm going to...

I'm gonna go away with him.
No, Megan, you can't...

Michael, Michael, look,
this whole thing, okay?

It was my good-bye
present to you.

So, good-bye.

Coop, hey.

Listen, last night I had dinner
with a guy named Rory Blake.

Lexi says you were friends
with him back in Cleveland.

That guy's no friend of mine.
He's a bad seed.

The guy seemed like
an empty rattle to me.

Yeah, he dated my little sister
when that was convenient for him,

and then he broke her heart
and dumped her

for some poor little rich girl.

Probably left her
in the dust by now.

Sounds like he brings out
the big brother in you.

Well, even before he met
my sister, I always...

had the urge to wash up after I
shook hands with the guy, you know?

Yeah, I'm not surprised. I'm just
concerned he's zeroing in on Amanda.

Well, she seems like she could
take care of herself.


Drive it over there,
and I mean now.

Oh, men and flowers.

I, uh,

I just wanted to come by and
say thank you for last night.

I had a great time.

Congratulations, but things
are a little tense today.

So, if you don't mind.

See, I wrote the book
on tension.

And chapter one is all about
the dangers of over-work.

Well, working hard helps
keep my mind off things.

Well, maybe you just need a different
set of things to keep your mind off.

Woman, on intercom: Miss Woodward,
Digby Dog Food on line two.

Got to go.

Better put those flowers
in some water before they wilt.

Nothing sadder than seeing
something beautiful

just dry up because
nobody cares.

Close the door on your way out.

Will do.

Oh, but I'll be back, though.

I also wrote the book on taking
care of beautiful things.

Hi. Want to get some lunch?

Uh, no, I can't,
I have a meeting.

I'll drive you.

No thanks. I have a million
errands to run afterwards.

Yeah, me, too. Um, you know,
we could carpool.

No, really, I have stuff all
the way down in Long Beach.

I'm late already.

Love you, bye.

And there, for title
to the equipment.



Here's your check.

Father, it's been a pleasure
doing business with you.

I think it was the best
thing for everyone.

Wait, wait, wait a second.
What is this?

This is only for $ , , and
it's made out to Wallace Mancini.

Yes, your sister Jennifer
told me

your whole family
invested in the clinic, so...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You know what?

You can give me all the money.

I'll see to it that it's repaid.

Sorry I'm late.

Did you, uh, give him
the checks yet?

What do you mean checks?

I had Father Maldonado make one out
to every relative who invested.

Principal plus %.

I thought that
was pretty conservative.

Why? Why are you
doing this, Jennifer?

I needed this money.

To sue Coop, to make a good run
at Megan, to buy a car, to...

You owed the family, Michael,
and I'm just here to make sure

that you do the right thing.

Michael, you must be
pure at heart

with so many guardian angels.

This one's for you.

$ ?

And the river opens
for the righteous.

Jennifer, would you
like some tea?


Jeff: What took you so long?

Oh, my God, I thought I was
never going to get here.

This meeting went on
forever and then...

Billy was going on about something,
I don't even know what it was,

and I was stuck in traffic, and
now we only have a half an hour

because I have to go on another meeting.
But you know what?

This sneaking around is kind of
exciting in a strange way, you know?

Hold it.

Oh, wait, you want me
to take it off?

No, I hate this.

This is totally not exciting.

No, wait, look,
I don't want nooners.

I want...

slow, long mornings.

I want...

I want to walk down
the block with you.

I want to take you
to the movies.

I want... I want this
to be out in the open.

I want those things, too, but it's
just that we have so little time,

we have to squeeze the romance
in however we can.

I know, but we...

we don't have to have sex
every time we see each other.

I mean, we could just talk.


That would be nice, too.

What would you like
to talk about?


there's the Baylor
family picnic this weekend,

you know, uncles and
cousins by the dozens,

and I told everyone about you,

You have? What have
you told them about me?

I just told them that you
were a great softball player.

They can't wait for you to come by
and fill the hole at second base.

So you better show.

Okay, I would love to, I guess.

Dr. Cooper.
Hi. I'm George Larner.

Oh, it's a pleasure to meet
you, Dr. Larner.

Mrs. Cooper,
it's a pleasure.

Oh, no, we're not
married. We're...

Well, not yet. I hope
that's not a problem

for those East Coast

No, not at all! I mean, it is
the ' s, even in Philadelphia.

Your table is ready. If you'll
just come this way, please.

I'm going to go to the ladies' room.
I'll meet you in there, okay?

Oh, sure.

Haven't seen you in a while.

Yeah, well, I haven't been
around lately.

Well, just so there's
no misunderstandings.

If you're working here again,

I get %, and I tell you
which room to go to.

Look, I'm not working
here again, okay?

I don't do that anymore. So why don't
you just your chubby mitts off me.

Sure thing, princess.

Remember, I got my eye on you.

Woman: He cleaned out
the place when he left.

Except for the flag
which I decided to let hang.

I think it gives the room
a little class.

No forwarding address, huh?

Guys like Nick, they never
know where they're going.

But hey, maybe you'd
like to rent out the room.

I could cut you a special deal.

No, thanks. I've already
got a place.

You know, what about
phone calls?


Anybody come to visit him here?

Yeah, some tart who said
she was his sister.

Like I bought that one.

Is this her? Is this the woman
who came to visit?

He might've called
her Christine.

No, that ain't the one.

The woman Nick was with
had short brown hair,

big eyes, kind of pouty lips.


Yeah, that's what
he called her, I think.



No, Coop is an excellent doctor.

Actually I hope you don't hire
him because I need him here.

Well, I appreciate
your input, Doctor.

And I'm staying at
the Imperial Hotel

if you can think
of anything else.


Who's that?

Oh, that's Dr. Larner from the
Hutchison Research Center.

It looks like Coop's going to take
off and be a big mucky-muck there.

Yeah, well, good riddance.

I'll be damned if I'm going to
let him take Megan with him.

At least not without a fight.

How about this guy, huh?

He just blows into town,
we accommodate him,

we knock walls out in our
office, and then he...

then he takes off
leaving me in the lurch.

Yeah, what a jerk.

Which leads me to why I'm here.

Look, I just sold
my clinic at a...

huge profit, I might add,

and, uh, well,
since Coop is leaving,

and there's going to be a
gaping hole in your practice,

if you ask me nicely,

I might let you take me back.

You're joking.

Let me put it
to you another way,

if you don't take me back,
I'll sue your pants off.

You do what you
have to do, Michael.

Because the one good thing Coop did
for me was get you out of my life.

That wasn't the only good thing
Coop's ever done for you.

Sorry, am I
interrupting something?

Nothing of consequence.

You wish.

Oh, what do you want?

Michael, please stop,
I need to talk to you.

I need you to examine me again.

I am still dizzy from
the concussion Nick gave me.

You were born dizzy, Taylor.

No, Michael, I'm worried.

Listen, I'm trying to start
my life over,

you know, turn over a new leaf,

no scheming, and I'm probably
going to drop dead before lunch.

Now, is it possible,

could I be bleeding
inside my head or something?

Okay, okay, yeah, we'll
take some tests and X-rays.

I'll see what I can find.

If anything.

Woman on P.A: Doctor Perkins
to O.R. One, stat.

No, no, I was just
curious as to why you...

why you introduced
Rory to Amanda.

What are you, her chaperon, hmm?

No, the guy's a slimeball.
Coop told me all about it.

Oh, well, Coop,
he's just exaggerating.

No, I mean, Rory's a good guy.

Besides, he's new in town, I'm just
helping him to meet some people.

All right, as long as you're not
deliberately trying to sabotage Amanda.

Don't be ridiculous.

And besides, why do you
care so much, huh?

I mean, aside from
the occasional dinner,

I thought you were going to
stay out of Amanda's life?

I will if you will.

No, and that's final.

Yes, but is it absolutely,
positively final?

Look, I am really swamped here.

Yeah, and I'm here to take
you to the racetrack.

I don't have time
for anything that frivolous.

No, no! Heaven forbid
you should take a break.

No, this is work, my dear.

I just bought a thoroughbred,
and I need your thoughts

on using it to market
a line of riding accessories.

Set up a meeting.
No, got to go right now.

Horse is leaving for Kentucky,

and she won't sign a deal
without a hoof-shake.

Wait, I said no.

You don't like guys
like me, do you?

I'm just a little too smooth,
a little too manicured.

Just a pretty boy
who's looking to party.

Yeah, what is it?

Amanda, it's Kyle.
I'm back from Dallas.

And before you hang up on me,

I got some interesting news
that I found there.

Nothing about you or anything
you have to say interests me.

You know something?

Right now, you're just perfect.

What kind of interesting news?
Did you find Nick?

No, but I found out that
Taylor's been involved

in this thing
since the beginning.

And when I see her, I'm going
to tear her head off.

Calm down, Marine.

A dead Taylor isn't going to
help you find out what happened.

Yeah, well, at least I'd get
some satisfaction.

You'd probably learn a lot more
if you were just nice to her.

After all, what is Taylor's
big weakness?

You. That's your
only card right now.

What's your point?

I bet if you just wooed her
a little, she'd come clean.

Otherwise she'll most likely
take her Christine scheme,

whatever it was, to the grave.


I tell you what, forget about
going back to work today.

After we look at my horse,
we'll do the town, huh?

Ah, here we are.

Go right in. Right by
the stable boy.

You're late.

The owner shows up,
I'm worse than fired.

Just be a minute. Listen,
somebody starts nosing around,

give a shout, will you?

If they do, I'm long gone.

And you're on your own.

It looks like a race horse,
only smaller.

That's because
it's just a yearling.

They do grow, you know.

It's never raced?

How do you decide to buy a
horse with no track record?

Well, he's got great lineage,
great legs,

and it's a frisky beauty.

Hmm. What'd you name it?


Let's lay our cards
on the table.

You made your play,
and it's not a bad one,

but I am a married woman with
a very complicated life.

See now, I am a very
uncomplicated guy.

I'll go along for the ride.

But don't say I didn't warn you.

And if were you, I'd name
the horse something else.

Taylor, I'm looking for Megan.

Jennifer said I might
find her here.

Well, she was having dinner
with Coop, and they just left.

She's trying to stay
away from me.

But I'm telling you,
I'm going to keep her in L.A.,

even if it means preventing
Coop from leaving.

Mike, do those tests show
anything from this morning?

Oh, no, you're fine.


Hey, you don't look so good.
You feeling all right?

No, as a matter of fact,
I'm not.

Well, you could probably
use some rest.

I bet you've been working
too hard down here.

Actually, I have.

Nobody's even offered to help.

My fault, sorry.

You are?

To make it up to you,

what do you say that you and
I take the day off tomorrow?

There's a new restaurant
up the coast,

and I would love to
check out their menu.

Are you feeling okay?

This is, uh...

very sudden.

Well, no pressure.
I just...

I thought that...

I would love to.

Okay. I'll drive.

It'll be just like old times.

Oh, hey, Jennifer!

I can't decide whether I should go
to the Baylor family picnic or not.


Well, can I come up
and talk about it?



After you hung up on me
last night,

I tried to call
you back two more times.

Oh, Kyle.
What do you want?

You could've at least
returned the calls.

Sorry, we were at the track.

And then Spago's for dinner
and, um, some dance place,

What was that?
I don't know, a dance place.

Anything else you want to know?

Yeah, what, you dating this guy?

I don't see
how that concerns you.

Look, we don't want
any trouble here.

Keep your nose out of this,
junior. You dating him?

Go home, Kyle, this is so tired.

No, I have a right to know
who my wife is dating.

You have no rights with me!

Look, I, uh, I really
should be going.

You going to be okay?
Yeah, fine.

I'll call you.

Well, you scared him away.

Does that make you feel
macho, proud, what?

No, just makes me sad to see
what you're turning into.

Don't you walk away from me!
I have something to tell you!

At least have the courtesy
to listen to me!

I have heard it all, and
I'm sick of going over it!

Can't you get it through your
thick skull that we're broken up?

No, you've broken up,
I haven't broken up.

Fine, I'll date whoever I want.

You know what, I would date, but I
haven't forgotten that I'm married.

See, vows mean something to me.

I made a commitment to you,
for better or worse,

I made a promise.

And what an idiot I am,
I keep trying to keep it.

I wish I could've eaten more.

It was so good.

I just think I'm a little
carsick from the ride up.

You just need a little fresh
air and then you'll be fine.

Kyle, what's going on?

Why are you being so nice
to me all of a sudden?

What do you mean? Why are you
being so cynical?

Come on, have I stooped so low
that you can't buy my kindness?

Well, no, of course not.

But you're usually very
negative about me.

Maybe I'm just lonely, but I
don't know if you heard about

the battle in the courtyard
last night,

but Amanda and I are through,
and that's the truth.

I'm sorry, I really am, because I
know how much she means to you.

Well, the thing is, I just...

I need someone to talk to and, I
mean, no heavy romance, just...

just a shoulder to lean on.

Well, you could
lean on me, Kyle.

You think you could handle that?


I think I'm feeling
better already.

Ah, thank you.
You're welcome.

Doctor Larner?

Doctor Mancini.
Yes, Doctor.

Thanks for meeting me
on such short notice.

No, no, not at all, not at all.

You mentioned that you're
a partner of Dr. Cooper's?

Yes, well, uh,

And, uh... well, I feel obligated
to let you know that, um,

he's not the hot shot that
he makes people think he is.

Oh, no.

In fact, he's really bad news.


I find that a little hard
to believe considering

the glowing recommendations
he's received so far.

Yeah, well, I know
he looks good on paper,

but in reality, well...

he was thrown in jail for
attacking me at the hospital.


And not only that,
but after that

he had an affair with
two of his coma patients,

one of whom he's still dating.

And she's had a long and lively
career as a high-rent call girl.


And... and that's her
current occupation?

Mmm-hmm. And she's really
bad for Coop.

You know, he can't focus on
medicine when she's around.

I mean, who could?

And then, well,

he loses his concentration

and then he loses his patients.


I want to thank you
for this input.

I'm going back tonight,

and I'll certainly take it
under advisement

when I meet
with the selection panel.

Well, just glad
I can be of service.


I'm sorry I'm so late.

Where were you?
Is everything okay?

Uh, yeah.

Maybe, I don't know.

Want to go somewhere
and talk about it?

I don't know where to go.

I'm in love with you,
but the idea of being

in a public place
is making me crazy.

You're a fabulous secret,
but I just...

I don't know how to fit you
into the rest of my life.

My world is...

Well, that's just why
I thought it'd be better,

you know, if I kind of
eased you into my world.

Hey! So this is, uh, this
is the future Mrs. Baylor!

Hi! I'm Doug,
Jeff's smarter cousin.

Hey, Ernie! Ernie!

Come over here,
meet Jeff's fiancée.

Just back off a second, okay?

I'm sorry, um...

Oh, you must be Samantha.

Yeah, Mom, we got to run.

Mrs. Baylor... I'm so
glad you could make it.

Jeff has told us all about you.

And I must say, I've never
seen him so happy.

Sam. Sam.

No, no, just let me go.
I've got to get out of here.

Sam, look, I said
I was sorry, okay?

Look, I had no idea

they were going
to be so pushy. I...

No, you know what?
It... It's good.

Hearing it out of their
mouths, it makes it...

it makes it all real.

You know what's real?
Is that I love you.

And, you know, I want you...

well, I want you to be my wife.

You're proposing now?

Well, what's wrong with that?

I'm a pretty good catch,
you know.

There's a lot of women
who'd love me to propose.

Well, go propose
to one of them, then.

I'm not rushing into
anything anymore.

I married Billy too fast
without thinking about it.

It's what I always do.

It has to stop before
I ruin other people's lives.

Sam, listen, you are

No, actually, I'm...

I'm seeing things clearly
for the first time.

You want the truth?

I don't think I'm fit
to be married to anyone.

But I am, to Billy.

And I have to go try to
salvage that... now.

I'm sorry. Good-bye.

You know, I appreciate
your seeing me off like this.

It's been a real
pleasure meeting you both.

No, the pleasure's all mine.

And I'm really impressed
with the direction

you're taking
the surgery department.

Well, it's no more impressive
than your résumé.

Although I do understand you've
had some personal problems.

But then, who hasn't.

I'm sorry.
What do you mean?

What kind of problems
are you talking about?

Oh, it's nothing to mention.

And as I said, your
credentials are impeccable.

I'd say you're one
of our top three candidates.

Oh, that's great.

Uh, yeah, it is.
Look, uh,

if you could just tell me...

You'll be hearing from us soon
to schedule

your final interviews
in Philadelphia.

In fact, I better
get to the airport

if I'm going to set them up.

Let me just take care
of the bar tab,

and then we'll walk
you to the limo.

Oh, great, thanks.
Thank you so much.

You know, I've only met you
a couple of times, but I...

I feel as if know you so well.

Well, I'm sure we'll all get to
know each other much better soon.

Not soon enough.

Okay, we all ready?

Ready, willing and able.


Megan's not here, and I haven't
seen her all evening!

I know that.
She's with Coop.

Probably nursing his wounds
after Larner told him

he wasn't suitable
Philadelphia material.

What are you so happy about?

Oh, well,

it just seems like my life is
getting back on track with Kyle.

Oh, Michael, he's being
so nice to me!

Took me to lunch. We
went for a walk. Oh.

You know what? I think this moral
thing that I'm trying out,

it's really working for me.

Well, that's good,
that's very good.

But how's your health
insurance, Taylor?

Oh, God.
My test showed something.

Oh, what? Is my
concussion worse?

Uh, actually, Taylor,

it's a different part of your anatomy
you should be worried about.


you're pregnant, Taylor.

Michael, that is
a really bad joke.

Well, I'm sorry, the joke's
on you because it's true.

Oh, this can't
be happening. Oh!

Oh, why am I being punished?

Oh, God!

I don't even know
who the father is.

Well, how long is the list?

Well, it's short. I mean,
it's pretty short.

There's Kyle.
Yeah, yeah. Who else?

Well, there's Nick, but...
You slept with Nick?

Well, yes, just once,
it was kind of an accident.

And we did use protection.

Yeah, well, protection isn't
always % safe, you know.

Well, then you're
on the list, too, Michael.

I was kind of hoping
you didn't remember that.

You were drunk yourself.

Pretty damn grateful,
if I recall.

You'd just been kicked
out of your job,

and Megan had just left you,

and you were pretty hot for me.

I know, I know, it's just
I was hoping...

Michael, what am I going to do?

Do you think this
could be a good thing?


I feel so bad
about the other night.

I'm the one who couldn't deal
with what you were saying.

I'm the one who ran away.

It's just we haven't
seen each other since then.

And I know that you've
been avoiding me, and I'm...

I'm terrified that my big mouth

has wrecked our whole


Only, you have to understand
there's no way we can act

on the feelings you
were talking about.

No. Billy,
I can't stand that.

I know that you want me
as much I want you.

I can feel it,
so don't lie to me.

I know I'm not imagining this.

Come to me tonight.

I can't. Samantha's
going to be home later.

Tell her you're going
for another midnight run.

I need you tonight, Billy.

I need you to feel
how much I love you.

I'll wait up.

Sam! I didn't know
you were here.

Been waiting for you.

Well, you're never home
this early anymore.

Well, I'm here now, aren't I?

Oh, so you just decide to show up,
I'm supposed to drop everything?

No, no, no.
It's not like that.

Well, what is it like, then? You
know, I can't figure it out.

You're cold, you're
never around, you're...


What? What
is this about?

Um... Billy,

I'm sorry.

I know that I've been
so distant from you lately,

and I've been so involved
in work and so... gone.

Can you forgive me?

Of course I forgive you.
It's nothing to forgive.

I just hope that...

Shut up.

♪ ♪