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06x22 - Blunt Drama

Posted: 04/25/22 13:34
by bunniefuu
I can't do it, all right?

Look, I'm out. I quit.

That's all there is to it.

Now you listen to me, you
two-bit little tramp.

Nobody is backing out now.

We are too close to winning.

Kyle is already
fighting with Amanda.

She's already pulling
the "I need space" routine.

All you need
to do is strike the final blow.

And then, and only then,
can you disappear.

the heartbroken Kyle to me.

God, I wish you'd
found somebody else to do this.

I should have known the minute
you called me again,

it was to use me.

So I looked a little like her,

I'd had a car accident,
surgery scars.

You keep forgetting,
you did this for the money,

to get yourself out of debt.

But you leave now,
you don't get a penny,

I don't get my piece
of the jazz club,

and Taylor
doesn't get her man back.

He loves Amanda too much.

That's what
you never counted on.

Oh! You're wrong.

They're at their
most vulnerable right now.

In fact, I just heard that
Amanda came home early

from her business trip
because she probably heard

about your and Kyle's
big romantic farewell.

to one, this very second,

they're fighting like dogs.

I'm going to make you
a promise right now.


That if anyone...
A Christine, a Taylor, whoever...

Tries to get between us,
I'll stand up, and I'll fight.

Amanda, you don't...

You almost k*lled

Eric Baines out of love for me,

and I promise
I'll do the same for you.

Just let anyone try
to take you away from me,

and I'll k*ll them.

I swear to God,
I'll rip their heart out.

No. It will never get that far.

Never again.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What's going on?

What's going on here?

What's it look
like? I'm gonna go home.

Billy's going to be wondering.

He's going to be waiting.

Oh, my God. I'm married.

My husband.
What, what am I gonna say?

What do I say?
Um, you know what?

You just have to go
and get on that plane

and go back to spring training

and forget that this ever,
ever happened.

Look, Sam, if you think

this was just a roll
in the hay for me, then, uh...

That's over-describing it.

It, it was just, um,

it was a mistake.

It was,
um, bumping into someone.

Rubbing up against them. Um...

I have to go.

So, it all seemed
to go terrifically.

The sh**t, I mean.

Yeah, yeah.
Should be a great commercial.

Right up there
with those beer frogs.

Well, it seems weird
to say good night after...

We should talk
about this, the kiss.

Uh, look, I'm really sorry.

It's all my fault.
Uh, you're married.

And I just got caught up
in this whole cotillion fantasy.

You know, it was just one

of those weird,
impulsive moments.

Well, now I have
something to forget, too.


Oh. There you are.

I thought you would
have been already asleep.

Oh, I think I am.
The walking dead, that's me.

Ah, no one ever told me that
a mentor can be a sl*ve-driver.

You know what Amanda did?
She gave me six...

Count 'em, six... layouts
that had to be on her desk

by tomorrow morning.

You haven't been
waiting up, have you?

No, I just got back
from my commercial sh**t.

Oh, how'd it go?

Are you happy? Did you get
everything that you wanted?

Yeah, yeah. That and more.

I wish you could've been there.

Yeah. Me, too.

I, uh, missed you tonight.

Gosh, I'm sorry.

I'm beat. I'm really exhausted.

I think I'm just gonna
take a shower and turn in.

I'll take a rain check, though.

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Life can be so strange ♪

♪ And oh ♪

♪ If you think it's so mundane ♪

♪ Go and do something ♪

♪ To break it up ♪

♪ Put the top down ♪

♪ See the sky
that you're under ♪

♪ Breathe in the air ♪

♪ Accelerate ♪

♪ Turn the radio on ♪

♪ Feel the warm winds... ♪

Hi. I hope it's not too early,
but I really need a favor.

Just a simple yes or no
and a promise.

Please, please promise that you
won't ask any questions.

Based on that disclaimer,

I'm already leaning toward no.

Oh, it's no big deal.
You just have to say

that you made me
work late last night.

I mean after Billy asks.

That, you know, you made me
do a bunch of layouts,

and I did a great job...

You're having an affair
with Jeff Baylor, aren't you?

God. Are you kidding?

No, no. It's nothing like that.

It's just...

Okay, okay.

It almost did
turn into something.

And in the end, it didn't.

And I don't want
to hurt Billy needlessly.

Fine. I'll cover for you.

But I won't say
"great job," only "fair job."

More believable that way.

Thank you, thank you.

A thousand times,
thank you, thank you.

I had to see it
with my own eyes.

You did it, didn't you?

You slept with Jeff Baylor.

What, do I have some
kind of sign

on my back or something?

No, it's your eyes.

Windows to the soul.

You know, I'm getting
a little sick of your comments,

not to mention your advice.

You're getting me
into nothing but trouble.

Never my intention.

Yeah? Well, what is your

At this moment,
to get the heck out of your way.

Wise choice.

Coop, we should try
that new place,

the Pacific Rim on Rexford.

Lexi, I can't have lunch
with you.

I just needed an excuse
to talk to you.

Oh. What?

Megan getting upset that I'm
still at the apartment building?

What? Moving in with you
isn't good enough for her?

Neither of those reasons.

There's something else.

Your parent company is in a lot
more trouble than you think.

They're in total turmoil.

They're unable to find
a successor.

These are things I know, Coop.

Hell, "The Wall Street
Journal" knows.

I'm just saying,
I think it would be

a great opportunity for you.

That would entail
moving back to Cleveland.

Coop, I've already turned
that opportunity down.

You know what? I can't believe
that Arkin said anything to you.

Wait a minute.

This is not coming from Arkin.

You are trying
to get me out of your life.

You're always jumping
to conclusions.

Yeah, only this time
I'm right. Huh?

I bet Megan has something
to do with this, as well, huh?

What? Is she so afraid

that she's already
slapping down ultimatums?

No, damn it. Megan's not afraid.

I am.

Of what?

Coop, what? Of falling
in love with me again?

You've got to be kidding me.

Yeah, well, temptation
comes in all shapes and sizes.

Didn't your father
teach you that?

He sure taught me.

Hell, he still is.

Okay, let's go over
this one more time.

Look, by now,
I'm getting good at this.

a woman on the edge is easy,

since that's exactly what I am.


Hello, Doctor. I...


I'm glad I caught you.

Well, as you can see, I
was about ready to leave, so...

So was I, actually.
I was halfway on a plane,

because I promised Kyle
I would, to go back home

and start my life again
in New Mexico, but I...

I'm sorry.

Uh, you're on your way out.

I'll just talk
to another doctor.

No, no. Please, sit down.
Sounds important.


I'm waiting in the airport,

and, um, I just started thinking

about my little house
back there.

You know, the empty rooms,

the quiet desert, just

the sounds of being alone,
and I just panicked.

I'm so scared, you see,

that I'm just gonna go back
there and lose it. Like, um,

like I can't control myself.

Like there's just this,
like this,

there's just this voice
inside my head that's just...


You don't have to go back there.

But I told Kyle that...

Well, that should be
the least of your worries.

Yes, could you send a nurse in
here, please?

Yes, Doctor.

I want to put you
under -hour observation.

You mean a su1c1de watch?

What you told me...
Your symptoms...

That's not something
we take lightly here.

You'll tell Kyle,
though, that I'm still...

I want you to forget about Kyle.

Every time you're around him,

it ends up in some crisis,
doesn't it?


This isn't jail.

You're gonna be seen by the
best psychiatrists in the world.

You won't be alone.

You wanted to see me, Dr. Burns?

Yes, will you take Ms. Denton
up to the fifth floor,

please, the "B" wing?

I'll call up
with instructions later.

Thank you.

Hello? Hello?

That's the third time
somebody's called

and hung up
without saying anything.

I hate that.

I've got to do my laundry

so I have something
to wear tomorrow.

If the phone rings again,
don't answer it.


Jeff? It's me, it's Sam.

Is that you that's been calling
and hanging up?

Well, yeah,
I wanted to talk to you.

I mean, you wouldn't take
my calls at the office.

This is nuts. You're
supposed to be in Florida.

I can't ever see you again.
I thought I made it clear.

Look, we made love, okay?

I mean, that wasn't some figment
of your imagination or mine.

It was a mistake.

It was a huge mistake.

Goodbye, Jeff.

I'm sorry.

Help me.

Help, please.

What happened?

Come on. Come on. Help.

Take it easy.

Lay here. Okay.

All right. Let me see.
Let me see.

Oh, Spider,
you're shot pretty bad, man.

I got to get you
to a hospital, okay?

There's no time. What?

What do you mean?

Take it! Take it!

It's a bus locker.

Down... downtown.


In here!

Hold it! Wait. He's dead.

I can't do anything.

Did he say anything?

No, nothing. Not a word.

And finally, we have a problem.

Jeff Baylor is a holdout.

He missed two flights
to Florida,

the last being a charter.

The media is speculating
a contract dispute.

So, of course, our client,

Flash Sporting Goods,
is in a panic.

Well, that's so typical
of these overpaid sports stars.

What ever happened to playing
for the love of the game?

You know for the team,
for the sport, for the fans?

Thank you, Jerry Maguire.

And let's not forget, he lost
his job taking a moral stand.

In the meantime, I want all work
on the Flash campaign to stop.

We're already deep enough
in the hole as it is.

Everyone can leave but Sam.

I have a sneaky suspicion

that none of this comes
as a surprise to you.

Is Jeff Baylor in love
with you or something?

Did you sleep with him?

I'm absolutely positive

that my personal relationship
with him

has nothing to do
with his decision.

Well, that's too bad,
because it can mean millions

to this agency if we get him
to spring training.

And a big, fat bonus
to whoever makes it possible.

You're suggesting
that I do something?

Demanding it. Starting
right now, if you don't mind.


How you doing, sis?
Hey, nice 'do.

Michael, wait a second.

What are you doing?
Where are you going?

You'll do me a favor, right?

Yeah. I need you
to keep this for me.

Indefinitely, if need be.

And you can't look inside
under any circumstances.

No peeking. Unless, maybe,
unexpectedly, I die.

Then you can send it
to Mom and Dad.

Michael, I don't like
the sound of this.

You're in over your head,
I can tell.

Hey, you're my sister.

We're Mancinis.

You know the mantra.

Tight as ticks, tough as nails.

And we always,
always stick together.

Now I want you to swear that
you will not look in that bag

or tell a soul. Swear!

I swear.


I know where she is.

Your old flame Christine.

See, I was minding
my own business...

Well, sort of.

And I was at the restaurant,

and I was coming out
of the little girls' room.

There was Peter on the phone
talking to the hospital.

Well, it seems that Peter's got

little miss pain-in-the-butt
Christine stashed

in a hospital room
on round-the-clock

su1c1de watch.

His hospital here in town?

Yes, and he's keeping
it a big secret, which makes

perfect sense,
if you think about it,

because he just broke up
with Lexi,

and he wants to try
to rebound back to his one great

love, Amanda.

So what better way
to break you and Amanda up?

Keep Christine here in town.

I imagine you want
to go see Christine right now.

No, I got a little stop
to make first.

If you see Amanda...

Oh, mum's the word.


You've got Christine
stashed in a hospital room

somewhere! Are you nuts?

No, but she is.

No, she's not suicidal.

Well, I disagree.

I had her in my office.
She's a textbook case.

Did you really want
to be contacted?

I mean, aren't you having enough
trouble with Amanda as it is?

Okay, that's what this
is about, isn't it?

Oh, please, don't start
that crap again.

That I want Amanda

and I'm plotting
to take her away from you.

Okay, then, explain it
to me. If not that, then what?

I decided that rather

than turn Christine
loose on you,

I would have her locked up,

put her in the hands
of professionals,

cure her of her tendencies.

I know. A very selfless act
from a very selfish man.

You can thank me for that later.

And if you're thinking
about visiting her,

I'm recommending against it.

Well, I got to do something.

You bet your ass, you do!

Marry Amanda.

I wouldn't waste another second.

There's no choice here, Kyle.

Marry her as fast as you can.

Hey there.

No Coopster tonight?

Oh, uh, we're having dinner,

but he had a meeting with Lexi,

so, uh, he should be here
by now.

Well, I wouldn't worry
about that.

I mean, those two...

They hate each other.

You know, I used
to think the same thing,

but there's something
between them.

It's like they've got
this whole common ground going.

Oh, yeah, they sure do.
Big bucks. Big bucks.

You know Lexi's family
is loaded, right?

And yeah, Coop...
He married her for the money.

I mean, no offense, kid,

but you're not exactly
a Rockefeller.

You know, that's just like you

to think that money controls
everything and everyone.

Well, why don't you
take it from me? It does.

I mean,
it may not buy happiness,

but it sure
as hell buys security.

Take this guy.

I met him down
in the new neighborhood.

Uh, he's an honest guy.

You know, doesn't have a cent
to his name.

He's minding his own business,

when along comes
this huge opportunity.

A whole lot of money literally
dropped right into his lap.

But the money...
It's illegal, right?

So the guy doesn't know
what to do.

Take it to the police, Michael.

It shouldn't even be a question.

Look, you know,
this is getting scary.

I think you're taking this
gangster thing a little too far.

Gangster thing?
I am not a gangster.

Oh, yeah, sure, but of course,
I'm Italian,

so I must be, right?

You know, I really resent
that kind of stereotyping.

You know what?
It's just an observation, okay?

But leave it to you to turn it
into some kind of argument.

Oh, thank God. Coop's here.

Look, uh,
I'll talk to you later, Michael.

If this holdout
has anything to do with me,

you better stop it
and stop it now.

The agency sent you.

Amanda, I bet, huh?
Do whatever it takes to get me

to spring training, right?

I already heard
that Flash Shoes is pissed

and may dump me, so... Yeah.

And it's gonna cost the agency
and you millions of dollars.

Well, then
you shouldn't be shocked

that I don't care
about that, okay?

Look at me. My mind and...

and everything in it
is about us and about you.

Look, I know
you feel the same damn way,

or you wouldn't have come here.

Stop pretending like
you even know how I feel,

because you don't.

You don't even have a clue!

Well, then tell me! Okay?

Enlighten me.

Okay, this whole thing...
This was just a fantasy.

It's something that I got
wrapped up in. I was blinded.

I never, ever considered
leaving my husband for you.

So what are you telling me?

That everything that went on between
us, you were just faking, huh?

You can't fake
what we shared. Come on!

No, I can't,
but I can put it behind me.

My life is ruined.
Don't you understand that?

Hey, no more than mine.

You want me to say I love you?

You don't have to. You know why?

Because I already know you do.

Wait. Look, Sam,
I will go to Florida.

All right? I mean,
I will pack my bags,

and I will leave right now

if that's what
you want me to do.

Yes, that is what I really want.

All right.

Just so you know,

you just broke my heart.

Where's Samantha?

I don't know.

These days, I never know.

I guess I should care
a little bit more, shouldn't I?

I should be calling
all over the place,

pacing up and down
like a madman.

I just,
I don't really feel anything.

You know, that's a terrible
thing to say about your wife.

The woman I love,
the woman I just married.

What's wrong with me?

It's not you.

You didn't do anything.

Yeah, well, at first
I thought it was just because

we were spending
too much time together.

You know, we're living
together and working together.

But then I realized
there's something more to it.

You know, there's something
really wrong with us.

We just don't, like,

we don't feel comfortable
around each other.

I know I probably
shouldn't say this,

and please don't
take it the wrong way,

but these days,

the only time
I really feel comfortable

is when I'm around you.

I'm sorry that, uh,

that we kissed the other night.

Oh, Billy, it's okay. Really.

No, it never
should have happened.

I may be having problems
with Sam,

but that doesn't give me
the right to cheat on her.

So I'm sorry
if I led you on in any way.

I didn't mean to do that.

Kyle, it's eight o'clock
in the morning.

Yeah, well, you know
breakfast can be romantic, too.

We have frittatas, mimosas.

So you just sit back,
indulge yourself.

And pretend like
you are on your honeymoon.

Well, wouldn't we have
to be married for that?

I knew I forgot something.

Would you marry me, Amanda?

You already asked. I said yes.

Right. Well, see,
what I meant to say is

marry me tomorrow.

It's all arranged. Seven
p.m., the Canyon Chapel.

I mean, every time
we drive by it, you say,

"I love that place."

Nothing could keep me away.

But it doesn't have
to be tomorrow, either.

It could be in a week,
two weeks.

No, no. It has to be now.

The time is now.

Ah. Why? You afraid

something might come along
and change our minds?

Uh, and what could that
be? I mean, what's left?

It's the unknown
that makes me nervous.

See, I got nothing
up my sleeves. See?



So, are we a go?

Sure. We're a go.

Oh, I think you have just made
me the happiest man on earth.

I love you.

Okay, yes.

I slept with Jeff Baylor,

just like you said I should.

Hold it right there, missy.

I didn't tell you
to do anything.

Then what was
that whole metaphor

about the old car,
new car thing,

and that you can't
appreciate the old car

until you've sampled
the new one?

I was very influenced
by that little speech.

Ah! I was so influenced
that I test-drove Baylor.

And it was a terrific ride.

So, what?

Are you thinking
of trading in Billy?

No! No!

In retrospect, that was the
dumbest thing I have ever done.

One night of fun
for a lifetime of guilt?

And, uh, what about Jeff?

How's he dealing with it?

Uh, I told him that it was over.

And with any luck,
he's in Florida

at batting practice.

So what do you do now?

I'm gonna get past it.

I am going to devote
the rest of my life

to making Billy happy.

You know,
what happened with Jeff,

that was just panicking
about getting married too soon.

The truth is, I love Billy.

I really love him.

I mean, that's why
you marry someone, right?

You're gonna find somebody.

That guy is going to come along.

You just can't
plan these things.


Thank you for listening to me.

I don't know
what I would do without you.

Hey. I have got a big,
giant favor to ask you.

Can you watch the club
for me next week?

Sure. But you got to tell me,

is it a secret
where you're going,

or can I tell Amanda when
she asks me why I'm in charge?

Amanda is going to be with me,

on our honeymoon.

You see, we're getting married
tomorrow night

at the Canyon Chapel,

and then we are going to spend
our first night together

at the Ocean Crest Hotel,
before honeymooning at...

I don't know.
Well, we're not sure.

Hawaii, maybe. Fiji.

Well, the Bermuda Triangle

is supposed
to be nice this time of year.

Boy, I just,

you know, I thought,
with you all your problems...

I mean, with Christine
and everything...

That you wouldn't be rushing
to the altar so quickly.

Look, Peter can take care
of Christine

better than I
or anybody else can.

You know what?
I'm moving on with my life.

That is, right after you
wish me good luck.

Hey. Good luck.

That was very good, very good.

Almost sounded sincere.

Almost. Close.

Darling, I'm home.

Right on time.

Sort of. So, where is it?

Where is this big surprise
you, uh, promised me?


Before you ask, yes,

I stopped and had
a few drinks on my way home.

But I took a cab.
My car's still down at the bar.

Guess what I heard today.

The first day
of spring training,

you know Jeff Baylor,
our comeback bozo of the year?

He blew out his knee.

It's like, uh, torn ligaments
or something.

He's out for the season.
It could be his career.

It's tragic.

I mean, needless to say,

Flash is deep-sixing
the campaign.

I mean, I heard they
already got some,

you know, some lady tennis
player taking his place.

Did I or did I not tell you

that Jeff Baylor was bad news,

After all the hype,

and the thousands of dollars
that we spent on him,

it's all down the toilet.

All he's gonna get
from Flash Sporting Goods

is a nice little
get-well basket.

So now that that's over,

quit stalling.

Come on. I want my surprise.

Is it under there?

You're drunk.

So what?

So, sometimes I think

you don't have any heart at all.

I'm sorry. I just don't want
to be around you right now.

Well, long live Jeff Baylor.

Oh, it's you.

Kyle and Amanda
are getting married tomorrow.

This is our last chance
to stop them.

Okay, what I want you to do

is write Kyle a letter

professing your undying love,
and emphasis on "dying."

What difference will that make?

Kyle knows I'm here,
still suicidal,

and he won't even visit.

I'm so sick of you,
you stupid little twit.

And if you don't
help me out here,

I'm gonna re-break every bone

in this reconstructed face
of yours.

Now, start writing!

"Dear Kyle, when
we made love the other night,"

you awakened feelings in me

"that I thought
had long since died."

But none of that happened.

We didn't make love,
and Kyle will know that.

Dummy, Kyle isn't going
to see the letter.

Amanda is going to read it.

She's gonna call off
the wedding because of it.

Now, start writing.

Good morning. How are you?

Just thought you'd like
to know that this came

to the restaurant last night,
and it was addressed to Kyle.

You just missed him.

I know. I waited until
he was gone before coming up.

It's from Christine,
and as you know,

I once intercepted
a letter from this woman

intended for Kyle,

and it was the best thing
that I ever did.

You've got to squash those bugs

before they get too big,
if you know what I mean.

We don't operate
on the same level, Taylor.

Yeah, well, maybe
this time, Miss High and Mighty,

you ought to think about
lowering your standards

a notch or two.

I mean, after all,

you are tying the knot
this evening, right?

It would be a shame to let
anything jeopardize that.

Anyway, it's your choice.

But if you look,
that seal isn't a very good one,

and you could just...

You know, Kyle
and I are on the same page here.

I don't think he'd mind
if I read it first.

Oh, yikes.

Looks like bad news.

Well, I gotta go.
Good luck with whatever.

What did you do, rob a bank?

Jennifer showed
it to you, didn't she?

Ah, couldn't keep a secret.

I'll deal with her later.

Listen, um,

I can explain everything, okay?

I did not steal this money.

It just,

well, it sort of found
its way to me through this guy,

this, um,
guy in the neighborhood.

Spider, actually.

And, uh, you see,
he was shot up by the cops,

and, uh, well he died as
a result, God rest his soul.

I'm going to the cops.

No, no, no, no, no.
What good would that do, Megan?

What would the cops do with it?

They'll ship it off
to that place

where they burn criminals' loot.

But I,

I can do something
good with this money.

What? Add a second story
to the house?

No, I just thought

maybe I'd, uh, fix up
the clinic.

Maybe, um, you know,
get me out of debt.

Um... but, you know,

this money,

this money can make
a big difference down there.

Come on.

That makes sense, doesn't it?

Yes. It does.

You are going
to use this money for good.

Except not exactly
how you had planned.

Look, go get your coat.
We're going to go for a ride.

Move it!

Call your security.
Call the police.

I really don't give a damn.

I'm telling you,
you're going to blow this.

Really nice try,
Christine, but it didn't work.

You didn't want Kyle
to see the letter.

You wanted me to see the letter.
This is just your pathetic way

of trying to stop my wedding

I didn't know.
You're getting married?

Oh, for God's sake. Stop it.

You knew,
and you sent the letter.

Well, I am here to tell you

that it's not going to work.

You didn't sleep with Kyle,

and I don't have to ask him,
and I won't.

I won't do anything
to jeopardize our wedding.

So we're going to
go ahead with it,

and to hell with you
and your su1c1de crap.

Besides, I don't think you have
the guts to k*ll yourself.

I love him.

You know what?

As far as Kyle's concerned,
you're dead.

He's mine.

You show up in our lives again,

I swear to God, I'll k*ll you.

Sam, you home?

Hi. You must think
I'm the biggest weirdo ever.

No, I, I think it's cool.
Yeah, I love it.

Yeah, I can't get this dancing
out of my head, either.

Do you mind if I cut
in on your broom?

You better hurry up.
The song's almost over.

I'm still not very good.

Come on. Just feel the music.


Damn it, Billy.

I can't.

I can't do this to Sam.

You know, she's,

she could have
been with Jeff Baylor,

over and over,
and she hasn't cheated.

And I just, I can't do
it to her.

It's not... it's wrong.

But if J...

You're right.

Sam's my friend.

I think you should go.



Thought I'd bring
this by personally.

Standard card attached.

"Get well soon, from all of us
at the Amanda Woodward Agency."

Oh, how thoughtful.

"In lieu of a contract,

we send cheese
in a pretty basket."

Oh, Flash Sporting Goods
dropped me.

Of course,
you probably already know that.

Does it hurt?

Ah, what's
a couple of million bucks?

Oh, you mean the knee?

No. Nah, they've got it
all shot up with stuff.

It's fine.

It's pretty cool of me,
don't you think?

I mean, I been back a whole day.
Haven't called you.

I wanted to.
Almost did a couple of times,

but I knew how you felt, so...

Only, you don't know.

You have no idea.

You see,

I went back, and I gave it
the old college try, Jeff.

I mean, I really, really
wanted it to work with Billy.

And it was like he planned it
or something.

He started going on
with this petty stuff about you

and what happened and,

and I realized
that the only person

that I'm not being fair to
is you.

You, who I can't get
out of my thoughts,

who I need...


right now.

May I help you?

Yes. Um,

we'd like to make a donation

for your w*r on dr*gs and crime
in the neighborhood.

I'll make
the assumption this bag,

it's filled with money?

That's right, and I
wouldn't ask where it came from.

We're trusting you
to do the right thing with it.

Well, any money that
comes through those doors

is used for God's work.

Oh, that's great.
But in the meantime,

I'd open an interest-bearing
checking account.


Well, good night, Father.

We don't want to wear out our
welcome and... Thank you.

Neither one of us
has time for confession.

What is that?

Whoa. Whoa.
Where did that come from?



here you go. A few more dollars.

How do you feel?

Ever seen a grown man cry?

You're about to.

Come on.

Hurry up, doll. Put it on.

I don't understand.
Where are we going?

We are going
to the Canyon Chapel,

because Kyle and Amanda are
going forward with the wedding.

This is crazy.
There is nothing left I can do.

Yes, you can object stridently.

You can throw yourself
down the aisle,

your undying love for Kyle.

At which point, Amanda
will go absolutely insane.

Yeah, and probably
try to k*ll me.

Well, we can only hope.

Yeah. That's what she
promised, right?

Kyle will have
to step in. It'll be a big mess.

Causing you to fake the biggest,

gnarliest nervous
breakdown anyone has ever seen.

Kyle will get sympathetic,

Amanda will call
it the last straw,

and part two of wedding
interruptus will be successful.

Hey. It's clear. Let's go.

Okay, you two go together.

I'll take my own car.
All right, go.

What are you doing?

I'm going to that chapel

and telling Kyle the truth,

that this was your crazy plan,
that the real Christine is dead,

and that I was used by you
and Nick.

You can't say anything,
or we'll all go to jail!

I do.

And do you, Amanda,

take this man to be your lawful
wedded husband,

in sickness and in health,

for as long
as you both shall live?

I do.

Therefore, before
God and this church,

I now pronounce you

husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

Get back in the car now!

Oh, my God. She's dead.

Well, congratulations.

Come on. Let's go. Come on.

I want
to wish you every happiness...

Come on!

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

Have fun on your honeymoon.

Thank you.

You didn't have to do that.

Well, I thought that we
should at least have some

of the frills, Mrs. McBride.

Mrs. McBride.
I like the sound of that.

So do I.

Thank you very much.

Come on. Let's get out of here.

Let's do it, hon.

Okay, Bright Eyes,
what do we do now?