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06x19 - Last Train to Baghdad (1)

Posted: 04/25/22 13:32
by bunniefuu
Go away, Kyle, please.

I came to see you.

No, don't, I look different now.

That's okay.

No, it's not, it's not even
close to okay, just...

Why did you come here?

You have changed.

I'm not the same person I was.

None of us are.

Please just go.

Listen, wait, you're alive.

How are you alive?

I was nearly dead.

Multiple fractures,
my face was a horror show.

They didn't think I'd
ever speak or walk or...

I begged Nick to tell you
I didn't make it.

Nobody expected me to, anyway.

And, and even if I did,
it meant years

of facial reconstruction
and, and V.A. hospitals and...

I loved you so much, Kyle.

I wanted you to go
on with your life.

Why did you have to come back?

I wanted to see you.

Okay, you've seen me.

Am I everything you
expected and less?

You're still so beautiful.

Well, I'm still
dead inside, all right?

I left a letter for
your wife in Boston,

and those were my last words.

Now get out, before I scream.

Can't we say goodbye
better than this?

We said it all seven years ago.

Just leave it alone now.

Leave me alone.


What happened? Are you okay?

It's over, let's go.

Do you want to talk about it?

No, I want to get a hotel room,

and I want to take the
first flight out tomorrow.

Fine with me,
I just thought maybe...

Look, you know what?

This was a stupid idea,
so let's just let it go, okay?



Where have you been all night?

Excuse me?

I've been calling you
every ten minutes since : .

It's almost : .

Well, I was having dinner
with Jeff Baylor,

who is our client,
you might recall.

Flash Sporting Goods
is our client, honey.

Jeff Baylor is, like,
he's a sales gimmick.

Well, that's rude.

No, that's a fact.

What's rude is you being out

until all hours
without calling your husband.

I'm miles away,
and I'm on an assignment.

Which included becoming a golf
groupie on national television?

What is with you... I was
just doing what Jeff wanted.

Yeah, I bet.

I'm tired
of being cross-examined by you.

I'm sorry, I'm...

Hi, is this
a bad time, or, uh...

No... hi, and,
I just didn't expect you.

Yeah, I just wanted
to come by and apologize

for, you know, making that
pass at you at dinner, and...

Not that you don't rate it.

I just didn't want you to think
I was being disrespectful,

or, you know, pressuring you
or anything like that.

Wow, so, I guess,
apology accepted.

Yeah, definitely.

Um, and, uh, thanks for dinner.


And, uh...

And good night.

I'm so tired.

I'll bet I can wake you up.

Who could that be at this hour?

Sorry to intrude.

Oh, Daddy, what a surprise.

Please, just come right in.

I just stopped by to pick up

those power of
attorney documents.

That's right,
I've got them upstairs.

I'll go sign them right now.

Mr. Sterling, you look
like you had a tough day.

Can I get you anything?

You can knock
off the sweet talk, son.

I guess you don't get it.

I want you away
from my daughter.

Look, old man,
I've been nice to you

because you're Lexi's father.

But she's all grown up,
so it's time to back off.

Trying to scare me?

Not a chance.

I don't care how many times
you've been arrested for m*rder.

Oh, so you've been
digging into my past.

Well, I'm sorry
to disappoint you,

but I've told Lexi everything
there is to know about me.

You know what?
She still loves me.

Now, I wonder how you would
fare in her affections

if I started digging into
your tawdry little secrets.

Don't play that
game with me, Burns.

You can't possibly win.

Really? Then why is it you're
the one who looks nervous?

You know, when Coop
was my son-in-law,

he didn't have to act macho.

He's just a natural man
with nothing to prove,

and I loved him for it.

You, on the other hand...

Tell my daughter I'll talk
to her in the morning.

And you can explain why I left.

Well, where... where's Daddy?

He had some business
to take care of.

Peter, did...

did you say something
to offend him?

'Cause, you know, it seems
like ever since he's come here,

you've done nothing but push
his limits and try his patience.

What... are you
threatened by him?


Well, what then?

Lexi, there are some things you
don't know about your father.

The man is mean,
he's vindictive,

and he wants me
out of your life.

Hey, hey, hey, hold it.

Well, you know, Coop and I were
married for eight years,

and he loved my father.

I love my father.

So you're telling me
this is my problem?

This is definitely your problem.

Fix it.

♪ Nobody likes to drink alone ♪

♪ In this dusty lonely hollow ♪

♪ Where nobody
raises up a toast ♪

♪ And everybody hates
and waits tomorrow ♪

♪ Right now everybody leads ♪

♪ And everybody follows ♪

♪ And everybody sings
and I'll just sing along ♪

♪ Right now everybody rolls
but I won't move a muscle ♪

♪ Here's to life
and here's to you ♪

♪ Who's the guy in the banks
and the broken homes ♪

♪ Right now everybody leads ♪

♪ And everybody follows ♪

♪ And everybody sings ♪

♪ And I'll just sing along... ♪

Peter, I need you
to give me bucks,

and I need it right now.

No, Michael, no.

Hey, hey, you owe me.

If it wasn't for your
turncoat knife in my back,

I'd still have a job
at my own medical practice,

for God's sake.

Oh, so now you think
you can just guilt-trip me

into supporting you?

Hey, it isn't even for me, okay?

It's for my mom.

Your mom?

Yeah, my mother's visiting,

and, uh, I needed to borrow
some money from her.

I don't want to hear any
of the details, Michael...

Seriously, Peter, I need...

I said I don't want
to hear any of the details!

Now, here.

You give this to your mother

with my condolences
about her son.

But this is it, Michael.

I mean it, now, you consider
this severance pay.

No, fine, fine.

Um, also, if it hadn't
occurred to you, uh,

I do need to have some
way to make a living.

Well, I'm sure you could
have a thriving business

in black market kidneys.

That... that's very funny.

But I was thinking that, uh,
since you are Chief of Staff,

you could assign me some
extra shifts down in the ER.

You know, kind
of help me get through

this transitional period.

And if I do that,
will you go away... now?

Yes, yeah, thanks.

Thanks a lot, Peter.

Oh, and if you ever need
a return favor, I...

I'm gonna go now.

Um, I'll be in my office
transcribing, uh,

medical records, Ashley.

I've got things
covered out here.

Hey, let me help
you with those, huh?

No, I can handle it.

No, I know you can,
but it really feels good

to help people,
and I... I really need

to feel good about something
right now, so let me...

No, you know what?

Feel good about
something else, okay?

Because I'm really
busy right now.

Hasn't she changed
her last name yet?

You two have been
divorced for months.

Well, I'm kind of
a hard habit to break.

You know, I, I hope you're
not making any side deals

with him for old time's sake.

No, but when Michael
was a partner here,

he made it to meetings on time,
where the hell have you been?

I was having a business
lunch with Lexi and her father.

Oh, well, how cozy.

Yeah, so I hear you're not

faring too well
with the old guy.

That's because he's been a
meddling pain in the butt

ever since he got off
the plane from Cleveland.

I don't know how you
dealt with this guy.

Pure strength of character.

Well, he was completely
out of control

when he came over to
the condo last night.

That's funny because, you know,

he said he was being
a perfect gentleman,

and that you were
flying off the handle

like a defensive schoolboy.

Well, he's a liar.

Yeah, well, one of you is.

Too bad no one
was there to see who.


Is Kyle here?

Uh, he's out for a jog.

You must be Christine.

Would you like
to come in and wait?


Are you, um...
a good friend of Kyle's?

Fiancée, actually.

Amanda Woodward.

Oh, this must be
really hard on you, too.

I'm... I'm very sorry.

It's not your fault.

I was so shocked
to see Kyle last night,

I'm... I'm afraid I didn't
deal with it very well.

Well, he's not exactly
in the best shape himself.

Seeing him reopened
so many old wounds.

I mean, I thought
it was all behind me,

but now it's right here.

It's got me completely rattled.

I, I couldn't sleep all night...

I just kept rolling it
around in my mind, and...

I've got to see him again.

God help me, I've got to put
some kind of closure on this.

I sympathize with
what you're going through,

but I'm not sure
he wants to see you.

He was pretty upset at the way
you shut him out last night.

Well, maybe you could
talk to him for me.

It's crazy to ask you,
I know, but...

I think we all want to
put this behind us, and...

if I could just meet with him,
just to work it out.

I'll see what I can do.

Okay, I'm sorry, too.

God, I hate fighting
on the phone,

'cause there's just
no way to make up.

Well, we can think
of some way tonight.

So, Jennifer
told me about Craig.

That's awful, now I know why

you were trying to
call me all night long.

And then we got sidetracked.


Craig's dead.

That is awful.

Then you kept
not being there, and...

I just flew off the handle;
I was worried about you.

Well, I was working
on our campaign.

How's it going?

Oh, it's going great,
I mean, Jeff, you know,

he had some changes,
just minor ones, though.

These aren't minor changes.

You threw out the whole concept.

I wouldn't say that.

Yeah, 'cause your ideas
are still here...

It's just mine that are missing.

I thought we were gonna
work on it together.

Well, I was the one down there.

I'm still the VP up here.

If you're gonna make
any changes this radical,

you got to call me first.

Okay, well, excuse me,
I thought that

the idea was to keep Jeff happy.

Yeah, well, next time
maybe you should think

about keeping your boss happy.


I'm so grateful to Amanda for
arranging this lunch for us.

She must have
a million things on her mind,

what with running a company

and getting ready
for your wedding.

I can't get over how
different you look.

It must be hard for you
to put me together

with your memory of me.

I've just had so many
operations over the years,

on my face, my throat...

Nothing will ever be the same.

You look good, though.



How does this look?

Pretty, isn't it?

I'm so sorry.

Yeah, well,
I shouldn't complain.

The doctors have
done miracles on my face.

It's just...

It's been a long road,
what can I say?

God, I can't even imagine...

how tough it
must've been for you.

There were times...

lying there in the burn center
of the Glendale V.A.

Every Saturday night at : ,

this big old freight train
roared past my window, and...

I just had this fantasy

of driving out there
and just sitting on the tracks

until the Santa Fe Railway
blasted me to kingdom come.

Maybe that's why
I moved to New Mexico...

Just a little nod
to catching that train.

What about you?

What have you been up to?

Me? Yeah.

Yeah, well, um...

I got married...

and... opened up a restaurant,

moved out to Los Angeles,
got divorced.

Busy boy.

Is that when you met Amanda?

Yeah, yeah.

Uh, we opened up
a jazz club together.

You always wanted to do that.

All those plans that we made.


I guess I somehow managed
to put 'em all out of my mind

for so long.

And now you're here.

Hey, move on, soldier.

I'll be okay.


How'd it go?


it went well.

I mean, Christine
is a little bit lost,

but... that chapter
of my life is now over.

I'm glad you made me do this.

And so am I.

Let's go home.

First morning flight.

Oh, I can't wait to get back.

Do you know our wedding
is only five days away?

We have to invite guests,
rent a hall...

Schedule a honeymoon. Yeah.

She's still in the room,
isn't she?

Hi, we need to talk about
this Jeff Baylor campaign,

'cause it's gotten
way out of hand.

Huh, it's gotten out
of your hands, you mean.

Yeah, I'm the executive
steering this ship, thank you.

That's a scary thought.

Quiet, both of you,
before I call your parents.

Now, one at a time.

Okay, here's what happened.

Sam's the primary rep
on this account.

Let's hear what
she has to say first.

Well, it's really very simple.

Jeff had some specific
ideas of how he did

and did not want
to be portrayed...

That's our call, it's not his.

And because of certain dynamics
that developed between us,

he trusted that I would
respect his wishes...

Dynamics? You had dynamics

between you and this meatball?

Billy, why don't you get the
spreadsheets on this account,

while Sam shows me the graphics.

Fine, love to.

By the way, my wedding's
this weekend,

and since I wouldn't be around

to enjoy it if you
hadn't saved my life,

I was wondering if you'd
like to be my maid of honor.

I would be thrilled.


You know, you've got
some nice ideas here,

but Billy's right,
they need a little massaging.

Listen, just because he said...

And don't get defensive,
it's counterproductive.

Now, I want you to get together

with Billy tonight
and make use of his expertise.

He's gonna slam
all of Jeff's ideas.

Well, then it's up to you
to combine Jeff's ideas

with Billy's
advertising know-how.

Bring me some
great results in the morning.

I know you won't let me down.

No problem.

Oh, and, Sam, whatever you do...

don't lose this account.

So, how did this happen?

Talking when I should
have been walking.

Oh, yeah?

Well, what you got here is
called a "boxer's fracture."

You see, when you punch
somebody out,

you gotta put the weight here...
on these two knuckles.

Otherwise, you'll break the
hand, which is what you did.

Hey, you're all right, Doc.

We could use a sawbones like you
down in my neighborhood.

And where is that,
just east of hell, right?

We got lot of people
need medical attention,

that's for sure.

Some of the women I work with...

Especially the... you know...

They get these, uh, rashes
and lesions, you know?

It puts me right off my lunch.

I gotta put 'em on a bus, send
'em all the way down to county.

Yeah, whatever, now listen,

when the swelling goes down,
you're gonna need a cast.

We had one of those urgent care
facilities down in the hood,

you know, on Fourth
and Leason, but it closed.

Yeah, lack of insured
patients, I'm sure.

I tell you what,

a smart doc could make a fortune

in cash patients if he had
the right connections.

And, uh, that would
be you, I suppose?

Hey, yo, you fell into a gold
mine, you met me, Doc.

You play your cards right,
you might just stake a claim.

Hey. Is Kyle around?

I don't know, how did
it go with Christine?


No, no, no, no, no, no,
I want all the gory details.

How did Kyle feel about her,
how did she feel about him?

Come on, Amanda,
gossip is my lifeblood.

You want to know everything?

Here's everything:

They had a wartime romance,
it was very intense,

but now the w*r is over
and so is the romance.

Says Kyle.

You know, that's the difference
between you and me.

I trust that he's gonna
tell me the truth.

In fact, I am so not
threatened by Christine,

I invited her to our wedding.

Oh, Amanda, you did get too
much sun out in the desert.

No, just being human to
an old friend of Kyle's.

Something you
wouldn't understand.

Well, then you're
a better woman than me,

because I couldn't live
with having her at my wedding.

Well, actually she did
turn down the invitation.


You knew she wouldn't
come if you asked.

That way you got to look like
a saint for inviting her.

How in the world would you know
what a saint looks like?

Yes, Mom, I'm getting
off work early

so I'll be on time for dinner.

Yeah, and Craig will be there.

I promise.

No, I'm not gonna let you down.

These mockups are too
soft, that's all.

You know, it's a young company,
they want edge.

All right, well, I can do that.

It's just that Jeff
is a sensitive guy,

and I think he wants that
side of him to come through.

I know, uh, there's
a photo sh**t coming up

in a couple of days,
how about if he doesn't shave?

That's kind of tough,
kind of sensitive.

Kind of scummy.

Oh, Billy, thank God
you're still here.

My mother is having
a big family dinner

at the beach house
tonight, and...

I promised her Craig
would be there.

Oh, no, you said that was
gonna be the last time.

Billy, I am a desperate woman!

There's no way I can do it,
I gotta stay here with Sam

and work on this
campaign all night.

No, no, no, you go ahead,
Jennifer needs you.

I can make these changes.

I can, really.

I know what you have in mind.

Great stuff,
and I'm right on it.

I don't know. Do I have to beg?

Okay, Billy, this is really
the last time, Billy.

My mom is leaving soon,
and if I could

just make it through this
final obstacle,

I will owe you big-time,

and I wouldn't even ask,
but I'm a total coward

when it comes
to facing my mother.

And besides, you are a far,
far better Craig

than the real Craig ever was.




Oh, thank you.

Mmm, thank you, thank you.


You better get this right,

or Amanda's going to
have both our heads.

Yeah, I'll get it,
just a minute.

What are you doing here?

I need to talk to you.

Would you just get out?

Actually, no.

I think you should hear
what I have to say.

I'm not even
remotely interested.

After giving the
matter much thought,

I have decided that I love Lexi,

and I'm never
leaving her, period.

Let me make something clear.

My daughter had
a good man in Coop.

And I'm not about
to let her waste her life

on a two-bit imitation
like yourself.

She deserves better,
she's gonna get it.

Oh, so you're going
to buy it, huh?

The way you've bought
her everything else?

I decide what's right for Lexi,

'cause I can see
what's right for Lexi.

My vision isn't clouded
by some ulterior motive,

like trying to marry
my way onto easy street.

Well, she loves me.

And there's nothing
you can do about it.

The hell there isn't.

I can have the FBI
reopen your m*rder case.

I'll have the IRS
all over your books.

I'll have you
kneecapped, by God.

You're losing your grip, Tom.

Be careful, you may
fall and get hurt.

That your idea of
a veiled threat, boy?

Well, I've dealt
with your kind before.

Swarming around my Lexi
like a flying roach to a light?

I squash you, that's what I do.

You're a lower life form, Burns.

You're the bottom
of the food chain,

and as long as I have...

Damn it.

, I need an ambulance

to the Mira Mesa Hotel,
Room , immediately!

Jennifer, why isn't
your Craig here yet?

I worry about a man who doesn't
like to help prepare the food.

Not every husband
can be a baker, Ma.

I broke my back to put you
through medical school

so that you could come up
with a deep thought like,

"No man is a baker"?

I put myself
through medical school.


so maybe that's why

you haven't paid me
back my $ .

You think I owe you tuition.

Look, I got the money
right here, okay?

And I'm gonna give it to you.


But you know what? I'm
not gonna give it to you yet,

because I want you to consider
an alternate proposal.

Such as?

What now?

Well, I mean, look.

You could take this dough,

and you could blow it
on tourist traps,

or you could invest it wisely

in the Mancini Medical Center,
which is a limited partnership.

You know, in fact,
I think the entire family

should put capital
into this venture.


Run, Ma, I'll throw
myself on top of him!

You know, that's very
funny, Jennifer.

But you happen to be
mocking a project

that's very close to my heart.

All right,
you got until this linguini

hits the floor to convince me.

Mom, I, I checked out the place
today, and it's perfect.

It's got a great location,
and, and it was a clinic,

so they've already
got the oxygen lines,

the X-ray shielding, the works.

It's ready to go, and
I can get it for a song.

I'm telling you, Mom,
the place is a gold mine.


Define "gold mine."

Gold mine, I mean...

Anybody home? Craig!

Craig, hello. Hey.

Mmm, Mmm, Mmm.

It's nice to see you again.

You, you too, Craig.

You look lovely,
lovely as usual.

Ma, Ma, Craig's a guy who knows

a great business opportunity
when he sees one.

Now, Craig, you'd want
to put , bucks

into the Mancini Medical
Center, wouldn't you?

Oh, a project of yours, Michael,
I'd invest twice that.

I think two grand.

You know, Uncle Vinnie
is looking for a place

to put his pension fund.

Craig, why don't you help Mom

put the food on the table?


I cannot believe you are running
a scam on your own mother.

It isn't a scam,
it's my destiny.

She bailed your destiny out
of the slammer with that $ .

Now, can't you let the rest
of us make an honest living?

Do you want
to talk "honest," huh?

Do you want to talk "scam"?

Let's talk about your fiancé
Craig, over here.

Yeah, I rest my case.

All work and no play,
you know... oh!

Oh, my God, you scared me.

So, this is the part where
you rush into my arms, right?

Uh, no, I was just so involved
in what I was doing, I...

Right, so I guess that's why

you haven't returned
any of my calls.

Yeah, that's why.

Right, look...

I know things have gotten, uh,
crazy between us,

and... I know you're married,

and I don't want that kind
of blood on my hands, so...

So, you want another rep
to take on your account?

Oh, no, no, I, I still want you
in charge of the project.

I mean, I wouldn't trust
anyone else, it's just...

I thought maybe that
you'd be more comfortable

dealing with my manager
instead of me.

You're being a really
good guy about all this.

I just want to do what's right.

Thank you. Yeah.

Oh, Megan, what's going on,
where's my father?

Uh, Peter brought him in
a little while ago.

He's doing everything
he can to save him.

Save him from what?

A stroke, they think.

Peter called Coop at my place

and wanted to know about
your father's medical history.

We just got here...
Coop's in there with them now.

My father doesn't
have a medical history.

He's healthier than I am.

Well, apparently,
Peter and your father

were having a conversation.

What kind of conversation...
Oh, Peter, what's going on?

I'm sorry, Lexi,
I did everything I could.


It was very fast,
there was no pain.

No... just, wait, God, no!


No! God!

Oh, God!

Excuse me.

Dr. Burns left
his jacket in there.

I don't want him to
walk off without it.

I'll take care of it, thank you.


You been up all night?

I loved him so much.

I just...

I don't... I don't
know what to do.

There's nothing to do, except
remember him and move on.

And make the funeral
arrangements back in Cleveland,

and notify the relatives

and the board of trustees.

I'll fly back there with you
and help you out with that.

That's okay.

Coop already offered.

Well, I assume you didn't
take him up on his offer.

I did, as a matter of fact.

Coop was one of my father's

dearest friends as you know,

and he wants nothing
more than to be there.

You, on the other hand...

Peter, tell me what was going on

between you and my father
before he died.

What... what were you
talking about?

I went there to get
to know him better.

To resolve some...
some issues we had.

He told me that he just
wished that I could love you

half as much as he did.

And I... I told him
that I adored you.

And I think that eased his mind.

Daddy always tested
the men I was with.

I think you finally
passed the test, huh?

I just wish I got
to know him better.

Get an EKG and a chest X-ray

and we'll see him
in the office tomorrow.

End of dictation.


Peter, I wish
you were more organized.

Hey, everything
under control here?

Yeah, I'm just about finished

um, transcribing your
latest patient records.

Good, um...

I'm going to Cleveland
for Mr. Sterling's, uh, funeral.

With Lexi?

He was her father, you know.

And my father-in-law.

Yeah, I'm aware of that.

I guess I just didn't realize
how close you were to him.

Well, have a good time.

Megan, try and
understand, all right?

Anyway, um, I'll be back
in a couple of days, uh...

Give me a call
if you have any problems.


Okay, why would I
have any problems?

The IRS all over your books.

I'll have you kneecapped,
by God.

You're losing your grip, Tom.

Be careful.
You may fall and get hurt.

Is that your idea
of a veiled threat, boy?

'Cause I've dealt with...

What's going on?

Uh, what do you mean?

I mean, what's going on
with my schedule this afternoon?

Um, it's pretty light.

My jacket, I've been looking
all over for that.

Where did you find it?

Well, it was at the hospital.

You were involved,
comforting Lexi, so, um,

I thought you were
gonna forget it,

so I brought it back here.

Did you listen to the tape?

No, I haven't had a chance,
would you like me to?

No, no, no, it's, uh,

confidential patient

I'll take care
of this one, thanks.

Mancini Medical Center,
come one, come all.

Can you smell it?

It just reeks of money.

Yeah, I smell something.

Well, you'll make a fortune
in muggings alone.

I don't know, Michael.

I liked your offices
in Beverly Hills better.

No, no, Ma.

Beverly Hills is...
It's old news.

There's more doctors
than patients.

You know, there's no
room for growth.

Besides, everybody up there
is healthy, and...

I don't do liposuction.

But down here?

Oh, down here,
people are really sick.

Yeah, not only could I get rich,

but I can do something
for humanity.

What have you been smoking?

Shh, Jennifer, maybe this
could turn into something.

That's right.

Dr. Mancini!

On behalf of myself
and my staff,

we'd like to extend to you
our warmest welcome

in your new endeavor.

You're gonna make a tremendous
addition to the neighborhood.

This must be
your lovely wife and daughter.

Who is this guy?

Uh, one of my patients.

I want you to think
of me like I was...

like I was the mayor
of this precinct.

Would you excuse us
for a minute?

Listen, man, I appreciate
the welcome wagon,

but, uh, why are you here?

I want everybody on the street
to see us shake hands.

See, that's good for you,
that's good for me.

It means we're in business.

Hey, what's the occasion?

Well, Amanda loved my stuff
on the Flash campaign,

and so she said
that I could go home early,

and I wanted to make you
a nice, romantic dinner.

'Cause we haven't had
any time alone together.

And we've both been busy,
and well...

I miss you.

We're gonna have
to fight more often,

if this is what I get
at the end of it.

Oh, you're going to get
more than that, big boy.

I got to tell you,
his new office location

makes me a little nervous.

Yeah, Jennifer,
the men in our family,

you got to give
them enough rope.

Sometimes they swing
to the rescue.

But you got to hold it tight,
so they don't hang themselves.

You two-timing bastard!

Oh, Mom, Mom, stop it!

What are you doing?

Didn't you see
your so-called fiancé

forcing himself on this woman?

Unless it was your fault,
you tramp.

Jennifer? Say something.

Okay, oh, Ma, Ma,
Ma, Ma, here's the story.

This isn't Craig, this is Billy.

My real fiancé, Craig...

well, he k*lled himself,

and I didn't want
to upset you with the news,

so my friend, Billy,
who's married

to my other friend, Sam...

They're gay?

No, Mom, this is Sam.

How you doing, Mrs. Mancini?

The point is...

is that Billy graciously agreed

to impersonate Craig,

so that you wouldn't
be distressed

over my living situation.

You did all this just to...

spare me the pain of knowing

that you lost your true love
to a tragedy like that?

What a daughter, aw...

Well, glad we could be of help.


Aren't you gonna say hello?


Uh, I thought you weren't
coming to the wedding.

I wasn't, but when
I thought about it,

I realized what a big step
this was for you,

and I just felt like
I needed to be here

to give you all
the support I could.

I appreciate it.

I thought, you know,
whatever didn't work out

between us because of fate
or that stupid w*r,

those things are
all in the past.

It's a new life now.

We're friends, and nothing
can get in the way of that.

Gee, I hope we're
still friends, too.

Ah, the jealous wife
from Boston.

Actually, jealous ex-wife now.

But I'm sure glad you showed up

for Kyle's funeral...
I mean wedding.

I'd never want anything
but the best for him.

Oh, well, then you'll want to
wish Amanda the best, too.

Hello, you made it after all.

Like they say, careful
what you ask for.

What do you say we sit down?

I'm sorry, I can't 'cause
I have a restaurant to run.

But you guys go have
a special time.


If you're coming to the wedding,
I guess you're looking

for total closure, not just some
kind of partial so-so closure

that just leaves you
wanting more.

Amanda, if my being here
upsets you in any way, just...

tell me and I'll walk out
right now.

No, no, of course not.

Ladies and gentlemen,
we'd like to play a request.

This one's for Kyle and a walk
down memory lane:

"You Take My Breath Away."

I haven't heard this since...
I don't know when.

No, I didn't, I did not
ask them to play this.

It's just so amazing that Kyle
finally got his jazz club.

It's all he talked
about in the w*r.

Would it be too much to ask,
and please tell me

if it's not okay, but...

Could Kyle and I dance to this?

Kyle probably
couldn't care less but

it would mean so much to me.

No, you know,
we don't have to do that.

By all means,
I think you should.

♪ Like a child ♪

♪ Sometimes gentle ♪

♪ And sometimes wild ♪

♪ Sometimes you just ♪

♪ Take my breath away ♪

♪ Oh don't you know you just ♪

♪ Take my breath away ♪

Ah, sorry to bug you so early
in the morning, Jennifer,

but Billy just left to go on a
corporate retreat with a client,

and things are getting dicey
again with the ball player.

Come on in, we'll have
coffee, we'll talk.


I have all kinds of time.

Mom is taking a couple of days
to go see Hearst Castle.

She said that when
she was a kid,

she used to have dreams about
being Mrs. Randolph Hearst.

Scary, huh?


So, after your mom punched Billy
in the stomach last night...

and ruined our romantic evening,

uh, he gets into the shower,

and I get a call
from Amanda saying

that Jeff Baylor's people have
arranged for a photo sh**t

to kick off the campaign and
Amanda wants me to be there.

Sort of a reasonable request,
seeing how it is your job.

Yeah, but Amanda said that Jeff
made it a point that it was

very important that
his rep was there.

And that's me.

And that's okay
because like you said,

it's my job, but oh, God,
I could not wait

for Billy to get out
of the house this morning

so I could get dressed
and go see Jeff.

This is terrible!

Then why are you smiling?

Am I?

God, I'm telling you,
I'm as confused as hell.

I'm married to Billy,
I love Billy,

but I am so jazzed to see Jeff.

Oh, God, what am I gonna do?

See him.

Get to work,
he'll flirt like crazy,

and if you have any sense,
you'll jump right into it.

But I told you.

No, what you've told me...
A number of times... is that

this guy knocks you out

and he's got your libido
wrapped around his...

Well, it's wrapped.

So you might as well
indulge your fantasy

with a little harmless flirting.

Besides, once you
get to know him,

you'll probably find out
that he chews tobacco

or some other disgusting
jock habit, the bubble will pop

and you'll be happy
with Billy again.

Yeah, it sounds screwy,
but it kind of makes sense.

You might have a little
fun in the process.

Yeah, I might at that.

Oh, God, I'm going
to miss him, Coop!

Of course you will, Lexi.

I will, too.

I am so sorry, hon.

I know, thank you.

Hey, you know...

maybe before I take
you back to the hotel,

it'd be, uh...

it'd be good to get
a drink, or, uh...

maybe a bite
to eat or something.

Actually, that sounds
like a really good idea.

I think I know
someplace you'll like.

I'm sorry, Kyle, I can't make

this dinner tonight
with Christine.

I've got to be at a photo sh**t

for the Flash Sporting Goods

Can you skip it?

Look, Christine has got this
idea about making me

a home-cooked meal at my place,

and I would feel much better
if you were there.

I really do not want to visit
the Gulf w*r with her again.

Well, you wouldn't have
this problem

if you hadn't invited her
to stay at your apartment.

You were the one that invited
her to the wedding.

Where else was
she going to stay?

She's a grown woman,
how about a hotel?

No, she's a grown, broke woman.

I'm not staying there anymore,
I don't see the problem.

I'm not the one
with the problem.

I... I'll try and get
out of the photo sh**t

as soon as I can, okay?


You know what?

Take your time,
and, uh, I'm sorry.

I guess it's just
pre-wedding jitters.


Well, enjoy your dinner.

I love you, Kyle.

Yeah, I love you, too.

I'll see you later.

Hey, hey, you ladies notice
there's one doc in this dump

who really knows
what he's doing?

I mean, one doc who not only
goes through patients

like cornmeal through a goose

but also knows how to treat
the support staff like gold.

No, we haven't, Doctor.

Okay, okay, hey, what would
you say about making

a huge step in your career,
huh, by joining me

in my new practice...
The Mancini Medical Center?

I mean, this is not only

an involved
community outreach facility,

but will also turn a tidy profit
that you could share in.

Rather lie down
in front of a bus.

You know, Doctor,
they're cutting down

on my hours
here in the hospital.

I would love to find
a new opportunity.


Oh, you mean what I was
just talking about? Yeah.

Yeah, well, um, you know,
anybody who comes aboard

would have to put out some
cash to be a participant.

I've put a little money aside.

What are we talking
about here, five, $ , ?

Ten, and, uh, that would make
you a five-percent participant,

uh, after expenses.

Sounds fine.

I've always liked
the operator in you, Michael.

Uh, that's Dr. Mancini to you,

and I'm not an operator.

I'm a surgeon,
and a damn good one.

Here you go, kids,
good to see you again.

It's been a few years.

Yeah, we just wanted
to touch base.

I remember when this
green med student

and his pretty young wife used
to sit at this same table

and get all moony
with each other.

Nice to see the magic's
still there.

Oh, thanks, Andy,
good to see you, too.

This was a nice choice.

Mmm, you know, Andy was right.

We did make a good couple
back then, huh?


Uh, what happened
with Kimberly, uh...

I never got to say I was sorry,

and I am.

I destroyed you and
your father's faith in me,

and whatever else was going on,

I never meant to hurt
you that badly.

Our divorce sure knocked
Daddy for a loop,

that's for sure...

but that's all in our past.

Look, maybe we're not

husband and wife anymore, but...

since I lost Daddy, I...

He was my best friend
in the whole world,

but I, I'd like to count on you.

I don't need a father figure,
I just need a friend.

Of course, Lexi, always.

You know, I, I just
don't understand

how this could happen.

I mean, your dad always seemed

like he was in pretty good
shape for a guy his age.

It's... he must have been under
an incredible amount of stress.

Do you know what Peter
was talking to him about?

Uh, they must have had
a huge argument or something.


No, no, Peter said actually that
they were working things out,

they were finally getting along.

No, things were good.


It just doesn't
add up, that's all.

Look, Coop, I trust Peter.

He wouldn't lie about something
like this, for God's sakes.

You're right, I'm sorry, I...

I was just thinking out loud.

So where's Kyle,
the groom-to-be?

Oh, he was dragged
off to a dinner

with his old w*r girlfriend.

There's a weird one.

She's up to something.

Full of secrets,
you know what I mean?

Yes, I do.

You know... I saw
this movie the other night,

and there was this character
who knew a secret

that could destroy
an innocent man's relationship.

But the problem, in the movie,

was whether the character
should tell the man's girlfriend

about this terrible secret
when the man was wrong,

but not on purpose probably,

and the character

really didn't quite know
the whole story.

So how did this movie turn out?

That's just it, I don't know,
I fell asleep.

How do you think it turned out?

I think you should tell
whatever secret you have

to whoever you think
you should tell it to,

because obviously you're going
to eventually anyway...

Unless it's about me,
it's not about me, is it?

No, no, it's not
at all, it's, uh...

it's about right and wrong
and what matters to me.

And there's no blackmail
or advantage

that you could gain personally
from keeping the secret?

No, it might, uh...

mess up things
with Coop and I a little.

Hmm, mitigating factor.


I say dump it before
it gives you an ulcer.

Because, believe me,
I have been in this movie,

and this is the only way you're
going to get a happy ending.

Good, okay, Jeff,
I need you to smile at me

when you throw the shoes
in the air, okay?

Oh, there we go,
that's the shot!

Okay, well, we're all done.

Nice work, Jeff.

It's going to be
a great campaign.

I've got to get going,
but Sam can handle

any problems with the wrap-up.

Yeah, I'm sure she can, thanks.

See you later.

Stay here, make sure

everything's cool with
Jeff and his people,

and get a delivery date
from the photographer.

I've got a fiancé
to catch up with.


So, boss tells me you're going
to solve all my problems.

Well, you seemed happy
with the way things went,

so if you need anything else,

uh, if you have any input
on the prints,

you can have your agent
call me or you could...

But you don't need to,
okay, okay.

Listen, uh, it's getting
so screwy between us,

and I know I told you to just
talk to my manager, but...

How about I take you out
for a bite to eat?

Nothing fancy, just a small,
local place, huh?

Get to know
the real Jeff Baylor.

Come on, it might be good
for the campaign.

I would love to, but
I don't think so, I...

I'm sort of in a second
thoughts situation.

Look, Sam.

I'm a neighborhood
kind of guy, okay?

I lived my whole life
in one house.

Longest job I ever held before
I started hitting fastballs

was delivering pizza
for this joint.

Now, come on,
an hour at the most.

Thin crust, garlic...

Okay, one hour,
but then I'm out of there.

You know, you really
listen to me, Sam.

That's one of the things
I love about you... like.

Remember in the Gulf,
I used to brag

about my meat loaf
and my mashed potatoes?


Well, I couldn't
prove it to you then,

but better late than never.

Do you like it?

It's great, I love it.

You know, I don't recognize
this tablecloth, though.

Special occasion,
so I did a little shopping.

Spent the last couple
bucks I had.

The music?

I picked up a couple CDs
while I was at it.

I know you're a jazz purist,

but this Windham Hill
stuff is, well...

a little warmer,
don't you think?


It's funny, you know,

being here, having
dinner with you.

I used to dream about
seeing your face again...

and right now it's almost
like we're back there...

like nothing's changed.

A lot has changed, Christine.

Oh, I know, of course it has.

I know I've changed.

Hell, I practically had
my face blown off.

You haven't changed.

You're still
as handsome as ever.

Then again in the biggest
way you have, you're...

getting married to someone else.

Somehow that was never
a part of my dream.

Anyway, a toast
to you and Amanda.

At least one of us
will be happily married.

Hmm, you know what?

I got a great idea.

Why don't we take our wine
out by the pool, hmm?

Beautiful night.

It is getting a little close
in here, isn't it?

Why don't you take the wine out,

and I'll meet you
out there in a sec?



I just want you to know how
grateful I am to you...

and Amanda for letting me spend
this time with you.

It means the world to me.

No problem.

I have to say this is the best
pizza I've ever had.

Though I'm going to smell
like a garlic clove for weeks.

That's a good thing, Sam.

Hey, Jeff, how you doing?

I couldn't be better,
Johnnie, how's Alicia?

Oh, she's better, thanks, I'll
tell her you asked about her.

This guy's our hero around here,
makes us very proud.

I can see that.

Did you tell her about the park?

Come on, guys, lighten up,
The lady's trying to eat.

See you. See you later.

What park?

It's nothing, really.

Come on.

It's just that there's
this empty lot where

we used to play ball, and, uh,

when things got going
good for me I,

I bought it and I turned it
into a place for the kids.

You know, Little League, girls'
softball, stuff like that.

That's great.

Everybody around here
sure seems to love you.

Yeah, almost everybody.

Listen, I gotta tell you
something, um...

I've never been out with
a married woman before.

I mean, it's just not my style.

And, uh...

I respect your marriage

and your... and your
husband, everything.

But I just can't stop
thinking about you.

I mean, I have these
daydreams of us together,

and, and it's not even
in bed or anything.

Although, sometimes that, too.

But mostly just us
walking around,

you know, holding hands,
going on picnics.

Whoa, whoa, Jeff. Yeah, I know.

And I just...

I don't know
what to do about it,

but believe me, I know
that this isn't right.


Tell me I'm crazy.

You know, tell me that you don't
have these feelings for me, too.

Am I just making this up
out of thin air?

Jeff, I'm married.

That's not what I asked you.

Okay, I do,

but it doesn't make
any difference.

We, We can't act on it.

I know, look, I know.

And I accept that.

Well, at least I know
that there was...

something... really there.

You know?


So, I, I should
probably get you home.

No, we can, we can finish
the pizza and...

maybe have a little dessert.

Sure, that sounds great.


So, um...

do you, by any chance,
chew tobacco?

No, I stick to bubble gum.

It's the kid in me, I guess.

Hmm, yeah, I guess so.

One more thing
I bought on my little spree.

I barely have anything left
for your wedding present.

Christine, you are a still
a beautiful woman.

Nothing that happened in the
Gulf or since has changed that.

Why, thank you, sir.

How about you bring me my wine?

What I am telling you

is that there's no reason
you can't meet a great guy.

You don't need to hide.

Maybe I'll do that.

Promise you won't get jealous?

Promise. Good.

Now why don't you go get
some trunks on, Marine,

before I pull you in
like you are?

Uh, uh, easy,
I outrank you, soldier.

Okay, Gunny, why don't you give
this grunt a helping hand?

Well, it's nice to see
that you two are having fun.

Christine, there's no glass
allowed around the pool.

Someone could get hurt.

My fault.

Uh, we were just,
um, reminiscing.

Sorry you missed dinner.

Yeah, me, too.

Well, you two enjoy yourselves.

I'm a little tired.

Don't stay out too late, Marine.

Do me a favor and get this wine
out of here, all right?

Talk to you tomorrow.

Yes, sir.

Nurse Osbourne to Admitting.

Nurse Osbourne to Admitting.

You really should get
those locks changed, Peter.





Oh, this... this is way too easy.

Doctors should really work
on their penmanship.


Amy, would you put
these requisitions

through channels, please?

It's a lot of equipment that
Dr. Burns is ordering to, uh,

replace the equipment
being donated.


Yes, uh, Dr. Burns wants
the equipment...

All this equipment here on
the second page here...

That gets moved to Room

to replace the equipment
being donated for charity.

Charity, what charity?

A very worthy charity.

A new and struggling
young medical facility

that, uh, is just starting out

and needs all the help
it can get, okay?

Okay, but if this blows up,
it's on your head.

Fine, just do it.

Dr. Cook to ER One,
Dr. Cook to ER One.

Morning, Megan, who's first?

Mr. Benson, come on in.

Uh, have a seat, Mr. Benson.

What is with you?

You know that tape
you thought you destroyed?

Well, you didn't.
It was a blank.

I have the real one,
and I listened to it,

and I think we should give it
to Lexi and let the truth out.

Look, if you explain it to her,
I'm sure she will understand.

No, she won't.

Now, I'm gonna try
and forget the fact

that you basically stole

information from me.

I'll get to that later.

Right now, I want you
to give me the tape.

I don't have it here,

and I'm not going
to let you destroy it.

Oh, yes, you will, you know why?

Because if Lexi
finds out about this,

she's gonna tell Coop,

and then I'm gonna be the man
that k*lled her father.

Then she's gonna run to Coop
for all of her comfort,

and they're gonna
shut you out completely.

Now, do you really want that?

You know, I'm willing
to take that chance.

And you wanna know why?

I can't imagine.

Because hiding this big and
this damaging of a secret

from somebody
that Coop cares about

could only destroy us
when it comes out.

And you know one day,
Peter, it will.

Well, that's why you
should keep your mouth shut

and give me the tape!

Look, no, at this
point in my life,

I'm gonna do what's right, okay?

But there is no right
here, Megan.

I didn't want the man to die.

I just wanted Lexi
to see who he really was.

Now, why should we hurt her

with the truth now that
the old man's dead?

Just talk to her,
I'm sure she will understand.

God, you know,
you are the single

most naive person in the world.

If she finds out about this,

forget it, it's over,
gone, finito!

What's finished, sweetheart?

Um... the practice,
the practice.

The practice is over,

unless we start seeing
more patients, Coop.

You know, I mean,
Coop here and I...

We got to pick up the slack
now that Michael's gone.

Well... Ohh...

Does that mean that, uh,
we can't have lunch together?

I miss you.

Oh, what a great idea.

Hey, Coop, would you, uh,
mind handling my patients, okay?

No, I guess I can handle it.

Oh, thanks, pal, I owe you one.


Everything okay?

Yeah, it's, uh...

Yeah, everything's great, um...

you know what?

I missed you, too, and, um,

I got to get your patients
into your office.

There's two whole cases
of this chilled Chardonnay,

so don't be shy, people.

This is a celebration
for Amanda and Kyle,

the power union of the century.

Listen, I'm sorry that
Taylor's such a part of this.

I thought that she was
gonna keep her distance.

Hey, it's her
restaurant... for now.

Besides, it's nice that she has

to watch us be
so happy together.

Oh, look at this.

Lady Marine sticking it out.

You know, if you're hoping
to pull Kyle down memory lane,

I'd give it up, sister,
'cause that blonde...

She just brought you here
to stick your nose in it.

Leave her alone, Taylor.

I'm all right, really.

So it's great to be
out together again.

No work, just a little fun.

Maybe we should ditch and
go home and get into bed.

Mmm, yeah, that's nice, honey.

Bubble gum?

He definitely sounds
too good to be true.

I'm gonna go to the bar and
get a real drink, you want one?

I'm fine with my wine, thanks.

So what do you think was really
going on at the office today?

I can't get anything
out of Megan.

I don't know, but if
it has anything to do

with my father's death,
I'll find out.

Listen, uh, thanks for not

blowing it for me earlier today.

Now, if you just
give me the tape,

all of this will be over with.
No, it won't.

Not until you
tell Lexi the truth.

And I think it would be better
coming from you than from me.

I think before the main course
comes out that one of you

should give a toast
to the happy couple.

Now anyone will do, except for

the wannabe w*r bride,

I don't think you'd have

nice to say now would you?

Damn it, Taylor,
I said back off.

Hey, excuse me if
I think it's inappropriate

that you bring the girl
that you've been

dreaming about here for years.

This is none
of your business, waitress.

Now go get us more food.


I'd like to make a toast,
if it's all right.

Of course. Yeah.

I've, um, known Kyle
for a long time.

As many of you know, we served
together in the Gulf w*r.

Might not look
like it now, but...

at one time I was
a pretty tough Marine.

But all that toughness
fell away when I met Kyle.

You've got a hell of
a guy there, Amanda.


at one point in
our lives, we were...

as close as two people could be.

But time goes on, and, um...

as a friend,

I just want to say
that I'm so...

happy for Kyle, that he's, um,

found someone to share his
life with, that he, uh...

he loves.

And, uh...

she, um...

Amanda, look, I know
you must hate me,

but really I just
came by to apologize

to you and Kyle for last night.

I know I made a horrible scene.

Well, uh, Kyle's still sleeping,
so if it's all right,

I won't wake him up for this.

Oh, right, um...

It's just that I really
didn't mean to act like that.

I don't know what happened, but,

but you have to understand that
I know that Kyle is yours now.

He was only mine
for a short while.

Fine, I'm glad we're
clear on that.

There's no harm done.

I mean...

I know you've never been
in a wartime situation,

but the feelings are so deep
and so intense that...

That they're burned
into your soul,

and they never really go away.

That was a long time ago,

I know, I know, but that's
what came out last night.

And I know it can
never be fulfilled and,

and I accept your marriage.

Oh, that's wonderful and our
marriage is tonight,

so I'm kind of busy today,

so we'll, we'll talk later,
all right?

All right.


I think you're the
luckiest woman on Earth,

and I promise I would never

do anything to hurt you.

That's good.

Hi, Megan.

Do you have a minute?

Uh, sure.

Uh, what can I do for you?

Uh, Peter and Coop aren't
here yet, are they?

No, not yet.


Um, well, you know
the other day when I came in

you and Peter were having
quite a little argument.

And well, I thought I heard
him mention my name.

Did he?

I uh, I don't remember.

Did Peter talk to you
about any of this, um,

at the rehearsal dinner
last night?

No, no, actually,

he's been very quiet ever since

I came back from the funeral.


Look, Megan...

you've always seemed to me
to be a really decent person,

honest, you know?


So you would tell me

if you knew
anything about Peter,

me, or my father, wouldn't you?

Um, you know, I think
you should talk to Peter

if you want to know
anything about that.

About what?

Your father, what happened.

What happened, Megan?

Please, if you know anything
about his death,

you have to tell me.

You can't keep something
like this from me.

Peter wanted you
to hear the things

that your father was
saying to him.

He, uh, he recorded

an argument they
were having, um...

It just happened to be
the night that your father...

Play it for me.

Look, maybe Peter
can explain it to you

when he comes in, and...

Play it, Megan.

Well, she loves me.

And there's nothing
you can do about it.

The hell there isn't!

I'll have the FBI
re-open your case.

I'll have the IRS
all over your books!

I'll squash you,
that's what I'll do.

You're a lower life form, Burns.

You're the bottom
of the food chain,

and as long as I have...


I didn't tell you about this
because I wanted to protect you.

It wasn't me
you were protecting.

And you know what?

I can't stand the sight of you.

I, uh, I have an appointment.

Um, I warned you, Peter.

Three hours
and not a single walk-in.

This has got to be
my worst disaster yet.

Where are the sick and dying
when you need them, huh?

Maybe you'll get lucky

and there'll be a terrible
bus accident outside.

That's very funny.

Yo, say hey, Doc,
you're all moved in.

You know, this is a great day

for those of us who live
around here.

Oh, yeah, looks like
a disaster to me.

I've got no patients,
no visitors,

no lookie loos, nothing.

That's why you need me.

See, like I said last time,
folks don't know you.

But once they see you
working with

someone they trust, like me,
their attitude's gonna change.

You're gonna have more patients
than you can handle.

And what does that mean...
"working with"?

More of an arrangement, really.

See, I, I provide you with
certain monthly cash base,

say, a couple hundred
bucks or so,

and you see the more legally
challenged friends of mine.

Well, Spider, that's,

that's really not
a lot of money.

You know, as a matter of fact,
I'd call that a rip-off.

Yo, it's better than
nothing, bro.

And then, like magic, your
business will blossom.

We got a deal?

Deal, but on a trial basis.

All right, you won't
regret this, Doc.

We're going to be
great partners.

Ladies, nice to see you again.

Michael, who is
that punk anyway?

He's a local guy, Ma.

Businessman, patient...
What difference does it make?

Megan, what are you doing here?

We're here to check
out your open house.

Mom is so proud of you,

starting out on your
own like this.

And... Megan is...


Megan, it's, uh...
so great to see you.

I'm really glad you came.

Back off, Michael,
she divorced you.

Now then, let's see how you
dressed up the place.

Mom got Aunt Mary
and Uncle Vinnie

to sink half of
their life savings

into this place, and look at it.

It's worse from the inside
than it is from the street.

This place is really
a dump, Michael.

Oh, yeah? Well,
everybody is going

to make a lot of money
in this dump, okay?

You know that guy
that was just here?

A community representative.

Thinks very highly
of the place, huh?

Oh, and by the way,
Megan, I am...

I'm helping the poorest
of the poor here.

Hmm, that doesn't seem
like you, Michael.

Oh, come on, sweetheart.

You know I've always been
interested in public service.


If you don't get some paint
and disinfectant back there,

nobody will come in here
for nothing, period.

Now you've got family money,
Amy's money, from what I hear,

but I don't see where it is,

except for the equipment.

Yeah, Ma, that's where it is,
it's in the medical stuff.

Amy said that was donated.

She thinks that you are
living off our money.

Ma, I am not a crook.

Uh, Jennifer, I think
we should get going.

Uh, Amanda's wedding's
in a couple of hours.

Yeah, Ma, wouldn't want
to miss the ceremony huh?

You're not going
to be there, Michael?

Oh, no, I've got to put my
nose to the old stethoscope.

But I was thinking,
Megan, that maybe

you could skip the ceremony

and you know, hang around
here with me for awhile.

Then maybe we can talk, and then
later we can get a bite to eat.

'Cause it's not like Amanda's
never been married before.

No thanks, Michael,
I'm meeting Coop, and, uh,

it'll be a beautiful ceremony.

Oh, okay.

Now listen to me, bambino,
Jennifer told me about

all the terrible things
you did to that woman.

Mm-hmm. So leave her alone,

at least until you
get reestablished, capisce?

Yeah, Ma.

Michael, I believe in you,

but you have got
to stop lying to me.

And you sure as hell better not
blow your family's money

or you're going to be
very, very sorry.

Okay, Ma, don't...
Don't worry, okay?

Don't worry.

So what do you think?

The dress isn't
too severe, is it?

I just couldn't do
that lace and train thing.

I mean, it worked for you,
first wedding and everything,

but I've already
been through this twice,

and I've got a couple
of years on you.

You look so beautiful.

Kyle is going to drop dead
when he sees you.

I hope not.

You know, this is corny, but...

I've never felt
like this before.

I've finally found someone,

after all we've been through,
that I can trust.

It's a miracle, really.

That's wonderful.

Are you okay? Oh, yeah.

Just happy for you.

Amanda, I couldn't find
anything blue, but I did

find something old...
A picture of Kyle and me

on our wedding day.

Oh, hell, you've already got

the something borrowed
covered, my husband.

Too bad he hasn't shown.

All the guests out there
are wondering if maybe

he's standing you up.

You know, I don't remember
you being a guest so why

don't you get out of here?


Oh, by the way,

your dress is hideous.

Oh, don't you even let that
twisted girl get to you.

I'm sure that Kyle's
on his way right now.

Christine, let's go!

Don't want to be
late to the wedding.

I'm pushing it myself.

Christine, you there?!

Now what?

Christine, I thought I told you
I'd give you a ride,

but I don't have time
to mess around!


"Dear Kyle, I'm so sorry, but I
couldn't face

"seeing you marry someone else.

"I guess it's time for me
to catch my train,

"and end everybody's misery.

Love, forever, Christine."

No, no.


Yeah, Sam, it's Kyle,
let me talk to Amanda.

It's Kyle.

Kyle, where are you?

I'm at my place, I just found a
note from Christine.

She's not here, she's gonna
k*ll herself, Amanda.


How do you know that?
It's in the note, okay?

I think that she's out
by the Glendale V.A.

There's a train...

I've got to stop her.

Kyle, we are getting married,
there are people here.

Call the police or something.

Yeah, I will, okay, but I've got
to do what I can to stop her.

Just... delay people, okay?

I will be there
as soon as I possibly can.

I love you.

Christine, get out of the car!

Oh, Kyle.

It's okay.

I love you.


I'm sorry.

Well, after you called

from the hospital, I...

accepted that you had to do what

you felt you had to do.

So I, I stood there
in the church

and I told everyone to go home.

It was quite a moment.

Is Christine comfortable
in her room?


Yeah, she's gonna be in
there for a couple of days.

And then what?

I don't know,
I guess she goes home.

Listen, I know how hard
this was for you.

I don't think you do.

I have never postponed
a wedding before,

I have never heard of anyone
postponing a wedding before,

especially ten minutes
before they're supposed

to walk down the aisle.

So I'm thinking we should
postpone ours indefinitely.

Will you stop talking like this?

Come on, we can
get married right away.

No, we can't, not
until you straighten out

this w*r romance with Christine

and get her the hell
out of our lives.

Do you think that's
too much to ask?

Okay, fine, but it wasn't
a romance, you know that.

It's just one more lonely woman
marching out of your past.

The parade never ends.

Will you stop it?
That's your job.

And until you do,

there's not a lot to talk about.


Coop, hi, it's me.

Hey, what's up?

Nothing, really, I'm just, um...

I was cleaning up some of your
paperwork, and, uh,

I was thinking, heck,
uh, it's the weekend,

and maybe you'd wanna take me
for a long lunch

and a walk along the beach.

Oh, listen,
I'd love to, Megan, but, um,

Lexi, Lexi's still kind
of a wreck, and I don't

really feel right
about leaving her alone.

I'm sorry, maybe tomorrow, okay?

Yeah, sure, I understand, um...

I'll see you later.

Hey, Coop, sorry
to bother you like this.

Lexi didn't come home.

I've been looking
everywhere for her.

I'm just wondering if you
haven't heard from her.

Yeah, as a matter
of fact, she's here.

She's, uh, she's in the bedroom.

Is that right?

Yeah, not that it's any
of your business,

but, uh, I bunked
out here last night.

She just needed
a sympathetic ear.

I'm not sure she's ready
to see you yet, partner.

Well, I'm not interested
in your opinions, partner.

I know how things look,

but I did what I did
because I love you.

Your father's death was
completely accidental.

It was fate.

I shouldn't have kept
the truth from you, but...

You didn't want me
to hear the truth.

No! Not at all.

You know, Peter,

there's a lot of things
that I can forgive,

but what you did to my father
isn't one of them.

Lexi, we argued,

but I didn't k*ll him.

Well, he's dead, okay?

He's gone forever.

And you know what the sad
part is, Peter, is that...

if you'd just trusted me

and how I felt about you,
then you would have known

that nothing that my father
could have said or done

would have changed
how I loved you!

And then none of this would
have happened!

I wish it hadn't
happened either.

But I still love you.

Well... all I feel
is sorry for you.

But not sorry enough to have
anything to do with you.

So, please, leave me alone.

I mean it, Peter, go.

That was weird last night,
wasn't it?

I mean, Amanda telling everybody

that she had to put off
the wedding for a while?

Kyle's nowhere around.

Because he was pulling his old
girlfriend off the tracks

before a train smushed her.


Yeah, you didn't hear?

The crazy bimbo tried to commit
su1c1de, or so she says.

It has "ploy" written
all over it if you ask me.

God, do you see, do you see?

That's what I'm saying;
This marriage thing,

it makes everybody crazy.

And Billy and I...

we haven't made love in weeks.

I mean, the wedding
and your mom,

it's just anything is an
excuse not to be in the mood.

And the weird thing is,
it's mutual.

We just keep looking for
excuses to not get close.

And all the while I'm thinking
about Jeff Baylor.

Oh, we had this great
dinner the other night.

Listen to me, it,
it makes you crazy!

I guess.

I just know that, for me, after
what I've been through lately,

when an opportunity
presents itself, I'd take it.

Especially one as great
as this Jeff guy.

Yeah, well, it's not
really an option for me.

Oh, I'm sorry, Sam.

Of course it's not,
what am I saying?

You're happy with Billy,

so just keep it to
flirting with Jeff.

I mean it's boring,
but it's a hell of a lot safer.

And for an old married
lady like you,

safe is definitely
the way to go.


See ya later, Sam. See ya.

You know, I'm not really
bored with Billy, I'm not.

I'm sorry, Sam,
of course you're not.

You're happy,
and I'm happy for you.


All right, stay cool,
stay cool, brother.

Oh, it hurts!

Dawg, it hurts!

It's the insurance... Doc!

Doc, my friend here is
really hurt!

Oh, God, they shot me!

Okay, call the paramedics,
and I'll stabilize him

and get him to an ER, come on!

Hey, no, you fix this,

that's part of our deal!

Spider, no deal covers this,
all right?!

g*nsh*t wounds get reported and
go to the hospital, let's go.

All right, take it easy.

Come on, right up here,
hop up here.

Tell your nurse
to stop that call right now.


Amy, uh, it wasn't a g*nsh*t
wound, after all!

Um, don't call, okay?

Are you sure, Doctor?

Yeah, I'm, uh... I'm dead sure.

Why don't you watch the front,
and I'll finish up in here?

Yeah, okay.

This is the last time,
you got that?

We have no deal, I don't want
your trouble or your business.

What's your name, son?


I'm sorry, Doc,
we can't let you back out.

I need you around here.

Yeah, well, you're
very lucky, Paulie.

The b*llet passed right through.

You have some
tissue damage, though.

I'm gonna sew and clean you up.

And if you're really lucky,

you'll just be in a sling
for a couple of weeks.

All right. Hold that.

You hear what I said, Doc?

Yeah, and I don't
really care, okay?

Now, look,
I don't want to see you

or your friends around
here anymore.

As a matter of fact,
why don't you wait outside?

And when I'm done with Paulie,
I'll send him out.

Amy! Come in here and
fix me up a suture tray!

We're friends, Dr. Mancini.

Nothing's gonna change that.

Now, you will learn to
appreciate my friendship,

I promise you that.

"Go back out, come back in."

You know, half the time, Doctor,

I don't think
you know what you want.

Yeah, I know.

Ow, that hurts.

I know.

♪ Just like a little kid... ♪

No, I mean I really
stepped in it this time.

I mean, I am right on the
edge of being happily married

to the woman that I love,
and I step backwards

into some sad old memory, and
everybody's the worse for it.

Especially me.

But then again,
Christine didn't get turned

into a new railroad tie
out in Glendale.

You did the
honorable thing, Kyle.

Just make sure nobody's
guilting you around.

You are a little susceptible
to that, you know.

Here you go, mister,
first one's on the house.

Thank you very much.

Where's Samantha?

Oh, she had to work again.

I'll be glad when this Baylor
account's over,

I'll tell you that.

Hey, girl's got
to earn a living.

You're not feeling
jealous, are you?


I mean, you know,
it's been tough.

I've just never seen her
so hyped up about a job before.

She and I, uh...

haven't been very
close lately so...

I get a little
suspicious of Baylor.

I get a little suspicious
of Sam, and I feel terrible.

Why am I telling you this?

Because we're friends.

And besides, all of
that make-believe

around my mom made us...



Look, Billy, every new marriage

has its ups and downs,
you know, but...

believe me, you can
trust Samantha.

Maybe you should just
give her some space.

You know, sometimes people feel
crowded in a relationship.

I mean, I'm not like that. Oh.

That's just me,

always looking
for the perfect guy.

But you should know this,
Billy Campbell,

if you ever need a friend or...

someone to talk to,
I'll be there.

♪ Oh I want to touch you ♪

♪ Want sunshine ♪

♪ Then springtime... ♪


Hey! Hey.

Megan, what a surprise.

Yeah, I was just thinking about
what you said the other day,

about us maybe going and getting
a bite to eat and talking.

It's been a long time.

And I'm a little
worried about you.

Yeah, well, what worries me,

you driving around this
neighborhood alone.

It's okay.

Listen, let's take my car.

I know a little coffee
shop down the street.

Shut up and nobody gets hurt!

Yo, what do you two worthless
punks think you're doing, huh?!

This was a really stupid move!

Now get out of here
before I decide

to solve this
problem permanently!

Oh, my God, what's happened
to this neighborhood?

Dr. Mancini, are you all right?

And you, Miss, I'm very sorry.

You don't think
I know you did this, huh?

Don't you try to terrorize me!

Michael, be careful.

Hey, I'm just trying
to look out for you

and your lady friend here, Doc,

so don't go throwing
any accusations around!

I mean, you don't want me
for an enemy, do you?!

Listen, man, just,
just leave me alone, all right?

Sure, for now.

But I'd hurry on home
if I were you.


Oh, my God,
what are you doing here?

I heard you almost got smacked
by a train.

Yeah, it was a close call.

I still don't know
why you're here.

I bet you know.


Why not?

I don't no.

Oh, God, Nick...

I've missed this!

Yeah, me, too, baby me, too.