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06x17 - Coop de Grace

Posted: 04/25/22 13:31
by bunniefuu
Kyle: Here's a toast
to the service.

Getting out of it, getting
out of this desert

and to getting out
of these fatigues.


To all night dancing
and romancing.

And to my sweet Kyle,

the first man
I've ever really loved.

Yeah? Man: Hey, boss.

Uh, sorry to get you up, but we need help.
Can you come in?

Where's Taylor?

She's out of town
for a couple of days.

Didn't she mention it?

Does she ever?

Oh, man.

I'll be in.


Hey, Nick.

I didn't realize
the circus was in town.

Well, it's nice to
see you again, too.

Look, we're not open
for business yet,

so why don't you just
get out and stay out?

Why don't you tell me
about Christine first?

It's like I said on the phone,
there's nothing to tell.

You wasted your time
and money coming out here.

Now, go back home
before you regret it.

Please, I just want to know who she
is and what she meant to Kyle.

I saw a photograph. Do "The Three
Musketeers" mean anything to you?

Just how stupid are you, huh?

I said to get the hell out.

Now, if I see you
around here again,

I'm gonna smash your teeth
to the back of your head.

Do you understand that?!

♪ ♪

♪ The clock struck
but not a soul had gone ♪

♪ Up jumped the boogie
and the band played on ♪

♪ We all kept dancing
till the break of dawn ♪

♪ Up jumped the boogie
and the band played on ♪

♪ They got the swing ♪

♪ The swingiest thing ♪

♪ I love when they sing ♪

♪ Up jumped the boogie
and the band played on ♪

♪ The cops came in
but when they heard our song ♪

♪ Up jumped the boogie
and the band played on ♪

♪ They started dancing,
didn't take too long ♪

♪ Up jumped the boogie
and the band played on ♪

♪ They got the swing ♪

♪ The swingiest thing ♪

♪ I love when they sing... ♪

Here you go. Strong and sweet.

I assume that's still
how you take it.

Reminds me of you.

Anyway, I rarely
change my habits.

Mmm. Including popping in and surprising
me at the least expected moment.

Pleasantly so, I might add.

I'm off.

Mr. Sterling, sir,
I can't stay for breakfast.

I got a full calendar
this morning.

Thomas: Ah, you go ahead.

My daughter and I have some
things we need to talk about.

Have a good one. Mmm-hmm.
Have fun.

What are you doing
with that bozo?

Enjoying his company, immensely.

Daddy, he deserves your respect,

and I want you to
be nice to him, okay?

I don't know, Lexi,
ever since you left Coop,

you've become downright

Ever since I left Coop, I've been
living a life that I wanna lead

instead of being told
how to live it.

You were too tough on him.

Oh! Daddy, Coop's bedside manner

included climbing into one
with a patient.

All men get stupid now and then.

The exception of your
father, of course.

I'm perfect.

But you can't tell me that this Burns
fellow is even half the man that Coop is.

Daddy, he's just as
successful as Coop ever was.

He's a lot more fun. And you know what?
He's a better doctor.

Now, if you're done
giving me the third degree,

I've got an appointment
I have to get ready for.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Good morning. Good morning.

Let me give you a hand.


Coop, right?

Yeah. You remembered.

Is Michael home?

He's inside.

Listen, I didn't get a chance
to say goodbye the other night.

You left in such a hurry.

I hope everything was all right?

Nothing serious.

I'm moving in, actually.

Yeah, it seems like it.

I think Michael needs
someone like you.

You really think so?


Mike: Amber, did you get
everything out of the...

Hey. What are you doing here?

Look, I just came by
to offer an olive branch.

Megan and I, we feel badly that things
have gotten so uncomfortable between us.

And we'd like to start fresh.
Clean slate.

Yeah? Well, you can take your olive
branch and your clean slate,

and you can shove them both...

Look, you stay
out of this, Amber.

All right. Okay. Okay.

Clean slate.

Thanks. I know
Megan'll appreciate it.

Hey, maybe the four of us can
get together for dinner soon?

Uh, I'll check my book, okay?

Look, you know, if you don't
mind, we're in a bit of a hurry.

Oh, sure, sure, sure.

See you tomorrow night?

Tomorrow night?

Yeah, you know what?
I forgot to tell you.

Must've slipped my mind.

Burns/Mancini and Cooper, we're throwing a
reception for all the hospital bigwigs.

I hope you'll make it.

Of course, she will.

She's living with me now.

Well, then, great.
I'll see you tomorrow night.

Oh, and congratulations.



I think he's nice.

Yeah. That's what they
said about Ted Bundy.

And to top it all off, Lexi's
father shows up out of the blue.

Tom's in town?

Yeah, what's his story anyway?

He's rich, powerful,

Did I mention rich?

I mean, he's an ornery S.O.B.

Yeah. Word of advice.
Stay on his good side.

Is there such a thing?

I never had trouble finding it.

We always got along great.

Oh, did you get a copy of
that RSVP list for tomorrow?

It includes the entire board.

Well, maybe this reception
will do some good after all.

Yeah, as long as
Mancini behaves himself.

He's been nothing but a drain
on the company lately.

I thought you and Mike were
getting along these days.

Look, this doesn't have anything
to do with getting along.

One more screw up on his part
could sink all of us, Peter.

But, hey, you know what? I'm the
freshman member of this team.

I'm sure you'll know when things get to
the point when we need to cut him loose.

Nobody's cutting anyone loose.

Michael's a great salesman and
we may need that tomorrow.

I'll see you
at the staff meeting.


Hey. Thought the whole idea of you going
home at night was to get some sleep.

You don't look
very rested, mister.

No, I'm okay.

I've just been sitting
here, watching you,

thinking about
how beautiful you are.

And how lucky I am
to be marrying you.


I'm going to walk down that
aisle, I swear to God.

No one's gonna be
pushing me in a chair.

I believe you.

And either way, I will be there,

waiting for you.

Oh, sorry for interrupting.

Oh, um, it's okay.

No, come on in. Come on in.

We were just talking
about the wedding.


Oh, I'm sorry. Kyle, you
were supposed to tell...

Kyle: I thought that...

Amanda and I
are getting married.

Well, good for you two.

Thank you, Peter.

And most of all, thank you
for coming to my rescue

and making me realize what's
most important in my life.

What are friends for?

Besides, you've been
through a lot.

If anyone deserves
some happiness, it's you.

Congratulations, Kyle.



Oh, my God, Peter.

What is it?

I can feel pressure on my legs.

Wait. Quick, stick a pin
in my foot or something.

Can you feel this?


Yeah, it's not a sharp pain,

but it's a sensation
of pressure.

It's good. That's very good.

I'm gonna get a complete
neurological workup on you.

What does that mean?

I won't know anything until
the test results come back.

But it's a good sign.
It's a very good sign.


Man: Psst! Ms. Mancini?

Who's there?

It's about your company.

People's lives are in danger.

Dr. Mosley, is that you?

It doesn't matter who I am.

I can't be connected with this.

But somehow, I felt
I could trust you.

Fine. Whatever.

What lives are in danger?

Anybody fitted
with your new heart valve.

What? What's wrong
with the valve?

Follow the money.

Mosley, stop the Deep
Throat act and spill.

Okay. Okay.

Craig Field has
strongly insisted

that we go along with a
potentially dangerous deception.

He's going to quietly switch
manufacturers to cut costs.

Not again.
We just went through this.

I know. But this time
the results could be deadly.

The new supplier is utilizing

a much less reliable
polymerization process.

Cheap plastics in a heart
valve could lead to clots,

which could lead to deaths.

Oh, man!

Mr. Field has threatened
me and my entire team

if we don't endorse the switch.

Threatened to fire you?

That, and worse.

That's why we have to
be careful.

Okay. Don't worry, I'll
get into it right away.

Thank you.

Here's all the documentation.
Memos, everything.

And, Jennifer,

you're even more beautiful
than I remember.

In another, less dangerous time,

maybe we could have something.

Goodbye, for now.

Craig, what have you done now?

Hiya, Nick.

How the hell
did you get in here?

Told the landlord
I was your sister.

It knocked me out
when she believed me.

Oh, by the way,

she told me your rent
was two months overdue.

So, I gave her the cash.
Paid in full.

What do you want
from me, Taylor?

Well, a drink would be nice.

I didn't wanna go pokin'
around for your booze.

Thanks, Nick.

Listen, this won't take long.

I want to know about Christine.


She's dead.

Dead? Oh, damn!

Now, what do you really want?

Something you can't give me.

Do you remember Amanda Woodward?

Well, she's got
her claws into Kyle.

They're getting married.
Isn't that sweet?

My invitation must've
gotten lost in the mail.

Well, it's not like they're
having some big shindig.

The woman's a physical mess.

She went down in a helicopter.

And Kyle just proposed to her

out of some sick sense of guilt.

That's why he's having these
nightmares about Christine.

And I just thought that if she was
the one true love of his life,

then maybe I could find her,

she could just rattle his cage

and wake him up to the mistake
he was making with Amanda.

You are one sick broad.

You should be locked up before
you ruin any more lives.

Nick, tell me more
about Christine.

There is more, isn't there?

I'd rather let
the dead stay buried.

Now, go away.

You two make quite a team.

Just the breath of fresh air
Flash Sporting Goods needs

to kick us back
into the big leagues.

There is one little hitch
in the giddy up, though.

Fred and I were talking
on the way over,

and we decided to go with
a celebrity spokesman.

Well, whoever
you got your eye on,

we'll do our best
to sign 'em up.

Jeff Baylor. What do you think?

Tiger Woods
of the minor leagues.


Half a season left
in his contract,

and every major league team is
chomping at the bit to sign him.

Yeah, every ad agency too.

So, if we don't get him, I'm sure
there's other baseball players.

Nope. We're set on Baylor.

You call us
when you make the deal.

You bet.

Take care.

We are so dead.


What are you talking about?

We've just got the campaign. All
we have to do is sign Baylor.

How tough can that be?

Amanda and I made a run at
him when he was a rookie.

He's got a thing
against endorsements.

Do you even know
who Jeff Baylor is?

Uh, left fielder for
the Orange County Sentinels?

Last season he finished with home
runs and a batting average.

Well, I'm a baseball fan.

You never cease to amaze me.

Where's your wedding ring?


I was kinda hoping to have
it back before you noticed.

I dropped it down
the kitchen sink.

And I called the plumber, and he had
to take the trap apart, but he got it.

It was just all gunky,
and the prong was loose.

The jeweler, he said that it was
gonna take a week to fix, so...

I just knew that you were gonna be
mad at me for even letting it go.

I'm not mad. The important
thing is you got it back.

You don't have to
hide things from me.

You're overreacting.
I don't think so.

If you know, going in, that our
valve could k*ll patients,

the potential liability alone...

Where'd you get your
information from, Mosley?

He's an egghead.

He knows zip about manufacturing
or the bottom-line.

Is it true, Craig?

You're out of line, Jennifer.

And if you value your
little job in my company,

you'll keep your nose
out of my business.

This is our company
and our business.

And I came to you in confidence
because I care about you.

If this was anyone else, I'd
be hollering bloody m*rder.

Interesting way of putting it.

Because, um,

if you open your trap to anyone,

I'll k*ll you.

Craig, cut the dramatics.

I'm not gonna stand by
and let...

I mean it, Jennifer.

You say one word,
and you'll be very sorry.

Nick: All right, we had sex.
Now, what do you want?

I bet you really miss Kyle.

The man saved my life.

I never thought you or anyone
could come between us.

Now look at me.

Lying in bed with his wife.

Well, I'm his ex-wife, for now.

I wish there was some way I could
help you two be friends again.

Maybe it would make up for
all the mistakes I've made.

But, Amanda has him now.

But only because she hooked him

with that money he wanted
for the jazz club.

Jazz club?

He opened a jazz club
above the restaurant.


It's something
we talked about doing.

I can't believe he went
and did it without me.

Well, like I told you.
Amanda owns his butt now.

The club's gorgeous though.

You should see it.
It's doing really well.

It's got
a really good reputation.

I own part of it.

I'd share it with you
if you'd help me.

Help me prove to Kyle just
how bad Amanda is for him.

Nick, why do you think Kyle
never mentioned Christine?

w*r tends to make you want
to forget a lot of things.

He loved her?

They loved each other

like no two people
I'd ever seen.

It was magic.

They met on the way
over to the Gulf.

Christine was a Marine
in the first support group.

She died in battle?



She lived...

for a while.

What aren't you
telling me, Nick?

Nothing. Look.

I know what last night
was all about,

but it's not gonna work, Taylor.

I might've betrayed Kyle
last night, but I'm not...

What? What, Nick?

What else is there?

Just get out, all right?

All right. Just get out.
You had your fun.

You've gotten all you're
gonna get out of me.

Now, go poison
someone else's life.

Just go.

Mr. Sterling.

Hey, Burns, why didn't you tell
me Coop made you a partner?

Hell, you just gone up a whole
half notch in my esteem.

Actually, I was...

I don't know when we can
work that game in tomorrow,

but I'll call you tonight
and we'll set a time.

Great. I'll keep
my schedule free.

You two playing golf together?

Golf? No, no, no.

Golf's for lazy men.

We play tennis. Mano a mano.

Talk to you tonight.

See you, Tom. Mr. Sterling.

The guy hates me.

Well, hate is
such a strong word...

Where did he get the idea that
you brought me in as a partner?

Hey, not from me.

Listen, Tom hears
what he wants to hear.

Well, clean his clock at tennis.

I'll be lucky to win a point.


Coop, there you are.

We need to talk.

What's wrong?

Craig is what's wrong.

He's gone off the deep end.

Oh, great.
I'll take care of him later.

You know, I actually think we're
making a good impression here, Peter.

Well, I hope it goes deeper than how
much money we spent on this thing.

Where is Mancini?

Stuck in beach traffic,

You know Michael, he loves
to make an entrance.

There he is. How are you doing?

Oh, my God!

I thought I was
being a bit daring.

I need a drink.

Excuse me.

Well, look at her,
isn't she beautiful?

Michael, do you mind if I
borrow Amber just for a moment?

Yeah, sure.

You two get acquainted.

Amber, I don't wanna
seem out of line here,

but do you mind if I offer
you a small bit of advice?

No, not at all.

The dress is... is lovely.

But for this crowd it might
just be a little too risqué.

But Michael said it was perfect.

A real turn-on.

Of course, he did.

But the idea here is to
impress, not to titillate.

I mean, you wouldn't wear that
to a dental function, would you?

Why would I be
at a dental function?

Well, because the other
night you said you were...

A dental hygienist.


But I never mix
business with pleasure.

This is my first one
of these, actually.

Mmm! Well, listen. Here.

This will take the edge off...


Oh, no, I couldn't.

No, no, no. Please.
Please. I insist.

You will be
so much more comfortable.

Everyone will.

Thanks, Megan, I appreciate it.


Here you go.

You know, I ran into your dad
and Coop at the hospital today.

I didn't realize
they were such pals.

Yeah, well, daddy thought
that Coop hung the moon.

Oh, but don't worry, he'll
learn to love you too.

You know, he'd prefer

to tear my arms off and beat me
to death with the bloody stumps.

You know that, don't you?

Be nice. That's my father.

First impressions
are very important.

Charlie Charming. I promise.

Thank you.

Hey. Oh!

A friendly face.

What, Michael leave you
in the lurch?

Ah, it's okay. He's just
busy doing his thing.

You look a little nervous. But
I've got just the thing for you.


No, I shouldn't.

I get crazy on this stuff.

Duh! Don't be silly.
It'll relax you.

I don't think I should.

Doctor's orders.

Oh, boy!

Here we go.


Trust me.
I'll watch out for you.

I promise.

Thank you.


Announcer, over p.a.: Flight
number from El Paso,

now arriving at gate .

Nick: So, tell me more
about this jazz club.

It's a really classy place.

It's sort of like a big,
comfortable living room.

It's got great lighting, state
of the art sound system.

And we get a lot of great acts.
Big ones.

Sounds just like what Kyle
and I always planned.

Except he's miserable, Nick.
You wouldn't recognize him.

Amanda's got him walking
around like a castrated puppy.

She's making all the decisions,
she's bossing him around.

Oh, you'd puke if you saw him.

Waitress: Sir?

Give me a Jack, straight up.

All right.

Christine didn't die.

Her injuries were serious.
She was...

her face was d*sfigured
in the blast.

And she didn't want Kyle chained to
an invalid for the rest of his life.

She wanted to be remembered
the way she was.

So she made me promise to
tell Kyle that she had died.

Last time I saw her, she was being
transferred back to the States.

She covered her tracks,

and I told Kyle she was dead.

I hated myself every day since.

But it's what she wanted.

You know, it's what I promised.

My God!

Well, now you know
the whole truth.

For whatever good it'll do ya.

Oh, Nick, this just might be
the answer to everything.

Excuse me. Pardon me.

Michael. Michael, I need to...


Uh, would you...

take care of your date,
please. Now.


Oh, boy.

Hey, Amber, come on.
That's enough.

Mikey! Come on.

I thought I'd just loosen
up the crowd a little.

Get down from off the table,
will you, please? Come on.

Dance with me.


Man: Step right up.
Step right up.

All you he-man and he-ladies...

Honey, if this doesn't work,
Amanda's gonna k*ll us.

The company laid out
$ , to get in here.

Oh, have faith.

Okay. Now, all we have to do

is find out where
he's signing autographs.

I don't think he's signing autographs.
Come on.

Whoa! That was close.

Come on! Ain't there anybody out there
with an arm that can get me wet?

How you doing there, Jeff?

Show me your heat, pal.

Oh! Not much there. I gather you
don't throw a ball for a living.

My name's Billy Campbell. I'm Vice
President of Amanda Woodward Advertising.


Well, Campbell, don't
quit your day job.

I'd just like a chance
to pitch you a campaign.

Your agent's been out of town,

and I think you should hear
it right away, that's all.

Look, I'm here to raise money for a
good cause, not to help businessmen.

You're out of balls,
so either buy some more

or let the next person
in line have a crack.

Three more, please.
Woman: Here you go.

Ooh! And it just keeps
getting worse.

Hope you're a better ad man
than you are a pitcher.

It's a great new sports company.

The campaign is perfect for you.

We're the best agency in town.

Is the pretty lady there
with you?

Hi, I'm Samantha.
I'm with the Art Department,

and I have some great
sketches to show you

if you just give us
five minutes.

I'll tell you what, Campbell.

If Miss Arts Department here can
get me wet with your last ball,

I'll listen to your sales pitch.

Otherwise you're gonna have
to give someone else a shot.

Well, I guess this sale's gone.

Hey, it ain't over
till the fat lady sings.

Take a deep breath, Jeff.


Man: Home run!

So don't forget to
call us on Monday.

In high school they clocked my
fast ball at miles an hour.

It's not bad for a girl, huh?

You didn't say much when
you got home last night.

You okay?

Oh, I'm great. I'm just great.

You know, that little
peep show you put on

was all that was needed to put
the last nail in my coffin.

So, what the hell
were you thinking?

I mean, it was a medical
reception, not a bachelor party.

I told you,
it was the champagne.

I don't handle alcohol
very well,

and you left me alone, and...

Oh, right! So it was my fault.

What the hell was I thinking,
taking a bimbo to a ball?

You know, trash all dressed
up is still just trash.

Peter: This just seems
like an extreme step.

Last night was a total disaster.

Michael is out of control.

And you know what? He's taking
both of us down with him.

I know. I know. But maybe we can
work something out with him.


Why the emergency meeting?

Well, Michael's
on his way over here,

and we're discussing
whether or not to...

cut him out of the practice.

Peter, is that what you want?

I want to hear
what Michael has to say.

But last night
was not a good thing.

Oh, come on. He used
some bad judgment.

Guys, this would k*ll him.

Brett: Megan, he's k*lling us.

Now, if we cut Michael out now maybe
we can gain back some respect.

As it stands now...

I had a feeling I was
headed for a lynching.

Michael, nothing has
been discussed yet.

Well done, people.

Coop, didn't even feel the blade till
it was sawing through my carotid.

And, Peter, you've
been out for my hide

ever since I took the
Chief of Staff from you.

But, Megan, what's in
this for you, huh?

Michael, I had nothing to
do with this decision.

Oh, right. You're
sleeping with this jerk,

and you had no idea
he was out to submarine me?

Michael, you have to admit, your
behavior recently has been...

don't you try and lecture
me, you traitor.

I suppose you're all feeling pretty
good about yourselves right now, huh?

I mean, all you got to do is
wipe the blood off the sword,

and then you can enjoy
a nice, quite dinner,

knowing that you've gotten rid
of your little Michael problem.

Well, I promise you all,

your problems have just begun.

A toast.

To old friends and new enemies.

I salute you all.

What? You want a piece of me, dirt bag?
Come on. Huh?

Well, that was predictable.


I'm going home, okay. This whole scene
has left a bad taste in my mouth.



What's up?

Well, you won't believe
what happened to me today,

but I go to my office thinking
that I'm still part of a company,

and Coop kicked me out.

I don't have a job anymore.

But I guess you already
knew that, didn't you?

Yeah. I'm sorry.

Do you have a vase for these?
I brought them as an apology.


You didn't have to
do that, you know.

I know.

I could've saved them
for your funeral.

I mean, did you really think that I
wouldn't know who tipped off Coop?

Just get out, Craig.

I don't care where you go,
just get out.

Well, there's nowhere to go
because the company owns my car,

and Coop repossessed it
because of you.

Once again, a selfish
little piece of garbage

has managed to destroy
everything that I've created.

Now you're gonna be sorry.



Are you okay?

I think so.

He's insane.

No kidding.





Amanda: In here.

Hey. I made it all by myself.

It wasn't pretty, but I did it.


You okay?

Yeah, it's just...

I woke up and you weren't there.

It scared me, that's all.

Well, nothing seems broken.

It's gonna smart
for a few days, though.

Listen, why don't you
come by the office and...

Oh, yeah. I don't have
an office anymore.

Michael, I'll be fine.

Listen, do you know where
this bastard Craig is?

I'd like to take a few
aggressions out on him.

I think Billy and I did a pretty
good job of that already.

Well, I hope you're gonna
file a police report.

He's probably long gone.

Nothing here for him
but bad memories.

I heard what happened to you.

How are you doing?

Well, terrific. They'll be taking the
knives out of my back any day now.

I'm sorry, bro.

Pretty lousy weekend, huh?

I'll bounce back, I always do.

That's the Mancini spirit.

Thank you for coming, Michael.

Hey, what are big brothers for?

Now listen, I'll check in
on you again tomorrow.

Right now I have an office I have
to spend the day cleaning out.

Get some rest. Okay.

Come on.

Thank you.

My fish was great.
How's the steak?


Oh, daddy, well, mine is perfect.
You wanna trade?

Forget about it.

We've got something more
important to talk about.

I've got a proposition
for you, Lexi.

Sterling-Conway Enterprises is
opening a West Coast division.

I want you to run the place.

You interested?

Daddy! Daddy!

Of course I'm interested!


I love you so much.

I promise I will not
let you down.

Well, of course you won't.

Oh! I got so excited I just dipped
myself in your steak sauce.

Would you excuse me
for a moment?

You know, this is really
wonderful of you, Tom.

She's been talking about
a career in interior design,

but this is a great
opportunity for her.

You're not the sharpest knife
in the drawer, are you, son?

Excuse me?

You think I'm doing all this
just to employ my daughter?

I've done my homework
on you, doctor.

You have all the morals
of a rabid skunk.

Since Lexi seems to have
nothing better to do

than to satisfy whatever carnal
urges she has toward you,

I'll have to put up with you
for the time being.

You know, Mr. Sterling...

But once she tastes life as the
head of a Fortune company,

she's gonna wake up one
morning, open her eyes,

and wonder what the hell
she ever saw

in a smarmy, small
potatoes loser like you.

Yeah. All fixed. Oh, daddy, I'm
so jazzed, I could just scream.

Oh, tell me some more.

Well, the papers
are all filed, Ms. Sterling.

All that remains is to find the
office space and start staffing.



Hey, you ready to go?

This restaurant's
supposed to be great.

I thought you were
being straight with me,

but you've been out to sabotage
Michael all along, haven't you?

Megan, no.

Look, anything that's happened to
Michael has been his own doing.

You know, I saw you pouring
drinks for Amber the other night.

You were trying
to get her drunk.

I was being a good host. I was
getting Michael's date a drink.

What's with this suspicious
attitude all of a sudden?

Look, a lot of strange things are
happening to Michael lately.

Like what, huh?

Well, like him sh**ting
himself in the foot again?


you got to get over this
Michael fixation of yours.

I mean, why be loyal to a man who
has brought you nothing but grief?

What? Is it guilt? Because he
helped you turn your life around?

Or is it jealousy?

Because now he's doing
the same thing for Amber.

What is that supposed to mean?

Megan, she's a stripper,
for God sakes.

Well, that doesn't exactly come as a shock.
But so what?


He's trying to recreate
you through her.

So, why didn't you
tell me this before?

Was it because you were trying
to use it to set up Michael?

Would you listen to yourself?

I mean, you sound as
paranoid as he does.

I mean, do you really think that
somebody as self-destructive as Michael

needs to be set up?

I don't know. I don't know
what to think right now.

What I do know
is that this date is off.

Megan, come on.

No, I just need some time to
decide if I trust you anymore.

Amanda: I'm fine.

I've got a briefcase
full of papers to read,

and I just want you to concentrate on
keeping our club running smoothly.

I can do that by phone
from our bed.



Look, I'll be home
in a couple of hours.

If you need anything,
you call me.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Oh, sh**t.

God! I'm an idiot.


Craig: Give me the key. Come on.

Please, mister.
Just don't k*ll me.

I just want the car. I gave it
to you and now I want it back.

Craig, what are you doing
with a g*n?

Stop this before you get
into any more trouble.

All the trouble I've had
is because of you

and everyone else
in this hell-hole.

No, Craig, you've just had
some bad luck, that's all.

It's not too late to get
your life back on track.

Just don't do this.

No, no, no, no. It's too late.

Sydney was right.

You're all a bunch of
emotional vampires.

That's why I got to
get away from you.

Goodbye, Jennifer.


Amber, we need to talk.


Huh! Amber?

Ah! Good riddance.

Where's my TV?

My VCR is gone.

The microwave!

My cappuccino machine!

Oh, man! My stereo!

There was a grand
of cash in here,

and my grandpa's cufflinks!

Damn that bitch!

How could she do this to me?

Amanda: Help!

Somebody please help me.

Who's there?

Oh! For God's sakes, Amanda.

I didn't even know
you were out of the hospital.

Help me get back to bed, Taylor.

Oh, careful!

Oh, God! You're heavy!

Thank God you heard me.

Don't tell Kyle about this.

He feels guilty
about leaving me here.

Don't worry,
it's our little secret.

Oh, and since we're sharing
secrets, I got a doozy for you.

It's about Christine.

I couldn't do it, Sydney.

I couldn't do it without you.

I screwed up everything.

And I miss you so much.

I just wanna hold you again.

I just wanna be with you again.