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06x16 - Kyle of the Desert

Posted: 04/25/22 13:31
by bunniefuu
I don't understand.

I have just been
going over my life.

The last few months anyway.

You know, married, separated.


Do you know I've no
idea what dating is?

I mean real dating.

I remember, in school,
my friends talking about

waiting for the phone to ring
and their stomachs fluttering,

and then on the first date,
wondering, "is this the guy?"

And... I don't know.
Somehow I missed out.

I guess I'm just

Would it help if I told you that I
suffer from the exact same thing?

I mean, I got no trouble
getting a woman into bed,

but having a relationship
or developing something,

it's a whole another story.

Hey, you know what? What?

I'll tell you
what we're gonna do.

We're gonna start this
whole thing over again.

I will court you,

we'll date.

We'll make this a real romance.

I think it's a wonderful idea.

Hmm? Mm-hmm.

And I'm going to
go back to my place

and we're gonna pretend like
this week never happened.

Well, that's impossible.

Come on, Kyle. Come on, come on! Let's go!
Let's get out of here!

Move it! Move it! Move it!
Go, go!

Nick, get down!

We got Republican guard, Nick.

Come on, let's take them out!


Nick! I got you, man! I got you!

Come on.

Stay down.

There's something coming.

Kyle! Stay right there,
I'm coming!


No, Christine! Mine!

Oh, my God.

No. No, Christine.

Kyle. Kyle. Kyle: Christine.

Wake up.

You were having a nightmare.

I was dreaming about the w*r.

Who's Christine?

I don't know.

I'm gonna...
I'm gonna get some air.

Step out for a minute.

♪ So you think you're
something special ♪

♪ Put that thought
upon your shelf ♪

♪ And the world
revolves around you ♪

♪ Put your faith
in someone else ♪

♪ You're just a stranger,
a humble servant ♪

♪ Anything that you are ♪

♪ You're just worlds away ♪

♪ You're taking the color
from the canvas ♪

♪ You're just worlds away ♪

♪ You used to be so cool ♪

♪ Used to be so cool ♪

♪ ♪

Oh, show a man a good time and
he'll shower you with gifts.

Beautiful flowers, Coop.

You know, I can only imagine the
feats Megan performed to earn them.

No interruptions please,
I have a busy morning.

You know, do you think that

ripping his head off would
constitute an interruption?

Look, you count to slowly.

I'm going to go
put these in water.


Over phone: Amber?
It's me, Michael.

Your doctor friend.

Do you have any idea
what time it is?

Oh, yeah. It's : .

I get off work at : , doc.

It's : by the time
I get to sleep.

Oh. Well, I'm glad I didn't call
you when I wanted to at : .

Listen, Amber, I'd
really like to see you.

You've got my hours at the club.

Well, I'm talking
outside the club.

I mean, why would you give me your
phone number if that wasn't the idea.

Listen, we'll just... we'll
make it real casual.

Dinner at my place. Say -ish.

I'll whip you up some pasta.

You know, besides
being a great doctor,

I'm also a terrific cook.

Um, listen,
it's Beachfront Walk.

Okay? It's in Malibu.

Should I bring anything?

No, just yourself.

See you then.

Well, the swelling hasn't gone
down as much as I'd hoped,

but there's still
a good chance, in time...

Can the optimism.

I'm sick of hearing it
and I'm sick of forcing it.

I want the worst-case scenario.
I want it now.


Worst case is
you'll never walk again.

Which would mean a wheelchair.

But given recent laws, it
shouldn't slow you down one bit.

So, forget the steps
to my apartment,

driving my car or dancing.

This is all about attitude.

There's no reason
that you can't live

a normal life in every way.

No matter how you put it,
it just really sucks.

Which is why fighting back is the
only option that makes sense,

if you'll excuse my optimism.

Would you excuse me for a minute?
I'll be right back.

It's always good to see you, Bob,
but I've got a full day here.

I was just in the neighborhood,

thinking back how lucky I
was that you were my doctor

and took such an interest in me.

Kind of like the same interest you're
taking in your ex-wife back there.

Where's this going, Bob?

I just wanted you to
know that you did

such a bang-up job
rehabilitating me

that my old memories
are coming back.

As well as a few
recent memories.

Like, who hit me with
their car in that alley.

It was Lexi, wasn't it?

You've been drinking again, Bob?

No. Just remembering.

The only thing that didn't jive
though, was the color of the car.

The car that hit me was red,
but Lexi's car is silver.

So, what I did was, I keyed her
car first thing this morning.

And guess what? It may be silver
on top, but it's red underneath.

You painted her car, didn't you?

Covered up the evidence?

And all this, the roof over my
head, the clothes, the job,

it was just your way
of dealing with your guilt.

Okay, what do you want?

Well, now,
I've thought about that.

What I want is for you
to break up with Lexi,

so I can have her for myself.

You blackmailing me, Bob?

I guess I am. I guess that's
exactly what I'm doing.

Oh, so this is what it feels
like to be blackmailed.

Well, listen, if you wanna
keep this hoity-toity job,

you just better do what I say.

I mean, I don't have
much patience left.

Maybe not any patience.

You just get out of her life
or I mess up yours.


Hey, Amber,
come on in, come on in.

Listen, I hope you like chianti,

because I poured you
a glass of wine.

How do you like the house?

Definitely awesome.

Well, come on, come on in.

Take a stool, watch me cook.

'Cause this
is a really great show.

Now, the key to a pasta sauce is the
ingredients, the right ingredients.

You don't go to the supermarket.

You gotta
get out there and shop,

in the green markets
and the Italian groceries.

Aren't you gonna sit down?

I don't think I can do this.

What do you mean?
It's just dinner.

Yeah, and it feels really weird.

We connected, but it
was at the strip club,

I was dancing there, there's
all that fantasy attached.

And now it just feels
forced and wrong.

And don't tell me you're not
feeling just as strange.

They tell you not to get
involved with the customers.

Now I see why.

So what do we do?

I think...

I think I'd better just go.

Hey. Hey, hi.

Check it out, man.
bucks on the black market.

I figure Christine could use
a little bit of cheering up.


What's with the face, man?
What's going on?

She's gone, buddy.

Christine, she died.

No. Yeah, a little
over an hour ago.

No, I...

Look. Look, man,
maybe it's for the best.

I mean, she was
pretty messed up.

No, I shouldn't have
left her, man. I mean...

I can't believe I left.

It's all right. Let it out.

I loved her so much.

I know, buddy, I know.

I loved her, Nick.


I'm getting pretty good
with that coffee machine.

Or maybe I'm not.
Too strong, too weak?

No, it's not the coffee.

I just didn't get much sleep.

Peter was at
the hospital all night.

I mean, he called
and everything, but...

You're worried
he was with his ex-wife.

I know she was badly hurt, but does he
have to spend every second with her?

Oh, well, look
who's finally home.

Must have been million emergencies
last night. Gotta be a full moon.

Just admit it. You were with
Amanda all night, weren't you?

Look, you're not gonna
start getting jealous?

Well, what do you expect?
Wait, let me guess.

Amanda sent Kyle home so you could,
what, reminisce about the past?

Hold hands? Hell, you were probably
on the verge of kissing and making out.

That's enough! Now, you're
way off base with this.

Oh. This is a waste of time.

I'm showering, changing and
going back to the hospital.

What am I supposed to do?

Oh, don't worry.

Everything's gonna be okay.

It'll work out just fine.

Good Lord! You almost
gave me a heart attack.

God! I mean, the way
you were lying there.

You're not gonna die, are you?

I hate to disappoint you,

but that's probably not
in the cards.

And I can't believe even you
would ask such a question.

Well, hey, I happen to be
a very practical thinker.

I mean, if something horrible did happen
to you, I would need to be ready.

Because everything would change,

especially my relationship
with Kyle.

Why are you here?

Concerned for your health,
of course.


Okay, well, a little concerned
for Kyle's health as well.

Have you seen him lately?

He looks terrible.

He's not sleeping,
he's not eating.

And, forget the club or the
restaurant, he's never there.

I know. He's been here, stuck
in that chair over there.

I finally sent him home
last night.

Yeah, I know. I saw him
out in the courtyard.

He was in some kind of a daze.

He looked like a ghost.

Well, it's these dreams he's
been having, about the w*r.

I remember those dreams.

He used to wake up in the middle of
the night sweating and screaming.

Oh, he used to give me
the heebie-jeebies.

With you, did he ever call
out the name Christine?

Not that I recall.

No. When he was
sleeping with me,

the only name he was
calling out was Taylor.

"Oh, Taylor. Taylor!"

Enough already. I have physical
therapy, so you need to get lost.


Just checking on you.


Samantha: All right.
Take a look at this.

Now, I only had time
to rough it out, but...

I think it's just what
Amanda's looking for.

Honey, we gotta come up
with something original,

not what we think
Amanda would like.

I'm just saying.

You've been in the ad
business for what, seconds?

So let me do the conceptualizing
and you draw it up.

I got a better idea.

You do it all yourself.

Jennifer: Boy, a fight.

I didn't know you guys
had it in you.

Maybe we're just spending
too much time together.

Work and home and...

it could be that we're
just sick of each other.

Still, as cute as he is, I
wouldn't let him out of my sight.

Oh, come on.

No, I'm serious.

Billy's a real keeper.

Unlike Craigy boy, who,
every time I turn around,

is either lying
or pushing me away.

I say you go back in there, Sam.
Make up with him.

A guy like Billy, he's...

one in a million.

Lexi, you gotta calm down.

I'm not gonna sit home
alone like some idiot.

If Peter's with Amanda,
I want to know.

Excuse me, I'm looking for Amanda
Woodward and Dr. Peter Burns.

Miss Woodward's up
in physical therapy,

but Dr. Burns is in her room.
It's right there.

Working hard, I see.

Candles, flowers. What, do
you spoon-feed her, too?

I had a surgery that was
cancelled and I thought that

Amanda could use
a little cheering up.

You still love her, don't you?

And don't lie to me
because I'll know.

See, I've had
a lot of experience

with doctors who fall in love
with their patients.

Coop had this coma thing, maybe
you have a handicap thing.

All right, it's true.

I love her. I never stopped loving her.
I'm sorry.

You go to hell!

Well, Bob, you win.

She's all yours.

What can I do?

Just get me out of here.

My, oh, my. Another new man.

Going through them
like tissue, aren't we, Lexi?

Stay out of this.

You know, is this a thing
peculiar to California?

Because people around here, they
swap lovers like baseball cards.

What the heck am I saying? You and
I are guilty of the same thing.

Hell, you're the master of it.

Are you making nice here?

Because it makes
no sense at all.

Uh, unless you adhere to the
stay-close-to-your-enemies rule.

Look, I was out of line
the other morning,

and Megan and I, well, you
know, we're taking it slowly.

We're starting over.
You know, like real dates,

instead of just jumping
right into a relationship.

And I'm telling you, it's making
all the difference in the world.

And, I wanted us, you and I,

to, you know, maybe
take a step back, too,

and try the same technique.

Oh, I really don't think
dating's in our future, Coop.

Well, how about a burger then?

Look, it's the one night Megan and
I agreed not to see each other.

Sorry. I got other plans.

Oh, and by the way, I know
what you're doing here.

You're trying to find out what's really
going on in my new relationship.

Oh, so there is someone.

Yeah, there is, Coop.

I'm dating Madonna.


You know, doctor, a few of
us are going out for a bite.

You're welcome to come along.

Oh, thanks, Lynn,
but my plans just changed.

I'd like a table dance.
table dances in fact.

Follow me.

Now why won't you
return my calls, huh?

Why'd you run out on me?

Lower your voice.
My boss is watching.

Look, I'm terrible in the
relationship department, okay?

But I do know this, it
always involves some risk.

And if I'm willing to
take it, so should you.

It's more complicated than that.

Yeah, sure, I know you're
embarrassed by what you do.

Well, I happen to think
it's a fine occupation.

I mean, you provide a
service, a recreation.

Where is this going, Michael?

I want to start over.

You know, last night was too quick.
We should take it slow.

So I thought maybe
I'll take you out on a date.

Our first date. Then, we can go to
a place where my friends hang out.

You don't get it, do you?

This isn't about whether
or not you're embarrassed.

This is about me
being embarrassed.

And maybe a little insecure.

I don't want people,
your friends,

the people you work with,
to look down on me.

Amber, I don't give a damn
what they think.

You say that now.

I'm asking you out, Amber.
It's nothing more than that.

You idiot.

That's the whole point.

It's everything to me.

So then we're on
for tomorrow night?

I'll pick you up at : .

Now, hurry up.

Take off your top before
your boss gets suspicious.

"The Three Musketeers."

"Nick, Kyle and Christine."


Hi, sweetie.

Oh, I know you're on
your way to the hospital

but if it's not
too much trouble,

would you stop
by the restaurant?

Mario's really
screwed up the ordering

and I can't seem
to straighten it out.

I'll see what I can do.

In the meantime, why don't
you hire some extra help?

I would in a second, if I
could find someone I trust.

It's too bad you don't have
more friends here.

You know, someone like
your old w*r buddy Nick.

I mean, I hated him but he
was as loyal as a sheepdog.


Loyal, are they?

Yeah, you know what I mean.

The stuff you
shared in the gulf.

Where did he end up anyway?

We got that card.

Was it Chicago?
I don't remember.


But if you're talking
about hiring him,

it would be over my dead body.

Yes, sir. Sergeant, sir.

Hola. Kyle.


Good mornin'.

Well, I was going to call
before I came down,

but then I thought
you might have said no,

and so, well, I already
had the coffee made.

You like it black, right?

You okay?

Yeah. Um, I mean, no. I mean,
I don't know what I am.

Look, don't get me wrong, okay?

I think this taking it
slow is really great.

I just didn't count on
all this paranoia setting in.

And, well, I called you like times
last night. You were never here.

And then I called the hospital

and they didn't know
where you were either.

Well, I'm just starting to think
that maybe this whole dating idea

is just one big
gargantuan mistake.

I went out for a burger. Alone.

But if I'd known
you were looking for me,

I would have sat by
the phone all night.


I feel totally ridiculous
right now.

Don't. I think it's cute.

Oh, but it's only been one day.

So much for willpower, huh?


But, hey,

we can try, right? Mmm-hmm.

Our date's tonight.

Oh, we just... oh! We just don't
have to do anything more.

Well, if that's the plan,

then I suggest
you take your hands off me.

I'm... sorry.

Okay. Okay.

See you tonight.

You want to explain this to me?

to Salt Lake City,

the Mossman
Rehabilitation Center.

You're leaving here
and not telling anyone?

I'm your doctor, for God's sake!

You said you'd know in a few days if
the feeling would return in my legs.

Well, it's been a lot longer
than that and there's no change.

So I'm not going to lie here

and let Kyle and everyone else
turn their lives upside-down.

I'll disappear,
I'll do the therapy,

and if I don't get my legs back,

then I just won't come back.

Well, there are facilities
here and you know it, Amanda.

This is just
more of you running.

I mean, you've got this
down to a science.

Maybe I don't get off on pity.

Just self-pity.

Kyle still has a chance
with his life.

It'd be a lot better life
without me in it.

Well, did you think about
discussing it with him?

That would defeat the purpose,

and you're not
gonna say anything.

Because as my doctor, you are obligated
to respect my desire for privacy.

You know, Amanda, I figured
you for a lot of things,

but never a coward.

Lexi, what's wrong.

I didn't expect
to hear from you.

For a while, anyway.

I just... I feel so bad.

So alone, like nobody cares.

I care.

Lexi, God, since the
moment we first met,

I've been in love with you.

And it's been k*lling me watching
the way Peter treated you,

and the things he'd say.

And I couldn't do anything.

Oh, Lexi.

Wait. Before we go any further, there's
something that I have to tell you.

Oh, this is so hard.

Bob, it was me.

I was the one
that hit you with my car.

At first, Peter and I
didn't know what I hit.

I mean, we stopped the car and we looked
around, but I didn't see anything.

I know I should've told you right
away when I knew it was you,

but Peter wouldn't let me.

Forget it. Doesn't matter.

It's all in the past.

No, we can't just sweep
this thing under the rug.

But I'm telling you,
I don't care.


I'm forgiving you.

Well, fine. Bob, but what
if I can't forgive myself?

Look, I may have a solution.

I'm gonna do what
Peter wouldn't let me do.

I'm gonna go to the police and
I'm gonna confess everything.

But they'll put you in jail
and I'll lose you.

Not if you come forward, too.

Bob, I've thought about this.

If you tell the truth
that I hit you with my car,

but I stopped my car
and I got out

and I looked around but I didn't see
anything because you were hiding...

It won't be hit-and-run.

And if I don't press charges...

Then, we can all
move on with our lives.


What are we waiting for?

Let's go.

So, is it everything
you dreamed it'd be?



Oh, God, I was afraid of this.

Oh, boy. Uh, listen.

Be positive. Now's your chance
to let bygones be bygones.

That's what you want, huh?
Well, look who's here.

Amber, I'd like you to meet my friend and
business associate, Dr. Coop Cooper.


And his lovely friend,
my ex-wife.

Megan, are you still
using the Mancini name?

Oh, yes, for the time being.

There's a lot of paperwork
involved in changing it.

Uh-huh. Well, there's
no tables looks like.

Do you mind if we join you?

No, here you go, Amber. Michael,
grab that chair behind you.


Brett: Miss,
champagne all around.

Oh, well, thanks so much, Coop.

So, Amber, how did
the of you meet?

Oh, Megan,
you're gonna love this.

Amber is... A dental hygienist.

A related profession.
Well, what do you know.


We met while I was
cleaning his teeth.

Isn't that wild?

Wild is not the word.

Michael, I feel like dancing.

I love this song.
What, me, really?

I didn't intend
to make you jealous,

but I do like the
effect this is having.


Michael, she's
if she is a year.

Look at that dress
she's wearing.

She looks like a call girl.

Oh, no! No, no more hookers.

I learned my lesson with you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's plenty.

Yeah, too much bubbly
makes me crazy.

Totally out of control.

Well, we wouldn't
want that, would we?

Especially now that you're
involved with a doctor.

We doctors hate
to be embarrassed.


Oh, no. Well, if you're done
pumping me for information,

then I really should
get back to my date now.

Oh, okay. Well, just tell Coop
that I'm in the restroom, okay?


Another tramp.
Have you gone bat guano?

I mean, this must be some kind
of total blind spot with you.

I mean, a pair of perky breasts

and a tight bottom
and you go catatonic.

Hey, men have needs. Some women are
great at fulfilling them, okay?

Yeah? Well, one look
at that woman

and you could tell that
she's a brainless bimbo!

Yeah, well, maybe brainless
is what I need right now.

Did you ever think of that?


Just stay away from me.

Amber, please. Look, I...

Well, you win some
and you lose some.

Oh, really? Mmm-hmm.

Tell me the last time I won one.


I see your point.

It's over. We did it.


We've given our
statements to the police,

and no charges
will ever be filed.

You know what we're gonna do?

We're gonna make tonight

the first night
of the rest of our lives.

We're free of my accident,
the secrets, Peter.

Well, out of ain't bad.

You know, you
got home so quickly,

I didn't have a chance
to put this on ice.

I don't understand. You broke up.
You moved out!

Oh, is that how it looked?

Wait, of course
that's how it looked,

because that's the way
we wanted it to look.

You shouldn't have blackmailed Peter.
That was your big mistake.

You can't do this. I can
still go back to the police.

And tell them what?
Hmm? That you lied?

That it really
wasn't an accident?

That you're pressing charges
instead of not pressing charges.

No. Bob, that's perjury. Hmm?

You'll be the one
who's in trouble.

Because it was an accident.

We did stop
and we did feel badly,

but you, you had to go
and get all greedy.

I almost forgot. Here.

Here's a $ , check. Start
your life over somewhere else.

But I loved you!

I know. I'm sorry I had
to use that against you,

but that's what happens when you delude
yourself and try to hurt people.

Wait, me? Who did I hurt?

I was just minding my own
business in an alley,

and rich bastards run me down.

You know what?

You should've just let me
lie there and die there.

I was way better off
before I met you .

Go to hell. Both of you.

Well, that's very good.
You even had me fooled.

Sorry about that slap.

You're just so convincing.

A little too real.

I mean, you don't still have
feelings for Amanda, do you?

Not the kind
you have to worry about.

You're the only woman
in my life.

The only one.

Hi, got a minute?
It's important.

Yeah, what's up?

This violates patient-doctor
confidentiality, so...

So, I heard it someplace else.

Amanda's shipping herself off to a
facility in Utah, a rehab center.

Her plan is to sneak away
before anybody finds out.

Oh, damn it.

I was afraid something like
this was gonna happen.

She's already arranged

so if you hurry,
you might be able to...

might be able to catch her.

The ambulance is right
downstairs, Miss Woodward.

They have your plane ticket.

You're not going anywhere.

Actually, radiology, th floor.

Will you excuse me? I need a
word alone with the patient.

Kyle, stop this.
You're being ridiculous.

Running away is ridiculous.

What did you think I was gonna do?
Just let it go?

Shrug my shoulders
and look the other way?

This is the same crap you pulled
when you tried to move to New York.

The going gets tough and
you buy an airline ticket.

It's my life, okay?

It's my life, too.

And if you leave, I got nothing.

I made that mistake once and
I will never make it again.

But if I stay,
I'm dragging you down.

Do I sound like I care?

I just said, a life
without you is no life.

Come on, the of us, we can
fight this and we can beat it.

You don't owe me this.

No, I love you.

I love you so much
it hurts sometimes.

Please don't say that.

Okay. Okay, how about this?

Marry me, Amanda.

No. No stalling.
I want an answer.


Oh, God, yes.
Of course I'll marry you.


Of course.

I love you.

What was that?

That's our buddy Bob. Who
else do you think it is?

You know, that moron
still doesn't get it!

This guy, I tell you what,

he's been pushing me too far now.
Pushing me too far.

Daddy! Oh, what are you
doing here in L.A.?

Oh, business, what else?

I'm a week at the Bel-Air hotel.

I wanted to surprise you.

But I didn't see
a flower pot out there.

Mr. Sterling,
I'm Dr. Peter Burns.

Oh, yes, of course. I believe
Lexi mentioned you on the phone.

Oh, stop it, Daddy. You know
I told you all about him.

A month ago. Which was the
last time you called.

I was getting worried
about my little girl.

Well, I just got swamped, daddy.
You know how that is.

Would you make us
some coffee, Peter?

I'm gonna go change.
Oh, I'll see you!

Sure. Yeah.

Well, what a surprise.

You showing up like this
out of the blue...

Son, if you think
I'm ever gonna like you,

you're sorely mistaken.

Well, you can't always go on
first impressions, right?

I always do.

And I'm never wrong.

Hey! I just thought
I'd stop by and say, "wow!"

Congrats on your
upcoming nuptials.

Look, before you
take that big walk,

or whatever it is you're gonna
do to get down the aisle,

I just thought you might like
to know who you're marrying.

I believe his name is Kyle.

Kyle McBride.

And you'll never guess
where that rat bastard was

when your helicopter went down.

That would be Las Vegas.

Doing the big nasty with
none other than yours truly.

Hello, did you hear me?

Or maybe you lost the use of your
ears up on that mountain, too.

We made love.

I know.

You do? You know?

Kyle wanted everything
out in the open.

You see, we were broken up
at the time, thanks to you.

We'd both made mistakes, and now
we've forgiven those mistakes.

Everyone has one great
love in their life.

And I'm sorry that
you're not Kyle's and I am.

But, as they say,

that's just too damn bad.


Over phone:
Nick? Hi, it's Taylor.

Taylor McBride.

Yeah, so what?

Just listen to me. You're the
only person who can help me

and I just need
something, anything.

Listen, listen, I'm in
this mess with Kyle,

and... oh, hell, why don't I
just come right out and ask you.

All right, who's Christine?

Look, I know you were all
in the Gulf w*r together.

Well, Kyle's having
these nightmares.

Nick, are you still there?

Nick, who is she and
what was she to Kyle?

What you could never be, Taylor.

What, the love of his life?

Trust me,
you don't want to know.

Amber, stop right there!
Get out of here.

No, you leave me no choice when
you keep running off on me.

Now you think I'm embarrassed
by all this, but I'm not.

I think
you're a wonderful woman.

And you think I'm brainless,

I didn't say that, okay?

Look, I just hadn't worked
it out in my head yet.

I mean, there's my ex-wife
and your resemblance to her,

and, I don't know, maybe I'm
doing some weird copycat ritual.

Hey, come down from there!
Hey, hey! I don't know.

I just know I'm not
going to let it end.

In seconds, this guy is going
to k*ll you. He's security.

Not if you quit
and you come with me.


Move in with me.
Let me take care of you.

We can work it out together.

You can't be serious.

Yeah! You don't
have to do this, Amber.

All you have to do is
quit and come with me

to a place that's much
better than any of this.

All right. Don't hurt him.

I quit.


I'm leaving with the guy.

This is insane, you know?

But romantic as hell,
you got to admit.