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06x13 - A Tree Talks in Melrose

Posted: 04/25/22 13:29
by bunniefuu
Hey. Hey.

The bank doesn't own
this place yet.

We don't need to keep
banker's hours.

Well, it's hardly
the crack of dawn.

Besides, it's Christmastime,

and I have a Christmas
miracle for you.

You don't believe
in Christmas miracles.

Oh, really? Mmm-hmm.

Jon Secada.

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ And a Happy New Year ♪

♪ Good tidings to you
wherever you are ♪

♪ Good tidings for Christmas ♪

♪ And a Happy New Year ♪

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry Christmas ♪

♪ And a Happy ♪

♪ New Year ♪

How you doin', man?

A long time since Boston. Yeah.

And a bottle of McBride scotch?

Yeah. So what
brings you to L.A.?

I'm doing Leno,

and Taylor was kind enough
to offer me your piano.

And I get the bends when
I don't sing for a day.

Jon, you know what?
I'll never forget the time

you sang at the restaurant
in Boston for us.

It was so great.

You cooked me one of the
best meals I've ever had.

Ooh! Thank you.

Cheers. Cheers to that.

So, how's the place doin'?

Oh, it's a lease. Long story.

Taylor: We're going to lose
our lease on this place, too

if you don't help us
out of a jam.


Come on, Kyle, this is a miracle
Jon showing up out of the blue.

Hey, I'm always ready
to help my friends.

Hate to see a good jazz
club go down the tubes.

Taylor: Oh, I knew
you'd feel that way.

The bank's going to take the club
next week if we don't come up

with this big balloon
payment for our mortgage.

So I just thought
if you play then, then...

Taylor, this is Jon Secada, for God's sake.
You can't ask him that.

Jon... Sure she can.

A woman who looks like that
can ask me anything.

We'll make it a Christmas Eve concert.
We'll charge a cover.

The place'll be packed.
We'll make a fortune.

So, why don't I give the
guys in my band a call?

The phone's right over there.

Are you crazy? Come on...

Nobody even goes out on Christmas
Eve, it's a family time.

Do you have a family? Do I? No.

This whole city's one big
lonely hearts club, Kyle.

We'll be the only place open.
We'll sell out.

Kyle, listen to me.

When someone like Jon Secada
falls into your lap,

you say, "Thank you, Santa,"
and you run with it.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Mistletoe and caroling ♪

♪ Presents lie underneath
the tree ♪

♪ It's Christmastime again ♪

♪ Sounds of holly,
snow is falling ♪

♪ Father Christmas,
all the kids are waiting ♪

♪ Baby Jesus, Mother Mary ♪

♪ The snowman's quite amazing ♪

♪ It don't feel like Christmas ♪

♪ Ever since you took away
your kisses ♪

♪ If I could have
just one wish... ♪

Hey, Jennifer's coming over
to talk fabrics.

You don't mind, do you?

Would you stop staring at me?
I'm fine.

I'm not staring. Yes, you are.

Look, I can't make it through a
whole day without popping a pill.

But you don't believe me because I
just took one the other night, right?

We're hiding your involvement

in a hit-and-run accident
from the police.

That's more than your
normal level of stress.

Yeah, especially for
a pill-popper like myself.


Last week was a very bad
week for both of us.

So I think we need to get
away and relax a little bit.

Hmm? Besides, last year,

I had no reason to celebrate
Christmas, and this year I do.

So I got you an early present.

Cabo. Oh! We're going sailing!

Oh, you're...
you're so wonderful to me.

I don't deserve you.

You deserve the best
of everything.

I'll get that on my way out.


Cool place! Very young
doctor on the prowl.

Hello, Jennifer.

Oh, I'm sure he's not
prowling anymore, though.

I'll see you tonight.

Oh, you and Peter
seem so happy together.

The way he looks at you, God,
he'd do anything for you.

I wish Craig was more like that.

Are you two
having some problems?

Yeah, you could say that.

Oh, excuse me. Peter must've
forgotten something.

What did you...

You look miserable as always.

Well, maybe that's because I
live in a tiny little apartment,

and you live out here
in the Marina.

Look, I don't give a damn
what your lawyers say.

I'm not hand-delivering
your blood money anymore.

You keep your voice down,
I'm in the middle of a meeting.

You know what?
I can't wait for the day

that I don't owe you
anymore alimony!

Lexi: That's five years from
now. You better learn to share.

Oh, and by the way, if you do
win the Michael Mancini case,

you'll be splitting the company
profits with me, too.

Coop: You know what? You are
a parasite, you know that?

I would do anything
to get you off my back.

It's getting late. You wanna go
pick out our first Christmas tree?

Oh, gosh, I'm totally swamped.
How about tomorrow?

This is tomorrow, honey.

I'm sorry, Billy. This
week's just been really bad.

But Christmas is coming up soon,

and there's not going to
be any trees left, okay?

Please, Billy. The Seattle project
is really important to me.

And just the fact that Amanda
has all this faith in me,

I just want to do
a super job for her.

Charlie used to pull
the same thing on me.

He'd rush out the last
minute to buy a tree,

and we always ended up with
some scrawny little thing.

Well, then you and Billy
go pick out a tree.


No, offense, Connie.
I want to go with my wife.

Billy, we could have the tree up
by the time Sam gets home tonight.

And then tomorrow night, you two could
knock yourselves out decorating it.

You're a lifesaver.


See you.

Hi. Hi.

You want to come in?

Um, no, no. Thanks.

I just came by to ask you if,
as my doctor and my boss,

if I can come back to work.

Well, like I'm gonna say
no to you.

We'll start you on half-days.

All right. Thanks.

Tomorrow then. Mm.

Hey, wait a second.
Wait a second.

There's something else
bothering you.

I'm divorcing Michael,
and I went to see the lawyer,

and he already
drew up the papers.

And I've been sitting
for the last half hour

trying to pick up the pen
and sign them.

I can't.

Well, divorce is never
an easy thing.

Look, without
going into any details,

Michael really helped me
turn my life around, so...

And you feel like you owe him.

Well, you can't build
a marriage on that.

I tried.

I stayed with Lexi when
I should've left and...

well, we ended up
hating each other.

You're doing the right thing.

Hey, you want to come
inside for a cup of coffee?


I'm looking for Megan Mancini.

Yeah, that's me.

Here. I'll take this.


I need you to sign here.

I wonder who this is from.

Thank you. Merry Christmas.

I love Christmas presents!

What is it?

Well, I think
it's a Christmas tree.

It's a little overdone.

What is this?

Michael, on speaker: ♪ Dashing through
the snow in a one-horse open sleigh ♪

Is that Michael?

He's such a goof.

♪ Laughing all the way ♪

♪ Ha, ha... ♪

You're not going to
keep it, are you?

Well, I don't have
a Christmas tree, so, yeah.

I better take it inside
and find a place for it.

Um, listen, could I have
a rain check on that coffee?

Sure. Good night.

Good night.

Well, get used to
the late nights.

Sam's always been like this.

She throws herself into
whatever she's doing.

Well, we're married now, so some
of that time belongs to me.

This one, right there. Okay.

That's it.

You're a good-looking
guy, Billy.

Sam won't leave you alone
for too long.

She's smart.

What's that supposed to mean?


Why did you do that?

You're standing
under the mistletoe.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Scrooge.

Oh, I didn't notice it.

Don't worry. You can't catch the
Christmas spirit with one kiss.

I called you five times today.


You can't avoid me for the
rest of your life, Jennifer.

I'm definitely considering it.

You sold out my brother
and sided with that crook,

so I have nothing further
to say to you.

Can I get you anything, sir?

Michael is lying to you.

Coop showed me the sketches
he did of the glove, okay?

They're solid proof that
Michael stole his idea.

Those dates were faked
on the sketches.

Oh, who told you that? Michael?

What else did he tell you? That
the moon was made of cheese?

You believe anything he says.

I will take Michael's word
over your word any day.

You lied under oath,

and you don't have
a shred of loyalty

to the people
you're in business with.

You know, you throw that
word around, Jennifer,

but all you're really loyal to,
excuse me, is money.

Okay, you came on to me because you
figured that one day I'd be rich again.

If some guy comes along
with bigger bucks,

you'd be gone in a flash.

If you really
believe that, Craig,

we don't have any kind
of future together.

You're damn right we don't.

You okay?


Should've seen it coming.
It's tradition.

The guy dumps me right
before the holidays.

You dumped me on
Christmas Eve, remember?

I did?

Yeah, and then you bought
Taylor a diamond bracelet.


It's a wonderful life.

Jennifer, we live in the same
building, we could talk there.

What's with the secrecy?

Trust me, you never know
when you're being watched.

Oh, well, that would
explain the disguise.

Cut the small talk.

I can make you a free man.

Alimony-free. You interested?

No, not really.

If you're not interested... Hey.

What have you got on Lexi?
It must be really good.

She will do whatever I want.

All you have to do is drop
your lawsuit against Michael

and hand over the original
sketches of the glove,

and I'll make sure Lexi takes
her claws out of your pocket.

Now why would I drop my suit?

My idea's potentially
worth millions.

Yeah, millions you'll have to
split with Lexi if you win.

Okay, let's just say
that I agree to this.

What do you get out of it?

My beef is with Michael,
not you.

When you attack my brother,
you're also attacking me.

We Mancinis look out for
each other, we always have.

You ever stop to think that
maybe your brother's

not worth this kind of devotion?

No. Now, do we have
a deal or not?

Yeah. Deal.


We shouldn't leave together.


You're mocking me, aren't you?

Look, stop staring at me, okay?

I didn't come back to the office
so that you could hit on me.

In fact, I went to
see a lawyer and...

Merry Christmas.

They're lovebirds.

I'm sorry. They're very sweet,
but I cannot accept them.

But you have to. I named
them Michael and Megan.

They're non-returnable.

I never figured you
for the sentimental type.

Maybe I've changed.

Now, what did you want
to talk to me about?

We'll talk about it
tomorrow, okay?

Anything you say, honey.


I mean Megan.


Another gift, huh? Hello!

Lovebirds. Michael and Megan.

I'm not sure which one's which.

Well, obviously Michael doesn't
know he's getting a divorce.

Well, I signed
the papers already.

I just can't serve him
until after Christmas.

It's too heartless.

I understand. Hello!

There's no food.



I know which one of you
is Michael.

The one that stole
all the birdseed.

I can't believe they get
$ , for those lamps.

You know what?
If you really like 'em,

I can snag 'em up for half
the price after the holidays.

Oh, that's right, you lucky dog.

You're so lucky.

Peter's surprising you
with a vacation.

Of course he knows how much
stress you've been under

after that nasty hit-and-run.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

I know all about the accident,

when you almost k*lled that guy,

and you and Peter covered it up and
then lied to the cops about it.

Wow, that's heavy duty.

Oh, God.

I would be so freaked
if I hit someone.

How do you sleep at night?

Of course, the pills
probably help.

How did you find out?

That's my little secret.

And, Lexi, I will keep
your little secret,

but you have to do something
for me in return.

Just keep Peter out of this,
and I'll do anything you want.


Let Coop off the hook.

Say goodbye to your alimony.

Coop is behind this?

He knows about the accident?

No, no, Lexi. Chill.
So far I'm the only one.

Why are you doing this?

To get Coop
off my brother's back.

You're only doing this
to help out Michael?

I would make a deal with
the devil to help Michael.

Well, you have.

If I do let Coop off the hook,

how do I know that you're going to
keep up your end of the bargain?

Well, you don't.

But what choice do you have?

I mean, if I go to the police,
Lexi, you'll end up in jail,

and at the very least,
Peter will lose his license.

Please don't take any
of this personally, Lexi,

'cause I really like you.

Besides, from what I hear,
you're loaded.

So cutting Coop loose
is no big deal.

Oh, and don't breathe
a word of this to anybody.

Billy: So did Sam say
how late she'd be?

No, she was in Amanda's office.

Another one of those "I can't
talk, I got to go" calls.

Oh, great.

Oh, Billy. Um...

far be it for me to criticize,

but Sam usually likes the big
ornaments on the bottom,

and the smaller ones on top.


Oh, and be careful
with that stuff.

When Sam and I lived together,

we always hung the tinsel
stand by strand.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but
you didn't write the book on Sam.

All right. You may
be married to her,

but I have known her
a lot longer.

And I've seen her go through
a lot of relationships.

She always ended up getting
bored with the guy

and throwing herself into work.

How's that?

Billy, I'm sorry.

I mean, I didn't mean
to lump you with the others.

You're trying to cause
trouble between me and Sam.

Why would I do that?

I love Sam.
I want her to be happy.

And, you know, no matter
what you say,

that kiss you laid on me out at that
tree lot was definitely not innocent.

Well, Billy, it was for me.

But if you're
still thinking about it,

it must've really turned you on.

And that's your problem, not mine.
Yeah, right.

You've been coming on to me
since the second you got here.

I want you out of here.

After New Year's, you're gonna
go find a place of your own.

All-in-all, it's a good job.

Oh, glad to hear it.
I am really beat.

We've been going since : .
Don't you ever get tired?

Oh, tired is for losers.

Right. Well, what about, you
know, goofing off a little,

like around the holidays?

Christmas is my least
favorite time of year.

We Woodwards weren't big

on gathering around the
Christmas tree in our jammies.

Yeah. Christmas was pretty rough
on me when I was a kid, too.

Do you know what?
It's different with Billy.

I mean, I see the Christmas
lights on the street

and everybody rushing around

and I just want to be home
with him, lighting candles

and listening to
Christmas carols.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I know you just broke up
with Kyle,

and I'm going on and on
about Billy.

Oh, don't... don't apologize.

Just consider yourself
lucky to have him.

Why don't you go home?
I'll finish this up alone.

No, I'm not going to
leave you here by yourself.

Hey, there's my girl.

Hey, pack it in, Sam.
I'm taking you to dinner.

Billy, I can't. Yes, you can.

You've been working late
every night this week.

Sorry, Amanda.
It's Christmastime.

I want to take my wife
to dinner.

Unfortunately, Sam, you married
the number two man in my company.

Enjoy your dinner. Thanks.

Amanda, would you like to join us?
Got to eat sometime.

Thanks, but three's a crowd.

Are you sure? Mmm-hmm.

Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.


Lexi, you in the bathroom?

My bag.

Lexi, where are you?

Lexi, where are you?

This is Dr. Peter Burns.

I've got a woman who OD'd
on sleeping pills.

She's got a pulse, but her
respiration's shallow.

I need an ambulance at
Marina Way immediately.

Hang on for me, baby.

Just hang on
a little while for me.

Why'd you do this?

You know why, Coop.

You won. That's all that counts.

You don't owe me anything anymore.
I'll put it in writing.

I'm sorry, Lexi.

I never meant
to hurt you like this.

I don't want to hear that.

I wish I never met you.

I leave for five minutes,
and you show up.

I mean, what is it with you
and unconscious women?

It's okay,
Coop was just leaving.

Take care, Lexi.

I went over your chart.
You're gonna be fine.

I don't understand this.

How could you try
to bail out on me?

I'm sorry.

It was an accident,
I didn't mean to OD.

You're desperate enough to steal
dr*gs out of my medical bag.

That must mean
you're in a lot of pain.

What aren't you telling me?

As much as I love you,

as much as I know
that you love me,

I'm scared you're gonna leave
someday like Coop did.

So you thought
that you'd leave me first?

I'm such a mess.

I don't know what I'm doing.

Just holding on to a lot of
old baggage from my past.

It was time to let it go.

I told Coop I don't want
any more of his alimony.


'Cause I'm not interested
in punishing him anymore.

I just want him out of my life.

I know you're not used to this.

And your ex-wife, she's a
really strong woman, isn't she?


She never needed me, though.

It's okay for you to need me.

So you don't hate me?


I'm not gonna leave you, either.

But please don't try
to do this again.

Oh, good, there you are.

Sorry. I'm glad I caught you.

They didn't have this ready
till after lunch.

Michael, this is
getting ridiculous.

Come on. Open it, Megan.

It's the beach house.

Yeah, I had it made for you.
Turn it over.

"It's so cold without you.
Come home."

I don't know what to say.

Anything but "Rosebud."

I'm just kidding. Wait till
you get your present tonight.

You'll know what to say.

I think we can file these
after the holidays.

So we still on
for drinks tonight?

Yeah, sure.

Burns, Mancini and Cooper.

Man: Mrs. Mancini, please.

No, Mrs. Mancini's
left for the day.

I'm her attorney.

We received Mrs. Mancini's
divorce petition today.

Uh-huh. Well, I'll let her know.

Oh, you got her message,
didn't you,

about serving Dr. Mancini?


Things are a little hectic
here today.

Come on.

She wanted Dr. Mancini
served tonight,

before he leaves town
for the holidays.

I'll take care of it.

Thank you.

Honey, Connie's going to
be home in just a minute.

I don't think so.

I gave her a whole bunch
of storyboards to clean up,

so she's going to
be there all night.


Anyway, I'm kind of getting
tired of having a roommate.

So I told Connie,
after the holidays,

she has to find her own place.

What? You're throwing her out?

She's my best friend
in the whole wide world.

How can you do that?
She's like family to me!


Family? That says it all.

Oh, I cannot believe that you
are being so mean right now!

Oh, sorry, Sam, but you have
no idea what's going on.

I mean, you're not even
here half the time.

I didn't want to tell you this,

but Connie came on to me.

Connie? I think you're mistaken.

No, I'm not. The other
night she kissed me.

I'm talking lip-lock.

Oh, I can't believe...
How did it happen, then?

We' were at
the Christmas tree lot.

We were standing
under the mistletoe.

Well, of course. That's what
you're supposed to do.

I don't think that she meant
anything by it. Trust me, okay?

I think she's still carrying
a torch for Charlie.

I can't believe
you're this naive!

I can't believe
that you're that selfish.

I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry. It was my fault.

What is it?

I was just checking
for mistletoe.

Excuse me, but we're sold out.

Go find someplace else to lurk.

I'm here to see Kyle.

Well, he doesn't
want to see you.

Then why is he coming over here?

Amanda. Can we speak privately?

We're kind of busy right now.

It's important.

Taylor, why don't you keep
an eye on the bar?

Just for a minute.

Everything can change
in a minute.

So, what did you want
to talk to me about?

I have a Christmas gift for you.

I'm giving you the truth.

My personal inventory
for the year.

The longer we're apart,
the harder it gets.

And I think about you
all the time,

and I miss you all the time.

And I need you.

So that's supposed
to make me forget

what happened
between you and Eric?

Nothing happened.
We never had sex.

From the moment you and I...

I just never wanted anyone else.

No. You went to his hotel room,

and you took your clothes off.

So I don't care
if you wanted Eric

or if you were trying
to save your agency,

you went there
to sleep with him.

But I didn't.

I couldn't go through with it.

You don't get points from me
because the guy turns you off.

I guess this is it, then.


Merry Christmas.

Goodbye, Kyle.

Oh, that woman is such a downer.

I thought you could use a drink.

Guess what. We have already
made a fortune tonight.

Counting the food, the drink,
the cover, almost grand.

Enough to pay off
our balloon payment.

That's right.

Okay, toast. To Jon.

Hey, you didn't wait
for my toast.

You know what? I feel like
drinking alone tonight.

Fine. I'm gonna go
be the gracious host

while you sit here and stew.

Hey. Megan's not expecting
you for another half hour.

She went to the store.

Good. We got some
unfinished business.

Here's my agreement to drop
the lawsuit against Michael.

So what about the original
sketches for the glove invention?

I keep a notebook by my bed.

I jot down any thoughts
at the end of the day.

Wow, nice job
faking these dates.

You can't even tell up close.

Look on the back of the page.

I had the formal proposal
and the drawings notarized.

Oh, my God.

These dates are real.

Michael stole your idea.

Well, it doesn't matter.

You Mancinis only care about
coming out on top.

But you don't care
about the truth

or the fact
that Lexi almost died.

What? She OD'd, Jennifer.

Luckily, Peter found her in time
and got her to the hospital.

I had no idea
she was that upset.

Well, that's the price of
doing Michael's dirty work.

People get hurt.

Hey. You okay?

Yeah. I'm late for work.

Family troubles.

Too bad Jennifer can't divorce
Michael like you can.

Oh, let's not talk about
Michael, all right?

I can go for that.

Hi. Hi.

Who would be stopping by
on Christmas Eve?

Mrs. Mancini? Mmm-hmm.

Dr. Mancini asked me to stay
until you opened this.

He hopes you'll be joining him
at the beach house.

Sorry about this.

What's in it?

It's an empty heart.

Oh, man! Look, you're not going

to fall for this crap, are you?

No, of course not.

Look, it's just that
he's been trying so hard,

the least I could do
is go talk to him.

On Christmas Eve?

You know he's going to
get the wrong idea.

And considering what you're
planning, it's actually cruel.

You know what? It's up to you.
I'll be downstairs.

Oh! Just a minute.

Merry Christmas!

Dr. Michael Mancini?

Well, the rest of the year,
yes, but tonight I'm Santa.

Consider yourself served.

Divorce papers?

Damn it, Megan. Damn you!


Kyle, it's time to go home.

Oh, great.

Amanda was right.

Everything can change
in a minute.

Just doing this for us, baby.

Billy, I can't.

I still haven't recovered
from last night.

Look, I'm a reasonable guy.

First coffee, then me.

Connie probably worked all night
on those storyboards.

I think you should
apologize to her

before she thinks
you're the Christmas Grinch.

I'll make the coffee.

Do I have to? Yes.

I think you should
at least thank her.

Where's your Christmas spirit?

Right here in this bedroom.

Hey, Connie, you awake?


Merry Christmas. Ha, ha, ha. Ow!

I do not care if we have
the same last name!

I am through with you.

I moved heaven and earth
to save your stupid company,

and you're not worth it!

Wait, wait. Did you get
the originals from Coop?

Yes, I did. All right.
That's great, then.

Don't you touch me!

Coop didn't fake anything!

It was his idea all along.
You lied to me, Michael.

Wait, wait. I don't know
what sketches you saw,

but I thought of the idea first.
I really did, I swear.

Okay, okay, okay.

Maybe I didn't actually
think of it before Coop,

it was more like
shortly after Coop.

But I did think of it eventually,
so what's the big difference?

The difference is, Michael,
is it's stealing, okay?

And it's wrong.
Yeah, but we won.

Don't you care about anything
else, not even me?

I split up with Craig
because of you, you bastard!

Oh, come on.
Craig is no big loss.

I'm crazy about him, Michael,

so don't act like it's nothing.

And what about Lexi?

She OD'd.
Yeah, I heard. Tough break.

But we didn't have
anything to do with that.

I blackmailed her
to protect you!

All right! Okay!

Because I am stupid, and I believed
all that stuff you told me

about the Mancinis
sticking together!

Calm down, okay?

Gee, the important thing is
we got what we wanted.

I mean, nobody died.

You're beyond saving, Michael.

Jennifer, that's a little
harsh, don't you think?

Come on, it's Christmas morning.

Why don't you stay
for breakfast?

I got a present for you.
Keep your present.

You know, I'm all alone
right now.

Megan filed for divorce.

Good for her. She's better off
without you.

I will be, too.

You are a hot-head,
you know that?

That's why guys
are always dumping you!

You bad boy.

How much did you have
to drink last night?

You forgot to lock up,
and I just waltzed right in.

I guess I passed out.

I have a New Year's resolution for you.
No more McBride.

It was pretty fabulous
last night, wasn't it?


Oh, Jon was such a doll,
and we made so much money.

You know what?
If you give me the money,

I'd be happy to take it
to the depository.

Oh, damn. What's wrong?

Where did I put that money?

Don't tell me you didn't
lock it in the safe.

Oh, God! God!

You don't think somebody
stole it, do you?

It's not here, damn it!

Well, don't panic. Maybe you
did lock it in the safe,

and you just don't remember. No.

No, I never got out
of that chair.

I drank myself into a stupor,
I passed out,

and now this money is gone.

I mean, you, you came up with a
great plan to save the club,

it worked like a charm, and I
still managed to blow everything.

Well, we haven't
run out of time yet.

There's still
a couple of days left.

Okay. How do we make
a ton of money really fast?

Rob a bank. Ha!


We've done it before.

Remember when
we went to Atlantic City,

and we made the seed money
for the Boston restaurant?

We were kids, all right?
We didn't know any better.

So if you're lucky,
you're lucky.

You know, I don't feel
real lucky right now.

Oh, come on, Kyle, don't give up.
We can do this.

And we don't even have to go to
Atlantic City, we go to Vegas.

The flights are cheap,
we'd be there in an hour.

No, I don't know. I don't know.

Yeah, you do.

We still got the magic, Kyle.
We could make this money back.

I can feel it in my bones.

Viva Las Vegas.

Michael: Megan!



Just wanted to stop by and say
thanks for the stocking stuffer!

Wait a minute. You weren't
supposed to be served

until after the holidays.

I didn't want to
spoil your Christmas.

Oh, that's very touching.
Now give me my presents back.

You want your presents back?

Yeah. Here!

You know what?
And here is your locket!

Yeah. And what about
my snow globe?

Look, I don't know where it is, okay?
I'll mail it to you.

Look, you know, none of the
stores are open today anyway,

so maybe you can just get
your money back tomorrow.

You're gonna regret this, Megan.

You're right.

I'm gonna keep the birds.
You k*ll everything!

You'll never get over me.
I already am.

Well, I guess
Santa didn't bring you

what you wanted for Christmas.

Go to hell, Coop.

How are you? Oh, not so good.

Merry Christmas. Come in.

Michael, on speaker: ♪ Oh,
jingle bells, jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

Shut the hell up!
Shut the hell up!

♪ In a one-horse
open sleigh, hey! ♪

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells
jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride ♪

♪ In a one-horse
open sleigh, hey! ♪

God bless us, everyone.

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride ♪

♪ In a one-horse open sleigh ♪

♪ ♪