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06x12 - A Bump in the Night

Posted: 04/25/22 13:28
by bunniefuu
Lexi: Oh, Peter.

I'm gonna quit.

I am. I'm gonna... Shh, shh, shh.

I'm just gonna dump
the pills and I'm...

I'm gonna quit cold turkey.
I swear.

You just need to get some rest.

Everything else
can wait until morning.

Wait, wait. Where are you going?

I have some paperwork
I've got to finish.

No, no, no.
You have to stay with me.

I need you. Please.

What you need is sleep. Okay?

Go on.

I'll come to bed soon,
I promise. Okay?

Okay. I promise. Go on.


Hey, hey. Leave me al...

No, no. It's all right.
It's all right.

It's all right. I'm a doctor.

You understand? I'm a doctor.

I can help you. What happened?

I don't know.

I was just walking
in the street,

minding my business,

and a car comes barreling
around the corner...

and it hits me.

You have a possible
fracture here.

I'm gonna need
to call an ambulance.

Do you remember anything else?

Who was driving the car?

What color the car was?

What type?

No. It was too dark,
and it happened so fast.

There's been an accident.

I need an ambulance
as soon as possible.

Hey, wait.
Now that I'm thinking,

I remember something.

It wasn't a man driving.
It was a woman.

A woman with long hair
was driving the car.

Sir? Hello?

Yes, a man has been struck.
A hit-and-run accident

on Ocean Way between
Pier and Moonstone.

We'll send someone right away.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I've always had a thing
for you ♪

♪ When you weren't looking,
I would check you out ♪

♪ As you walked by ♪

♪ I turned,
and you looked at me ♪

♪ I felt this crazy feeling ♪

♪ I knew I would
have you to myself ♪

♪ Oh, no, you can't be serious ♪

♪ I'll swear you are delirious ♪

♪ Boyfriend, you better tell
your girlfriend ♪

♪ We're not just friends ♪

♪ I need a new boyfriend... ♪

♪ Boyfriend, you better tell
your girlfriend... ♪

Good morning.

Oh. I missed you so much.

Missed waking up to you.

Let's never be apart again.

The past is the past.

Now make love to me forever.

Ah, your wish is my command.

Oh, forget it. Forget it.

Oh, just my luck.

The last person I'd want to see
first thing in the morning.

Well, no need to pull
your g*n out again.

I'm not armed. Just
came to give you this.

It's our attorney's number.

You know, Kyle's and mine.

Your lawyer needs to
call him to draw up

the transfer of ownership
papers for the jazz club.

You signed your
share back to Kyle

on a piece of junk mail,

which isn't exactly
legally binding,

and I want everything
on the up and up

seeing as I'm going
to buy your share out

and become Kyle's new partner.

Oh, and don't worry.

I'll tell Kyle that
everything's on track.

Of course, I'm gonna
see him soon enough

now that we're gonna own
two businesses together.

In fact, these days,
hardly a moment goes by

that we don't spend together.

Too bad for Kyle.

Hey, where you been?

Oh, out watering the lawn.

Looks like it's dying.

That's what I love about you...

You're not afraid
to do manual labor,

get your hands dirty.

Well, it's not that
I like doing it.

I'm doing it because
it needs to be done.


What's this?

I poured my pills down the sink.

All of them.

I'm turning over a new leaf.

No more dr*gs, no more alcohol.

Truth is that I'm really
ashamed that I ever

showed you that side of me.

And I'm so sorry
for what I put you through.

You deserve better, Peter.

It's all right.

Lexi, you're dealing
with your problem.

I mean, that's a terrific start,

and I'm very, very proud of you.

I'm just not good
with rejection.

But, I'll get better.

But I was thinking
about going into rehab.

You know, help me
get back on my feet

and confront my problems.

I don't want to burden
you with them.

You are not a burden.
You're a strong woman,

and we'll tackle
this thing together.

Rehab's an option down the line.

Just, Peter, you're
at work all day,

and me, I'm home alone here.

I get anxious, you know?
I need something to do.

Well, you talked about
decorating the condo.

Hmm? I mean,
it'll keep you busy.

You'll be doing
something you love.

Yeah, I don't want
to be a charity case.

If I'm gonna work,
I'm gonna get a real job

with a design firm. Great!

I say go for it.

Oh. Hmm?

What do I have to do?

Rob a bank to get you
to walk away from me?

I'm afraid you're
stuck with me, okay, kid?

Besides, it's my condo.

If I walked away,
who'd pay the mortgage?


Megan, it's me.
I need to talk to you!


You want to talk to me, talk
to me through the window.

I am not opening this door.

Aw, come on, Megan. Look,
I brought you roses.

I cut myself on the thorns, too.

Oh... okay.

Fine. Uh...

listen, Megan, I, uh...

I came here to apologize
for lying to you.

Which lie? There have
been so many, Michael.

Are you sorry for lying to me
about sitting by my bedside

when I was in a coma, or are
you sorry for telling me

I was much sicker than I
really was, or are you sorry...

All right, all right. Look,
I only did what I did

because I love you.

No, Michael, you did it
to keep me your prisoner.

You would do anything to
keep me under your control.

It was only because of Coop.

Hey, I thought
Peter was a snake.

Coop's even worse.

He's forcing himself
into your life

just to tick me off.

Oh, so he didn't sit
vigil by my bedside

because he cared about me.

He did it because he
wanted to make you angry.

You know, it's always about
you, isn't it, Michael?

The jerk is out
to get me, Megan.

Some kind of plan to bring
about my total destruction.

I mean, he's suing me

for stealing the Mancini
glove idea from him.

Yeah, that's right.
He's suing me.

Yeah, well, You know what?

He probably has just cause.

Why don't you listen to me?

How can you believe
Coop over me?

You know what, Michael?

At this point, I would
believe a politician,

a used-car salesman, and Pinocchio
before I would believe you.

Well, a couple of
license plate numbers

isn't a lot to go on,
but we'll do our best.

Hey, Doc. Hi.

Oh, you're his physician.

Yeah. Dr. Peter Burns.

He's the guy that rescued me.

Detectives Ryan and Smith, Dr.

Would you mind stepping outside

so we can ask you
a few questions?

Please. Certainly.

Bob's a lucky guy, being
found by a doctor.

How bad are his injuries?

Well, they're not too bad.

He's got a bruised
kidney, a broken leg.

He'll recover.

You witnessed
the accident, right?

No. No, actually, I didn't.

I just happened
to pull over to try

to make a call out
on my cell phone,

and I saw a man stumbling
out of the alley.

So you didn't see
the car or anyone else?

No, not a soul.

Well, thank you
for your time, Dr. Burns.

Oh, if Mr. Matthews remembers
anything more about the accident,

you'll contact us, right?

You got it.

Craig, I'm glad
you could come by.

You slap me with a lawsuit,

and now you ask me
to meet you here?

Look, if you want to settle, we
should do it through our attorneys.

Relax, all right? This is about Michael.
It's not about you.

I have proof that
Michael stole the idea

for the cauterizing
glove from me.

Oh, really? Well, if you got
proof, I'd love to see it.

Here are some early drawings

of the glove at various stages.

How do I know these are real
and not just dummied up?

Because these are
the notarized plans

dating back to .

Look, I think we both know
what kind of guy Michael is.

He would sell his soul,
maybe his own mother's,

to get ahead, and he
wouldn't give a damn

about who he hurt
in the process.

The only person that matters
to Michael is Michael.


Let's say I do believe that
Michael stole your idea.

What am I supposed to do now?

Well, the first thing you do

is you keep quiet about it.

You mention this to Jennifer,

she'll blab everything
to Michael.

You don't know that, and
you don't know Jennifer.

Oh, so, what,
everything I've heard

about the Mancini family loyalty
is what... it's not true?

Even if it is, you still
haven't proposed a solution.

That's simple, Craig.

You throw in with me,

and we save your
company together.

Otherwise, you might
be left with...

well, less than zero.

Billy Campbell.

Billy, it's me.

Hey! Are you at the airport?

I'm sorry. I totally
lost track of time.

No, don't worry. I'm
still in Seattle.

That's why I'm calling.

My trip has been
extended an extra day.

Oh. Things must be
going well, then, huh?

Very well. Very well.

I can't believe how much
I am enjoying this,

even though I miss you so much.

Not as much as I miss you.

Kind of lonely around
here without my wife.

Well, at least you
have Connie there.

Yeah. She's not
exactly the same thing.

Um, Billy, do you think you

could just please be nice
to her until I get back?

She's kind of had
some rough times,

and I think she
could use a friend.

Maybe if you're not busy,

you could show her around L.A.
or something.

Do my best. Okay, good.

All right, well, I'll see
you tomorrow night, then.

I love you.

Love you, too.


Oh, I'm sorry.

That was Sam, wasn't it?

I should have let you
have some privacy.

Her trip's been extended,

so she's not gonna be home
until tomorrow night.

Oh. Well, in that case, you
want to get some dinner?

Um, you know, I got a
lot of work to do,

so I might as well stay.

But, you know,
we could get a bite

tomorrow night before
Sam gets back.

My treat, if that's all right.

Sure. Great.

Well, it's gonna
be a late night,

so I got to make some coffee.


You okay?

Yeah. I'm just nervous about
tomorrow's deposition.

Poor Michael. He can
barely sleep at night.

Yeah, well, it's no
wonder, I mean...

Look, are you
absolutely convinced

that he didn't steal the
glove idea from Coop?

Michael's a lot
of things, Craig,

but he's not a criminal.

Are you saying that because you
really believe that's true

or because he's your brother?

Both. If I love someone,

I'm gonna stick by them.

You feel the same
way, don't you?

Of course.

What's going on, Craig?

Do you know something I don't?

No, not at all.

I'm gonna go and get
something to eat.

How are you feeling?

Great. I love this applesauce.

Good, good.

Bob, listen, the hospital
wants to transfer you

out to County because you
don't have insurance,

but I'm gonna do
everything I can

to make sure you stay here.

Yeah? Why is that?

Well, because I'm your doctor,

and I want to make sure you
get the best possible care.

You're not gonna use me

for some weird medical
experiment, are you?

Because nobody ever
bends over backwards

to help someone like me.

No. Just calm down, Bob.

Not everybody's out to get you.

Yeah, well, a guy like me has
got to be careful, you know?

And he should also look both
ways when he crosses the street.

Hey, I'm the innocent victim.

Ahem. Excuse me, Peter.

Ah, Lexi, I'm with
a patient here.

I'm sorry. I was just hoping

we could get a bite
to eat if you were free.

Dr. Burns, wait.

I'll send a nurse right in, Bob.

I didn't mean to bother you,

but you didn't have to
snap at me like that.

Oh, I'm sorry. It's
just that that patient

is a real irritable guy

and he's in a lot of pain,

and the slightest
disruption can set him off.

I didn't want to
subject you to that.

Well, what's wrong with him?

He was hit by a car
the other night.

Poor guy. I kind of
feel sorry for him.

Oh, always taking
care of the world,

aren't you, Dr. Burns?

I do the best I can.

Craig: Jennifer,
there's really no need

for you to come
to my deposition.

Someone needs to
cover the offices.

Craig, I want to be there
for moral support.

Yeah, and since I can't be there

because of a stupid
board meeting,

you have got to
really nail Coop.

You got to hit him
where it hurts.

We got a lot riding
on your testimony.

I'm a big boy. I can handle it.

It doesn't matter, big...

Sorry. Am I interrupting?

No, not at all.

Just my whole life
going down the tubes

because of that
good-for-nothing Coop.

You know, I've been wondering,

why did you allow him in the
practice in the first place?

Hey, you brought him in
as a partner, not me.

Oh, yeah. I must
have been delusional.

So, what do you want?

I need a favor.


First you ask me to
approve the hospital

covering some homeless
guy's medical expenses...

Which I did, with
much reluctance...

And now you want
something else from me.

Not just from you,
from your company here.

I'd like you to rehire Lexi
as your interior designer.

Are you crazy?

We're being sued by Coop.

Even if she works for free,

we can't afford all that
fancy schmancy furniture

she'll want us to buy.

Michael, I'll foot
the bill, okay?

She just needs
to work right now.

And don't tell her
that I came by.

I want her to think she
got this on her own.

Oh, that is so romantic.

Thank you.

Wait just a minute.

If I help you out with
all these favors,

what do I get?

Free furniture isn't enough?

It's enough for me.

I'm talking about me...


I should have known.

All right, Michael,
what do you want?

Well, I think we should boot
Coop out of the practice,

get rid of him good and quick.

No way! He just became
a partner, Michael.

It won't look good if we kick
the guy out on the streets

after just a couple of months.

Besides, he's a fully
functioning doctor.

He can actually operate,

which is more than
I can say for you.

All right, fine.

If you won't grant me that,

then I want to continue
as chief of staff

for a couple of months.

My God, is everything
blackmail to you?

Hey, you want a happy
girlfriend or not?

All right, two more months.

Then that's it. Then
I get my job back.

Then I'll be the one who makes
the rules at Wilshire Memorial.

Hi. Hi.

I hope I'm not disturbing you.

No, not at all. Would
you like to come in?

Actually, I've got
an appointment.

I just wanted to
return these to you.

They're yours.

They're the ones I played
for you when you were sick.

I asked Jennifer
if I could borrow them.

Thank you.

That's pretty impressive
bedside manner,

sitting vigil by my
bedside night and day.

It means a lot to me.

Well, I get a lot out of it.

Feels good to help.

Yeah, well, you did a
lot more than help.

I owe my life to you.

You know, I, um...

I never really got a chance

to properly thank you,

so, um, would you let
me cook dinner for you,

maybe tomorrow night?

Ah, I'd love to, but I've
got a seminar scheduled.

Okay. I understand. Um...

maybe some other time. Yeah.

Hey, you know what?

Who needs another boring old
medical seminar anyway, right?

I mean, dinner tomorrow
night sounds great.

Actually, it sounds
better than great.

It sounds wonderful.

: ?

I'll bring the wine.

Sorry for interrupting.

What are you doing here?

We need someone at the office.

Don't worry. I got a temp.

Now, is it true that
you've seen proof

that Dr. Brett Cooper
came up with the initial

cauterizing glove concept

over a year ago?

Yes, that's true.

Dr. Cooper showed me the
sketches of the prototype,

as well as details
of how the device works.

Craig, are you nuts?

Jennifer, not now.

And do you believe that Dr.
Michael Mancini

misrepresented himself

when you agreed to go
into business with him?


I guess he must have.

Craig, what the hell
is wrong with you?

Ms. Mancini, that's enough.

If you don't sit down, we'll have
to eject you from the proceedings.

No. I'm not just gonna

sit back and listen to out-and-out
lies about my brother.

Perhaps we should take
a -minute recess.


Everything that I said in
there was absolutely true.

Coop has proof that Michael
stole the idea from him.

I've seen it.

Any proof you've seen must
have been fabricated.

Jennifer, wake up.

Your brother is a liar.

I want him out of the company,

and I want Coop to replace
him as my partner.

It's only natural that I'd do
anything to save my business...

Our business.

And it's only natural that
I stand by my brother,

someone I know I can trust,

which is more than
I can say about you.

That family loyalty thing...

Bites you in the butt
every time.

Michael: Actually, this has
always been my good side...

Not that there's anything
wrong with my other side.

Either way, these
are gonna look great

in the hospital newsletter.

Michael, we have a big problem.

Oh. Could you
excuse us for a minute?


Thank you. Mm-hmm.

Craig and Coop are
plotting against you.

They're gonna bulldoze
you out of the company.

What? Under oath,

Craig said that
there are sketches

of Coop's idea dating
back over a year ago,

and he's seen them.

But that can't be true,
can it, Michael?

You wouldn't steal an idea

and then lie to your sister
about it, would you?

Because after all I've done
for you, if I find out

that you scammed me,
Michael, I swear, I'll...

I didn't. I didn't, and
I'll prove it to you

once we find that
trumped-up proof.

Anything Craig saw was fake,
altered, contrived, doctored.

We've got to get our hands
on those bogus documents.

Coop's been coming
over to the apartment

a lot to see Megan.

Maybe if I hide out

in my bedroom, I could listen
in on their conversations.

He's been seeing Megan a lot?
How much is a lot?

Or maybe I could bug the room.

Wait! I have a better idea.

You ever watch those
news magazine shows?

Well, they're always
trying to sting people.

Like once, these parents...

Well, they suspected that their
nanny was abusing their kids...

What are you babbling about?

A nanny-cam, Michael.

That's what they
used... a hidden camera.

It could work for us.

Yeah, but where are
you going to hide it,

in a Beanie Baby?

Details, Michael. Details.

Just leave that to me.

All right. Come on,
give it to me.

Megan is fixing Coop
dinner tomorrow night.


There's an empty
apartment next to ours.


I'll finagle a key from Amanda...

We'll set up a monitor... Yeah?

And we're in business! Yes!

Ooh, I've got to get to work.

Okay, I'll meet you
tomorrow night at : .

I just talked to our lawyer.

Done deal.

Amanda signed the transfer-of-
ownership papers,

I bought out her half,

and now this club
belongs to you and me.


Ah, thank God she's out
of here, you know?

She never knew what
she was doing anyway,

and I think this club

is gonna be so much more
successful without her.

She has more bad karma
than she has ex-lovers.

Why don't you shut up, Taylor?

Kyle, I'm worried about you.

You're drinking a lot,
and you're not eating,

and you hardly have a kind
word to say to anyone.

My behavior is my business,

and I don't owe you or anybody
else any explanations.

So we were at this
concert on a double date

with identical twin brothers

who were boring beyond belief.

Sam and I left the arena, and
we went down to the docks,

and we just walked and talked.

We shared a cheap bottle of wine

and had such a great time.

I'll bet the twins didn't.

Well, at least
they had each other.

Craig: Hey.

Ah, glad you could join us.

Oh, lucky I happened
to have the night free.

I was just telling
Billy some old stories

about Sam and me in college.

Sounds exciting.

It's nice to have
a friend for that long.

Yeah. Sam and I are
really close.

Well, I, for one, am parched.

What do you say I go to the
bar and get our drinks?

Actually, why don't I do it?
I'll be right back.

I love this song.

Would you dance with me, Billy?

I'm kind of tired.

Come on. Just one dance.

Why won't you believe
that I am doing this

for the benefit
of everyone involved?

Because that's bull,
and you know it.

You're a really good dancer...

Much better than Charlie.

Sometimes I feel
even closer to you

than I ever felt to Charlie.

You know, it's getting late,

and Sam's gonna be
home soon, so...

Oh, yeah. I can't wait to
hear how her trip went.

Well, I'm sure she'll tell
you about it in the morning.

I'd like to spend the
rest of the night

alone with my wife,
if you don't mind.

Oh, hey, Kyle. How's it going?

Couldn't be better.

Welcome home.

Everything work out?

Oh, like a charm.

The owners of Glazed Out and I

were definitely
on the same page.

We came up with
some very hip ideas.

Then I'm glad I sent you.

Give me a full report
in the morning.

You know, I couldn't
help noticing...

Is everything okay
with you and Kyle?

Actually, it's a huge mess,

but thanks for asking.



What? Who is it? Oh, my God.

It's me, silly. Who
else would it be?

You've been gone for three days.

I almost forgot I had a wife.

Mmm. Well, you do.
I'm gonna prove it to you.

Before we get carried away,

I need to talk
to you about Connie.

I know. Wasn't that
sweet of her?

Here she is, she's
almost penniless,

and she spends
the night at a motel

to give the two
of us some privacy.

She really is a good
friend, isn't she?

I must have misjudged her.

Mm-hmm. Sometimes she gives off

the wrong impression.

But then when you
get to know her,

you realize what a wonderful
person she really is.

Sorry to bother you, ma'am.

We're looking for Peter Burns.

Well, he's not here right now.
Is everything all right?

We just want to ask him
some follow-up questions

about an accident victim he
rescued the other night.

Are you his wife?

No, his girlfriend.
What kind of accident?

Hit-and-run over on Ocean Way.

Lucky for the victim,

Dr. Burns drove by
and found him.

That is lucky.

Well, thank you for your time.

We'll try the hospital.

Jennifer: Miniature
camcorders and transmitters.

What will they think of next?

Hi. Hi.

Listen, I forgot to tell you.

I'm going over to Coop's
apartment to make him dinner,

so you'll have the place
to yourself tonight.

His place?

Yeah. I knew you had
the night off,

so I thought you
might, you know,

enjoy a little privacy.

Well, I don't.

I mean, I do, but, you know, I
just think that maybe you should...

Of course, this is
none of my business,

but don't you think going
over to Coop's place

is a little dangerous?

Jennifer, I've been
around the block

a few more times than you have,

and if he was expecting

anything other than pasta
and salad, I would know it.

Well, you may not
care what Michael thinks,

but you are still
married to him,

and if he finds out that you
were over at Coop's apartment,

he could use it as
amm*nit*on against you

if or when you file for divorce.

Okay, actually, you
might have a point.

So why don't you just
make him dinner here?

You wouldn't mind?

No. No. I'm actually going
to a movie tonight,

something that I
really want to see.

I'd be happy to leave
the two of you alone.

That is very sweet of you.

The pleasure is all mine.

Come in.

If you're from social services,

I already told you...

Hey, didn't I see you with Dr.
Burns the other night?

Yes. We're close friends.

I used to work with accident
victims back in Ohio,

and I was just
concerned about you.

Then you and Dr. Burns were
sure made for each other.

You care way too much about
down-and-out people.

What do you mean?

Well, not only did he find
me and treat me for free,

but he's gonna send me off
to this place in Arizona

just to make sure
I recover completely.

He's gonna pay for it
all by himself.

Didn't he tell you?

Yes. Yes, he did. He's...

Peter's a very caring person.

Heck, I'd be surprised
if he doesn't

go out there and find that
woman that hit me by himself.

Are you sure it was a woman?

Or a guy with long hair.

It doesn't matter anyway,

because now that my
head's getting clearer,

I can remember the
color of the car... red.

Yup. With all those clues
the cops are gathering,

they're gonna find that creep
that hit me any day now.

Lexi. Peter.

What happened?
What's the matter?

Your... your patient,
that accident victim.

He was that thud we heard
the other night, wasn't he?

I hit him with my car.

Shh. Calm down.

Calm down, please.

Now, I admit it, Bob was the man

that you hit the other night,

but he's not injured that badly,

and I'm taking care
of everything.

I want to go to the police.

I have to turn myself in.

No, no. You can't do that.

Now, I have been covering
this thing up for days now.

For God's sake, you were
on dr*gs and alcohol

when you hit that man.
That is a felony.

Peter, Bob even remembers
the color of the car.

I'm so scared. Don't panic.

Now, the color of
the car is not enough

for the police to go on.

Just... just stop worrying, okay?

I'm taking care of everything.


This is really delicious.


You are quite the cook.

It's nothing, really.

Just a little duck pate
to whet your appetite

for the main course, which
is linguini and pesto.

But I probably put too
much garlic in it.

I'm not a very good cook.

Oh, don't undersell yourself.

You're a woman of many talents.

"Many talents."

What the hell was
that supposed to mean?

Great. Visitors.

Michael: Uh, Jennifer,
this is a dumb idea.

They're having
way too good a time

to start talking about a stupid
medical device or the lawsuit.

Look. It's Craig.

Craig: I'm sorry to bother you.
Is Jennifer home?

She won't return my calls.

Megan: No, she isn't here.

Oh, would you look at that.

He's worried about me.

I'm not home. I haven't
been returning his calls.

Well, just tell her
that I stopped by

and, um... never mind. Just
tell her that I stopped by.

Is he shaking a little bit?

He should be.

Jerk doesn't deserve you.

Quiet. Look.

Michael: What the hell

does that creep think he's
doing, touching my wife?

Michael, stop it.

We are on a mission here,

and I have put in too
much time and effort

for you to blow it.

But for God's sakes,

Coop only has one
thing on his mind,

and that's sleeping with Megan.

The cauterizing glove is the
last thing that's gonna come up.

Not if I can help it.

I'll be right back.

So why don't you just
leave the practice?

A partnership's
beneficial to me.

And I enjoy working with Peter.

Hi. I'm sorry for interrupting.

I thought you
went to the movies.

Yeah, well, I forgot my money.

Would you mind if I spoke to
Megan alone for a moment?


What's wrong?

It just occurred to me that
Michael's been calling me all day.

He's really upset. He's
being sued by Coop.

Shh. About what?

About the glove thing.

And I'm just afraid he might try

to call you or come
looking for Coop,

and if he finds him here...

All right, all right.
Thanks for the warning.

Listen, go have a good time.


Listen, not that
I believe anything

that Michael would
ever say again,

but did he really
steal that idea?

The truth is, I lost a patient

on the operating table
a couple of years ago.

It was a problem
with the cauterizer.

So I just started sketching,

came up with
a new, improved version.

So you told Michael about it,

or did the rat
steal your sketches?

Both. Like a jerk, I kept the
drawings in my office at work.

Did I just hear what
I think I heard?

Coop's got something
in his office?

Uh-huh. Yeah.

Drawings of the glove,

which he admitted
were fakes, of course,

just before you stepped in.

Really? He admitted
that to Megan?

Well, yeah. She was
really pressing him.

You know, she knows I
would never stoop so low

as to steal anything
from anybody.

So we got to get our
hands on those sketches.

No problem. Tomorrow night,
I'll remove Coop's office key

from Megan's key ring.

I'll slip in and do
a little detective work.

And you can't slip up.

We have to find those sketches.

My life depends on it.

I mean, our lives, of course.

Amanda: Well, I will
definitely tell her.

Thanks for the good news.
Okay. Bye-bye.

Well, I guess congratulations
are in order.

That was Amos Brody
from Glazed Out,

and he was incredibly
impressed with your work.

He said you did a fabulous job.

Thanks, Amanda.

That's great, honey.

You have a big future
at the agency.

So in honor of your first
client slaying,

I want to take you to lunch
and discuss your career.

You should be honored.

It was two years before
she took me to lunch.

I was just joking.

Oh, no, no. It's not that.

I was just feeling
guilty about Connie.

Now that I'm back,
she's out of a job.

Well, Billy still
needs an assistant,

and she seems like a hard
worker, very professional.

Yeah, but she's an artist,
not an assistant.

Connie needs the money.

I don't think she cares
what kind of job it is.

Well, as soon as a graphic
artist position opens up,

I'll consider
moving her into it.

Well, I guess it's a done deal.

Well, Connie's cleaning
out her desk now,

so go tell her the good news

before she packs
her pencil holder.


You know, I never realized

how much I was gonna
miss this place.

There's nothing to miss.
Meet your new boss.


I don't believe it.

Now, it's only
an assistant position,

but there is
room for advancement.

I am gonna be the best
assistant you ever had.


My car! Peter, what
did you do to my car?

I had it painted.

Just as a precaution.

I thought that smoke silver

was a nice choice,
don't you think?

Oh, God! What?

Relax, you hear? Just relax.

Afternoon, Detectives.

What can I do for you today?

Sorry to impose on you again,

Dr. Burns, but we understand

that Bob Matthews
has been released?

Yeah, that's right.

He was able to walk on crutches,

so I didn't feel a reason

to keep him bedridden
any longer.

Well, do you have any
idea where he went?

You know, he said
something about having

relatives up north.
I don't know.

Maybe that's where
he was headed.

Well, thanks again
for your time, Doctor.

I think we have
all the information we need.

You guys any closer to catching
who was driving the car?

With all the leads we have,

it should be any day now.

Great. Oh.

I have to confess.
I got to tell them.

I have to tell them.

What you've got to do
is shut your mouth.

No, I can't.

Oh, God, I wish I had a pill.

It's not gonna change anything.

Yeah, but it would calm me down

and help me get through this.

Forget the pills.

It's just that sometimes
when I get nervous,

I tend to lose it.

What if I say the wrong
thing at the wrong time?

I feel like I'm gonna explode.

No, I got to tell them, Peter.
I got to confess.


I am not gonna let you do this.

You said you'd help me.

I... that's what I'm doing!

Oh, God. What are you...

You're a doctor. You can
write me a prescription.

No. No!

Please! Just one pill,
I'm begging you.

If you love me. Please.

Shh, shh. Okay. All right.
Okay. All right.

Okay. Shh. Shh.

Mm! Isn't this
calamari wonderful?

And that chardonnay, huh?

Something wrong with your meal?

Michael, enough. Let's
get down to business.

When you called and said you
wanted to discuss the lawsuit,

I assumed we'd be talking
settlement, not squid.

Mm. Yeah, yeah.
Right, the lawsuit.

See, I've been mulling
this whole thing over.

And, you know, I'm
considering a compromise.

But the truth is,

what I'm really wondering is,

what are your intentions
toward my wife?

That's why you
invited me to dinner...

To talk about Megan?

Yeah. Yeah. We're
still married, you know.

And if you're dating her,
then she could be

in hot water if we
ever get divorced.

That's it. You know
what? I've had enough.

What do you mean,
you've had enough?


Hi. Hi.

What are you doing here?

I'm having a horrible time.

But you know what?
You could change all that

if you'd join me for dinner.

I was just gonna get
some takeout.

But, yeah, that would be nice.

Megan, are you nuts?

You can't have dinner with this guy.
He's a first-class jerk.

No, he isn't. And I should know.

I've had enough experience
dealing with one.

Oh, thank you, Peter.
I mean it, Lexi.

This is it.

One last pill, one last time.

It's just with these
extenuating circumstances.

I want you to understand,
I am not an enabler.

I know that you're upset about
the hit-and-run accident,

and that's why
I'm giving you this.

Thank you for everything, Peter.

I mean, covering up the accident

and pretending you
didn't know it was me

behind the wheel.

You're my savior.

You are.

Jennifer: Am I a pro or what?

Oh, no. What's wrong?

These are photocopies.

Coop must have put
the originals somewhere else.

Hunch down, Michael.
They're home.

Oh. Turn on the monitor.

We'll dismantle it as soon
as we find out

where those
original sketches are.

Oh! Yeah. Pull out
your phone, too.

Call Megan.

Get her talking
about the glove again.

Megan's not an idiot, Michael.

She's gonna get suspicious

if I try that play
a second time.

Well, then use your brains

and think of something better.

You know, my... I mean... our
careers are at stake here.

Jennifer? Come on. Let me see.

Come on. Zoom in.

Hey. Give me that.

Oh, my God.

I didn't know you were
up here. Mario told me.

I brought you a little
food to soak up

a little of this liquor.

The sign on the door
says "Place Closed."

That applies to you, too.

Excuse me, but we own
this club together

and the restaurant,
both of which

I've been running lately
since you've been

on your ridiculous
Amanda bender.

No, you want to know
what's ridiculous,

is you trying to slide
back into my life.

Look at this.

All my favorites.

We have shrimp, garlic
mashed potatoes, zucchini,

and an ' cabernet.

You are so pathetic.

You know, I don't see anybody else
hanging around, worrying about you.

I'm your friend, damn it,

not to mention the woman that you
made love to the other night.

No, I was drunk, out of my mind.

And that wasn't love.
That was sex.

It meant something to you, Kyle.

You just can't admit it.

No, the only difference
between you and a whore

is that you didn't ask
for any money.

How can you be so mean
to me, Kyle?

We were married.

We loved each other,
and we were happy.

No, you were happy.

I was just a very good actor.

To be honest, the best
thing you ever did

for me was chase out
here after Peter Burns.

It gave me an out.

Believe me,
I was looking for one.

I will make you
love me someday, Kyle.

Someday, somehow,

we will be together. We will.