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06x10 - My Little Coma Girl

Posted: 04/25/22 13:14
by bunniefuu
Come on, Kyle,
please don't do this.

You wanna die, Baines?

'Cause my arm's getting tired,

and I'd just as soon
drop you as break a sweat.

For God's sake, just tell him!

I didn't sleep with her.

Now pull me up, damn it!

Is that true?
Yes! Just pull him up!

Are you all right?

Who the hell cares
if he's all right?

Come on, let's get out of here.

I'm not through
with you, Baines.

What the hell were you thinking?

That you could save your agency
by sleeping with Baines?

No! I was doing it for you!

I didn't want you to lose everything.
I love you!

Yeah, well, you got a screwy
way of showing it, lady.

I know how it must've looked.

But you have to believe me.

It's the only way I knew how to

save your restaurant,
the jazz club.

How could you prost*tute
yourself for any reason?

prost*tute myself?

Think it was
a one shot deal, huh?

Slam, bam, thank you. Here's
your advertising agency back.

It wasn't like that at all.
It was a business deal.

Eric had papers drawn up.

He was gonna sign it
right after...

Right after you what, chased each
other on the bed a couple of times?

Wait. Don't you
walk away from me.

Tell me something.
If I hadn't shown up,

what were you going to tell me?

That's not the point.

That's what I thought.

♪ ♪

♪ Every morning
brings another chance ♪

♪ To figure it all out ♪

♪ So I grit my teeth
and give the world ♪

♪ The benefit of the doubt ♪

♪ And just when I think
I've got it nicked ♪

♪ And finally understand ♪

♪ Life takes me 'round
all interesting ♪

♪ Corners that I've planned ♪

♪ But you never know ♪

♪ Where it leads ♪

♪ You'll never understand ♪

♪ What it means ♪

♪ You'll never know... ♪


I know you can hear me, Megan.

I asked Jennifer to drop
by a few of your CDs.

You know that music can get through
to a person when words can't?

I can hear a song that I
haven't heard in years,

and it takes me right back to wherever
I was the first time I heard it.

To whoever I was with.

I have a feeling music does
the same thing for you.

Now, I don't want you
worrying about anything

except for opening those
big, brown eyes of yours.

And when you do,

I'm gonna be right here,


I told you there must
be some mistake!

I'll be right back.

Can you read this nametag?
I belong here!

Hey, did you give orders that my
wife wasn't to have any visitors?

Yeah, that's right.
She's my wife, damn it!

No. You're legally separated,

which means you don't
have any rights.

But she is my patient.

I'll take care of this, nurse.
Thanks. Okay.

Now, you know the drill, doctor.

I decide what's best for Megan,

and it's my candid opinion
that you'd only upset her.

You want to know what I
think of your opinion?

Hey! Michael, for once, can't you think
about somebody other than yourself?

All right.

You win, but I'm
putting you on notice.

My name goes on
that visitor's list

or you're looking for a world of trouble.
Are we clear?

Kyle, what happened last night?

Did you find Amanda?
Was she with Eric Baines?

Do we sell the restaurant?
What? Tell me.

Taylor, get out of my way.

Amanda. What do you want?

I'm here to pick up
Kyle's things.

His toothbrush,
t-shirt, underwear.

You know, things.

Get out.

No can do. I'm on a mission.

Kyle wants me to
pick up his stuff

since you and he are...

Well, what are you exactly?

You couldn't keep your
mouth shut, could you?

You had to tell Kyle
all about Eric's offer.


Kyle's not a fool. He can
put two and two together.

Oh, well,

however he found out, I'm sure
gonna miss having him around here.

You know, he always
made me feel so safe.

I guess from now on, I'm gonna
have to fend for myself.

But luckily,

before I met Kyle,
I took lessons.

Filled out the registration
forms 'cause you never know

when somebody might
break into your apartment.

Or be a general nuisance.

Amanda, what are you doing?

Put that g*n away
before somebody gets hurt.

Well, I bought it a long time ago.
I never used it.

I don't even know
if it works, but...

I'm willing to give it a try.

You've definitely
got a screw loose.

Then get the hell
out of my apartment

before I blow that
smirk off your face!

And don't come back!

Take a tuck here, lose
an inch off the sleeve.

Okay, I'll take your jacket now.


So, what's up?

You're not having second thoughts
about being my best man, are you?

What? No, I'm sorry.

It's Jennifer.
I blew it with her.

How'd you do that?

Night of the bachelor party,

remember the
assistant hotel manager?

Miss Lindstrom. Hard to forget.

Yeah, well, I invited
her back to my place

and Jennifer caught her
leaving in the morning.

Oh, that's not good.

I mean, what was I thinking?

I mean, we live
in the same building.

Maybe I wanted to get caught.

I mean, why do I always
do this to women?

I mean, instead of being
honest with Jennifer

and telling her that I wasn't
ready for a serious relationship,

I sabotaged what we had.

Which was pretty damn good.


All right,
you know what I think?

I think you should be
telling this to Jennifer.

You love the dress?

It's perfect.

In fact, when I daydream
about getting married,

that's the dress
I'm always wearing.

You're gonna be
a beautiful bride, Sam.

And I'm always gonna
be just a bridesmaid.

Excuse me, please.

What's with Jennifer? She doesn't
seem like the breakdown and cry type.

Well, she's in love
with Billy's best man.

She thinks he's the one,

only he's got a problem
with commitment.

Then he's not the one.

That's what I told her.

So what do you think?
I designed it myself.

I think I envy Billy.

I just hope you're sure about
all of this, that's all.

I've never been
so sure with anyone.

I love Billy so much,

I can't even put it into words.


You know, 'cause if you're
not, you could always just...

But you are.

And I'm so happy for you.

I'm just gonna miss what we had.

I'm gonna miss it a lot.

Oh, me too.


Michael. Hey.


Hey, partner, listen, I really
appreciate the dinner invite.

Ever since Kimberly's whacko
mother scalpeled Megan,

I haven't had a decent meal.

Well, listen, Michael, we may
have had our beefs in the past,

but when
tragedy strikes, I mean,

tragedy greater than your normal
tragedies, I'm there for you!

So, how's Megan?

Beats me. Coop won't
let me see her.

Really? He say why?

No. He just gave me a lot
of new age mumbo jumbo.

Did they teach you in med school

to treat a coma patient
by holding hands with them?

He's holding her hand?

Yeah. He even spent
the night with her.

And the guy just
sits there in ICU,

brushing Megan's hair,
whispering in her ear,

serenading her with music.
I mean, what's next?

A moonlight sponge bath?

I'll be damned.

He's doing it again.

Who? Who? Doing what?

Coop. Falling in love
with a coma patient.

I think he's a pervert.

I would know that, having been
married to him, wouldn't I?

Wait. Wait a second.

Um, what other coma patients
has he been in love with?


Okay, I know he was involved with
Kimberly back in Cleveland...


The involvement started
when she was in a coma.

Talk about your twisted
one-sided relationship.

Coop used to do
just what you described.

And he wouldn't let anybody come and
visit her, not even Kimberly's mother.

You know what? I don't think I'm
gonna be able to have dinner.

Hey. Michael.

Michael, Michael, listen to me.

Now, you and your hot temper just
can't muscle the guy out of ICU.

I am not going to
let some pervert

make time with my wife
while her lights are out.

Coop is always looking for a fight.
Don't give him one.

Okay, I'll go through
official channels, all right?

I'm Chief of Staff, I'll
boot Coop off the case.

For what? Huh?

Incompetence? Negligence?

Michael, the guy is our partner.

You're right, I'll just
hand my wife over to him.

Let him get off on
her shallow breathing.

All I'm saying is just cool
your jets for a day or two.

We'll get Coop away from Megan,

but we'll do it quietly.

Through some third party.


Now, how about
that glass of wine?

Make it a scotch, and I'll
even stay for dessert.


Hello. You got any
idea what time it is?

Well, I couldn't sleep and I thought
maybe you couldn't sleep either.

Can I come in?


This is insane, Kyle.

We had a life together,
we were happy.

Don't let Eric destroy that.

The way I see it,
you destroyed it.

What do I have to do to convince
you that nothing happened?

I don't... I don't know anymore.

I never gave you any
reason not to trust me.

What about finding you in Baines'
bed with your clothes off?

Could we forget about Eric

and go on from here?

I miss you.

Sex, sex, sex.

No, that's your answer
to everything.

Well, you know what? That's
not gonna work with me.

You can ask Taylor.

I want you to go.

Like you've never
made a mistake?

I mean, tell me, how many
women in this building

did you sleep with while you
were still married to Taylor?

I don't hold that
over your head.

What we had, it's over.

Oh, Michael, Michael.
I need a favor.

Hey, not today.
I got a medical emergency.

It's just a small favor.

I need a date to
Billy and Sam's wedding,

so I was thinking maybe you
could fix me up with a doctor.

Somebody cute and straight,

with more than a couple of hundred
bucks in their bank account.

Wait a second. Wait a second.
Aren't you dating Craig?

I've decided to
play a different field.

This isn't going to impact
our glove business, is it?

Who cares?

What about that cute new partner
of yours, Brett Cooper?

Oh, yeah, you'd be just his
type, only you're conscious.

Oh, I got to go. But I'll scratch
your name on the men's room wall.

Didn't you get the message?

Yes. But frankly, Michael,

I'm reluctant to challenge
a colleague's judgment.

Besides, you're Chief of Staff.

Why don't you remove
Cooper from the case?

Well, it's kind of complicated.

But listen, as Chief of Neurology,
I'm asking you to handle it.

Look, why don't we
just give it some time?

See if Megan
comes out of the coma.

Irene, don't you like
being Chief of Neurology?

And aren't you up
for review next month?

Fine, Michael.

I'll have a little talk with Dr.

That's nice.

Hey. Got great news.

It's kind of like the swallows
coming back to San Juan Capistrano.

Oh. What?

I just got off the phone
with Midline Airways.

They re-signed.

So did Lindy Toys,
so did Sagebrush Beer.

No. No, this can't be happening.

What's wrong?

I mean, whatever you did to counter
Baines' as*ault, it worked.

You know, that's just it.
I didn't do anything.

But now it's gonna
look like I did.

You must have done something.

This is about Kyle, isn't it?

The other night.

Am I getting warm?
Come on, talk to me.

Kyle and I...

He broke it off.

Every couple has
their ups and downs.

Look at Sam and me.
She ran back to Maryland.

Please, this isn't some stupid
little lovers' quarrel.

I blew it, and now
Kyle doesn't trust me.

I mean, he thinks that...

it doesn't matter.

I... I just didn't expect
the agency to rebound.

You know, I'm all talked out.

Um, close the door
on your way out.


Oh, and Billy.

If you hear any more good
news, keep it to yourself.



Mind if I pour myself a drink?

No. No, help yourself.

There are glasses
in the box over there.

I spent the morning job hunting.

I put in an application to
hostess at the Pancake Palace.

Life reeks, doesn't it?

Kyle, I'm sorry about
everything that's happened.

I hope you don't think
I've caused any of it.

No. No, dreams die, you know.

Why blame anybody?


Did you ever think that maybe LA
just wasn't in the cards for us?

Maybe it was a lousy
move on a lot of levels.

We could go
someplace else, though.

I mean, we could go back to
Boston, open up a new restaurant.

LA is my home,
for better or worse.

Come on, baby, we had
some great times before.

We could have great times again.

I made a horrible
mistake with Peter.

And you made one with Amanda,

and maybe it's not
our fault, you know.

I mean, maybe we were
destined to be together.

I mean, why else would
I have gotten pregnant?

You know, it might've just been the
universe trying to send us a message.

The universe wasn't
sending us squat.

And for the record,
I have no interest

in getting back
together with you.

Well, look, if you have residual
feelings for Amanda, I don't get it.

I mean, how can you care about
somebody who's destroyed your life?

I'm sorry, I don't get that.

You just don't get it, do you?
No, this isn't about Amanda.

This is about me and
you, the two of us.

It's over, Taylor.

It's been over for a long time.

Give me some credit,
I knew that.

Oh, you know what? There's something
I need to talk to Kyle about.

Won't take long.

Okay, but Craig's not gonna be
home for a couple of hours.

Well, then let's just forget dinner
and I'll meet you in the bathtub.

Hey. Hey.

Got a minute?

Uh, I got nothing but time.
Come on in.

So, what's up?

Um... hmm.

I'm kind of worried
about Amanda.

You know, she's really down,

and I don't know what
happened between you two.

No, that's right.
You don't know.

Look, it's probably
none of my business,

but when I went by
her office to tell her that

the agency had bounced back,

it was kind of like
somebody had died, you know?

The agency is bouncing back?


Well, all I could
get out of her is that,

you know, that she felt that
she had blown it with you.

So, what caused
the sudden turnaround?

In the agency, I mean.

I don't know, actually.

But whatever Amanda did,
it sure worked like a charm.


thank you for the info.

Sure, no problem.

So, I'll see you at
the wedding, right?

Wouldn't miss it.

Take care.

So now you're siccing the
Chief of Neurology on me?

You got a problem with Dr.
Shulman, take it up with her.

Michael, Megan is alone
in ICU right now.

There is no one with her, talking to
her, giving her a reason to come back.

And if you ask me, she needs a rest from
all the jabbering you've been doing.

Please tell me you're heading
over there to see her.

Oh, yeah. Always wear a
tux to the hospital.

And scrubs to black tie dinners.

You're going to a dinner?

Excuse me, but that does not
make me a lousy husband.

I don't need any
new age medical guru

giving me advice on how
to take care of my wife.

She'll wake up
when she wakes up.

You keep telling
yourself that, Michael.

A watched pot never boils, Coop.

You're quoting platitudes? Hey!

Your wife could spend the
rest of her life in a coma.

And you'd really like
that, wouldn't you?

'Cause you really get off on
women with flat line EEG's.

First Kimberly, now Megan.

How many other little coma girls
have you fallen in love with?

Where you getting your information?
You been talking to Lexi?

Hey, I'm not about to
let history repeat itself.

The weirdness stops now.

Is it weird to be compassionate?

About wanting to give life
back to a patient? What?

Dr. Frankenstein
said the same thing.

Now, Cooper, you stay
away from my wife.

Heard you got your agency back.


What do I say? How do I
make you believe me?

I believe you. I believe you
would do just about anything

to save Amanda Woodward

Kyle, listen to me. Sure.

I don't give a damn
about the agency

or this building
or the jazz club.

None of it matters to me.

So, you just slept with
Baines for the heck of it?

Go ahead, take your best shot.

But you're all I care about.

I don't have anything
if I don't have you.

I love you. Doesn't
that mean anything?


Okay, maybe I was
too stubborn to say it,

maybe you needed to hear it.

But I swear, I do love you.

It's been a long couple
of days and I'm tired.

Good night.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't
help but overhear that.

I mean, where does that woman
get off peddling that hooey?

"Oh, Kyle, you're all
that matters to me.

I don't have anything
if I don't have you."

I mean, please, what a tramp.

You got off lucky, Taylor.

I could have so easily jumped in
there and held your head underwater.

Ah, coffee. I need some coffee.

Oh, sit down,
I'll pour you a cup.

I'd rather share.


You know, Peter,
about what you said before.

You're right, I need a job.

Or I need to find a
charity, or maybe both.

Or maybe I could go to the country
club with you and play some golf.

Somebody even told me about
an equestrian center nearby.

I could ride every day.

I could even ship
my horses out here.

What was in your toothpaste?

And I never told you this,

but I've always wanted to
be an interior designer.

Maybe I could
redecorate your condo.

Maybe I should go get that before
you spend all of my money.

Hey. Hey, Dr. Burns.

How are you, Richie? All right.

Love the new suit.
Great. Thanks.

Yeah, that'll be even.

Oh, right.

I'm all tapped out. Hang
on a second, will you?

Lexi, got any cash?

Yeah, in my purse.

Great. Hang on.

Purse. Purse.

How much you need? bucks.

Here, I'll get it for you.

What's the matter,
you don't trust me?

Silly, of course I do.

I'm just trying to
be helpful. There.

Thanks. Mmm-hmm.

I'm calling security. No, no.
Amanda, no, no, no.

I'm not here to hurt you
or cause any more trouble.

I'm just, I...
I owe you and explanation.

And an apology.

If you want to talk, call my
assistant, make an appointment.

Oh, I don't know
what I was thinking.

I mean, trying to force you
into bed, it was just wrong.


I plead temporary insanity and
throw myself at your mercy.

What you did went a lot further
than trying to get me into bed.

You destroyed Kyle's restaurant
business, his jazz club,

put all of his employees
out of work.

I know! I feel
terrible about it.

That's why I've changed my mind.

I signed the papers.

Your boyfriend can have his
club and restaurant back,

you can have the agency, free
and clear, no strings attached.

You called all of my
clients, didn't you?

And told them to re-sign.

Well, you can't have an
agency without clients.

Look, I'm going back
to New York tomorrow.

I'll get you
the papers before then.

All right?

Good night. And listen, I'm...

I'm sorry, about everything.

Hi there.

I'm sorry, I wanted to be here
for you, believe that, but...

You know what?
I bet nobody's been playing

your favorite music
for you, have they?

What would you like to hear?

I'm the only one who knows
what's best for you.

Call security. Yes, doctor.

You just couldn't stay away, huh?
Michael, listen to me!

She's responding. She
just squeezed my hand.

No, you listen. You have
no business being here.

Hey. You're not
my wife's doctor,

you're not a friend of the
family, and I want you to go.

And if you fight me on this,

I'll suspend all
your hospital privileges,

and I don't give a ding dong
what it does to our practice.

Escort Dr. Cooper to his car.

Guard: Yes, doctor. Right away.

You're gonna
regret this, Michael.



You really are awake.

Oh, this is great.


What's happening?
Everything's so fuzzy.

Yeah, yeah. That's normal,
honey, don't worry.

You've been in a coma
for a few days.

I remember

hearing music

and someone whispering to
me and holding my hand.

Well, that was me.

I've been here
with you the whole time.

Waiting for you
to come back to me.

Oh, baby.

This is gonna be
the best Thanksgiving ever.

Thank you, God.

Joan: Billy and I talked
it over, and well,

we'd both be honored

if you wore my broach today.

May I see?

Billy's father, my late husband

gave it to me
on our wedding day.

Oh, how romantic.


Mrs. Campbell, I hope that you
don't take this the wrong way.

I just... I promised my mother
that I would wear her necklace.

She felt really bad about
not being able to be here.

And I just... I think that
if I wore your broach too,

it'd be too much for the gown.

I could carry it, though.

It was obviously a mistake for
me to impose my taste on you.

No. I just thought that...

Alison always loved this broach.


I hadn't thought
about her all day.

All week, for that matter.

I was kind of hoping I wasn't gonna
have to hear her name again.

Well, it's too bad for you that your
son's not marrying Alison Parker.

Sam, it's, uh...
it's getting late.

You should really
get into your gown.

Mrs. Campbell, I didn't mean...

No. It's all right.

I know when I'm not wanted.

Sam, don't worry,
you did the right thing.

Mom. Hi, what's wrong?

Ask the future Mrs. Campbell.

Billy, don't you know
it's bad luck

to see me in my dress
before the wedding?

What did you just
say to my mother?

Billy, she wanted me
to wear this broach.

And it was an ugly thing
and Sam told her no.

So what? How could you hurt
her feelings this way?

Billy, why are you
talking to me like...

Because it meant the world to
her for you to wear it today.

Correction. You care more about
your mother than you do about Sam.

Are you sure you wanna spend the
rest of your life with this guy?

This conversation is between
Samantha and me. Please butt out.

Yeah, I think that's a
really good idea, Connie.

No, Sam is my best friend and I'll
defend her till the end of time.

Connie, it's really not
that big of an...

No, if it's so
important to Billy,

why doesn't he wear
the ugly broach?

That's good.

Hey, Billy, it's, uh, show time.

The minister wants you
to take your place.

Just get this thing over with, all right?
I'll see you at the altar.

Oh, my God.

Billy hates me.

He's probably not even gonna be
at the altar when I get there.

Sure he will.

Sam, you don't have
to go through with this.

Yeah, she does.
What are you talking about?

Get dressed and
get married, Sam. Now!

Amanda: Oh,
I'm not sitting here.

Look at it this way, Amanda.

You don't have to introduce
yourself to anyone.

Excuse me.

Don't you just love weddings?

Almost as much as funerals.

It's a great day
for a wedding, huh?

Yeah, it is.



What are you doing here, Baines?

Oh, same thing as you.
Guest of the bride and groom.

Unfortunately, I can't stay
for the ceremony.

I'm on my way to the airport.

But, uh, I wanted to
deliver this in person.

We had a bargain,
and I kept my side, Amanda.

I think you'll find
those papers in order.

What is he talking about?

Amanda got what she wanted.

And so did I.

You know, for the record,

I did sleep with her.

And it was great, and she
loved every minute of it.

It's a pleasure doing
business with you, Amanda.

Whatever he said, it was a lie.

Then why would
he sign those papers?

Oh, man.

I am such an idiot.

Driver: Hey!

Now I got what I wanted.

Take Baines to the airport and
you drop him off at the curb

with the rest of the baggage.

What are you doing?
You're ruining everything.

I'm sure you two will
be very happy together.

Oh, God.

Nice guy you got there.

You guys are supposed to
have the first dance.

I don't feel like dancing.

Me neither.

But what the heck. Come on.

So, you owe my mom an apology.

Fine, I'll make sure
she gets one.

Time out. I think
I need a drink.

No, come on. I'm just
getting warmed up.

Well, then I'll get one
for you too.


Well, Lexi seems to be
enjoying herself.

You really turned her
life around, haven't you?

That was my plan.

Well, I wouldn't take all the
credit for her mood, Pete.

She just might be susceptible
to other, uh, influences.

Mike: You're lucky you have an
in with the Chief of Staff.

Otherwise, you could be having
Thanksgiving dinner with nurse Amy.

I know. I really appreciate all
that you've done, I really do.

It's just that...

I'm not so sure about moving back
into the beach house with you.

Well, I'm sure enough
for both of us.

I just think it would be less complicated
if I went back to Jennifer's.

Megan, when you were in a
coma, I made a promise.

To see you through recovery,
take care of you,

and protect you for
the rest of our lives.

So you can forget about
moving back with my sister.

You belong with me.

Aw. Michael, you are
so dear, but...

But what?

You're telling me I slaved over a
hot stove all day for nothing?

You cooked for me too?

Yeah, -pound turkey
with all the trimmings.

Nurse, I was just checking on Megan
Mancini in ICU. She's not there.

Did Dr. Shulman move her
to a private room?

No, Dr. Mancini released her.

You just missed them, doctor.

It's the duty of the maid of honor
to dance with the best man.

Oh, yeah?

Well, this isn't the army,

and you're really not my type.


Mrs. Campbell, um,
I wanted to tell you...

You better keep your eye on him.

Excuse me?

You're not
the first love of his life.

And you won't be the last.

Well, how about a toast?

Here's to my current

May your marriage to Billy last
longer than the first one.

Or, am I not allowed
to mention Brooke either?

Just don't you wear your
high heels around the pool.

Now that you're married to Sam,
I thought you should know,

she's crying.


Sorry. I'll take
a rain check. Thank you.


I'm sorry about
what I said earlier.

I didn't mean to pick
a fight with you.

Your mother hates me.

Wait, she doesn't even know you.

Then why is it all
she talks about are your

former girlfriends and fiancée

and dead wife?

Honey, I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry for everything.

I wanted today to be the
happiest day of your life,

and I yelled at you for not
wearing that hideous broach.

My mother made you cry.

You're not sorry
you married me, are you?



I'm just sorry that I didn't ask you
to marry me the first day we met.

'Cause I knew then, you know, even
way back then that you were the one.

And that I totally loved you.

Only you.

I love you too.

I knew that.

Exactly how much champagne did
you have at that wedding, huh?

One glass.

No, you've hardly
touched your wine,

so, how come you're flying
without a parachute?

Well, I guess
I'm just high on you.

Damn. What did I do
with those sweet potatoes?

I guess I left them in the car.

Give me the keys.

Oh, right. Listen, I can
go out and get them.

No. Candles, music.
Back in a flash.


Kyle, what do you want?

My ego cannot take any
more rejection, all right?

I want what you've
wanted for months.