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06x09 - Attack of the Scalpel Woman

Posted: 04/25/22 13:12
by bunniefuu
The car's right over here.

Is this irony, you bailing me out, or
just guilt for siccing Michael on me?

I am trying to keep our
practice from falling apart.

And the simplest way
to do that, Peter,

is just keep your nose out of my
personal affairs, and out of Michael's.

It was you, wasn't it?

Yeah, you waited
outside my house.

And took sh*ts at me.

Yeah, you almost k*lled me, too.

At first I thought it was a woman, but
it was dark, and my imagination is...

Is way out of control.
I've been in jail all night.

I just bailed him out, Michael.

Oh. Well, uh, then you hired
someone. A hitman, a woman,

to knock me off while you were in the
pokey, giving you a perfect alibi.

I am tired of these accusations.
Do you understand?

Easy. Now, you've destroyed
a lot of people's lives,

but you are not gonna destroy
mine, all right? Easy, easy.

Now, you just stay
the hell away from me.

You see that? Did you see that?
He was ready to k*ll me.

The fact still remains, Michael,
is it couldn't have been him,

because he was
in there all night.

Instead of beating up on Coop, maybe you
ought to just start asking yourself,

of all the people that hate you,

who hates you enough
to want you dead?

Brett: Thanks
for the ride, Peter.

I've been waiting for you.

God, it was you. What?

Please, let me explain.

You tried to k*ll him.
You laid in wait.

Just... I realized that to scare him, and
hurt him, the way we've been hurt...

No, no, there is no
"we" here. You did this.

You. All right. It was me.

It was just gonna
be another prank,

and then he said
my daughter Kimberly's name,

and all I could think was,
"he's alive and she is dead."

and scaring him

was no longer good enough.

The g*n went... went off.

Oh, God, Coop,
what am I gonna do?

Where's the g*n?
Do you have it with you?

Give it to me. Here.

All right, this is what
we're gonna do.

I'm gonna drive you to a hotel.

I'm gonna get you a room, where you'll
stay and you'll wait for my call.

You will not go out.

In the meantime, I will be contacting
some old friends of mine in Cleveland.

They're top doctors,
who run top facilities.

I'll explain your situation, then I'm
gonna put you on a plane back there.

Then you will be taken
to one of these facilities,

where you will admit yourself
for a very long time.

What? A sanitarium?

You know what, Marion? Your
only other option is prison.

And I can arrange that, too. As a matter of
fact, prison will be a whole lot easier.

Oh, please. Please.

Everything's gonna be
all right if you cooperate.

I will. Of course I will.

Coop, you're the only one
who understands.

The only one.

So, as you all know,
this is our last night.

Tomorrow, we close the doors, and Amanda and
I will sign the place over to Eric Baines.

Anyway, the time will come when I
get another place up and running.

Are you sure there's
nothing that can be done?

Yeah, I'm sure.

I got your last checks.


When I didn't hear from you,
I decided to track you down.

I'd have gone inside, but, you
know, funerals depress me.

So, obviously, I've decided
to keep my offer open.

No new conditions
or codicils either.

I'm available tonight,
as a matter of fact.

I could have you
home for breakfast.

And it doesn't matter that I'd lie there
like a log, hating every moment of it?

It doesn't matter that I'd only be
doing it to save my businesses?

You have until
: tomorrow night.

I thought you hated deadlines.

I do, I do. But, unfortunately,
they're usually very effective.

See you tomorrow night.

♪ The sidewalk
is cracked and fried ♪

♪ The steam beneath your feet ♪

♪ You got somewhere to go ♪

♪ Somebody else
you got to meet ♪

♪ And you think you've got it
all figured out, my friend ♪

♪ Until the rug is pulled
from under you again ♪

♪ Keep on keepin' on ♪

♪ Wait till tomorrow,
it's never too late ♪

♪ Makin' everything turn out
the way you need it ♪

♪ Wait till tomorrow,
never too late ♪

♪ You can do it if you
hold on, do it ♪

Megan! Let go of me, you maniac!

Oh, gosh, I'm sorry.
I thought... I thought...

Well, I don't know what to think, because
last night someone took sh*ts at me.

Right here, in my own home.

Why didn't you call?
I waited and I waited.

Who did this? Do you know?

Well, I know it wasn't Coop,
because he was still in jail,

and I could've sworn
it was a woman,

'cause, you know, I saw
her through the curtains.

And my first thought was Kimberly, you
know, so I said her name right out loud...

Look, we've been
through this, okay?

Kimberly is dead. I saw her die.

Yeah, and I saw her dead. No, no,
it's got to be someone else.

Oh, Lord knows, I've made a lot
of enemies over the years.

Hey! What?

Hey, do you realize that you're
the only woman I can trust now?

I mean, if anything is gonna
come from this that's good,

then it's maybe the fact
that we have a second chance.

Yeah, whatever.

What do you mean?
Define "whatever."

I will, when I figure it out.

Thanks for driving me to work.

I'm so envious of you guys.

Making that transition from boyfriend-girlfriend
to full-blown life commitment.

I mean, in the face of
such incredible odds, too,

like no money,
about to lose your jobs.

And yet you're still able
to spin all of this magic.

I thought you and Craig
had the same thing.

No, it's more about business
than any real affection.

I mean, we have money, and we have this
business, and we connect physically.

But if I even mention commitment,
or any of its synonyms,

the guy shuts down faster
than a toy without batteries.

I wish I were getting married.

Well, it helps
if it's the right guy.

Maybe Craig just isn't.

Oh, no, he definitely is.

I've got too much invested
for him not to be.

Peter. Pay him back
for bailing me out.

Yeah, like I'm really
gonna trust you with it.

After you spilled
about Kimberly and me.

Did you have to tell
Michael everything?

He had questions, and a right
to know who he's dealing with.

Do you really believe I moved out
here to exact some kind of revenge?

I'm still curious what kind.

Did you ever think that maybe I moved
out here to get away from you?

And maybe it's just a coincidence that
Kimberly happened to be from here?

Oh, please!

Your obsession was no secret.

Kimberly dies, and you
come and buddy up

with the guy you think
is responsible for her death?

You're out to ruin him,
aren't you?

You just can't face the fact that
I left you for Kimberly, can you?

I left you.

Peter, Coop's here to see you.

You drove me to Kimberly.

I mean, think back. We barely
talked, we fought all the time.

Come to think of it, even in a coma,
Kimberly had more sex appeal.

Hey! What the hell is going on?

Such a classy lady, isn't she?

You go to hell.

What did you say to her?
Ah, nothing much.

But then, with Lexi,
it never did take much.

Your bail money back.

You may have a beef
with Michael, that's fine.

But I don't want you
upsetting her.

Oh, she doesn't
need me for that.

Not when she's got
a new sucker on the line.

But, hey, you know what?
What do I know?

Maybe you're the guy
who can turn her around.

God knows I never could.

Peter: You okay?

Yeah, I'll be right out.

No, no, a place with a key.

I want her safe from
the world and herself.

Yeah, all right.
That sounds perfect.

No, no, I'll put her on a flight.
You'll need someone there to meet her.

Good. I'll call you
when it's all arranged.

Thank you, doctor.

What do you want, huh?


How long have you
been standing there?

I'm sorry.
I wasn't listening. I, um...

Michael gave me my old job back,

and Peter was fine with it, and I
had a tough time tracking you down,

so, anyway, Michael said I need all
the partners to, uh, to sign off.

In other words, would I mind
having a spy in my midst?

Well, I assure you that
that is not the case.

You know, when you were in jail, I
did go to Michael on your behalf.

I asked him to drop the charges.

But he hasn't, has he?

All this that's been happening
has made him a little nervous.

But he will. I'm sure of it.

As soon as he finds
the guilty party.

You know, in time,

he'll destroy you, too.

That can only
happen if I let him.


It would be a terrible waste.

Last chance.

The agency's yours.

I'm not gonna sleep with you.

You win.


I lose.

Before you sign those,

I got something that
I would like to say.

It's all right.
It's okay, let him talk.

You already took my
restaurant and the jazz club.

I am ruined.

You brought me down to size, Baines.
You showed Amanda exactly who I am.

But then to go and take her
agency out of some kind of spite.

That doesn't make any sense.

Hmm. In other words, my destruction
of you should be enough.

I thought it would be.
I really did.

But it wasn't.

And you're right, Kyle,
in your own Neanderthal way,

by taking Amanda's agency,
I accomplish nothing.

So let her keep it.


Instead, I think I'll
just extend the deadline.

My plans call for me to leave
town by the end of the week.

You have until then.

To do what? Oh, you'll
have to ask her that.

What is he talking about?

There's a way to save your company,
and you haven't done it yet?

Well, what's involved? Money?

How much do you need?
You don't understand.

I'd resigned myself to giving away
the company. I'd made my decision.

But if there's something you can do,
you got to save it Stop saying that!

Can't you see? All you've bought
me is more days of hell.

I just need
the prescription refilled.

No, the original prescription
was from my ex-husband.

Yes, I understand. Thank you, doctor.

Who was that?

Old friend from back home. I've
really lost touch with everybody.

You feeling okay? I know you
were up and down all night,

and you look kind of pale.
Don't have a fever, though.

I guess I'm just coming down
with something. I'll be fine.

Any other symptoms,
other than sleeplessness?

It's nothing specific. I just feel
a little off-center, that's all.

Peter, you're staring at me.

Come to the office. I wanna
give you a full exam.

No. No, it's too weird. I like being
your lover, not your patient.

All right, then. I'll set an
appointment with a colleague of mine.

No one you know. Angela Hayden.

I'll set it for : this afternoon.
You're not busy, are you?

Me? No. When am I ever busy?

Good. We'll have lunch

Love you. Love you, too.

Invite to Billy
and Sam's wedding.

I got one, too.

You'll take me, won't you?

If you remember correctly, the last wedding
I attended, uh, didn't go so well.

Well, I just thought,
as neighbors, that...

Oh, you're making the assumption that
we have to do everything together?

Well, we are dating.

Well, I didn't know it was that specific.
I mean, we like each other's company

and we spend time together.

All right, look, fine.
I've got my invitation,

you've got yours.
We'll just go separately.

And we'll forget about bowling.


Yeah. Sam asked us
to go with her and Billy.

Would've been my first time.
Really sounded like fun.

And maybe, just maybe, some of their
perfect relationship might rub off on us?

Would that be so terrible?

I give up. You're impossible.

I'll take that
as a yes to bowling.

And don't worry about the special shoes.
I hear they provide them.

Well, Lexi, unless something
shows up in the testing,

you appear to be
perfectly healthy.

Oh, good. That's good.

Um... but, you know,
now that I think about it,

there is one thing that
maybe you could do for me.

Sometimes, I get
a little anxious.

You want me
to prescribe a tranquilizer.

I keep forgetting
we're in Los Angeles.

This is nothing
to laugh about, Lexi.

I have your prescription
records from Cleveland.

You've been on a high dosage
constantly for several years.

Well, um...

I... Need them.

Lexi, I assume Peter has
no idea of your problem.

And I assure you, I have no
intention of telling him.

But the only thing I'll prescribe
for you is a treatment program.

These symptoms you're experiencing are
most likely the early signs of withdrawal.

Hey! Just wanted to check
and see how it's going.

It went very well. Lexi can
fill you in on the details.

Thanks, Angela.

So, how'd it go?

Well, clean bill of health.
Everything's fine.

Whatever I had
is just a little bug.

I'll be back
to myself in no time.

Oh, good, good.

Listen, uh, about lunch.
I'm gonna have to cancel.

A surgery came up, but I promise
I'll make it up to you tonight.

Okay? Mmm-hmm.

See you later. Okay.

Hi. Sorry to bother you at home, but,
uh, you left this at the office,

and they need to be faxed in the morning.
Do you want to sign it now?

Sure, come on in.

Megan, you've really
been great since coming back.

Listen, if I seemed
a little suspicious at first,

it really had more to do
with Michael than with you.

Hello. Yeah.

No problem.
Excuse me for a second.

Emergency at the hospital.

Listen, I'll sign those papers and drop them
by your door later on tonight, all right?

Yeah, no problem.

Have a nice evening.
Yeah, you too.

Woman on P.A.: Dr. Mancini, , Dr.
Mancini, .

Yeah, Dr. Mancini here.

Michael, it's Megan. Look,
you're not gonna believe this.

I'm following Coop
south on La Cienega.

I went over to his apartment
to drop off some stuff,

and there was a g*n
in his doctor's bag.

What? Are you sure?

A g*n, and a plane ticket.

Then I followed him
to the Belle Vista Hotel.

He picked up a woman there.

Did you see her face? Who is it?

It was too dark, I couldn't see.

Look... wait, wait, wait.
We're turning onto Century.

The airport. All right,
keep following them,

and stay in touch by cellular. I
need the airline and the gate.

I'm leaving this second. And, Megan, you're
doing a great job, honey. Great job.

I cannot believe
how much fun I'm having.

You? Look at the guys.
How about them?

Jennifer: peas in a pod!

I knew if we got them together,
we could make it happen.

Samantha: Oh, come on.
Tell the truth.

You're just hoping Craig
catches the commitment bug.

I wouldn't call it
hoping, exactly.

Praying, maybe.

Right now, let's
get them a beer.

'Cause after all, the real
way to a guy's heart...

Is through his beer gut.

Winner, and still champion.

Ah, sorry. Check the numbers.

You needed a strike
in the last frame.

Let me see that. You don't even
know how to do this right.

It's for the spare,
plus the .

It's not plus the . You lose.

Oh, sure, thanks to a little
creative accounting.

I mean, you bowl like you do business,
Billy. By the seat of your pants.

Why am I not surprised
that you're a sore loser?

Because I didn't lose.

I won!

I mean, you're not
gonna change, man.

Why should I? I mean, I do
pretty well with what I got.

Well, you blew it with Sky High.
No, no, you stole Sky High.

You and Amanda. You went to her, and
secretly plotted the whole thing,

all out of some kind
of need for revenge.

Yeah, like you're not
doing the same thing

by taking this new
gloves business to Amanda's.

I mean, trying to set her up?

I know it, she knows it. You're
as transparent as they come, man.

And you're a total jerk.

You're an idiot. Really?

Craig, what are you doing?

Stop it! Billy!

Come on.

What're we doing here?

This is so ridiculous.
No kidding.

You know, you're a terrible fighter.
You're a terrible bowler.

Hey, that was a beautiful
spare, you got to admit it.

Billy: Good, it was pretty good.

I was not cheating,
I swear to God.

Double or nothing, one more game?
You're on. Let's go.

Hey, great, another beer.


I'll be damned! It is
her, Kimberly's mother.

Do you think she's the
one that shot at you?

I don't think, I know.

Woman on P.A.: Flight to Cleveland
now boarding at Gate -A.

Michael, wait.

Well, isn't this interesting?

Now, I know there's no way you got a g*n
through security, so I guess I'm safe.

Get away from me! All right,
that's enough, Michael.

You're protecting this woman?

She tried to k*ll me!
Didn't you?

Megan, call the police.
I want this woman arrested.

No, don't. Please.

Megan, please, go.

All right, yeah, she did.
She tried to k*ll you.

In a rage of misplaced anger and grief over
what happened to Kimberly. She needs help.

Right. Well, she'll get
plenty in prison. Come on.

Oh, come on, prison will destroy
her, and we both know it.

Look, I've got people
waiting for her in Cleveland.

She's committing herself
immediately upon arrival.

She's agreed to allow the doctors to decide
when, or even if, she ever gets out.

Look at her, Michael.

She's beyond hurting anyone.


I'm so sorry.

I just missed her so much. Shh.

She blamed you, Michael.

The way that I did, too.

You took Kimberly
away from both of us.

Look, I didn't do anything.
She died of a damn aneurysm.

It hurt me too, okay?
It still hurts.

So here's a real chance to end it.
At least for Marion.

When she goes back to Cleveland,
it all goes back with her.

I've forgiven you, Michael.

I don't like you much, but I don't
you need to continue suffering.

What happened, happened.
So be it.

Let's close the book on this
thing, once and for all.

All right.

Go. Get on the plane.

Go, damn it!

You listen to me. I'm holding
you responsible for this.

If anything goes wrong,
anything at all,

I'm turning her in to the cops.

Because let me tell
you something,

as far as I'm concerned,
you're both wackos.

Come on.

I'm serious. I want you
to be my best man.

Well, sure. Thanks, I'm honored.

The first official
duty is to plan

the biggest, baddest bachelor
party you've ever seen.

Mmm. What?

Great. You guys have your bachelor
party, and we'll catch up on sleep.

You do realize that we've
been up all night, right?

Oh, it's good for the soul
every once in a while.

So, Sam, since Craig
is gonna be my best man,

I think you should make
Jennifer your maid of honor.

I already have one, remember?

Oh! Connie.
Connie what's-her-name.

She's an old buddy
from art school.

Hi, it's Sam.

God, this must be the longest
game of phone tag in history.

Anyway, thank you for agreeing
to be my maid of honor.

It will be so great
to see you again.

God, I have missed
you so much, Connie.

It's gonna be a great wedding!

Connie: Over my dead body.

Excuse me. Has anybody seen Dr.

He's still in surgery.

If this is an emergency,
I can interrupt him.

No, it's no emergency.
Thank you.

You okay? You all right? Yes.

I was just looking
for Peter, you know.

When did you run out of pills?

days ago.

Wow! Didn't I leave you with like
refills? So, what is it this time, Lexi?

Is it turmoil in the new relationship
or angst over the old one?

Drop dead.

Peter doesn't have
a clue, does he?

What do you think?

I'd tell him that his dream
come true is a drug addict?

Not likely.

I'm a real mess here, Coop.

I'm falling apart.

Yeah, you must be,
to be telling me all this.

Would you like me to write you
a prescription for more pills?

I don't need much.
You know, I mean...

I know I got to beat
this thing, it's just...

I just need a little more stability
in my life first, you know?

I shouldn't have to tell you,
this isn't the answer.

Still, this should get you through
till you sort things out.

You can't tell Peter.

I mean, I will,
when the time's right.

But if he found out now that I've been
hiding this from him, he'd just be furious.

Now, why would I wanna jeopardize
your relationship with Peter?

Right now, it's about my only chance
of getting off the alimony train.

I don't know what to say.

Oh, I do.

You owe me.

Dr. Cooper?

There's a call for you
on line .

Yeah, this is Brett Cooper.

Michael, I got bad news.

My people in Cleveland said Ms.
Shaw never got off the plane.

Apparently, it stopped in
Chicago with a weather delay.

She could've gotten off there.

Damn, I never should've trusted you.
This is a major screw-up!

Look, I know, I should've gone with her.
But this is the last thing I expected.

This is Dr. Mancini.
Give me the police.

Enough of this humanitarianism.
I'm turning the bitch in.

Hey! Billy?

What's happening, Craig? Are
you in the element? Mmm.

How are you, buddy? All right.

Oh, yes!

Go! That's good.

You know what, this could not be better
timing, Billy. I got to blow off steam.

Anybody drinking this?
Yeah, it's yours.

All right. I would like
to make a toast to Billy.

May your life remain as
uncluttered as it is tonight.

Because, my friend,
you are our hope

that romance is not yet dead.


Mr. Fields? This is the last
time I'm coming up here.

You either quiet down,
or vacate the premises.

I'll do my best, ma'am,
and that's a promise.

In the meantime,
can I offer you a beer,

or perhaps a nice bottle of
chardonnay from the mini-bar?

You have until : .
Then I call in the deputies.

I think you had her.

You had her. Uh-uh.

Craig: Let's dance!

Okay, let's try this glove.

I must say, it looks impressive.

Wait till you see it in action.

You mind if I watch?

Fine. No second opinions, though,
unless they're asked for.

What's going on? I thought Michael
was through with you guys.

The crazy woman never
got to Cleveland.

Dr. Mancini's got
a whole manhunt going.

He wants a bodyguard
until they find her.

All right, well, I'm gonna
go get a cup of coffee.

If you see him first,
tell him I'm here. Sure.

So, what do you think of it?

It's very precise. And quick.

I'm frankly surprised someone of
your limited ability dreamed it up.

So am I.

Mind if I watch?

Michael: Uh, Peter, I know I
said I wouldn't say anything,

but you might wanna make better contact
with the cauterizer on the tissue.

Michael, look out!


Megan: Oh, my God!
She stabbed me.

No, Marion! No, no, no.

I'm here, baby, I'm here.

Just as well. You took my
Kimberly, I'll take your whore!

Get her out of here,
and call the police.

It's an arterial bleeding.

You need surgery.
O.R. is available.

I got to finish this first.

I'll do it. On , ready?
Wait, wait.

It's gonna be okay. One, , .

All right, let's go.

All right, I need
large-bore IVs, wide open.

Wait a second,
what are you doing?

There's no time
to argue, Michael.

All right, let's...


I think I'll send you out to
bachelor parties more often.

All this attention.

Guilty, or you just missing me?

No, I just wanna make
love to you hours a day,

every day, until the day
of the wedding.

Oh, that's right.

Today's the day of our announcements
in the paper. Go, hurry, go get it!

What is this? A preview of things to come?
That old ball and chain thing?

Go, go, go.

You must be Billy.

I'm Connie. Sam's old
pal from university.

She did tell you I'm gonna be
maid of honor, didn't she?

Sure she did. Yeah.

Nice to meet you. Come on in.
Thank you.


Oh, my gosh! I forgot, I was
supposed to meet you at the airport.

Don't worry about it.
I found a cab.

Oh, gosh! Look at you.
You look great.

So do you,
Miss Soon-to-be-married.

Hmm? Oh, and the groom.
Total hunk.

Nice pecs.

So, I'll just get some clothes on,
and I'll take you to your hotel.

Oh, no way! No hotels.
You are staying with us.

We have an extra bedroom, and we would
love the company. Right, Billy?


If you insist.
What am I gonna do?

You are gonna
unpack this second,

and then you are gonna catch
me up on everything. Okay.

Take care. I will.

You looking for me?

I was, but I changed my mind.

Where are you going?

There are other ways
of letting someone know

that you don't
want a commitment.

Okay, I'm a guy,
I was looking for a way.

For what? To send a message?

Well, I got it. Way too
loud and way too clear.

Still sleeping.

She's not sleeping.

She's in a coma.

What? A coma? Why the
hell wasn't I notified?

What did you do
to her, Coop, huh?

I swear to God,
if you're responsible here...

Michael, for God's sake,
keep your voice down.

Listen, it was an allergic reaction to
the anesthetic. It almost k*lled her.

Oh, great. This is just great.
I am looking into this, Coop.

I promise, as chief of staff,

I'll launch a complete

Dr. Mancini, I was there.

She went into a full
cardiac arrest.

If Dr. Cooper hadn't reacted as
quickly as he did, she would be dead.

All right. What the
hell do we do?

Brett: We pray.

And we never give up hope.

You want me to take over
that staff meeting for you?

Yeah, okay.

Oh, no. No, I better do it.

I'm late, aren't I?

Look, um, Coop, I'm sorry.

It's okay. You didn't know.

Don't you worry.

I won't let anything
happen to you.

A last drink.

And a little toast to...

Oh, what should we drink to?

I know. Selfishness.

To selfishness, everywhere!

I went to different restaurants today.
Can't even get a job as a chef.

I suppose they'd take me
at a fast food joint.

Or maybe I could stay closer to home and
clean the pool at the apartment building.

Stop talking like this.
It's exactly what Eric wanted.

To make me look like a total loser?
Mission accomplished, Mr. Baines.


Ready to go? Go where?

Amanda didn't tell you?

I found a client that might
get us off the hook.

Just under the deadline,
that's great!

Good for us.

Go for it. I mean, any hope is
better than no hope at all.

Good luck.

Amanda. Let's do it.

I wish you would just
tell me what this is about.

No, never mind.
You did a great job.

Kyle bought it completely.

Is there any chance
you can save the agency,

or is that just a big lie, too?

No, actually, there's
a very good chance.

I should get everything back.

Oh, this is great.

But wait. Kyle can
never know about this.

You have to keep quiet.

All right, I won't tell anybody.
You have my word.


Good luck. Good night.

Hi. Come on in. Come on in.

You look lovely.

Get you something to eat?
I'm having champagne.

It's an excellent wine.

I'm fine.

Right. Why rush things, right?

I'll put some music on.

You just make
yourself comfortable.

I wanna see the papers first.

The ones giving Kyle back his
restaurant and the club.

And the promise

that you'll end
your as*ault on my agency.

Here. I'll sign them,
uh, afterwards.

I leave anything out?

Everything's in order.

Oh, not quite.

You still haven't
had your champagne.

No, no. No tears.

No, I will not accept that. You get
yourself together. The bathroom's in there.

Kyle, I haven't
been honest with you.

Which time?

There have been so many.

About what's going on.

About what I know.

You must have some
clue, some suspicion.

What the hell are you
talking about, Taylor?

Eric's offer to Amanda.

That if she sleeps with him,
he will stop his onslaught.

And up until tonight,
she had said no.

But I guess losing her agency was
just a little too much for her.

You better be
telling me the truth.

Kyle, don't sh**t the messenger.
You said, "until tonight."

Well, the Billy thing was just a ruse,
so you wouldn't wonder where she is.

No. No, you're lying.

This is just more
of your lunacy.

Kyle, Amanda's taking
Eric up on his offer.

I saw her and Billy
leave separately.

And if you don't
believe me, call Billy.

to one, he's home with Sam.

The Kyle I know would
never put up with this.

I hate these sleeves. They make me look
like a barmaid in some Elizabethan tavern.

Okay, you're right.
It's God-awful.

Thank you. Here, try this one.

Mmm. Pink.

Oh, Billy, can you get the phone?
We're up to our gills here.


You're insane for coming here.

No, the insane thing
would've been staying away.

She came here
of her own free will.

Bull! You chipped away at her
for weeks, right under my nose.

I'm a fool for not
having seen it.

But now...

everything is crystal clear.
Did you do it?

You sleep with her?

What if I say we did?

I'm k*lling you anyway,
so it really doesn't matter.

You don't have the guts.

Kyle, don't. It's not worth it.

Oh, God! Help me.

Tell him! Tell him
we didn't have sex.

Save your life. Please...

Save your life, you slimeball.

Tell me I'm seeing things.