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06x08 - A Shot in the Dark

Posted: 04/25/22 13:11
by bunniefuu
♪ You got no money ♪

♪ You don't buy
me no diamond rings ♪

♪ I don't worry 'bout it ♪

♪ Cause I love it when
you shake that thing ♪

♪ Got no rhythm, and,
baby, you can't sing ♪

♪ It don't matter much... ♪

Wow, Amanda, you look
really down.

Somebody late
with their rent check?

I'm not up for sparring
right now, Jennifer.

Would you look at this place?

We are a hit. Busiest week
we've had since we opened up.

It's all due to you.

You believed in this place
and in the two of us.

Hey, you all right?

Yeah, I guess.

I think I better just go home.

Hmm. Something is going on.

I think that you and I
should have a talk.

♪ ♪

So, what's wrong?

You look like the whole world's
crashed down around you.

I don't know if I can talk
about this right now.

You know, if it's about the
fight that we had last night...

No, no.

I mean, well, yes, in a way.

I saw Eric, and you were right.

He's obsessed or something.

He did take the
Boston restaurant.

And he is trying to take
this place and Kyle's

and anything else you have

because what he
really wants is me.

He told you this? Yeah.

I mean, I pulled it out of
him, but he got all crazy,

and he thinks that he
and I belong together.

And if that isn't gonna happen,

everything in your life
and everything in my life

is scorched earth. Hey.

Don't worry, I know a little bit
about scorched earth myself.

And I don't like to be

He won't get away with it.
I won't let him.

As a matter of fact, I'm gonna
wake my lawyer up right now

and get him on this.

♪ ♪

Hey. What are you doing listening
in on our private conversation?

What's private about
my restaurant being

ripped out of my hands, huh?

When were you gonna tell me,

when they were throwing
me out the back door?

Nothing's happened yet,
and we're handling it,

so keep your nose out.
Oh, is that so?

Don't think I don't know
what's going on here.

You and your New York boyfriend
are working together

to take everything
away from Kyle and me.

Pure Amanda Woodward.

Taylor, shut up.

I nailed it, didn't I?

Fact is, you don't love
anyone but yourself,

least of all Kyle.

He'll always be mine, Amanda.

You don't deserve him.

God, you're so predictable.

Here's a fact.

Stay out of my business
and stay away from Kyle

or you will regret it.

♪ ♪

♪ No doubt about it ♪

♪ You put it where it's
supposed to be ♪

♪ ♪

♪ So you've come
to the decision ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Gonna try your luck again ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Yeah, you make the
most of this one ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Only you can be the one
to stop the rain ♪

♪ ♪

♪ There are times
we're broke and battered ♪

♪ ♪

♪ There are times we
fall from grace ♪

♪ ♪

♪ These days... ♪

Lexi, you don't have to knock.

I gave you a key.
You live here now.

No, it's not Lexi, Peter.

It's Lexi's ex-husband.

Look, I wanted to catch you
before we got to the office.

Thought it would be good be
for us to air things out.

I don't want to be rude at all,

but what's going on
between Lexi and me,

it's really none
of your business.

You really think that?

Yeah, I do.

Oh, well, I think you're right.

I think it's fine that
you're sleeping with her.

I mean, hey, we're
partners, right?

Share, share alike.

Coop, this isn't about sharing.

Is there anything else?

Nothing I can think of.

Just wanted to make sure
everything was fine between us.

Didn't want our personal lives
intruding at the office, okay?

Sure. Seems fine to me.


See you around, Pete.

♪ ♪

Well, look who's moving in.

You take every dime I've got
in the property settlement,

and then you shack up with the
guy who double-crossed me.

How cozy can you get?

What are you doing here?

I was just checking in on the
new doctor in your life.

He's very, uh, what's the word?


He doesn't know
about you yet, does he?

Please get out of my
way and leave me alone.

You know, it's amazing.

I mean, you've known this guy,
what, a couple of weeks?

And you've already got him to
give you free room and board,

and you got him to steal my
financial records for you.

You really got a hold
on this man.

You are an incredibly vile
human being, you know that?


See ya.

♪ ♪

Do you notice a difference?

I mean, everything seems,
like, I don't know, charged.

We're getting married.

I can't believe it.

I mean, just a couple years
ago I was going around

telling everybody I was
never getting married.

It's too late. You said yes.

You're stuck with me.

I can't imagine anything better
in the whole wide world.

But we got to figure out
what we're gonna do.

I was thinking about
a little chapel,

like the one we saw
in Santa Barbara

with a limited guest list.

Although it would be great
to fly my mother out.

Yeah, maybe.

Maybe, I think we have to have
a little reality check here.

We have no money.

At least, very little anyway.

I gave my whole life
savings to your father,

you know, and the
flights back East...

No, you're right.

God, listen to me.

It sounds like I'm expecting
you to pay for everything.

I just got excited.

It's okay to be excited.
I'm ecstatic, okay?

I just get a little
nervous about money.

Think it's a habit I
got from my father.

Thanks, Billy. Mmm.

Michael: It's simple, Craig.

Jennifer's as important to
this company as you are.

Nobody said she wasn't.
He's right, Michael.

Then why is your office
bigger than hers, huh?

The way it's set up, it looks
like she's your secretary.

It doesn't matter. Once
the company takes off,

we'll get a bigger space.

Here's another thing.

What's your name doing first?

The invention that started
this company is mine.

There are two Mancinis involved

and only one Field.

All right, fine.

I don't care if you call
it Mikey's Play Pen.

But stop wasting time
and busting my chops

so we can get
this business set up.

Listen to me... Hold
it, both of you.

Now, as one of the Mancinis,

I say it stays Field/Mancini,

and for being so
understanding, Michael,

we got a little present for you.

I hope you like it,
it was my idea.

Yeah, that's, uh,
that's nice, thanks.

But what I'd really like is
some orders for this thing.

Right. That's why you
and I are going to

the medical supplies
sales convention together.

You will demonstrate,
and I will sell.

Uh, hello. I'm chief of staff

of a major
metropolitan hospital.

I don't do huckstering. You do.

Take Jennifer. She'll help.

Just make sure
you make some money.

And, uh, thanks
for this, this... thing.

And I'll see you when you
get back with orders.

How could you stand
growing up with him?

I couldn't, but he left
before I could k*ll him.

Megan: From what you
told me before, Eric,

the bid for the Denver
plant shouldn't go in

until next week, right?

I mean, those orders
go into a seasonal slump

and then we come in, right?

It's a good catch, Megan.

You're picking this up
very quickly.

Taylor. I'm here to see your
boss or whatever he is.

Mr. Baines, Taylor McBride.

I've seen you upstairs
at the jazz club.

Uh-huh, I remember.
And what can I do for you?

I'd like to be blunt, all right?

You're either working with
Amanda Woodward to wreck my life

or you have some ding on
her, my ex-husband, or both.

I don't really give a rat's
patootie what's going on.

I would like you to keep your
mitts off of my restaurant.

I have worked day and
night to keep that place

above the cigar
and sushi joints.

It is my life, my dream,

and I will not have
some New York nobody

come in and take it from me.

You've got spirit.
How nice for you.

But now let me be blunt.

I'm taking it, and there's
nothing you can do about it.

But why? Why hurt an
innocent person like me

because you have some sick
thing for Amanda Woodward?

This is business, Ms. McBride,

and I really don't give
a, uh, "rat's patootie"

if your life, hope, and
dreams are destroyed.

I like the property,
and I'm taking it.

Megan, could you please
show Ms. McBride out?

♪ ♪

I can't believe you're sleeping
with that sick piece of dirt.

You really are just
a whore, aren't you?

I work for him. There's
nothing sexual going on.

And if anyone is
a whore around here,

it's the woman who slept with
my husband behind my back.


♪ ♪

Peter: Michael!

Afternoon, Peter.

Your new invention.

You must be very proud.

Yes, I am. You know,
back at our offices,

it's fine to drop in.

But here at the hospital,
I am chief of staff.

It's, it's best to
make an appointment.

I see. Well, let me go over
this with you, Dr. Mancini.

I've been very patient with you

because we made a deal that
you would take this job over

until your hands are better,

and then you'd
give it back to me.

Yeah, but you know, my fingers
are still awfully tender.

Also without consulting
me you bring in a new partner

who is becoming
very troublesome,

so once again your actions are
directly causing me a lot of stress.

You know, Coop's on my
nerves too, old buddy.

And honestly, if I could give
you back your position here,

I'd do it in a heartbeat.

But the hands...

You see that?

I told you. I told you
my hands weren't better.

But because of this
lack of trust between us,

you destroy a precious
keepsake of mine.

I don't know what to say, Peter.

Try saying nothing, Michael.

Because one day very soon

I'm gonna kick
your butt out of here,

and when I get the chief
of staff job back,

your life is gonna be
very unpleasant.

Oh, yes, yes, I know, I know.

But now if you'll excuse me,
I have to go on rounds.

♪ ♪

Oh, my... Jesus! God!

♪ ♪

Craig: Revolutionary is the
ability to keep doing your surgery

and just simply move your pinky
down to the area to be cauterized.

No bulky instruments and wires.

It's all preset.

I don't know.

I'm not sure there's
really any need for this.

Doctor, you order
this for your hospital,

and the surgeons on your staff
will thank you forever.

I'm a surgeon, I've never had any
trouble with the old cauterizer, so.

So, thanks anyway, Mr. Field.

Doctors, wait.

If I was your patient,
my life in your hands,

I would want you to be
as comfortable as possible,

and to be able to move
quickly and react

to anything that was
going on in my body.

You were the surgeon, correct?

Yes, but I don't...
Try on the glove.

Now, say you were doing
an operation on my shoulder

and you needed to
cauterize something.

Here. All you would need
to do is to touch there,

leaving your fingers free to
do whatever they needed to do.

You know, I've done
some surgery, too.

You know, you can
try on the glove next.

Let's talk about orders.

♪ Blues on a sunny day ♪

Amanda, are you
moonlighting as a waitress?

Um, not really. Just making sure

people are having a good time.

Are you?

Oh, fabulous time, actually.

I'd like you to meet
a friend of mine.

Amanda Woodward,
this is Lexi Sterling.

Lexi and I are, um...

well, I guess we can be
open about this, huh?

We're seeing each other.

Well, how nice for both of you.

Enjoy yourselves tonight.

Rumors are flying around

that the club's in some sort
of financial danger.

Something to do with the guy
that financed you,

may even go after
your ad agency.

You know, that's too bad really.

You should have taken
the money that I offered.

Thanks for your concern,
but we'll be fine.

Lexi, nice to meet you.

Yes, nice to meet you, too.

♪ ♪

What was that little
display about, Peter?

That was my ex-wife.

I didn't mean to embarrass you.

I couldn't help myself.

Lexi, hey.

I'm not the one who
should be embarrassed, am I?

Excuse me.

I said I was sorry.

Let go.

I'll be right back.

Just need a minute.

My lawyer thinks he's
got a way to stop this.

He's gonna get into it tomorrow.

I'm afraid tomorrow's
too late, my friend.

I just finished
buying the building.

You have days to vacate.

This is just sick.

This isn't over yet, so get out.

Oh, it's definitely over.

See, usually I have minions
deliver these notices,

but this one I wanted
to enjoy myself.

Ah, suppose it'll be almost
impossible to start over again

now that you've put out
all this money.

You're dead.

Get out of here!

Whatever you say. Night all.

♪ Sun is shining so bright ♪

♪ So how come it's
hard in my eyes? ♪

♪ Blues on a sunny day ♪

♪ What a big surprise ♪

♪ Blues on a sunny... ♪


How are you feeling?

Ok, I guess. Oh,
thanks for the coffee.

I want to apologize again

for the way I acted
with Amanda last night.

Forget it. Exes make you crazy.

Believe me, I know.

Besides I was good company when
I came back last night, hm?

The best.

Last night made me realize
that I've always been

kind of a private guy.

And I think that hurts
things when it comes

to getting close to a woman.

I mean, I'm still
not telling the two-faced

scum on the outside
world anything,

but you and I, we can be
open books with each other.

What do you say?

Sure. Yeah, fine, yeah.

Look, my life,
especially recently,

has been... hard to
describe, to say the least.

But I'm willing to give
it a try if you are.

Right now?

Sure. Why not?

Huh. Okay.

I'll be right back.

I certainly have
nothing to hide.

♪ ♪

It's really early
and it... better be good.

Did you talk to the lawyer?

Yeah, but it doesn't
make a difference.

Baines came back to the club
last night after you left.

He pulled it off.
He bought the place outright.

Land, leases, building...
The whole shot.

We've got days to vacate.

It's over, and, uh, I'm sorry.

You're sorry. Oh, I see.

Well, you know where this
comes from, don't you?

That fountainhead of misery
herself, Amanda Woodward.

That make-pretend tough girl
that you brought into our lives.

You know what, Kyle?
You've got to dump her

because she is the only reason
that this has happened.

I mean, come on, wake up.

Look at the two of us.
We are the partners.

We are the ones that know how
to run this kind of business.

I mean, for God's sakes, cut
off that lying deadweight

and come back to me.

You know, come back
before she destroys you.

You know what? I am miserable
enough already, Taylor.

I don't need you to overdo it.

I am gonna go to the lawyer.

I'm gonna see if I can't
at least get a delay.

You know, if there's anything
positive that comes out of all this,

it's that I won't have to be
in business with you anymore.

♪ ♪

Those of us in radiology feel it's
important that the chief of staff

review the oncology
patients weekly.

Things can change so rapidly.

As you can see, this
brain tumor patient:

Quite advanced.

Wait a second.

Hey, this looks familiar.

Kimberly Shaw, huh?
Kimberly Shaw.

Is this your idea of a joke?

I... I don't know what
you're talking about.

My dead wife, you ninny.

Tell me you didn't
know she worked here!

What do you think I am, stupid?

I swear to God, Doctor!

I just picked up
the film from oncology.

I'll be damned!

♪ ♪

Hey there, fiancée.

Look what I've come up
with on my lunch hour.

Now, I'm not a dress
designer or anything,

but I thought that I would
have somebody make

my idea of what I
would look good in.

Yeah, I guess. Yeah.

You don't know if Jim
Rutter called, do you? No.

I don't get this. We had
a confirmed lunch date,

and then I end up sitting there
at some frou-frou Thai place

he wanted to eat at,
he doesn't show.

I try to get him on the
phone, he won't get on.

This guy's one of
my most solid clients.

Oh. Well, maybe it
was crossed wires.

That'd be nice,
but I don't think so.

Honey, if I were you
I'd work up some more

of those cheese snack drawings

and spend less time
on that stuff.

Well, if you call yourself
hospital security,

then the place
should be secure, right?

Look... listen, all I know is

someone is messing
with me there big time!

And I want it stopped!


Oh, my God!

Megan, I wish you would
have knocked or something.

Well, I didn't have a chance before
you rocketed out of your chair.

Look, I came by to pick up my
last paycheck. Are you all right?

Yeah. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm
just a little jumpy is all.

Things are getting a
little spooky around here.

Why, what's going on?

Weird stuff, Kimberly stuff.

Someone at the hospital is
trying to push me over the edge.

And I don't know who or why.

Kimberly stuff?

Oh, yeah, yeah, literally.

Her lab coat showed up in the
chief of staff's office.

Her x-ray showed up
in Radiology.

I mean, this is
really too weird.

Look, I'm sorry.
That's, that's terrible.

I wish there was something
I could do to help.

No. No, no.

It's all right.
I'll figure it out.

Look, your check's in the
top drawer in reception.

Thanks. Oh, Megan.

Don't forget your package.

Oh, no, it's not mine.
I guess it's for you.

It was just... I found it out
front on my way in, by the door.

Wh... That wasn't mailed.

Well, wait a second.
There's no return address.

Come on, Michael. What
could it possibly be?

♪ ♪

Oh, my God. It's Kimberly's
wedding dress! What?


Oh... Hey, this isn't
you, is it, huh?

Some twisted way
to get back at me?

Come on, of course not.

Okay, so, we took everything
Kimberly's mother didn't take,

including this and put it
in storage, right?

You know, all those
boxes, remember?

Yeah, but I haven't
been back there.

Yeah, neither have I.

But we're going back. Tonight.

♪ ♪

What's happening here?

Not much. As you can see, we shut
the place down for the night.

Well, I don't know
how smart that is.

With being run out of business
and all the debts we have,

we could use all the
money we can get.

I don't care.
I don't care at all.

I just wanted an evening
for the two of us.

We'll have some drinks,
a bite to eat,

appreciate the music,

and we will appreciate
each other

'cause in the end,
that's all that matters.

Anyway, that's all
I'm gonna have.

You're a very unusual man.


You know, I just...

I've been trying to understand
what's going on here, Amanda,

and I need to know from you that
it's you and me and nobody else.

No one even comes close,
you know that.

I love you in that big,
over-the-edge, deep, dark way, okay?


No matter what happens,
we stick together.

Nothing and nobody...
Nobody... tears up apart.

Deal. Let's dance.

♪ 'Cause it's getting late ♪

How late does the band stay?

About another half-hour.

Good. I want to get to that
appreciating each other part.

♪ To cry is a waste ♪

♪ Instead I'll put
myself to bed ♪

♪ And dream ♪

♪ ♪

There it is. B .

Oh, my God, it looks like someone
went at it with a crowbar.


♪ ♪

The light's out.

My God, it's empty.
Let's get out of here.

No, no, wait a second,
wait a second.

Hey. What's this?

♪ ♪

Oh, no.

No. There's only one
person. She's back.

Kimberly's back.

Come on, stop it, Michael, look.

I saw her dying. You
saw her in the coffin.

She's dead. No. She's come
back from the dead before.

Oh, come on,
don't talk like that.

It has to be someone
else. It has to.

Then who?
Who would do this to me?

♪ ♪

Mmm, what a beautiful day.

Be nice to go out on a boat
on a morning like this.

You ever think about
getting a sailboat

or a yacht like that
one over there?

No, not really. Sounds like a
different way of going broke to me.

Don't be such a stick
in the mud.

We'll use my money.

Sorry to interrupt the lives
of the rich and famous,

but it's time you cop to the sick
creep you've turned into, Peter.

Michael, I have stopped trying
to understand your ravings

for a long time now,
so unless you can be clearer,

would you just please
leave us alone?

I'd be glad to when you stop
trying to make me crack.

Oh, man. You'd do anything to get that
chief of staff job back, wouldn't you?

Yeah, I was up all night
thinking about it,

and everything points to you.

Planting Kimberly's
lab coat, the x-rays.

But breaking into
that storage locker,

that was way over the top.

One, I didn't do
any of these things,

and two, I will get my job back

by having the board kick
your butt out.

No matter what you say, you're
still my number one suspect.

Who else hates me
as much as you do?

I'm sure there's an entire
raft of candidates.

Michael, listen to me,

there's something else
I didn't tell you.

I'm sorry I couldn't,

but Lexi and I kind of
had to go undercover.

Coop knew Kimberly.

What? Kimberly was his patient

back in Cleveland.

They had a relationship,
an affair.

When? After the accident?
I guess so.

She had a head injury and
was in a coma for a while.

Jeez, my God, but why would he...

Look, if these things are
happening the way you say,

why don't you go to the police?

No. I don't think we should get
the police involved in this.

Yeah. Peter's right.
I need to do this myself.

Man, why didn't you tell
me about this before?

All right, all right.
I'm gonna take care of this.

I'm gonna talk to him.

Well, as best as I can
tell from the sketch,

I would say this wedding dress
would run you about $ , .

You've got to be kidding me.

Um, that does seem like
an awful lot of money.

Maybe if we made
some adjustments.

I could maybe bring
it down a hundred or two,

but with material
of any quality...

It really is too much, isn't it?

You know, we do have some very
nice dresses on our racks.

They're not custom, but pretty.

Ok, I guess I can take a look.

For God's sake. You know what?
Just get the dress made.

'Cause you're not
gonna be happy otherwise.

Billy, what is going on?

I told you what's going on.

Okay? We are having
financial problems.

I know it doesn't
seem like it, but we are.

Okay? Everybody's in
denial around here.

You, Amanda, you know?

Hey, if she wants to
bury her head in the sand

and you want to splurge
on some dress, fine.

I just wish somebody
would take me seriously.

I take you seriously, Billy.

Look, we can forget
about the dress.

It's not that important.

As a matter of fact,

we can put the wedding off

until you feel more
secure, all right?

I did not say that.

You didn't have to.

I'll cancel the invitations,

and I'll see you at home.

Coop, I've been looking for you.

Is that right?
And what can I do for you?

Well, it's a little
complicated really.

You see, I found out that
you were having an affair

with Kimberly Shaw
back in Cleveland

when she was engaged to me

and I was being told
she was dead.

Funny that you forgot
to mention that to me.

Wasn't any of your business.

Oh, is that right?

Well, I guess you
made it my business

when you started throwing all
this Kimberly junk at me.

Now, what's that about, huh?

Look, I don't know
what you're talking about,

so leave me alone.

Oh, the hell I will.

I want to now why
you're doing this.

I want to know why you're
here in the first place.

And what are you doing
with Kimberly's stuff

and why are you after me?

Huh? What are you,
psycho or something?

Hey, I haven't done
anything to you,

but God, I sure wish I was.

You know why? Because
I loved Kimberly.

I loved her more than any
other woman in my life,

and she told me what
you put her through,

and I knew when she
came back to LA,

you wouldn't be satisfied
until she was dead.

You know what? You're out
of your mind, buddy.

You cheated on her! Hey!

You lied to her! Hey!

You ruined her life!

Back off, man!
Why should I, huh?

You k*lled Kimberly.

You might as well have
taken a g*n and shot her.

And I will always
hate you for that.

Get away from me! Security!

♪ ♪

And that's why
I'm here, Michael.

That's why I'm here.

This guy is nuts!
Get him out of here!

Turn him over to the cops.

You'll be sorry you
ever messed with me, coop.

Look, why don't you come upstairs
and talk to me while I work.

It'll just take a
couple seconds, honest.

Okay, but then I really
got to get back.

♪ ♪

It's yours.

Oh, my gosh. Uh, no, I can't.

The money for the orders
is coming in,

and we're suddenly
doing really well.

And if anybody deserves
a reward for that,

it's you.

Come on, sit in
the driver's seat.

I mean, you got to admit,

it's a beautiful
piece of machinery.

It's the most gorgeous hunk
of metal I've ever seen.

Are you sure
you can afford this?


You have made me
a very happy woman.

Now I've got to break it in.

Wait a minute now. You can't
be driving around town.

I mean, you got to
go back to work.

Who said anything about driving?

♪ ♪


Megan, um, sorry to
interrupt your party,

but I need to see Eric.



Amanda, what
a pleasant surprise.

What can I do for you?

I need to see you alone.

Always happy to oblige
that request. Here.

♪ ♪

Listen, I'll be
right back, all right?

Keep them drinking, okay?

It'll keep our price up.

♪ ♪

First, what are all those
ad execs doing in there?

Those are my competitors.

Right you are, and all of them
would just love to acquire

your little agency
and its client list.

What? Yeah.

It's kind of like
what we did to Sky High.

Remember them?
You got to stop this.

No, no, no.
It's way too much fun.

There is one thing you could do

to maybe, uh,
straighten things out.

Fine. Tell me what you want.

Well, since you won't leave
your boyfriend for me,

I thought of a rather
pleasant little compromise.

I drop all this,
my ruining the agency,

the club, the restaurant,

if you sleep with me once.

One night with me, and
you get your life back.

Now, now you have got to admit,

that's a rather generous offer.

Are you out of your mind?

All of this trouble 'cause you
want to get in the sack with me?

Well, as a matter of fact, yes.

See, I've been
thinking about this,

and I figured out what
was really bothering me.

You're the only woman
that's ever said no to me,

and I can't live
with that somehow.

I don't know. It's some sort
of conquest thing, I guess.

The answer will always be no,

no way in hell, you
pathetic piece of garbage.

Oh, sorry to interrupt.

Um, the guests are getting
a little antsy.

That's all right.

That's all right. Our
business here is done anyway.

You bet it is.

You know what? You seem
like an intelligent woman.

I don't know what you're
doing with this loser.

What's she talking about?

She won't sleep with me.

I've offered to stop all this

for one little roll in
the hay, but no dice.

So I guess we better
get out there

and chop up Amanda's agency.

Nice, huh? Have a good time.

You know, I thought I'd found
the lowest form of human being

in my former life,
but you know what, mister?

You have found
a whole new depth.

Oh, come on, in her shoes,

you would do it in a
second, wouldn't you?

Oh, like hell I would. I quit.

♪ ♪

Lexi: Oh, so where
are you off to?

To spend the day
with your friend Eric

plotting the death
of my restaurant?

No, I don't work for Eric
anymore, so if you'll excuse me.

Oh, how come? He get tired of
you and throw you out of bed?

For your information,
I never slept with Eric.

The only woman he wants
in bed is Amanda.

He would give up the world
for one night with her.

And guess what?
She would never do it.

So you can kiss your
restaurant good-bye.

Now, I personally... I hope
you end up in the gutter.

I have accepted it,
but at the same time,

I can't believe it's happening.

Everything that you and I have
worked for and dreamed about

all these years
is finally coming true,

and now some complete lunatic
is ripping us to shreds

simply because he can.

Let's not talk
about it right now.

There's nothing we
can do about it anyway.

No, no, see, that's the point.

There's got to be something.

Some, some weakness in him
that we can exploit.

There's got to be some way
to figure this guy out.

Well, there isn't.
He's a sick human being,

and I wish to God I'd
never met the bastard.

Look, I'm sorry. I just...
I want to fight back.

We can't. He won.
We lost. Get used to it.

♪ ♪

What a surprise.
You come to bail me out?

Mmm. No, not really.

I wanted to talk to you about
this problem with Michael.

Well, it's simple.

You get him to drop
the as*ault charges

so that I can get out of here,

and that might start solving
the problem that you started

by spilling about Kimberly
in the first place.

No, Coop, I didn't, okay.

And I don't know who did.

But this stuff you've been
doing is really weird.

I know you cared about Kimberly,

but pretending she's
back from the dead...

Megan, I didn't do anything.

I mean, yeah, I smashed
Michael in the face,

but I mean, come on,
tell me you haven't

wanted to do that
a few times recently.

If you're not doing it, who is?

It's, uh... it's
impossible to know, really.

But you get him to
drop the charges,

and I'll help you guys
figure it out, I promise.

Uh, why can't your
lawyer bail you out?

Oh, well, that would be easy
if I had any cash or property,

but my ex just finished
completely fleecing me,

and now my one partner
is sleeping with her.

And the other partner is the one who
put me in here in the first place.

God, I wish I'd
never come to LA.

Look, um, I'll talk to Michael,

but, uh, I wouldn't
count on anything.

Yeah. Well, thanks
for all your help.


You ready to go back
to your cell?

I need to make
a phone call first.

All right.

You got minutes.

Yeah, Palm West Hotel?

Can I have Miss Marion
Shaw's room, please?

Well, when did she check out?

I see. All right, thanks.

♪ ♪


Sam, listen.

Billy, where have you been?

I've been calling everywhere.

I mean, we have to talk.

Yeah. I've been doing
some thinking.

Uh, and I went on an errand.

Actually, the errand was
part of the thinking.

I went back to the dress shop,

and the lady is gonna
make your dress.

I put a down payment on it.

No, no.

You see, that's just it.

I don't want you to do
something out of guilt.

It seems that everybody
around here manipulates people

to get what they want.
And I don't want to do that.

Honey, I want you
to have the dress, okay?

I want... I want our
wedding to be the start

of a new life for us, okay?

So I have to start taking
risks for that life.

You know, if I stop
believing in the world,

then that bleeds over, and
I stop believing in us.

I can't let that happen anymore.

I want more than
anything in the world

for you to be my wife.

Not sometime in the future

when we might be more secure

or we might not be, but now.


Are you sure we can afford it?

I told you, I don't care.

Michael: You have got
to be out of your mind.

Why in God's name
would I drop the charges

against that lunatic?

Coop has cut all ties
with the sane world

and joined poor, dead Kimberly
in the land of the cuckoo.

I don't think he
did it, Michael.

Excuse me? But I have
a very clear image

of his fist hitting
the side of my head.

No. I'm talking about
the crazy stuff, okay?

I talked to him at
the county jail today,

and he said he had
nothing to do with it.

And I think I believe him.

What is this,
the Friends of Coop Club?

Peter says no cops,
you say let him go.

Well, here's the news, okay?
No. End of story.

Mancini here.

Woman: Michael.

Who is this?

I'm at the beach house.
Come home.

I'm not taking this anymore.

Wait, wait, wait,
where are you going?

Beach house. No,
I'll come with you.

No. I'm gonna settle this
once and for all... myself.

♪ ♪

Amanda, I hate to bother you,

but we have something
important to discuss.

Oh, I doubt it.
I'm on my way to see Kyle.

I figured that. That's exactly
what we need to talk about.

Take a couple of minutes.

Okay, spit it out.

Okay, I'm just gonna put
it right out on the table.

If Eric Baines is going
to drop all of this

for one roll in
the hay with you,

then for God sakes
get off your high horse

and do him before we
all lose everything.

I mean, this is my restaurant
we're talking about here.

How did you find out about this?

It doesn't matter. I know.

I mean, you didn't
really think that Megan

was gonna keep
your big secret, did you?

I mean, she doesn't
owe you anything.

But please, I am begging you.

Just haul this guys
ashes for me,

and if not for me, for Kyle.

It is important. This is
really none of your business.

Oh, get over yourself.

Tell me you didn't sleep with someone
when you had to on the way up.

What is one more?

I am telling you to drop it, Taylor.
No, I won't.

Because this is my life we're
talking about... and Kyle's.

This club is his heart and soul,

and it means everything to him.

I know that.

Oh, but I forgot.

You're too incredibly
selfish to think about him.

Well, if you don't do it,

I'm gonna tell him all about it.

Don't you thr*aten me.

Uh, Kyle hates when people
keep secrets from him,

especially secrets about sex.

You listen to me,
you silly bitch,

you say one word to Kyle
and I will hunt you down

and tear you to shreds.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪