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06x03 - No Time For Sperm Banks

Posted: 04/25/22 13:08
by bunniefuu
Look, I know

you pulled an all-nighter,
but I really need

to talk to you... it's important.

Yeah, I'm sure you do,
and I would really

love to talk to you,
but I got to go.

I've got a meeting
with Peter Burns,

and I got to go
to the copy place first.

Why are you meeting
with Peter Burns?

Can you keep a secret? Yes.

But I hate secrets.

Well, this is a really good one.

Peter called me last night...
You weren't home yet.

He wants to finance
Amanda's new ad agency.

So I've been working all
night on a prospectus.

I didn't know Amanda
wanted another agency.

Actually, it was my idea.

It was fueled by...

my total disregard for Craig.

Well, if Amanda gets
another agency,

what's gonna happen
to Craig's company?

He won't have a company.

All the employees
will defect to Amanda,

and then the
clients will follow.

First he loses Sydney,
now Sky High.

Billy, he won't
have anything left.

Who cares?
I don't, and you shouldn't.

You know? I mean, he's
never been nice to you.

He hasn't been nice to me.

I know. It's just...

We'll talk tonight.

Sam. You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.


I couldn't sleep.

I just kept thinking about...

what I almost did.

Could I come in? Sure.

I just thought you should know

I didn't tell Billy
about what happened last night.

Look, if you're worried that

he's gonna hammer me
into the ground, Sam,

I... don't blame him.

No. It's-it's not that.

Not... not exactly.

It-it just occurred to me that
the two of you work together

every day, and... I don't want
to say anything that might

compromise your
relationship, so...

I wish you wouldn't mention
anything to him, either.

I won't say anything.

But Sam, I was wrong to
blame you for Sydney's death.

And I was wrong to take
my anger out on Billy,

and I intend to make
it up to both of you.

You already have.

Come here.


am I interrupting
a private conversation,

or can anyone get a hug?

I should be going.

Morning, Jennifer. Mm.

Sam seemed a little... nervous,

don't you think?
What are you doing here?

Well, that's gratitude for you.

I just stopped by to make sure
you got home okay last night.

You, uh... were pretty
loaded at the club,

and... I was worried.

Well, as you can see, I'm fine.

Why are you being so rude to me?

I'm just trying
to be your friend.

We're not friends.

Now, beat it.

I need to get dressed for work.


we may not be friends, Craig...

but we are lovers,

and nothing can change that...

not even Samantha Reilly.

So, the bottom number
on this spread sheet,

that's the start-up capital
Amanda's gonna need

to launch her own agency. Yeah.

Assuming a staff of ,
offices on the Westside,

and, uh, at least % of
the clients she lost to Sky High

would... would come back.

I did a...

a little logo for you.

"Amanda Woodward Advertising ."

I like it.

I'm sure Amanda will, too.

You can keep it...
All the documents there.

I made copies.


Peter, does Amanda know
about any of this?

Last I heard, you guys weren't
exactly on speaking terms.

To be honest with you,
Bill, she doesn't.

And I really don't want you
saying anything to her just yet.

'Kay. You are planning
on telling her?

I didn't pull
an all-nighter for nothing?

The only thing
stopping Amanda is money.

But I'm sure she'll go for this.

You just leave Amanda
to me, okay?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Wish I could leave,
but I'm doomed to stay ♪

♪ I've never been religious,
but I'm ready to pray ♪

♪ I need to confess ♪

♪ But there's no one to tell ♪

♪ I keep trying
to reach heaven ♪

♪ But I'm stuck in this hell ♪

♪ Said I'm stuck in this hell ♪

♪ I stare out my window ♪

♪ And all I can see ♪

♪ Is that same dark cloud
that keeps following me ♪

♪ I wanted to run ♪

♪ But I slipped and I fell ♪

♪ I keep trying
to reach heaven ♪

I give up.

♪ But I'm stuck in this hell. ♪

Morning, Michael. You ready?

'Cause we're going
to hit traffic.

Where have you been?
I have rounds.

I have a Chief of Staff meeting.

I have a very important
appointment with a patient.

Hey, it's not like
I'm on the clock or anything.

This is charity. Charity?

Yes. You...

Helping the morally challenged
out of the goodness of my heart.

So you can take your
foul mood out Oh...

on someone else,
or I'm calling Mom.

All right,
I'm sorry I yelled, okay?

I'm just not used
to being dependent.

No, you're not used
to being single,

and you miss Megan,
and you're just too damn proud

to get down on your knees
and beg her to come back.

Listen, I got
to call the hospital.

Would it be too much to ask you

to call for me, dial?
Your wish is my command.

Thank you.

Thanks. Mm-hmm.

Hi. This is Dr. Mancini.

Put me through
to my office, please.

Michael, is that you? I...

Yeah, I was, uh, calling
the hospital.

I guess Jennifer misdialed.

Sometimes I get
those numbers confused.

So, um, how are you?

How you getting along
with your hands?

Well, you know, the
bandages will probably

be off by the end of the week.


Um... Do it!

Michael, are you still there?
Uh, yeah.

Yeah, yeah. Um, listen.

Um... uh...

Would you like to have dinner?

Look, Michael, I-I don't think

it's such a good idea.
Well, you know, it's...

it's just that it's the
only way I'll get to eat.

You know, with my hands
bandaged, I can't cook,

and... you know how
I hate eating alone

in restaurants.
Michael, you lied to me.

You used me. I'm begging you.

I'm down on my hands and knees.

Well... my knees, at least.

Have dinner with me, please.

All right, but it's just dinner.

That does not mean
that the slate is wiped clean.

All right?
Uh, just a little bit erased?

Anyway, I'll, um...

I'll pick you up
at : tomorrow night,

and I'll be
counting the minutes.

Hey, Billy.

Hey. I know.

Half hour late. Sorry.
Won't happen again.

Forget it.

What I wanted to talk
to you about is, um...

I guess I owe you an apology.

I've been a real jerk.

Yeah, I know.
Look, I know that it's

going to take some time
to win back your trust,

but I can pretty
much guarantee you

that, uh, down the road,
you and I will be partners.

Well, for now, we'll just
take it one day at a time.


One day at a time.

So, on the
first day of your cycle,

we'll order a, um,
ovulation predictor kit,

and then, when that test
comes out positive,

that means you'll, uh, ovulate
within to hours,

giving you approximately
a -hour fertility window.

Then we can order the sperm,
and you can get inseminated.



I mean, I am determined
to get pregnant

and get Kyle back,
Michael, but...

but just the idea
of thousands of vials

of frozen sperm incubating
behind these doors...

Well, it just kind
of takes the fun out of sex.

Well, it's not
about sex, Taylor.

It's about achieving pregnancy
with a selected donor.

Oh. Well, I've been
thinking about that part, too.

This donor guy,
he should either be

from Stanford, Harvard or Yale.

I want a professional...
Doctor, lawyer.

Or he could be an artist, too.

Excuse me, Taylor,
but the, uh... the idea here

is to achieve pregnancy
with a, um...

with a donor with characteristics
similar to Kyle's.

So, um, that means you should
be looking for an ex-Marine,

jarhead, uh,

grill cook
with a high school education

and a jones for jazz.

Well, a girl can
dream, can't she?

All right,
we want to blow out this wall?

Well, you're going to
pick up more feet,

which will give you
a really nice-sized office.

Ho-hold it. Wait a second.

Nobody's blowing out
any wall here.

That's my wall.
And who the hell are you?

Well, didn't Michael tell you?
Thank you.

This is Dr. Brett
Cooper, your new partner.

My what?

Peter Burns, right?

My friends call me Coop.

Well, we're not friends.

And until I say otherwise,

this is still
a two-man practice.

I can't believe Michael would
go behind my back like this.

Neither can I.
I am so sorry, Peter.

Uh, look, Dr. Burns, I'm...
I'm sorry about all this,

but, uh... Michael had me
sign a partnership agreement.

Well, Michael
is a lying sack of garbage,

and no agreement with his
name on the bottom of it

is going to stand up in court.

Where is Mancini, anyway?!

I-I better see who that is.

I know who it is. I'll get it.

Oh, man. Thanks, partner.

I'm still having trouble
with that door.

You don't know
what trouble is, Michael.

Did you think I wouldn't
notice another doctor

hanging around the office?

I swear I was gonna
tell you about Coop.

Right now, as a matter of fact.

So, uh, have you guys
introduced yourselves?

I don't know what
you're up to, Mancini.

But whatever it is, you're
not gonna get away with it.

Um, Dr. Cooper, can I see
you in my office, please?

Okay, before you say anything,

I want to apologize for
that scene Peter caused.

Michael, you told me you had
this whole partnership thing

figured out... what...?
I do, I do, I do.

Don't worry about Peter.

Because you and I are
going to push him out

and have our own practice.

Two against one.

That's my plan.

Ooh, I'm beat.

Oh, that's too bad. I was
just getting my second wind.


That second wind
thing is contagious.

But I got to go check on Taylor.

She was out sick today.

Oh, that's right.

Morning, afternoon,
evening sickness,

and all the other
times in between.

Will you give her a break?

Not on your life.

Kyle! What a surprise.

Mario said that you
were under the weather,

so I thought I'd
drop by, see how you are.

Oh, well, thanks. Come on in.

Sorry about the mess.

It's just that I've pretty
much been flat on my back

for most of the day.

You call your doctor?

Yeah, but he said that I'm just
gonna have to get used to it,

you know, for the first
three months at least.

What else did he say?


He must have told
you when you're due.

Yeah, February.

Mid-February, give
or take a week.

I'm so tired.

Yeah. Uh, I guess
I should get going.

Look, if you need anything...

I'll call.

And thanks for coming by.

It's nice to know
that somebody cares.

I meant what I said.

I'm not going to let you go
through this thing alone.

Wow. That means
so much to me, Kyle.

Yeah, well... uh, good night.

And I will talk to you tomorrow.

Okay, we'll be here.

What do you want?

Guess you're
not a morning person.

So I'll make this quick.

Here's my rent for the month.

And Megan is staying with me.

It's only temporary, until she
patches things up with Michael,

but I thought you should know.

Oh, well, thanks for being
such a conscientious tenant.

Now if you'd just work on
that attitude of yours.

Good morning.

I told Taylor that I would open
up the restaurant for her,

so I'll see you later. Hey.

See you later, too!

The man has never looked better.

Taylor is pregnant,
and Kyle is glowing.

No, no, he's just
happy and satisfied

for the first time in his life.

You know, Amanda,
I gotta hand it to you.

You're a better
person than I am.

I mean, letting Taylor live
here in your building.

Especially now
that she's with child...

Kyle's child.

I don't know, is that
better or worse

than having it be
your ex-husband's?

Anyway, more power to you.

Have a nice day.

So, you will call me when

the funds have been transferred
to my account, right?

You'll be hearing from me
by the end of the day, Peter.

Very good, thanks.

I hope

you're not trying
to pull something on Michael,

because I know that
that was your accountant.

Megan, I genuinely like you,
but you are Michael's wife,

therefore the last person

I intend to share
my confidences with.

Peter, I am begging you

to reconsider whatever it is
you're considering.

I know Michael
overstepped his bounds

bringing Dr. Cooper
into the practice without...

You sound like a she-bear
protecting her cub.

Well, looking out for
Michael's become a habit.

Well, maybe it's a habit you
should think about breaking.

And for the record, meeting with
my accountant had nothing to do

with Burns/Mancini.



Yeah, I'm thinking of
liquidating some of my assets

and investing in
Amanda's new ad agency.

Oh, I get it.

Now that you and
Taylor are past-tense,

you want Amanda back.

Ah, that is such a guy thing.

A guy thing?

Peter, if you have feelings
for Amanda, just tell her.

Don't try to buy her love.

Money only buys you a warm
body and a cold heart.

Well, you should know, huh?

Look, if you don't
want my advice, fine.

Just don't insult me.

Megan, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I was out of line.

I've got surgery;

One of Michael's patients.

I'll see you later.

This is great.

This is just great.

Boy, that guy
really doesn't like me.

Oh, I wouldn't take anything
he says too personally.

Your wife called. Three times.

No, actually, that's
my shrew of an ex-wife,

and I really don't want
to talk to her.

So if you could just keep taking
messages, I'd appreciate it.

Not a problem, Doctor.

Great. Hey, did, uh, my
files arrive from Cleveland?

Uh, no, not yet, but I ordered
you some new filing cabinets,

and as soon as your
files get here,

I'll make sure they get

put away. No.

What I mean is, um, I just
want to go through them first.

Make sure everything's there.

All right? Mm-hmm.


Melanie, I, uh, was
looking for Billy.

He has a file I need
for a meeting.

You just missed him.

He was headed over
to Mid-Line Airlines.

Maybe I can reach him
in his car.

Don't bother.
I'll check his desk.


"Amanda Woodward Advertising ."

I stopped by your apartment.

Where's Billy?

Wow, you startled me.

Um, he's at the market.

You want me to have him
call you when he gets back?

No, actually, I wanted to,
uh... talk to you alone.

Find out what's going on
with your, uh, boyfriend.

I don't know what you mean.

Well, I know that he's working
behind my back for Amanda,

planning a takeover of Sky High.

Well, if he's
done anything like that,

he hasn't told me about it.

You know, I don't believe this.

After all we've been through,
after all the pain and grief

that we've shared
for Sydney's death,

how can you stand here
and lie to my face?!

I am not lying!
It's just that...

Tell me, Sam!

You owe it to me.

Sam, please.

All right, all right.

But you have to understand
that whatever Billy did,

it's because he's
concerned about his job,

about the future
of your company.

Sure, fine, but what are
he and Amanda up to?

It's not just Amanda, it's...

it's Peter Burns.

He has agreed to finance
an ad agency for Amanda.

And Billy is working on some
kind of prospectus with him.

That's all I know.

I figured Amanda was gonna
pull something like this.

I won't let her get away with it.

Craig, please promise me
you won't tell Billy

I told you about this.

Don't worry, Sam.

I won't name names.

But I'm never gonna let anybody,
especially Amanda Woodward,

steal Sydney's and my company.

Stop it, Michael.

Stop what?

Look, electricity has
never been our problem.

Honesty and trust has.

You're right, but
I am a changed man, Megan.

I mean, all I have
to do is look down at

these bandages to realize
the error of my old ways.

Come on. What about this
whole thing with Dr. Cooper?

You're making him a partner
in Burns/Mancini

without even telling Peter?

I admit that was a mistake,

and I already told Peter
I was sorry.


You know, I don't know
what... means.

Look, it's just not enough
anymore to say the words

"I made a mistake, I'm sorry ."

I've been thinking a lot
about this, and there is a way

that you can get back
into my good graces,

but you-you're
not gonna want to do it.

Yes, I will.


I want us to go to
a couples therapist.


Couples therapy, I...
no, I-I like it.

And I'm even willing
to give it a shot

if that's what you really want,

but... you don't really want
that, do you?

I already called
and made us an appointment.


Sorry to interrupt your
dinner, but I need a doctor!

What? Is someone injured
in the kitchen?

No, it's my pregnancy.

I think there may be
a complication.

Oh, in that case,
you call my office

and you make an appointment.

I don't want
my dinner getting cold.

Michael, she's worried
about her baby,

and all-all you care
about's finishing your dinner?


No, um...

Megan's right. Um...

If you say there's an emergency,
and that's the case...

It's an emergency.
And I'm sorry, Megan.

I need to speak
with Michael in private.


I'll be right back.


It's positive. I'm ovulating.


You know what that means,

That my most
fertile time this month

is the next to hours.

So I need the frozen sperm now!

- Would you lower your voice, please?
- Oh, sorry.

But you got to do something.

I'll call the sperm bank

and make you
an appointment tomorrow.

Great, but what about my
tests and-and the physical?

I don't know.

I'll fudge them, but I promise,

you'll have your
sperm by tomorrow.

Now, I'm, uh,
trying to avoid going

to couples therapy with my wife,

so if you're done ranting,
can I get back to her?

Oh. Thanks. Yeah.

Okay. Thanks.

Even when I tell Megan

the truth...

What I mean is,
. % of the time

I am telling the truth...
She doesn't believe me.

Just because of that tiny
point one percent,

I, uh, fib a little.

Oh, I wouldn't call what
you did to Peter fibbing.

Okay, point well taken, but

that was just
one isolated incident.

Oh, and what about this whole
partnership thing? Dr. Cooper?

Okay, so maybe there was
two isolated incidents.

The point is, I don't set
out to lie to Megan.

And Michael, you think

that's an important
distinction, because...?

Megan and my third wife.

Uh, maybe you knew her.
Dr. Kimberly Shaw?




what I did is not even
in the same league as

what the two of them did to me.

I can't believe
you're even bringing that up.

Why? You can't deny it, can you?

That you intentionally
set out to deceive me?

I can't, okay?

But you and I weren't
even married then,

and if you recall, I came clean,

I admitted my mistake,
and I have shared

everything with you since then.

Can you say the same?

Yes! I want to share
everything with you.

I do. I love you.

Michael, those are just words.

Oh. I need more than that.

I-I need actions.

It's obvious
from listening to you two that

trust has become a major
obstacle in your relationship.

So I have a suggestion.

it's more of an exercise.

For the next hours,

you and Megan will agree
to tell each other the truth.

No lying, no fibbing.

Total honesty.


You don't think I can do it?

Michael, hours is a
long time for a guy like you.

Piece of cake,
and I'm gonna prove it to you.


Starting now.

So, what's
with the sudden interest

in male bonding?

I felt like
getting out some aggression.

I wanted to talk
to you in private.

All right, talk or serve.
It's up to you.

Nice serve, big guy. Six-four.

You know, I've been thinking
a lot about Amanda.


Yeah, I mean,
she's not gonna stay out

of the ad business
for too long, so, uh,

you and I got to come up
with a plan to protect Sky High.

You know, from a raid,
for instance.

Amanda seems pretty
happy just hanging out,

running the jazz club with Kyle.

So, what you're saying is
that there's no problem?

I mean, I want
to be clear about this.

There's no problem?

There's no problem.

Let's just get back to the game.

I've had my fill of games.

I'm going back to the office.

When you get there, Campbell,
you clean out your desk.

You're fired. Excuse me?

I'm not the fool
everybody thinks I am.

I know what you're up to.

Helping Amanda launch
her new agency?

Take over my company?

You got me, Craig, I admit it.

All right, I was trying
to s*ab you in the back.

I'm not even remotely sorry,

because you don't have
what it takes to run an agency.

So thanks for saving me
the trouble of quitting.

I think these are your balls.

You know, um,
maybe this was a mistake.

Well, Amanda, even though our
marriage didn't work out,

I mean, there's
no reason why we...

you know, we can't
still be friends.

Friends? Like-Like, um,
calling each other?

Inviting each other
over for dinner?

Sending birthday cards?

Yeah, yeah.

Well, something like that.

What I'm trying
to say is that I...

I... I miss talking to you,

and I miss having
you in my life,

and I miss knowing what's
going on in yours.

So anyway, what about
this-this, uh, new ad agency?

You thinking about going
ahead with this?

Yeah. Yeah, well, what it
comes down to is cash.

I mean, the bank is willing
to lend me %,

but with my savings
tied up in the jazz club,

I don't know if I can swing it.

I mean, I-I could sell
the apartment building.

You don't have to sell anything.

I'm... I'm gonna give
you the money.

You don't have to worry
about paying me back, either.


I hope you don't mind,
but I-I took the liberty

of calling Billy, and he
ran the numbers for me,

and it sounds like $ , is

the ballpark figure
for a... a major new agency.

Why would you do this?

Because I have the
money, and you need it.

And there are no strings?

No. I just want you to be happy.

Hmm. So I'm supposed to believe
that you are my happiness guru?


I know you. I know you!

I mean, you never do anything

unless you get something
out of it.


Maybe I do want something.


I want you to quit looking
at me as the enemy.

I-I want to try to
get back what we had.

I mean, is that so terrible?

Yes, because the bottom line is,

you're offering me money
to get me in bed with you.

No! That-That's not
what I'm saying at all here.

And that's not all that we had
together, either, you know.

I love you.

I've never stopped
loving you, and I... I

want you to give us
a second chance.

As far as I'm concerned,

we had a second chance,
and a third and a fourth.

We are not getting back
together, ever.

So you can keep your money,

because whatever I need... it's
a lot more than you're offering.

I'll find it someplace else.

Just a minute.

Yeah, coming.

Taylor, no, no!
Michael, I'm desperate!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Now is not a good time.
Now is not a good time.

I-I have a date with Megan.

We're in couples therapy.

We're getting
back together, so...

Oh, well, congratulations
for you, Michael,

but my life is going to hell.


Michael, some dumb pipe
burst at the clinic,

and now it's closed for a week.

And I'm only
fertile for another...


Oh, and I tried a couple
of other sperm banks,

but there's just
so much red tape.

This is a disaster.

You got to help me.

Look, I honestly don't know
what I could do for you.

Maybe I could overnight
some sperm to your apartment.

Weren't you listening to me?

There is no sperm bank;
It's closed for a week.

It's out of business.

There are no sperm to be had.

Okay, okay, then my only
suggestion would be, uh,

wait until next month
to get inseminated.

No, I can't wait.

Then Kyle will know
it's not his baby.

No, I've got to
get pregnant tonight.

Okay, then I guess
you're just gonna have to risk

picking up a guy at
a bar and seducing him.

And hopefully, you won't bring
any diseases along with you.

Wait a minute.

I got a better idea.

Have sex with me, Michael.

Uh, no, no, no.

Maybe you didn't understand me.

I'm reconciling with Megan.

Oh, how long has it been since
you two have been intimate?

No, no, no. Oh, I bet

you're pretty frustrated,
aren't you?

No, no, no, no! Look, I have
to be there in minutes.

Not to mention the fact
that, as a therapy exercise,

we've agreed to be
perfectly honest with

each other for hours.

Michael, listen,
I don't want a relationship.

I don't want a commitment.

I need your sperm.

Well, you can't have them.

Shut up and give
it your best shot.

No, Tay...

No... Oh!


Eric, it's Amanda.


Well, now, this is a surprise.

Well, I didn't wake you, did I?

Ah, you know my schedule.

Up at : ,
out for a run by : .

Listen, I hope you're calling

to tell me you've
changed your mind.

That you're moving
to New York, after all.

No, sorry, I haven't changed
my mind about New York,

just about the business.

Um, do you remember
telling me that.

"If you ever need
anything" just to call?

You know I do.

What do you need?

I need your help.

Now, you've always
been there for me,

but this is asking for a lot.

I'm opening my own agency,
and I can't do it without you.

If you give me the money, I will
make it worth your while.

Please, just... tell me
I can count on you.


I'll get into it
with my financial people,

and, uh... I'll give you
a call later on.

You-You don't know
what this means to me, Eric.

Thank you.

Who the hell is that?

Thought you were asleep.

And I thought that I knew
all the men in your life.

Um, Eric is just an old friend.

He gave me my start
in advertising.

D-Do you call all your
old friends at : a.m.?

It's three hours later
in New York.

It's the best time to reach him.

And you know this because...?


Kyle, there's no
reason to be jealous.


I mean, Eric has
something I need: Money.

So I can open my new
advertising agency.

If you need money, hell,

I-I will sell the
Boston restaurant.

Well, is it worth
a half million dollars?

What happened to starting small?

It's just not me.

I want Amanda Woodward
Advertising to be bigger

and better than anything
in this town.

Which leaves me two choices:

Borrow the money
from Eric or Peter.

Or would you prefer that I
have Peter as an investor?

Peter? Wh-What the
hell does Peter

have to do with any of this?

He offered me $ , .

And you're just now getting
around to telling me all this?

Well, I was gonna tell you about
it last night when we got home,

but we didn't talk
very much, did we?

Look, I don't want to
fight with you about this,

especially since it's
just business, okay?


As long as it is just business.

You've got a lot of nerve,
showing up hours late

for a date with Megan.

Want to tell me
where you've been?

Look, I don't owe you
any explanation.

Where is she?

This should be interesting,

considering we promised each
other hours of honesty.

Hey, I love your robe.

Is it new?

It's a kimono.

You've seen it a hundred times.

This is gonna get ugly,

so I'm just gonna go
for a really long jog.

So where were you last night?

Well, honey, I wanted
to be with you.


But, um, well, there was
a medical... emergency.

I had to... squeeze in a patient

with, um, uh...
a-a gland problem.

And-and it took all night.

I mean, it was a, it was a...

a touch-and-go situation.

And... I never heard
moaning like that.

I couldn't get to a phone.

And then, oh, then, then I,

then I made
the mistake of lying down,

and... I fell asleep.

I'm... I'm so sorry.

Could you ever forgive me?

I-I want to, but that's, uh,

that's some story.

I know, but Megan, I swear
every word of it is true.

Michael, I want to believe you,

I really do, but you know,
you make it difficult.

You can't even say
"good morning" without lying.

It's a compulsion.

I've never, never, ever lied to
you about my feelings for you.

You are the only woman for me.

The only one who's ever
made me happy.

All right... Michael...

I do believe you.

You know, I guess
what they say is true:

Honesty's the best policy.

What? What? What's wrong now?

I... I'm just not ready
to jump back in bed yet.


♪ ♪

Oh, hey, sorry I'm late.

I guess you can see your
patient files arrived, and...

Yeah, thanks. I just thought
I'd put them in here.

I didn't want anyone to get
their hands on them. Here.

Let me help you take... No, no,
that's really not necessary.

No, I-I-I... Really! It's...

It's okay, Doctor.

Look, it's my job to push
the paper around here.

"Kimberly Shaw"?

You knew Kimberly?

Yeah, I-I treated her back in
Ohio, after a car accident.

Did you know that she
was married to Michael?

She was on the staff here
at Wilshire-Memorial? Uh...

No. I mean, I-I knew that she
had moved back to California

and that she'd married her
fiancé, who was also a doctor.

But I mean, I had no idea
that that doctor was Michael,

till the other day when
I heard him talking

to a colleague
about his dead wife.

I mean, what a bizarre
coincidence, right?

Yeah, it's like one of those


But, um, why
didn't you say anything?

Why are you trying
to hide her file?

Megan, I'm not trying
to hide anything.

Well, Michael has
a right to know.

I really think
you should tell him.

And I will.

I just want to pick the time.

It's a lot to lay on the guy.

So I'd-I'd appreciate it
if you didn't say anything.

You know I hate to keep things
from Michael,

but, uh, Kimberly was
a good friend of mine,

and I think that she
would be pleased to know

that fate brought
the two of you together.

So, yeah, I'll, uh, keep
your secret for now.

But if I were you, I'd find
a way to tell Michael.

I'll take care of this customer.

Oh, thank you.

Business looks good.

Sink your drink and get out.
You're not welcome here.

Well, it must be your charm
that draws all the customers in.

Relax. I'm not
looking for any trouble.

No, you're just
looking for Amanda.

For the record, there's nothing
going on between me and my ex.

Offering Amanda
$ , to start

her own advertising agency
doesn't qualify as nothing.

Well, it does if it was
offered, then refused.

This one's on the house.

Get out.

How did I get
to be the bad guy here, hmm?

You're the one who goes home
with Amanda every night.

I got to hand it to you, boss.

You sure like your
relationships complicated.

Look, I'll call you back.

I'll call you back
when I call you back!

Forget it.

I'm not showing you anything,
especially not my books.

Fine. You know what?

Take it up with my lawyers;
That's what I pay 'em for.

Just quit calling me!


I have one of those.

Mind if I join you?


- Scotch, neat.
- All right.

Another bourbon and water.
Coming right up.

So, your, uh, wife try and
take you for everything,

like my shrew of an ex-wife did?
No, no, no.

Amanda, she just wanted
to be rid of me.

You don't still have
feelings for her, do you?

Ask me next week.

Oh, man, you got it bad.

I know what that's like.

I've only felt that
way about one woman.

Now she's dead.

No, I have one of those, too.

A much-adored dead wife.

Ah, she wasn't my wife,
but I wanted her to be.

Tell you what, a toast.

To the women
we've loved and lost.

Hear, hear.

When Michael said he was
bringing another partner

into the practice, I sort of
had this knee-jerk reaction.

Yeah, you didn't like me.


But now I'm starting to think

that having another
partner may not be so bad.

Two against one is
never bad, right?

I think I've heard that
somewhere before.

Yeah. Two against one.

- Dr. Paula Hornbuckle, .
- Dr. Paula...

Taylor, what are you doing here?

I called the hospital, and
they said you were working late.


You know, between your
sexual demands and my job,

I'm exhausted.

Do you have any idea what it's
like being Chief of Staff?

Come on.

Well, Peter went to cocktail
parties and he gave speeches.

Really? Mm-hmm.

I write memos that nobody reads

and take meetings
with moronic doctors.

Tell you the truth,
this Chief of Staff thing is,

is not living up to
my expectations.

And after I almost wrecked
my career and marriage for it.

Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that.

And I don't want to add
to your burden, so I'll

just get right to the point.
Yeah, yeah, I wish you would.

I finally read those brochures
from the sperm bank.

And if you and I have sex
again, it increases my odds

of getting pregnant by %.

I'm begging you.

Leave me alone, before
I lose Megan for good.

What Megan
doesn't know won't hurt her...

No, no, no, no, it's out
of the question, Taylor.

Michael... "No" means no.

I love Megan, and I'm
dedicating my energies

to, uh, rebuilding
our relationship

and-and... and winning
back her trust.

No, Taylor, stop it!

Look, look, I positively,
absolutely am not gonna be

unfaithful to-to Megan.


Since when? Last night?


No... No!



No! No!