08x18 - Lost Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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08x18 - Lost Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, andy.

Hey. You're in early.
What's going on?

Can we talk in there?

Yeah, sure.

This got something to do
with your transfer?

The transfer was going
to take too long,

So I've, uh, put in
for leave of absence.

And that's come through.

Effective tomorrow.

But I've got some lost time
built up,

So I'm taking that today.

One day?

What's the big rush?

It's not the one day.

Saying good‐bye to everyone.

Look at me. I'm starting
to puddle up talking to you.

Danny's going to take it bad.

That was a part of it.
I‐i wasn't up to facing him.

I'll talk to him.

Thanks, andy.

Any idea...

How long you'll be out?

The department allows
for a year personal leave,

But I'm taking it
a day at a time.

We're always here
if you need us.

I'm here.

Tell everyone
I'll call each of them.

No problem.

What you meant to bobby,
what you mean to me ‐‐

I‐i don't have the words.

Do what you have to
to be happy.

I think I am.

You take care of yourself.

You too.

Lost time, john.

No, i‐i don't know
if I can make it there

By 5:00 tonight, katie.

How much is this place?

In manhattan?

What is it, next door
to a cr*ck house?

[ Sighs ]

Yeah, I know.

You told me that
these apartments go fast.

I'll let you know.

Hey, are you still looking
for a new place?

I got a good deal
where I'm living.

If we're going to find
more space,

I'm going to have to
get a second job

Or win the lottery.

You hear anything
about diane calling in sick?

She's not sick.

Well, it's not like her
being late.

It's going to be
one of those days.

Just got two homicide calls.

One's in an apartment,
avenue b,

Between 2nd and 3rd.

The other's right out
on 9th street.

How about me and andy
take the avenue b?


You and baldwin.


Being diane russell's
on a personal leave of absence

As of today,

I guess connie's
without a partner,

So let's say today
you go with danny and andy.

Right, boss.

Hey, uh, diane's on leave
as of today for how long?

I don't know.
Could be as much as a year.

Gee, I would have liked
to say good‐bye.

I saw her this morning
when she was signing her papers.

You talked to her?

She said to tell everybody
she was going to call.

No, that's about me ‐‐
her not wanting to say good‐bye.

Maybe it's about her having
a tough time leaving here.

Yeah ‐‐ a tough time leaving,
a tough time staying.

She should have let me
be the one to go.

Danny, one foot
in front of the other.

We head out?

Yeah. Come on.

D.o.a. Is a svetlana corso.

It's her apartment.
No sign of forced entry.

Guy over there
called it in.

Said he had an appointment
to meet her.

No ligature marks.

Looks like
manual strangulation.

Pretty girl.

Broken fingernails.

She put up a fight.

Have crime scene
bag her hands.

You called 911?

What's your name?

[ Russian accent ]
nikolai korsov.

You know this girl?

Yes. Lana. She is dancer
at tailfeathers nightclub.

Topless dancer.

She'd prefer "exotic."

Connie: so, nikolai,
what kind of appointment was it

You and lana had
so early this morning?

Not like you think.
She's a nice girl.

Never mind what we think.
Why don't you tell us?

I run jewelry shop ‐‐
first avenue.

Lana take on consignment,

Sell to girls
where she work ‐‐

Earrings, bracelets,
semiprecious stones.

Also, for customers
give to girls.

That's how she makes money.
No need to sell body.

So she wasn't hooking.

You and lana ever
get together on the house?

Maybe she was grateful ‐‐

You helping her out,
trusting her with your wares.

Not to say
I'm not interested.

Lana come two years ago
from russia,

Say she want to make money

Before her tits sag
and ass fall.

Start clothing shop.

She's an excellent seamstress.

So she'd dance at clubs,
sell jewels for me ‐‐

Let's get back to today.

Today I meet her here,

I knock on door,
she doesn't answer,

But I could hear, inside,
her speaking with man.

So you figured
she was blowing you off.

So I go out and call.

I leave message on machine.
I am upset.

And then I see two men
come from building,

And one carries a safe.

A safe?

She kept money
and jewels in it.

So after you saw these two,
what did you do then?

I am upset.
I am scared.

I right away call 911.

Police come,
I show them apartment.

They open door,
she is dead on floor.

Poor lana.

Guess you lost
your salesgirl, huh?

Do you think you could describe
these two men you saw?

Yes. Both white.

One I get close look.

Handsome. Dark, thick hair.
Could be italian.



So I get back to work now?

Got an idiot who runs my shop
while I'm away.

Why don't you give us
your number at the shop?

We'll be in touch.

D.o.a.'S martin simons.

Wife says male came up
on him from behind,

Put the old man
in a choke hold.

Paramedics say the poor guy
had a heart att*ck.

Mrs. Simons?

I'm detective medavoy.

What am I going to do?

Can you tell me
what happened?

We just came from the bank.

Marty cashed his monthly check
from the v. A.

And we were walking back
to our apartment

When this thug came up

And grabbed marty
around the neck.

This is my partner
detective jones.


Which bank was that?

The citizens of new york.

Marty liked to take out
a little cash to give the kids.

They don't need the money,
but it made marty feel good.

And you think this guy
followed you from the bank?

I don't know. It seemed like
he came out of nowhere.

Did you get
a good look at him?

He was black.
He was about 6 feet.

He had those little,
uh, braids.

He was young.
Maybe 20?

I gave him the money,

But then marty didn't want
to give up his ring.

His wedding ring?

Gold battalion ring
he got from the army

In world w*r ii.

He wore that ring every day
for 56 years.

A shell came in the foxhole.

They called it a dud,

But it blew 20 pieces of casing
in marty's leg.

He said, "calm down, old man.

Just give me the ring
and I won't hurt you."

Marty wouldn't give it to him.

He got it anyway.

And then marty collapsed
and the boy ran away.

That ring meant so much to him.

We'd like you to come
to the station house with us

To, uh,
look at some pictures.

Couldn't we do that later?
I just want to go home now.

Do you have anyone
that can stay with you?

My daughter.

She ‐‐ how can I tell her
her father's been m*rder*d?

We'll see what we can do
to get that ring back.

[ Dance music playing ]

It's not even noon.

These mutts are already
sucking up beer,

Sticking in bills
where they don't belong.

In my day, I was good
for a couple of sh*ts

And sticking in a few bills
by noon.

Looking for the owner.

Which one?
Joe shoman.
Call me joey.

Me and my partner
own the place.


What can I do for you?

Lana corso.

Uh, she don't work
till 8:00 tonight,

So why don't you
come back then?

Drinks on the house.

When was the last time
you saw her?

Uh, last night.
She danced the late shift.

What's she done?

She's got herself k*lled.

Oh, my god.

You got any idea
who'd want to see her dead?


Really, i‐i don't.

Did you know she was
selling jewels out of your club?

She didn't hide it.

Figured it was a service
for the customers.

And you didn't maybe
want a cut?

Oh, it was penny‐ante.

You think we had her whacked
behind selling knickknacks?

Connie: did lana
have a boyfriend?

I wouldn't know.

How about
any special customers ‐‐

Anybody who might have
got jealous?

Nobody fixated,
if that's what you're asking.

The girls probably know more
about lana's personal life

Than I do.

I'll need a list of personnel,
on and off the books.

Anything you guys need.

You ‐‐ what's your name?


Like chelsea clinton?

What can you tell me
about lana corso?


Because I asked you.

Does lana have a boyfriend
you know of?

I guess she was dating
this one guy on and off.

This guy got a name?

Mike gillespie.

He's a bouncer
over at sloane's.

Can I talk to you a minute?
I'm a detective.

What's it about?

It's about lana corso.

Oh, god. Did something
happen to her?

What makes you think that?

Is it okay
if we sit down?

So, what's your name?

Kristen moore.

So what happened to lana?

Someone strangled her
at her apartment.

She was, um...

My best friend in new york.

She was different
from the other girls.

Any idea who might have
wanted her dead?

So nice to everyone.

I‐i can't believe anyone
would want to k*ll her.

You know anything
about her selling jewelry

To any girls at the club,
any customers?

Sure. You think that's
why she got k*lled?

We don't know.

So, how long
you been working here?

Six months.

What can you tell me
about the owners?

Joey and ed?

They're nice enough,
I guess.

A place like this ‐‐

We all know it's hooked up
with some criminal activity.

We're not looking
to shut it down.

We're looking to find out
who k*lled your friend.

I keep away
from all that stuff.

Lana did, too.

What about a boyfriend?

There was this one guy,
uh, mike gillespie.

But I don't know if I'd exactly
call him her boyfriend.

He works over at sloane's.

I don't think she's seen him
in a while.

Okay, kristen.
You been a lot of help.

You going to be here
if we need to reach you?

I don't work till tonight.
I just came by for my check.

I'm scared.

Look, here's my card.

You call me
if you need anything.

God, this is so awful.

[ Knocks on door ]

On that d. O. A. Martin simons,

Greg and I chased a pattern
of street robberies.

Looks like elderly
being followed

Coming out of
the citizens bank of new york

Over on 8th street,

Especially the first
of the month like today.

When they get

Their social security checks
and the like.

Our d. O. A.'S check
was from the v. A.

Bottom feeders.
Take your government check,

Maybe you don't eat
till the next one.

Eight muggings past six weeks ‐‐

Each one, bad guy came up
from behind, used a chokehold.

They get descriptions
from the victims?

Black male, 20s,
sometimes 2 of them.

That's pretty general.

In this case, the d. O. A.'S wife
thinks she could probably i. D.

The guy who att*cked
her husband.

The reason no one put this
together before

Even though all the victims
came out of the same bank ‐‐

They got taken off
in different locations

And some reports even fell off
into different precincts.

Get with anti‐crime.

Put some special attention
there the rest of the day.

We were thinking maybe
set up on that bank ourselves.

Let's do it.

That bar sloane's
this mike gillespie works at ‐‐

They haven't heard from him.

There's still no answer
at his place.

Maybe we should drop by.

This gillespie
was lana's boyfriend.

They had
a distant relationship.

Phone dump don't show
no calls from her place

To or from his place.

I ran the boyfriend
michael gillespie.

Came up one collar for discon,
one for as*ault.

He's a bouncer.

Maybe breaking up
a bar brawl.

You know, I'll try and dig up
some background on the owners.

I'll call occb and see if
they've got anything

On ties to the mob.

I could try
the state liquor authority.

Sounds good.

Detective mcdowell?

Detective russell
on line one.

She said she was
going to call people.

Um, miss bunin.


Oh, you remember me.

Cynthia, what are you
doing here?

Is something wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

Is there someplace
we can talk?

Uh, sure.

Want some coffee?

Uh, no, thanks.
I'll get to the point.


I didn't like how
we left things.

Yeah, I didn't like how
we left things neither.

I care about you.

I didn't like the idea
of you thinking

I was selfish

Or didn't understand
your point of view.

I wasn't thinking
any of that.

I know your life
is complicated.

You've got
a 5‐year‐old boy.

You've got a history.

[ Sighs ] god, I've rehearsed
all this in my mind,

And now I'm not getting
any of it right.

You're doing fine.

I‐i guess what
I wanted to say

Is that me pushing you
like I did

Into making some kind
of commitment

Before you were ready ‐‐

I didn't give you
any choice.

I feel like I drove you away,
and that's not what I wanted,

And if things ever change,
and you decide

Maybe you and I could have
something together,

No pressure,
no clock ticking,

And not everything going
back and forth

To uncle eddie,

Please give me a call.

Cynthia, um,

I think you should know
I'm getting married.


I‐i didn't even know
you were seeing someone else.

I'm getting married
to my ex‐wife ‐‐

My ex‐wife katie.

I didn't get the impression

You two were heading
in that direction.

Well, I know. We hadn't been,
but it's good for theo,

And katie's been
taking care of him

Ever since his mom passed.

Andy, I hope you don't
take this the wrong way,

And I'm only going to
say this

Because I do care
about you ‐‐

Cynthia ‐‐
hear me out.

You're a good man,

And I know you love
your son very much,

But I think you should

If this is good for you,

Because if it's not
good for you

In the long run,

It isn't going to
be good for theo.

Well, there's more to it
every direction.

Knowing what's good
and what's not ‐‐

Got to be clairvoyant.


I hope it works out
for you.

Uh, right, thanks.

Hey, connie.

Occb says these guys
at tailfeathers

Are hooked up pretty good
with the gambino crime family.

for a topless joint.

Yeah, the owners are fronting

For wiseguys
doing business out of there ‐‐

dr*gs and money laundering.

Manhattan d. A.'S office ‐‐

They had the place up
for six months,

But they couldn't get
anything solid.

they're pretty slick.

Thinking maybe this lana
somehow got in the middle

Of something
she shouldn't have?

It's possible.
So what did diane have to say?

Mostly apologized for not
saying good‐bye in person.

Yeah, did she say anything
about her future plans?

Nothing specific.

Take care, andy.

Yeah, you, too.

Hey, andy, baldwin and me
need your help.

What are we talking about?
I'm working a homicide.

Got a pattern.
Elderly, robbed in the street

First of the month
coming out of a bank.

One today
turned up d. O. A.

I want to put together
a decoy operation.

You want me posing
as an old man?

What's wrong with medavoy?

Greg's already on board.
Works best with two, and safer.

It's the first of the month.

That's a limited window
of opportunity.

Hey, great.

This I'd pay to see.

Put me down, too.

Lieutenant, busy day.

D.o.a., Alley off 4th street
between b and c.

What, so connie and me?


Come on, danny.
I'm sure she'll call you.

Yeah, well, either she will
or she won't, I guess.

She will.

What do you got?

Bottle picker found him,
called it in.

No witnesses came up
and said they saw.

All right, so we're not
talking ground ball here.

Maybe someone who lives back
in one of these buildings

Heard something.


Looks like
two entry wounds ‐‐

One in the chest
and one back of the head.

Big holes.
Figure large‐caliber g*n.

Don't look like
he's dead that long.

Not a lot of blood around.

No, looks like he's sh*t
someplace else.

Dump job.
We got a wallet.

Money's still there,
so it wasn't a robbery.

I.d. Says he's
michael gillespie,

1162 Ludlow street.

Michael gillespie,
as in lana corso's boyfriend?

Looks like.

I guess that's why
he wasn't home

And no one's heard
from him at work.

Son of a bitch.

We got a mystery here.

We appreciate you
helping out, andy.


I got to say,
those street crime guys

Did one hell of a job
on me.

Are you saying they did
a lousy job on me?

Nah, but you got to admit,

With you they didn't
have to do that much.

You think you look younger
than I do

'Cause of that carrot top
you dip in paint

Twice a month?

What are you talking about?
I don't dye my hair.

Yeah, okay, medavoy,
whatever you say.

Only do me a favor, huh?

You're going to keep
your hair that red,

You got to talk
with an irish brogue

Like that leprechaun

With the marshmallow cereal
on tv.

Okay, let's not say anything
more we might regret.

Ahem. Still no one
looks like your guy.

Yeah. We could be here
a while.

At least you get to sit.

A special preview
of my golden years,

Parading in and out of here
like the sunshine boys,

Waiting to get mugged.

What do you say
we get back in line?

Yeah, come on.

Give me a push there,
sonny boy.

Woman: next in line, please.

Hello there.

See you next month.

Have a nice day.


Got it.

We got company.

Easy, medavoy.

Nice and slow.

Hey, yo, pops,
wait up.

Please don't hurt us.
What? What? What?

Do what you're told,
maybe you won't get hurt.

What do you want?
What you think we want?

Let's see the money
you got out the bank.

Okay, old man,
government check day.

I saw you take the cash
out the bank,

So don't be playing dumb
with us.

No, we wouldn't do that.
Andy, give them the money.

Here's your money,

Hold it right there!

You don't got to do that!

Take it easy, my man.

Who's the old man now,
huh, scumbag?

Hey, we put rashon and michael
in separate rooms.

And mrs. Simons is coming up
for the lineup.

Uh, detective medavoy?

Detective russell
called for you.

Oh, thanks.

Did you talk to her?

Ahem. No.

She'll call.

Ahem. So, um,
that d. O. A. In the alley ‐‐

That was mike gillespie.

Mike gillespie, as in
lana corso's boyfriend?

One and the same.

You get anything
out of it?

Dump job. No witnesses.

May I help you?

Uh, detective sorenson?

Kristen, hi. This is
my partner andy sipowicz.

I heard
mike gillespie's dead.

Uh, why don't we go talk
about it in here?

Guess news travels fast
in the titty bar grapevine.

Right there.

Detective mcdowell,
kristen moore.

Hi, kristen.

Hey, have a seat.

Get you something to drink?

No, thank you.

I didn't tell you
everything before,

But I was scared.

I'm sorry.

It's okay. Tell us now.

I just can't help thinking
if I'd said something,

Maybe lana wouldn't
be dead...or mike.

Said something about what?

Well, I didn't want
to lose my job.

No one likes it
if you talk too much,

And since my mom d*ed,
we're alone.

I'm putting my brother
through school,

And dancing at the club ‐‐

I couldn't make that kind
of money anyplace else.

what are we talking about?

Frank russo,

The night bar man
at the club ‐‐

He's always
hitting on me.

The last couple of weeks,

He's got all these questions
about lana.

What kind of questions?

Like does she go
to the gym every day,

How much money
do I think she's made

Off selling jewelry,

Does she keep the stuff
she sells at her place?

We got
the personnel records.

Let me go run this guy
in the computer.

Excuse me.

You think he's involved?

First, I thought maybe
he's hot for her.

Then one night,
mike comes in the club,

And lana
wasn't even dancing.

I saw frank and him

Did you hear
what they were saying?

Now I'm like, maybe it was
frank who k*lled lana,

And he k*lled mike
to shut him up.

Frank ‐‐
he's pretty twisted.

What if he thinks
I know something?

What should I do?

It's going to be okay,

You did the right thing
by coming in.

I just feel so bad
about lana.


We'll be right back.

I say we wire her up. This
russo's got a thing for her,

Maybe she gets him to talk.

What, use her as bait?

You can see she's already scared
half to death of this assh*le.

And this assh*le could have
k*lled two people.

We get this guy
off the street,

The girl in there's safe,
and he can't k*ll anyone else.

Frank russo ‐‐ one previous
collar for bad checks.

Let's get a photo array
with this

And a picture of gillespie
over to that jeweler,

See if he picks him out
as who we saw

Leaving lana's place
this morning.

Club's hard to control.

Maybe we could set up
in her apartment.

I'll call
the d. A.'S office.

So, I get frank
to come in my place

And see if I can get him

Talking about
what happened to lana.

That's the idea.

Maybe get him to think
you're going to take over

Selling jewels, and offer him
a piece of the action.

Play up to him.

I think I can get him
to say something.

He's not really so smart.

Well, you don't have to get him
to say he k*lled her.

All we need is
some corroboration

He was there this morning.

And you think I'll be
safe in there?

We'd be set up nearby watching
the whole thing on video,

So if he tries anything,
we can come right in.

As soon as you get him in there,

We'll have cops
right outside your door.

And the reason
we're suggesting

Your apartment is
if you give permission

For a video camera,
then the other person

Doesn't need to know
they're being filmed.

I understand.

Kristen, if you're
not up for this,

Now's the time
to say so.

Well, I'm not saying
that I'm not scared,

But I want to do this
for lana.

Okay, then.

Also, if I could
help you arrest him,

I don't have to worry

About him doing
something bad to me.

Did I miss him?
Was he in there?

Mrs. Simons, don't be concerned
you didn't recognize

Anyone that time.

Maybe in the next bunch.

So the man who k*lled
my husband ‐‐

He could be in this one?

We don't know that.

Mrs. Simons,
a. D. A. Valerie hayward.

You ready?

Tell us if you recognize

Do you recognize anyone?

Number four.

Where do you recognize him

He's the boy who att*cked us
this morning.

He's who took marty's ring

And m*rder*d him.

Okay, mrs. Simons,
that's a big help.

Before y'all start up,
let me just say,

My cousin omar ‐‐
he's a lawyer.

Hey, that's good for omar.
Bet his mama's proud.

Guess good thing we gave
michael here his rights

In the car on the way over.

Yeah, omar would catch us
on that for sure.

Yo, it's your call,

You want to phone omar
or hear us out?

Can I ask you something

Like what?

Look, what you had me
stand in a lineup for

When three damn cops
already going to say

I tried to rob them?

See that?
Michael's smart, too.

You should be more
like your cousin,

Put that mind
to better use.

Where were you
this morning, michael?

My old lady lulu's.

We was out
partying last night.

This morning
we was hung over,

So we stayed in bed.

So you're saying
that lulu can vouch

For your whereabouts.

Give me a phone.

What's so damn funny?

You know, see,
in that lineup,

A witness just now
picked you out

Robbing an old man
this morning

You followed out
of that same bank.

You know that's why we put you
in that lineup, michael.

We just wanted to make sure
what you already know.

I ain't saying I did.

We know it was you,

We got witnesses.

It's the same pattern we
caught you off just now,

So don't be lying to us.

The thing is,
that old guy's wife ‐‐

She's been bugging us
if we found who robbed him,

About a ring that got taken.

You helped us,
giving us a heads‐up

What you did with that ring,

We could get you
some consideration.

Helping you find this ring,

That would help me out?

All right. I got it.


Top drawer,
dresser in my apartment.

Write down the address.

This going to give me
some consideration?

We'll definitely tell the d.a.
You were cooperative.

See, the only problem is,
michael, that old man d*ed.

As far as the law's concerned,
that means you k*lled him.

You're telling me
that old man d*ed?

Tough luck,
huh, michael?

Man, I didn't even want
to hurt that dude.

Why didn't he just
give up the damn ring?

So russo told kristen
to be here

Over 20 minutes ago.

[ Doorbell buzzes ]
here we go.



Take off your coat.

It was a nice surprise,
you inviting me over.

I didn't think
you even liked me.

Well, I had to act like that
at the club.

I mean, ed and joey
don't like us girls

Dating employees.

You want something to drink?
I got beer.

Yeah, beer's good.

Let me lay this right out.

I don't want happening to me
what happened to lana.

I guess not.

'Cause if what happened to her
was 'cause she was stupid

And she wouldn't play ball,

I'm not making
that same mistake.

I don't follow you.

What's all this crap
about lana?

All I'm saying is, you know,

Whatever you had to do,
that's cool.

What I'm thinking is
I can take her place

Selling jewels at the club.

So I'm coming to you first
to say

You and me can be partners.

Anything I make,
you get half.

Look, babe, come on,
enough talk.

This guy's
a major assh*le.
Easy, danny.

He's not interested in nothing
but throwing a hump in her.

Frank, come on.
I want to get this straight.

Sure, we're partners.

How about showing me
we're partners?

Come on, andy, let's go.

Just wait.

Frank, that's enough.
I don't want to.

What is this,
some kind of prick tease?

You ask a guy over
to your house,

And then you don't want to?

I asked you over because I want
to talk about business,

In private.

I don't think so.

Let's go.
Just wait.
It's not enough.

That's a nice blouse.

You wearing a bra
under that, hmm?

Hey, come on! Don't!

Now! Let's go!

We're going to do this.

No! Don't!

Stop, assh*le!

What the hell
is going on?

You're under arrest
for attempted r*pe.

A slut like this takes
a hump, you think it's r*pe?

I'm sorry.
He wouldn't say anything.

It's okay, kristen.
You working with them?

Huh, you skanky
little bitch?

You want to shut your mouth
now, frank,

Before I shut it for you?

All right, danny.
All right.

Frank: where's my jacket?

You got a big problem, frank.

We got a real good picture
of you on tape

Trying to r*pe that girl.

Andy: your film debut

Is not exactly
scoring you no oscar,

But it does win you
10 years in the joint.

It couldn't be r*pe.
She invited me over.

This shows her saying no

And you not taking that
for an answer.

That's attempted r*pe.
You want to see it?

The good news is

I think we can
help each other out.
How's that?

Cards on the table ‐‐
we need something from you

Which gives you a hand
you can deal.

Andy: you see,
with this attempted r*pe,

We know what happened.

That's 10 years we got
in the bank.

But with these two people
that got m*rder*d today,

Those, we don't know
what happened.

We're talking
about lana and mike.

Hey, that I know
nothing about.

Hey, we know you were there.

Come on, back at lana's,

Remember that russian guy's
voice on the message machine?

Well, he picked out your picture
coming out of her place

Two minutes after
she got k*lled.


What's working for you

Is mike and lana
both being dead,

That leaves just you
who knows what happened.

We don't know, was it you
k*lled the girl,

Was it mike?

Plus, with mike,
did you sh**t him

For the money,
did he pull a g*n on you?

Now, if you could
help us out with that,

Maybe we could make this
r*pe thing go away.

You mean, like,
go away away?

Like, poof.

All right.
I didn't k*ll no one.

Mike k*lled the girl.

It was all his idea.
I just went along.

So you were
just robbing her.

Okay, yeah, but she wasn't
supposed to be home.

Girl hits the gym at 8:30,

She don't get home
until 10:00.

This morning she picks
to meet the jeweler.

Bad luck.

Mike, he's got a key.

Made a copy from once
when they was dating.

So mike's planning this
all along.

That's right.
So she comes in on us,

Sees us grabbing up the safe,
starts shouting.

Mikey flips out.
Mike did?

Yeah. Sticks his hand
over her mouth,

Ripping at her clothes,

Shouting at her,
"shut up! Shut up!"

She just hits the floor.

So you book.

Damn right we book.
Jump in my car,

Take off, park a few blocks
away from there.

Mike pulls a g*n on me.

I push the g*n away,
g*n goes off.

You're saying this
was self‐defense,

Your sh**ting mike.

Yeah, like justifiable.

I had to do it.

So, you see,
I didn't k*ll no one.

You make your statement,
we'll take it to the d. A.

Okay. I just tell the truth,
and everything's cool?

All right.

Where did you find it?

The guy that you picked out,
he told us where to find it.

You've arrested him?

Yes, ma'am.

Thank you.
Thank you both.

Marty wore this ring every day
for 56 years.

Now I'll wear it for him.

I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

Can we get you
a ride home?

No. My daughter's
waiting downstairs.

We'll walk you out.

Frank russo's
writing out a statement.

Did he go
for both homicides?

He's writing down
his version.

He places himself on the scene,
both cases.

Andy: probably won't include

The second b*llet
gillespie took

Right behind the ear

And kind of blows
his self‐defense theory.
Good work.

Don't forget to put in
for the overtime.

Oh, detective jones,

Detective russell for you.

Thanks, john.

Hey, I wrote it all down ‐‐

How mike k*lled the girl
and how he tried to k*ll me.


So what happens now?

Well, you take a little ride
to central booking

And get processed.
Is that what you call it?

A formality, right?
After that I get bail?

Frank, there's no bail
on a m*rder charge.

m*rder charge?
What's he talking about?

The two counts of m*rder ‐‐
lana and mike.

Wait a minute.
I explained all that,

And you understood.

Yeah, and you're getting
charged with m*rder,

So now it's between you
and the legal system.

But like we promised,

We're holding off
on the attempted r*pe.

Oh, thanks for nothing.

You lousy cops,
you screwed me!

What about that second b*llet
you put in mike's head?

Chill, frank.
There's always hope.

We're cops.
We don't believe nobody.

But juries ‐‐ you never know.
Think of o. J.

Here they are now.

Hey, kristen.

Kristen, hi.

Frank gave it up.

He said he k*lled lana?

Not in so many words,
but don't you worry.

He's going down
for k*lling both of them.

Come on in.

Plus, him getting charged
with m*rder,

There's no bail,

So you don't have to worry
about him coming after you.

Thank god for that.

Thank you, too.

I'm gonna go, uh,
freshen up.

I'm getting off duty.
I could drop you home.

Oh, that's very nice,
but I have to go to work.

I could drop you there.

Why don't you
come by the club later?

I'm dancing 10:00 to 2:00.

Yeah? Maybe I will.

I'd like that.

I'll leave your name
at the door

So you won't have to pay
the cover charge.

I could probably
handle that myself.

So, um,
I'll see you later?


Nice girl.

Yeah, seems like.
Glad she's okay.

Good night.

Yeah, good night.

Nice working with you

Yeah, thanks.

You okay?

I'm fine.


I know, uh, sometimes
the only way to learn

Is by making
your own mistakes,

But believe me
when I tell you

How many times
I seen this.

You gotta find some way
to move on.

I know, andy.


Hey, I'm, uh, going to pick up
some takeout

And go back to my place.
You want to come over?

I think I'm going to stay here
and type out the fives.

I don't think I'd be
very good company tonight.

All right, then.
Good night.



It's getting late,
so I put theo to bed.

Sorry. I know
I should have called.

How was work?

You don't want to hear
about all that.

Why not? I like to hear
about your day.

I just don't feel
like talking now, okay?


Stuck between the usual skels
and dead bodies,

I got diane russell

Leaving the squad
and I got a partner

Who's maybe going to
cr*ck up over that.

Plus a new boss.

I feel like everything's
falling apart down there.

Bobby's wife's
leaving the squad?

You didn't mention anything
about that.

Like I said,
i, uh, I don't feel like

Talking about all this.

Okay, andy.

There's chicken left
in the kitchen.

I can heat some up.

That's okay,
I got it.

[ Telephone rings ]

15Th detective squad.

Diane, hi.

No, no, that's okay.

I figured
you'd get to me.

Must be tough for you,

So, how long you think
you'll be gone?

Are you going away someplace?

Yeah, sometimes it's best,
not nailing that stuff down.

You know,
I got a lot to say,

But maybe it's not really
the time.

Yeah, okay.

I'm here, you know,
anytime you need me.

You take care of yourself.

I hope it all works out.

I'll talk to you soon.
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