08x09 - Oh Golly Goth

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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08x09 - Oh Golly Goth

Post by bunniefuu »

Close the door.

I just spoke
with the d. A.'S office.

They're still trying
to decide if they have enough

To put a case together
on sidney thompson.

Any indication which way
they're leaning?

Everybody's acting like
this is the first time

A suspect got leaned on.

This isn't the first time.
That's part of the problem.

And a. D. A. Haywood ‐‐ she was
here when you did it.

She's a witness.
So what do you think

The odds are of her playing
dumb and risking her career

To save yours?

Even if the d.a.
Doesn't indict,

Word I hear is you're
going to have a problem ‐‐

A career‐level problem,
because the job

Is going to be looking at you
for blowing this case.

Is the word that I'd be done
as a detective?

We got to wait to hear
from the d. A.

you're on modified.

Catch up
on your paperwork

And lay low.

If the d. A.'S office
indicts our perp,

I got a chance.

Hi. May I help you?

Yeah, detective
connie mcdowell.

I'm supposed to report
to lieutenant fancy.

Andy: what for?
Borough said you were
short on manpower

And needed another body.

Did they say how long
you'd be assigned?

No, they didn't.
Andy: that's fancy
on the phone.

Is there a mix‐up
or something?

'Cause as far as I know,
I was assigned here.

Sorry. Diane russell.


This is our p. A. A.
John irvin,

Detectives andy sipowicz,
danny sorenson,

Greg medavoy,
baldwin jones.

Nice to meet you.

Stabbing at the girard.

Suspects detained
at the scene.

Victim's en route
to bellevue.

Borough sent her over
to help out.

Mcdowell, right?
Yes, sir.

You meet everyone?

Yes, sir.

Okay, why don't you
partner up with diane?

You two head over
to the hotel.

Greg and baldwin,
go to the hospital.

Victim's name ‐‐
ross fitzpatrick.

Andy, check if anything
came off night watch.

Excuse us. Could we talk
to him for a second?

I'm detective jones.

My partner ‐‐
detective medavoy.

We're investigating
what happened.

What can you tell us
about it?

Knock on my door, woke me
out of a dead sleep,

Heard someone saying there was
a gas leak in the room.

They needed to check,

So I opened up.
I was groggy.

It's a nice hotel,
so I didn't think twice.

Next thing I know,
I'm face first on the ground,

Kn*fe at my throat,
him wanting money.

Had you been flashing money
around town

And maybe someone
followed you?

The only thing
I can think of is,

I broke $100
at the lobby bar.

I peeled that off a roll.
It was stupid of me.

That's the only thing
I can think of, though.

What did he look like?

Dark hair, 20s,
white guy.

That's all I got before he
pushed me on the floor.

Lights were out.
I'd been sleeping.

There's nothing else distinctive
you can remember?

Guys, I'm, uh,
in a lot of pain here.

Yeah, all right.
You rest up.

We got a possible suspect
detained at the scene,

So we'll come back,

See if you can pick him
out of a photo array.

Well, I'm telling you,
all I can remember is...

White guy, black hair.

We'll come back later.

What do we got?

Hotel guest ‐‐
ross fitzpatrick ‐‐

Stumbles down to the security
desk ‐‐ butt naked.

Bleeding like a stuck pig.
He's at bellevue.

Who's the skel?

We get the call,
security lets us in the room,

And that idiot's
passed out in the chair

With this
in his mitt.

What has he told you?

He's messed up on something,
says his name's "x."

That's all we got...
Punk rockers.

Looks more like goth.


Goth. They're like punks,
just newer ‐‐

Different hair,
different music,

Same drill, though.

What are you,
selling tickets?

Looks like the guy
was stabbed in the tub.

While he was
getting stabbed,

He must've lost complete
control of his bowels,

Off of being terrified.
You know cops.

Get them
out of here.


"You know cops."

Come on.
Look alive here.


Just let me sleep.

Why'd you s*ab the guy
renting this room?

I didn't s*ab nobody.
Just let me sleep, okay?

Do me a favor.
Get him down to the squad.

Notify detectives medavoy
and jones if they're back.

Well, I don't want
to step on toes here,

So you tell me.

Don't worry about that.
Just jump in.

Well, I'm the low man
on the totem pole,

So I guess that means I have
to go deal with the bathroom.

Have fun.



Victim says it was a straight
push‐in robbery.

He mention why he ran downstairs
without any clothes on?

Says the perp
woke him out of a dead sleep.

Two calls out from
the victim's hotel room ‐‐

First one
to the west side ‐‐

Turns out to be the victim's

She should be here
any minute.

Then, a late‐night call
to a residence

In rochester, minnesota.
We left a message.

Anything with
the goth kid?

He's still out of it.

We're letting him
sleep it off in the pokey.

Keeps mumbling he didn't
s*ab anybody, though.

How did he get
the Kn*fe in his hand?

We're going to resume
with that

When we wake his ass up.

Could you set connie up
at joe's old desk?


How you doing?


How about you?

Good...you know.

You need any help?

Not right now,
but, uh, if we do...


Hi, I'm lisa derkos,

Here to see a detective
regarding ross fitzpatrick.

This is detective russell.

Hi, lisa.

Why don't we talk
in here?

Connie, you want
to give me a hand?

Have a seat.

Any update on ross
from the hospital?

Looks like
he'll make it.

Good for him. Who, um,
who did this to him?

That's what we're trying
to find out.

A hooker, hmm?
Oh, you can tell me.

Nothing would surprise me
at this point.

We're not sure.

I bet
it was a hooker

Or her pimp, probably,

Who the hooker called
in a panic

Because the innocent‐looking
john she went back with

Turned into such a sick
bastard, it made her cry.

That's the lead
you should follow.

So, uh, not on very good terms,
I take it ‐‐ you and ross?

Oh, not really, no.

That all started,
I guess,

Oh, maybe when I found
his password,

And I saw the e‐mail

He had going with
his sicko internet friends

Across the country.

So as not to bore you
with the details,

I'll just
throw a word out there

That sums it all up ‐‐

Okay? And here I was,

Walking around
for six months,

this man's ring.

When was the last time
you talked to ross?

He called me at work,

Saying how he was going
to hock the engagement ring

And blow it all
on a big night on the town

And how he hoped
I was happy now,

And I told him, "knock
yourself out, diaper boy."

No specifics
of who or where

He was going to go
have this big night?

I didn't ask.
I didn't want to know.

Was he into the goth scene
at all that you know about?

Goths? Like ‐‐

Yeah, like, goths.

He was hanging out
with goths?

We're not trying
to aggravate you, lisa,

But we need to ask
if he mentioned that.

Or if he had friends
who were into that scene.


Did he know a guy
with the nickname "x"?

Are you kidding me?

No, I don't know.

We appreciate
you coming in, lisa.

We'll keep you posted
if you want.

Thanks, john.

If you need me, I'll be
fighting crime at my desk.

May I help you?

Yeah, my name's
don maricomani.

My son giovanni
was k*lled yesterday.

I'm here to see
what's going on

With the investigation.

I'm detective sipowicz.
Why don't we talk in here?

Can I get you anything?

No. Thanks.

So what's going on?

We're pursuing
a strong lead.

So you can't say, or you
really don't have nothing?

Can you just tell me?

We have someone,

But it's proven that
that's difficult.

That's what the d. A.'S office
is working on right now.

But you feel you have
the son of a bitch

That k*lled my son?

It looks good,
but like I said,

We haven't got the case
together yet.

So he's going to get off?
Is that it?

We're doing everything
we can.

We got your number,
and how about I call you ‐‐

This guy that you think
may have done it ‐‐

Could you please tell me
if he had giovanni's necklace

On him?

It is the one thing that
my wife would like to get back.

He was wearing a necklace

When I had to go
identify the body,

The necklace was gone.

The people at the morgue
didn't have it

In his belongings.

What kind of a necklace
was it?

It was a gold crucifix
and chain

With giovanni's initials
engraved on the back.

My mother gave it to him
on his first communion,

And he has worn it
every day since,

So I guess
it was stolen.

I'm going to find out.

[ Sobbing ]

[ Telephone rings ]

15Th squad.

Um...hold on, please.

Uh, this is louise dunn
on the line.

That witness
from yesterday?

She was asking
for detective sipowicz.

Do you want to talk
to her?

She say
what it's about?


Was she returning his call,
or she's just calling?


Oh, louise dunn
calling back.

Mrs. Dunn,
thanks for calling.

Listen, yesterday's stabbing
of that italian kid ‐‐

Did you happen to see
the perpetrator take a necklace

Off the victim?

Okay. Okay.

All right. I may have to arrange
for a formal statement later.

Can I count on you
for that?

Great. All right,
I appreciate it.

Yeah, I'll be in touch.

I'm going to take off
for a while.

Our perp
in yesterday's stabbing ‐‐

He's got a running buddy
up in rikers

Took a couple
of burglary collars with.

That investigation's with
d. A.'S office now.

It's not ours.
Yeah, I heard.

So if you got information,
you forward it to them.

All right, then, I need
to take a vacation day.

I'm not losing control
of my squad, andy.

I'll start shipping people out
before I let that happen.

This won't get back to you.
You know me better than that.

You screw this up,
you're on your own ‐‐

You and danny.

I'm trying
to unscrew this up.

Vacation day, and this
conversation never happened.

Come on, let's go.

Let's go. Get up.

Come on. Get up.

This is for real, man?

So how'd you get
the nickname "x"?

A little appetite
for ecstasy there, pal?

It's short for xavier.
It's my last name.


What's your first name?

Anybody got any smokes?

Looks like
you had a rough night.

I had a great night.

Waking up sucked, though,
'cause I didn't Kn*fe that dude.

You mean you don't remember
knifing that dude.

I didn't Kn*fe him,

Well, if you didn't do it,
then who ‐‐ housekeeping?

Ask dio or raven.
They were still partying

With that rich dude
when I passed out.

So, what are these,
friends of yours ‐‐

This, uh, dio and raven?


Are dio and raven
your friends?

Kinda. They've been in town,
like, a week or so, I guess.

How did all of you hook up
in this dude's hotel room?

We were drinking beer late.
It was, like, 3:00 a. M.

In tompkins square park

When this rich dude
walked by.

He starts talking to us
all hip and everything,

Trying to be all cool
like he knows our scene ‐‐

All right, all right,
all right. Then what?

Then he says he's got
this nice room at the hotel,

And if we want to come over
and order room service

And keep partying.

We're like, "sure."

You know dio and raven's
real names?

Raven's name is, like,
tracy or something.

Dio's is dio.

What happened when you got up
to the room?

We lived it up, man.
It was awesome.

We had steaks and champagne
from room service,

Fully raided the mini‐bar
with big bath robes,

And then I parked it
on the couch,

Punched up a p*rn on the tv,
which was a total rip‐off,

Because they don't even
show any real action.

And what were dio
and raven doing?

They were getting busy
on the bed,

And that rich guy
was sitting nearby,

Rubbing one out.

"Rubbing one out"?

Yeah, you know...
Wrestling with jimmy.

And I passed out.

Next thing I know,
some cop's foot's in my ass,

And that Kn*fe's
in my hand.

I mean, wouldn't I have
blood on me?

Where's dio and raven,
or are you going to find out

How black nail polish goes
with an orange jump suit?

Check the parks.

They're panhandling
in front of the atms

In the village.

I didn't Kn*fe that dude.

How's it going, darius?

It's going.

Five years, huh?

They're shipping you up
to attica next week, I hear.

What do you want?

I need a little help.

I'm not a rat.

Let's pretend
you're back on the street,

And you come in
to some merchandise

You're looking to off
in a hurry.

Who's your main receiver

That you'd most likely
do business with?

Listen, why don't you
just get back in your car,

Turn on your little
oldies station,

And get back home?

I hear you got a wife
and a baby girl.

Hey. Don't talk
about my family,

You hear me?

It's a 6‐hour drive
up to attica.

How many times do you think
you're going to see them

In the next five years?

Shut up
about my family,

'Cause I don't give a damn,
and I will ‐‐

If you did your five years
in coxsachie,

That's a 2‐hour drive.

Probably see them a lot more,
don't you think?


Probably would see them
a lot more.

Who would off your swag to ‐‐
tompkins square park area?

You'd get me transferred
to coxsachie?

That's right.

And you're not
dicking me around?

A guy named choppy.

He owns a bodega
on the corner of 9th and b.

I go to him first.

I'll have the d. A.'S office
start the paperwork

On your transfer,
end of day.

Happy trails.

This x's story
is just a tad different

From the victim's.

Yeah, so we're going
back down to bellevue,

Clear some things up.

That call from the hotel
to rochester, minnesota ‐‐

It's the mother
of an 18‐year‐old

Named tracy wynanski. She hit
the road six months ago.

Took her mother's
remarriage hard.

Mom said she got a message
last night

Saying everything
was great.

This idiot in the pokey said
there were two others

In the hotel room
last night ‐‐

A teen male and a teen female
named dio and raven.

Now, he thought raven's real
name might've been tracy.

Mom got another message
this morning.

Daughter was crying,
really upset and worried.

Did the mom ever speak
with her?

Daughter didn't leave
a number,

But we had minnesota police
run the incoming call.

It comes back to an sro
over on avenue c.

We're going to go look
for this girl

While you're at bellevue.

If this girl's mother
calls back with anything,

You can reach us
on the radio.

I'm all over it.


I just want you to know
that I didn't run my mouth

About sorenson hitting
that suspect yesterday.


Well, at this time,

Based on the admissible
evidence we have ‐‐

Are you going to indict
our suspect or not?

No. The chief
of detectives

Has been pushing my boss
for an answer,

And that's the one
he's going to get,

Because we don't have

Has the suspect come forward,
filed a complaint?

No, and we haven't heard
from any civil attorney

On his behalf.

Lieutenant, I'm not going
to lie if they press me

As to what I saw.

Best case ‐‐ if the media
doesn't get ahold of this ‐‐

Sorenson's looking
at a 10‐day rip.

Worst case is ‐‐

I know
what the worst case is.

I just wanted you to know

That I didn't
get the ball rolling.

No. He got the ball rolling
all by himself.

Shake it,
don't break it, baby.

You choppy?


I'm looking
for a little something ‐‐

Maybe got misplaced,
maybe ended up in your hands.

what would that be?

A gold crucifix
and chain.

Scrawny black kid
named sidney ‐‐ blond hair ‐‐

He unloaded it yesterday.

Can't help you there,

Gold crucifix and chain.

Listen, I am friends
with mike dwyer.

He's a cop
at 17th precinct,

Gave me
this courtesy shield.

He can vouch for me.

I'm not looking
to lock you up.

I sense I'm kind of
getting a hard time here.

A hard time?

Yeah, I don't know
nothing about it,

So maybe you should call mike,
and he can tell you ‐‐

Maybe you should shut
your mouth right now

Before I cram this little
shield down your throat.

Now, I want that crucifix
and chain,

And I know you've had dealings
with sidney and darius

In the past, and if you don't
start getting cooperative,

Your version of a "hard time"

Is going to pale
next to the real thing,

Because I will have this dump
boarded up in a half‐hour,

And I'll use your thick skull
to pound the nails in.

You know,
now that you mention it,

Sidney came to me with it.
I offered him 20 bucks.

Said he had this guy louie
will give $30.

I said,
"good for you.

Take the $30
and leave me alone."

Who's this louie?

Has a hot dog cart
over on 3rd and st. Marx.

So these count for nothing
then, I guess.

You wearing handcuffs?

Hey, ross,
we're back.

What's going on?

We got a few inconsistencies
we need to work out.

Yeah, like what?

With that suspect
on the scene ‐‐

He's saying that him
and two of his friends

Were partying with you
in the hotel room last night,

Early this morning.

Well, maybe he's lying.

Or do you want to take
the word of a criminal

Over that
of a 5th year associate

At a blue‐chip intellectual
property law firm?

Which I am,
in case you didn't know.

So you weren't partying
with three people?

Detectives, I've had
a very bad week.

I've learned my lesson on
a couple of different topics,

So I don't want
to press charges,

And I don't want to be involved
with this any longer,

And I ask you
to respect that.

We'll keep the details
of last night confidential.

Don't let your embarrassment
about what happened ‐‐

Have you listened
to a word that I've said?

'Cause he may do it again
to someone else.

Am I under arrest?
Greg: no.

Am I under investigation?

You're the victim.

Am I compelled
to talk to you?

No, ross,
not if you don't want to.

That's right.
And I don't.

This entire city could go up
in a mushroom cloud,

For all I care.

Hey, thanks
for your help.

If you need us,
we'll be out busting our ass

Looking for the guy
who stabbed you.

You louie?


Louie, is it?
Yes, sir.
What do you need?

The gold necklace and crucifix
you bought yesterday.

Maybe two years ago. I'm out
of the swag business.

Strictly hot dogs
and pretzels these days.

So if you're hungry,
I'd be happy to make you ‐‐

Take those sunglasses off
when you're talking to me.

Just trying to earn
a living, you know.

Yeah, everybody is.
Are you in line?

Some other time, pal.
All right.

Now, one of two things
is going to happen here.

Give me that gold crucifix
and chain

That you bought off sidney
for 30 bucks yesterday

And continue on
selling your franks,

Or the cops
are going to eat them all

While I'm vouching your cart
down at the station house.

Louie, what, are you
looking for a cop?

I did buy it yesterday.

what do you know?

But I sold it
this morning.

To who?

This guy hector ‐‐
neighborhood guy.

Hector's last name.

Where does he live?

Somewhere up on 4th.

You realize what's going
to happen to you

If this is a runaround.

[ Presses auto‐dial ]

Yeah, john, it's sipowicz.
I need the address of, uh,

Hector rodriguez
on 4th avenue.

Why don't you give me
a polish with mustard?

No, no, not you.


Yeah, why not?

Coming right up.

Your mom's been calling.

What did you tell her?

That you might be
in real big trouble.

But I didn't do anything.

Were you in that hotel room
last night

With dio and "x"?

Yeah, but I didn't
do anything.

Who did?
I don't know.

Then you are going
to be in big trouble.

For what?
For lying.

There's no way I'm going
to go against dio.

All right, look, you're
not raven, maiden of darkness.

He's not dio,
guardian of hell.

You're tracy wynanski
from rochester, minnesota,

And you've been playing dress‐up
for the last six months ‐‐

What you're entitled to do ‐‐

But now you're involved
in a crime,

And if you don't give us dio,
your mom, who's worried sick,

Gets a phone call that
her daughter's being charged

With attempted m*rder,
so wake up.

My mom's really worried
about me,

Or are you just
making that up?

She's been calling all day,

Wanting to know
when she can come get you.

She's going
to come get me?

She said that?

But, tracy,

She can't come get you
unless you help us out first.

His real name
is shane morrissey,

And I'm supposed to meet him
at the bus terminal

On 8th avenue
in about an hour, okay?

What happened
last night?

[ Sighs ]

We were out partying,

And dio and I started,
you know, fooling around,

And the guy
whose room it was

Asked if he could watch,
and dio said, "okay."

So then the guy walked over,

And I felt his hand on me,
and dio got mad.

And the guy stopped, but then
I felt his tongue on me,

And dio got really mad.

And then we left.

No. You didn't leave.

I don't want
to say anything else.

You're going to have to.
Our souls
are together.

Your mom's not going
to be able to come get you.

I love him.

I shouldn't have
told you anything.

Sit here.

Sudden travel plans,

My name is dio.

Dio. That's good.

So, I take it
raven betrayed me.

We got your mug
off hotel surveillance.

A hop, skip, and a jump
from there.

No, she betrayed me.
Weak bitch.

Well, what we got
so far, dio, is,

The guy whose room it was
made a move on your girl.

You stabbed him
in the bathroom

Then put the Kn*fe
in x's passed‐out hand

And booked with raven.

Lies, lies, lies.

Although I'm not surprised
they're posers,

And I can't deal
with them anymore.

Either you're about something
or you're not.

And what
are you about, dio?

The next level.

Yeah? You get there

By stabbing that guy
last night

In the hotel bathroom?

If I thought that

You could comprehend
the magnitude,

I'd bother to tell you.

Try us.

You got "x" and raven.
Try them.

Or have you already,
and you didn't end up with d*ck?


You, uh,
hector rodriguez?

That's right.

Detective sipowicz.

What happened?

I need that gold crucifix
and chain

You bought off louie
this morning.

It was stolen.

It don't belong to you,
and it didn't belong to louie.

I didn't know.

Yeah, 'cause most jewelry
bought off hot dog carts

Is on the up‐and‐up,

I asked louie,
and he said ‐‐

I don't care what louie said.
I'm saying the necklace is hot,

And unless you want
to get charged with receiving

Stolen merchandise,
you'd better produce it.

And the 60 bucks
I paid for it?

Work it out with louie.




Come here, please.


Give me the necklace,

Just give it to me.
I'll explain later.


There, uh, was a mix‐up
down at the store

Where your dad bought this.

The owner is very sorry.

He asked me
to refund the money,

So your dad could get you
another one.

I'll work it out
with the owner later.

Take this. He insists.

Thank you.

And what's your name?

Detective mcdowell.

I mean your first name.

Have a seat, dio.

Why, thank you.

How long have you known
"x" and raven?

Too long.

You see, for some reason
people are drawn to me,

And it's hard to shake them.

I'm sorry,
does that sound conceited?

Kind of, yeah.

I'm just trying
to be honest here, connie.

Good. Let's keep that up.

Let's do.

where did you meet raven?

She was lost.

I pitied her,
took her under my wing.

And you became

Please. I was her mentor.

Yeah? What'd you teach her?

I tried to teach her
how to live life,

The real life, not the one
all the drones dance to,

But she turned out to be
a drone, too.

I've been trying to figure
a way to give her the boot,

But, like I said,
they're hard to shake.

When did you two pull in
to new york?

You know
what the problem was?

The sex...

So unimaginative.

I mean, I could make her
do anything.

And what fun is that?

The other person needs
to crave it.

Have you ever craved it,

I'm not going
to answer that.

I think you just did.

What were you doing
in that hotel room

Last night, dio?

Taking raven, but I was
thinking about you.

You never quit with your line
of crap, do you?

[ Turns off speaker ]

You're going to go
to jail for this assh*le?

He stabbed that guy
last night.

I saw it.

Come on.
Let's go write this up.

Give me some.
Come on, man.

How's it going, sidney?


Come on,
we got to go talk.

About what?

I'll tell you
when we get there.

Oh, you one of them cops

From the 15th precinct

That's right.

One of your boys b*at
on my ass yesterday.

Come on, sidney, let's go.

Nah, I don't think so.

'Cause, see, uh,
I'm still deciding

Whether or not to get
a lawyer and sue your ass.

[ Men chuckle ]

Yeah, well,

That's a conversation
for another time.

Hey, man, let me have
a drink, brother.

All right. Put the bottle
down, and let's go.

Don't you tell me
what to do, old man.

I come down there
and kick your ass.

[ Men laughing ]

Let's go.

Say you're sorry first.

Say you're sorry
for your boy who hit me,

Or I ain't coming.

We're all very sorry

For what happened to you

That's better.

Come on.

Here you go, bro.

Excuse me, I've got
some business to take care of.

See, that's how you do that.
That's how you handle it.

All right, y'all,
I'll be back.

Me and my driver,

We got to go handle
some business.

All right.
All right.
All right.

Home, jeeves.

Where's connie?

You got us now.

She said

That she was going
to get me a drink.

Connie changed her mind.

Well, I'm only talking
to connie.

Your ex‐girlfriend gave
you up, dio.

Oh, yeah, how do you know

It wasn't her
who k*lled that guy?

That's the story you're going
to pin on your girl?

I left. I don't know
what happened.

So, if it falls on raven,
it falls on raven.

Right, dio?

I answer to a higher power,
and my faith cannot be broken.

Everybody else is

Well, thank god
you got a big mouth.

Help yourself out and tell us
your version, or don't.

You're going up either way.

It's lucky for you
that rich guy lived.

He just got upgraded
to stable

About half an hour ago.

That shaves off
20 years for you.

Time means nothing
to me.

It's a harness
that you drones have accepted,

Which has kept you
in bondage, so that ‐‐

Just write down what happened
and save

The dungeons and dragons act
for your pen pals.

I have a message for you.

[ Speaking in tongues ]

[ Gasps ]

Don't do that again,

Or I'll put your faith
to the test in a big hurry.


[ Coughs ]


Greg and baldwin
still taking dio's statement?

Ease it up, pal.
Shut up.

Andy: what's open?

Interview 3.


take him over there.

We got something new
to go at him with.

And this isn't going
to come back to me?

I figured I'd earned
enough points in 22 years

To go at this guy
if I felt I had something.

I told you
present any new evidence

To the d. A.'S office ‐‐
it's their case now.

Then call them,
but let me go at this guy

Until they get here.

Yeah, I am calling them,

And my story's going
to be straight.

The iron's hot, lieutenant.

Yeah, go nuts.

And josh stays
in the room as a witness.

Do you and me need
to have a conversation

About how what happens
in a squad stays in a squad?

No, sir.

No, why don't you
stick around?

What, you going
to hit me some more?

If I was going
to hit you,

It would've been back
on that stoop.

Maybe you're going to do
some of your pervert things.

You probably like that, huh?

You believe in god, sidney?

Why, you a priest?

I'm asking you,
do you believe in god?


I hear you.

Sometimes he's there,
sometimes he ain't.

That's right.

Yesterday, what with you
stabbing giovanni to death,

And then admitting you did it,

And us making a mistake,
b*ating on you,

Ruining your confession,
and you walking because of it,

I figured it was one
of them sometimes

That god must've been busy
somewheres else.

I ain't k*ll that guy,

That's why god was busy
somewheres else.

But today I found out
god's looking right down

On top of us.

He is, huh?
Well, I don't see him.

Is that him? Ha ha ha!

You know what you did
that forced him

To finally step in and
make you accountable, sidney?

Tell me.

When you ripped this cross
off giovanni's neck ‐‐

With his initials
engraved on the back

From when he got it
on his first communion,

And then sold it
for 30 bucks,

That's when god decided
he'd had enough.

And then he put it all
into motion.

We got a witness who saw you
take this off giovanni.

We got the guy
you offed it to an hour later.

Yesterday what happened
in that room,

That don't make
any difference anymore.

This ‐‐ this is all
we need, sidney.

What happened in that room

Sure as hell does make
a difference,

And you know it.

You getting knocked around
a little bit

Was the best thing
could've happened to you,

Because, in exchange
for forgetting,

You took those smacks.

I'm going to have you put
in administrative segregation,

Which is the only place
you'll be safe

From having to do
all those pervert things

You're so worried about.

Or you can try your 5'6",
120‐pound luck

In general population,

Because you're going to jail,
no matter what.

All right, then,
stand up, sidney.

You know what's weird?


I had a cross once
looked just like this.

My moms gave it to me,

But it got stole
from me, too.

I just now remembered that.

What happened yesterday?

He laughed at me.

He pushed me down
and slapped me,

Like you slap a bitch.

And I was just sitting there

Till we got
to the next stop,

And I looked over at him,
and he was laughing.

[ Whispering ] and I'm tired
of people laughing at me.

You can take off.

Do you need me
tomorrow or ‐‐

Well, that's
the borough's call.

Got it.

Thanks for your help.

It was good
working with you.

See you around.

Seems nice enough.

She's a good cop.

He went.

That's the necklace
he stole off the doa.

I got a witness
saw him take it,

And the guy
he sold it to.

And he's come off
that tune‐up from yesterday.

In exchange for what?

Administrative segregation
while he's in prison.

The d. A.'S going to take
his statement in the morning.

You want me to stay
and type out the fives tonight?

Do what you want.

That's huge for you,

Yeah, it is.


[ Sighs ]

[ Beeping ]

[ Knock on door ]

[ Sighs ]


Theo's sleeping.

Two things real quick.


for saving my ass.


Second thing,
I pulled my head out,

And I'm back ‐‐
I mean, starting right now.

And if I make it
through this jackpot,

I'm going to show you,

But if you've already
lost confidence in me ‐‐

As a partner, as a cop ‐‐

And if you think we're past
the point of saving it,

And if you want to put in
for a new partner,

I'll understand,
I'll take that hit,

Because I can't say
I don't have it coming.

But I swear to you,

Just give me
another chance.

Tell you one thing
for damn sure ‐‐

I'm done talking about it.

I tried a couple of times,

But obviously, it went in
one ear and out the other.

Andy, the last few weeks ‐‐

Listen, you covered for me
when I had to drop out

Because theo was sick,
but dropping out

And blowing cases
and damn near blowing careers

Because you're pissed off
at the world

Are two different things.


Tomorrow, we start fresh,

And if you show me
you got it back together,

We'll chalk it up
as a bump in the road

And move on, but I'm done
talking about it

And I'm done trying
to convince you that,

Whatever you went through,

People have been through
a hell of a lot worse,

And they managed to keep
their wits about them.

I'm clear. I know
what I got to do,

And I'm going
to prove it to you.

All right then.

Good night.

Yeah, good night.
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