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08x08 - Russellmania

Posted: 04/25/22 09:27
by bunniefuu

Yeah. Morning.

My office.

Ought to pick up the phone,
call the borough,

And have one of you
shipped out of here right now.

I don't ever want to see
a display like that

In my squad again.

You won't.
No. Absolutely not.

This is why department policy
precludes relationships

Between cops working
the same precinct.

There's no relationship.

That m*rder‐su1c1de
you caught,

Brought denby in here ‐‐
m.e. Ruled on that yet?

Yvonne and paolo ruiz.

He's waiting on us before
he makes a determination.

You work that
with sipowicz,

And if you can behave

You can work for now
with jones and medavoy.

Any more screwups,

You can be thinking of
a good place to transfer.

That's it.

Boss wants me working
with greg and baldwin for now.

Why is that?

He wants you working
the citiwide courier thing

With diane.

Take a deep breath,


You want to fill me in
on this?

You're talking
about the case?

Yeah, the case.

This yvonne ruiz worked dispatch
at citiwide courier.

She and her husband ‐‐

They're an apparent

Denby came by last night
to get out in front of how

He'd been banging yvonne,

But didn't know
she was married.

That, plus torturing
danny and you.

That's an added bonus.

Yvonne's computer had
denby's e‐mail address on it.

We sent it out
to be checked out at taro.

Just got a call in ‐‐
a stabbing in a subway.

7Th and lafayette ‐‐
you and medavoy.

Take sorenson with you.

Baldwin: bottom‐feeders.

Yeah, better watch
your bottom.

They just
pronounced him doa.

Giovanni romano.

Started on the train,
right, miguel?

Six irish‐looking guys
sit like statues ‐‐ nothing.

The italian guy stands up,
and look what he gets.

It's like they say,
all balls, no brain.

You were on the train?

Yeah, other side
of the car.

Then step over there
with those officers.

Most of them say
they didn't see nothing.

This one kid's
got the whole story.

What's your name?

Brendan walker.

What happened,

This black guy across from me
on the train ‐‐

I'm sitting there,
minding my own business.

He gets up, asks me, what
the hell am I looking at?

Do I got a problem?
So I'm just like, "no."

You know?
All cool like that.

Gets right up in my face,
do I have a problem?

He's picking a fight
with you.

Right. So he tries
to take my walkman.

This guy sitting next
to me ‐‐

That's the guy
lying over there?

Yeah, I guess.
He's dead, huh?

This guy shoves him,
says what's his problem?

What did the black guy
do then?

Sits down, gets real quiet,

Train comes in
to astor place,

Everyone gets off,
black guy pulls a razor,

Just starts slashing
this guy in the face.

Chased him outside.

What did
the italian guy do?

He went down.

Then I guess he remembered
he had a knife.

007. We recovered that.

He never got
to use it.

Black guy just started
slashing the back of his head.

Black guy took off?

Can you describe him?

Kind of short,
uh, probably late 20s,

Bleached blond hair ‐‐
kind of looked like some clone

Of that freaky
basketball dude.

Dennis rodman?

Yeah, yeah,
like dennis rodman.

Okay, brendan, we're going
to have you come back

To our station house,
look at some pictures.

All right.

Excuse me. Miss?


Were you
on that train just now?

Maybe you don't want
to talk here.

What's your name?


Okay, louise, um,

How about you meet us
around the corner?

We'll go someplace
we can talk.

No one's
going to see.

Hey, guys, we got another
subway slashing ‐‐ union square.

Male black described
fleeing the scene ‐‐

Early 20s, 5'6".

I'll go. I'll ride over
with him.

Hey. Detective gilmore
from taro.

Here to see
detective russell.

Detective russell,
um, detective gilmore.

I'm diane russell.

Andy sipowicz.

Brett gilmore ‐‐
but, uh, call me "crow."

You know, like brandon lee?
Wasn't that the coolest flick?

You're a detective?

Sure. Yeah.

A bunch of us
were in misd,

Got shields
behind the y2k thing.

I thought you guys took
a collar off that scam.

How much did department spend
in overtime on that?

$2 Million,
but the clocks hit midnight,

No disaster.
100% Compliance.

Some of them
other countries ‐‐

They didn't spend a nickel
on that y2k ‐‐

How many problems
did they have?

I'm guessing you found
something on that computer?

I did.
There's a secret file.

Secret file.

Yeah. It seems like
this yvonne lady,

She's been running some sort
of covert distribution

Out of citiwide.

Any clue
what kind of distribution?

Uh, no, we haven't been able
to figure that out yet.

You find anything in there
on harry denby?

Her e‐mail's been deleted.

Oh, one of them
is really sick,

Like, um, perverse.

Got printouts of everything
in the file.

Plus, anything's been deleted
off the disk.

Coffee room open?

Uniform's bringing in
another witness.

Have them take the guy
up to anti‐crime.

Names and dates ‐‐
could be names of employees.

Leroy jackson,
roberto hernandez...

Yeah. It's cool, huh?

Thanks. Take a ride.

We'll see if any of these
mutts work for citiwide.

Thanks for all your help,

I wasn't on the train.

But you saw something.

The way you were
hanging around

Definitely looked like
you wanted us to know.

Just ‐‐ I saw him.

You saw the guy.

On the street.
It was awful.

He was just cutting
that poor man's head.

Every time he'd swing his arm,
it'd open up red.

Can you describe him?

He was kind of short.

He's real skinny.
Hair's dyed blond.

He had on
a light blue shirt and jeans

And ratty old sneakers.

We catch this guy,

You think
you could i. D. Him?

Oh, I really don't know.

Let's not worry
about that just now.

There's a sketch artist
in the house.

You think
you could work with him?

We could compare
what you come up with

Against a description
from another witness,

See if we've got
a match.

I'll try.

Okay. Good, louise.

Meantime, we'll take you up
to anti‐crime,

Have them
show you some pictures.

See if you recognize

Hey. Diane.

Excuse me.

Good to see you.

I was just
at your squad yesterday.

I heard.

So I assume your visit here

Is in regards to poor
yvonne ruiz and her husband.

Yeah, we're asking

Where's our danny‐boy?

He's out
working something else.

Oh, so then
this is your case?

I feel terrible ‐‐
what went down with yvonne.

is a powerful thing.

I don't think you're going
to find anything out here,

Aside from what
you already know.

You know the job,

Of course. No, please,
do tell detective sorenson

That if I was out of line
last night,

I hope
he'll accept my apology.

As usual, I can't help myself
where you're concerned.

That would be between you
and detective sorenson.

Well, like I said,
jealousy's a powerful thing.

There's nothing
to be jealous about.

Danny and me ‐‐ we, uh,
we weren't good together.

So, then,
the field remains open.

If you want
to put it like that.

I‐i don't want
to make any overtures

Until I can put together
my best offer.

What does that mean?

Nah. Nothing.

Maybe there's just
too much water

Under the bridge for us.

This doesn't sound
like you, denby.

Considering yvonne and all,

You coming off
a relationship, too ‐‐

Maybe we should just
give it a little time.

Yeah, you know, um,
I got to go.

We'll talk.

I just come from bellevue.
The other slasher victim ‐‐

He's likely to go
out of the picture.

He do any talking?

He's comatose.

No one else got
a strong look at the perp.

Yeah, well,
we got a sketch out there.

Both brendan and louise
think it's a good likeness.

Anyone's looking for us,
we'll be in interview 3.

John: okay.

15Th. Detective squad.

Detective jones?
Line one.

Detective jones.

Yeah? Okay.

Right. What about
his clothes?


All right. Thanks.

Anti‐crime just picked up
a kid sleeping

On a park bench.

Looks like a good fit
with our sketch.

They see any blood
on his clothes?

Looks clean as a whistle.
They're bringing him in now.

Leroy, that was your name
we took off yvonne's hard disk.

Andy: you're going to want
to be out in front

Of this one, leroy.

This is going to be
a freight train.

You're saying yvonne got k*lled
behind this?

It's you who's answering
questions, leroy.

We're just
laying it out.

Man, I don't know my d*ck
from a hole in my head.

I'm just a cog in the wheel
of the big machine.

All the more reason
you come clean

With what you do know now.
That's right, leroy,

You decide ‐‐
do you want to help,

Or do you want
to wind up in jail?

You're saying maybe
I could avoid that?

You don't help,
you wind up there for sure.

[ Sighs ]

All right.

Us drivers,
those on the team,

We'd make these deliveries

That didn't have
any shipping numbers

So's they couldn't
get tagged.

Drug deliveries.

I don't know.

Yes. Probably.

So what's the point

If no one knew
they were dr*gs, except you?

Well, d. E. A. Worked
with our company security,

Looked for packages
with dr*gs.

They tagged certain loads,

And those get sniffed
by drug dogs.

Where does yvonne ruiz
fit in this?

Yvonne's in dispatch.

Shows on her computer
some code

When a driver's shipment's
been tagged.

One with no tracking number ‐‐
we just pull that sucker out.

So yvonne
was running things.

Running things,
I don't know.

It was yvonne
who gave me word

A shipment
was off the books.

It was yvonne
gave me my money.

Can't believe she's dead.

I guess now
you're out of business.

Thing is, yesterday,

This cat comes up
off the cuff ‐‐

Some white guy,

Used to work with yvonne
up in dispatch ‐‐

He come up to me
saying things are status quo.

You know his name?

Something like that.

Harry denby?

You got it.

See, this cat,
he come up to me

Like he knows
he's the man.

He say anything
about a delivery date?

Just status quo ‐‐
mostly don't hear nothing

On delivery days
till the day of, anyways.

Okay, leroy,
how about you write down

The other members of that team
you were talking about?

I got to?

These subway stabbings,
arthur ‐‐

We got to find out
who did this.

We got the mayor bitching
how people want to know

When they go into a subway
they're going to be safe.

Anti‐crime's bringing
a guy in now, captain.

Fits the sketch
off a description

By two witnesses
we got upstairs.

Found him
asleep on a bench.

did a good job.

Miss haywood, sounds like
we might have a suspect

On the subway stabbings.

Yeah? My boss sent me
down here to sit on this.


Detective jones?
Yeah, what's up?

Here's your guy.
Had no i. D. On him.

My name's sid.

Hey, josh, how about
you show sid to the pokey?

Is that
your possible perp?

Yeah. Looks like
the sketch.

Let me know
how it goes.

Yeah, sure, captain.

Where were you
this morning, sidney?

[ Sid murmuring ]

Those are some mighty clean
clothes you got on there.

You come straight
from the laundromat?

I hope
you kept your shorts on

When the rest were running
through the spin cycle.

You know
a giovanni romano?

You know
a rodrigo fuentes?

[ Mumbling ]
rodrigo, rigo...

jogging your memory, sid ‐‐

Giovanni and rodrigo
are two folks

You met
on the subway today.

I didn't ride
no subway...

How about a white kid
with long hair, about 19,

Wears a walkman?

[ Mumbling ]

Well, that's
a real good likeness.

Real good...

Well, on one
of your better days.

Maybe it don't fully describe
that twinkle in your eye.

We got a least two witnesses
that saw you slash

This giovanni guy to death
this morning outside the subway.

Both got
the same story, sid ‐‐

Black guy on the train,
hair like dennis rodman,

Picks a fight
with some white people.

They all get off,
the black guy pulls a razor,

And he starts slashing
the one guy in the face.

Now, this guy
with the razor,

He seemed crazy,
so that couldn't be you.

Dennis rodman.
Dennis is cool, man.

Yeah, you're not going
to be giggling

When they strap you down
and stick in a needle.


When I was in narcotics,
I had a guy on angel dust.

He was, like,
halfway to mars.

I couldn't make
no connection.

What worked was invading
his personal space.

You mean, like,
get right in his face?

Look him
right in the eye.

Two strikes again, sidney.

You were on that train,
you argued with those people,

And you slashed that man.

Like my partner said,
you're looking at a needle.

Back off, brother,
I ain't your girlfriend!

I know you didn't slash
that guy for no reason, sidney.

That italian guy
call you names?

I can understand that.

You know,
we got his knife.

Did he try and cut you?

Or maybe
you were defending yourself.

I was defending myself.

There you go.
That's how it went down.

You should get that
on the record.

What if I cop to it
like you said?

What could I be
looking at?

You tell us what happened,
we'll talk to the d. A.

I cut him.

He was calling me names.

He's a damn filthy
grease ball,

And he pulled a knife,
and so I cut him.

That's good, sidney.
That's good.

Now, how about
you write that down,

We could take it to the d. A.
And get your story out in front?

I can write,
but I ain't writing.

We can't help you,
you won't write it down.

That's your problem...

How about we write it up
like you told us,

And you sign it?

I'd have to see it first.

Better for you
it's in your own writing.

How about
we write it up?

Yeah. Why don't you guys
write me a letter?

He signs, he puts himself
on the scene.

Yeah, but them juries love it
when it's in their own writing.

I'll go talk
to valerie.

Yeah, okay, I'll go write
a statement up.

You seen haywood?

I think she's
on the first floor.

Uh, detective sorenson,

A detective olivo
waiting to see you.

Hey, danny.

Ray, what's happening?

Hey, working d. E. A. ‐‐
Joint task force.

You're in the big‐time, huh?
You get to work with the feds.

it's the highlight.

You got someplace
we can talk?

Yeah. Sure.

I heard j. B.'S dead.

Yeah. He o. D.'D.

Junkies. It's tough, you know,
when you get close to a snitch.

So, you probably didn't
come down here

Just to catch up.

The thing is, you guys
are getting in the middle

Of something we've been
working on eight months.

What's that?

Colombian dealers.

D.e.a.'S got an agent who
infiltrated the organization.

How are we
in the middle?

Some stuff comes in,

Goes out
through citiwide courier.


Yeah. Big smack shipment
just came in to jfk,

Sitting in a warehouse.

Joint task force is planning
a controlled delivery

To this, uh,
yvonne ruiz.

Yvonne, who just
turned up doa.

Plus, there's a new player ‐‐
come up on a phone tap ‐‐

named harry denby.

That's the other reason
I come talk to you ‐‐

Off the record.

You dug up

Denby's personnel file?

We also put an occasional
tail on him.

Took him here last night.

Being he's an ex‐cop,
you don't want to keep

Too close a tail,
or he'll make it.

We don't see denby
as a major player here.

We're trying to figure out
how he does fit in.

If harry denby's got
to do with this,

You can bet
he's a major player.

The thing is,
I'm not working that case.

It's best if I hook you up
with my partner.

Whoa, I'm here freelance,

I'm working another homicide.
Guy's in mid‐flip.

You say
I can trust your partner,

I'm going to take that
to the bank.

I'll get him.

Andy, you need to come
talk to this guy.

Guy that was sitting
at your desk?

Yeah, he's a joint
task force detective.

I worked with him ‐‐

Came in to talk to me
off the record

Of how we're getting in the way
of an undercover operation.

Maybe off
the citiwide thing?

This about my case?

The guy would prefer
dealing with me.

I told him I could
pass him on to my partner.

Danny, no one's talking
to this guy without me.

You can take your chances
if he talks to you or not.

We'll take our chances.


Ray, this is my partner
andy sipowicz.

This is diane russell.
It's her case.

Ray olivo.

I wasn't planning
on a conference.

We can just go back
to running our case.

No, I think we can work

To our mutual advantage
on this.

I'm glad you see it
like that.

Joint task force is planning
a controlled delivery

Any time now
on a shipment of heroin

Sitting in a warehouse
in brooklyn.

Controlled delivery.

Task force got
a d. E. A. Agent's

Infiltrated the colombian

Your m*rder‐su1c1de
yvonne ruiz ‐‐

She was set up to distribute
some of this smack.

Now we don't know
who's coming.

That m*rder‐su1c1de ‐‐
we're not 100% sold on that.

That got anything to do
with harry denby?

Our surveillance
on the ruiz apartment

Picked up denby coming in,
going out that afternoon.

You saying
we can have that?

It's still not enough
to lock him up.

We'd ask you not to move on him
till after delivery.

You'd collar him then,

Could persuade him to testify
against the dealers.

We figure it's denby who's
taken over the distribution.

You got evidence on that,
we'd like to see it.

Yeah, so we could set up
with you on that warehouse?

I think I could sell that
to my boss.

You in on this, danny?

No, I got to work
this other case.

If you don't need me
no more,

I should be
getting back.

No. Go ahead, danny.

This guy's wackier
than me.

How you doing, sidney?

Okay. Good.

We wrote a statement
for you.

What are you
talking about?

We're talking about you
signing the statement

That says what happened
with that guy on the train.

The guy on the train
you told us called you names

And pulled a knife on you
so you cut him?

No way, brother.
I didn't say nothing like that.

You didn't say how a guy
pulled a knife on you

So you had
to defend yourself?

You don't work with us,
we can't help you.

Then it's your story
against the story

Of all those white people
who say

You k*lled this guy
for no reason.

Hey, hey, I ain't got nothing
to say to you!

How about you take off
your clothes?

Say what?

He said
take off your clothes.

What the hell for?

What, you got something
perverted in mind?

Because I ain't like that.

Just do what he tells you.
Never mind what for.

I ain't
getting naked!

You all ain't doing
nothing to my butt!

You're not in a position
to be telling us

What you going to do
or you're not going to do.

Now take off your clothes.

Just get me
a damn lawyer!

Yeah, we'll get you a lawyer,
you gutless scumbag!

What the hell you want
with my shoe?

What's this here,
huh, sidney?

I stepped in.

That's going to be blood

That matches the guy
you k*lled today.

We're going to bring
two witnesses

That are going to say
you k*lled that guy,

And then you can have
your freakin' lawyer there

While you get arraigned
on first‐degree m*rder!

Tell us what went down
and make a written statement.

I ain't writing nothing!

Go ahead!
Do your stuff up my butt!

Do your pervert thing!

Get this guy some clothes
'cause we're going to send

His clothes and shoes
to the lab.

You're under arrest,

You're going to stand
in a lineup.

[ Sidney mumbling ]

[ Speaking spanish on monitor ]

My boss lieutenant gomez.

Andy sipowicz
from the 15th.

Diane russell.

There's 60 kilos
of peruvian heroin

They're sitting on
in there.

Warehouse has
double‐steel doors.

Agent manuel there
left it open once

So we could get
the place up.

One with short hair,
that's manuel.

Other guy, drug dealer
called jose.

He thinks manuel's legit.

As far as we know,

Around the corner
in the cat van

We got e. S. U. With flack vests
and r*fles ready to go

As soon as the transfer
goes down.

Manuel's left
the place open again,

Or else we'd have a hell
of a time getting in there.

These detectives got an angle

On who could be making
that pickup.

We figure it's an ex‐detective
named harry denby,

Who whacked that yvonne ruiz
you were expecting.

So ray was telling me.

Looks like it's denby
taking over the distribution

Through citiwide courier.

So we'd expect it to be him
or someone he sent

Picking up the smack.

These two have
a personal history with denby.

You worked together?

No, not exactly.

Our suspect signed
that confession?

Not exactly.

What does that mean,
"not exactly"?

Here's our witness.

This is brendan.

I'm lieutenant fancy.
This is a. D. A. Haywood.

Hi, brendan.
Yeah, hey.

On the other side of the shade
there's a 2‐way mirror.

They can't see or hear us.
I'm going to lift the shade.

Tell us the number
if you recognize anyone.

Yeah. I recognize someone,
I say a number.


Do you see anyone
you recognize?

Um, i‐i don't know.

I have been beaten
by perverts.

I have not agreed
to be here.

Ignore that.
Just...take your time.

I'm innocent!
I didn't k*ll nobody.

Uh, I'm not sure.

I didn't get
that good a look at him.

The guy was right
in your face.

He tried to rob
your walkman.

You didn't get
a good look at him?

Brendan: can they take
off their hats?

Take another look.

Sidney: I've been framed!
Police brutality!


It could be number one.
I just don't know.


Hold everyone.

[ Jabbering ]

Open your mouth
one more time,

Next lineup you're going
to be unconscious. Got it?

Louise, this is, uh,

Lieutenant fancy
and a. D. A. Haywood.

Hi, louise.


Louise, on the other side
of this shade

There's a 2‐way mirror.

They can't see or hear you.
I'm going to lift the shade.

Tell us the number
if you recognize anyone.

Okay. [ Gasps ]

Do you see anyone
you recognize?

Number 4.

Where do you recognize
number 4 from?

This morning on the street.

He's the guy
who cut that man's face.

You're sure?


Okay. Thanks, louise.

Let's go someplace
and talk.

You want to explain exactly
what the hell is going on?

I saw that man
when he came in.

He didn't have a cut lip
or swollen face.

So you can't tell me
he resisted arrest.

This guy slashed giovanni romano
to death for standing up to him.

You saw that girl pick him out.
That's besides his confessing.

But he never signed
the statement.

You heard him out there.

Any oral confession,
he's recanted.

But why couldn't we
just testify

To his original
oral statement?

That, plus the lineup ‐‐
wouldn't that be enough?

You've dumped a big bag
of crap in my lap, detectives.

This guy goes to arraignment,

The weakest legal aid lawyer,
as long as he isn't blind

Or couldn't see the bruised
face, could get this kicked.

We got a brown stain
on the perp's sneaker

We sent to the lab.

2 To 1 it's the blood
of someone he cut.

Once you laid hands
on this guy,

You can't prove
he gave it up voluntarily

Before he was beaten.

So that lineup was illegal.
You had no cause to arrest him.

You had no probable cause
for the search, so that's out,

And we can never use
that blood stain.

This guy looks bad now,

But his swelling
will go down overnight.

How about we keep him here,
put him in the system tomorrow?

Detective, even if I wanted
to protect you from yourself,

We've involved other parties.
That brendan, for one.

Any decent lawyer
can unravel this.

No, I'm saying,
on behalf of the d. A.'S office,

We don't want it.

Meaning what exactly?

Meaning I can't write it up.

So we kick
a double m*rder*r?

That's not my fault.

some independent evidence,

Come back to me,
and I'll write it up.

You guys know better
than this.

It was me who did it,

If anyone takes a rip
for this, it's me.

Greg and baldwin had
nothing to do with it.

Captain bass is going
to hit the roof when he hears

We had to kick this guy off
him getting tuned up.

Meantime, I'm going to head
down to that warehouse

Where andy and diane
are set up on denby.

You're not going anywhere.

Deal with me later.
I'm going down there.

Danny, go sit at your desk.

Your man give you any sense

When this pickup might be
going down?

Shipment come through
last night.

Usually within 36 hours.

What's the matter, detective,
you're not enjoying this?

You should see some
of the rat‐infested places

We got to set up.

That's 'cause you got
the glamour position.

Diane: got something here.

[ men speaking spanish ]

[ Door closes ]

Hey, jose, what's up?

That's denby.

I guess you were right
about him making a pickup.

Jose: oh, denby, I thought
we were doing this tomorrow.

Oh, tomorrow, right.

I just thought I'd stop by,
check on some things.

Jose: check on what things?

[ g*nshots ]

Aw, jeez.

It's a rip‐off.
Go, go!

Don't sh**t.
I'm a cop.

Can't get in.
We need a saw.

whole place is up, man.

They got sound video.
60 Cops outside.

Denby: is that true?
There's 60 cops watching?

The room ain't miked,
they can't answer.

Anyone out there tries
to come in,

I blow this cop's brains out.

Now my cell phone is 555‐0147.

If this place is up,
you call me.

[ Cellular phone rings ]

[ Ring ]


This is
lieutenant gomez.

I'm with the d. E. A.
Joint task force.

The man here says
you got 60 cops out there.

Now, does that include
starsky and hutch?

He is loaded.

Give it up, denby.
You've got no way out of there.

I beg to differ.
This cop's my ticket out.

This guy, he's going
to sh**t a cop

Knowing he's a cop.

against the colombians, denby.

We can make a deal.

Oh, so you know
who I am.

Well, I thought you were
lieutenant gomez,

But I guess
you are monty hall.

I guess we got
a little standoff here, monty.

Don't try anything dumb!

[ Sawing ]

I can hear you trying to cut
through the door out there.

Either you don't give a damn
about what happens to your man,

Or you must really be

Hold on.

Stop trying to gain entry.

Gomez: what's it take
to get you out of there, denby?

You planning on moving in?

Maybe some marathon ‐‐

David koresh,
some waco kind of thing.

No, no. I haven't got
any good food.

So what are we going
to do here?

I suppose i‐i could ask
for a plane.

Is that what you want,
a plane?

I want to speak
to diane russell.

She's a detective
at the 15th squad.

You want to talk
with diane russell?

I'm assuming with all
the information you have,

She's been in contact
with you.

Forget it, denby.
I'm in charge.

You deal with me.

You're in charge?

I'll see
what I can do.

I want to speak
to diane russell.

She comes in, I'll consider
letting your agent go.

If anyone else tries
to come in, I'll sh**t him.

I'll talk to him.

You absolutely do not have
to go in there.

If I don't go in there,
that agent's going to die.

That's what you want
to do, detective,

I got no problem with that.

I got my vest.

This is you risking her life
for your guy.

Denby wants her,
and it's her call.

You're crazy if you think
you're sending her in there.

I'm the ranking officer,

And I'll do what I have to
to get my man out.

It's okay, andy.
Gomez: denby,

Detective russell's
coming in now.

You got to open the door.

Diane, let me go.

God knows what he wants
with you.

It's all right.

Diane: it's detective russell.
Unlock the door, denby.

[ Door unlocks ]

Why am I not surprised
you were already here?

Just close that latch
on the door behind you.

You want to talk,
we'll talk.

I'm not locking any door.

I'm detective russell.

Are you okay?

I'm bleeding
all over the place.

Just hang on.

Seriously, I really do
appreciate you coming

'Cause I'm in need
of a friend.

Could probably cut yourself
a decent deal, denby.

Task force needs you
to testify

Against the colombians.

You don't know
how close I came

To school's out.

You know,
I must've committed

Some grave sin
in a past life,

'Cause every time
I come close to the brass ring,

It vanishes.

You think your behavior
in this life's

Going to make things better
for you?

It was a beautiful plan.

With my help, yvonne was
widening the net at citiwide.

Today's delivery was supposed
to be a test ‐‐

8 Cities, 60 kilos
of uncut heroin.

Street value
at $5 million.

I must be missing

Smack came into the country
on monday.

We were set to pick it up
on wednesday.

My plan was to steal it
on tuesday,

Sell the whole lot
to a chinese group.

What happened with yvonne,

Yvonne's husband confronted her
with his suspicions,

And she chose to tell him
she was just banging me

'Cause we were working
on a big score.

Like that would
make it okay.

A classic feminine

Of the male psyche.

Had I been more practical,

After yvonne's oaf of a husband
came to thr*aten me,

And I had to go and k*ll
the both of them

To shut them up,

I might've picked to alter
my plans, but I didn't,

And now things have taken
a decisive turn.

Come on, denby,
give me the g*n.


Because you don't want
to die.

We're all going
to die, diane.

That's a fact of life.

You don't want to die

I got to think
about that one.

I know officer manuel doesn't
want to die today, do you?


He doesn't want to die.

The thing is, I do think
someone is going to die today.

Don't do it, denby.
I'll sh**t you.


'Cause you want to save him,
you're going to have to.

You all right?

Yeah, fine.

You kicked sidney thompson?

I haven't got to it.

Do it now.

Uh, actually, I was, uh,
I was kind of waiting to see

If anyone changed
their mind.

No one's changing their mind.
Go kick him.

Harry denby's dead.


Diane shot him.

He was holding
the d. E. A. Agent hostage,

Asked to see diane,
she went in.

She went in alone?

Sounds that way.

And she's okay?

Yeah, she's fine.
She saved that agent.

I should've been down there.

She and andy are
on their way back in.

Arthur, what I hear's
we got a detective

Who's a slam‐dunk
for the medal of honor.

We're talking
about detective russell.

We may actually have
a detective

Who gets a legit bump
to second grade

And not just for driving
the commissioner.

Yeah. That's great.

That's the good news.
Let's talk about the bad news.

Captain, let me try
to explain what happened.

Save it, arthur.
I already heard

From the d. A.'S office.

We still don't really know
what happened in there,

But my detectives say
they had to use force.

I admire your instincts
to defend your detectives,

But you're going to want
to get out of the way on this.

Off the test, you're number 6
on the captain's list.

Something like this,
failure to properly supervise,

You get skipped over.

we'll clear the case.

We'll find a way
to put this back together.

The case has been pulled
from you, arthur.

It's been reassigned
to the d. A.'S office.

Whose idea was that?

Hell of a world, huh?

Guy on a train goes
to aid someone

And gets himself hacked
to death.

Now the scumbag
that k*lled him gets a walk.

Who was it, arthur?
Was it all of them?

Sorenson says it was him.

Okay, then.
Sorenson it is,

And you better hope to god
this stays in the department,

And your miss hayward
keeps her mouth shut,

'Cause this story gets out
to the press,

Sorenson's a collar,

And you probably get moved
to transit.

Sorenson's suspended
as of now.

Let's get him in here, huh?


Detective, you're suspended.

I need your shield
and all your g*ns.

For how long?

We'll see if the chief wants
to place you

On modified assignment.

Talk with your delegate.
You'll get due process.

Internal affairs will be
in touch.

I'll have to get
my off‐duty g*n from my locker.

Double homicide kicked off
you picking to play bully, boy.

You're lucky enough
to keep out of jail on this.

You may want to be thinking
about a new career.

I'm going to go get
my other g*n.

You both okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.
Are you okay?

I'm suspended.

I got to get them
my off‐duty g*n.

That d. E. A. Agent ‐‐
he's going to be okay.

That's great work, diane.

Ditto. Make sure
you make out your statement

With the duty captain.

Denby wanted me
to k*ll him.

I'm sure they'll make it
a good sh**t.

Get your g*ns down to ballistics
tomorrow for testing,

And by the way,
congratulations ‐‐

You're going to be up
for a commendation.

We'll have someone take you
to the e. R.,

Get you checked for trauma.

I'm fine, boss.

No thanks

To that lieutenant gomez
on the task force.

You're going to need to make
an appointment

With the department


What the hell is going on
with sorenson?

We had to kick that suspect
in the subway slashings

On account of sorenson

Tuned him up
to get a confession.

How exactly did he get caught
tuning up the suspect?

He collared the guy,
put him in a lineup,

A.d.a. Haywood saw
the guy'd been beaten.

And it was a. D. A. Haywood
who called the borough?

It wasn't like she had
a whole lot of choice, andy.

Sorenson put a beating
on the guy.

He had a cut lip,
swollen face.

The guy started shouting
in the lineup. People heard.

Every one, a potential witness,
asks what happened.

So this is on sorenson.


You sure you're okay?

Yeah. Andy, uh,

You're the first call
I make if I'm not.

Truth is i, uh, I think
I'll sleep like a baby.

But you'll call
if you need to talk?


Okay. I'm going in there.

I know.

You don't got to tell me
I screwed up.

I've already lost a son,

I've almost lost
my other one,

I've lost my wife,
I've lost a partner ‐‐

I can't take
any more, danny.

If you want to self‐destruct,
if you want to flame out,

Screw you.

You're on your own.
You do it without me.

I understand.

You said you wanted
to carry your own water,

For me to let you be ‐‐
well, you got it.

You're right,
you're not my son.

You're a grown man.

I'm sorry, andy.

I hope you make it,

But I can't have it
be on me.