08x02 - Waking Up Is Hard to Do

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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08x02 - Waking Up Is Hard to Do

Post by bunniefuu »



What time is it?


[ Yawns ]

How are you doing?

How are you doing?

Oh, good. I'm good.

Um, look, diane,

If I pushed you
into anything ‐‐

I'm a big girl, danny.

I didn't do anything
I didn't want to do.

Well, I sure as hell
enjoyed myself.

It might be good

If we don't let
anyone know.

No, I wouldn't.

I mean,
the job and all.

I understand.

as close as we've got,

I wouldn't want anything
to come between that.

Me, either.

Not saying I feel bad
about it,

But maybe
it's a one‐time only,

Being that things
are so complicated.

If you think
we can do that.


You hungry?
Get some breakfast?

No, I'll just jump
in the shower maybe.


You go first.

Get a good look.

Waiting 20 minutes ‐‐

They must teach you that
in med school.

I'm sure she's doing
something meaningful.

They said they'd have
an answer this morning.

Don't they have
no compassion?

Big book teaches us we're not
the center of the universe.

I know. I got problems
being grandiose.

Sorry I'm late.
I had an emergency.

It's good news.


Theo's red count
is nearly normal.


It's within normal range.

That means the red cells
his body is manufacturing

Are reaching maturity.

So he's okay?

His leukocytes are a little high
compared with his lymphocytes,

But that just suggests
some residual infection.

But no cancer?
No cancer.

Oh, it's a miracle.

It's what brings me
back in here every day.

Go home. Be a family.

Bring him back in six months
to be safe.

I have to go.

I ‐‐ thanks.

I really appreciate
what you've done.

Aunt katie, what's wrong?

Nothing's wrong, honey.
I'm just happy.

Nothing's wrong, buddy.
You're not sick.

No more sh*ts.

No more sh*ts.

Done with sh*ts.

Morning, andy.

Yeah, morning.

Spilled coffee on my slacks
in a hurry off the radio run.

Good morning, officers.

And a good morning
to you, sir.

You're in a good mood.

That's because I just come
from the hospital

Where theo's blood test
was normal.

"Normal" normal?
Within normal range.

Andy, that's fantastic.

Oh, at least
you got coffee.

The best I did is tap water
mouthed up under the faucet.

Here's the first cop
on the scene.

What's up, north?

Another dead cabby ‐‐
g*nsh*t to the head.

Jogger over there
comes up to the cab,

Sees the driver
lying there croaked.

What's that, north,
some kind of frog reference?

Finds the cabby dead, andy.
Quit breaking my balls.

Hey, I'm just kidding.
You got to lighten up, pal.

So, probably went down
last night.

Perp has him drive him here
and then he sh**t him.

Yeah, that must have been
when he got croaked.

It's a dangerous occupation
driving a hack.

And me thinking of doing that
when I retire.

One behind his ear ‐‐
the usual for cabbies.

Rigor mortis started.

He's dead three,
four hours probably.

Big hole ‐‐ I figure
a large‐caliber b*llet.

No money.

Let's get him out of there

As soon as crime scene's
finished up.

I'll get him to the morgue.

You know, it's beautiful
down here by the river.


Oh, hi.

Hey. How's it going?

Hey. I was downstairs
turning in some stuff,

And I saw you come in.

We caught a homicide ‐‐
cab driver.

So, are we still on
for tonight?

I'm making dinner
at your place?

Sure. Hell yeah.

Okay. See you later.

Check this out.

Now, what the hell
is this?

Looks like
a brokerage firm.

I think it's about
your cab driver homicide.

Hey, you got
your ears lowered.

Sipowicz and sorenson
were working the homicide

This morning.

The taxi
and limousine commission's

Putting up 100 grand ‐‐

Information leading
to the arrest and conviction

Of anyone k*lling a cab driver
off the recent pattern.

We're assuming cops
are ineligible.

Bureau head captain bass
put together a task force ‐‐

Cabby got sh*t last week
midtown south.

Perp used a .357 tied
to six other incidents.

What kind of incidents?

This one g*n is linked

To a convenience store stickup
and a drive‐by.

Midtown south cabby's lucky
he's still breathing.

That one just now,
that could have been a .357.

We got ballistics
standing by

Waiting on a b*llet
from the morgue.

We should find out quick
if there's a match.

Bottom line worries,
we got a wack job.

Wack job with a grudge
against cab drivers.

We've been on this weeks,
detective ‐‐

Homicide squad,
robbery, intelligence.

It's your case.

No one's looking
to jump your play.

We're just hoping
to share information.


I got my top‐level people,
my best interrogators.

John. Our paa
will get you situated.

Everybody's okay with this?

Anything we can do,

Over here, please.

Hey, guys.

You okay, andy?

I'm fine.
Why, don't I seem okay?

Well, you don't seem
quite yourself.

Then who would I be?

I mean, if I'm not myself,
I must be somebody.

Theo's blood test
was normal.

Hey, that is great, andy.


Look, I wouldn't worry
about this task force thing.

Um, cab driver sh*t
off a serial k*ller ‐‐

This is high profile,
so you ‐‐

Any major interviews,
they get run by us.

How about we go get caught up
on them other incidents?

Yeah, okay.

See maybe did they miss
something at midtown south.

Okay, fine.

Yeah, let's go and talk
to these top‐level people,

Let them explain how it's done
to us poor working slobs.

How about you, danny?
Are you okay?

Um, diane and me,
we got to locate

This girlfriend
of denby's ‐‐ lauren ‐‐

Before i. A. B. Moves on us.

You figure medavoy
gave away the store?

Nah, greg's tougher
than he looks.

Martenz more or less
told him and cohen

We don't find this girl
to confirm our version,

We might as well
hand in our badges.

Listen, nothing bad
is going to happen.

You know this?

I do.

I'll get us caught up
by the experts, huh?

Okay, andy.

[ Whistling ]

Andy told me about theo.
That's great news.

Yeah, definitely.

How's it going with you?

How's it going with you?


Me and andy get
to play patty cake now

With captain bass
and his task force.

I, uh, I talked
to denby's dispatch.

He's got a 2:00 p. M. Pickup
on 2nd avenue at 6th.

I left word
I'd meet him there.

So that would be me
meeting him there.

I go, it's just
him playing games.

I'll meet him.

I'll get that girl's number,
then she can confirm

That they had
jill's boy hostage.

Detective russell...

This call came for you.

What's this now?

This, uh,
jerk ray de salvo.

He's doing time at rikers ‐‐
grew up with bobby.

What's he want?

Wants me to come see him

As a favor
to bobby's memory.

That cabby got sh*t
midtown south,

He's downstairs ‐‐
first day back.

He didn't want to come
all the way

Into the station house,

But I charmed him into it.

Diane, she got some message
from a guy ‐‐ ray de salvo?

De salvo?

Wasn't it him that, uh,
sh*t bobby at i. A. B.?

Wants me to come see him
at rikers.

Oh, this half‐ass lowlife.

He gets himself
into a jackpot,

Asked bobby to help him,

And then he shops him
to i. A. B. For helping.

No kidding.

De salvo's out at rikers

And don kirkendall's
out at rikers.

This could absolutely be

De salvo running
another number

With the rat squad.

I got to see denby
at 2:00.

I could swing
by rikers first.

You ‐‐ you be careful
with this guy.

You need me in
on that cabby?

No, you go do
what you have to.

Yeah, good.
I'm going to do that.

I'll be on the air.


That is ‐‐ that's great
about theo, andy.

We're so happy for you.


Joe rodriguez. I'm looking
for detective sipowicz.


Hey, ho, uh, baldwin,

Want to sit in with me
on this?


Being we're like
a couple of orphans

With your partner
that's tied up in court

And mine's off
on some secret mission.

Get you a beverage?

It's guaranteed
the stalest coffee

In the five boroughs.

No, thanks.
I'm on shift.

Had to give up

A back and forth to jfk
for this.

Is that where
you got sh*t?

Could we do this?

I already talked
to detectives.

This other cabby
sh*t last night ‐‐

Ballistics matched the b*llet
to one they dug out of you.

Cabbies are getting sh*t
left and right.

Why don't you talk
to that dude?

Kind of tight‐lipped,
rigor mortis and all.

Took one to the back
of the head.

Guess I got good luck.

Yeah, you must live right.

Our leads we got
go nowhere, joe.

You're our only live one,
so anything you remember

Might stop another cabby
getting sh*t.

I picked up two black guys,

Both half in the bag
outside elmo's bar,

Corner of 9th avenue
and 48th.

They jump in, say take them
to the moon room.

I don't know the place.

They say pull over.
One's got out a piece.

Did you resist?

I gave them the money.

Fat one booked

Before the other one
even took it.

The one with the money
busts one in my arm.

You describe him?

My age.

The one was obese is not
like big pun obese,

Just say, like, 300 pounds.

What's big pun?

Big punisher, man.

Rap dude so fat
he couldn't leave his house.

d*ed of his heart stopped.

What about the other one?

Long and skinny
in black leather pork pie hat.

I overheard fatty ask him
after he sh*t me

Why he do it.

He called him benny.

This, uh, benny that sh*t you

Even though
you were being cooperative,

Is he, like, uh,
maybe crazy or something?

Crazy or high.

Say, why don't you go
bring these guys in, hmm?

Yeah, why didn't we
think of that?

Can I go back
to work now?

Go ahead.

Thank you.


That's a real assh*le.

Now, now.

[ Dance music playing ]

You elmo?

Says so on the sign.

Like that music.

My man got taste.

How's about two sh*ts on me
for new york's finest?

How about we stick
with the program, elmo?

You answer our questions

And save the grease
for someone else.

Grease? Man,
that's a sincere offer.

So, elmo, this cabby
got sh*t last week,

He says he picked up two guys
outside of your bar,

Both of them
half in the bag ‐‐

Describing any two
out of dozens of guys

Coming through here
on a daily basis ‐‐

Allowing us
to finish our thought,

These two were black.
One of them's fat,

Runs with a tall skinny guy
in a black leather hat ‐‐

Name might be benny.
That ring any bells?

Benny ‐‐ right, like them
other detectives said.

It don't ring a bell.

That's all you got
for new york's finest,

Cheap house drinks
and a hand job?

See, I don't think

You're trying
hard enough there, elmo.

How about we do a shake test

On one of them bottles
up there,

See if it's got those
little dead bugs

That show it's been refilled
maybe nine times?

Why don't you
hand my partner

That one that says
it's chivas regal?

I got my mind set
for replay, detective,

But it don't ring
any bells.

Now you're welcome
to hang out,

See if anyone comes by
fits the parameters.

If we find out
you're holding back,

I'm personally coming
to kick your ass.

He like this
with everyone?

Ah, you know how
some guys are.

Trying to get him
into a program

For aggression avoidance.

Yeah, I'll give you a yell
when I'm finished.

I don't know you.

I'm danny sorenson.
I'm a detective at the 15th.

Oh, right, you're
sipowicz's new partner.

So how do you know that?

Relax, man. It's not like
I'm wearing a wire.

Want to check?

15Th is where my pal
bobby simone worked,

God rest his soul.

I was expecting
bobby's wife.

Detective russell,
she's still upset.

She doesn't want
to open that door.

Me and bobby ‐‐
comes at me, too,

Being upset he's gone.

Me and him
grew up together.

What do you want?

If bobby were still with us,
he could tell you.

I'm here on a bad rap.

He would, huh?

That bar I worked in,

I wasn't aware
it was a mob thing.

De salvo, you know,
you want to chat,

Maybe you should call
don imus.

Danny, right?

Call me ray.

I need help. I'm going
stir crazy in here.

So you're looking
to get some play.

You know, there's this
assh*le in here

Spraying crap
on your squad ‐‐

Don kirkendall.

He's looking
at some kind of deal

In exchange
for bringing you down.


So I figured
you're taking some heat,

You could use some help.
You guys are right guys.

Maybe something good come out
of this for everyone.

Meaning what, ray?

I bring this up
on a possibility like that.

Not like anybody's ever going
to know where it came from,

But something
could befall this guy,

Accident‐wise or so forth.

Forget it, ray.

I thought we were talking
about you wanting help

Getting time
off your stretch.

We were.
Does that mean you'll help?

I'd have to look into it.

Here's my card.

Anything I could do
to help, danny,

I'm there.

On the gate.

John: here you go.

All right. Thanks, john.

Lieutenant, I wish they
could solve this homicide

So you could get
your office back.




Why's he looking
like some sick giraffe?

The fellow in the coffee room
with detective russell

Says he's got information
on your case.

I thought you guys would
want to talk to him first.

That's real devious, john.

Thank you.

Good work there, john.

Uh, this is, uh, freddy.

Says he's got
information relevant

To a cab driver sh**ting.

He didn't tell you what?

No, he's pretty

What's up, freddy,
you didn't tell

Detective russell
what you know?

I'm all about
the reward money.

Just want
to make for certain

I'm talking
with the right people.

Have you got information?

You got to do
with the reward?

The reward is based
on information

Leads to arrest
and conviction.

Got to eat, man.

How about some kind
of advance?

Let's see
what you got to offer.

Freddy, if we can't
trust each other,

Where does that leave us?

Last week brother
wears a leather hat

And his fat‐ass
drinking buddy

Next seat at the bar.

They's bragging on
to the bartender

How they capped
some cabby.

What's the bar?

My usual ‐‐ elmo's.


You bet.

Seemed like
they and elmo was tight.

You know, uh,
elmo is a broker.

He rents g*ns.

These two clowns was talking
about getting another piece,

Taking off a liquor store.

There's your advance.

All right.

This mean I got a sh*t
at the big prize?

Man's got a right to hope.

Write your name
and a contact number.

Elmo's day
just took one ugly turn.

Yeah, he's a real beauty.

Don't ring a bell?
I'm going to ring his bell.

Hey, hey, baldwin,
you got to calm down.

You know, learn to roll
with the punches.

Is that so?

take it from me, pal.

Detective russell
couldn't make it.


So she picked you.

Yeah, she asked me
to come see you.

One of my
customary stops here.

You'd be surprised.
During the holidays,

This is a mecca
of industrial communion.

I'm assuming just
a stopgap for you,

Waiting on your trial.

It's surprisingly satisfying
completing a simple task.

I try not to think
about the future.

Can we just get
to the point?

A quality I admire
in others.

Sadly, one of my own

Which I'll never write
in my personal inventory.

You told detective russell

You were going to try
to get in touch

With this lauren
who was watching

Jill kirkendall's
little boy frank.

Lauren, right.

Here's my pitch, denby.
We got cops in trouble

For something
they didn't do.

You're a cop.
You were a cop.

I should do
the right thing.

The problem is
I'm not sure I can help you.


I couldn't tell this
to detective russell,

But lauren happened
to walk in on me.

I was throwing a hump
into her twin sister wendy.

I swear it was
mistaken identity ‐‐

The sister deceiving me,

Me too high
to know the difference.

Identical twins?

My mistake was probably
taking the situation

As an opportunity
to invite her to participate

As opposed to claiming
outrage at the deceit.

You figured,
what the hell?

I am, however,
on better terms

With the sister.

A simple solution
might be use her,

Say it's the real girl.

No one would ever know
the difference.

Or how about we just
stick to the truth?

That's another way to go.

An address on wendy
and phone number.

I don't know
where lauren is.


Send my deepest apologies
to detective russell

If I misinterpreted
her motives

Or I was too forward.
She's been agreeable

To my negotiations
in the past.

What does that mean?

I'm sorry.
I shouldn't kiss and tell.

Once more, elmo.

Tall skinny guy
in a black leather cap

Named benny
and his porky buddy.

That still don't
ring a bell?

No, I don't know
no one called benny.

You know about a .357
that these guys used

To sh**t a cabby last week?

You must have thought I was
kidding back there, elmo.

Holding out you're a candidate
for a b*ating.

Come on, man.
Get him off me.

I'm not hearing nothing that's
going to get me off you.

We know where those boys
got that .357.

Man, I can't say nothing
about that.

It would be wrong.

What, it's like, uh,

Privileged communication,
a g*n dealer and his client?

Wrong, like it's the people's
right bearing arms.

Whoa. So we're talking
about the second amendment.

Big world out there,
right, elmo?

Folks like benny
got a record.

They can't just stroll
into some g*n shop

And come out
with a shiny new glock.

No, sir.

So you perform
a public service.

How about we reel this back in
to where benny got that .357?

My man's name is lenny,

And he did rent that .357
off me.

We already knew that, elmo.

I rent them.

What people
do with them after,

I got no idea.

No, no,
that's not elmo's problem.

You rent a car.
Look, you don't know

That someone decides
to drive it off some cliff.

Well, I'm in
the rental business, too.

You're an entrepreneur.

That's it.

And that's how come we know
you take a cut

Out of any money gets
taken in with your g*ns

By those poor felons
that run afoul of the system.

And for which
we're going to lock you up

Unless you start
helping us now.

Lenny, elmo ‐‐ write where
we could find him.

Can I go now?

No, I think maybe
you want to stick around,

See how it comes out.

Call us mistrustful,

And after you've proved
to be so trustworthy.

Got to be the next building.

Yo, what's up?


Lenny, lenny, hey, hey, hey.
What's your hurry, pal?

Your legs are moving faster
than your brain.

What's this about, man?

Damn, I just came from jail.

You just come from jail?
Just left.

Got popped jumping a turnstile
trying to get uptown.

When was this?

Last night.

You were in jail
last night?

That's what I just said.

Come on.

You okay?

I'm all right.

Mm‐hmm, yes.


No, I'd be happy to.

He'll get the message.

Denby, he couldn't locate
that girl lauren.

Being she hates his guts?

Best he could do was
an address and phone number

For her sister wendy.

He also sent along
an apology for yesterday.

Did you see de salvo?

Hey, bobby wasn't friends
with that guy?

I think when they were kids,

Bobby used to keep him
from getting his ass kicked.

Then I could have used
bobby there today

Because I wanted
to kick his ass myself.

He offered
to have don whacked.

I mostly just listened.

Do you think it was i. A. B.,
See if we took the bait?

It's hard to say.

This guy, it could have
been freelance.

I'll reach out
to this wendy,

See if she can put me
onto her sister.

I wouldn't use denby
as a reference.

Maybe I'll reach out
based on mutual abuse.

We could start
an "I hate harry" club.


We picked up
this lenny shelton.

Minimum, he's who probably sh*t
that cabby in midtown south.

I'd like to have my closer
in on that interview.

We got lenny in the pokey.

You want, your man can do
the interview himself.

We could come in behind
if he needs help.

Is that okay with you?

Let us know if you need us.

What's that about?

That is about...

How lenny don't mean d*ck

Except he is who sh*t the cabby
in midtown south.

Who it's not is whoever
whacked that cabby last night.

No. The key to that
is this sleazy bartender

We got in interview three.

How do we know that?

We know it wasn't lenny
who pulled the trigger

On that .357 last night
because he was in the system.

No, lenny only rented
that g*n from this elmo

That don't know
the '70s are over,

And he has been lying to us

Either directly
or by omission all day.

Detective sorenson,

Former a. D. A. Cohen
returning your call.

We got this.

You find lenny?

We found him.

Nothing personal, elmo.

What was that for?

Just doing my job, you know,
you giving us information

In drips and drabs
like you been,

Lying by omission.

You asked who I rented
that g*n to

Who sh*t that cabby,
I gave you lenny.

Elmo, I'm having
a great day.

Please don't mess it up.

You know the saying,
"fool me once"?

Who did you rent
that g*n to last, elmo?

Last chance.

A little jail time
will do wonders widening up

That big world view
of yours even more.

No, man, I can't
be going to no jail.

What about my bar?
I got no one to watch it.

We'll padlock it.

You can open it back up
in three to five.

Five days?

Check elmo,
mr. Positive thinking.

Three to five years,

Okay, listen...

I didn't want to cross
this wack job.

His name is hector,

One of them butt‐crazy
nicaragua contra cats

Trained for combat.

I rented him
that .357 yesterday.

Where are we going to find
this hector?

He's supposed to bring it back
by the bar in an hour.

Tell you what, elmo.

Being you've been
so damn cooperative,

We're going to offer you
the opportunity

To help yourself.

Help myself?

I don't like
the sound of that.

Wait all day in court
to testify

And never get called

And then yesterday
at i. A. B.

You probably forgot
you even had a partner.

You're kind of
unforgettable, greg.

Elmo, say hi to captain bass
out in the van.

Yo, captain,
I'd just like to say

This is most
very irresponsible.

So this hector,
is he usually early or late?

Man, I hardly know the cat.

Time before, he was punctual.

Just might piss my pants
before it's done.

Yo, hector.

What's up, man?

Get you a drink?

What, you think
I'm some kind of h*m*?

Maybe he likes blonds, huh?

I just don't feel
like chatting is all.

So what can I get
for you, man?


You got something for me?

Keep my deposit.

I'm going to need it
another day.


Get down! You, get down!

Get down!


Elmo: damn!

Greg, get an ambulance
for this guy.

We get anyone sh*t?

Yeah, we got one perp down.

Let's get crime scene

And the sh**ting team
down here.

15Th squad to central,
have an ambulance respond

To elmo's bar.

You okay, andy?


You lauren sky?

Why? What do you want?

Oh, man.

No, no.

Why are you hassling me?

I talked with your sister.
She gave me your address.

I'm not here to hassle you.

Then why are you here?

Jill kirkendall
was my partner.

That was her son
you were watching upstate

In canandaigua.

What? Jill who?

Jill kirkendall.

That was her scumbag
ex‐husband don

In business
with harry denby ‐‐

Bleached hair, big teeth.

Denby? Screw him.
You friends with denby?

Yeah, screw denby.
I'm not a friend of his.

Because if he's banging you,
let me tell you ‐‐

You want to get back
at denby?

I need you to tell some people
what was going on upstate.

What people, cops?

No one's looking
to jam you up.

Sure, I heard that one.

I need you to tell these
people how denby and don

Were keeping my partner's son
in that house

And how they told her
they'd k*ll him

If she didn't help them
get away.

And what if I don't?

Then I take you in
as a material witness,

Meantime check
for outstanding warrants,

And while you spend
the night in jail,

We toss your place.

You don't have to do that.

So, about my partner's son.

I remember something
about a kid in the house.

Did you say it was a boy?

Frank, about 11.

Ring any bells?

My memory's not so good,

But I could say
anything you want

For 100 bucks.

And you don't remember them
calling you up

Telling you not
to let that boy go

Until they said
it was okay?

That's what you want me
to say, I'll say that.

Look, do you remember
or not?

Harry brought up
some amazing stuff.

I was so loaded that week.

The whole thing's a blur.

Hey, katie, it's me, yeah.

Can I say hi to him?

Hey, hey, squirt,
how are you feeling?

Yeah? How was school?

Well, daddy will see you
real soon. Yeah.

We can read
our chapter book.

And I was complaining

About how boring
squad work is.

That was enough excitement
for a year.

Yeah, okay, bye‐bye.


Hey, good thing
that guy missed.

I kind of like you
like this.

Ballistics matched that .357
with your case.

Yeah, I figured that.

We're going to
move back down

To the borough
with this thing.

I guess
that breaks your heart.

No, it's been fun
having you.

Good night.

Good night, boss.

Thanks for the use
of your office.



The girl,
that's a dead end.

You talked to her?

She was so stoned,

She hardly remembers
being upstate.

She vaguely remembers
frank being there,

But she couldn't say
one way or the other

If they were keeping him.

Look, d. A. Has enough
to throw at the grand jury,

Figure let the court
sort it out.

So we get indicted.

We've got to hope
it doesn't come to that.

We'd never get convicted.
Have we got a case? Sure ‐‐

Cops' credibility
against a scumbag like don,

But you never know
about a jury.

Maybe three years ago it
would have been a slam dunk,

But after central park ‐‐

Even if we do get
an acquittal,

There's profound
career damage

Plus the departmental

And this is what
i. A. B. Wants?

It could be out
of their hands.

Look, you need something

To prove your story's right
and don's is wrong.


Hey, I'm really happy
for you, andy.

It's going to be
all right, danny.

That was real good, mary.

You always make
a good meal.

Yeah, thanks.

Sorry I seem preoccupied.

Guess you got a lot
on your mind.

How's it going with i. A. B.?

Mary, you don't want
to get too involved.

They could come looking
to talk to you,

And you'd want to be honest

Saying you don't know nothing
about all that.

I'm not snitching
for the rat squad, danny.

I'm just trying
to be a part of your life.

I know.

I appreciate that.

I mean, if we can't be
in each other's lives ‐‐

[ Pager beeps ]

What's that?

911 From rikers.

It's this ray de salvo
I saw before.

Listen, mary,
I got to go check this out.

Now? 8:00?

Look, I got to go deal
with this. I'm sorry.

When are you coming back?

I don't know.

You might want to go home,

Whatever you want.

So, don kirkendall is dead.


Yeah, huh?

It should make you happier
than you look.

What's this about, de salvo?

What's it about?

It's about our little
conversation from before.

It's about
how I done my part.

You did what part?

I took care of him.

You took care of him how?


I can't say more than that.

You're damn right
you can't

Because don kirkendall
got shanked in the shower

By those colombians
he ripped off.

You didn't have d*ck
to do with it.

Who's your news service,
you're so sure?

I came here passing
a whole gauntlet

Of corrections officers,
you prick.

You don't think I heard
what went down?

Probably you called diane
to start with

After hearing the colombians
were planning a move on don,

And you thought you'd get
out in front of it.

Careful calling me
a prick, danny,

Because you and me,
we talked before,

And I'm prepared to tell
those internal affairs guys

All about it.

How about I taped

Our little conversation
before with this

Like I've been taping
our conversation now,

You weasely little scumbag.

You think we're stupid?

After you ran that i.a.b.
Number on bobby simone,

We wouldn't figure you
to try it again?

No, danny,
you got that wrong.

Bobby simone was my friend.

I wouldn't be
holding out much hope

For you knocking time
off your sentence, ray.

I'd be working to find
more ways to pass the time.

Oh, look,
don't go like that.

On the gate.

Look, I was just
running my mouth.

It all worked out, right?

Hi, danny.

Don kirkendall's dead.

He got shanked
in the shower.

I heard.
Leo talked to martenz.

We're off the hook.

So it's no don,
it's no case.

Martenz says
the books are closed.

Don's dead,
case falls apart.

You know,
this probably means

That denby gets a walk, too.

That is one dark cloud
on a silver lining, huh?

Yeah, talk about nine lives.

It's going to be tough
on jill.

Jill's better off
with that jerk dead.

I guess that's right.

Am I keeping you
from something?

I'd rather be here.

Then be here.



Is it time
to go to school?


Then why
did you wake me?

I just wanted
to give you a hug.


I love you, son.

I love you, too, daddy.

I'm tired now.

Go back to sleep.
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