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03x21 - S3X

Posted: 04/25/22 08:57
by bunniefuu
* saw you at a partyin the summertime *

Remember,down t slides,not up.

Here you go.

What is this?Is this ice cream?

It's frozen yogurt,and you're welcome.

Okay,look,you've gotta stop bringing me things to eat.

Not only am I gonna get fat,but--but you can't bring things that melt.

I mean,what would you have done if I hadn't been here today?

Well,you've been here every day so far.

How did you know that this was my favorite?

Well,I thought I'd finally read your book,which I loved,by the way.

No,no,I loved it.

I thought you really captured something about presidential campaigns.

Wait,how'd you put it?You got by on naps,hors d'ouevres and,

uh,vanilla bean frozen yogurt with chocolate chips.

Told you I read it.

Thank you.

and I'm not wrong.

It is delicious.

So how's robert?

well,he's-- he's,uh,he's better.

He's much better,actually.


Oh,I-I know I look like a dog that's been rolling around in the mud.

Keeping yourself occupied?

Trying not to think about tommy.

Started on the annuals a few days ago.That's the zinnias.

Zinnias are great because they come in different colors,

like cherry and white and disco mix,which is a mahogany with a red center.

Nora,I spoke to him this morning.

Oh,my god.Where is he?Is he all right?

He's okay.

I told him holly got the D.A.To agree to drop the charges,

that it's legally safe for him to come home.

-And?-And he's booking a ticket.

He's coming home this week.

Oh,why didn't you say so?You let me prattle on about these damn flowers.

Nora,tommy and I have a lot to deal with before I can be as excited as you are.

Yes,I know,and I promise,I'm gonna give you two all the space you need.

I won't come over.I won't even call until you--

that's a good idea.

-I know how much you want to see him--
-are you gonna give him a chance?

I will.


What was wrong with the pantsuit?

It was gray and boring.

-No,it was practical,kevin.
-Oh,come on.

I could put a tie on that thing and wear it.

It was recession appropriate.

Oh,my god.

Oh,come on.You-- you can't be serious.

It's a little loud,don't you think?

That is gorgeous.

It's pink.It is hot pink.

-That's fuchsia.
-Whatever it is,it's practically on fire.

Yeah,you would be,too,if you put it on.

you're very sweet to think that I can pull that off.

However,I'm going back to work at my family's company,not at a brothel.

Oh,come on.Look,it's spring.

You said you wanted to meet a man.

God knows I do.It's been so long since I've been touched

-- right,right.So make a statement.Trust me.

Put that on.It'll get you noticed.

Yeah,yeah,it will...from space.

-who is it?

Tommy's coming home.

-Oh,my god.

-Tommy's coming home.
-Are you kidding me?

Hey,mom,I'm gonna go for a quick swim.


-What's with all the dirt on the floor?

I was gardening.Would you get a broom?



Justin's there. do things stand with julia?

Well,she's still upset,of course.But he's coming home.

-That's the first step.Wait a second.
-Tommy's coming home?

Yes,on tuesday.So we all have to welcome him with open arms.

listen,mom,before you get too excited figuring out the menu for tommy's welcome back soiree,

just remember,he and julia,they're gonna need a little time.

Tell her we all need time.

Mom-- mom,we--we've all got a lot of things to figure out,okay?

Okay?So don't pounce.

Listen,you guys,I am not going to pounce.

As a matter of fact,right now,I'm on my way to the nursery.

I'm gonna pick up bags and bags of fertilizer.



I'm gonna stay away even if that means I have to plant flowers on every square inch of this property.

Okay,mom.Well,good luck with that.


so wait a second,mom.You're saying that you're not gonna be there the second he gets off the plane?

No,I'm not.My god,you guys have no faith in me.

Have no discline?


you must be so relieved.

Yeah,of course.I'm--I'm very happy that he's coming home.

Oh,and your mother--she just must be through the roof.

Through the roof?No.She's,uh,halfway to pluto.

We should be so lucky.

what?I'm kidding.

Um,you know,I think that I am gonna go for a walk with evan.


Robert,robert,robert,we definitely should not be getting overly excited.

No,I think that's exactly what we should be getting.

No,no,honey.According to your cardiologist,

you have,like,what,what is it,like a week left before--

four days,because believe me,I've been counting.I'm fine.

No,no,no.I'm sorry.I think that we should follow doctor's orders.

-Just trying to be careful.


I am so sorry.I am so,so sorry.

No,it's fine.The bowl's plastic.

I would've gotten dressed if i would've known you were coming.

It finE.You're crashing on my couch,and I've seen guys in their underwear before.

Would you by any chance want to go for dinner at my parents' house on tuesday?

Your parents?

Yeah,apparently my dad wants to get to know the gentleman that's sleeping on my couch.

I don't know.I don't know.

Oh,god.You know what?Maybe-- maybe this arrangement--

me staying here--are you sure that it's--it's okay?

Yeah,it's fine.

Really?Because justin definitely doesn't think it's fine.

Well,justin and I broke up,and you really should stop worrying so much what other people think.

So you think I should,uh,brave it and have dinner at your parents' house?

It's really not that big of a deal.

Yeah,it'll be fun.

I'd actually like to get to know them,too.


I can't believe you convinced me to buy this dress.

What?What are you talking about?

-You look so hot in that dress.

-You deserve to meet someone.
-God,I hope you're right,kevin.

You know,I really think it's time.

I just-- you know what I miss?

-I just miss that first touch.

-It's been so long since I've been--
-ohmy god.

Don't--don't look.Don't look.

Don't--just-- stop.

-Bee on my head?
-No,just walk with me.Really slow,really slow.

-Look into this-- look into this--
-oh,get it off.Get it off.

-Look into this window.Don't argue with me.

Don't look over your shoulder.Chad's across the street.

-Chad who?


-Oh,my god.he is so ridiculously chiseled.
-Turn around.

Stop looking.He might see.

What?He doesn't know who I am?

What--what are you afraid of?Why don't you just go say hi?

No,no,that's not gonna happen.

Oh,he really is spectacular.

He's bi,right?

-Maybe you should introduce me.

I'm .I can't be that choosy.

Why did you guys break up anyway?

Why?He was an emotional mess,okay?

Deeply,deeply closeted.

He had a girlfriend who was happy to be his beard.

He practically denied my existence when we were dating.

-Sorry.He just spotted us.

-Oh,my god.
-He's coming over.

He's coming over.Don't leave my side.

Oh,my god.

Wh--I-- l--

I owed you that,in public.

You know,for how I acted when we dated.

So, are you?

-Me?I'm--I'm-- married.
-I'm married.


Is somebody there?

Who is it?Who's out there?


It's me.Roger.


Actually,I could go blind if you keep shining that thing in my eyes.

Sorry.You scared me to death.

Why are you creeping around back here?

Well,I was in the neighborhood.

The neighborhood?You live in london.

Uh,that's true,but I was at this architectural conference,

and I wanted to stop by the center,which I see is up and running.

I'm sorry you couldn't come to the opening.

-Well,I was in london.
-Yes,with your wife.

Well,that's a funny thing.

Um,that's really what I want to talk to you about.

We have been through this,roger.

You have no idea how much I missed you.

Just stop right there.

I have been planting man-in-the-moon marigolds for the better part of three weeks.

I'm trying to deal with a very complicated situation.

You showing up here with your open marriage and--and your--

it's not open,anymore.In fact,it isn't anything.

We got divorced.

Well,I thought you had an understanding.

Uh,we did,but we always said if someone else came along,it would make it obsolete.

Your wife met someone?

No.I did.

And even though she's covered in mud and she's carrying a trowel,

I'd like to kiss her right away.

You wanted to be the only woman in my life.

Well,consider it done.

I don't know what to say.

Well,you don't ha to say anything.

Wait.It's-- it's a bad time.

This is a-a very bad time.My life is a mess.

I mean,it's not just me.

I--I mean,it's a-- it's a really confusing time.

And I mean,look at me.I'm-- I'm gardening at midnight.

I am looking at you,and you look beautiful...

and flawless,and I love you.

And if--if it's all right with you,I think I'm gonna kiss you.



Excuse me.

Good morning.


oh my god.

"welcome back.Holly"?

Sarah walker?

I'm cal from accounting.

Last week's invoices.

I missed your first reign,but everyone's happy you're back.

Thank you.See you around.

oh,my god.

kevin walker.

Kevin,this is insane.

I've come back,and ojai foods has turned into ojai dudes.

You sound like a gay justin.

No,I'm serious.The place is absolutely swarming with hot men.

I-I can barely handle it.

Well,at least all the eye candy will make working with holly easier.

Actually,she's trying to be nice.She sent me a fruit basket.

Do you think I should get a food taster just in case?

-Oh,my god.

-It's cal again.

Cal--the gorgeous accountant.

Cal sounds like a p*rn name.

What?Wh-- what,and chad isn't?

That's a name I'm trying to forget.

Come on.Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that kiss.

Just because you're married doesn't mean you're dead.

I did like it.That's the problem.

And try not to tell scotty what happened.

You've got nothing to be guilty about.You didn't provoke him.

Honestly,I-I wouldn't blame myself if cal just walked into my office

and blindfolded me and dragged me down to the loading bay and tied me to a truck--

You--you have it really bad.

oh,my god.It's him.It's--it's chad.

Uh,do I take this?

Well,I would.

I've got sex on the brain.

Okay,I'll talk to you later.


I keep thinking about you.

That's fine.I think about me all the time.

So I was wondering if you'd like to go get a drink tomorrow.


You--you know,I would,except it's-- you know,it's a school night and...

I'm married.

No,I meant the three of us.

You know,uh,yeah.Well,scotty's pretty busy with work.

Well,why don't you ask scotty?You still have my number,right?

Well,I hope I see you soon.


life is so much sweeter with a baby.

Why did you guys have to go and grow up?

Well,that was the only way we could get away from you.

Oh,well,now isn't that nice?

-Oh,mom,come on.I was joking.
-I drive all the way up here just to get insulted?

You drove all the way up here to keep you from sitting on julia and tommy's porch...

-that is not true.Not true.
-Tears in your eyes,waiting for tommy.

I haven't thought about tommy one moment all day today.

No.Obsessing about him is not gonna help.It's his life,not mine.

Are you,like...medicated or something?

No,I'M...happy,that's all.I'm just--I'm happy...

Not thinking about all the mistakes I made and what awful mother I am.

And if you promise not to judge me...

I'll tell you-- roger came back.


Your british architect/swinr/lover?

Yes,he came back,and he's left his wife.

and he said he loves me.

-and he shows it.He is so--
-oh,my god.

This is the best news I have ever heard.

Okay,now tell me more.Is it completely romantic?

-Are you guys--have you--

don't even go--well,I-- I can't tell you right now.

There's a father coming this way.

Oh,right.That father.

Oh,I get both you guys today,huh?

uh,well,you--you remember,um,um,uh,uh,alec.


You know what?We were just leaving.

We were?

Well,you know,that's o--that's okay.I didn't have time to buy treats for us today.

It--it's okay.

Treats?He buys you treats?


You know,he buys me frozen yogurt or-- you know,he buys it for all the moms.

kitty has a boyfriend.Kitty has a boy--

mother,you know what?Stop that.

That is not true.I'm married,okay?

He knows I'm married.I'm married.

I was kidding.

Oh,right.I don't--so--so was I.

Come on.Let's go.

Oh,you're home.

You know,since robert's gone,the office is pretty quiet.

Do you want to go out for dinner?I'm taking the night off.I need a break.


Great.I'll hop in the shower.

Hey,um,guess who I...ran into.



Your--your ex chad?

Yeah,isn't that-- isn't that weird?

How is he?

He's--he's fine.

I mean,you know,he's so dramatic.

Dramatic?What does that-- what does that mean?

Okay,he--he came up to me on a--on a very busy street,

and he--he gave me a very...big kiss.

Apparently,um,as an apology for being so,you know,so deeply closeted when--

when we dated,but,um,you know,it was all-- it was all him.

I mean,you can ask sarah.She saw the whole thing.

Oh,that--that is dramatic.

Yeah,that's not the half of it.He,um...

he wants to have drinks.

With--with the both of us.

That could be fun.

Fun?Are--are you-- are you being serious?

He--I mean,he--he did kiss me on the street.I thought you'd be furious.

Oh,he's just some crazy actor.What's the big deal?

Anyway,I've--I've met him before.He's--he's nice.

When's he free?

You actually want to do this?

Yes,I-I want to have drinks with dr.Phillip.

I loved him on "tempest island.

" I-I remember when he went undercover to save baltimore from the cassidy family.

Fine,I'm a fan.

You never...cease to surprise me.

Are you sure about this?You know,I mean,chad's pretty full of himself.

You know actors.They alwaystalk about themselves.

Oh,like you don't?Come on.Call him.


J--uh,just remember,this is not my idea.

when do you have to go back to school?

Actually,I think I'm gonn take some time off.

Oh,see,that's dangerous.I took time off,and I never went back.

Oh,don't worry.My dad would k*ll me if I didn't graduate.

I'm just gonna take this semester off,then go back in the fall.

And that's okay with your school?

Yeah,they let you do whatever you want when you get straight a'S.

Straight a'S.

I didn't know you were such a brainiac.

oh,I'm sorry.I thought it was obvious.

Yeah,I,um,I actually left college.

You know,I wanted to direct films.

-How'd that work out for you?

I met your mom,didn't I?

And--and how has it been working out for you,not being in school?

Great.I met rebecca,didn't I?

nah,truth be told,I just...

really need to sort some things out right now,you know,

and that's part of the reason I had to leave nora's,

is because it's really hard to get any perspective around the walkers.


Meaning they're a big,close family and everything's all perfect and--and easy for them,

and so when something wrong actually does happen,it lands on someone else's doorstep.

Um,you know what?Let's not talk about the walkers.

They're actually not that bad.

Um,does anyone want more wine?

-I'll take some,too.Thanks.

Oh,can I help you with that?

Hi,cal.You're,uh,working late.

It looks like we're the only ones still here.


Are there any moreoxes?

No,that's pretty much it.I'm all mod back in.

Do you want me to help you unpack?


oh,I don't want to get it dirty.

Of course.

Over there?

you know what the ironic thing is?

The parts I'm getting offered now are so much better and,well,masculine.


Anyway,the most important thing is I feel really great about myself.

I can see that.

So anyway,enough about me.

Why don't you guys tell me about the wedding?

Oh,actually,I have,uh,some pictures here on my phone.

It's actually our anniversary in a couple of weeks.

You guys are so cute.

Being surrounded by that many flowers makes anyone look cute.

No,that's not it.

You both are very good-looking.

-Thank you.
-That's sweet.

Baby,take a seat so what's it like being married?

It's great.

Yeah,it's like an episode of "leave it to beaver" without the...


I don't think I could handle it.

I mean,I'm just enjoying being free.

I'm fine leaving marriage to the heterosexuals.

You guys ever miss it?

-I don't know,

sitting at a table like this,knowing that at any moment anything could happen.

Don't you miss that kind of spontaneity?


you guys want to get outta here?

Where would we go?

We could go to my place.

Uh,I have a pool.

-A pool?
-Or we could go to your place.

Uh,being married doesn't mean you can't play together,right?

come on.It'll be fun.

it's gotta be here somewhere.

What is it again?

It's a large ceramic pineapple.

Is that it up there?

Oh,you found it.Thank you.

Oh,I got it.

You know,cal,you don't look like an accountant.

It wasn't exactly my dream job.

I used to play...

Baseball,minoleagues.'re an athlete.

I gave it my best sh*t,but...

I'm a pretty good manager,though.

My niece's softball team is -And- .

Impressive.I bet they adore you.

So do you come from a big family?

Ten siblings.

Oh,my god.


Um,four and a half,but they feel like ten.

Is there anything else you want me to do?



You have a good night.

I'll try.Hopefully there won't be any fires.

Wh--Excuse me?

Oh,I'm a volunteer fireman.

And it's--And it's been a pretty a hot week.

I have noticed that.

Really heating up.

C-Could-- Could you get the door?


Um,we need a pen.

What you gonna do with that?

I need you to sign off on a short legal document stating that any intimate act that

might take place between us is utterly consensual and not contingent on anything work related,

like,you know,a promotion or anything.

It is consensual.

I am still your employer.

It's consensual.

Okay,I'll sign anything.

Fill in the terms later.

I want to play you this violin piece.It's french.

Oh,let's go to paris,please.

I know this wonderful hotel,the marais.You'll love it.

We could go back and forth between paris and your flat in london.

And then we could come back here for the winter and put our shorts on

and lie in the backyard,which now will be nothing but a gigantic flower garden.

Or I could sell this house,we could get a little-- Little place athe beach,

not too far,but with no guest room.

We'd sleep at night with the windows open and smell the salt air,

and once a month,I'd buy wine and three books,which we would read.

And that's all we'd do.We'd read,drink and swim.

I'm calling the realtor.

Should we dance?


No,no,forget the phone.

It might be julia.

Just listen to the music.

But then it'll be about tommy.



No,no,no,hold on,hold on,hold on.

It's julia.

I-I have to take this.

Of course,of course.


No,no,no,it--It-- It's my friend roger.

What is going on here?


Great.I met rebecca,didn't I?

Oh,come on.

And I'll tell you something else.I'm not real wild about the way he looks at you.

You're crazy.

Rebecca,I'm a guy.He's a guy.Trust me.

Listen,I-I don't want to date anyone right now anyways.

And even though...

It didn't work,I still miss justin.

But don't think I don't know what you're doing right now.

What am I doing?

Even though you're being completely ridiculous,you're...

Acting like my dad.

I kinda like it.

Well,I'm not being ridiculous.

And I'm not acting.

Well,thank you so much for having me and for cooking.

Well,it's nice to finally get to talk to you.

You seem like a really cool mom.

What was your mom like?

I don't know.

I thought I did,but,uh,clearly,she kept a lot of secrets.

Ryan,can I give you some advice?

I mean,I know this is really hard,

but try not to get mired in the past.

You're this wonderful young man,and your life is moving ahead.

Concentrate on that.

Your daughter has been so amazing through all this.

I really wish I knew how to repay her for everything that she's done for me.

Well,I know one thing for sure.

She loves hydrangeas,if you want to thank her.

Should we go to the bedroom?

I can't wait that long.

Hey,are you this horny because we almost had a -Way?

M-Me?You could barely contain yourself on the car ride home.

- Is that him?
- Of course it's him.

He knows where you live,right?

He doesn't take no for an answer.

Well,should we let him in?

Are you serious?

Do you want to let him in?

This is how p*rn start.

Are we on the same page right now?

I-I can't believe we're doing this.

I'm gonna go get the door.

What are you doing here?

Oh,my god,kevin.You will never believe it.

I had sex in the office.

- I really need to share with somebody.
- Why me?

Because I can't get ahold of kitty,and,well,

before you and scotty got together,you were the most promiscuous member of the family.

Oh,that's comforting to know.

Oh my god,I've done it again,haven't I?

- Were you two about to...
- Oh,no.

Ask kevin.He's the most promiscuous one in the family.

Oh,I'm so sorry.

You're the one who answered the door.

You wanted me to.

No,I didn't.

What's going on?What are you talking about?

Scotty wanted a -Way.


I can't believe you actually told her.

She just had sex on her desk.Please.

In the storage room.Please.

You know what?I wasn't the most promiscuous member of this family.

Justin was.I bet you he's had gobs of -Ways.

Oh,I doubt it.Anyway,we're talking about you.

Okay,spill the beans.

Who did you think was out that door?

- Nobody.
- Chad.

Oh,nice choice.

I'm not having this conversation with you,sarah.

You walkers have absolutely no boundaries.

Maybe you should've thought of boundaries before you got us into this.

Oh,don't blame this on me,kevin walker.

It takes three to tango.

- He's right.
- Sarah!

Okay,I am completely humiliated.

I am going to sleep.

Good night,both of you.

- Night.
- Great.

I think I just went fm a -Way to sleeping on the couch.

I'm so sorry,kevin.

I shoulda called.

You could say that.

You know,I might--I might go home to bed.

I'm sure you guys need to talk.


Who--Who did you,uh,hook up with in the,um,in the office?


Not cal?

I'm so sorry about...

Next time,I promise.

Call next time.

Good luck.

Keep those eyes closed,though.

They're closed.

Don't knock I--All right.

All right,you can open 'em.

Okay,I can open them.

It's beautiful.

Well,so are you.

Oh,there is-- There's food,but first I thought we could srt with this.

You got an affidavit signed by your cardiologist giving you permission to have sex?

It's good,right?It's...

It's funny.

It's funny.

It's funny.You're funny.You're funny.

So...Let's eat.

Gosh,you know what?

I'm--I'm starving.

Did you,uh,make your chicken?

I want you to know that I'm fine.

You don't have to be afraid.

I'm not afraid.

I'm just hungry.

And I'm starting to think that this is a little more complicated than just being about my health.


All of this is beautiful.It--It...

It's-- I mean,you didn't have to do all this.

It just-- You know what it does?

It--It feels like a lot of,umpressure,honestly.

I mean,it's been a long time since we...

Can we just not make it such a big deal?

It is a big deal.

There's something going on with you,and I want you to talk to me.

But whatever this is,it is not okay.

Well,when you get...

The clarity and the courage to talk to me,you know where to find me.

Uh,given the hour,I thought that coffee might be a bit more appropriate than yogurt.

So here.

Thank you.

So where's ben?

At school.

Yeah,they do that right before they learn how to drive.

You know,I'm...

I'm so sorry that I-- That I called you.

- I don't know.I just--I--
- What?Why?

I just thought maybe you would be able...

To help.

I know that your wife was sick for a long time,

so I j--I just thought maybe you could offer some advice.

Robert and I aren't connecting.

I mean,we didn't connect before the heart att*ck.

It's,you know-- And don't get me wrong.

I mean,he's a-- He's a great father.

But he's,uh...

You know,he's got a lot of other priorities.


Sometimes it just feels like it's me and evan.

Sounds lonely.

God,god,god,god.I shouldn't be here.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I don't know.It's just-- It's--It's all those things--

All those things that I used to love about him,I...

You know,like his-- His confidence and--And--And his ambition,

it just-- It just is all so...

Disappointing to me now.

Have you told him this?

How do I tell somebody that...

I'm actually...Thinking about...

Why are you telling me this?


It's easier for me to talk to you than

it is for me to talk to him.

How many of these V.A. Medical programs did you apply to?


This is--This is great.

I-I didn't even recognize myself.

Yeah,well,hey,maybe you can write one for me,give it to kitty.

What's the matter?

I don't know.

Let's just say that things aren't going well.

Something's changed,and it ain't my life expectancy.

You know,I wish we could just go back to the beginning when everything clicked.

It was all just...


Maybe if I did,then I could see that moment when...


I lost her.


Hey,holly.How are you?

I'm fine.

Uh,did you get the fruit basket I sent?

I did.Thank you.That was very generous.

Are you looking for someone?

Uh,have you seen cal from accounting?

I have a little question for him.


You mean our resident fireman?

Is he?

I didn't know.

He was a temp.

Boy,am I gonna miss that one.

He was a temp?

Yeah,yesterday was his last day.


Did you need him for something?

Nothing I can't handle.

You know,crunch some numbers.

Have a nice day.And...

Nice dress,by the way.

Thank you.

Promise me you're not leaving because of me.

No,I have a-A project in,um,well,paris,

and I have to check up on it.

Paris.God,I hate you.

Don't make this any harder than it already is.

I'd love you to come with me.

God,I wish I could.

But I-I tried to warn you when you first got here.

This is such a terrible time for my family.

I can't just sell the house and move to the beach.

The beach house was your idea.

God,it was a wonderful idea.

You got me all excited.

I just started to dream about what my life could be like.

No,you're not dreaming,nora.

I do love you.

Hold that thought,please.

Just for a little while.

I don't know how long it'll take for me to get things straightened out.

I'm not gonna change the way I feel,if that's what you're asking.


Because I might be feeling the same way,and I'm so surprised that I do,and I'm not gonna give it up.

I hope your son comes home soon.

So do I.

Justin,what are we doing here?

Not even a hello?

Hi,and this isn't gonna work.

You don't even know what I'm gonna say,rebecca.

Justin,this is where we first kissed.

I mean,it's pretty obvious--

All right,listen,will you just sit down?All right?

I'll say what I gotta say,and then--And then we're done.

I swear.

I was the one who said that we needed to keep our families from coming between us,

and I was the one who didn't follow through.

I didn't believe you about tommy and I lied to you about...

Where he was.

I protected my family at the expense of being your boyfriend.

And for that,I'm really sorry.

Wait,you're going?

And the reason why I brought you up here is because it's beautiful,especially in spring.

That's why I brought you here to begin with.

You're back.

I was starting to get worried.

Uh,I just,uh,had a lot to do this morning.

No,no,it's--It's okay.I'm just...

I'm just glad you're home.

Honey,I was at the park.

I just had a lot of errands.


This can't go on.

We have to talk.

I know.

I know.It's just that...

There's nothing I want to say right now.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I still feel weird.


Guess who called.

He is nothing if not persistent.

He actually called to apologize for putting us in an awkward situation.

He has notng to be sorry for.

I mean,look at us.

If I were him,I'd want a piece of this action,too.

I didn't mean to lay it all on you,okay?

I was just scared.


God,we are such prudes.

You're not kidding.

One possible -Way,and we practically have a nervous breakdown.

I guess we're more comfortable nesting.

We may as well be lesbians.

Even lesbians have -Ways.

Yeah,but their heart's never in it.

So we move on-- Monogamous...


I wouldn't have it any other way.

How you doing?

Uh,I'm fine.

Well,I was,uh,fishing for a compliment,but apparently it's not working.

Oh,my god.You're cleaning.

Oh,I feel like an idiot.I'm sorry.

I-I'm just distracted.

You know,I was thinking about dinner last night,and,uh,

I know you and your mom don't have a simple past,but you have no idea how lucky you are.

You're right.

This thing I can't get out of my mind is--is...

Why would my mom just give up?

- You just--You don't just...
- Ryan...

Choose to--

You can't try to understand what she was thinking.

You just have to know that she loved you.

You're right.

Well...I have some work to do.


They're my favorite.


I-I guess I just got lucky.

You sure you're okay?

It's just-- It's been a crazy day.

I'm sorry if I woke you up.

Don't be silly.Come on in.

Nora,I finally talked to him.

He changed his mind.He's not coming home.

W-Why?You--You told him the board's dropped the charges.

- It's safe to come home.
- ******

He doesn't know who he is anymore.

I don't know if he ever did.

Well,then he should be with his family and the people who love him.

He does not want to be around us.

He made that very clear.

He wants to be alone.

I think it's time to tell the family.

I'll call them.You don't have to call anyone.

Thank you.