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03x11 - A Father Dreams

Posted: 04/25/22 08:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on "brothers & sisters"...

we just need to,you know,knock
out these two little wall things.

and you're gonna get an
architect and a contractor.

Is robert really gonna make
you quit if you publish?

Well,yeah. And I happen
to agree with him,mother.

I mean,I-I certainly can't work with
people that I wrote a book about.

I'd like you to consider replacing
kitty as my communications director.

Welcome to politics.

I'm seeing someone.

If you tell anyone,I'll
never forgive you.

I cross my heart.

- She's so pale.
- Oh,god.

We have to take her to E.R.,Okay?

She's going to need a transplant.

I'm not her biological father.

One of my brothers is the donor.

We don't know which one.

Kevin,it's you.

hello? Hello?

oh,you're here.

what's for dinner?

I told you... liver.

- Oh,sweet.
- my favorite.

Guys,did you hear that?

the baby?


How are you feeling?

- A little hot. -
Well,you look great--

all shiny and mussy,like a wounded world w*r
ii soldier in a bombed-out french catheal.

Male nurse,wounded soldier-- it's
always kind of been a fantasy of mine.

- Good. He's up.
- Yep,he sure is.

Look at you,sweetie. My goodness.
You're drenched in sweat. Honey.

Let me take your temperature.

Does he know where he is?

Yeah. I'm in my childhood bedroom with my mother
and husband talking about me as if I weren't here.

Yeah,good. It's normal. Kev.

- Yeah.
- Here we go. Let's do this again. All right?

- Why are you here? - Oh,no.
Please,please.Not the questions--

the doctor said,with liver donors, you
have to look out for mental disorientation.

Fine. I am here because I gave
part of my liver to elizabh.

- Who's elizabeth?
- She's my niece.

And,well,technically,she's my daughter
'cause I gave sperm to tommy and julia.

- I--do we have to do this now?
- All right,all right. Okay.

- Seems like kevin.
- Yes. Fine,fine,fine.

But look at this. My god,scotty.

You have every blanket
in the house on him.

Oh,yeah. Well,I just thought that we
should try and keep him as warm as pos--

and now we have to change the
sheets because they're soaked.

But that's okay. It's
fine. For goodness sakes.

We have to get him hydrated. We
need to get more fluids into him.

- I'll go get him a drink.
- Freeze.

I'd like you to go to the linen
cupboard and get a fresh set of sheets.

I want theream ones,not
the striped ones.

And I'll get him something to drink
because I have to get his pills anyway.

- Whatever works.
- And if you want anything,just speak out because I,uh,

I put the baby monitor in last
night. I can hear everything you say.

French cathedral,huh? Yeah.

Hello. Hey,mom.

Hi,kitty. Robert,hi.

We just,uh,came to check on the patient.

- Yeah,how's he doing?
- Great,great.

Although he did just wake up from a nap scotty
had just put way too many blankets on him.

Rookie mistake. So go
on up. He's wide-awake.


Uh,the doctor did say he wanted him
to have as little stress as possible.

No,I'm here to visit my brother-in-law
not my communications director.

Thank you.

Look at the way he
places the windows,right?

So that the sunlight comes streaming in
and then it reflects right off that stone.

It's just absolutely inspired.

So why is a guy who's designed
that helping with mom's pet project?

There's nothing pet about it.

Berkeley goldschmidt staked
$ million in my foundation.

And every architect knows when a city is looking
to build their next louvre or olympic stadium,

charitable projects like mine
look very good on their résuméS.

- I found them... Hanging on your curtain rod.
- Awesome.

What's with the chest
candy? What's the occasion?

He's cooper's

You're looking at the person
my nephew admires most.

He's presenting me to his class today.

He's a hero,like his brother upstairs.

Well,I don't want to be late for
first grade,so,uh,I'll smell you later.

- Bye,honey.
- Well,I have great news.

- What?
- I found you your architect. He's gonna be great.

He just did the art
museum over on grand.

Who is he?

You have an appointment with him today.

How'd you find him?

You remember the young guy
who did the ojai building?

No. I'm not hiring roger grant.

What are you talking about? You
haven't seen the man in years.

Oh,my. How time flies.

Look at this cute little
thing I got for elizabeth.

It plays music. It'll keep her
quiet until she gets better.

Okay,nora,this guy is big-time now.

He works out of london.

He has an office in L.A.

He's a huge get,and you have
to admit,he's aged very well.

- He's kinda cute,huh?
- No. Absolutely not.

I don't understand this.I
finally find you an architect--

somebody who's talented
and someone we know--

that's just it. I know
him. I don't like him.

Mom,didn't you hear u we've
been screaming into the monitor.

Kevin wants an orange popsicle.

Oh,I'm sorry. I turned it off 'cause I
couldn't stand the sound of the static.

- Oh,for god sakes.
- I'm sorry.

so then who's on point
in espinoza's office?

- Espinoza?
- YeS. He's the chair of the appropriations committee.

My husband is unbelievable.

I really don't appreciate you hitting
me up for intel when I'm on bed rest.

Okay,what am I supposed to do
about the appointment today?

Cancel it.

So we have no idea what
espinoza's provisions are?

His office
dodged my calls--

No,no,no. No,no. No,no more of that.

- No,no.I was just having-- - no,I-I know what
you were doing. The place isugged,remember?

I just need some info on
this immigration bill.I'm--

robert,please. Can you please
move away from the patient?

Kevin is off the clock.

I'm not suggesting he suit
up and come into the office,

but,you know,maybe a call so I
know what the hell I'm voting on.

- Look,you know what?You're not
gonna-- - could I get a napkin,please?

Uh,yeah. You're not gonna get
what you need from espinoza.

You know--you know what you should
do? You should call,um,dan bicks.

Dan bicks is an imbecile.

Well,yeah,he's an imbecile,

but he has an assistant named
yelena who has a sister named lauren

who is dating espinoza's
legislative correspondent.

I don't even know,maybe--
maybe for a year or something.

You know,that--that is
definitely what you need to do.

You should call yelena,and I bet
you she can get you what you need.

You know what? I'll do it.

Good,'cause the vote's in two
days,and I need to be briefed.

Okay,I'll brief you. Until
he recovers,I will be kevin.

Okay. Do you have time?

Because you're starting your book
promotion and you're gonna be on "the view."

No,I-I can be kevin for a week.

Hey,kev. Do you mind?


The person I admire most in the
world is my uncle,justin walker.


well,uh,why don't you tell us
why you admire your uncle so much?

he was a doctor in the army. And
he went to,um... where'd you go?

I w--I went to,uh,I-iraq
and afghanistan.

Iraq and aganistan.

I don't know where that is,but my mom and
everyone was really happy when he came home.

And what's really cool is
justin gets to live with s mom.

And he doesn't even have a job.

- And he doesn't have to go to school or anything.
- Okay.

He gets to hang out and
play video games all day.

Okay. okay. Hey,guys.

Oh,tell 'em how you defeated
the piranha plant as mini mario.



- bordeaux?
- No.

He's not allowed to drink that.

You said he needed fluids.You said he needed fluids. He's
not allowed to drink that. He's not allowed to drink that.

You told me he needed fluids.

okay. Well,you're not
backing this immigration bill.

Oh,did you talk to jane who spoke
to kate who's engaged to steve?

No. Actually,I talked with yelena who
talked to lauren who's engaged to joe.

But I did get you what you
want,and you're not supporting it.

Well,that's not exactly your call.

Well,espinoza's added a whole section that completely
stretches the terms of due process for arrested illegals.

something else going on.

Espinoza has got my back
on the landsman bill,

and he's bringing johnson
and lyle and marshall.

Okay. Well,you are just gonna
have to get those votes elsewhere,

- because funding joint U.S.-Mexican smuggling
patrols-- - and offsetting % of the cost.

Okay. Well,why don't we just send the
ney right down to the drug cartels?

Or do you want to talk
about his other program?

The temporary guest-worker
program? It's amnesty.

You mean the one that feeds the labor
force that drives the california economy?

Oh,please. It's an open-ended
policy that just drives down wages.

- I've missed this.
- Me,too.

So what are we gonna
tell her when she's older?

The truth-- that she was a preemie
and that her liver wasn't working,

and she needed a piece
of a new one,right?

And what about your brother?

How are we gonna handle that?

What's to handle? He'll
always be uncle kev.

That's the end of the story.

Yeah,he'll--he'll always
be her uncle,but,tommy...

I-I keep thinking about that day when she's
,and we're at your mom's house swimming,

and she notices she has the same scar as
kevin,or god forbid someone let something slip.

I just know she's gonna have questions,and
I want to know what our answers are gonnbe.

I know. Look,come
here. Let's enjoy this.

Just the three ous,ay?

- Right?
- okay.

Your mother will think I'm hurting you.

You are. And don't worry.

I yanked the plug on that
monitor like an hour ago.

remind me why we're here and
not in our nice apartment.

because your mother
offered,and you accepted.

- I did?
- Yes.

You have to admit,she does have
the phd in tending to us kids.

Yeah,which she won't let
me forget. You know what?

I bet you bucks she comments
on how I'm dressing your wound.

Scotty,I didn't know you
were gonna change the bandage.

Oh,you've got so much ointment on there.

The tape is never gonna stick.

Well,it seems pretty
secure to me. cha-ching.

You know what? It doesn't really matter because we're
gonna have to redo it all anyway after the shower.

What shower?

The doctor says you get to take
a shower today. Let's get him up.

- I really don't feel like taking a shower right now.
- It'll make you feel clean and refreshed.

Yeah,I know what a shower is. I
just don't feel like taking one.

- Y--just take his shirt off. - You know--
you know what? I'll-- I'll get it,nora.

- No,no,no,no.
- don't lift his arm up like that,scotty.

- Okay,I'm sorry.
- You have to put your hand in here,you know,like that.

- Please.
- Lift your butt up.

I'll take your pants off. Lift your
butt up. Lift it up. Come on. Come on.

You know what,nora? Why don't you
start the shower? I'll get the pants.

Scotty,don't be silly. It's
nothing I haven't seen before.

Well,hopefully it's something that
you haven't seen in a long time.

- I'll close my eyes. -
s-stop,stop. Both of you.

- The doctor wants you to take a shower.
- I don't care what the doctor said.

I just want the two of you
to leave me alone right now.

- Okay-- -
right now.

The pain pills make him so grumpy.

Yeah,it's the pain pills.

is ihot here?

Not really. But it could be.

oh,my god. I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.

I-I was just coming to
see how you were doing?

were you having a bad dream about me?

Hmm? Uh,no. N no. Why,uh,why?

You said my name.

No,I didn'T. What?
Uh,well,y-yeah. Yeah,yeah.

Yeah,I did,'cause,uh,I-I-I saw
you because you--you were here.

- You're lying.
- I heard a scream.

- Kevin had a bad dream.
- No,I didn'T.

It's still nap time.
What are you doing up?

You know what? I'm gonna
take that shower now.

- I thought you didn't want a shower.
- I didn'T. Now I do.

- Here,let me help.
- No,I'm fine.

Thank you so much,both of you.

I'm just gonna take a-- I'll be fine.
Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry about me.

be fi--

Ah,yeah. That-- that was...
that was nice,doing that again.


I-I ink you must be confusing
me with a former boss,

because I don't recall us ever
having sex in the office before.

I was talking about
the part before the sex.

Oh,discussing immigration reform.

Well--well,not the--the
topic,but the--the spirited--

exchange of ideas...

verbal wrangling...

fervent cogitation...

brain sex.

Brain sex. I like it.

You know,you're right.
It has been a long time.

Probably since I worked here.

You know,I should just fire kevin.

Oh,yeah. Now-- now
that's a good idea.

- You know what? You should get right on that.
- I'm serious.

Robert,you can't hire me
just so you can have more sex.

Okay,but how about because you're qualified,you
know the ropes,and I can have more sex--

- cerebral and otherwise? - Right.
And--and what-- what about the book?

You know,the book,e reason
that I don't work here anymore?

It's been four months. People will
say you got your wrist slapped.

Robert,we're having a baby.

We'll cross that bridge
when we come to it.

This is crazy. It's--I
mean,what if it doesn't work?

- Eh,I've fired you before.
- True.

Hi,janet. How are yo

hey,justin. What happened to you?

Coop and I stayed around looking for
you,but,uh,you obviously went somewhere.

Um,listen,I hope that you didn't freak
out about,you know,what coop said about...

you living with mom and playing
video games all day,because...

you-- I mean,you know coop.
He was playing to his audience.

And,um,oh,oh,you're gonna love this.

Ms.Mitchell asked about you.

Yeah. I mean,I-I told her that
you were,you know,taken,but,um,

I thought you would be
flattered,uh,to hear that she,uh...

I-I am a terrible liar,justin.

Uh,I know you're somewhere
feeling humiliated.

It was very painful to
watch,so I can't imagine...

how it felt for you.

I'm worried about you. Call me.

sh**t. Coming.

yes,it works.

Nora walker.


The years have been good to
you,nora. You look wonderful.

I come bearing gifts.

A gift? For me? About you?

I knew you'd call. I just didn't
think it would take years.

Why are you here? I-I thought
that meeting got canceled.

Is that roger? Roger.

How are you?

- Oh,it's good to see you.
- It's good to see you,too,saul.

- Don't you look well?
- Thank you.

According to nora,there's
been some misunderstanding.

Yes,apparently there has been.

Well,no. I just wanted to get roger's
take on the project. That's all.

Well,then fine. You two go ahead.

I have a son upstairs
who needs his lunch.

I'd put a ld on that.

Kevin's decided to take a shower. So...

- hi,I'm scotty.
- Roger grant. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Oh,you know,I'll take that
to the kitchen for you.

Well,it looks like you're
available to join us.

- Good to see you.
- Great.

justin. Justin.


uh,does mom know you're wandering
around like an escaped mental patient?

Are you coming or going?

- I'm going nowhere,dude.
- Goodyou can give me a ride. Let's go.

Kevin,aren'you supposed to be in bed?

I cannot take it anymore,okay?

I have to get outta here.

Wh about yo nurses up there?

They think I'm taking
a shower. Let's go.

That's your plan--turn on
the water and then take off?

I didn't turn it on.

Well,please tell me you
locked the bathroom door.

Oh,my gosh,kevin. This
is like amateur hour.

No wonder why you didn't
have a life in high school.

Can you just shut up and drive?

Kevin,I can'T. All right,man?
You just had surgery.

Li,in good
conscience,I can't--

whoa,whoa,spare me the
hippocratic oath,okay?

If your sperm got there first,this
would've been you,remember? Let's go.

Well,you have your pills,right?

You don't have your-- I hate you.
At least I'm good for mething.

- and another skyscraper.
- Look at that.

It's amazing. It's a
concert of color and light.

It's-- it's--it's

It's just-- it's
such beautiful work.

Thank you.

What is that?

That's an obelisk.

An obelisk.


How was it having all those
little kids look up to you?

It was,uh,it was
amazing. I'm gonna--I...

- I thou st youron was in the shower.
- Her other son.

So all of your children are
still living at home? Interesting.

No,not all of them,and not
interesting,and not any of your business.



I'm gonna k*ll him. Pills...

Uh,I was checking on our boy in there.

- Yeah. Still grumpy?
- Yeah. He's the worst.

I mean-- but--but don't
take it personally.

I mean,he's always been sort
of a terrible patient,you know?

He had chicken pox,and it
was like code red inhis house.

I can take these.
Just,uh,yeah,don't worry.

a-are you looking for something?

Yeah. Uh,yeah. My trumpet. Here it is.

- Oh,you play?
- Uh,no.

- But you played growing up?
- No.

Uh,you know,I-I wouldn't go in there.

I mean,he--you know,he
needs some space.

He's in-- he in his mood,you
know? Good to see you.


- nora,come on. - I--yeah,I
am listening. I am listening.

I'm going to go in here now. I just have
to heat up my son's lunch. I will be back.

For god sakes,I don't know why the two of
them just don't shack up and get it over with.

I can't believe I have to sit there
and listen to this pompous nonsense

just because saul wants a boyfriend.


you're actually way off base about saul.

Oh,really? Well,you should see him
in there,fawning all over roger.

Mom,I have something to
tell you. It's gossip.

I just need you to make sure saul's
not coming in here. it's about him.

A what? What? What? What?

Uh,saul's got a boyfriend.

He told me a couple weeks ago.

Well,why didn't he tell me?

I don't know. I don't have any details.

- But listen,you-- you cannot
tell saul. - No,I won'T.

- Okay,he told me on the Q.T.
- I won'T.

And we're gonna keep it on the
down low as the kids say,all right?

I won'T. I promise. I promise,I
won'T. I love you. Yeah.

Why is there a trumpet in here?

Take longer next time.

You can't ask me to be your getaway
driver and then bitch about it. Here.

Where's the other one? There's two.

I just saw the one in the kitchen.

Well,this is the antibiotic.
I need the painkillers.

All right,well,you know what?This
one wl keep you from going septic

unless you want to go back
in the house,then man up.

I'm not going back in there.

- What's your problem?
- What's not?

Nora walker,what are you doing?

What does it look like I'm doing?

I am making a liver-friendly,high-carb,low-protein
snack for my darling son.

Nora,roger is out there waiting for you.

I am no way,no how,never,ever going
to hire roger grant for this project.

What about I donate services?

I think it's a tremendous project.

Well,thank you so much,but
I'm really not a charity case.

I'm sorry. What have i do to offend you?

We haven't seen each other
for years,and somehow...

uh,this is not about what happened
at that tacky luau party,now is it?

because it's nothing
to be embaabassed out.

- Absolutely not.
- What happened at the luau?

your sister hit on me.

I most certainly did not.

Roger,this project calls
for someone to create a warm

- and nurturing environment where
families can ce in and-- - right.

You want to build a
womb,like this home--

maternal space incapable
of expending its progeny.


my progeny are here by choice.

I'm not holding them hostage.

Kevin escaped.

He left a note,but it
doesn't say where he went.

So the,uh,cycle of life continues.

I hope you enjoy those $ nuts.

Yeah,well,I'm not the one who checked
into the nicest room on the beach.

So much for crying poor these days.

You know what? I gave up part of
my liver. I think I've earned it.

Hi,yeah. I just wanted to know if I have a refill
left or whether or not I have to call my doctor.


Kevin,I can't pick up
your pills,not today.

- I'm not asking you to.
- Yeah,great.

And--and what
time do you close?

Okay,thank you.

if that's mom again,just
tell her we're okay,all right?

She's not gonna come after you.

I think I can handle this.

There you are. Are you with justin?

Maybe. Why?What's u

mom said you fled the premises,and
given your recent surgery,

I figured you must have had some help.

Aren't you a regular nancy drew?

Well,does he seem okay to you?

Yeah. A little crabby,maybe. Why?

He had disastrous morning.

He was painted a total loser
by a class of first graders.

I wish that seemed weirder.

So where are you guys?

That's top secret. But
don't worry.I am fi--

actually,I'm in excruciating pain.

But you could help me.

This is about justin.
We have to talk to him.

He's been humiliated. He's vulnerable.

This is a perfect moment for us to put our collective
foot in his ass about getting his act together.

Okay,great. I'm in. I think
that's a brilliant idea.

But before I tell you where we are,do
you know that new pharmacy on colorado?

What do you want?

So,kitty,tell us how you
got interested in politics.

Right,right. Well,that--that
is-- that--that's actually,um,

a very,very funny

See--see,I ca--
I can't do this.

I mean,I can blabber on and on about policy,but
when it comes to talking about my life--

just say you got into politics
because you thought reagan was cute.

Okay,that is a good
one. That is a good one.

What's going on in here?

Honey,hi. We're just doing a
mock interview for "the view."

I'm barbara walters.

of course you are.

- Can I talk to you for a second?
- Sure.

This is highly un-kevin of you.

Well,I'm taking a break.

I'm being kitty,and I have to come up
with some very funny personal anecdotes,

you know,in case,um,whoopi
wants to ask me a question.

I have a question. When am i getting
my espinoza briefing? I need tprep.

Well,so do I. Show's tomorrow.

Committee's tomorrow.

- Do you want brain sex or not?
- Yes,I do.

Well,then this is part of
the deal. Now don't worry.

I will brief you,but right now,I've
gotta come up with a few more anecdotes.

you don't suppose that's mom,do you?

No. It's probably
housekeeping. Go check.



I brought reinforcements.

Nice,uh,five-star retreat.

Thanks. How's elizabeth?

- She's,uh,she's good.
- Good.

- So have I been disowned?
- Yeah,by me.

Thanks for letting me be the one to
tell mom that she was suffocating you.

Appreciate that.

Mom sent the cavalry. You
must be,uh,in deep trouble.

- Actually,we're here for you.
- What?

Those,uh,first graders,they
can be pretty tough.

You told him. Thank you,sarah.

Yeah,and thank you
for returning my calls.

You know,the two of you have a very unique way of
expressing your love for the people who care about you.

Look,it's no big deal,all
right? It's a bunch of kids.

You seemed pretty upset to me.

So what? Coop said it like it
is. I mean,I'm a-- I he lifE.

Well,you can always get a
job tomorrow if you wantne.

What,are you gonna hire
me,sorting avocados?

Oh,I-I have an idea. Maybe i
could be rebecca's secretary.

- Justin,you're in a rut.
- Yeah.

I mean,seriously,what do you see
yourself doing like , years from now?

I don't know. If I knew,I'd
be doing it,all right?

Guys,seriously,what is
this,like,a career intervention?

Look,justin,there's nothing
wrong with not having that,

you know,long-term
plan per se--

but playing "super mario bros."

All day long probably
shouldn't be yo life goal.

You know what?I,uh,I really appreciate
what you guys are trying to do,

but I'm not in the mood,okay?

And this hotel room is
getting crowded,so I'm going--

- where are you going?
- I'm going home,kevin.

Oh,my god. That's it.

- Of course it is.
- Right. Why didn't we think of that?

Home. We'vgotta... no,no,no,no.

Justin,we've got to talk about this.

You're--you're not
gonna let me leave,sarah?

Sit down.

This family is unbelievable.

Saul said you talked to sarah?

Kevin is with justin.
I don't know where.

Oh,he's okay?

So she said.

I'm sorry. Are you mad at me?

No. No,you were just trying to help.

But not actually helping.

All I know is,according to
sarah,kevin felt suffocated-

okay,you know what?

I am sorry I put too many blankets on his
bed,that I use too much ointment on his wound,

at I don't know how to
take his shirt off properly.

But he's my husband.

I should be the one taking care of him.

Then someone should have
made that clear to me.

I just naturally assumed when you came to
this house you wanted me to take care of him.

God,sometimes it's so impossible for me to
understand whe peopl actually want from me.

Okay,you know what? I'm--I'm
sorry I got in your hair.

I'll get out of it.


Living in that house is like
living in quicksand. You get stuck.

Yeah,it was hard for
all of us to get out.

- Well,not me.
- What?

You fedexed your laundry
home all through college.

Yeah,and billed it to the ojai account.

Look who's talking. You took six
months to get all your stuff out.

that's right. Every week,you'd
remember something you'd left there.

Yeah,well,dad did your
term papers for you.

He was editing them.

Look,it's not like I'm planning
on staying there forever.

I'm just there until I
have a plan,all right?

And I also have no place to go to.

But you're not gonna get a plan
as long as you're holed up there.

Yeah. You need to have some ramen,bounce
some rent checks,let life suck a little bit.

And trust me,you will be
motivated to figure it out.

Yeah,then you won't want
to go near the place.

- I mean,look at me.
- Right.

- oh,my god.
- Scotty,look,I can explain everything.

Great.How about explaining to me

what part of "in sickness and in health"
means leaving me at home with your mother?

I-I really had no choice.

You had plenty of choices.
You just made thwrong ones.

I mean,the least you could have done
was told us we're being overbearG.

- No,it's not you.
- Fine. Then your mother was overbearing.

Look,neither of you
are overbearing,okay?

- It--it was me and these
stupid dreams. - What dreams?

I mean,what dreams could be so bad
that you flee without explanation?

They're about elizabeth,okay?
I'm really sorry.

I'm just trying to
figure a few things out.

Uh,what's to figure out?

Well,I know we're all meant to
pretend like it never happened...

- excuse me?
- but I am her biological father,tommy.

- Wh-- oh,my god. I'm outta
here,man. - What? Don'T. Come...

- yeah,actually,uh,we,uh,we've gotta...
- yeah,I think,uh...

- you know,look at the rental list and...
- it's a great room.

I don't know. Sometimes it's just hard
for mama bear to be on the sidelines.


In the pantry.

I don't know where you and kevin are,but I want
you to know that if you ever need a roomy house,

i promise that I will let you be
the one to undress your husband.

What are you doing,nora?

Don't talk to me like our mother.

Grab a glass and park yourself.

Anyway,scotty,I'm just
sorry... and I love you.

Okay. Bye.

okay. This is nice and cozy and... safe.

It's a womb... a womb within a womb.

He was right. Roger.

I'm--I'm nothing but a-a womb
keeper,just a selfish,stubborn...

smothering mother hen.

I don't know what you're
talking about,nora.

I blamed scotty for kevin leaving.

I can't get out of the way.

And then he-- he waltzes
in here,this roger,

this-- after
-some-odd years--

just wait a minute.just.
What am I missing?

What is it with the two of you,hmm?

Eh,well... there was a party.

The luau.

The au,yes.

I ess I had more than
my share of piÑa coladas,

and william was his
usual charming,funny self.

And he chatted up everybody and...

everybody except me.

And then I met... roger,and
he talked to me all night.

And you hit on him? Nora?

I flirted.

I just wanted william to see that
another man was attracted to me.

G-god. So pathetic.

No,I don't think it's
pathetic,not if it worked.

- Did it work?
- No.

But that night,when I got home,I sat in the girls'
room for a long time and just watched them sleep,and.

For a while...

- that was enough.
- Why are you mad at roger?

God. Because I-I look at him...

and I see this pathetic,insecure
woman that I was,and I hate her.

And I hate that that's
how he remembers me.

Nora,come on. That's crazy.

You can't let some silly litt incident from
the past dene who you are today. Really.

And you were so busy being insecure,you didn't
even notice that he was trying to impress you.

Why else do you think he offered
to do this job for free,hmm?

And you can't get a better
architect than roger.

Okay,so I'm gonna reschedule
your appointment. Yes?

Good. Then can we please
get out of this womb?

- Because my butt is k*lling me.
- No.

We are not going anywhere until
you tell me about your boyfriend.

- oh,god.
- Yeah. Okay. Come on.

- Start talking.
- Well,all right.

Daddy... sarah was so
mean. They were all so mean.


- Can we just go home?
- Sure.

How about we get some ice cream first?

Okay,I just got a -sheets-to-the-wind
apology from your mother that

I will be making a cd of and putting
in everybody's stocking come christmas.

Oh,did you nod off?

Did you have another dream?

But it was okay.

I'll get that.


Hey,kev,uh,we need to talk.

Yeah,I know.

your briefing on espinoza was dead-on.

He's coming in on tuesday to discuss.

- Oh,tuesday.
- What,that's not good?

No,I--I've got a bunch
of phoners that day.

I've got the "times," the
"tribune," "the star-ledger."

They're really getting you
out there. That's great.

We'll just-- we'll
push it to wednesday.

Robert,you gotta--
you gotta look at this.

I'm basically on a dog and pony
show for the next four months,

not to mention that we are
about to,you know,have a baby.

I'll do espinoza without you.

Robert,I-I don't quite understand
what you're not getting about this.

- Your chief strategist cannot
be part-time. - You're quitting.

Yes,I'm--I'm quitting
because it's not gonna work.

It's not working already.

- but the brain sex was good.
- Well,yeah.

Yeah,that was-- that was
pretty good. That was good.

Yeah. Yeah.

Well,it's got good natural light.
It's better than the other place.

Sarah,this place is a dump.

Yeah,but it'll be your dump. what? What?

Ah,it's mom,isn't it?

Listen,she will take a little while,then
one day,she will turn up with--

with a whole basket of fresh linens.

That's how you'll know that she's finally worked
through the fact that you're no longer at home.

Look,I'm not worried
about mom,sarah,okay?

I mean,you know,she did
more than just cook for me.

She did more than--
than just do the laundry.

She was... she was there.

Oh,she still will be.

I'm talking about my using,sarah.

In case you missed it,the last
time I lived alone,I,uh,I O.D.'D.

Do you think--do you think
I want to live with mom?

I mean,do you think I'm--I'm happy?
No. I know I have to get outta there.

- If you're not ready for this--
- no,it's not that I'm not ready.

I am ready. I-I think I'm ready. I
don't know,sarah. I'm--I'm terrified.

I know you guys want me
to let life suck for a bit.

I just can't handle it
sucking like it did last time.

I--there's--I can't go
through that again,and I--

we don't want that
either,justin.Come on.

You have been to rock bottom.

You don't want to go back there.

Those first graders,they can't possibly
understand what you did,what you've been through.

God,I can'T.

But I do know that if anyone
knows how to be brave,it's you.

I'm scared.

"I agree that I will under no circumstance
advise elizabeth walker as to her true parentage"?

You--you really
want me to sign this?

Look,julia's been asking
how this is gonna go.

- This was always the plan.
- Plan?

Tommy,there was never a plan.

You and I jumped into
this with blinders on.

For there to have been a plan,we would have to
ve talked about it first,which we've never done.

Yeah,well,what's to discuss?

I'm just trying to do
what's best for elizabeth.

Yeah,but this is as if I-I don't exist.

Well,what did you expect?
You want to be her father?

No,that's not what I'm saying. Come on.

- Well,that's not gonna happen.
- I'm just saying it doesn't have to be like this,tommy.

Kevin,I'm her father.

Whatever dreams or feelings you're
having,deal with them. That's it.

here you are. Not too light.
Not too dark. Just right.


Can I... can I talk to you for a second?


I,uh,I'm not surehow to say this to you.

I'm moving out,mom.

Oh,god. You,too? I am
an overbearing mother.

No,mom. You've been amazing,all right?

And--and you've been incredibly
patient and you opened up your house,

which has been a safe zone
for me,and I-I needed it,mom.

So you chose to be here,right?

%. I-I totally did.
I totally did. I just...

you know,I need to figure
some stuff out,mom,and...

are you smiling or are you crying?

I'm proud of you.

I'm so proud of you. Yes...

it is time,and I want you to know,I have
loved every single second of having you here.


So... do you have a place?

Yeah. Yeah. I-I do. I do.

You know,I know where I can
get some great linens on sale.

- Should I pick them up for you?
- yes,please.

- Really? Okay,go. Eat your waffle.
- Yes. Yes,mom.

wow,these robes are like wearing heaven.

How much do you think they'd
charge if we stole one?

We already did last time we were
here. How do you think I found you?

- I was wondering about that.
- Yeah.

Was that when that kid peed
in the planter by the pool?

Oh,my god. Sammy the sprinkler.

You complained to his dad,and
somehow you became the bad guy.

I was the bad guy. He was
ju being a kid. Come on.

If he was mine,I'd do exactly the same.

Do you think we'll ever
have kids of our own?

Yeah. Yeah,definitely.

I'd love kids someday.

It's weird. I grew up
thinking I'd never be a dad.

Well,it's not that
weird. I mean,you're gay.

No,no,no,it's not that.

It's just,I wasn't sure
if I'd be any good at it,

you know,putting somebody
else's needs first all the time.

But these dreams... in the
last one,she was crying,and...

I knew she really needed
me and that I had to be the.

But the weird thing is,it didn't
feel like a burden anymore.

It just felt amazing.

It's like that famous
line-- "in dreams begin..."

- "begin responsibility."
- Yeah.

Whenever we decide,I'm ready.

I think you would make
an incredible father.

okay. let's put this on you.

- There you go,honey.
- elizabeth...

- you have a visitor.
- look. It's uncle kev.

Don't let uncle scotty see
you in that princess nightgown.

He'll want that for himself.

- I'm gonna go make elizabeth a bottle.
- Okay.

I'm just gonna put on her diaper a
little bit better. Lie down,honey.

- You nt a hand with
that? - No,no. I-I got it.

Good,'cause I'd have no idea what to do.


with everything going on right
now,the one thing I am sure of...

is that you're her father. So...

I'll defer to you.

- You'll always be a part of her life.
- Good.

As long as I can be the crazy
uncle who buys her tons of presents

and gives her a place to
crash when mom and dad fight...

all right. Look,I'm gonna go help mommy.

you stay with uncle kevin,okay?

- Careful.
- Got her.

Hey,pretty lady.

How are you doing?

I've been thinking a
lot about you recently.

What's with all this drooling?

You gotta quit that by the time
you get into boys... or girls.

One never knows.