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03x09 - Unfinished Business

Posted: 04/25/22 08:30
by bunniefuu
We'll start on this
side of the house first.

This is the center's kitchen.

- Yeah, annot in a good way.
- No.

Hey, uh, ma, you know,
this tile's kinda grotty.

You're just noticing the tiles?

That's easy to fix. I've got some great
books on restoration and renovation.

You all can help me pick a look.

- Come on.
- YaY.

This will be the heart and soul
of the center--the great room.

If this is the great room,
I'd hate to see the good room.

You know, you keep calling it "the
center." It sounds like a cult.

You need to come up with, like,
a proper name for this place.

yeah, nora, and make sure
it's not cancer house.

How about ach motel?

All right, y guys. Everyone, stop.

You just need to have a little vision.

Go with me on this.

Okay, now we'll put a tv and
some nice chairs over there,

and then over there in
that corner will be, like,

a rec room with a ping-pong
table and video games.

Mom, what's with all the power tools?

Uh, yes.

I-I met with a contractor who had
the audacity to quote me $ ,

- for interior demolition alone.
- ouch.

Yeah, so I thought maybe
we could do it ourselves.

Excuse me?

"We" as in we here in this room?

Oh, sarah and kitty will be joining
us later, and that'll be great.

Tommy's out of town. It's really
not that big a deal. Honestly.

I mean, we just need to, you know,
knock out these two little wall things

and some stuff back
there, air it all out.

It's really just some basic demolition.

No, basic demolition is what we do to each other
at dinner after we've had copious amounts of wine.

You can't mix that with power tools.

Plus, you know what? It's our day off.

And I don't know if you're familiar
with the term. It actually means no work.

No. Work? No, no. Oh,
this will be so much fun.

Do you know how many
calories you're gonna burn?

You know what? I think I'd
rather take a spin class.

Nora, you said "tour." You
said "architectural tour."

I said it would include a tour.

Oh, saul, you and william
built ojai from nothing.

Why can't we do that here?

Build another family legacy, something
that will live on way past us,

something that doesn't include holly.

I've never... done
anything like this before.

I've never believed in
anything so strongly.

This is my ojai.

Ma, you realize that ojai
wasn't built in a day, though?

Yeah, and you can't
just knock down a wall.

You have to consider
electrical, plumbing.

Oh, I have cons-- I have walked through
this entire house with the contractor

taking copious notes--bearing
walls, electrical, plumbing.

I've put it all down
here on the floor plan.

It's all marked.

It is...

guys, this isn't brain surgery.

So we believe this
campaign captures the brand.

We'll launch with a mix of spread
print, web banners and direct mail.

That's great, chris. Thank you.

Go ahead. Say what you think.

well, I think it's a great campaign.

I-I just--I'm not
sure if it speaks to...

people like me.

I guess it just feels like it's more directed
toward people who already know a lot about wine.

She means old people.

No, no. Uh, uh, sophisticated.

Oh, nice save.

The fact that four women can share an
awesome bottle of our petite syrah for,

what, $ , when you can't even
get a cosmo for that at--at skybar?

I mean, we should capitalize
on that, sell it as, you know,

a girls'-night-out wine,
a girls'-night-in wine.

but, you know, I also know that, you know, tommy's
a little bit more into the higher end customer.

No, tommy's not here.

- It's not a bad idea, rebeccA.
- not at all.

You know, we always need trendwatchers,
if you're ever looking for a part-time job.

- Really?
- Well, yeah.

- I mean, if it's all right with my client.
- By all means.

- Send us a résum?
- I will.

where are you?

I'm at home. Where are you?

Oh, sarah. Sorry.

I thought you were my very
demanding and very late husband.

Okay, kitty, I need a pep talk.

Tell me I'm a brilliant businesswoman
and I know what I'm doing.

I don't even know why
I'm talking to you.

You hated the whole
greenatopia proposal.

I was in a very bad place.

It's a good idea, right?
You'd use greenatopia.

Mom would use greenatopia.

Why are you so out of breath?

I'm scrubbing my conference room,
otherwise known as my kitchen.

We've got a meeting with
a potential investor.

Oh, my god. There are corn
flakes ground into my floor.

Honestly, kitty, who is gonna lk into
my living room and take us seriously?

All right, sarah, just listen to me.

You are brilliant, you are experienced,
and you have a very good idea.

Just stay calm.

Stay calm. I know that.

Hey, have you seen my notes? I
had them in my hand a minute ago.

Dining room table,
second chair on the left.

Okay, kitty, I gotta go.

oh, gee. Nice talking to you, too.

where'd you get that tie?

Thrift store.

Looks like it. Lose it.

I still think we should've
rented conference room.

Maybe we should just reschedule this.

Kyle, danny brown is
gonna be here any minute.

We can't afford a conference room.

We can barely afford lunch.

Besides, venture capital
firms love frugality.

It shows them that we're only
spending on what's critical,

therefore maximizing
potential profitability.

And it's a pretty good
story for the business press.

That's right. I keep forgettg
you're the one with the M.B.A.

Don't forget it.

Do you really think he's gonna invest?

I mean, we sent out
proposals and only got one hit.

One very big hit.

Phoenix is one of the biggest
venture capital firms in california.

Right, but just to clarify, if
these guys decide not to invest,

we have no backup plan, we're done.

Okay, stop it with the
negativity, both of you.

You have to be confident.
Business is like dating.

Oh, no.

Greenatopia has the potential
to be incredibly lucrative.

- I know that. You know that.
- I do.

Our job is to let him know
that, and the key is to be calm.

I'm calm.

Stay calm.

Do you want me
to-- I should--okay.

- ready?
- Yeah.

hey, what's up?

- Hey, good. How you doing?
- How are you?

- I'm well.
- Welcome. Thank you for coming.

My pleasure.

Sorry we have to meet here
instead of a conference room.

That's because we're frugal,
and we love frugality.

Uh, no, no, no, no, no.
This is--this is not, um...

graham. Hi, um, at are you doing here?

Uh, well, my colleague danny brown
couldn't make it, so, uh, here I am.

You're with phoenix now?

Yeah, I've been with them
for the last six months.

G--oh, great.
That's great.

- You look good.
- You, too.

I'm sorry. Uh, so you guys...
you--you know each other?

Uh, yes, yes. This is graham finch.

We worked together briefly.
Ethan travis, kyle dewitt.

- Nice to meet you.
- Kyle.

Um, I shook your hand
already. I don't know why...

so who'd like a coffee?

Sorry I'm late.

I've been waiting for you for an hour.

I know. I got held up.

- Listen, there's something I want to talk to you about.
- Okay.

You remember mike in
the washington office?

Mike. Um, oh, yeah.
Mike with the big teeth?

Well, two months ago, they had
these beautiful, amazing twins.

So I brought you the information
on the service they used.


What do you think?

I guess I've just really fallen in love with the
idea of giving a child who's already here a home.

I know. Me, too, but what we've
been through with adoption?

Getting our hopes up and
having trish change her mind?

I-I don't want to go
through that again.

Well, neither do I.

With surrogacy, it's not even an issue.
The child is ours, no questions asked.

It is clean, it is easy. We
are completely in control.

Look, honey, it's not like I haven't
considered going down this route--

I just thought instead of waiting for somebody in
the ether to choose us and then maybe backing out,

- you know, it's something we should think about.
- All right.

- All right. I'll think about it.
- Good.

Yeah. Oh, hey. Thanks
for getting back to me.

We're talking about an eco-friendly
company with an exciting revenue model.

You input your zip code, the
product you want and voil?

we give you all your local options.

Customer base is there.
Everybody's dying to buy local.

that's fine, but we're not talking
about funding a lemonade stand, okay?

See, in order for me to recommend
that phoenix invest in your company,

I've got to know that there will be
a minimum of a million views a month.

Try a million a week.

And you know this, uh, how?

Well, we've crunched some rough numbers.

Right, and, uh, and now exactly,
uh, uh, how, uh, did you crunch,

and what numbers specifically?

What was the crunchulation
factor in your crunchification?

It's all in there, appendix "B."

Let's not get bogged down in
the testing methodology, graham.

The starting demographics of a
site like greenatopia are users with

- an income average of between $ , and $ , a year.
- right.

They're a web advertiser's wet dream.

This is a low-cost company
with global growth potential.

Not to mention, we might actually
do some good for the planet.

You have not changed at all, have you?

A little older, a little wiser.

Well, it doesn't show.
I mean, the older part.

- thank you.
- You're welcome.

I'm so sorry to interject here.

How exactly do you guys
know each other again?

Uh, well, graham and I, uh, actually
worked together briefly at ojai.

Uh, and I can attest that you
guys are working with the best.

I mean, she's a royal pain in
the ass, but she's the best.

coming from another pain in the ass.

But, uh, we're talking about
greenatopia, not about me, so, um...

it is about you a little bit.

I have to, uh, confess that when
I saw your name on the proposal,

I was more than happy to
fill in for my associate.

Sarah, can we have a word
in the conference room?

What's going on out there?
It's like you two are in heat.

- Okay, full disclosure-- graham
and I did date brieflY... - what?

In the past.

So he's here to get in your pants

no.This is business.

Okay, I'm sorry that we're
having a reaction to this.

It's just that we have put
the last two years of our life

not to mention every single penny we have
into this web site, and I am a little-

no, no, scratch that-- I am hugely uncomfortable
with the fact that we have one investor,

and it's your ex sugar daddy.

Graham finch is very
good at what he does.

Thank god, 'cause for a second there,
I thought you were gonna tell me

he was the one who almost flushed
your family business down the toilet.


He was a small part of it.

Okay, but he has an
excellent track record.

More importantly, he has access to private
equity funds, funds which we desperately need.

As far as I'm concerned, the fact
that graham and i know each other,

- that could work for us.
- How?

Because he knows he can trust me,
therefore, he can trust the company.

Now you just have to trust me.

Sorry to interrupt you. I've got
another appointment across town.

Listen, I'd love to hear more.
Are you available for dinner?

- Definitely.
- Absolutely.

Yeah. We'll set it uP.

No, I-I pretty much got a handle
on the, uh, the creative side.

I-I need to go over the
financials with the C.F.O.

- You good with that?
- Uh, yeah.

No, I think it's, uh, I
think it's a good idea.

- Good idea.
- : ?

- Great.
- Okay. Sounds like a date.

Sounds like a date.

It's an expression.

Oh, thank god you have answered.

Look, kevin, I can barely hear you.

Yeah, that's saul manning
the wet-and-dry vac.

Kitty, I am in the ninth
circle of hell, okay?

Mom has us all down at the
center doing demolition.

She has lost her mind.

Believe me, this is a disaster
of herculean proportion.

She thinks we can do this all by ourselves, so
please come down here, talk some sense into her.

oh, you know what, kevin?
I have to call you back.

No, no,


W-well, hi. Hi, trish.

Well, um, sure. No, sure. I-I have
a little time this afternoon, yeah.

I really just wanted to say thanks as
well, for letting me sit in on that meeting.

Well, I should be thanking you.

Really, I was impressed and proud.


I just--I really-- I really think I'm
starting to get a sense for the wine business.

Oh, no, more than just a sense.

It's just so exciting, you know, from--from
advertising and then meetings with the distributors,

then all of a sudden, you're on the
phone with a farmer about harvest yields.

It's just cool.

Well, if you're interested,
I could teach you.

Yeah, of course I am.

Becca. I think...

that you should work here full-time.

- Are you serious?
- Absolutely.

I mean, you obviously have
a head for advertising.

You could focus on that and learn
the other aspects of the business.

We could create a position for you here.

Well... have you
discussed this with tommy?

I am the C.E.O.Of
this company, remember?

Besides, tommy will be thrilled.

I don't know what to say.

- Say yes.
- Yes.

great. I-- this is
gonna be great. Really.

Okay, does anyone know how
much asbestos is too much?

You know, in a few months when an actual
family is living in this big, beautiful,

warm, friendly home, you all are gonna fe so proud
about all this hard work you're doing here today.

- Oh, dear.
- Oh, dear what?

Well, it looks like you
have a termite infestation.

Since when do you know
anything about infestations?

Well, I used to work for a carpenter
every summer when I was in high school.

I can chisel, drill and plane.

That is hot.

all right, look, nora, this is it.

I think at this point,
we should just reevaluate.

- Yeah, mom, and maybe eat some lunch.
- And you know what?

Get some air, 'cause this dust
is really giving me a migraine.

Here. Take some aspirin. Eat
a protein bar. Anything else?

a glass of pinot grigio.

So you--you--
you look bigger.

I mean, well, just your belly,
not--not the rest of you.

kitty, it's fine.

I actually lost sight of
my feet about a week ago.

Pregnancy milestone, I suppose.

But, uh, this baby-- sometimes it feels
like it's wearing steel-toed boots.

Is there like, a--
a lot of kicking?

Oh, yeah.

uh, kitty, I called because, uh,
I wanted to say to you, in person,

I'm sorry.

For what?

Changing my mind.

I-it was unfair to you and to robert.

You don't owe us an apology.

You had ever prerogative to reconsider,
and robert and I knew that going in.

You know, the truth of it is, I
st asked you too many questions.

Oh, god, you had every right to ask me as
many questions as you wanted answers to.

Mm, well, my mother even tells me
that I can be overbearing at times.

No, kitty, you were fine.

You just wanted to know that I had considered
everything, and truth be told, I hadn'T.

I didn't want to think about how I'd feel once the
baby was born or if I'd regret it in a few years.

I was perfectly happy not
to think about any of that.

But after a lot of soul-searching
and, uh, some sleepless nights,

I have to say, thanks to you...

I'm actually at peace with my decision.

I don't want to be a mother.

And, you know, kitty, the
more I thought about it,

the more I realized what was
right for me and this baby, and...

that's you and robert.

I know you have no
reason to trust me, but...

if you still want to adopt
this baby, I'd really love that.

*******It looks like this
might be water damage.

Justin, would you concentrate on what
you're doing? That thing looks rotten.

Okay, I am concentrating, and if you know so
much about it, why don't you come here and do it?

I can't because my spirit's broken.

I don't even know why I'm here anymore.

You're here to help
families with sick children.

Think about that when you work.

You know what? I don't think there's
even any pipes near that section,

not on the plans.Look. It must be
just some sort of weird discoloration.

Do you even know how to read plans?

Scotty! Scotty! Watch it!

For god sake, just!
You almost k*lled him.

Look, I'm sorry, kevin!
Are you all right, scotty?

Guys, guys, I'm fine.

I'm trying to achieve a state of zen.

Thank you, scotty.

I said I'm trying.

- Hey, everyone.
- pizza!

I ran into the pizza guy out front.

So we have two veggie and two
everything, and it's on me.

No, no, no, no. I ordered
it. I'll pay for it.

No, no, um, I wanted to,
because I just got a promotion.

- Wow, honey.Congratulations.
- You did?

Thanks. I'm gonna be working in
advertising at walker landing.

So basically I coordinate with the
ad agency, oversee special projects.

- That's huge, you know?
- Yeah.

Temp one day, exec the next?

Yeah, well, I mean,
it's not that sudden.

No, and if tommy feels you're ready,
well, then i-I-- I guess you are.

Yeah, yeah. Well, actually, he's out of town,
but my mom thinks that it should be fine, so...


What's with all the looks?

- I'm just hungry.
- Starving.

- Yeah, over here. Take this whole box right here.
- You gotta admit, you're not exactly qualified for that.

About as qualified as you
four are to do construction.

- Look, I didn't-- -
it's a great house, nora.

No, wait. You're not goin are you?

Well, seeing as I'm not
qualified for my new job,

I should probably go home and
brush up on my new responsibilities.

I didn't--rebecca, I
didn't mean it like--

I'm going home.We'll talk later.

thank you for the pizza, rebecca.

Looks like you're staying at mom'S.

so, uh, how have youeen? How's
the family, you know, the kids?

- They're good.
- Yeah? You seeing anyone?

you cut right to it.

Um, no. No, I'm not. How about you?

Still got a girl in every city?

I cut back to, uh, cities
with over two million residents

- 'cause I'm not as young as I once was.
- That's true.

So are we gonna keep flirting, or
are we gonna talk about greenatopia?

I wasn't flirting, you were.

And yes, yes, let's
talk about greenatopia.

I read the proposal,
I went on the web site.

- It's all very promising.
- Good.

But I have to tell you, that's an awful lot
of early money at this stage of the game.

So give me a figure.

A million to start, plus an
additional three in the growth phase.

- That's not too shabby.
- No.

- What's the catch?
- There's no catch at all.

We'd just ask for % ownership,
you'd be kicked up to C.E.O.,

And we'd give kyle and
ethan a-a happy exit.

This is their baby. They're--they're--they're
not gonna want to sell out.

All right. You drive a hard bargain.
We'll keep 'em on as cofounders.

I'm not sure they would
accept a token offer.

This is their big idea.

It's a good idea, and, uh,
there's no shortage of good ideas.

What there is a shortage of is people
talented enough to execute those good ideas,

and you're one of those people.

Now if my firm is gonna
make this kind of investment,

we have to know that there'll be somebody who's
responsible enough to oversee it--that's you.

Now come on, you'd be making a
competitive salary, full benefits package.

You'd have a conference room that doesn't
have a-- a garbage disposal in it, okay?

this is a solid offer.

It's very tempting.

I'm willing to stake a million dollars
of my firm's money on this, on you,

because I know a good
thing when I see it.

Are we still talking about greenatopia?

I hope not.

- That was nice.
- That was presumptuous.

It was more than nice.

I'm not sure I can talk
business after that.

Me, too, which is exactly why you
should jump on this while I'm vulnerable.

oh, you know, look...

the boys are at home, anxiously awaiting
to hear about the future of their company.

Let me...

mull it over, and I'll,
uh, I'll get back to you.

What, no dinner?

I'm not hungry for food.

So she just calls you out of the blue?

Yeah, I-I was thrown, too, but--but
I think that maybe it's a sign.

The only thing it's a sign
of is how indecisive she is.

First she gives us the boot, now she's
begging us to be the parents again?

She's not begging.

She's--she's just had some time to think it
over, and she knows now that we're the ones.

We were the ones, and she pulled out.

Robert, I understand your reluctance.
I do. But I'm--I'M... chills.

Okay? Come on. You loved her before.


Look, this is just
messy and complicated.

Oh, would you guys stop nay-saying?

The place isn't complicated and messy.

You haven't even walked
through the house.

We're not nay-saying the house, mother.

Oh, although we're not
not nay-saying it either.

- Is everything all right?
- Everything's fine.

I heard that you needed reinforcements,

and nothing makes me happier than keeping democratic
bureaucrats waiting while I do a little honest work.

You're staying?

Yeah, yeah, ten minutes. It'll be fine.

The--the boys are
upstairs pulling carpet.

- Careful, it's dark.
- I live for pulling carpet.

Yeah, I won't be pulling any carpets.

Are you sure everything's okay?

- Fine.
- Great. Will you hold this?

I'm making a stack of all these. I
don't want to miss this one over here.

You need these, though. It's
just--hold that for one second.

Now you've gotta collect
all this stuff somewhere.

- Mom, mom, I am wearing a very expensive coat.
- Just hold it for one second.

I'll get it.

W-where's ethan?

Where he, uh, always is.

So, uh... tell me, how
was, uh, how was dinner?

Well, we, um... we got an offer.

- Oh, my god.
- Are you serious? How much?

- A million dollars to start.
- What?

$ million when we're up and running.


You know, not to mention
offices, you know, real offices,

and, uh, health insurance,
(k)s, all th good stuff.

This is so fr--sarah, I-I don't
even-- I mean, thank you so much.

Seriously, thank you so
much. A million dollars?

- So wait, what are the terms?
- Boilerplate stuff.

- They want to bring in their own company director.
- RighT.

Standard. They did offer me C.E.O.

- Nice.
- Nice. Congrats.

And they want to keep
you guys on as cofounders.


Um, I-I don't-- I don't even know what is--
what's--what--that--what does that entail, cofounders?

You'd be like the
figureheads of greenatopia.


Don't get hung up on the title.

The thing is, your ideas would be considered--
strongly considered-- by management and the board.

- We don't get a vote?
- No.

But I do, and I guarantee
that your ideas will be heard.

Sarah, nO. This is our company.

You'll still be part of it.

Only it won't be our company anymore.

I mean, that's what this is, right?

You get a great new job,
and kyle and I get what?

I mean, what are we, like, the
taco bell chihuahua or something?

no, you would still
have an enormous stake.

Guys, this is good.

No, yeah, it's good for you.

You knew that wherever we took
this, we'd have to compromise.

Yeah, of course, we know that, but we also know that
you just essentially sold us out for a million dollars.

- And a retirement plan.
- And a retirement plan.

This is as good as it gets.

That's right, because the economy is in a tailspin
and you've got a mortgage and an ex-husband--

and alimony and health insurance.

Yes, I have responsibilities,
kyle, and I'm proud of them.

okay, so the offer isn't perfect.

But it is the only offer we got,

and I guarantee both of you that I
negotiated us the best possible deal.

Seriously, sarah?

I'm--I'm not so sure
anymore, you know?

I'm not so sureI trust that you
negotiated the best terms possible for us.

I-- we don't have
a choice anymore.

We've eaten through our savings.

We don't even have enough money
to pay the rent past next month.

He's right. We got turned down by what,
there was other possible investors?

So we're gonna take this,
right? We don't have a choice.

But come on, at least for a second,

show us enough respect to not act
like you didn't sell us out here.

I don't even know what to say to that.

I think you just say good night.

Good night.

Voil? here's your new office.

But this is saul's old office.

Do you think it's
weird for me to be here?

I don't know. Uh, would you
be more comfortable in sarah's?

No, no. I'm--this is...
thanks. okay. Thank you.

Feel free to make yourself at home.

Hang up some of your photographs
or get some throw pillows.

What's wrong?

I don't know. Did you give me this
job just because I'm your daughter?

Because let's be honest. I mean, I
don't-- I don't have any experience.

I'm giving you this job because
you're smart and talented,

and I think that you'll be
an asset to this company.

But would i have given you this
job if you weren't my daughter?

Maybe not. But that's what people do.

That's what william did.

But I wouldn't be giving you this job if I
didn't think that you were up for the challenge.

I opened the door. Now it's up to you.

Thank you for being honest.

And I promise, I'm gonna--
I'm gonna do my very best.

I know you will.

This is so great, you and I here
together, getting our hands dirty.

Yeah, this is good.

Pulling out walls is much better than banging
my head against the one that is my husband.

We're here to fix up this house, not
to dismember your significant other.

Yeah, well, I can multitask.

- Hi, honey.
- Hey, sarah.

- Well, this is nice, mom.
- Yeah.

Oh, can I borrow this?

Great. You know what?

If you start at the bottom
and work your way up,

I think that's actually what
works--well, that's good, too.

Why does she get the sledgehammer?

Greenatopia got offered a
million-dollar cash infusion today.

- No, seriously, mom. That's amazing.
- Well, who gave you a million dollars?

No, no, don't-- don't
answer that, sarah,

- because she'll want to steal your investor for
a donation.Yes, you would. - No, sh-sh--oh, stop.

Honey, w gave you a million dollars?

Graham finch.

are you and graham
still seeing each other?

No, mother. His firm's
interested in the company.

So we had a meeting, we discussed the future of
the company, and we had a drink and we kissed.

Wow, that must have been a doozy of a kiss
if you got a million dollars out of it.

It wasn't a trade, kitty.

well, I-I don't
understand, if you--

if you just made a million-dollar
deal, why are you so upset?

I'm not upset, mother.

kyle and ethan are furious at me.

They think I tried to sell them out.

I try to make them rich,
and now they hate me.

Well, did you try to sell them out?

No, I made a necessary and financially
lucrative business compromise.

They'll be thanking me when they're .

senator, a hand would be nice.

Secretary of state trumps carpets.

wait, what are you doing
here? You have to go.

What are you doing? We need him.

I'm doing my job.

Look, it's okay. I can multitask.

Good, then multitask away.

Guys, here's the deal-- why don't we just open
this window and throw the carpet out there?

That's leaded glass. It doesn't open.

That's the only decent thing in this
dump. Do you really want to break it?

Yes. I'll pay for a new one.

I have never been more
serious in my life.

I have no intentions of ever
touching this carpet again.

Oh, mom!

is everybody okay?

Uh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we're okay.

No. No.

Mom, look...

I'm sure, um, you know, someone
will be able to fix this.

- I mean, yoknow, obviously not us...
- right.

- A contractor. - I'm
sure someone can, ma-maybe.

I could've k*lled myself. I
could've k*lled one of you.

Oh, come on,

no, no, this house is
nothing but rotten wood.

You all tried to tell me-- the
moldy walls, the collapsing ceiling.

I was just too stubborn to listen. I...

I thought we could save it--
our special family project, my...

ojai foods. GoD.

How could I make such
a colossal mistake?

Mom. Mom. Hey, you
know what? You're right.

This house is a-- well,
it's a--it's a mess.

It's a complete and utter mess.

I just said that, kitty.

Yes, you--you did, but you know what?
Maybe that's okay. Maybe that's okay.

I mean, a lot of great things come
out of messy, complicated situations

because, you know, they're
just meant to be, right?

Well, yeah, but, you know, there's a lot
to be said for clean, orderly, simple.

No, come on, kevin.
You love complicated.

You--why did you go
to work for robert?

- Well, because he didn't make partner.
- What?

No, I wanted to make a difference.

Right. Right.

Because mom has always taught us, for better or
for worse, that complicated things can--can be good.

yeah. I get the argument.

Right, of course you agree,
because you ran for president.

Nothing simple about that.
And then there's sarah.

- Sarah is in business with teenagers for god sake.
- Oh, well, they're .

She goes out to dinner with her ex-boy toy,
she kisses him and she gets a million dollars.

I mean, that's complicated.

- Complicated.
- That's complicated.

You know what? Then there's justin.

Justin's an addict, and he went to w*r.

Okay, and then there's
uncle saul. I mean, that...

- hello.
- That is incredibly complicated.

Kitty, I so appreciate you trying
to cheer me up, but it isn't--

no, no.No buts.

You're not allowed to give up.

You're not allowed to give up because you
believe in your gut that this is right.

And--and--and besides, we've--we've all
inherited this--this-- this absurd drive to--

to make things that--that, yes, they
seem complicated and they're messy,

but we can turn 'em
into something great.

- yeah.
- right?


And if you give up, well, then there's
just no hope for the rest of us.

give up--

oh, man.

Thanks anyway, kitty.

Look, I know you can set this up.

I-I need a face-to-face
as soon as possible.

So, um, could you give
me a call? I, um...

well, I have something I just
want to bounce off of you.

So... call me when you can.


Everything okay?

Oh, yeah.

Look, obviously, I work for you, but we
don't always have to be so professional, okay?

We are related. I am your brother.

We just have an "in"
and a "law" attached.

Did kitty tell you that i
had brought up surrogacy?

I mean, with what we've gone
through with the birth mother,

it just think it's the simple,
straightforward thing to do.

The baby would be ours
legally and biologically.

So let me guess.

You'd rather a surrogate,
kitty wants trish?

Yeah, exactly.

And look, I-I get it, if this goes
well, we have a baby in three months.

But now kitty's got feelings and
she's got chills, and, I mean,

I'm willing to stand down, but
if she's wrong about this...

look, take kitty off
the table for a moment.

What do you want?

I guess I don't know.

Thanks for stopping by my office.

It's not gonna be your office for long.

Yeah. Listen,
graham, I just-- I...

I want to thank you
for your faith in me...

And for being prepared to
take a risk with greenatopia.

But you're backing out, right?

- I'm backing out.
- oh, boy.

Oh, man. I haven't even
made a pass at you yet today.

Pass or no pass, we can't
accept your offer. I'm sorry.

Look, I-I-if this is
a negotiating tactic,

I actually do have a little wiggle
room on the initial, uh, investment.

I'm not negotiating.

Well, then this better be
because you got a better offer.

It doesn't have to do with,
uh, you know, mutt and jeff.

it's ethan and kyle. And yeah,
actually, this is about them.

I don't want them to settle for a
token role in a company they began.

You're gettin' soft, kid.

I'm not soft.

Maybe a little bit.

I'm offering you a bird in the hand.

I know that, and it is very tempting.

But I--I've taken a risk with these guys-- probably
the biggest risk of my professional career--

because they inspired me to with
their enthusiasm and their optimism,

and I want to stay a part of that.

I can't sell them out because
mr. Handsome walks in...

and offers me a salary with benefits.

So this is about the kiss, isn't it?

Oh, you're unbelievable.

Hey, no, no, you're the one who brought
handsomeness into the conversation.

Yeah, as a side note.

Yeah, just so you know, I was
looking for an excuse to look you up.

I know that.

I think about you.

Graham, I'm flattered, but there
was a reason that we didn't work.

Well, I'm not asking for
your hand in marriage.

I know that, too. But
really, you know, what?

A fling?

You travel all the
time, I'm rooted here.

Well, I'm here now.

Good-bye, mr. Finch.

- It was nice seeing you.
- You, too.

Just so you know,
this is that one last--

yeah, I got it.I got it.

just do me a favor. Don't
turn around yet. Okay?

- What, did the rest of the ceiling cave in?
- No.

Did you find a family of possums
living in the crawl space?

- Why are you dragging me in here?
- Mom, mom, mom, be quiet, all right? Just be quiet.

Do i at least get a cigarette
and a chance to say my last words?

Oh, I-I think you're gonna
owe us big-time for this one.

Okay, nora, turn around.

come on.

Oh, my god. What...

what is th-- what did
you-- did you--did you--

just a little something we whipped
up this morning, that's all.

yeah, when the ceiling came down, some plaster
fell from the adjoining wall, and there it was.

It's amazing.

See, without you forcing us to demolish
this place, we never would've found it.

All right, I'm keeping the house.

oh, sweetheart, that's great news.

And you're gonna get an
architect and a contractor.

- yeS.
- yes!

Hey, what's going on?

Hey, uh, uh, well, I'm just
moving into my new office.

Did-didn't my mom tell you?

No, no. I... I haven't seen her yet.

Well, she offered me, um, a
position managing advertising.

You know, if you want to go talk to her, I
can just go back to my desk and--and wait--

no, no. No, no, no. She
offered, you accepted.

seriously, congratulations.
We're... we're lucky to have you.

- Thanks.
- why wasn't I told?

I made an executive decision.

Right, aside from the fact that I should've been
consulted, how long has she been working here?

What, two, three months?

You know, tommy, you're just
gonna have to trust me on this one.

Look, I trusted you when you said
we couldn't afford kevin's law firm.

I fired my brother.

And now you're offering your
daughter an executive position?

It was your decision
fire kevin, not mine.

Now I know that she is inperienced,
but she will learn on the job.

Sarah and I started
out in the warehouse.

That's how we do it.

Our employees start from the ground up.

Yeah, well, I have a different
management philosophy than your father.

my father made this company a success.

This company is not your
family business anymore.

well, you have made
that very, very clear.

So take it to the boar let them decide.

That won't be necessary.

Can I come in?

Uh, yeah, of course.

Nice office. This, uh,
used to be saul's, right?

Uh, yeah. Yeah.

Well, I got you an "I suck and I should've
been more supportive/ office warming" present.

I don't even know if
that exists, but here.

Thank you.

Rebecca, I was wrong.

Maybe it's easier to concentrate on
your career than my lack of one. I...

but if this is something that you
want, I'm really happy for you.

Look, I know my mom
gave me a big break here.

I really think that I
could be good at this.

I know you'll be good at this.

Well, on that note,
I'm gonna let you work,

because it's your first day and I
don't want to get you fired, so bye.

Thank you.

good news. We're still poor.

- Can I come in?
- yeah.

you were right.

Greenatopia is your company, and
you deserve to steer its future.

I'm sorry if you felt that
I tried to sell you out.

I really want to be part of this.


I kind of feel like we're this band,
you know, and you're the lead singer,

and you signed with the big record labe and
you left the rest of the band high and dry.

You know, you screwed up. It's gonna
be tough for us to trust you again.

Oh, come on. I brought pizza.


So you really turned
down a million dollars?

Oh, yeah--a million dollars, an
actual salary, expense account,

benefits and an ongoing sex life.

I could help you with that part.

- I'm good for now.
- Okay.

- What I do want is a beer.
- Done.

you good?


- there's the heart.
- I think I see a hand.

Right there, by the baby's head.

Oh, yeah.

It's running for president.

it's waving at us.

saying hi to mommy and daddy.

look, the baby's gonna turn now.

No wonder it feels like
something's punching my cervix.

Look at its little face.

Would you two like to
know the sex of theaby?

Uh, no. No. I think
we'll keep it a surprise.

Oh, god. It'S... it's beautiful, huh?

Okay, tommy.

Why am I being summoned here
in the wee hours of the night?

Can you sit down?

Where's holly?

Probably out celebrating
rebecca's new job.

Ah, yeah. Well, I heard.

So what, have you brought me
here to-- to commiserate with you?

You're here to help me fix is.

Holly doesn't respect
this company's history,

she doesn't respect my
position, my experience, nothing.

Right. So what's the problem,
tommy? You tried to make it work.

Well, obviously I can'T.

Look, I'm not gonna stand byand watch
her seize control while she shuts us out.

My offer stands.

I will help you get her out.
