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03x05 - You Get What You Need

Posted: 04/25/22 08:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on "brothers & sisters"...

I can't have sex with you.

No,I don't want to have sex,either.

I mean,not--not now.

What's this?

It's my letter of resignation.

It doesn't feel like our company anymore.

I'm quitting.

I am starting up a nonprofit,so welcome to the nerve center.

I never heard my parents use the word "gay" until I told them I was.

What you two are doing,it's not a union recognized by the church.

I'd like you to consider replacing kitty as my communications director.

This is so insane.

I've got everything the state has on ryan lafferty.

Let me earn the trust back.

If I agree to do this,mom,no more lies.

From now on,no more lies.

Oh,hot liquids.

Um,I can do two things at once.

Justin,I really need to talk to you about something.


Um,so sit down.

A sit down-- it must be serious.

Well,yeah,it is actually kind of serious.

I found this file in my mom's office.

Well,actually,I stumbled upon it,but I wanted you to look at it.

It's information about ryan.



What is she gonna do,go knock on hidoor?She has nothing to do with this.

I have no idea what she's gonna do.

Well,she has no right to do anything.

I mean,my mom has been agonizing over this whole situation for months.

She doesn't want ryan to know.

-I'm gonna have to tell her. -No,no,no.

Don't-- don't tell her.I really want to give my mom a chance to explain.

We're doing this new thing where we're trying to rebuild trust--

trust,are you kidding me?

Look,I'm gonna put the file back where I found it,

and if she denies looking into ryan when I ask,

then we'll know she's lying.

Maybe she has an explanation.

This is your mom we're talking about here.

Yeah,and your my boyfriend,and I'm trying to be honest with both of you.

Well,honestly,if your mom finds this kid,

my mom's gonna have a meltdown,okay?

And I'm sorry.I don't feel like dealing with that.

Well,I'm gonna deal with it.

I told you that I would.

Fine,do it your way.

You know,I really thought of all people,

that you would understand about making amends.

I gotta get to work.

What happened to my transcripts?

Did you know the "queen mary" is docked in long beach?

It says here it never fails to impress.

Th-they're in a blue folder?

What about venice beach?

Do you think my parents would like venice beach?

Kevin,I'm talking to you.

Yes.I'm-- I'm listening.

Yeah,I know,the "queen mary," it's docked in venice.You're not impressed.

Not even close.Kevin,they're coming tomorrow.Fus.

the kitchen.

Kevin,my parents-- the same parents who boycotted our commitment ceremony-- are coming.

It's the equivalent of the berlin wall coming down,

and I know you're crazed with work,

but it would be nice if we could have an actual conversation when you're in the same room.

I'm so sorry.

I'm all yours.Really.What's the plan?

Okay,first I need to--I need to book them a hotel room.

Let me do that.

The firm gets a great rate at the "W.

" What's your dad's drink of choice?

-Bourbon. -Great.I'll pick up a bottle.

Oh,and would you mind getting a signed photo of kitty for my mom?

She used to be obsessed with her radio show.

Just her?How about both of them?

Two smiling republicans for the price of one.

Are you mocking me or being nice?


-Anything else? -No.

Just meet us at bradbury's at : ,and don't spend the entire time checking your cell phone.

- : ? -Y-yes.

My mother read some article about their patio there and made a reservation weeks ago.

Why don't we do : ?

It's so much more fashionable.

My parents aren't fashionable.

It's past their bedtime.


Okay,I think they're gonna announce the new partner tomorrow night.

Kevin,you said that last week.

Yeah,I know,but the rumor is they're gonna do this whole g cocktail thing,

and then it's gonna be me,you know?I've done it.

You know,even after losing ojai foods,I've done it.

Come on.Look on the bright side.

I'd--I'd be arriving as partner.

You parents might actually be impressed.

Look,why don't I just meet you for dessert?

No,no.I need you to be there.

Okay,just have your secretary change it to : .

And one more thing-- I...

don't be mad,but I was thinking maybe we could keep the,um,P.D.A.

Down to a minimum.

What happened to your favorite chant,we're here,we're q*eer,get used to it?

You've met my parents.

Yes,I have,and they do scare me,

so I won't antagonize them by french kissing you in front of them.

I promise to make it up to you when they're gone.

You better.

Go,make partner.

You took out everything but the cobwebs.

I cleaned up all of them,too,didn't I?


So I read your financials.Your grant proposal is fabulous.

-Oh,great. -Look at the monkey.


William's famous monkey.

When william was in this office,I was afraid to even knock.

I didn't want to interrupt his concentration.

Yeah,well,it's your office now,honeybunch.

It's still daunting.

As a businessman,he's a tough act to follow.

Nora,I have known you my entire life.

Insecurity was never one of your issues.

Well,if I was so secure,then how come I married a man

who never encouraged me to be anything except a wife and a mother?

What are you talking about?

You have been doing charity work for years and years.

I've been throwing parties.

I have to raise $ million before I can even open this house.

I can't even make one damn chart.

What?Let me see.

Why do these people need visual aids?

Why can't they just sit there and listen?

And--and supposedly,it's bad form if you put more than six words on a slide.

That's not communicating.It's haiku.


That is a perfect pie chart.

oh,I hate you.

you did it.

At least I did one productive thing today.

Why don't you let me do your b*llet points?

I'm doing those.I've already done them,actually.

And I have to do all of this myself.

That's the whole idea.

Oh,I thought the idea was to help families with sick children.

That's not...

what is it?

Not enjoying your retiment?

I am.I'm enjoying it perfectly.

I enjoyed my walk today,a cup of coffee.

I enjoyed reading the newspaper.

Saul,you have all of this fabulous time now.

You have to figure out what you want to do with it.

Be creative.Set a new goal.


I'll take a nap.


Sea new goal.

Okay,you have to stop harassing me.

I-I just want to know if you've given robert's offer any more thought?

Haven't had a single thought about being a republican senator's communication's director.


I don't want to say yes to my publisher til robert has my replacement,and he only has eyes for you.

Yeah,well,too bad.I'm taken.

This is an operational history of,uh,dart oil dating back to ' .

Do you really want to be defending oil companies for the rest of your life?

I sometimes destroy them.

It just depends on the case.

Well,what you're doing is worse than any drilling law robert ever supported-- just fyi.

I'm gotta go.Bye.

Walker,just the person I'm looking for.

The partners are having a cocktail party after work tomorrow.

You should join us.

I'd love to.Thank you.



What do you mean,what?You just got the nod.

Wh--you don't know that.

Please don't be self-effacing.

I hate humility.

It disgusts me.

Just be happy you won.It's the american way.

Okay.We'll see.


We're so glad you're here.

Nice to see you again.And you.

Hi again.

Kevin's gotta get to work.He's gonna join us for dinner.

Right.Oh,you guys have picked a great spot.

Although we actually thought maybe we could eat a little later,

uh,you know,spot some movie stars.

Uh,kevin has a work function.

He's gonna be made partner,which is an amazing thing.


How much later are we talking?

Uh, : ?

That is later.


It's a little early for a drink.

it's just for the hotel.

I'm more of a bourbon man,but,uh,thanks.

Yeah,I-I know.It's,uh,it's just a great blended scotch.

You know,they--they sign and number every box.

But,uh,I-I think you'll love it.

Uh,mom,kevin got something for you,too.

The picture.

Scotty said,uh,you might like a signed photo of,

uh,kitty,my--my sister,and senator mccallister.

Scotty,that is so sweet.

Yes,it is.

Um,so I've arranged that.

Uh,but it's-- it's not here now because it's gonna be hand-delivered by the subjects themselves.

You mean we can meet the mccallisters?

Yeah,they're gonna join us for dinner.

That was another reason we had to change the time.

Oh,that certainly is worth the wait then.

We'll have a late lunch.


Okay,I better get to work,uh,if I'm gonna make this promotion.

Uh,what are you guys gonna do today?

Uh,grauman's chinese theatre.The la brea tar pits.

Your father is dying to see the dinosaur remains.

Bea,it's a woolly mammoth.It's different.


I'm sure you'll have a great day.

Uh,and I'll see you at dinner.


this house will provide temporary lodging for the families of seriously ill children

who are being treated at nearby medical facilities.

the staff will include nurses,therapists,tutors,housekeepers,cooks and other specialists.

Now for the money part.

That's where you come in.

We estimate that the building itself will cost approximately $ million.

Add on to that the cost of renovation,medical supplies,furnishings--

you're asking for a lot of money,miss,um...


And while I'm not questioning the need for something like this,we mostly try to fund research.

What kind of experience do you have?

I don't see a r閟um?here.

I-I-I really don't have a r閟um?

per se,but I have lots and lots of experience.

I watched my husband,william walker,build his company from the ground up.

And I was with him every single step-- I used to know william walker.


Ojai foods,right? -Yes.

How--how is he?


Dead.He died a few years ago.


I'm sorry.

How are you doing?


I'm--I'm here trying to raise money for the families of seriously ill children.

You know what?

I think mr.Goldschmidt could find time to meet with william walker's wife.

Uh,he's hoping to decide on these grants in the next few days.

Well,whatever's good for mr.Goldschmidt,I-- is fine with me.

Stop it,cooper.

I cannot concentrate!

cooper,stop kicking the ball.

And,paige,stop yelling.

Cooper,I mean it.Knock it off.Take the ball outside before you break something.

Fine. -One,two...

mom,I'm hungry.

Get some sandwich stuff out,honey.I'll

What is this?

Paige,I am on the phone.

Sarah,thank god you're there.I need your help.

Mom,I really don't have time to deal with a family crisis right now.

I am stuck in my own "supernanny" episode,minus the supernanny.

No,no.This is not about the family.

This is about work.

I need your help with my grant presentation.

I can't help you---

oops.I'm sorry,mom!

What was that?


Kitty,I am begging you.

This is an emergency.

Look,I have to get to my publisher,and robe has a very early meeting in the morning.

Scotty's parents have driven all the way from arizona.

For you and robert to be there-- it would be like

when the chinese sent those pandas to nixon for the goodwill trip.

Oh,I do love those pandas.

Right,so pretty please,with bamboo on top.

Fine.I'll talk to robert.

And one more thing-- can you guys bring an autographed picture of yourselves?

God!Okay,kevin,but if you ask me for one more favor,

you're gonna have to say yes to robert's job offer.

No chance.But I do love you.Thank you.Bye.

Hope you got something for me.

I am not cut out to be a stay-at-home mom.

I think you'll be pleased.

Great,'cause just being in a real office with an actual grown-up's like the highlight of my week.

What happened to,uh,wanting a minimal commute and flexible working hours?

Well,I am open to travel.What is it?

I think you're gonna be very pleased.

Diamond canyon.

It's a bottled water company. -Okay.

Uh,you'll be regional director...

Of performance and quality improvement.

That's a little vague.

Is this the salary for the quarter?

The year.

You can't be serious.


Look,in this job market...

you've been unemployed nearly a month.

No,I know it's not the optimum time to be looking for a job,

but I mean,this is half of what I was earning at ojai.

Sarah,'ve got five clients who are perfect for this.

If you want to take the weekend to think it over,fine.

But then I'm gonna go down the list.


There you arE.

I've been looking all over for you.

I was just,uh,I was dropping off my time card.

Great.I'm heading out.

Could you call marco to confirm the vineyard tours for next month?


Hey,guys.Uh,sorry.A little problem.

I just realized I'm not gonna be able to go to the vineyard with you today.

I have a long-standing dinner with saul.

Tommy,that meeting has been on the books for weeks.

I-I don't want to make a design decision without a second opinion.

Yeah,but rebecca can go with you.

She's got a great eye.

Yeah,I'm sure she'd really appreciate you pawning your work off on her.

No,you know,actually,I-I wouldn't mind.

I mean,if you don't mind.


Problem solved.

Thank you.Bye.

That's a surprise.

Why?It sounds interesting.

You--you really don't mind driving up to walker landing with me?

No,I mean,we could spend some time together,catch up.

It sounds nice.

I'd love to.

All right,cool.I'll get my stuff.

Paige and coop are doing a puzzle.

-Together? -Yes.

No fighting?No broken windows?

-No. -Oh,my god.

I'm their grandmother.It's easieR.

Yeah,we could swap,you know?

I get the grant,you get the kids.

I've been making that deal my whole life.I'll pass.

And,you know,you could have a job next week if you wanted it.

Given the state of my kitchen window,I might have to take one.Thank you.

Seriously,mom,how did you do it?

-What? -Us.

You had five kids running in different directions,nonstop bickering.

How did you not go completely insane?

I did.

I went completely and utterly insane.

And then...

and then one of you would do something,

like whistle for the first time or make a see-through umbrella out of saran wrap.

-That was me. -Yes,that was you.

I loved that umbrella.

You just have to stay...

open to the moments.

But,sarah,you're not wrong for wanting to go back to work.

I mean,look where I'm at now.

This grant is great.

Yeah,the pie chart is glorious.Big whoop.

All those board members saw was just this--

this housewife standing there with no experience.

They had--they had "no" written all over their foreheads.

It can't have been that bad.

You've got another meeting with mr.Goldschmidt tonight?

Yeah,it's a pity meeting,you know?

And--and it's not even a meeting.

It's just drinks.

And that wouldn't even be happening if I hadn't mentioned your father.

Oh,I have no experience.

Mom,you're letting these people intimidate you.

It's--it's a confidence game.

Just go and talk to them like they're wallace.

The butcher?

I've seen you march right up to that counter.

You're direct,you know what you want,

and u never accept anything less than the best cut.



I've gotta say,youre a natural.

You have a great eye.

Oh,it was beginner's luck.

No,don't diminish yourself.

They were impressed.

I was impressed.

Well,it was fun.

Yeah,we have to do this more often.

It was so nice having you here with me,

especially after everything that's happened.

No,this whole ryan thing is crazy,isn't it?

Uh,n-no,I-I mean with saul and sarah quitting.

But I mean,no...

You're--you're right.

I didn't see that coming either.

Are--are you-- are you okay about it?

Yeah,I'm fine.

I mean,at first,I was really shocked.

I couldn't believe that william would keep something like that from me.

Which I know sounds crazy,since he was keeping me from nora.

No,no,that doesn't sound crazy.

I mean,I don't know how I would feel if I was in your shoes,so...


I thought about finding him.

I even went so far as to look him up.

He lives in bakersfield.

Have you met him?

No,no.I just...

I got all the information,and then I just stuck it in a file.

So--so what are you gonna do with it?


I think I just.

I just had to feel like I was in control.

Are you mad at me?


No,no.I'm actually really just happy that you told me.

Well,you said you wanted me to be honest.

would it be completely out of line if the temp suggests

that maybe we crack a bottle for happy hour?

no,not at all,especially since the temp happens to be my daughter.

I don't set an alarm,and I still can't sleep past : A.M.

I mean,I'm gonna be ,tommy.

I don't--I don't know why I find retirement so strange.

I knew it.

-What? -You miss the action.

-no,i don'T. -Yes,you do.

No.Little bit?

Maybe a little.

Yeah,well,anytime you want to return to your stomping grounds,

we could never find a better C.F.O.

So how's julia?

She's better.

You know,I mean,uh,elizabeth is a lot of work.

What about holly?How's all that going?

Not a conflict to speak of.

Oh,come on,tommy.I find that hard to believe.

None of you understand that she's actually a decent partner.

She wants the company to be a success,

and she carries her share of the workload,so...

I'm so happy that everything's going so well.

Let me fill your glass for you.



you and justin.

Come on.We opened a bottle of wine.

Let's put it to good use.

Is it serious?

Yeah,I think so.

I mean,we hang out all the time.

We...have so much fun together.

I'm sensing a "but.

" No,it--it's just that...

he can be really closed off.

But he's getting better.

I mean,he's opening up a lot about iraq,which is hard for him.

And how's the sex?


it's obvious that there's something going on.

There's no sex happening.

That's what's going on.

Is that a mutual decision?

I mean,at first it was,but now I think it's more me.

Well,with all the stuff that you have been through with the paternity and my affairs,

it's no wonder that you're a little tentative.

You make us seem so messed up.


You're not messed up.

I mean,look who you've chosen.

I never had a boyfriend that was nice and kind and available.

I mean,no one that I ever really liked.

But,rebecca,you're not like me.

Thank god.

where did you go?

the wax museum.

When we passed in front of liberace,none of us said a word.

Where are you now?

You know that red double-decker bus that goes up and down hollywood boulevard?

Oh,my god.

You should see my parents.

They're practically hanging off the side of the bus to get a good picture of

the pirate in front of grauman's chinese theatre.

You know what?They're having fun.You're bonding.

Look,I gotta go.My destiny awaits.

I can't wait to celebrate and get off this bus.


kevin,it's good to see you.

Listen,I want to give you a heads-up.

I really think you deserve to be partner.

It's been a long haul.

It certainly has,but,uh,this makes it all worth it.

Yeah,that's what I wanted to talk to you about.

I,uh,I was outvoted at the partners' meeting.

I did what I could.I honestly thought that you were a lock,but there was someone else

that they were more interested in this year.

Now it doesn't mean that you won't be considered in the future.


Another bourbon on the rocks for you.

No,but a driven bird coming at you is so much harder to get than one going away,like a quail.

Well,I learned to sh**t quail as a young boy,senator.

Oh,well,then you know.

There's just nothing better-- companionship,a good dog,a fine g*n.

Scotty used to pan fry them with gravy on the side,right?

I don't remember the whole quail thing.

Uh,do you cook,kitty?

Uh,well,not quail.

Well,and not like scotty.

oh,look who's here.

Here is your champagne.

Thank you.

So are you going to sit down,big shot,

or are you too important fous now?

Ohshut up.

Did they give you the corner office?

Not yet.

Okay,well,here's a toast to my brother kevin.


We're all really proud of you.

Thank you.

Here's hoping you're not involved in any of those frivolous lawsuits.

I think you should listen to your brother-in-law on that particular topic.

you all having a good time?

Well,I was looking forward to sitting out on the patio.

You know,I'm so sorry.

The reservation got changed so many times-- you know what?

I think this table is perfect.

I-I think this is a good table.

You do?

It is a good table,I guess.

Did you like the picture?

Oh,yes.K-kitty,tell us more about the adoption.

They loved it.

I think that baby is going to be so lucky.

I can't think of a better couple to raise a child.

We--we actually think of ourselves as lucky.

Well,we both admire you so much.

We wanted to vote for you for president,but...

scotty.I think I'm gonna have the lemon garlic prawns.

Can I have a word with you?


So I'm on the fourth hole at riviera--

hogan's hole-- best par- in golf.

I don't know it.

Your husband did.

He never made par there,though.

You know,I enjoy an afternoon of golf as much as anyone,

but I would really love it if we could get back to my proposal.


I get a little arried away when talking golf.

You know,that's how I feel about this home.

When--when people like us get sick,god forbid,

we know that we can have our families around us because we have the resources to make that happen.

But a lot of people who come here for medical care,

they can't afford to put themselves up,especially when the cost of treatment is so exorbitant.

Nora,this is a big enterprise you're proposing.

And frankly,I'm a little nervous given your lack of experience.


Yes,I know I have never run a business.

But let me tell you,mr.Goldschmidt,

I have run a household of seven.

I know it's an unpaid and unappreciated position,

but I defy you or any of your people I spoke with this morning to do

what I did for the past some odd years.

I organized the schedules of five extremely well-rounded children.

I ran carpools and bake sales and bluebird groups.

I negotiated and mandated and coddled all at the same time,

not to mention what I had to do for my husband to keep him happy and productive.

And I did all of this without ever taking a sick day.

The problem is no one values the experience of a stay-at-home parent,

which is truly a shame,because basically,running this big enterprise,

as you put it,would be a day at the beach for me.

I'm sorry I got so carried away.


Come on.Sit down.

Is this gonna be about golf?

No,no golf.

I'm not saying our working relationship is unmanageable,

but--but how do I forget the way she came into the company?

You know another thing is-- is rebecca.

She's sweet.

I love her like a sister-turned-not-sister and now my brother's girlfriend,

and she does a great job,but it just-- it feels like their family business.

I don't know,saul.

About what?

All of it.

What are you,my shrink?

I'm your uncle.

I just want you to know that if there ever comes a time when you wantolly gone,I...

you gonna rub her out?

she's a co-owner.

Sarah would come back in a second.

What--what are you talking about?

If getting rid of holly becomes a goal of yours,

I want you to know that I would make it mine,too.

That's all.

told you that I would find the perfect moment,

and guess what-- moment found.

What,are you drunk?

No,I'm not drunk.

We were at a vineyard.I had a little wine.

My mother was the designated driver.

So she got you drunk?

No,she didn't get me drunk.

I suggested we open a bottle of wine after she totally confessed,unprompted.

So what did she say?What is she gonna do?


She was just...

confused and curious and wanted to feel in control.That's it.

And you believe her?

Justin,it was great.We talked for hours.

I just--I don't see a reason for her to lie to me.

It's never stopped her before.

I'm sorry,but I think you're forgetting that the only reason

why my mom actually knows about ryan is because your mother wanted to rub it in her face.

Oh,like she wouldn't have found out anyway?

Look,I'm--I'm--I'm sorry.

I'm just having a tough time realizing how you go from "uh-oh,

my psycho mom is on to something" to "uh,I believe everything she says.

She's a changed woman.

" You know what?Screw you.

Why can't you just see her for what she is?

What,do you have a blind spot?

What are you saying,that I'm just like my mother?

Because I'm not. -I never said that.

Guess what.Your father--not exactly the perfect role model.

What,are you comparing me to my father?

Like what--why are you even with me then?

-Because. -Why?

You know what?Just get out.

Rebecca-- get out.

What do you think I'm gonna do,cheat on you?

Is that it,you think I'm gonna cheat with you?

Justin,I don't want to do this right now.This is my apartment.Leave.

No,I asked you a question.

Just get out!

I'm not gonna leave you.

I think it is wonderful you're having a baby at this point in your life.

I had scotty at such a young age.

Have you ever thought about adopting?

Oh,maybe someday,but not right now.

That's probably smart.


I-I think that they would make amazing parents,even if they are democrats.

speaking of which,can we tell you how much we enjoyed your tv show "red,white & blue"?

So what was it like,interviewing all those famous types?

That's actually how we met.

oh,how romantic.

Actually,we were told that we might meet some famous people ourselves,

except I think they're all sitting out on the patio.

You know what,bertha?I think that's enough.

Excuse me?

I'm sorry.I thought we came here to break the ice and to get to know each other,

but I feel like I'm not even here.

Kevin-- what?

Can we please stop pretending that everything's fine and have a real conversation?

I thought we were having one.

No,no,that would require you to be a little less passive-aggressive.

You can fawn over my sister and her husband because they're in your pantheon of republican gods,

you can honor their version of the alternative family,but you know what?

Maybe I'm not smart,but someday,maybe we would like to adopt.

We drove here all the way from arizona.

Okay,why don't we all just take a deep breath?

I can breathe just fine.Thank you.

You should hear him on a night when he doesn't make partner.

Actually,I turned them down,'cause I'm so sick of being a lawyer.

What do you-- what do you mean?

Well,I have options.

You see your two heroes here?

They offered me a job.And guess what.Surprise,surprise.

Your gay,democrat son-in-law is gonna take it.

You're going to work for him?

Try to be a little less enthusiastic.

Yes,I am,because someone has to cross the aisle,or nothing gets done.

I'm not hungry anymore.

I want to go to the hotel.

Mo-- I'm sorry.

It was really a pleasure to meet you.

What hotel did you put them up in?

oh,my god.

You forgot.

I'm-- great.




Sarah,I didn't hold back.

I-I practically lectured him,and guess what.

Mr.Goldschmidt gave me a grant.

Mom,that's fantastic!

You were so right.

I just needed a little confidence.

You sound so happy.

I'm almost jealous.

Come to work for me.

I'm serious.

What's the pay?

Nothing.It's a volunteer position.

But maybe someday.


It felt so good to be taken seriously.


Okay,mom,I gotta go.


cooper,what is it?

Flashlight down,under the covers now.


Okay,I am gonna count to three.

I want the flashlight on the bedside table.



Two-- look!

Oh,god.It's a caterpillar.

Yeah,it turns into a butterfly.

Okay,I'll take care of it.

Can I hold it?



Will you go straight to sleep?




Please get the flashlight out of my eyes.

Put your hands out.

Be very gentle.You don't want to squish him.

Can we stay up until the butterfly comes?

Well,that would be a very long time.


so close to you did you find a hotel for your parents?


in silver lake.

scotty,I am so sorry.

I asked for one weekend,kevin,one.

Our entire lives are about your family.

My parents visit us for the first time,and you can't show an ounce of restraint?

I know.

What is wrong with you?

I mean,first you-- you introduce yourself by barging into their house on our wedding day,

then you completely flip out at dinner.

And after I put up with your endless work hours,your obsession over making partner,

you blithely announce at dinner you're quitting your job to work for a republican.

Maybe I could do some good.

Have you lost your mind?

I was just trying to get your parents to like me.

Like you?I know.

Now they hate me more than ever.

Well,there's such a thing as cause and effect.

I am so sorry.

If I could take it back,of course I would.

It was a bad day.

Yeah,you can say that again.

I didn't make partner.

They gave it to someone else.

And I couldn't say anything at dinner because I was so humiliated.

This is by no means an excuse,but when I left work,

all I could think of was getting to you because I knew once I'd see you,

I would feel okay,and when I got there,

the only pair of eyes that I wanted to see were yours because all I wanted was a hug.

I don't blame you at all,because we agreed,no P.D.A.

-Come here. -I swear I will make it up to them.

I mean,wow.

I can't believe we waited that long.

We're idiots.

What were we thinking?

We were thinking too much.

That's what we were thinking.

I'm done thinking.


I can't believe we had fight sex before we had real sex.

I think it counts as real sex.

Besides,I have no idea what we were actually fighting about.

That's because it wasn't our fight.

Although you do pack a punch.

I think I know what we need to do.

I have an idea.

Not that.

Not that I don't want to do that,too.

I'm just--I'm talking about our moms.

Well,that's a buzzkill.

I think you should listen to my idea first.

,I,uh,I made some sandwiches for the road.

Oh,there's some banana bread in there,too.

Sounds delicious,honey.

Uh,do you need directions?

No,we've got the gps in the car,but,uh,thanks anyway.


I'd like to apologize again for the other night.

It was-- water under the bridge.

We're sorry you didn't make partner.

Thank you.

This is for you.

It's a bottle of bourbon,whicis what I should've got you in the first place.

You're determined to get me drunk,aren't you?

Well,I appreciate this,but I'll tell you what--

why don't I take the scotch back with me,you take this,

and in a few months,maybe we'll,uh,compare notes?

I'd be very glad to.

Someone's gonna have to cross the aisle,or nothing's gonna get done.

well,we-- we better get going.

I'm gonna let you go down that list.

Offer the position to one of your other clients.

I'm a little surprised.

Kids stop driving you crazy?


But,you know...


Look,it's a decent position,and god knows,I'm gonna need a job.

But right now,hanging out with my kids is pretty cool,

and if I'm gonna give that up,it can't be for something that's just decent.

Find me something...

better,something great.

And,uh,then we'll talk.

what,you don't lock the door anymore?

What happened to the secret service?

I'm not running for president anymore.

Nobodyares if you sh**t me.

Hello to you,toO.

Honey,did you,um,happen to make another...

oh,we have company.


How are you doing?

Fine,believe it or not.

Um,but I do want to apologize for the other night.


You know,it was actually nice that--

that you thought that maybe we would have a little power over them.

You never made partner,did you?

No.No,I didn'T.

And it was kinda hard to admit at the time.

I'm sorry,kev.

Hey,I'll give a reference to whoever you'd like.

I think you'd make a great barista.

actually,I want to work for you.

You're being serious now,so I--I'm not getting it.

I've spent a long time demonizing you.

Still not getting it.

Okay,when I first met scotty's parents,

I realized that demonizing someone can cut both ways.

Now I'm not saying I can change that.

But I do have a knack for stirring things up.

right.Which I-I don't think is such a great qualification.

I don't think you think that,otherwise you wouldn't have offered me the job.

I think you have to admit,the other night was kind of amazing.

Cause to tell the truth,scotty's parents and i are

in a much better place now than if we'd talked about elk for three hours.

Quail,but go ahead.

Okay,all I'm asking is that you hear me out,

and if we meet in the middle,that's good enough for me.

Well,I would love to hear you out,but when you didn't respond initially,

we got other candidates,uh,most of whom are very,you know,qualified.

Yeah,with far less emotional baggage.

Okay,I get it.

Let me have it.I deserve it.

We'd love to,but we're extremely busy.

Senate bill .

Read it.

Give me an opinion.

Glad to have you.

Talk about hitting the ground running.

Welcome to politics.

God,justin,look who's here.

I know.Come on.

What's going on?


What a surprise.

All right,look,we decided that you guys need to deal with this whole ryan situation yourselves.

What are you talking about?

Uh,sorry,mom,but I-I found this,

and I know I probably should've told you earlier.

Mom,this is,uh,information on ryan lafferty that rebecca found on holly's desk.

-At is this? -Rebecca.

I'm sorry,but you guys need to deal with this.

If rebecca and i are gonna have any chance,this can't be our problem.

I'm sure you guys will figure it out,so...

so on that note,mom,have a seat.

Good luck.

And,uh,try the,uh,the seafoosalad.

It's fantastic.

Did you contact ryan?


But,oh,I was tempted to.


I know more than anyone what you're going through.

I suggest you let william go.

My only interest in ryan has nothing to do with his father.

Why is it I think the only thing left for you to be interested in

would be making my life asncomfortable as possle?

how typically narcissistic of you.

I like to think of it as self-preservation.

Holly,I'm telling you,this is better left alone.

Mm,right,the way sarah left it alone when she told rebecca

that william was her father after I begged her not to,which by the way,

turned out not even to be true.

And we have barely recovered from all of that.

Why would you even consider doing this?

Well,it might be fun.

You know,it--it is so amusing watching you panic

when things don't turn out exactly the way you have it planned,

and,oh,god forbid that I upset your perfect little apple cart.

Well,at least I have an apple cart.

you know,holly,I-I really think it's your jealousy that makes me pity you the most.


And I don't believe for one minute you'd be willing to jeopardize your relationship with rebecca,

because if you do anything-- I never said that I was going to do anything.

I probably won'T.

But then again,I do have these bad days...

maybe you should call him.

It's probably best...

if you found him first.

Have a nice day,nora.