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04x12 - The Devil's Disciples

Posted: 04/24/22 17:37
by bunniefuu
What difference does it make whether
he kills one person or two, huh?

This is the way this man
is gonna pay his tab to us.

The hangman only springs that trap
one time, you know, per customer.

- Now, wait a minute.
- I'm waiting.

Look, nobody figured on a k*lling.

Man, you don't understand
quite what I'm saying, do you?

Oh, you understand though,
don't you, pal?

You expect me
to commit a m*rder for you.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim of blind justice,

falsely convicted
for the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate
when a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,
to toil at man y jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave
the scene of the crime.

Freed him to run
before the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

Lou Antonio,

Bruce Dern,

and special' guest star;
Diana Hyland,

I'm gonna level with you, Billy.

You're carrying the ball for us now,

Any luck at all?

No, we covered every piece of ground
we could.

And some ground we couldn't.

Now, if we got any chance
of catching Kimble,

you're the one to do it, boy.

Sorry, not even a jack rabbit, deputy.

Well, how’s that fuel holding out?

Oh, I can give you maybe ten,
minutes more, then I gotta head back.

You boys lost, are you?


Be glad to lead you out of here.

All right, just keep going.


I said, keep going.

How about that?

You all are too proud
to let us lead you out of here, right?

Maybe they like it here.

This is Hendricks, Billy.
What you got?

I can't hear you.

I said, I spotted Kimble.

All right, knock it off.

- What was that?
- I said, knock it off.

Oh, right, knock it off. Right.

Go ahead, Billy.

I said, I spotted Kimble.

- Where you at?
- About a half mile east

of Twin Falls Junction.

All right, fine.
We’re leaving right now.

Where is he at?

You see those rocks
at the bottom of the draw?

He was headed right toward them.

All right, we'll get him.
Now, just keep him spotted.

Unless you got a net,
I'm heading back.

My gas gauge is way past empty.

All right, come with me.
You guys that way.

To Richard Kimble,
the laws of society are threatening,

for society has judged him guilty
of breaking its law

and ruled that he be punished
unto death.

But there are other societies
within our more conventional one

with laws no less threatening,
no less extreme

in punishing those
who violate its code.

I sure didn't like
that hick policeman.

Are you thinking
what I think you're thinking?

Why not?


It's them or us.

Come on.


I wanna thank you for what you did.

Wait a minute.

We're not exactly running
a free bus line, you know.

You are with us.

Let us go inside, man.

We'll have a little coffee there, uh...

I sure would like to see the expression
on that sheriff's face

when him and his posse
came dragging up that hill

and grabbed a handful of air.

Now, what is that there?

Come on, now,
we support you around here.

Oh. You.

Hair combing lady.

And I'll give you that

if you will tell me
what it is that you've done.

I mean,
did you knock over a filling station?

Or a bank?

Or maybe a supermarket?

What's the difference?

Well, there's no real difference
except Don there and me,

we almost been busted
a couple of time ourselves.

But they never sent the whirlybirdies
out after us.

That's usually privileged, reserved
for a very special kind of criminal.

What is it
that makes you so special?

Nothing special.

Oh, don't be shy,
he really wants to know.

Well, it would be better for him
if he didn’t.

I sure wish that you hadn't said that.

You know, it's been my experience
that when somebody says that to me,

it usually means
that it's better for them than for me.

Now, I picked you off
a very, very squeaky limb, pal,

and you owe me.

The best way I can repay you
is to get out of here.

Yeah, he’s right, man.
We got enough trouble with Benson.

Why buy into his trouble?

Why not buy into his?

Finally got here.

No, thank you.

Oh, the quiet type.

Mm-mm. The educational type, man.

He's trying to figure out
how he's gonna get himself out of this.

- Come on, Hutch.
- Mm-mm.

Here, sit down here.

Come on. Turn around.

Face him. Keep your eye on him.

Don't lose him, because he's yours.

You're mine.

Do you belong to him?

I belong wherever I want.

If you wanna dance, go ahead.
I'll manage.

Yeah, sure.

Thought she said
she wanted to dance.

- That's her hang up.
- What's yours?

Don't push me, man.
Nobody pushes me.


You know, you're right.
I think I do wanna dance.

So go on and dance.

You used to do the asking,

: HI!-
"'f". .,.

Don't worry. Don't worry.
Don't worry now.

Just hold it down a little while.
I wanna tell you something now.

I don't know how many of you know
what the scene is,

but I'm gonna spell it out for you.

Scotty, would you and...

Thank you, dear.

Rather quickly, please. Thank you.


this is what the word is,
B-E-N-S-O-N, Benson.

Now, we are all going out to Benson's
because of Tommy Joe.

Now, you all know what happened
to Tommy Joe, right?

He got busted.

That's right, man. He got busted.
All the way to Vietnam.

Is he back?

Yeah, he's back.

As much of him
as the medics could find.

I just got the word on that last week.

That's a rough course, man.

But he didn't have
to take that course.

Let me tell you why. Don and I were on
the filling station job with Tommy Joe.

And he could have got off
just exactly like we did

if it hadn't been for this man right here,
Benson, who hollered "cop."

And the judge later says
to Tommy Joe:

"You have your choice, man.
You can go to Vietnam,

or you can go to jail."

So it all comes back to Mr. Benson.

Because the way I figure it,

Benson is the one who k*lled
Tommy Joe, not the Vietcong.

And Mr. Benson is the one
who we have the score to settle with.

H ow?

Don't really worry about how.
I'll take care of that.

Now, there is just one more thing.

Any of you people here in this room

who would rather not go with us
to Mr. Benson's, that's fine.

All you have to do
is just walk right up here, right now,

and tell me you don't want to go

Hutch. The fuzz.

Mind getting out
for a minute, please?

Thanks, hon.

Now, officers,

why don't you come in here
and sit down.

Make yourselves at home.
Go ahead.

I'd look at their money, Scotty.

They look like they might be
a couple of stiffs to me.

- Just coffee, Scotty.
- Make it two.

Outside of these punks here,
any strangers been by today?


How about the rest of you?

You see anybody
who looks like this man?

On the highway? The desert?

Maybe somebody
running somewhere?

His name is Richard Kimble.

Convicted of k*lling his wife.

Don't know about any Kimble,
but I seen a jackrabbit.

Hey, yeah, man. Yeah.



Rabbit had a moustache.

Ho! Wait.
You wanna take a swing at him?

You go right ahead, man.
He's a butterfingers. Go ahead.


And the minute I even touched him

you'd start screaming "police brutality,"

Oh, no. No sirree, boy.

I would need a reason.


...maybe somebody tossed a handful
of popcorn in my face.


This is what it's like.

What what's like?

Being in jail.

Get used to it.

Not me, man.

Jail's for dummies.

Won’t happen in this group.
Hutch sees to that.

It always comes back to Hutch,
doesn't it?

Why not? He does okay for us.

What's okay?

We're loose, man. We're free.

You call this free?

That girl out there, what's her name?

You want her, don't you?

She's Hutch's chick.

Hutch's chick.

That's not what I asked you.

That's all you're getting.

She's Hutch's chick,
so no one says any different.

You call that free?

You better shut up, man.

Yeah. But you don't have to worry
about getting her.

She's got the original,
she doesn't need a cheap copy.

Come on, it's Hutch. Open the door.

Wait a minute.

Didn't I tell you children not to fight?

Now, come on.

You. Let's go.

m*rder one, man.
You might've said.

- Would you?
- Come on, let’s go.

I don't know
what's hassling your mind, man,

but whatever it is, drop it.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Hold it. I don't think I heard you.

Keep him away from me, boy.
Keep him away from me.

I don't know what it is about you,

but you sure don't make friends easy,
do you?

Come on.

Thank you.

You could parlay that into a blanket.

In exchange for what?

A direct answer.

What's between you and Don?

I've been watching you bugging him.
How come?

Well, I could ask you the same question. I

Look, I know what I'm after.

But what's it gonna get you
except a lot of trouble?

Well, what am I in now?

You're trying to push Don
into a rumble with Hutch, aren't you?

Is that what I'm trying to do?

Now, look, mister,
I'm no high school dropout.

I mean, I know all about Caesar
and that divide and conquer.

Divide and rule, it was Machiavelli.

Do I still get the blanket?

Look, I want you to understand

that Don would never even
raise his voice against Hutch.

Maybe once he might have,
but not any more.

The only thing that's gonna happen
is that you're gonna get hurt.

I thought you were just a bunch
of fun-loving kids living a carefree life.

Well, that’s how it started. Yeah.

But I mean, this isn't a g*ng
that just lives on wheels.

I mean, if this wasn't a weekend,
we'd be all at our jobs.

- Hmm.
- Heh.

I know you find that hard to believe,
but it's true.

I mean, this g*ng,
or whatever you wanna call it,

it's just a way of blowing off steam.

Except somewhere along the way
it stopped being a game.

Maybe after Hutch took over.

It stopped being a game
when they held up that gas station.

I think Don knows that.

Look, Don never had anything
to do with that man.

It was Hutch who slugged him.

That doesn't make any difference.

Look, yarn...

You've seen Hutch
walk all over Don.

You think that's ever gonna change?

Someday Don might feel it has to.


For himself.
For some kind of a life. For you.

You know something, you must have
talked your wife to death.

What was all that about?

- He's cute. That enough for you?
- Keep away from him, you hear me?

You're telling me what to do, Charlie?
You blew that privilege six months ago.

Anytime you want her back, man.

She's not a library book.

As a gift, pal. Me to you.
Now, come on.

- Come here, man.
- Yeah, man.

Tie him up.

- Help him. Take the rope.
- No, I got it. That's all right. I'll do it.

What's it like to k*ll somebody,
Kimble, huh?

To know that you're the one that did it?
What's that like?

Like the three-minute mile?
Or taking off in a jet?

Or maybe it's like an acid trip,
huh, man?

No games. Come on, Hutch.
What are you building?

What do you mean,
what am I building?

What difference does it make whether
he kills one person or two, huh?

This is the way this man
is gonna pay his tab to us.

The hangman only springs that trap
one time, you know, per customer.

- Now, wait a minute.
- I'm waiting.

Look, nobody figured on a k*lling.

Man, you don't understand
quite what I'm saying, do you?

Well, you understand, though,
don’t you, pal?

You expect me
to commit a m*rder for you.

A k*lling, man? That's trouble.

He's right, Hutch.

"Oh, Hutch, he's right."

You all are really a bunch of babies,
aren't you, huh?

I just hope that you all
don't cry big tears and panic, then,

when we lean on Benson a little bit.

No, man. He's got that coming.

All right. That's more like it.

Now, everybody, go sack out
because we got a long day tomorrow.

Come on.

Am I supposed to do the b*ating too?

It's not exactly a b*ating, man.

Unless he lives through it,
you know what I mean?

Don’t get me wrong

I'm not doing this for you.
I want something.


I want you to call the cops.

Tell them
to be at Benson's place tomorrow.

It's called Benson's Serve-All.

If they get there first,
there won't be any m*rder.

You think Hutch
is going to k*ll Benson?

Do you?

That's what he told me.

How do you know I'll stop
and make a phone call?

Maybe you will, maybe you won't.

But just getting you out of here
might stop Hutch.

Now, you better put it in gear.

There's a lot of cactus between you
and the nearest telephone.

Go on.

Thank you.

For what? I told you--

I know.

Thank you.


Now, Chino and me had him tied up
like baling cotton.

And there's no way he could
have gotten loose by himself.

Just give me one name. Come on.
I want a name. One person.

Why don't you ask your chick
if she was sleepwalking.


don't you wanna even know why?

You keep your hands off me.
You understand that?

You're allowed one mistake, boy.

You wanna use it now, huh?

I'm all right.

- Now, come on. Let's go.
- Don't stand around.

Now, the name of the game
is find Kimble.

I said everybody.

He said saddle up.
You better saddle up.

You don't want a spanking, do you?

Sheriffs office. Deputy VVinslow.

There's gonna be trouble
with the Devil's Disciples.

What else is new?

No, no. I mean, trouble.

There's gonna be very serious trouble.
Unless you--

- Who is this?
- That’s not important.

Look, citizen,
you wanna register a complaint?

I gotta have your name.

All right. Hold on a sec.

Hello, sheriff. Wait a minute.
Sheriff, listen to me.

Put it in the icebox
and I'll warm it up later.

Yeah. Me too. Hmm.

Okay, now where's this big trouble
gonna be?

It's all around you, man.

The trouble is all around you, man.
Hear it?

Come on, fold this up. Fold it up.

Come on. Now snap it up.
Let's go, everybody.

It's miles to Benson's.
Now that's a long way.

Hey, Hutch. Hutch, it's Penny.

- You better have a look.
- I've had a look.

No, man. Come on.
She's got me worried.

She's got you hung out to dry, man,
that's what she's got.

Didn't I tell you
to keep an eye on him, huh?

He says he's a doctor.

Oh, if he said he was Miss America,
you'd probably marry him, right?

This girl is hurt.

I'm not sure,
but I think she has a ruptured spleen.

Well, everybody saw
what happened to her.

Whatever happened to her,
she had it coming.

A ruptured spleen.
Now, what does that mean?

It means one thing, she can't ride.

Two miles on the back of one
of those motorcycles would k*ll her.

Oh, come on.

Can't you all see that this is a stall that
the two of them cooked up together?

Suppose it's not a stall?
Suppose he's telling the truth.

"Suppose he's telling the truth"?

If the man is telling the truth,
he's a doctor, let him fix her.

I don't have
the proper medical facilities.

Well, then dump her.

Look, it's Benson's by noon, Kimble.

No, Hutch.

What do you mean, "'no, Hutch"?

I'm taking Penny to the doctor.

Because of something
he just said, huh?

I'm telling you,
I'm taking Penny to the doctor now.

And then what?

Then I'll catch up.

You better catch up, boy,

because if you don't
I'm gonna come looking for you.

Now, let's go, everybody.

Pack it up. Let's go. Come on.

Come on.

I can't tell
how extensive the damage is yet.

But it's a lucky thing you called
that ambulance when you did.

I guess I did something right, huh?

You can go in now.

She should rest.
Try not to excite her.


Well, doc said you’re gonna be okay.

Oh, doc said. What do you say?

About what?

Don't you understand anything?

Well, he said I’m not supposed
to get you all upset.

You just can't wait to get out of here
and get over to Benson's, can you?

After all, Hutch will be waiting.

Look, Penny, this Benson thing
is something I have to do.

- It's got nothing at all to do with Hutch.
- It's got everything to do with Hutch.

What we're doing,
we're doing for everybody.

Oh, yes, so Hutch can sleep at night,
that's right, I forgot.

What is all that supposed to mean?

All right.

you're gonna just lend me an ear.

The day Tommy Joe was bailed out,
Hutch and I went to see him.

Hutch told him
all about the Disciple code,

how he was supposed to keep
his mouth shut about everything.

Tommy Joe agreed,
he understood all that,

but he insisted

that he never saw the guy
that Hutch p*stol-whipped.

This made Hutch flip.

I mean, he was soared,
really soared.

He got down on his knees, begging.

And tears were coming out
of his eyes, crying like a little kid.

Tommy Joe got this funny expression
in his face

and said he would take the rap
for everything.

Now, why didn't you ever
tell me that before?

Because Hutch said he would
mess me up for good if I told anybody.

So why are you telling me now?

Because I don't want you
to get mixed up in a k*lling.

What k*lling?
There's not gonna be any k*lling.

You think they're gonna let Kimble
go alive and tell who k*lled Benson?

I don't know. Maybe.

Don, I tell you he's gonna do it.

No matter what he says,
he's gonna do it.

But you're so stupid,
you don't wanna believe it.

Mr. Benson.

I'm sure you remember me,
don't you?

Not likely I'd forget.

Don't let those gray hairs fool you.

They don't serve him any points
at all.

- Just like Tommy.
- That's right.

So full of life, energy.

More than they knew what to do with,
it seems like.

You mean like Tommy Joe was,
don't you, Mr. Benson?


Until you tipped over his wagon.

Yeah, I...

I did do that.


They're going to k*ll you.

Well, why not?

Tommy's dead.

I betrayed him.

I don't know.


I just...

...don't know any more.

Well, you’re gonna find out,
Mr. Benson.

You are going to find out
just exactly what Tommy Joe felt like

when the Vietcong nailed him.

You really gonna k*ll him, man?

I don't know.

If that's what it comes to

then I will.

Keep an eye on him.


You were the one
that turned Tommy Joe in?

- The one that they held up?
- No.

They never did anything to me.

Except let Tommy go with them.

And that was bad.

I begged him to go to the police.

I said, they'll believe
you just made a kid's mistake.


...we argued.

Talk like that,

the way a father and son do.

You mean,
Tommy Joe was your son?

A man who would pull the whistle
on his own son

can't be much of a father.

- Leave him alone, will you?
- I haven't touched him


That's right.
Now, get as many units as you can

over to Benson's Serve-All
on the old highway right away.

Make sure they’ve all got riot g*ns
and tear gas.

No, I don't know exactly,
but it's that g*ng of motorcycle bums.

All I can get from the girl here
is that it could be big trouble.

And with that bunch, I can believe it.

Now, if Don was gonna be here,

he'd have been here by now,
that's for sure.

Now, you guys know what to do,
go ahead and do it.

Hustle, man.

Now, you shouldn't
have done that, boy.

Stolen from an old man like that
and then hit him.

Let me see now,
somewhere he had a...

Here it is.

Well, at least he put one slug into you
before he d*ed, huh?

This is Vietnam and we're
the Vietcong. Keep an eye on him.

All right, Benson.

You come on toward me now.


- Hah!
- Hyah!

Come on, get up.

Come on, Mr. Benson,
it's just a little ways.

Get up.

Stop it! Don't do this! No! No!

Don't do this!

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Stop it! Now!

- Get away from there.
- Stop it now!

Don't do this!

Stop it!

- Hey.
- Hey, no!


All right.
Show me what you got.

You see that, Kimble,
it's got your fingerprints all over it.

And that's the w*apon
that's gonna settle Mr. Benson.

- That's not gonna settle everything.
- You finally got here.

Yeah, always keep my promises.

Just like Tommy Joe kept his.

I'm asking, Hutch,
is k*lling Benson gonna be enough?

Enough to what?

Now, listen, you guys.

Hutch claims
that Benson is everybody’s concern.

Because that's the way
us Disciples operate,

one for all and all for one.

But I'm telling you,
you're cutting yourselves in

for a piece of a m*rder rap.
And don't kid yourself. it's m*rder.

But it's not for Tommy Joe,
it's for Hutch

so that he won't have bad dreams.

I think you said just about enough,

You wanna hear it or not?

What, are you gonna listen to him?

He knows nothing, man.
He's nobody.

Let him talk, Hutch.

No, maybe you'd better tell them.

Go on, tell them.
Tell them how you went to Tommy Joe

and crawled on your belly
and cried like a ba--

Leave him alone.

What do you mean, leave him alone?
He's lying, can't you see that?

And how do you know what she said?

How do I know what she said?

You gonna listen to him?
She was lying.

I am the one that says
what it is they’re gonna listen to.

He's telling me a lot right now.

Hutch went to Tommy Joe
and he begged him.

Tears, the whole scene.

Begged him to take the rap for us.

So because of Tommy Joe,

Hutch and me didn't end up in Vietnam
or in a prison farm.

Now, Hutch is convinced
that by k*lling Benson,

he'll wipe all of that out.

Does anybody else see it that way?

So if you really wanna square
for Tommy Joe,

the guy you better k*ll is Hutch
or me,

because I could have got him
off the hook too.

Well, what do you say?

I'm splitting.

Oh, hey, man,
I never needed you anyway.

Anybody coming with me?

Hutch, why don't you try crying
a little bit, then maybe we'll stay.

Why don't you go away, bird?

I don't need anybody.

You understand that?
I don't need anybody.

The garage. Come on.
The garage. Move.

Look, I know a back road.
We can be out of here

before the sheriff finds out you're not
with the g*ng. I owe you that much.

What happens now?

You mean to them?

I guess they'll get booked.
Disturbing the peace or something.

Hutch and a couple of the others have
a record, it'll be rough on them.

I mean,
what happens to you and Penny?

I don't know. I just can't figure her out.
First, she tells us

what you tried to do for us,
and then she calls the oops on you,

like she couldn't care less
what happened to you.

She cared what happened to you.

You let her go, Don,
and you're a fool.

Yeah, maybe, I don't know.

All gassed up, ready to go.

Thank you.

I wanna thank you for telling me
about Tommy's part in the robbery.

He was telling me the truth.

And I was glad to hear that.

He didn't know anyone
was gonna get hurt.

You know,
the Army gave him a medal.

A little silver star.

I mean,
they gave it to me after he d*ed.

I guess he did good.

Yes, sir. Real good.

For some,
the future is a limitless vista,

bright and shining, full of hope.

For Richard Kimble, the future,
like the past, is a recurring nightmare

in which hope is a cynic's smile.