07x19 - Tea and Sympathy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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07x19 - Tea and Sympathy

Post by bunniefuu »

I should have known

You’d be telling the truth
about this.

About...what’s that?

Working out in the morning
before your shift starts.

And here I am,
just going home.

Up late on a story?

More or less.

You’re a cop.

You’ve heard a few
confessions, right, baldwin?

Should I be giving you
your rights?

Somebody does me a favor,

I’m not comfortable unless
I go to bed with him.

Nice to know

There are still grateful
journalists out there.

Getting that story on
pete magrini k*lling his wife

Was the biggest break
of my professional career.

And here you are
offering me thank‐you sex,

After you’ve been
more or less

Working on a story
all night.

I told you
I was a sister.

You want me to tell you
i’m a virgin, too?

[ Pager beeps ]


You want to hear
something weird?

I prefer it.

I like you.

Thanks, baldwin.

Why don’t you get
some sleep

And maybe give yourself
some time to come down,

And i’ll call later on,
and if you feel like it,

When my shift’s over
and i’m done with my run,

We can get some dinner.

That would be another way
to go about things.

You want to try that?

Call. I’ll see
how I feel.


I got to go to work now.

So, baldwin,

Do you thank god every day
for how you look?

I thank him
every day I wake up.

A ligature strangulation.

She’s got semen
in her vaginal area

And in her face
and in her hair.

Didn’t happen here,
and he had to case

Where he was going
to dump her.

Yeah, we got a man
with a plan.

Good morning.

Hey, guys.

Tapes her panties around
her ankles with duct tape.

Start a canvas?

She’s a dump job.

You want a suspicious
vehicle near the alley.

Lividity marks
on her back.

She’s here
at least four hours.

Chat the bums up.

Your best sh*t’s

Someone in the dumpsters
around 4:00 a. M.

New york 1’s got it.

Ah. Good.

He’s neat, andy.

Clothes aren’t torn.

Underneath, either?

You know, there’s no blood
coming from this wound

In her cheek here, andy.

She was hit a while
after she was dead.

This prick must have
laid her out here

And then punched her
once good‐bye.


May I help you?

Yes, you had a homicide
this morning off waverly?

May I speak with one
of the detectives?

I’m arthur fancy.
Can I help you?

James cheatham.

Jimmy cheatham.

You have information
about the case?

Did you catch it?

I’m in charge of the squad.
Why are you asking about it?

I’m pretty sure
you’ll make a pattern

With a homicide
in the 25th precinct

April the 19th,

How the duct tape
is applied,

Where part of the ej*cul*te
is on the victim’s body.

You’re pretty sure
about that.

Yeah, the sick bastard
left england five months ago.

You’re on the job
over there?

I’m retired.
Here’s my particulars.

Andy: how’s it going?

This is jimmy cheatham.
He’s retired off the job.

He has some information
about your case.

Danny sorenson,
andy sipowicz.

How’s it going, jimmy?

How’s it going?
How’s it going?

Yeah, how’s it going?

Excuse me.

Where are you from ‐‐

London. Right.

I was going to say.

What do you got
for us, jimmy?

If there was semen
in your d. O. A.’S face and hair,

And her panties were
taped around her ankles,

Then I think I know
who k*lled her.

Duct tape
over the panties.

You were working
this guy in england?

He’s come here. He’s done
one in your 25th precinct,

April the 19th, yours,
and he’ll try one more.

Three is his pattern.

Yeah, he rests then,
the twisted sod.

A year later,
he starts again.

How many
do you like him for?

Six in london
and three in manchester.

That’s where he’s from.

I worked the final two
in london,

And it took me to the last
to make the pattern.

Is he wanted over there?

We watched him,
I interviewed him twice,

But my bosses
weren’t ready to file,

And then he left.

Andrew conover.


Did you talk to anyone
at the 25th, jimmy?

Yes. Lou simpkins
about 10 days ago.

He gave me a rub‐up
and sent me on my way.

Gave him a hand job.
Louie simpkins.

Yeah. Louie.
A hand job.

Still got to notify
on the pattern.

You got a place we can
look for this guy?

He’s working with bodies.
He’s an embalmer.

New embalmer
with an english accent,

Reach out
through the mortuaries.

I’m very grateful.

Hey, you know,
we got a homicide.

Sit down.

Try the m. E., Too.

English guy
picking the bodies up.

Want some tea?

Uh, must i?

No. Hell, no.

My partner drank tea.
Passed last year.

Oh, really?

Yeah. Earl grey.

That was
the brand he drank.

It’s sorenson at the 15th.
Can I get the doc on autopsy?

Doc croft, he maybe
gave us one, andy.

The guy picks up stiffs
for the zisk mortuary.

Got an english accent?

Guy don’t have much to say,
but the doc thinks maybe.

He started, like,
six weeks ago.

Right time frame.

He don’t remember
his name,

But we can reach out
through the mortuary.

Did the doc think

The guy was trying
to hide the accent?

Didn’t have no opinion,
the doc,

If he was trying to hide it
or just wasn’t talkative.

Of course, the doc’s
no jay leno himself.

This jimmy cheatham,

He’s got to be
some frustrated, huh, andy?

He couldn’t lock
this guy up.

At the end,

You don’t want nothing
left in your notebook.

Nice enough guy, too.

Yeah, he’s handling himself
like a gentleman.

And believe me, our d. O. A.
And the one in the 2‐5 ‐‐

He feels like those
are on him.


How’s it going?

Did you meet
jimmy cheatham?

Yeah, he went upstairs
to lie down.

Did he look sick?

I don’t know what
he usually looks like.

What’s rupert zisk
doing in your notebook?

Oh, he runs a mortuary.

We think he hired a guy
we want to talk to.

In vice,
I collared rupert zisk

For a dickey waving.

Maybe she should talk to zisk,
being he showed her his joint.

I’ll catch diane up,

And we got to get
lou simpkins over here.

You got more conscience
than I do.

Going to the crib?

Yeah, let me go

Catch this jimmy up
on what’s going on.

So he’s a retired cop
from england.

He was working our guy
over there.

He gave us
he was an embalmer.

He’s nice enough.

Yeah, nice polite guy.

Anyways, uh,
here’s zisk’s phone number.

And i’m going to assume

You rummaging
in my notebook

Was an isolated incident.


[ Knock on door ]

Oh. How’s it going?


I think we got a mortuary
for us to look at.

Oh, do you?

Go on. Lie down
if you feel like it.

I was going to,

But if I nap, i’ll never
adapt to the time change.

Kenyon ‐‐ a friend of mine,
a female former colleague,

Is here
as a private citizen.

Now, if it comes
to baiting conover,

She can go farther

Than some of your
regulations might allow.

Kenyon ‐‐ is that
her first name or last name?

I‐it’s her last name.

I expect she’ll be
getting in touch.

You want an aspirin
or something?

No, i’ve an ibuprofen

I’m going to take
in a second.


Please keep it
to yourself.

How have you been,

Well enough.

Keeping out of trouble.

Are you?

Emphatically, yeah.

We have some history
in the trouble area.

Since I locked you up,

You haven’t exposed yourself
to another woman.

Oh, no, no, I haven’t.

Thank god, I have not.

Not one charge
of it since.

Did you hire a new embalmer
in the last six weeks?

Not that I recall.

Let’s go again, rupert.

If you hired someone
with no green card

In the last six weeks,

And you can save your license
admitting it now,

Would you remember
a new embalmer

From england
going to work for you?


What’s his name?

Jimmy cheatham.

Did he show you any i. D.?

I, uh, neglected to ask.

Is that him?

Oh, yes. Yes, it is.

His name’s andrew conover.

I see.

Jimmy cheatham’s the name
of a cop who’s followed him.

Using cheatham’s name is
conover’s idea of a joke.

What’s he done, then ‐‐

He’s a serial
r*pist/m*rder*r, rupert.

Oh, my word.
Oh, my word.

This is sickening.

You had no idea he’d be
up to that kind of stuff?

Has he got a key
to the mortuary?

No, not to the mortuary
proper. Absolutely not.

But he does have a key.

To the work area.

He’d have to ‐‐

To the embalming
and refrigeration area.

And you had no idea

What he might do
down there at night.

Absolutely none.

So when we collar
this evil son of a bitch,

He’s not going to tell us you
were in the cheering section.

He’s not. He’s not.

If he does,

Then he’s the most
sickening sort of liar.

You’re going to let us set up
in your place, rupert,

Aren’t you?

Keep your license?

Keep us believing
you didn’t watch?

He’s all right,
though ‐‐ jimmy?

Probably that time change
got him lying down upstairs.

Yeah, it throws
your rhythms out of whack.

Could be the middle
of the night over there.

Baldwin: that nicole came by
when I was doing my weights.

Yeah, huh?

Been out all night.

She looked like
she might be a party type.

Oh, is that right, greg?

first impression.

Lou simpkins
give you attitude?

I didn’t tell him nothing
to give me attitude about.

Nothing about how he gave
cheatham a hand job?

Just said we had
a same pattern homicide.

And he said
he was coming over.

Yeah, andy.

So where is he?

That twitch
i. D.’D conover.

Hired him as an embalmer
five weeks ago.

Will he cooperate?

Said if we kept him his license,
we could put his place up.

Diane: want to know whose name
conover’s using here?

Jimmy cheatham.

Using a cop’s name.

This arrogant
murdering prick.

Is the real jimmy cheatham
still lying down?

Yeah. Andy thinks
it’s the time change.

My name is alice kenyon.

Andy sipowicz.

I worked the case your
partner’s interested in.


Alice kenyon ‐‐
jimmy cheatham’s partner.

This is diane russell ‐‐
a female american detective.

How’s it going?

How do you do?

Jill kirkendall, also...

Danny sorenson, my partner.

Good to know you, alice.


Ga‐‐ uh, john ‐‐
our civilian aide.


You’re here privately,

Yeah, i’m here
on holiday.

As a private citizen,
she’s here,

So those pain‐in‐the‐balls
entrapment statutes,

If ‐‐ if she were involved
trying to grab this guy,

Those wouldn’t apply.

You want a beverage?

Do you have tea?


Yeah, yeah, come on.

Oh, god.


Alice kenyon,
two more detectives ‐‐

Medavoy and jones.

Greg medavoy.

Baldwin jones.

There’s your
tea materials ‐‐

Your water and your cups
and your sugar.

Got our tea
in the bags there.

Thank you.

You’re welcome.

She’ll work
with jimmy cheatham,

This english cop
you haven’t met yet,

And the guy that we like
for this homicide.

Where is jimmy?

Um, he’s upstairs
lying down. Resting.

Is he resting comfortably?

He’s comfortable enough
up there.

he’ll be down soon.

He did his second
homicide ‐‐ conover?

We know where he is now ‐‐
the mortuary he works at.

Is that right?

Diane and jill
just got it.

Have you evidence?

We can start
watching him, though.

Has he got
a usual spacing?

The third comes
faster than the second.

Start sitting
on him, huh?

In england, I was miked.

I couldn’t let him
lay hands on me.

Did he make you
for a cop?

No, he didn’t.


I needn’t wear
a mike here.


May I see jimmy?

Why don’t you show her
where the crib is?

Come on, alice.

And knock
before you walk in.

Let him know
you’re coming in, you know.

Good, strong knock.

[ Sighs ]

Why would you ask
baldwin to knock?

Where are these
people from, medavoy?


All right.

That’s what i’m saying.

Detective simpkins
is parking his car.

We’re in for simpkins
with the boss?

I’ll tell you something.

Whatever salary
them diplomats make

That work at the u. N.,
They are underpaid.

You know the american writer
james baldwin?

I’m actually
named after him.

Are you?

Oh, alice.
Alice kenyon.

Hello, jimmy.

Jimmy cheatham.

Baldwin jones.
I’m a detective.

Oh. How’s it going,



There’s lou simpkins
of the 25th precinct.

Bloke that gave you
the rub‐off?

They’re going
to catch him up,

And i’d like
to be in on it.

Excuse me, old girl.

Lou: lou simpkins
to see lieutenant fancy.

John: straight ahead
through that door.

Oh, baldwin,
where’s your lavatory?

Oh. Foot of the stairs.

Oh. Thank you.
Good to meet you.

Good to meet you,

Hey, guys, lieutenant.

You know
danny sorenson?

Lou simpkins.

Good to know you.

You think we’re working
the same guy ‐‐

it’s looking like that.

How he taped the panties,
blew his load?


come on in, jimmy.

You remember
jimmy cheatham?

How’s it going?

How’s it going?

You’re the guy
that gave me the push

On my perp
being english.

Turns out he is.

Is that right?

Is that right?

Good for you.

Turns out he was english
and an embalmer,

Which jimmy also gave us.

And his name’s
andrew conover,

Which jimmy
also gave you.

Anything come up
on andrew conover?

No, he’s using a different
name over here.

Yeah, well,
’cause andrew conover ‐‐

I ran the name.

Embalmer would have been
nice to hear.

You got a place
off embalmer?

We got a place.

What the guy’s act was
and a way to look for him

Would’ve been
nice to hear.

Nice enough you’d ask?

What’s that
supposed to mean?

Probably you had three or four
things going simultaneous.

You had to prioritize
what you were looking at.

That was
what was going on.


Somebody’s got
to get jerked off.

So while you guys
collar up,

Because I didn’t reach
down this guy’s throat

And yank up all he had,

I end up holding the bag.
Is that how it works?

Is that the way you think
it’s going to work?

Yeah. That’s why
we called you up here ‐‐

To cut you out
of the play.

You want me
to work it with you?

I’ll be happy
to work it ‐‐

Share information,
everything else.

why don’t we do that?

It’s jimmy, right?

Jimmy cheatham. Yes.

Believe me. I hear embalmer,
i’m all over that.

my mistake, then.

What is that?

I’m getting some attitude
off of you now?

Oh, no, I got no attitude.

What are you looking at,


Saying that’s who I am?
I’m nothing.

No, you’re a guy
without the balls

To admit a mistake.

Maybe I haven’t made
as many as you

To get
the hang of it.

You know, I got
a good, strong feeling

One of the things
you were busy prioritizing

That made you miss what cheatham
had for you, simpkins,

Was how to get wherever
in your squad

You had your bottle hid,

Which may be
the problem

That’s pissing you off,
making you so sensitive.

That’s coming from one of
the known fall‐down drunks

On our job here,

Who would know
the signs better?

Lou, you should reconsider
us all working together.

There goes cooperation
right out the window.

Yeah. Better cooperation
than you.

I want to be
kept apprised.

Stick by your phone.

And I don’t want no rumors
circulating about me and booze.

I didn’t mean
to jump your play.


I’m getting to that age,
you know?

Thank you.


You’re not
the forgetful type,

Are you, alice?

Who walks away
from her purse

That has
the transmitter? No.

Not to say a guy like this
wouldn’t toss a purse.

Toss must mean
something different over here.

"Toss" meaning the guy
might go through your purse

To see what’s inside,

Maybe just looking
for mace or a razor.

I’m not wearing
a body mike, baldwin.

Last time it stopped me
from showing him

What he needed to see.

Meaning to get him
to try to strangle you.

I won’t wear one.

I’m brimming
with confidence

At your
surveillance technique.

I’ll be watching.

He was
my favorite writer ‐‐

James baldwin.

Man: 3, 4, 5 is $10.

Alice: thank you.

Are you from london?

South africa.

Yeah, but did you live
in london last year?

Your hair is longer.

I’ve gone native.


No, um, don’t go.

Let’s, uh,
let’s take a walk.

Andrew, yeah?



The girl
who got shy.

Well, under
the circumstances.

I was,
uh, inappropriate.

For our being in a park,
yes, you were.

Well, now’s my chance
to apologize.

You got lovely breasts.

That’s all I can say
in my defense.

Apology and compliment

Got a classy line,
this assh*le.

You taking manhattan
by storm then, alice?

Oh, not exactly.

I’m a receptionist
at a public relations firm.

They like your accent,
do they?

I suppose.

They’re walking
at the van.

Do you want to know
what i’m doing here?

I didn’t think to ask.

You put me off stride,
you know?

In what way?

You just make me
a little nervous.

I’m doing embalming.

Of dead people?

Well, embalming the living
is a crime.

I think in london

You told me you were
doing landscaping.

Oh. I told a fib.

You were an embalmer
in london as well?

I’m much more

Since i’ve got here
about what I do.

If I took you
to where I work, alice,

Would those circumstances
make you shy as well?

It’s where I live, too,
you see?

I don’t know.

Is it all together ‐‐
where you work and live?

Well, why don’t
you come and see?

I suppose that might
be interesting.

Will you come
tomorrow night?

Tomorrow night?
What’s that about?

Easy on, alice.
Gentle on the reel.

No, i’d rather do something
spur of the moment.


Yeah. By tomorrow night
I might be too afraid.

It’s all right
to be afraid, alice.

Being a little afraid
is exciting.

All right, then.

I guess tomorrow night’s
all right.

You got something in your purse
I can write with?

Oh, boy. The purse.

No. Why don’t we meet
right here

At just the same time?

All right, then.

a little exciting, too.

Good, alice.

Right here, then.

All right.

You know, all of this has
made me believe in fate.

And £140 airfares.

You’re a clever girl.

Got that right,

You don’t work one
any better than that.

She’s very good.

Do you think he intends
to meet her tonight?


He didn’t make her.

Probably got
some routine

He’s got to go through
in his head.

I think andy’s
absolutely onto it.

When he got back
to the mortuary,

D. And I watched
this conover

On the surveillance cameras
we put in there.

He was going around
the embalming room

Like he had some ritual.

Feels like I could be
onto something,

This guy having
a screw loose.

How’d cheatham hold up?


what do you mean?

He’s older. I was asking
if he got tired

On the surveillance.

No, he got
normally tired.

I can give him
a message...

Nicole, you asking 57 ways
what i’m working on

Is not my idea
of a conversation.

Anyways, tonight could be
a long one, too.

Take care.

Don’t worry
about nothing.

Medavoy took notes.


Morning, baldwin.

Did you get
some sleep?

I don’t know
if it’s the time difference

Or my hotel room being
next to an elevator shaft.

Not to mention
seeing conover.

I just wanted it
to be over last night.

We got his room
in warrant when he leaves.

There’s two dead
since we lost him.

Yeah, well, no one’s
going to get hurt

Before we move
on this prick.


Excuse my language.

Oh, that’s all right,

Couple times last night
I looked at him.

He was
in serious pain.

Yesterday when I walked in
on him in the crib,

He was doubled over ‐‐

Yeah. I think
he’s pretty sick.

He asked me
not to say nothing.

When we take this guy,

I don’t want him doing
no heavy lifting,

Why I betray
the confidence.

Yeah. Sure.

Good morning.

Good morning.
How are you?

How’s it going?

How’s it going?

How’s it going,


Hello, young man.

She has a very protective
impulse toward that jimmy.

Did you notice that

In the course
of the day?

Andrew: my, uh, boss
lets me stay here

While I save
for something proper.

Alice: I see.

That’s my personal area
over there,

And this
is where I work,

Such as it is.

Am I your first company
down here?

I tell you that?

Well, you needn’t be
so discreet.

I wouldn’t be here

If I weren’t
the curious type,

Now would i?

I’m going
to kiss you now.

May i?

So polite.

All right.

There have been others.

I’ve got one now.

stay here, jimmy.

Absolutely not.

Stay here, or it’s going
to give us legal problems.

He’s absolutely right, jimmy.

I doubt that one
walked in.


Aren’t you going to ask
for some money?

Won’t pretend
I couldn’t use some.


Dollars, not quid.

All right.

I’ll give you $200,

Because i’m going to do
some special things.

I’d rather
you didn’t talk to me

Like a prost*tute.

I said I need money.

I’m not going to start
bartering the cost ‐‐

remember where you are.

You’re hurting me.

Is that the special thing
you want to do ‐‐

Hurting me?

I can accept that...
Within reason.

And what about
beyond reason, alice?

You miserable,
hypocrite whore!

Wait. Wait.

You’ll get him to say
he’s m*rder*d.

Alice: are you going
to k*ll me?

You bring women here
to k*ll them.

Yes, alice.

I have my way with them
right here.

I k*ll them
and then I carry them away.

We’re going.
Let us do our procedure.

Alice: okay! Okay!
Okay! Okay!

Let her go,
or you’re dead in the room.

Back off!
Turn around!

Don’t move!

You okay?

It’s just
going to bruise.

Where’s jimmy?

I’m here.

Hello, drewy.

Now we’re all going to have
a long chat.

Thanks, andy.

Some job
in there, jimmy.

Thanks very much.

Different ways
you break their wills.

This jimmy ‐‐

The guy knows jimmy’s
going to outlast him.

I would confess,
get that stare off me.

Didn’t let him see
he was sick

Or show him weakness.

I’m quick to intimidation

Or a smack
in the back of the head,

But it’s good you see
different techniques.

That’s the textbook way

Of another type interview.

It meant any amount,
being in on the interview.

Well, you had the cue
of the guy, jimmy.

How long he did his act,

All he tried
to get away from you ‐‐

Cuts him off,
saying he was nuts.

You want to clear
your notebook.

Andy was saying
the other day.

As best you can
you want to find out

What’s been on.




So, congratulations,
you know?

Collaring up.

I was wondering
how big a bag

The english guy’s
going to hand me.

Working this conover
all that time,

Coming over here
on his own hook,

Feeling like
this extra woman d*ed

’Cause he couldn’t
get you to hear him...

Puts it in that light,
I could take some big hit.

I‐i was remiss,
all right?

In hindsight
I was remiss,

And i’d be absolutely ready
to say that personally

To the english guy,

And i’m saying it
to you two personally.

I hope you wouldn’t
have to put it in your 5s.

I could take
some big hit off it.

We hear you, simpkins.

And if you want,

I admit I might have a problem,
all right, sipowicz?

Is that going to get you
off my back?

It’s not me
on there, simpkins.

Anyways, we’ll see
how this shakes out.

You don’t want me
crawling yet on my knees.


Tell the english guy

That I made the circuit
on my knees.

The english guy’s name
is jimmy cheatham.

Why don’t you go now?

Yeah, sure.

I’m going to go.

See if jimmy wants
to save this prick.

Oh, just having some of your
old partner’s earl grey.

Jimmy, believe me, this guy ‐‐
dependent on the stink.

Somebody wanted to make,

Lou simpkins could take
some serious rip.


Him not filing a 5,

That could be
some serious rip.

All I had which could
really have helped him

Was conover’s line of work,

Which I never got
to tell him about.

’Cause simpkins sent you
on your way

Before you could.

Keep lou simpkins
out of harm’s way,

Every reference
to you first reaching out

Would have to disappear.

Which our boss
is never going to allow,

Us dropping it from our 5s
dependent on your attitude.

’Cause suppose then you
were to talk about it.

We look like
we’re suppressing evidence.

Yes, well, uh,

I didn’t get into this line
to hurt other cops, did i?

a general new york mug.

Give him one
of our mugs, huh?

Yeah, we’ll get you
a detective’s endowment mug.

Do you have any pins?

No, no, I don’t.

I got some pins
in my desk.

I got some pins.

Or in my locker ‐‐
one or the other.

Oh, that’s very kind.

Here, this is
d. E. A. Pins,

And this is
a big apple pin.

I don’t remember
who put that out.

Is that the sergeant’s?

I don’t know.

And these are some d.e.a.
Courtesy cards.

Used to be able to get
one free m*rder

With one of them.

Uh, this,

Uh, this i, uh,

I meant to bring this home
to my boy.

I bet he’ll enjoy that.

It’s a little toy
police car.

As far as us not making it
to dinner again last night,

Past apologizing
and rolling over with my legs up

And begging like a dog,
how I am,

You got to take it up
with my boss.

[ Door closes in hall ]

At home,

We give the blokes these
when they retire.

Oh, those are nice.

This is a, uh,
a dinosaur pin.

They give you these
for 25 years

Whether you’re still
on the job or not.

I’ll be right back.


Thanks, boss.

Congratulations, jimmy.

Thank you very much.

Here are two different kinds
of d. E. A. Hats.

Oh, thank you.

Tell him it’s
a lieutenant’s endowment pin.

This is
a d. E. A. Sweatshirt.

Did we ever get him
a mug, andy?

I was coming to that.

It’s, uh,
it’s water‐repellent.


That’s exactly right.

I’m asking if you’ll follow
the rules

Of our great national pastime
and give me one last swing.


Were you standing watch?

I know
that lock’s busted.

I’m going to send you
my marked‐up

Study copy of
"go tell it on the mountain."

I would appreciate
having that.

What I was
going to say...

I was honored
to see you work

And how you and jimmy
partner together.

I love him.

Isn’t that good luck?

I kind of figured you
for a diet fanatic.


Yeah, well, thanks for moving
the conversation along.


Nobody’s grading
the conversation.

Okay, baldwin,

Your play.

I don’t play, nicole.
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