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04x11 - A Bone to Pick

Posted: 04/23/22 09:23
by bunniefuu

SCOTTY: Oh, well, you know, at least you
get to make a lot of use out of that dress.

Who needs to walk down the aisle

when you can parade around
the waiting room?

- Do I look like I'm parading?
SARAH: Come on, no one's parading.

I am. Look, we all heard the doctor.
She's gonna be fine.

This isn't to do with the cancer.
So who wants potato chips?

Oh, I do.

KEVIN: Anyone else?
SAUL: No, please.

Wow. It's hard to believe
that we were all supposed to be in Hawaii.

Right, and now it's like
the Ten Plagues of Egypt.

Hurricane, relocated wedding,
collapsed maid of honor.

- Mom's date's a no-show.
- Groom freak-out.

- Don't forget about the knocked-up bride.

This wedding is more cursed
than Liza Minnelli's.

That's the gayest thing
ever to come out of your mouth, Saul.

SAUL: Robert.
- Hey. Hey.

- Where is she?
SAUL: One fifty-seven. Go, go, go.




- I'm so glad you're here.
- Mm.

How long has she been sleeping?

About an hour or so.

She had a clot in her lung.

They gave her some medicine
to break it up, so she's breathing fine now.

We're just waiting for her blood to thin.

Thank God it didn't happen
on a plane to Hawaii.

- What was that hurricane's name?
- Zelda.

- Zelda? I love Zelda.
- Heh.

So, look, you stay with her now, okay?

She's gonna be here a few days,
and she's gonna need some things.

- So I'm gonna rally the troops.
- I never should've gone to D.C.

Robert, stop.

When you left, as far as you knew,
the wedding was off.

No one could've foreseen this.

She's gonna be okay.



Okay, listen up, everybody. Listen up.
We've gotta divide and conquer.

The most important thing is Evan.
He's been with the sitter for hours.

- I'll get Evan.
NORA: While you're there,

get her toiletries.
You know which products she likes.

Saul, call Tommy, give him an update.
He just landed in Seattle.

SAUL: Okay.
- Justin, Rebecca, come with me.

Get some of the food that Scotty made
for the wedding.

- That's great. I'm starving.
- No, it's for the nurses.

I want Kitty to be their favorite patient.

- Yes, lieutenant?
NORA: Hold down the office for a few days

so Robert doesn't need
to deal with anything.

- Basically, what I do every day.
- You got it. You're dismissed.

- Let's go, go, go. Everybody, go.
SAUL: All right.

- . IV tech, call .

WOMAN : All right.
WOMAN : Hello?

Sarah, go.
You've got Evan and toiletries.

I'm going. I just wanted
to make sure you were okay.

I'm fine.

Kitty's gonna wake up,
and she's gonna wanna brush her ha...

Teeth. She doesn't have any hair.

No, I was thinking about Simon.
I mean, did he call?

Oh, about the wedding.
Yeah, he had an emergency.

Well, it's a wedding.
It must've been a hell of an emergency.

Well, apparently it was.
Sarah, go. Evan and toiletries await.

- I'm going.
- Okay.



How long have I been asleep?

About six hours.

Oh, hey.

- Who's with Evan?
- Sarah.

- I wanna see him.
- Oh, honey, they won't let him up here.

- Are you telling me that I have to wait...?
- I spoke to Dr. Avadon.

She told me that you knew on Friday
that your MRI results weren't good.

Why would you keep that from me?

I didn't wanna spoil the wedding.

Kitty, what if you had died,
and I was in D. C?

What happened on the beach, Robert,

had nothing to do
with the size of my tumors.

You know, your whole family thinks
that this ends with this blood clot.

I'll talk to them.

Don't be mad, honey.

I am so many things right now.

And mad is one of them.

But not at you.

It's bad.

It's really, really bad.

Look at me.

No one's giving up. Right?


I wanna see Evan.

I'll see what I can do.

- I've been telling everybody you're fine.
ROBERT: Well, if it makes you feel better,

- I've already yelled at her.
- Robert, I'm not yelling at her.

I know the results of the MRI
weren't what we wanted,

but not everybody responds
to the same course of treatment.

And so, normally, I would recommend
that you now try a different chemo.

But your cancer is progressing
at a rate that troubles me.

So I talked to some of my colleagues,
and we all agree that, in your case,

a bone-marrow transplant
might really be the way to go.

Bone marrow? But that's so aggressive.

Dr. Avadon, why don't you walk us
through the numbers

and tell us what our best bet would be?

Okay. It's hard to talk statistics
because every case is different.

Um, the chemo has proven to be
problematic. I mean, that's true.

Uh, the bone marrow
could prove to be curative,

but there are
some serious risks involved.

Well, tell us... Tell her the risks.

AVADON: There's infection.
There's internal bleeding.

Your body could reject the transplant.

I mean,
not everyone survives the procedure.

Right. Right. I understand the risks.

But what are the rewards?

Well, that's the good news.

I mean, if everything goes well,
you could be living cancer-free.

Shouldn't she just try
a different kind of chemo,

and if that doesn't work,
move on to this?

Well, she could, but if the chemo
proves unsuccessful again,

then she's that much weaker.

And that could seriously increase
her chances for something going wrong

when she has
the bone-marrow transplant.

Mom. Mom, cancer-free.

The chemo isn't working,
and I have a little boy at home.

And you got to do it all.

You got to take us to school,
and you got to watch us grow up.

You got to see us get married.
I wanna do all that.



You've always swung for the fences.

If this is what you want, I'm with you.


Kitty, is this really what you want?

I wanna live.

Okay. What do we do?

Well, I have to stress that,
in a situation like this,

weeks, I mean, even days,
can make a difference.

And none of this happens
until we find a...

- Match.
- A match.

I know.

Well, it's a good thing
you had so many kids.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Uh, so how was the wedding?
Sorry I didn't make it.

Oh, doesn't matter.
The wedding never happened.


Well, uh, she's in the hospital.

- Oh, my God. Is she okay?
- Yeah. They say she'll be fine.


So why'd you wanna see me
on a Sunday?

- I need you to explain something.
- Okay.

Well, it turns out
that the coastal-reserve spill

- was not an accident.
- What?

The valves on the tanks
had been tampered with.


I mean, do you have any idea
who might've done that?

Not yet.

But we know exactly when it happened.

I got a call from the investigators today,
and when they were going through

the security footage of the parking lot
at the time,

the only person
in and out of the building was you.

- I don't know what you're trying to say...
- I know that you have

a complicated relationship
with the Walkers.

We have that in common.

Was that your way
of getting back at William Walker?

- What he did to your mother was awful.
- No.

Ryan, I am giving you the chance
to come clean here.

If you're honest with me,
I will do my best

- to protect you from the criminal system.
- I am being honest with you.

You understand
that this is a legal matter now,

and there is nothing that I can do
to protect you?

I don't need you to protect me.

- Okay.
- I didn't do anything wrong.

So is this what you do all day?
Sit at your computer?

KEVIN: Yeah, I just watch YouTube videos.
- Ah. Okay. Let's go eat.

As soon as I cancel Robert's speech
at the Security Institute.


Oh, would you please stop
e-mailing me?

- Who is it?
- Oh, it's this firm we hired

to do internal opposition research.

You know, when you run for office,
you have to find out

- what the other guy can dig up on you.
- Oh. What kind of stuff are you digging for?

Unpaid taxes, controversial quotes
from old college essays, that kind of thing.

The guy who owns the company,
Lewis, he is...

He's totally out of control.
He's now tailing Robert.

He's meant to be researching
public records, not on a spy mission.

Oh, and you're paying his mileage.

Yeah, well, that's the problem.

He keeps sending me these updates
about a place in Westwood.

Apparently Robert's been making
biweekly visits to a house.


You know what?
I'm not gonna worry about it.

I can promise you
Robert has a perfectly good reason

for being in Westwood. I'm not gonna
ask him about it, because I'm not worried.

The problem is, you sound worried.


Hey, Mom.

Why? What's up?

Yeah, sure, we can come now.
Okay. Yeah. Bye.

- What's wrong?
- I have to get a blood test.

What if none of us are a match?

To be honest, I'm worried about
what happens when one of us is a match.

Sarah, this procedure
is a lot riskier than chemo.

- Hey, guys. What's the status?
- Hey.

Um, we've all been tested,
and Tommy's results

- are being sent down from Seattle.
- Okay.

- Oh, Sarah, Kitty wants to see you.
- Oh.

SARAH: Hang in there.
- Okay.

- Hey.
- Oh, hey. Hey, you got a minute?


- How are you holding up?
- Good, good. Um,

there's something
I want you to look into for me.

- Anything.
- I think I'm being followed.

- What makes you say that?
- Because there's a guy following me.

And he's not very good at it.

I wrote down the make and model
of his car, license-plate number,

- general description of the guy.
- Wow, he isn't very good, is he?

Yeah, I'm sure he's probably
just the world's worst reporter,

- but you can never be too careful.
- Sure. No problem.

Thank you.

I don't think I could get through this
without you.

I'll take care of this.

WOMAN [OVER PA]: Child-development
specialist to Room .

Oh, excuse me.
Finally you're awake when I visit.

Oh, Sarah.
You're not mad at me, are you?

Because I can't take it
if anybody else is mad at me.

How could I be mad at you?

Look, Sarah, I...

I need you to do something for me.

Why are you whispering?

In my closet,

in the back, way in the back,
behind my shoes,

there's a shoebox full of letters.

I need you to go to my house,
and I need you to get them for me.

- [WHISPERS] Who are they from?
- It doesn't matter.

[IN NORMAL VOICE] Why do you want me
to drive to Santa Barbara to get them?

Would you just do this for me?

Tell me who they're from.
I'm gonna read them.

- No, you cannot read them. You can't.
- Just tell me who they're from.


You remember when
I graduated from college,

and I went straight to Washington
to do an internship?

- You pulled a Monica Lewinsky?
- No, no. We never got caught.


I was kidding.

Well, he was older,

and he was very important to me,
and I was very important to him.

And it didn't last long,
but we started writing to each other.

Wh...? Like erotica?


No. No. It was political and intellectual

- and personal.
- Right. Right. Okay.

Anyway, if anything, God forbid,
should happen to me

during this procedure,
Robert cannot read those letters.

Hey, just stop that.

- It's not gonna happen.
- Okay, fine. Look, I'll make you a deal.

You go get my shoebox,
and I promise I won't die.

Ryan, it's Nora.
Please, would you call me back?


Saul, do you know where Ryan is?
He's not answering his phone.

There's a problem at Ojai.
Holly thinks that he's to blame.

I called his house.
I called his cell phone.

- She thinks that maybe he left town.
- Oh, no.

No one else is a match.
We have to find him.

- You're kidding.
- No. This is the only thing

that's given Kitty hope
in a very long time.

I can't look her in the face and say,
"Sorry it didn't work out."

If there's the slightest chance
that Ryan could be a match,

then I have to find him.



RYAN: Listen, I am over my head,
and I really need your help.

Holly said there's security footage
of my car in the parking lot.

So what? That's not proof of anything.

I need to get out of town. Is there any way
that you could get me some money?

Our arrangement wasn't about money.
I thought this was about getting even.

It was. I know.
But it's just gone too far, and I want out.

All right. Look, look,
I'll see if I can get you some money.


In the meantime,
you've gotta calm yourself down.

Yeah, that's easy for you to say.
I gotta go.


Ryan Lafferty?

- Yeah.
- Need you to come with me.

LEWIS: I'm sorry you're unhappy with me.
KEVIN: Forget it.

What's the name of your company,
Lame and Conspicuous, Inc?

Uh, no. Actually, you can make it out to IRI,
Imperforate Research Incorporated.

All right, we're done. Goodbye.

At least let me leave you with this.

Her name is Christine Hein.


Would you please leave?

Hey, Justin.

None of us? All right.
I'll meet you at the hospital.

Okay. Bye.
What are you still doing here?

You're only getting rid of me
because you know I'm right.



Oh, Sarah, hi.

Every time I see your shoe collection,
I'm more impressed.

So you're in the closet.
I think it's towards the bottom.

Okay. Louboutins. ChloƩ. Miu Miu.


- It's like an archaeological dig in here.
- I think it's behind the Manolos.

- Ooh. This looks interesting.
- You have it?


No, no. But these Jimmy Choo slingbacks,
they're adorable.

Tell me you didn't get them on sale.

Kitty, can you hear me?

No one was a match.

Oh, God.

- What about Ryan? Has he come in?
- No, Ryan is AWOL.

But do you really think there's a chance
that a half-sibling is gonna be a match

when none of you guys were?

Well, there better be,
or Mom's gonna start

yanking bone marrow out of strangers.

Hey, I think I found your letters.

Oh, good.

Thank you.

Lab Unit to ICU.

Senator McCallister?

- Oh, thank God.
- Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.

OFFICER: All right. Need any more help?
- No, that's it. I really appreciate it.

I'm gonna go take Kitty down to see Evan.
Thank you. Thank you for doing this.

- Doing what? What am I doing?
- Just a blood test.

Lab Unit to ICU.

Hey. Just spoke with Sarah.
She's on her way with Evan.

It requires more signatures
to get Kitty downstairs

than to get an initiative on the ballot.
I'm gonna talk to whoever runs this place.

- They're trying to protect their patients.
- What are you, their lawyer?

No. Look, I'm on your side,
more than you know.

Oh. Listen, I talked to the L.A.P.D. They ran
the plates on the guy who's following me.

He's an opposition researcher.

Okay? So call Governor Kern,
and get him off my ass.

Why don't you just let him follow you?

If he finds something,
we need to know about it.

Management exec to Patient Referral.

How would we know about it?
They're not gonna tell us.


Are you telling me he's one of ours?

- You hired someone to follow me?
- I had him fired.

- Why? Because he didn't find anything?
- No.

Because he did. He has pictures.

- Of what?
- Of you seeing some woman.

- A woman?
- Yeah. She lives in Westwood.

I've seen the photos.
So why don't you tell me who she is?

- Do you really think that l...?
- Who is she?

Do you really think that I would do that?
Answer me.

No. Answer me.
My sister's in the hospital...

- Stay out of my business.
- You can't do it, can you?


- Kevin! Robert! What are you doing?
- What are you doing?

Stop it! Get up! Get up! Are you crazy?
What's wrong with you?


Your son thinks
I'm seeing a woman in Westwood.

And I am, twice a week. She's a shrink.

I'm seeing a shrink
because my wife's dying.

There's your opposition research.


You'll be happy to hear
I came with transportation.

Your chariot,
and your box of ultimate mystery.


Did you look in it?

No, I actually resisted
for the first time in my life.

I'm very proud of you, Sarah Walker,
and thank you very much.

- Is Evan downstairs?
- Just easy.

- Rebecca's just taking him for a little walk.
- Unh.

The nurse has to take you down.

- No. Why can't you take me down?
- Just easy.

Because it's hospital policy.
They're just finishing the paperwork.

It'll just be a few minutes.
You know what would be fun?

While we're waiting, is you could read
one of these letters out loud to your sister.

Nice try.

Sarah, I can't tell you who he was
because he was famous.

- How famous?
- Well,

he was pretty darn famous, actually.

- It was Bill Clinton, wasn't it?
- No. No.

But you are in the right ballpark.

You are freaking me out.
Did you cross the aisle?

- He's a match. Ryan is a match.
- Oh, my God.

SARAH: What?
- Ryan is a match.

- Oh, my God. Did you tell Robert?
- No. I came straight here.

He's dealing with
a whole lot of paperwork. I'll go get him.

- Where's Ryan now?
- I don't know. I have to call him.

Oh. I never thought I would say this,
but I'm so glad your father cheated on me.

I'll go get Robert.

Mrs. McCallister,
you ready to go and see your son?

Uh, yes. Yes. Thank you.

SARAH: Okay, I'm right behind you.
- Okay.

Oh, my purse.


Robert? Robert. Ryan is a match.

- What?
- Ryan is a match.

- You're kidding.
- No.

Any available physical therapist

to the Transitional Care Unit.

- Any available physical therapist...

- What?
- No. That's good. That's good.


- We're really gonna do this?
- It's what she wants.

Look, I know that we both say

whatever it is we say
when we're in the room with her,

- but this is me and you.
- Yes.

And I just wanna make sure
that we're being real about this.

I mean,
maybe she should do more chemo.

Now you sound like me, Robert.
Listen, this is her life and her choice,

and we have to respect it.

I'm scared I'm gonna lose her.

I know. I'm scared too.

I just hope there's more time.

- For us to start over.
- You have started again.

Do you think she knows that?

I think she does,
but it doesn't hurt to tell her again.

I have to call Ryan.

Just tell me one more time.

So you wrestled Robert to the ground
over a shrink?

Yeah, he started it.

Well, maybe next time
he makes a dentist appointment,

you should really kick his ass
and hurt your little foot next time.

Keep it coming. I deserve it.

Sarah, this would be more fun for me
if we can g*ng up on him.

What? Oh.

- Kevin, you fight like a girl.
- What?

I'm sorry. I can't be funny right now.

I know I was being cautious,
but you know what? Ryan matched.

- Right. Now's not the time to lose faith.
- It's not that.

I've just got this loop going around
and around in my head,

- and I can't get it out.
- What, like a good loop?

Oh, good enough to distract me
from thinking about bone marrow.

JUSTIN: Well, what is it?
- Can't tell you.

No, I can't. I can't.

I'll just say that it has nothing to do
with Kitty's health.

- Is it scandalous?
- Completely.

Okay, Sarah,
we all know how this is gonna end.

All right? So why don't you
just spare us and talk?

[WHISPERS] So Kitty had
a dalliance with this married man.

- [WHISPERS] Kitty did? Oh.
- A long time ago,

when she first got to Washington.


- And...

- And he's really very, very famous.

[IN NORMAL VOICE] God have mercy
for what I'm about to do.


- [IN NORMAL VOICE] That's not possible.
- [IN NORMAL VOICE] What did she say?

SARAH: I've seen the letters.
- What did she say? What did she say?

You gotta tell me this. Talk to me.


SARAH: I know.

- Wow.
- Right?


- Ryan?
- What are you doing here?

- Where are you going?
- I'm leaving.

Oh, no, no, you can't. Not yet.

- You matched.
- I don't believe this.

- Is someone playing a joke on me?
- It's not a joke. You can save Kitty's life.

I've done some research.
She's got other options.

- She can try other kinds of chemo.
- Please. Please.

It's not a big procedure for you.

Honestly. It's like a needle stick,
a couple of hours,

and then you're home. Take two aspirin,
you'll feel better in the morning.

Use me and be done with me.
Isn't that what you guys like to do?

Ryan, what did we ever do to you?
We tried to be a family to you.

I brought you down here.
I invited you to live with me.

Sarah got you a job.
Saul has taken you under his wing.

I'll send you a thank-you note
from the road.

Did we not pay you enough attention?

I'm sorry. Kitty got sick,
and then Justin's wedding came up,

- and...
- I don't care about the wedding.

Is it Rebecca?
Do you still have feelings for Rebecca?

Yeah, that's what this is about.
I'm in love with Rebecca.

Cut the sarcasm.

Look, it's really sad what's happening
with Kitty, but I owe you nothing.

I am not a part of your family.

According to the blood test,
Ryan, you are.

I'm out of here.

Oh, God, it's William, isn't it?

Oh. It's William.

I mean, it didn't make any sense.
How could a nice guy like you,

a good person,
not wanna save Kitty's life?

I don't wanna talk about him.

Then let's talk about Evan.
He's just an innocent little kid,

the same way you were,
and he is the one

- that will be most affected...
- Stop. You do not know

- what you're talking about.
- Yes, I do.

He used my mother, and then
threw her out like she was nothing.

And she k*lled herself because of him.

That's the person
that you were married to.


Don't leave.

This'll be the biggest mistake
you ever make.

I heard it was really hard
getting me down here.

Is that all you heard?

Well, that, and the fact that my husband
has the chief of police on speed dial.

Oh, but isn't that why you married me?
Because I'm connected?

No, I married you for your looks
and for your cute ass.

Well, that's funny,
because that's just why I married you.

Mmm. Well, you must be having
a lot of regrets now.


No regrets.

- You?
- No.

I'm regretting this scarf a little bit.

Honey, you're serious, aren't you?

- I know it hasn't been the smoothest road.
- Oh, Robert, stop.

Stop. I have no regrets. I love you.
Our relationship is better than ever.

What are you doing?

I adore you.

Robert, you're down on one knee.
We've already done this.

And I'm doing it again.

Because not only
do I not have any regrets,

but I love you more now
than ever before.

- Robert...
- Just shut up. Let me do this.


Will you marry me all over again?

Are you doing this
because you think I'm gonna die?

Shh. No. No.

You and I are gonna grow old
and gray together.

Yes, l...

Of course. Of course I'll marry you.



REBECCA: Look who it is. Oh.
- Oh, Rebecca, thank you. Thank you.

- Hi, darling.
REBECCA: Wanna see Mom?

- Hi, sweet boy. Hi.
- Thank you.

- I'll be inside.
- Okay, yeah.

Thank you so much, Rebecca.


Oh, my sweet, sweet, sweet boy.

Oh, Robert.

What if I never see him again?

You will.

You will, I promise.

Oh, God, I'm scared. Oh, God.

I didn't know what to say.
I just stood there.

I went there with the intention
of chaining the kid to the gurney if I had to,

and then he said that about William,
and, my God, no wonder he hates us.

Well, that probably explains
why he wanted to sabotage Ojai, right?

I wish there was a law
that could just make him do this.


What am I gonna say to Kitty?

She's about to renew her vows,
for God's sakes. I can't tell her.

Well, they should search
the bone-marrow registry,

or your marrow, or even my marrow.

- What, Nora?
- We're too old, that's why.


- Ryan.
- So, uh, where do I go?

You're gonna do it?

Couldn't let another kid
grow up without his mother.

That's great. Okay, you stay right here,
and I'll have them page the doctor. Okay.

Okay. Let's go sit down.

- Nora?
- Yeah?

How did you stop hating him?

I don't know
that I have stopped hating him.

But then, I haven't stopped
loving him either.

Ryan, listen.

You have to surround yourself
with people who care about you,

and then, one day, you wake up,
and it will just be a distant thought.

It won't consume you anymore.

I promise.

So when you were sleeping
with he who shall not be named...

- He wasn't Voldemort.
- Let's just call him the Silver Fox.

SARAH: Ha-ha-ha.
- Oh, do you see what you started, Sarah?

Look, this story will not leave this family.
Okay? Trust me.

Oh, I'm sorry, but I don't trust any of you.

Okay, if you don't keep still,
you're gonna look like Lady Gaga.

- I love Lady Gaga.
- Oh, she's a hack.

- You're a hack.
- Ooh. Burn.

Are you gonna put me
in a full nelson now?

Oh, I can't believe I missed that fight.
Will you do a rematch for me?

Anytime, anyplace.

Come on. Can we get back
to the Silver Fox, please?

Ugh, I can't believe my sister's sexual past
is part of our country's history.

It wasn't all about the sex.
That part only lasted a month.


- I think I was his muse.
- His muse?

- Muse.
- Yes, his muse. I inspired him.

- Did he inspire you?
KITTY: Yes, as a matter of fact, he did.

He was the reason
I got into broadcasting, think tanks.

- Oh, there you go.
- Yeah, I mean,

except for I went to Washington
to get into politics,

you know, to be in the game.
Ended up in the booth.

You know, it's funny.

Today, Robert asked me
if I had any regrets, and I said no.

- But I think maybe I do.
- It's never too late, Kit.

Yeah. Yeah, no.
But I probably should get married first.

Not without your diva blush.

- There. Doesn't she look beautiful?
- She does.

- I'm gonna tell Robert you're ready.
- Okay. I'm gonna go get Mama.



- Are you sure you're okay with this?
- Oh, totally.

I talked to Robert.
Rebecca and I are fine.

Dr. Borrego to Pediatrics.

How are you?

- Are you scared?
- Ah.

Yeah, well, I mean,
we've already done it once.

Not the marriage, the transplant.

Oh. Oh, well, yeah.

Yeah, no, I'm really scared,
but I do believe it's the right thing to do.

You, on the other hand,
don't look so sure.

No, no, no.

We were sworn
to be relentlessly positive.

- But, you know, it's a major procedure.
- I know.

Why do you think
I'm getting married again?

Robert keeps on insisting
that it has nothing to do

- with the possibility that I might die, but...
- Kitty, just...

- It is, though, Justin. It is.
- Please...

Of course it is. It's okay.

I'm actually grateful to have something
to focus on other than

all of this.

- I love you.
- Love you.


- You're gonna be okay.
- I know. Don't worry.

All right. I'll see you
in a couple minutes, all right?


Need a hand?

Don't hit me.

I'm so...
You'd think I'd never done this before.

I mean, getting married.

- They say three's a charm, right?
- Yeah.

There you go.

Not bad for a guy with a sprained wrist.

- Look, I owe you an apology.
- Aah, screw it.

We were both under pressure.

Yeah, which is when people show
their true colors,

and that's why I didn't trust you,
because if I were in your position,

- I don't know what I would've done.
- You kidding me?

You took a swing at a guy that could kick
your ass, defending your sister's honor.

You're capable of anything.

You know,
I still think that fight was pretty even.


Kitty, repeat after me.

"I, Kitty, take you, Robert,
to be my husband."

I, Kitty, take you, Robert,
to be my husband. Again.

ROBERT: I, Robert, take you, Kitty,
to be my wife again.

KITTY: To have and to hold
from this day forward.

ROBERT: To have and to hold
from this day forward.

For better or worse.

For better or for worse.

For richer or poorer.

For richer or poorer.

In sickness and in health.

In sickness and in health.

To love and to cherish.

To love and to cherish.

Till death do us part.

Till death do us part.


- Nora.
- Oh, God. How is she?

She's sleeping.

We made it over the first hurdle.
She's accepted the transplant.

- Thank God.
- Okay, good.

- So, what happens next?
- Well, we wait.

Good afternoon.


This is one of the most difficult things
I've ever had to do.

Let me start by telling you
a little bit about the love of my life,

Kitty Walker-McCallister.

As many of you know, earlier this year,

she was diagnosed
with stage-three lymphoma.

After several rounds of chemotherapy,

she underwent
a grueling bone-marrow transplant.

And based on her latest test,

I can tell you
that she has beaten the odds,

and she is in remission.


So sorry we're late. Look who I have.

- Oh, Ryan, just in time.
ALL: Hey.

- Come on, Ryan, take a bow.
- My hero.

Take a bow.

From the start, Kitty has inspired me

with her strength, grace,
courage and sense of humor.

- Who is he talking about?
- Oh.

ROBERT: At the beginning
of this difficult journey,

both Kitty and I insisted that,
while we had a tough fight at home,

we also had
an equally important fight here

in the effort to become your governor,

and to bring this amazing state
into remission as well.

- Nice metaphor.
- Oh, I think it's beautiful.

I think I just lost my place
as favorite son-in-law.

- Definitely.
ROBERT: So many of us

go through our days
so focused on the goal ahead of us,

that we forget what's important
is right next to us.

I almost lost my partner, my better half.

And it reminded me
that my responsibility,

first and foremost, is to my family.

And I have discovered
that I cannot equally honor

my responsibilities to my constituents
as a senator,

my supporters in this campaign,
and my loved ones with equal measure.

And so,
in service to the state of California,

the Republican Party, and my family,

I today withdraw my bid for governor.




Well, I told you
that you wouldn't wanna miss it.


- Oh, what a great fire.
- Yeah.

Yeah, all we need is some marshmallows
and graham crackers and chocolate.

- Oh. I think I have all of those.
- Mom.

- I'm kidding.
- Oh.

It's perfect. I don't need anything.

- And isn't that amazing? Heh.
- Yeah.

Yeah, isn't it amazing?

I can't even believe it.

I'm gonna get to see him
go to preschool.


Preschool, and the eighth grade,
and the th grade, and...

- I'm warning you, it ain't all pretty.
- Yes, it is, Mom. It's all pretty.

Oh, God. God.
I sound like one of those annoying people

who get a second lease on life,
and suddenly everything is amazing.


This is the best fire,
this is the best tea,

and you are the best mother.

Well, that doesn't sound annoying.
It sounds very accurate.


So, what are you gonna do
with this second chance?

This new lease on life?

I don't know,
but I'm certainly not gonna waste my time.

And, you know,
there are just so many things I wanna do.

Sometimes when I look at other people,
and their lives,

and everything they've accomplished,
and I haven't,

and then I look at one of my kids,

and I know not a single day
has been wasted,

and what's important
are all the days still to come.


- Ooh. Are those the infamous letters?
- Ha-ha-ha.

Of course. Of course they told you.

Yes, but they refused to tell me
who wrote them.

- I will get it out of them eventually.
- I'm sure you will.

- What are you gonna do with them?
- I don't know. I don't know.

You know, it's funny

because they're not at all
what I remember them to be.

I don't know. I was so young,

and it's like they were written
about somebody else.


So let's go to bed.

Yeah, you know,
I think I'm gonna wait up for Robert.

Good night.