06x17 - Don't Meth with Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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06x17 - Don't Meth with Me

Post by bunniefuu »

D.o.a.’S rita kandell.

That’s her sister
found her.

One having
the animated chat?

Officer: rose kaplan.

didn’t take a b*ating.

She puked herself
behind the gag.

Choked to death.

That’d be the worst.

Can the sister help
with what’s missing?

Jewels and
a gold coin collection.

[Clears throat]

I’m detective sorenson,
mrs. Kaplan.

I’m very sorry
you losing your sister.

All my
health difficulties,

Who’d believe
she’d go first?

Any idea
who might have done this?

Thief or burglar.

Her‐‐her jewelry
and coins are gone.

Would your sister
be seen outside
with that jewelry on?

It was divided
from our mother.

She never wore it
at all.

Ahem. Uh, had she had
the coins out lately

To take them in
to get appraised
or the like?

I don’t know.

Uh, she got irritated
every time I asked
about the coins,

So I stopped asking.

Was there contention
over them coins

the two of you?

Only that she got
the entire collection

And I got 6‐person
dinner service.

But then,
I wasn’t the object

Of a lifelong crush
by seymour epstein,

The executor
of our mother’s will.

Could I see
what you’re clutching there?

My nephew justin
a few years ago.

He dresses now
in darker clothes.

Did he live
with your sister?

No. He lives somewhere
in the east village,

Involved in some
rave‐type underground.

What does that mean
exactly, mrs. Kaplan?

He asked me
to back him financially

To organize rave‐type
underground parties,

After rita
turned him down.

He took me to the
darkest, dungeon‐like
atmosphere of a bar

That I could
ever imagine.

This was where
justin wanted to organize
these rave‐type parties?

On a sublet
rental basis.

What was the name
of that place?

I asked him why did he
expect me to back him

When his mother

do you recall
that bar’s name?

The velvet.

I told him they should
call it the dungeon.

We’ll suggest that
when we stop there.

If you think
of anything else,
mrs. Kaplan

Or justin tries
to get in touch with you,

Would you please
make sure you call us?

Got a neighbor
saw a suspicious man
in the building.

[Clears throat]
i’d be more interested

If he saw that battle‐a*
sneaking out

With a coin collection
under her arm.

Mr. Fickman.
He just walked up.

6 P. M. Yesterday,

There was
a big, tall guy
in the hall.

I never
seen him before.

He said he was making
a prescription delivery.

When I asked
which pharmacy,
he ignored me.

What’d the guy
look like, besides
being big and tall?

I was headed for work.
I work at
chock full o’ nuts,

So I didn’t pursue it.

We understand.

Let’s get back
to what he looked like.

Seeing this now,
i’m wondering
if it’s connected.

Hey, describe him

He was big,
uh, tall...

Uh, white,
30‐ish, i’d say,

Uh, tattooed, like
her ghouly son.

Whose ghouly son?

Are you here
a m*rder?

What, are you gonna
be sarcastic now?

The dead woman’s son,
mrs. Kandell.

Her ghouly son justin
is who this guy
was tattooed like,

Only bigger and taller.

Bigger. Taller.

How’d you like
to be shorter,
flat on your face?

Can we stay in touch
with you, mr. Fickman?

Yeah. You can.

Excuse me while
I go upstairs
and sleep,

Which I could
already be doing

If I didn’t take
the time to give
my information.

any citizen comes forward
to volunteer information.

You got a 50% chance of
uncovering a total assh*le.

Here they were like foxes
waiting at the rabbit hutch.

Made my pickup, opened
the hatch to load it up,

Come out to find a damn .38
stuck against my head.

They took
your whole load?

Just this pickup.

They knew what
they was looking for.

I felt like one of those cows
at the slaughter.

3 Guys?

With masks.
One of them named ramon.

One of the other ones
said his name,

And when he did it,
ramon butt‐ended him

In the forehead
with his g*n.

This gypsy on mott street,

She told me
in no uncertain terms,

Take a change.

Baseline stress
just living here...

Hassling with my wife...

Now this.

I can tell
you’re upset.

Gypsy said pick a state
starts with "k"

And a town
starts with "l."

I guess lawrence,
kansas, would fit.

Louisville, kentucky.

Churchill downs racetrack.

You’re leaving now?

You got a better time
in mind?

You got a truck here.


Come on.

Yeah, i’m mike roberts,

Retired off the job.

John irvin, p. A. A.

Yeah, I know who you are.

Listen, I was
otherwise detained.

I’m the security consultant
for citiwide courier.

They had their loaded truck
ripped off this morning.

Hey, mike roberts, diane.


How you doin’?

What, did you catch
that truck hijack this morning?

Mm‐hmm. That’s us.



Mike roberts.
How’s it goin’?

Mike works security
for citiwide courier.

And you could work
for hugh hefner

In a position
of your own choice.

Anyways, that’s neither
here nor there.

Any of the rooms open?

Why, you got something
you want to confess?

It may come to that.
What are you gonna do,

Keep me standing here
like a poor relation,
or what?

This is about
the truck hijacking,
right, mike?

It’s absolutely
about the truck hijacking,

Regardless of the light
that it puts me in.

And not coming
from judgment,

That p. A. A. Poofter
you got over there’s

Got quite an active
social life.

If you know
what I mean.

[Telephone rings]

15Th squad.

Look, you get
to a point...

You know what I mean?

Or otherwise
what are you doing?

You take a position.

What’s your position,

Well, if the particulars
blow up in your mug,
so be it.

What are
the particulars?

The particulars
are the robbery
that you’re investigating

Is an inside job,

With every inkling
that the inside guy

Is related
to an acquaintance.

An acquaintance
of yours.

What’s the inside guy’s
name, mike?

I misevaluated.

I gave the guy
a thumbs‐up
on his background check.

And what am I gonna do now,

Compound a felony
by concealing my misgivings?

Mistakes happen.

Wait a minute.

When I say
compound a felony,

I’m using it
as a figure of speech.

Now, how are we gonna say
we got the lead?

We absolutely
don’t have to bring
your name into it.

To the perp
or mr. Dinovi.


The guy’s name
is steve jung.

He’s asian?

No. Jung with a "j."

He’s a kraut.

His nose chronically
buried in a racing form

Every time I visit
that dispatch office.

So I get a little
uneasy feeling.

I sit on him
for 4 hours.

He takes 3 different
meetings with skells.

One of them I know.

His act’s truck hijacks.

Ramon moreno.

I almost
locked him up once.


Go do a favor
for a friend, right?

Who’s your friend?

Well, this guy’s sister,
I know her a little bit.

I met her at some stupid

You know.
She showed me some leg,

And she said,
"my brother steve’s
a ham radio operator,

Can you find steve
some work in communications?"

What she leaves out

Is that he’s
a degenerate gambler

Who tries
to bail himself out

By organizing
truck hijacks.

We’ll have to go over
this with the boss.

Who no doubt
has conveyed to you

That, uh, i’m
persona non grata, right?

your help, mike.


I’ll let myself out.

Zippo on canvass.

Mike roberts
just gave us a push
for the inside guy.

A mike roberts hire.

Martinez: he runs security
for the truck company, mike?

As of
the present moment.


We got a push
on the dispatcher

For the setup guy.

Where’d we get that?

Mike roberts.

Does this mean we should
grab the dispatcher

Or rule him out?

We got the delivery
company owner coming in.

Pick up the dispatcher.


Did roberts seem
down to you?

I’m not real keyed
into his moods.

I’m not going
one step further.

Oh, you’re not?

Do I look to you
like i’m on special k?

I’d be passed out
smacking my chin
on the floor.

Possession, joey,
refers to the
illicit substance

On your person,

Even if it’s not
also inside
your tummy.

I was holding that deck
for someone else.

Does the guy you were
holding it for call you
"my friend the moron"?


Yeah. Roberts,
how’s it going?

All right.
How you doing?
Danny sorenson.

How’s it goin’, danny?
How’s it goin’?

Mike roberts.
He’s retired off the job.

Joey fink,
holding for a friend.

Yeah. Novel alibi.

Sipowicz: anyways‐‐

Good to meet you,

You, too.

Hey, don’t budge off that

"Holding for a friend."

It’s absolutely
gonna work for you.

Uh, homicide.

This mope’s a friend
of the d. O. A.’S son.

I’m security head
for citiwide courier,

And we just had
an unscheduled off‐load
on one of the trucks.


I was just upstairs.
I gave ’em a push

On the hump
might have been involved.


you know what? Hey.

I was humpin’
the hump’s sister.

It was me that
cleared him for the job,

So I feel a small element
of responsibility.

Anyways, roberts,
I gotta get up there.

Hey, andy,
you got a minute?

At the present?

Yeah. You‐‐you got a minute
you could talk to me?

We could talk upstairs.


You gonna let go
of my hand?

Yeah. Sorry.

I mean, is this
about something else

And the deck was, like,
a leverage point?

That’s a subject
for when my partner
rejoins us, joey.

Look, special k
does not wire you up,
all right?

It provides all
the essential vitamins,
though, no?

[Clears throat]

Roberts and me
are gonna briefly talk.

You don’t mind
if I borrow andy
for a minute?

Oh, for god’s sake.

Shut your mouth
till you’re asked
a question.

Come on.

Must have had
a liberal upbringing.

Posture, joey.

My point
i’m trying to make‐‐

I’m the opposite,
theoretically, anyway.

Your drug of choice
is opposite from special k?

I’m more theoretically
with meth.

Appreciate you
talking with me, andy.

Why don’t you, uh,
plunge on ahead?

Look, I could, uh...

Kid you and, you know,

Tell you it’s
a general story, or, uh,

Mid‐life crisis,

The truth is, uh...

I’m getting sick
with some of
the aspects of my work.

If you’re asking
do I see you getting
back on the job, I don’t.

Look, I know the job
is history for me, andy.

Since when have I
been anything
if not realistic?

Unless you’re talking
about the times
that I was stupid,

For following
my d*ck around
and so forth.

[Clears throat]

Anyways, as far as
getting this guy some work

’Cause i’m banging
his sister,

That’s not gonna
keep me up nights.

Not like I knew
he was a thief.

What’s keeping you up

Other stuff.

that i’m privy to.


You know, there were
times in my life...

When i’d look
into the mirror...

And if I was
in a situation
like I am right now,

I’d be looking
in the mirror...

And i’d say to myself...

"The ship has just come
in for mrs. Roberts’
favorite son."

That’s what I would say.

The ship’s come in
’cause of something
you know.

That would be
my attitude

Toward the present
position that i’m in

If it didn’t come along
with certain things

That are making me sick
right now.

You want to tell me
what that position is?


My act was never
to go looking

To hurt the weaker.

And I hope to god
you at least
give me that much.

I know
what you’re thinking.

You’re thinking,
oh, what about
that junkie informant

You were banging
and wound up dead
by her own hand?

Is that what you’re
thinking about, andy?!

I don’t think
you meant to hurt her.

That’s right. I did not.

But that’s what’s
making this the titanic.

The ship that‐‐
that finally come in for me.

That’s what’s
making this a death boat,

All the connections
with that!

What do you got, mike?

I can’t.

I can’t.

I’m gonna...make that
my confession quota
for the day,

Giving up steve jung.

I’ll tell you something.

I’d sure like
to jimmy an elevator

And get trapped alone
with that kirkendall.

Yeah, she’s good‐looking.

You know something?

If I was gonna
tell anybody...

I’d tell you.

’Cause you always
had a way‐‐

You could always
break me down.
Am I right?

If I come in
with some bogus story
or some bogus excuse,

I’d always
have to make sure
that i, you know,

Keep my eyes
away from you.

Did you know that?

Hey, look,
I know you got
a case of your own.

Next time
you see me, pal...

I’ll be on, uh,

Joyce brothers’, uh,
call‐in help line.

Or that other fruitcake,

You know, the, uh...

The dwarf. Dr. Ruth.

I’ll be with her.

Thank you, andy.

[Door closes]

Andy, you know
what a k‐hole is?

You take
too much special k,

You fall
into a k‐hole,
right, joey?

Yeah. Which i’m not in.

What joey’s
been explaining,

You’re in
your k‐hole,

You’re withdrawn
and depressed.

Verging on catatonic.

Which joey is not.

Joey is a big believer
in crystal meth.

Which joey himself admits
sometimes is prone
to making him ill‐humored.

The point is,
i’m not on special k,

Which the deck
you found on me
is special k.

Just trying to support
my original explanation

That I was holding
that stuff for a friend.

Joey, you see me
putting my jacket on?

That’s because
i’m feeling

A tremendous credibility
hit coming off you.

And if you
continue to sustain
that credibility hit

That i’m getting from
you off the little chat

That we had
down the hall,

Then I will personally
lead you down the steps,

Hail a cab,
in my jacket,

And send you
on your merry way.

Now let’s go.

Detective, please.

Now let’s do a walk‐up
start on the deck subject,
joey, all right?

When’s the last time
you were at your buddy
justin kandell’s apartment?

I’ve never been
to his apartment.

So if we say a neighbor
saw you there yesterday‐‐


If we tell you the neighbor
described you,

Including your tattoos‐‐

Whoever’s your witness
didn’t see me.

Me and justin hang out,
we go to my place.
His mother’s uptight.

You know this
although you were
never at her place.

Justin’s mother’s
a frequent subject
of justin’s conversation.

Look, what the hell is this?

Are you accusing me
of doing something at
justin’s mother’s apartment?

Well put.

Justin’s mother
got robbed yesterday, joey.

Maybe while you and justin
were playing braille yesterday

On each other’s heinies,

Justin suggests
you take his mom off,

And he helps out
with the floor plan
of her place.

I did not rob
justin’s mom.

I don’t go to justin’s
mom’s place,

And robbery’s
not my act.

’Cause hustlers
don’t do robberies,
right, joey?

My own experience,

Them two combine
less than 60 to 70%
of the time.

Look, are you gonna
help me on that deck,

Which could’ve been
anybody’s at the bar?

In exchange for what
concerning this robbery

Would we make the deck
go away?

The guy
you want to talk to

Just got out of rikers.

Jerry edwards.

His act
is breaking in.

And justin
fell in with him.

Where are we gonna find jerry
that justin fell in with?

Hustles pool
on university.

Gets there around 3:00.

This jerry,
he’s got ink on him, too?

Prison work, though.
It’s sloppy.

Josh, could you take
that mope down to holding?


Detectives, this is
seymour epstein.

In connection
with the death
you’re investigating.

your coming in.

I’m danny sorenson.
This is my partner
andy sipowicz.

How do you do?

Let’s talk over here.

He’s a very civilized
young man,
your receptionist.

Yeah, he definitely
raises the tone.

I can tell you’re
very saddened.

I went to grade school
with this woman’s husband.

And i’ve attended to
that family’s legal needs...

For 30‐some years.

Mrs. Kandell’s sister
was telling us

You ex*cuted
her mother’s estate.

That’s a very
unpleasant woman,
rita’s sister.

You won’t get
no argument here.

It don’t strike you

She might
have organized
something like this?

k*lling her own sister?

The m*rder part wouldn’t
have to be intended.

This looks like
a robbery went bad.

The sister got tied up,

Vomited into the gag.

Mr. Epstein,
being the family lawyer,

Have you had any dealings
with the victim’s son?

Justin’s a ne’er‐do‐well,

And I certainly think
he’s experimented with dr*gs.

We don’t find him
having any criminal record.

That’s a sentence
i’d end with "yet."

3 Times he’s broached
my financing

Cockamamie business ideas,

And invariably
he seems nearly comatose.

I think justin’s
getting into trouble
with the legal system

Is just a matter of time.

Maybe today’s
his lucky day.

We got a place to look

For an associate
of justin’s

Could’ve been
involved in this.

We’ll keep you posted.

I’d be grateful.

Young man, young man.

Did it seem

She’d suffered‐‐rita?

It didn’t. No.

No. We both
commented on that.

He’s got no idea
we like him?

Well, we told him it’s
s. O. P. Us talking to him,

Him working dispatch
for the victimized
delivery firm.

Go at him off what
roberts gave us
on him gambling?

Remember to hide mike.

Common knowledge
in the office,
we’ll tell him.

Yeah, yeah.

His gambling jones
is common knowledge.

Maybe turn the screws

With that skell
truck hijacker
roberts mentioned.

Ramon moreno.

Yeah. He’s been
seen consorting

With a known
truck hijacker.

Ramon moreno.

He ain’t gonna buy
that’s common knowledge.

Is ramon locked up?

Ramon got grabbed up
the intervening period

On some outstanding warrant

And obeyed
his skell scumbag nature,

Giving us steve
for inside guy

On the delivery truck job.



Unless you want him.

We’re still waiting
for the owner to get here.

He’s getting looked at
at his heart doctor’s.

Roberts should carry
liability insurance
against cardiac arrests

For all his clients.

Martinez: you got any
money problems, steve?


I mean, everyone could use
more money, right?

You’ve gotten
involved recently

With fast women
or the like?


Medavoy: dr*gs?



I mean, I like
to gamble a little...


I like to go
to the meadowlands,


But you’re not having
money problems.

Everybody’s got
money problems,
all right?

What, is that your point?

Yeah, I got a few
money problems.

We’re trying to give you
a little basis

For an explanation,

’Cause we got you
involved in this.

One of
your co‐conspirators

Gave you up
for organizing
this truck hijack.

No way.

Oh, yeah.

You think ramon’s
gonna take it
on the chin himself?

Steve, we know
that a gambling problem

Can be every bit as vicious
as dr*gs or alcohol.

A guy gets in a hole,
his debts are mounting,

Can’t get no more credit
to win himself out.

Now, did ramon solicit you

To get involved
in these truck hijacks?

Is ramon
really in custody?

What kind of a question
is that?

You think
he communicated
by, uh, telepathy?

’Cause I could
give you something,

But that assumes
ramon is out.

All right. Assume
ramon is out.

For the sake of discussion,
assume he’s out.

So in other words,
you were lying.

Steve, the central
question for you is,

How am i, steve jung,
gonna help myself?

Yeah. If assuming
ramon’s at liberty

Gets you to that

Go ahead and do so.


If I were to pinpoint
another job

Going off this afternoon...

I’d want a walk.

Going off this afternoon?

This afternoon.

Yes, this afternoon,

With ramon that’s
not in custody.

I don’t know about
an absolute walk,

But within one of
the next several
breeders’ cups,

I can certainly imagine
you in attendance.

Heh. Those breasts are
anatomically incorrect.

They’re like, uh,

Growing out of
her collarbone.

You ain’t puttin’ me
back in rikers.

Does this look like
rikers, jerry?

It looks like me gettin’
picked up at a pool hall,

Hearing some wrong form
invalidated my release.

A form got filled out

We’re gonna rectify that.

You don’t gotta worry
about it too much.

Where were you
yesterday afternoon, jerry?

Out and about.

Enjoying your
newfound freedom?

You happen by
justin kandell’s

You know,
justin kandell?

The kid
you’re teaching

The latest
buggery advances
from prison.

What’s this
invalidated form

Needs to get
straightened out?

So that wasn’t you
at justin kandell’s
building yesterday

Having that conversation
with mrs. Kandell’s

About being
a delivery guy,
which you’re not?

Where’s the form?

There is no form,

This is what you
gotta deal with‐‐

This, what
i’m talking about.

I was in the building.
So what?

Doing what?

I bang a broad there.

I gave a fake story
to the neighbor

’Cause I don’t
want her husband
getting tipped off.

That’s some nimble
thinking there, jerry.

Your brother tom
would be proud,

You inventing that.

I ain’t got
no brother tom.

See, you got character,

My brother discovered
the light bulb,

I’d be looking
to cash in on
the family connection.

But you, you’re out here

Trying to make it
on your own as a thief.

What’s he talkin’ about?

My partner’s making
a little joke, jerry,

Based on you giving
the name "edison"

At the gold trader
in chinatown,

Where you fenced
mrs. Kandell’s
stolen coins

After you got done
robbing her

And where they got your mug
on the surveillance camera

Doing the transaction.

We got you at the scene,

We got you
fencing the goods.

Now, this was a simple
robbery, jerry.

You want
to annoy some judge

Making him listen

To a parade of witnesses
pick you out

Or admit you did wrong?

You’re very apologetic,
and maybe cut your time.

I ain’t doin’ no time.

It was a simple robbery
where no one got hurt...

And i’m prepared to give you
the guy who set it up.

Someone put you
up to it?

That where
you’re goin’?

I did this
strictly for hire.

I think that’s
gonna help you, jerry.

I was given a map
where the items were,

And I very gently handled
that old woman,

Whose being there
was not part of the deal.

I made sure
no harm come to her.

Who gave you the map
to the old woman’s

This little f*gg*t‐‐justin.

She’s his mother.

Justin didn’t mention
his mom being there?

Said she’d be out
playing bridge
with her friends.

I still got the floor plans
he drew up.

It’s got his writing on it.

Attaboy, jerry.
Got yourself
off the hot seat.

Tell that old lady

I was as gentle
as I could be, huh?

I mean, uh, i’m glad
she didn’t get hurt.

Yeah, good.

That gag wasn’t
too tight, right?

She told you
how I readjusted it
for her, right?

This steve
is a home run.

What’s he got?

The same crew’s gonna
stick up another one
of these delivery trucks.

Diane: when?

Hey, boss. That dispatcher
mike roberts gave us‐‐

Yeah. Steve jung.

He puts the same crew
about to do another
job on fourth.

Pretty greedy.

Same way the other
job went down?

Yeah, exact same m. O.

With anti‐crime,

We’ll have enough
people to cover it.

Um, have e. S. U. Set up
a staging area on sixth.

Yeah, good.

Mike roberts.

Even stopped clocks
are right twice a day.

Even if only
in a peripheral way.

You know what I mean,

You turned the case
for us.

No. Even if only

It’s good to feel
I helped.

Firm’s owner‐‐
mr. Dinovi.

Hey, they’re on
their way back,
mr. Dinovi.

The detectives
are on their way back

With the whole thievin’,
miserable bunch of them
in custody.

Not steve jung.

No. Jung,
as I understand it,

Was the inside man.

He’s already in custody.

Jung that you
got hired.

In fairness, I think,

Jung that I did
a background check on.

Jung whose job ap
you brought me.

Happy occasion.

Do we want to be quibbling
about this now?

This your boss, mike?

Yeah. Frank dinovi,
citiwide courier,
lieutenant arthur fancy.

How do you do?

I want him questioned.


I want to know if he
was part of this.

Oh, this is amazing.

Mike roberts provided
the information

That broke this case.

Yeah. He also
provided the guy
that set it up.

I want to know if
they’re in cahoots.

It so happens, mr. Dinovi,

Steve jung was recommended
to his position
by a relative.

We never laid eyes
on each other

Until the day
he started work.

But you gave him
a thorough
background check.

Many reputable firms
in my field

Do not do hands‐on

What relative
recommended him,

Some broad
you were bangin’?

I’m not gonna dignify
that type of slander.

Um, here come
the detectives

That caught the guys
that h*jacked your truck.

Was this guy
ever really a cop?

Yes, I was, you assh*le!

It’s his part
of italy, you know.

That’s how they
express gratitude,
you know,

They try to impugn
your integrity.

That guy realize
the vital role
mike played?

Yeah. I told him
mike’s who broke the case.

Hey. Worry not.

I played
daffy duck

In my high school
play, you know?

It’s like water
off my back.

I guess andy’s, uh,
in on his case.

Yeah. Doing an interview.


I get a really good hit

Off of that kid
he’s workin’ with.

Thanks for your help, mike.

Oh, por nada,
believe me.

Anything brings us

Hey, rocky marciano.

Yeah. You with
the thunderin’
right hand.

I don’t have
the vaguest idea

What you’re
talking about.

Well, that puts you
in a large club.

Word to the wise, ok?

You listenin’?

I’m listening.

You got nothin’
to fear from me,

You understand?

But that don’t
necessarily mean

That you got
nothin’ to fear.

What should I
be afraid of?

Rich people got vanity.

They carry a grievance,

And they can afford
their whims.

They carry a grievance
over getting knocked down?

Hey. I said
what i’m gonna say.

You got your heads‐up.

Give my regards
to barbra streisand.

You want to find "half smart"
in the dictionary,

Look for
this piss pot’s mug.

I didn’t do it.

Sets his own mother up
to be m*rder*d

And don’t fathom
the importance of remorse.


You didn’t draw this?

I was under duress.

I was being threatened
by jerry edwards.

Jerry was gonna
force justin

To have normal sex
with a girl.

I screwed 3 women
for every one you have.

And i’m spotting you
30 years.

What did you just say
to my partner?

All i’m saying is
that when i’m high...

I’m down for anything.

Try to wrap your mind
around that.

Well, here’s
the impression you make

From an earthling’s
perspective, justin.

You get your mother

And you’re here
stacking scores up
with my partner.

How justin’s feeling‐‐

I don’t need to build up
a right attitude.

I’m not totally ridiculous
with this half‐assed alibi.

No jury member’s gonna
take my duress map defense

For an insult
to their intelligence.

Yeah. Cock‐and‐bull
story like that’s
gonna offend no one,

Make ’em want to authorize
justin getting a hole
punched in him

Someplace where
it hasn’t been before

And getting
some poison sh*t in.

Yeah, ’cause none
of them jury members

Have mothers of their own.



You’re not falling
into your k‐hole, are you?

What do you know
about a k‐hole, huh?

What i’ve been told,
it’s an ugly place.

You get really depressed.

You don’t want
to go down there.


I mean, I can’t believe
that you’re suggesting

That I wanted
my mother dead.

He’s in the k‐hole.

We’re not suggesting
nothin’, justin.

We’re here
like visual aids

So you can imagine
what a jury will be thinking

Watching you sitting there
in your k‐hole,

Shriveling up like
a straw wrapper
in a campfire

With your map defense.

Are you aware

That tuesdays are
my mother’s bridge days?

She hasn’t
missed a tuesday
bridge game in...

12, 15 Years.


I’m gonna write this...

But i’m gonna write
what I want to write.

It starts
a long time ago

my mother and me.

But in our galaxy, right?

It came through
in the statement

How she treated me?

Yeah. You gave that
real strong play,

Your mother’s

She ruined my life.

Who are you talking
about, justin?

Are you talking
about your mother?

It’s seymour epstein,

Are you representing me?

Did you
k*ll your mother?

I confessed to having
laid out the floor plan

And believing that
she’d be out playing bridge,


You loathsome little
son of a bitch.


my kind of lawyer.

I’m not
representing you.

I wish to god
you’d never been born.

I want
a different attorney.

Yeah, we’ll see
who’s available

From the "a" list.

Josh, you want
to hook him up
down in holding?

They hook me up?

Get him outta here.

What were you, justin,

Thinking your day
took a lucky turn?

Jerk, that kid.

She was
a wonderful woman.

I loved her.

That’s, uh, gotta make it
more complicated.

I stood back.

When howie and I
had crushes,

I stood back.

When he proposed
to her.

When he d*ed,
I stood back,

Waiting for her
to appreciate

The years I waited,

How honorable
my waiting had been.


Howie, I take it,
was her spouse.

Don’t stand back,
young man.

I understand.

It’s not enough
to understand.

I’ve understood things
my whole life,

And i’ve never
lived a minute.

And now
my minute is over.

Don’t get him
anyone good.

Don’t worry.

So roberts
give you a live one.


Was he in
to collect his kudos?

Got handed his ass

Guy from the truck
courier service

Dressed mike down
in front of us

’Cause mike vouched
for the dispatcher
set the hijacks up.

He told me.

He was bangin’
this guy’s sister?

Sounds like
par for the course
for this guy.

Oh, you’re talking
a classic screw‐up,
mike roberts.

He give any indication

He was involved with
something else, roberts?

Medavoy: he didn’t
say anything.

He wanted to get
involved with jill.

Yeah. Kind of
a sorry‐ass guy.

Oh, he’s a classic
sorry‐ass, mike roberts.

Good night.

yeah, good night.

Strong in the streets
today, partner.

Yeah. We’re a very
imposing quartet.

Good night, john.

Good night.

Sipowicz: not that
he was involved

With something else,
though, roberts?

Some type jackpot?

Like against his conscience.

Go against
mike’s conscience,

It’d be organizing
a nuclear att*ck,

Something on that order.

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