06x07 - Czech Bouncer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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06x07 - Czech Bouncer

Post by bunniefuu »

I just bought a birthday card
for my younger sister here
2 weeks ago.

We make a collar,
we’ll add that
to the charges.

What happened?

Elderly couple
that owns the shop

Got beaten and robbed
when they opened up.

Next‐door neighbor here
heard a commotion,

Saw 2 black males
run up canal street.

What shape’s
the couple in?

The old guy’s
b*at up pretty good,
but he’s conscious.

The old lady
looks like
she’s goin’ out.

Paramedics are
treatin’ both of ’em
right now.

I’m detective sipowicz.
This is my partner
detective sorenson.

Have you heard?
Are artie and harriet ok?

They’re gettin’ help now.

Uh, I live
right over there,

Uh, next to the rosens’

I heard yelling
and‐‐and noise, uh,
coming from the shop.

I looked out my window,
and I saw 2 colored boys
running that direction.

What did they look like,

Anything distinctive?

One of them looked bigger
than the other.

They both wore those floppy
clothes the kids wear now.


Oh, dear.

How you doin’, sir?

Please take care
of my wife.

She’s bein’
taken care of now.

You know the men that
might’ve done this to you?

No. I‐‐i never
saw them before.

Please, go to my wife.
Make sure she’s gonna be ok.

Did they touch anything
that you can remember‐‐

Maybe a can or somethin’
on the shelf?

They started hitting her.

I told them,
"take the money and go."

They didn’t have
to do this to us.

We’re gonna
get these guys
for you, mr. Rosen.

Yo, yo, danny.

Hey, how’s it goin’,

My partner andy sipowicz,
leslie peach.

Yeah, how’s it goin’?

I’m real upset about
this incident, man.

What incident?

Come here, man.

[Impatient sigh]

You know them old people
got b*at up, right?

Yeah. The woman d*ed.

She d*ed?

What do you got, leslie?

I got a real heavy feelin’
on my chest, man.

It’s a heavy feelin’, right?

But, you know,
I sell apples, right?

But what’s it gonna look
like if I start givin’
them apples away?

If he’d ever learned
to read,

He’d be usin’
johnny appleseed
in there somewheres.

What he sayin’?

If it’s good,
you’re gonna earn.

Delray williams
and terry tate.

They did it?

Yeah, they did it, man.

Which you know how?

Uh, I don’t know how.
It’s a blind alley,

And I heard it from somebody
who heard it from somebody.

Let me tell you somethin’
about them old folks, man.

They was nice people.

When I never had no money

And I needed a card
or somethin’ for my people,

They used to see me
the credit.

That’s how they were.

Did they know
they were doin’ it?

You know, you’re a very
irritable person,
but I forgive you.

Let me give you this address
where delray’s stayin’ at, man.

This, is that it?
Wait a minute.

Right. That’s it.

That’s where he’s stayin’ at
with his grandma.

All right, you call me
this afternoon,

I’ll have somethin’
for you. 15Th squad.

Yeah, all right.

Uh, congratulations
on, you know,

Gettin’ promoted
and everything,

Everybody on the corner
makin’ the adjustments.

Yeah. Yeah, thanks,

You know, I know who johnny
appleseed is, too, a’ight?

And you know that door
is locked, a’ight?

Yeah, I know the door
is not...

Mr. Smarty‐clown.

So you let your informants
kinda saunter up
to the point they’re makin’?

Bring the boss up to speed

And then look
for this assh*le delray.

What’s up, boss?

A case just came in‐‐

Parking lot of a strip club,
the gentlemen’s hour.


Yeah. Um, you wanna
work that with diane?

What, is there someone else
you want us to wait for?

No, no. Greg and james
are in court.

Morning, diane.

Morning, boss.

Homicide at a strip club.

Morning, john.

Morning, detective.


Thanks very much
for your letter.

You’re welcome.

Is dolores ill,
do you know?

Uh, she didn’t seem
sick yesterday.

The borough called to ask me
if I would work in the 15th.

I said, "don’t throw me
in the briar patch," but...

I don’t think
they took my reference.


Jill: morning, danny.

How’s it goin’?

Good morning.

Good morning.

We, uh,
caught a homicide
at a strip club.

Andy: which one?

The, uh,
gentlemen’s hour.

[Clearing throat]
must’ve opened recently.

Danny sorenson,
uh, john irvin.

How’s it goin’, john?

How do you do?

[Dance music playing]

[Stops music]

Detectives russell
and kirkendall.

Dave houston,

You’re getting
blanket cooperation,

And we’re closed until
you tell me we’re open.

Sounds like a plan.

I got all my help
over here

Except for, uh,
one dancer who split.

I can give you where she is,
but she didn’t have

Anything to do
with this guy.

Oh, and these were the only
3 customers that were here.

You can take all the time
you need with them.

I gave ’em 25 lap dances
for free.

The blonde girl
over there,

She’s the one
who was seein’ him‐‐

Misty...or tina.

Tina’s her real name,
or misty’s her real name?

Tina’s the real name
she gave me.

I don’t know if
it’s a real real name.


Should...i go
get her now?



I’m detective kirkendall.
This is detective russell.

I met him 11 weeks ago.

He’d give me $50
for every 5 minutes
i’d sit with him

And $100 when I
danced onstage.

He paid for my singing
and acting lessons,

He bought me about
$8,000 worth of clothes,

An $8,000 watch,
and a $12,000 bracelet,

And he paid for college
courses that I took
at brooklyn college.

Is this how you acted
with him?

No, this is how
i’m acting with you.

Jill: which is tellin’ us
what, tina,

That you’re not the human
cash register we walked in
thinking you were?

I don’t know who k*lled
him. All right?

Was he worried
about anything?

If he was, he had a lot
to keep his mind off it.

He, um,
he gambled a lot.

And he took a lot
of percodan.

And there was me.

But I really don’t know
what he was or wasn’t
worried about.

Mind if I go pee?

Could you show me
the way to the john?

Why, you wanna watch?

Huh! Hey, tina,
we all got jobs, ok?

Tina figures she’s got
a license to blow cranky

Since life threw her
this rotten break.

It’s on the other
side of the stage.

Whom do you want
to talk to next?

Well, we gotta talk
to them all, dave.

Wanna go with the girl
who gave you the finger?

What were you sitting
on the floor for?

I was just looking
for a contact.

Look like you were trying
to hatch something.


Go pee
in the men’s room.


Tell my partner
to come in here

And go pee
in the men’s room.

What, are you standin’
on the toilet seat?

I don’t know who you are,
but I can think of
a lot of reasons

For you bein’ in there
don’t deserve the trouble
you’re gonna get into...

If you don’t open
that door up.

Oh, dolores.

Account for your day,


Yeah. Account
for your day today.

I been inside.
Ask my grandma.

Never left the house
up until you guys
come knockin’.

Delray, how’s
your grandma
gonna vouch

For you bein’
at her house

When she wasn’t
there when we come
to get you?

She down at the senior
citizens center.

See, what my partner’s
askin’, delray,

Her bein’ there‐‐
how we gonna let her
vouch for where you were?

Oh, no, see,
that’s how I come out.

Tuesday’s her day
at the center.

Delray’s a big fan

Of the old
abbott and costello

You like beatin’ up
old people, delray?

Who’s gonna wanna
do that?

You know, some gutless scumbag
as low as a child molester.

Yeah, well, I hope you find
someone who do that.

Yeah, I think we will,

I think
maybe we already did.

You trippin’, man.

Where’s terry tate at,
douche bag?

Say who now?

Give me the whereabouts
on any guy

You’ve taken 3 robbery collars
with in the last 2 years.

Oh, terry.
Yeah, terry.

You smart‐ass
piece of crap.

Uh, we cool.

Oh, we’re cool’s
the "b" answer, delray.

I don’t need to be
cool with you.


He’s askin’ you where
your runnin’ buddy
terry is.

Terry live with
his cousin lawrence.

We went there already.
Where else would he be?

Man, I don’t know.

You think I won’t pull
that shade down?

Ohh, don’t hit on me.

I start hittin’ on you,

And that cocky smile’s
gonna wind up down
around your knees.

Could be terry’s seein’
his baby’s mama

Over in the projects
on houston.

Give me an address.

Or he might could be
sh**t’ hoops

Across the street
from there.

See, that’s no big deal
what I just told you
right there.

A lot of people
could’ve told you that.

Yeah, you’re the bones,

You don’t give
nothin’ up.
Nothin’ to you.

You’re goin’ down,
you rotten prick.

You think i’m gonna let you
k*ll a 72‐year‐old woman

And not take you down?!

Sayin’ someone die?

You don’t worry who d*ed
and who didn’t die.

You worry about puttin’
the best light on how
you participated.

All I participated in
is layin’ up
at my grandma’s.

Yeah, you stick
with that, delray.

That way, I get you
for the whole ride.

In the cage.

Arnetta williams!
King senior center!

Likely playin’ scrabble.

Cannot believe
I gave him that.


He got under your skin.

You gave him somethin’
you didn’t want to.
It happens.

Not to me, andy.

I don’t make mistakes
like that.


All the homicides
you got under your belt,

All the old people
that you saw b*at
to death...

You got all the office
supplies we’re gonna
need out there?

Let’s go pick up
this terry.

I actually went out
with him once.

You did?

He made me keep it a secret
from the other girls.

He wanted me to say
how I felt...

Having good
natural breasts,

Sit naked
in front of him

And talk about it while
he played with himself.

And that’s the whole
you had to do with him?

And you haven’t
got any idea who
might’ve k*lled him?


Ok, dolores,
why don’t you go?

I’m not ashamed of
what i’ve been doing.

No one says
you should be.

I mean, it’s not exactly
my ballerina career,

But my ballerina career
didn’t let me

Make $250 a shift.


This isn’t illegal.

What I do on my own time
is my own business.

I’m not gonna quit
my p. A. A.’S job.

And I can only hope you’re
not gonna go to personnel
and get me fired.

Relax, dolores.

What were you doing
working here

At 10:00
in the morning?

Why‐‐why did you
call in sick?

I mean, sometimes,

I just get so bored
at the station house, ok?

Helping people
with their problems
all the time.

"Oh, thank you, dolores."

"Thank you, dolores."

"We appreciate you,

Or maybe you think
I like some guy

Wants to make me talk
about having good
natural breasts.

Come on.

We’ll walk you out.


Dave: crystal!

I’m goin’ home.

I thought you already had.

I have finished
using the men’s room.

Now I would like
to go home.

We’re not finished
talking with you yet.

Don’t I have a say
on that?

Oh, yeah, that
and everything else.

Hey, have you got
the curse?

Have you got a lot of money
invested in your teeth?

’Cause i’m about to
punch you in the mouth.

Easy, diane.

I’ll finish with tina.
Tina, come here.

Am I next?

Could I just tell you
what I know?

Yeah. We wouldn’t want to
keep your dealer waiting.

What do you know?

You should definitely
talk to todd.

Where’s he standing?

He’s not here.

But he was in love
with tina.

What’s todd’s last name?

I haven’t got it,
but dave will.

Todd used to work

And he was really
in love with tina.

What was todd’s job?

He was a‐‐
a bouncer,

And after tina
broke up with him,

He started getting really
belligerent with everyone
and acting freaky.

Does todd use?

He used to smoke
a lot of meth.

Dave uses meth, too.

Is that why he didn’t
give todd up to us?

Don’t ask me why dave
does what he does.

Look, I am really
getting sick.

Ok, cissy.
Thanks for the help.

Don’t say
it came from me.


I’m gonna quit
this place anyway.

My partner and I
are interested

In exactly
the same thing here,

Which is taking into account
you’ve suffered a real loss

And you’re
understandably upset,

But at the same time,
we’re trying to solve
a m*rder case here.

And we desperately
need your cooperation.

What she said.

I’d check
his racetrack buddies.

Did ross go to the track
with todd?


The bouncer, tina,

That was sick in love
with you and crazy jealous.

That todd.

Oh, that’s good.

That’s great.

Now 2 people are gonna
be dead because of me.

Why? Is todd
the dramatic type, too?

You’ll see.

You’ll see.

You gotta check it out.

Man: give me the ball, man!

Danny: all right,
we better organize
a little drama here.

Andy, throw a toss
into that guy,

Distract the guys
on the court.

Yes, sir,
detective sorenson.

My guy’s
in the blue shirt.

Toss some other mope
while I make a move on him.

What’s up?
What are you doin’?

Just get your hands
up there.

You got anything
that’s gonna stick me?

No. I’m an ordained
minister, man.

Ok, reverend,
well, you’re gonna
come out of this fine.

Just bankin’ some love
for future criminal

Hey. Did you do
somethin’ wrong?

[Cell phone rings]

that your phone?

Yeah. Can I answer it?

yeah. Go ahead.
Might be god.

Hey, terry.
What’s up?

We need you to come
down and answer a few
questions for us.

Oh, it’s game point, man.

oh, it’s game point?

You’re lookin’ to
take your last sh*t?

Give me the ball.

Go ahead.

Take your last sh*t.

[Players banter]

Ha ha! Nothin’ but
the bottom of the net!

This is for yourself
and the brothers?

You the man, terry!

Yo, terry!
Stay up, man!

[Shouting and laughter

Terry: what you think
on this basketball

When you figure
that’s gonna end?

Ask my partner.

The thought of all them
millionaire hoopsters
goin’ without

Gets me too distressed.

Terry, one step
at a time.

He gonna be leadin’ me
through this?

He’s the one.

One man’s lockout’s
another man’s
opportunity, terry.

Maybe you show
the knicks
your stuff.

No. I don’t go
against my boys.

That was delray.


In the pokey room cage‐‐
that was delray.

That you robbed
the gift shop with?


Detective sorenson.


When I find out

A case i’m working
involves multiple

And I got ’em both
in custody,

You know who I call
on the phone?


My wife.

Let her know i’ll be home
on time for dinner.


That’s ’cause I know

One of my perps
is gonna flip

And get himself
the deal with the d. A.

Now I got no strong feelings
if it’s you wants to
sit here in profile

While delray grabs the keys.

I wasn’t there.

Of course,
if I was you, terry,

And it’s delray
buys the walk

When he’s the one
did the v*olence,

That might
bother me some.

If it wasn’t me kicked
the old woman’s teeth in...

Kicked her when she was
curled up in a ball
on the floor...

Her and her husband
were pleading for mercy.

I don’t know i’d wanna
take the fall for that.

It didn’t happen.

I didn’t do none
of what you sayin’.

But i’m not you, terry.

Maybe you don’t mind
spending the next
few years

Gettin’ r*ped in jail,

Having your hoop buddies

It was you got over
on that old couple

For $35.

That’s your decision.

I gotta think
somethin’ out.

Got nothin’ to do with
lookin’ for no deal.

Can I help?

This got to do with
my own value system.

All right,
I can respect that.

You don’t seem like
the hurtful type,

I say that off
first impression.

I’m not a hurtful type.

That’s what I gotta be
thinkin’ about.


No, man.
It ain’t about no soda.

All right.


Didn’t nobody
go in that store

Lookin’ to hurt nobody
or do those people harm.

Delray’s a decent person,
as much as I am.

And...i believe
i’m a decent person.

I believe
i’m a decent person.

Neither me or delray
wasn’t lookin’

For what wound up
happening in there.

Most I did,

I agitated delray.

"Maybe we shouldn’t
be goin’ in there."

I put him on his guard

Pissing him off behind him
knowin’ same as me

We shouldn’t be goin’ in.

And that old man.

One look at us,

And he starts sayin’,
"please don’t hurt no one."

One look, and he’s beggin’ us
to take his money off of him

And please don’t
do no harm.

And before he can
get his money out,

Here come his wife
out the back room.

And the old man

Reaches and holds
delray’s arm‐‐

Grabbin’ on to his arm‐‐

Sayin’ please don’t
hurt his wife.

And delray
pushed his hand off

And give his money up.

And the old man weak
and stumbles,

And now here come
his wife.

Leave her husband alone,
and...he pushes her.

And she weak like...
The weakest squirrel.

He hated what he did.

He kickin’ what he did.

You understand?

He kickin’ what he did

After he push her down
and hurt her,

Kickin’ it
over and over.

"What did I do?

What did I do?"

"Oh, my god!
Oh, my god!"


The woman d*ed, terry.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god!

Oh, god,
please forgive me!

What did I do?

You gotta make
your peace with him.

I’ll take
my equal responsibility.

God’s gonna decide
that, terry.

You just say
what you did.

All right.

All right.

All I know is
they’re talking
about arresting me.

I mean, were you
serious about florida,

When you were
talking about
taking me down there?

Well, all I know is,

If they take me down
to that station house,

I don’t think i’m ever
gonna get out again.

Here. They’re still
questioning me.


Ok. Bye.

He’s coming, ok?
Are you happy?

Yeah. We really appreciate
your help, tina.

So, uh, should we stay
and wait for this guy
to show up?

Yeah. Would you?
Yeah. No problem.

Well, we’ve got a couple
of interviews still to do.

You want a hand
with those?
Yeah, please.

Sure happy
to give you a hand.

Here’s the d. O. A.’S


So, should I keep
talking to you

Like i’m the bartender?

You are
the bartender.

I just wanna see tina.

Don’t expect me
to 86 you, todd.

I’m not in a position
at the moment
to 86 anyone.

What’s goin’ on?

Exactly what
I told you, todd.

They’re talking about
arresting me.

If you wanna
go to florida,

I got the money
to go.

Todd, I think
you were involved

In what happened
with ross.

It’s very simple.

I’ll do whatever
I have to

To take care of you.

Now, can we walk
outta here?

Will they let us,
or do I have to
take other steps?

I got my g*n, tina.

Oh, great.
You’ve got a g*n?

What’s your problem?

Why am I gonna
go to florida
with you, todd?

So I can watch you
smoke meth

And wave your new g*n
around? Huh?

Martinez: it’s over.

Russell: i’ve got the g*n.

What? Tina!

Screw you, todd!

Screw you!

He would’ve
taken care of me.

He would’ve
taken care of me.


How’d you do?

He went.

He just wrote up
a statement.

So should we close
the deal with delray?

Those fish
in the bottom there‐‐

Those are
aeneas catfish.

Oh, yeah?

Them eating the food

That drops past
the other fish at
the bottom of the t*nk

Is what makes it so
my water don’t go bad.

The big ugly one
sucking the glass
on the side of the t*nk

Is a costemus.

He eats the algae
off the glass
and the rocks.


Hard as it is
to believe,

Keeping the t*nk right
for the fish

Is less a pain
in the balls

Than adjusting
for the plants.

I gotta keep adjusting
the water ph,

And the light
has to be just right.

I never realized
it was that complicated.

It isn’t complicated

As long as you
keep up with it.

You stay in tune,
you’re willing
to adjust,

Then you keep
a healthy t*nk.

You keep a healthy t*nk,

You can call yourself
a guy that knows fish.

You follow me, danny?

Not completely.

You stayed attuned
in that interview.

Something came up,
and you adjusted.

That kept
a healthy t*nk,

And things
went forward.

You adjusted, too.

[Clears throat]

My various

I know how
to handle a t*nk.

So should we tell delray
the good news?

That’s the guy you had
that mystery conversation
with the other day.

Dornan. Yeah.

The only mystery
is how much making
a dope out of myself

I let my wife
intimidate myself into.

You want me to wait
on delray?

No. You close him
on your own.

I’ll catch him
with my net.

Don’t cr*ck wise
about fish.

No offense.

How’s it goin’, sarge?

Doin’ fine, kid.

What’s going on,

You got a minute?

We gonna have another
frank exchange of views?

I got no apologies‐‐

Either for how I worked
that suarez case

Your wife got you
nosin’ around on

Or for not confusing you
with somebody
I can trust.

So this blood‐brother

I was gonna
invite you to,

I should
put that on hold?

So, going over it
in my mind‐‐

And making
no apologies‐‐

Maybe there’s something
to what’s got your wife

That suarez was locked up
for something he didn’t do.

I’m not saying
he shouldn’t be
locked up.

Hey, I told sylvia,
most of these guys,

Even if they weren’t
guilty on what they’re
locked up for,

They should still
be in there

For 40 things that we
didn’t catch them on.

All i’m saying is,
going back over it
in my mind,

Suarez might have
given it up to me
a little quick.

He might have.

Yeah. You can get ’em
to give it up
a little quick,

But they’re usually
full of remorse.

That’s absolutely right.

Which suarez wasn’t.

So goin’ back over it
in my mind,

I remember something
kept pulling at me,

Like it was arthritis
right down in my hip.

But all the other pieces
added up.

Listen, your wife
might be right

Suarez saying
what he is.

Maybe it’s worth
another look.

You’re a good cop,

Oh. Now I know
it’s true.

He’s not gonna confess.


And then the ballistics
will come in

On the b*llet that
k*lled this big sh*t,

And they’ll match
todd’s g*n.

And then you know who’s
gonna get the credit.

Oh, yeah.


Doesn’t matter.

You mean somebody else

Is gonna get credit
for solving this

Instead of you two?

Got a lot more power
than we do.

Depends what
you mean by power.

We do
the heavy lifting.


If I k*lled this guy
or not‐‐

You act like you’re bigger
than other people,

And you will get
cut down to size.

Ross acted that way
toward you?

Oh, his name was ross?

I thought his name
was midget d*ck.

I thought his name
was the angry inch.


I’m gonna make your day.

I k*lled ross,

And i’m confessing that
to you personally.

This is a big test
for me, delray.

It’s a character

Having terry’s

Seeing your
good veins there

To take the syringe,

Put the poison
into you.

I’d like to leave it
right here...

But i’ve gotta
give you a chance
to b*at the needle.

You ain’t givin’ me nothin’
you don’t wanna give me.

Much as I wanna
cave your head in

For what you did
to them people...

I need to remember
I got a job

Where I can try
to help the weaker.

And doing what i’d
like to do to you

Would cost me
my position.

So meeting
my professional
requirements, delray,

I’m telling you,
with terry confessing‐‐

Leaving him the only one
on record‐‐

Is you signing
your death warrant.

I gotta be straight
about that as a cop.

Well, I was there.

All right?

I was in the store
with terry,

But he did
all the v*olence.

So you know what
corroboration is,
douche bag?

A confession
from a participant
like terry give me.

Unless I get some outside
piece of corroboration,

The d. A.
Won’t go to bat.

You putting yourself
on the scene

terry’s statement, delray.

I got you, you prick.

I put myself on the scene,
not doin’ nothing.

Get up.

The jury will decide
who did what
in that shop.

I’m sayin’ to you
I do nothin’
to those people.

I’m declarin’
myself innocent.

Yeah. Stay with that.

Any more will make you
look better,

And I want you looking
as bad as you are.

How are you
handling dolores?

Last name unknown.

When she was saying
she hated working here

Because people
appreciated her...

Oh. I know.

I felt so bad
for her.

Yeah. I’ve been
in that place.

Down on yourself so bad

You can’t stand
anyone liking you.

Strange we never
ran into each other.

Seems like andy’s got
a handle on this stuff,

Keeping things
in perspective.

Oh, yeah.
We call andy the buddha.

We touch his tummy

So his calm
will rub off.

This second guy
on andy’s and my case

That b*at up
them old people,

I got corroboration
out of him.


Yeah. He didn’t go,

But he put himself there.

Oh, that’s all
you need

For the d.a.
To go to bat.

Yeah. That’s all I needed
from that prick.

Anyways, I got a date.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.

He takes it to heart.

Yeah. He’ll probably
be pretty good.

I almost said,
don’t get home too late.


[Water running]

i’m in here.

Where’s theo?

My father’s.

Have we got
something to do?

No. I just took the baby
to my father’s, andy.

Anyways, maybe I got
a happy surprise
for you

On this, uh,
this suarez thing.

You know‐‐you know
this suarez thing

Where you asked me
to talk with
bill dornan?

After what he told me
the other day,

Now dornan shows back up
at the squad,

Like, an hour
or so ago,

And he says, "your wife
may be entirely correct
there, sipowicz."

You know how
them people are

With their difficulty
trusting us,

And it took dornan
this long to confide.

Uh, tells me, i’m
going over in my mind,

For a guy not torn
with remorse,

Suarez may entirely
have given this up
too soon,

And she should maybe
reopen the case.

That’s what
he tells me.

Suarez is dead.

He got shanked
in the rikers laundry room.

Who k*lled him?

They don’t know yet.

I’m going over to do
the interviews.

Oh, brother.

Sylvia, i’m sorry.

I’ll call you later.

Want me to go
over there with you?


I’m sorry I didn’t get this
out of dornan before.

Well, andy, you know
how them people are.

So, remember
my feeling, danny,

Not lookin’
for anything serious,

That right now
I just wanna date?

Yeah, I remember
you saying that
the other night.

I told you that
as soon as we met.

Yeah. I remember how
appealing I found that.

I still mean that.

Ok. Good.


If things change for us
and, I don’t know,

If we...kind of naturally
went to the next level,

That wouldn’t
scare me off.

And I wanted
to tell you that, too,

Because i’m a completely
honest person.


Good...you’d like to go
to the next level?

Uh, good I know where
you’re coming from,

And i’m glad you’re
completely honest.

Where are you
coming from?

Where i’m coming
from is...

3 Minutes ago,
we’re great,

And now I feel things
are getting stirred up.

What do you mean
stirred up?

Stirred up, nadine.

I feel things
taking a wrong turn.

I get stirred up enough
every day at my job,

I don’t need to get
stirred up at night.

What’s wrong with you?

All I did was basically
tell you I liked you,

And you go off.

What, you like it better
when people say
they don’t like you?

Nadine, I came
over here tonight

Because I needed
to be with you.

And you came over...

And you got laid.

And you only
k*lled an hour,

So now you still got time
to hit the bars.

I didn’t come over here
just for that.

I came over here because
I needed to be next
to somebody good.

You’re a good person,

And friday night, when
we go catch a movie,

If I pick up
on the sense

That maybe
you don’t wanna talk

And you just wanna
enjoy the night,

I’ll respect that.

Nice try.

Besides, i’m busy
friday night.

Well, hopefully,
some other time then.

Maybe saturday night,

I’ll swing by
around 8:00.

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