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01x21 - Rat in a Corner

Posted: 04/23/22 07:11
by bunniefuu
Dr. Richard Kimble.

death row, state prison.

Richard Kimble is innocent.

Proved guilty,

what Richard Kimble
could not prove

was that moments
before discovering

his m*rder*d wife's body,

he saw a one-armed man running
from the vicinity of his home.

Richard Kimble ponders his fate

as he looks at the world
for the last time

and sees only darkness.

But in that darkness,
fate moves its huge hand.

The Fugitive.

A QM production.

Starring David Janssen
as the fugitive.

Warren Oates,

Virginia Vincent,

Malachi Throne.

"Rat in a Corner. "

Herbie, boy,

it's gonna be a snap.

Okay, okay, we'll send it over.


Deliver this.

I'm gonna check the stock.

And look, no joyriding,

I pay you to work.

Yes, sir.

Countless weeks
and months of running.

Endless running,

endless searching
for the man with one arm,

pausing only for a job
like this to stay alive.

Richard Kimble, fugitive.
Dan Crowley, clerk.


ain't a fit night out
for man nor beast, is it?

Well, it's a good night
to warm the inner man.

Heh-heh. Yeah.

Say, you wanna know
how to make a bundle real quick?

You wanna know, friend?

Like this. Go.

That's not gonna
do you any good. It's empty.

So is a hole in your head.

It's late.
The money is in the safe.

The boss didn't wanna
take a chance

because of all these holdups.

I'll tell you what we'll do.
We'll split fifty-fifty.

I take the cash
and you take the register.

Okay? Now get.

Now why don't you
just walk out that door

and nobody will know
the difference.

Why don't you get in the back
and open that safe. Now.

I don't know the combination.

Oh, you guys, you stinking guys.

You got all the answers,
don't you?

You two-bit jobs.
All you stinking guys.

All right, come on, come on.
Show's over. Let's go.

Well, there's no sign
of any blood.

If there was any,
the rain washed it away.


I hit him.

This joker knocks over
a couple of liquor store clerks

and you guys
can't even find him.

But I hit him.

Right, Crowley?

that's right.

He, uh... He didn't act
much like a k*ller.

What would you know,
standing there scared to death?

Look, we're already
searching the neighborhood.

If he got hit,
we'll find him.

You better put a call
in to Homicide.


You live at Plymouth Street?
That's right. .

And you're at the Edmund Hotel?

that's right.

Now, do you mind
if I get on with my business?

It's your business.

The car's in the back.

Suppose you make that delivery.


I'm lucky.

Every horoscope I read says:

"Herbie Grant's
born under a lucky star. "

I never figured this car
would be yours.

But when you get in
and I see who,

you could knock me over.

Now start driving.

I got my own problems.

Yeah? Well, I gotta
get out of here.

Now start driving.


What's the matter? You made out
of stone and you can't help me?

All of a sudden,
I'm freezing.

I'm freezing to death,
I tell you.


How do I know
you know what you're doing?

Better see a doctor.

Yeah. Yeah.

You'll drive me.

Put that away.

Look, it's your fault I'm shot.

You stalled me, man.
You conned me.

That cash register
wasn't empty, was it?

Look, mister,

you think I pulled
that heist because of me?

You think I pulled that heist
because of old Herbie here?

I got a kid sister
in the hospital.

I'm going broke paying
for medical expenses.

Look, she don't ever
ask for nothing.

She just lays there
and looks up at me.

Now she needs something special,
and I wanna get it for her.

That's the truth, I swear.

I'm gonna make this delivery.

Now you can walk.

When I come back you'd better
be gone or I'll call the police.


Well, what took you so long?

I had a little trouble
finding the address.

Eight dollars and cents.

Stopped raining.

Be a nice day tomorrow.

This the clerk?

That's him.

Lieutenant Santelli,

Sergeant Ryan.

How do you do?

How are you?


Yeah. Anything?

Same as the door.

Nothing but smudges.

Did he touch anything else?

Uh, what about the counter?
I- I'm sure he didn't.

Uh, I would have remembered.

Okay, wrap it up.

Want a lift to your hotel?

Well, thank you,
but I have to close up.

I can manage. Go ahead.

Thank you.

Stick close.
We'll need you as a witness.

This is Santelli.
We're coming in.

Any word on our - ?

Five units combing the area.

No pickup made yet.

Now, how'd you get here?

Well, this must have
fell out of your pocket.

I figured I'd do you a favor

and bring it back.

Come on in, man.
It's your room.

All right.
You start down this end

and work along this wall.

I'll go up the other end.

Now, you can't stay here.

Oh, no? Heh.

Where else?

I just got back into town,
friend. I ain't got no address.

How far am I gonna get
on this, without money?

I haven't got any money.


Watch it. Watch it.

Look at that.

They're all around.
They're all over.

I've been listening
to your radio.

They think I'm the guy that
does liquor-store killings.

They grab me,
they're gonna railroad me

for something I didn't do.

How'd you like
to be in my shoes, huh?

Oh, man,
this is k*lling me.

I can't stand that.
That's- That's k*lling me.

Well, look at you
just standing there.

You're just standing there.

I can't stand.

I'll wash it off for you.

I knew I could count on you,

Now, don't count on anything.

I'll clean this up for you
and then you-

You get out.

Well, um, sorry
to bother you, ma'am.

Always glad to have company.


The b*llet went through.

It's not very serious.
You can walk.

In the morning, man.

No, now.

There's danger of infection.
You'll need medication. Now.

Look, you tore my pants.

There's blood all over.

Now, cops see that,
they spot that in a second.

You put the g*n down,
will you?


You see that?

That's my mother's ring.

That's my dead mother's ring.

Now, that ring's
worth over $ .

You take this-
You take this ring

down to the hockshop
in the morning, huh?

You get me some new pants
and some medicine for my leg,

and old Herbie
will skip outta here

and nobody will ever know
I was here.

Go on, take it.

Where did you get it, Herbie?
Did you steal it?

Steal it?

Man, you don't trust nobody,
do you?

Hey, give-

It's empty.

All right, Herbie.
Just get out, will you?

Who is it?


Sorry to bother you, but-

Oh. Crowley, right?

That's right.

We're just making a door-to-door

looking for that, uh-
That fellow. You know.

I guess there's no need
to bother with your room.



I hope you catch him.


Want me to open
my mouth and say "ah"?


Just keep the towel wet
till I get back.

All right. Give me the ring.

Hey, uh...

Why-? Why are you
doing this for me?

What's your angle?

There always has to be an angle,
doesn't there, Herbie?

Well, like, last night,
a cop's at the door,

one word from you
and I'd be in the pokey.

Now you're fixing up my leg, I-

What's in it for you?

What do you get out
of this for yourself?

I knew a man once.

He was convicted
for something he didn't do.

I don't wanna
see it happen again.

Yeah? Don't snow me, man.
Come on.

You got an angle working.
Now, what is it?

Ain't nobody does anything
in this world for nothing.

You know, Herbert,

I think I should
have turned you in, then.

You're nothing but a rat.

Just a common,
ordinary, everyday rat.

How's it going?

You'd better come along.



What for?


You forgot something.

Your cigarettes.

Hello, post office?

Lorna Grant, please.


Hello, Lorna.

Guess who.

I don't have to.

What's the hot water
you're in this time?

Now, don't con me, Herbie.
I'll hang up.

I swear, Herbie, I'll hang up.

Now, now, now, look, Lorna.
It's nothing. It's nothing.

Only, uh...

I-I'm over
at this hotel, see?

I want you to come over
and get me. Would you?

More trouble
with the police, huh?

all day long I work here.

I look at the wanted posters.
I know them with my eyes closed.

Take a good picture, Herbie.
Someday I'll be looking at you.

No, now, sis,
you got it wrong. Look.

It's, uh-
It's not the police.

Lorna, you got a car.

Now, all you got to do
is come over here and-

Listen, do you know who's coming
over here, big as life? Ryan.

Detective Ryan.

And you say you're not
in trouble with the police.

Herbie, don't ever ask me
for help again. Don't ever.


No, thanks.


A little.

Happens to everybody when
they come into a police station.

Well, don't sweat.

All we want you to do
is double-check some mug sh*ts.

I don't know where he is.

I told you that
on the way over.

I haven't the foggiest.

He's a big boy.
He doesn't come running to me.

It won't be long.



Thank you.

Thank you.


I've got it. Thank you.


That's a pretty sharp ring.

Your wife's?

I'm not married.

A friend of mine had a ring
like that once.

I'm sorry. It looked familiar,
that's all.

Oh, uh,

I would take that cigarette now,
if you, uh, can spare it.


Woman's prerogative
to change her mind.

You bet.


You, um, know this,
uh, Grant character?


Somebody named Sharp
identified him.

Is that you? Sharp?

No. Mr. Sharp's the boss.
I'm just a clerk in the store.

They, um, say
this Herbie Grant...

Well, they say that
he's that, uh,

liquor-store k*ller.

What do you think?


Give me another cigarette.

Another cigarette.


"Crowley. "

That's your name?


Or is it maybe another name?

Like, maybe "Kimble"?

All over the country.

Every post office.

Don't you identify him,
you understand?

Not if you wanna
get out of here.

He's already been identified.
If I...

If I don't go along,
they'll know I'm lying.


But my brother
gave you that ring.

You know where he is.

Don't tell them,
you understand?


You're being paged,
Mr. Crowley.

Look, I don't know
how you got that ring,

but I want it. It's mine.

He said it was his mother's.

Here. You go pawn it.

Pawn it? For a few lousy bucks
you were gonna pawn it?

It's for your brother.
He needed money to buy medicine.

Hey, wait a minute.

He's in the Edmund Hotel,
room .

Medicine? What for?

Look, I kept my part
of the bargain.

Just get off my back, will you?

Wh-What's wrong with Herbie?

He was shot during the holdup.


How bad? Is he hurt bad?

He'll live.
I did what I could for him.

You helped him?

How come? You a friend of his?

Look, Miss Grant.

He was wounded.
He needed a place to hide.

Now, I'm not gonna throw him
out in the street

and let him bleed to death.

You helped him?

And with the kind of rap
you're carrying?

Hey, you know something?
You're a pretty nice guy, doc.

Everybody has to get
on the bandwagon.

Your boss, witnesses
to those two other killings,

they're all fingering Herbie.

Witnesses can be wrong.

You're talking about yourself,

about what happened to you.

Yeah, that's right.

Herbie never k*lled
anybody either.

Please. Treat him.

We can take my car.

All right. I'll get the medicine
and I'll meet you at the hotel.





Lorna, what are you doing here?
Come on in.

What did you do,
bite yourself?

Uh, look, uh, that-
That's why I called you.

You know, I'm clean now.

That last- That last rap I had,
that was a bum one.

Uh, things just seem
to be happening to me.

I just seem to be
getting the short end

of the stick
or something.

You liar.

You liar!
What is the matter with you?

Liar, liar, liar.

You think I don't know you
from way back?

Holding up a liquor store

and swiping my ring.

Everybody calls you a rat,
and you are.

That's just what you are,

Brother Rat.

I didn't steal it.

I-I-I just borrowed it,
that's all.

Hey, wait a minute.

That's how you knew
where to find me, huh?

Where'd you run into him?

Police headquarters.

Headquarters, huh?

Yeah, well,
I tell you, he's the rat.

I'm getting out of here.

Now, wait a minute.

He didn't tell the police
where you were.

He didn't.

He's not that kind.


Besides, I recognized him.

Herbie, I told him if he opened
his mouth about you,

I'd tell them who he is.

Yeah, well, he's a jerk,
that's who he is.

His name is Richard Kimble.
He's a fugitive.

His picture's
in the post office.

He's a fugitive?

Richard Kimble, huh?

It's all right.

He didn't say a word.
It's all right.

Yeah, well, where is he now?

Where is he right now?
He'll be here any minute.

I gave him some money
to get that medication.

You gave him money.

Don't you know
he's off the hook now.

You give him money,
he's gone.

Yes, lady,
we're still looking for him.

That's right.


I've got it.
Thank you for calling.

Cleaning woman
in the Edmund Hotel.


Room .

That's where that clerk lives.

Now, that's a coincidence.

Yeah. Isn't it?

This Kimble,
he ought to be back now, Lorna.

I tell you,
I don't trust him.

Oh, Herbie.

Aw, he's a fink.
I don't trust him.

Where's your car,

It's parked about a block away.

Well, if you go get it,
I'll slip out and I'll meet you

out front in five minutes.
You pick me up, huh?

Well, where would I take you?

Aw, just a couple of miles,
that's all.

Remember that produce market
down near the club

where you used to work?


Well, they got trucks
going in and out of there

around the clock, see.
Now, I know a guy.

Now, he wouldn't do that
for anybody but me.

All you gotta do
is get me there.

Lorna, t-that's the least
you could do for me.

All right. Five minutes.

Cut it.


Crowley, you fink. You fink.

Hold it.

That's it, Grant.

Don't sh**t me. Don't.

Don't sh**t.

It ain't even loaded.

Come on down.

I'm gonna make a deal
with you, huh?

I'm gonna make
a deal with you. Huh?

Hey, you don't want me.
I ain't nobody.

I'm talking about a big shot.

He's down there.

He's down there! Kimble!
Richard Kimble, you fink!

What happened?

Let's get outta here.

Police are also looking

for Grant's accomplice,
Dan Crowley,

believed to be convicted k*ller
Richard Kimble.

According to police,

Grant identified
Kimble when arrested.

Kimble, who escaped
from police custody

almost a year ago-

Boy, that's my Herbie.

Pull over.

Pull over.

For a moment there
I could see the headlines.

Thanks for all your help, Lorna.

Where are you going?
I'll drive you.

We'd never
get by the roadblocks.


Where do you think
those two fellows are going

that just passed us?

Look, thanks a lot.
I'll manage.

I don't want to involve you.

I'm already involved.

Let's think of something.

My apartment. We could-
We could go there.

No, you're Herbie's sister.

That's the first place
they'd look.

All right,
I know a better place.

Much better.

Okay. Let's go.

Welcome to the Kitten Club.

I'm sorry I had to bring you in
through the alleyway.

The front's boarded up. Heh.

Well, doctor,
what'll it be?


There's a private
dining room upstairs.

The dumbwaiter brings the food
up hot as a p*stol. Heh.

It's on the house,
compliments of Lorna Grant.

Did it beat working
in a post office?

Yeah, how about that, huh? Heh.

From bright lights
to punching a time clock.

Well, I got fed up with
the champagne and caviar,

and holding hands
with tired businessmen,

so I reformed.

I split with the guy
who owned it,

and they took away his permit
and boarded up the place.

Now all I've got left
is a rusty key, a diamond ring,

my self-respect.

And mine too.

Oh, doctor, I'll bet you tell
that to all your patients.

Well, as they say
in the Westerns,

"I'll be back, pardner,"

as soon as I see Herbie.

They may, uh-

May not let you talk to him.

Well, they'd better.

But not for his sake.
For yours.

You see, he's got some kind
of connection

at the produce market.

I wanna pry it out of him

and get you on
one of those trucks,

so you can get away.

The last time,
I went bail for him.

No bail this time.

he didn't do those killings.

You know it and I know it,
but do the police know it?

Well, uh...

I wouldn't worry about Herbie.

You know what
I like about you, doc?

You're cheerful.

Kimble, Herbie.
Richard Kimble. Where is he?

I don't know.

You positive?


They caught him in Springfield.
He confessed.

Well, what about Kimble?

Look, you lost him.

I handed him to you
on a silver platter,

and you lose him.

Solid silver, Herbie.
Solid silver.

Lots of times there are rewards
for interstate fugitives.


Runs as high
as four or sometimes.

Didn't you know?

Sure, I know that.

But I'm not the kind of guy

that, uh, goes around
and rats on somebody.

It's bad for my reputation.

I know.

I don't know where he is.
I ain't got no idea.

You might find out now that
you're getting out of here.

Who you trying to kid?
Me getting out?

Look, I'm up for m*rder one.

You trying to kid me,
getting out?

We're dropping
the m*rder charge.

Go on,
your sister's waiting for you.

She bailed you out.

Yes. Didn't we tell you?

They caught that liquor store
m*rder*r in Springfield.

Right after we picked you up.

Must have slipped my mind.

You're only up
for armed robbery.

Go on. Get out of here.


let this be a lesson
to you guys.

You better watch who you're
picking on the next time.

Five thousand, huh?

I didn't know there
was a reward for Kimble.

There isn't.

How do you like those creeps,

letting me
sweat out a m*rder rap.

Where we going?
Your apartment?


"No"? What do you mean, "no"?

I ain't got no place to live.
You know that.

Look, my leg's k*lling me.
Shut up.

Will you for once shut up?

What are you so jumpy about?

I'm not jumpy.

I was just wondering,
that's all.

About that connection
of yours at the market.

Are you kidding?
You put up bail for me.

If I split, you lose it.
You know that.

Unless you know something
that I don't know.

All I want to know is-

Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I get the picture.

You know somebody who wants
to leave town, don't you?

Well, maybe old Herbie
can arrange it for you.

Let's go talk to him.

And don't you get any ideas.

Oh, what kind of a creep do you
take me for? I got integrity.

After you.

Herbie, people are always
going out on a limb for you.

Why do you always saw it off?

He put me out on a limb,
didn't he?

He fingered me.
Kimble fingered me.

It wasn't Kimble.
It was a maid at the hotel.

Oh, stop it, will you?

I heard it on the radio.

She recognized you
from the paper.



Well, I didn't hear it.

Anyhow, what's the difference?

Why should I do him a favor?

In this crummy world,
favors cost money,

you know what I mean?

Oh, boy.

That isn't her car.
What happened to her?

She must have cut up that alley.
We'd better backtrack.

Oh, I-I couldn't
imagine where you'd gone.

They let you out.

Yeah, they let me out.

Lucky for you they did.

Without me you'd
be in a soup right now.

Well, I'm not out of it yet.

Well, what do you know,
you don't trust me.

Tell him why
I fingered him, Lorna.

Look, man, I thought it was you
who told them where I was.

Herbie, there's
no time for that.

Just tell him
who your connection is

and how you arrange it.

All right, you ready?

Yeah, I'm ready.

Okay. Uh, sit tight.
I'll be right back.

Hey, wait a minute.

Hey, man, look,
I gotta contact him, don't I?

They ain't got
no phones in here.

What do you want me to do,
send smoke signals?

Look, I ain't gonna
double-cross you.

Do I get to a phone or don't I?

All right. Go ahead.

You wouldn't double-cross me.

Oh! Over there.
The door goes upstairs.

Come on!

Man, honest, I didn't tip 'em.

Yeah, honest.

There's a dumbwaiter
back in the kitchen.

Come on.

You can get to the roof.
The market's two blocks over.

Herbie, who's your connection?
Herbie, tell him.


For once, Herbie.

For once,
don't saw off the limb.

I don't have
a connection, Lorna.


I don't- I don't know anybody
over there. I just made it up.

I gotta be such a big shot.

Look, Kimble,

you don't need a connection.

Just go to the market.

You wait your chance
and sneak in a truck, see?

I used to do it
when I was a kid.

It ain't-
It ain't no different now.

Thanks, Lorna.

Open up.

Open up in there.

Can I help you?

I'm out on bail.

What do you want?

Just helping you out, Herbie.

If there's any reward money.

You think he's here?

Could be.

Better check upstairs, Ryan.

Think it over, Herbie.

With $ you can get yourself
a topflight lawyer.

He'd get you off
with a minimum sentence.

And after you got out,

you'd still have enough.

Enough for a car, Herbie.

And a trunk
full of flashy suits.

Oh, you'd be a big shot.

I ain't never seen him.

I ain't seen him.

Door is boarded up.

That was worth a try.

I'd never believe it.


I am so proud of you.


I'm out of my mind.

Hey, wait a minute! Hey!

Come back. Come back.
Wait a minute!

Wait a minute!

Hey! Come back!

Oh, man.

Oh, man.

What's the matter with me?
What's the matter with me?!

Idiot. Dope.

Five thousand.

Five thousand dollars
right down the drain.

Five. Five. Count 'em. Five!

Herbie, Herbie,
you are a jerk.

Hello? Miss Grant.

Oh, it's you.

No, Herbie.

Herbie, I'm sorry.

I haven't got
the money right now.

Oh, Herbie.

Herbie, all right.

But this is the last time,
you understand?

A man?

My brother.



They're all alike.

You think so?

a destination for this truck,

but for Richard Kimble,
no destination.

And even asleep,
there are shadows.

Shadows that haunt
a man on the run.

A fugitive.