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01x07 - Smoke Screen

Posted: 04/23/22 06:35
by bunniefuu
The name: Dr. Richard Kimble.

The destination:
death row, state prison.

The irony:

Richard Kimble is innocent.

Proved guilty, what
Richard Kimble could not prove

was that moments
before discovering

his m*rder*d wife's body,

he saw a one-armed man

running from the vicinity
of his home.

Richard Kimble ponders his fate

as he looks at the world
forthe last time

and sees only darkness.

But in that darkness,
fate moves its huge hand.

The Fugitive.

A QM production.

Starring David Janssen
as the fugitive.

With guest stars
Beverly Garland...

Alejandro Rey...

Pina Pellicer...

Peter Helm.

Also starring Barry Morse
as Lieutenant Gerard.

Tonight's episode,
"Smoke Screen."

the Imperial Valley.

Richard Kimble, now wearing
the name of Joseph Walker.

Occupation: farm laborer.

The California sun is hot,

and there is
a strange antagonism

in the eyes
of the other workers,

a hatred which
he cannot fathom,

but one which Richard Kimble
tries to ignore,

in his effort to keep
the secret of his identity.

Look, I'm tired
of all this stealing.

Now, you just stay away from me.

Try that over here.

What's with them?
What's with you, Jordan?

I can't stand
the smell of skunk.

I reckon they can't neither.

What's that supposed to mean?

Do I have to draw you a picture?

We want you out of here.

All right,
what's going on here?

What's the trouble,


I don't hold
with shoutin' and yellin',

but you better
believe it.

You gotta top
more onions than that,

or I'll have
to let you go, you hear?

They ridin' you?

I got a hunch
maybe all the trouble

ain't on your side.


Come here.

Now, Paco, you talk
to your friends

and tell 'em
to lay off of this man.

I don't know what the beef is,
but I'm gonna stop it fast.

Go on, tell 'em.

That goes
for you too, Jordan.

Everybody, over here!


Come on!
All of you!

Look, we've got trouble.

There's a forest fire

up in the mountains
just east of here.

you better translate for me.

Alvarez, come here.

Come on up here.

Go ahead, tell 'em.

Now, the ranger here

is out scouting up some men
to go fight it.

Now, if the fire
gets out of hand,

it could come down
and damage some of our fields,

so I'm going to make you
a little offer.

The State has
a set hourly rate

they pay for this kind
of work.

You'll get paid that.

And we'll keep on
with your pay here at the farm,

just like you were
topping onions all the while.

Muy bien.

All right, now,
you have to volunteer!

You might be away
for a couple of days,

so the trucks will take you
to pack your things.

Now, let's go!



Oh, sorry, captain.

Richard Kimble?

I've got a hunch.

And I've got a lead

on the Danbury
homicide case for you.

Phil, isn't this
just another will-o'-the-wisp?

Well, three months ago

I had a wire from
a sheriff east of El Paso.

A transient
he'd hustled out of town

might have been Kimble.
A possibility.

Seen here too?
That's right.

Now, suppose he's working
his way west from crop to crop.

Lettuce in Texas,

carrots in New Mexico,
oranges in Arizona...

Phil, you've got want-bulletins
out there.

What more can you do?

It only takes a few hours
by jet.

How about the Danbury case?

This is a typical pattern,
captain, following the crop.

Might turn up in California.

I could be there,

It's only a hunch, Phil.

A longshot hunch.

No, I-I need you here now.

Come on. Let's get
on this Danbury case.


Paco. Paco!

I don't want you
to go!

I don't want to go, either.

But if I stay behind,
they will wonder why.

We shouldn't give them reasons
to ask questions.

What about that one?

He's going with you?


it makes me afraid.

Not for myself.

It makes me afraid for you.

I'll go with you.

Don't be foolish.

Are any of the other wives
going with their husbands?

I told you, I don't want you
to speak in Spanish

in front of everybody.

If they hear us,

they are going
to suspect something.


I don't care
about any of them.

I love you.

I need you.

I'm going
to have your baby.


If everything goes well,
I'll be back tomorrow.

If the baby comes?

You tell it not to come
before tomorrow.

I want to be here
when it happens.

In the trucks, everybody.
Come on, hurry up.

Let's go!

Who's in charge?

Oh, are you in charge here?

I'm the foreman.

They told me
to expect you, Miss, uh...

Doris Stillwell,

County hospital. They're sending
an intern along later.

Look, will you get somebody
to help me get these boxes

on one of your trucks?

Ho, Walker!
Over here.

I'm... I'm glad
you're going to be with us.


Nurse Stillwell's going up
the fire line with us.

Put her stuff
into that pickup truck.

No, wait a minute.
I'll take that.

You just get the rest
of the stuff.

Here. That's enough
for one load.

Now, please, be careful,

because some of that stuff
is sterilized.


I'm so sorry!

Is anything broken?

Oh, that's fine.

I'm short on supplies
as it is.

Now, look.
Please, be careful!

If I can't trust you
with a simple job like this,

I'll get somebody else.

Hello, Harry?

I'm at a place
called Hidalgo Grove.

It's supposed to be the
control center, but there's...

There's no one around.

Can you see the fire?


Look, Johnny boy,

you're supposed to be reporting
a fire, remember?

Hey, wait a minute, Harry.

I-I think I hear something.

I guess it's the firefighters.

It's a cop...

Let's see,
and there's one,

two trucks.

There's a bunch of workers
in the trucks and, uh,

there's a forest ranger in...
In the, uh, highway patrol car.

Three trucks, Harry.

Okay, kid. Now, take it easy.

All right,
out of the trucks.

Let's go!

let's go.

Paco, get on this table.
We'll get these things over.

Get this equipment out
of the truck...

You just tell us about it,
and we'll put it on tape.

If it's any good, I'll drop it
into our next newscast.

Now, you've got ten seconds
from my signal.

This is Johnny Peters reporting
to you from the fire scene.

K.R.G.A. is first at the scene,

and we are watching
the first of the fire...

Aw, cut it, Harry.
That was awful.

I'm sorry.
Can we try it again, please?

Okay, Johnny.
Now, forget all

about what they're teaching you
in college.

Just describe what you see.
Now, go!

This is Johnny Peters reporting
to you from the fire scene.

K.R.G.A. is watching the first
of the firefighters arrive

at this peaceful picnic area

which is going to be
the, uh, control center

for the fire area.


Go to the truck
and get some shovels.



Get some shovels out
of the truck.

You go with him.

Grab that end?

Paco. Where is Paco?

Paco... Paco Alvarez!


Let me give you a hand.

Paco. Maria...

I'm ashamed of you, Maria.

What kind of a wife is this

who doesn't obey her husband?

I'm sorry, Paco.

I am so glad
to be here.

Well, where did she
come from?

Forgive my Maria,

She was hiding in the truck
to be with me.

Well, as long as she's here,
she can help me.

Take this into the tent,
Mrs. Alvarez,

and stay there.

Would you bring the table
right in here?

Come on,
hurry up, fellas.


will you tell your wife

not to get
any more fancy ideas?

Then get aboard
the truck.

Push it back,

All right, fellas, come on.
Push back in the truck.

Come on, move back there!

Give him room fellas.
Come on, here, boy.

All right,
move it out!

I'm at the fire area, Harry,
and... And it's a big one, boy.

Looks like the whole
mountainside is burning.

How're you feeling?

Well, I...
I'm a little scared.

Maybe you should have sent Sam
up, or... Or come up yourself.

Oh, you'll do fine.

I'm putting you on live
in about, uh, two minutes.

Now, remember:

Give us details.
What it looks like,

What it feels like.
And leave the big picture to...

Harry, th-the firefighters
are here. They... They just came.

Swell. Tell us
how they go about it.

Details now.

All right, everybody
off the truck.

Don't go away
without your tools.

Everybody line up here.

A couple of you guys
drag out them tools.

All right, as soon as you get
a tool, move right out.

Move right up to the line.

All right, this man
get that bag pump and move out.

Go outta the truck!

Stand by, Johnny.

I'll give it to you
in about... seconds.

You'd better move on down
to the control area, son.

But I'm on the air
in a few seconds.

All right, but you'd better
move out right afterwards.

This place can become a furnace
if that wind shifts.

Stand by, Johnny.

Five seconds.

Four, three, two...

This is Johnny Peters coming
to you from the fire area.

There's smoke everywhere,
and it's very hard to see.

The, uh, first of the volunteer
firefighters have just arrived

and a-are working very hard
at clearing a firebreak.

But their actions seem pitiful

compared to the fury
of these flames.

The professional firefighters
are completely out of view,

What's this?


They must be the borate bombers
we've been expecting.

The purpose of the borate
is to slow down the fire

so that the ground crews
can get control of the flames.

Everybody out!

All right, everybody
on this fire line move out!

Get goin'!
Leave everything as it is.

Move out. Go on, move!


I got a man here down
with smoke.

How bad is he?

I think we ought
to get him to the nurse.

Can you drive a truck?


Come on, I'll give you
a hand with him.

I'd better get somebody
to help you with him.



Come here.

On the double.

Hey, uh, you speak
English, don't you?


Well, then, get in that truck
and go along with him.

All right,
climb in the back.

See that your friend
doesn't bounce around.

Well, get in the truck.

Look, what's wrong with you?

Plenty. I am not
the only one.

What is that suppose
to mean?

Why did you choose me?!
I never hurt you.

Why me?
I don't know
what you're talking about.

Come on,
get in the truck.

You won't
send me back now!

You won't
send me back now!

Now, get in the truck!

I know who you are.

We all know who you are!

What do you mean?

Tell me!
What do you mean?

You are with the police.

The poli...?

They tell me
it happens very often.

Men like you,
with hands that are soft,

men who are different,

coming among the workers

to betray the ones
who are not here legally!

You really think
I'm with the police?

So you are not?

You are not
with the border people?

No way.

It is a trick.
You are pretending.

Paco, the police and me are
on opposite ends of the pole.

I've got more reason to run
from the police than you have.

I believe you.

So...that's why you came
to the onion field.

To hide.

Forgive me,
my friend.

I didn't know.


What's the matter
with you guys?

Get goin'!

Your, uh, friend,

We're taking him
to the nurse.


There, this ought
to feel better.

But I wouldn't go back
to the fire.

Think you ought
to just go right outside

and find a place
to sit down.

Look, would...
Would you hold this please?

What's wrong
with him?

The sector boss
sent him down.

He didn't send
inhalers too, did he?

He promised me inhalers,
an intern,

more medical supplies.

It's not your problem.

Put him on that table.

Where's my Maria?

Oh. Oh, yes.
You're the husband.

Uh...well, she's another one
of my medical supplies

that ran out on me.

I don't know.
She's around here somewhere.


Over here!

Tell him to go away!

He's not
with the police.

We were wrong.

We shouldn't have done
to you the things we did.

But my friends
were only trying

to protect Maria and me.

They thought if they made
things difficult for you,

you might go away.

Does that happen often?

Very often.

That's why
she left the tent.

Let's get her
to know the nurse.

No. I don't want
to have my baby in a tent.

But, Maria,
it is time.

Our baby was to be born
in a hospital,

where the papers are.



We came to this country,

so our baby could be
born a citizen

of the United States.

Perhaps it is the will of God
that it shouldn't be so.

There will be
no papers here.

The nurse has
to fill out the same papers

that she would at the hospital.

Is that true, Walker?

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

Mrs. Alvarez,

your baby will be born
an American. Do you understand?

Let's get her
to the nurse.

Now, breathe deeply.

Breathe deeply.

What is it now?

She's having
labor pains.

Oh, great. That's all I need
to make my day perfect.

How far apart?

Ten, minutes,
I'd say.

Would you
take her inside?

Look, would you please check
on my intern

and my supplies?

Can that thing, uh,
be used to contact a doctor?

What's wrong?

The fire.

What about the fire?

It's all around us. It's...
It's closing in on us!

How do you know?

I just got it
from my boss.

We've got
to get out of here!

I tell you,
we're in a pocket!

Just settle down.

Settle down.

No need to panic.

We're not cut off yet.



I'm sorry. I-I don't know
what happened to me.

It happens.
It happens to anybody.


You're gonna have to help me
get the woman into the truck.


The baby can't be
delivered normally.

She needs an operation,
a cesarean.

Look, uh,
would you get some blankets?

We're gonna need
a lot of them.

Come on, bring more line
down to here!

Free that line
up there!

That's it.

Come in with the shovels,
clear out a layer!

Where you headed?

Down below. We've got
an emergency hospital case.

Not a chance.

Fire's out of control
all up and down that road.

What if we made a run for it?

You'd be dead
a hundred yards in.

Better go back
to where you came from.

It's gotta be

All right, thanks.


The fire has blocked us off.
We can't get through.

We have to get through.

Isn't there another road?

Fire's all around us.
We'll have to go back.

Look, she needs a doctor.
Can't you understand that?

We have to get her
to a surgeon.

Well, maybe we can fly one in
by helicopter.

How long will that take?

An hour, maybe. I don't know.

Well, then she'll...!

Then she'll die.

Now, we have
to get through.

All right, if you won't drive,
I will!

Look, that girl's life
depends on this.

Now, stay in the truck...
Are you gonna take this...?

Stay in the truck.

Johnny, the, uh, network
wants to take your stuff.

We fed 'em the tapes.
Now they're hooking up live.

You're kidding me!

Yes, you could be setting on top
of a really big one, Johnny.

Hey... Hey, wait a minute, Harry.

Hey, y-you remember that...

That, uh, pregnant woman
I told you about?

The one that's married
to the Mexi...

Yeah, yeah, what about her?

It looks like they couldn't
get through to a doctor.

They're back.

Find out all you can about it.

That's a story
they'll really lap up.

Look, if that woman dies,
I'm gonna hold you responsible.

Now, a man would have driven
through that fire.

I'll try to get a doctor.

You'll try?

Look, the boy over there
has a transmitter.

Maybe I can get through...
There isn't time.

Don't you
understand that?

There isn't time!

Hey, how is she?

My radio station wants to know
all about that pregnant woman.

We... I was wondering,
now that you're back,

does that mean the nurse
is going to deliver her here?

Hey, uh... Please shut up.

What's the matter?
This is a big story, you know.

Hey, look, I... I've got
a real big chance here and...

Well, I'm willing
to share it with you.

The network's picking up my
broadcast live in a few minutes.

That means that millions
of people will be listening...

I'll give you a plug
on the air, and I'll...

I'll tell 'em how you tried to
get through to a doctor and all.

Maybe I'll even interview you
on the air.

Wh-what what's
your name...?

Look, just get away
from me.

I don't see
what you're so sore about.

Okay, I'll try
to get somebody else.



I can help.
Get out!

Now, please believe me.
I'm a doctor...
Get out!

Cornell Medical School,

interned in New York.

Advanced study,
Guy's Hospital, London.

Resident, Memorial Hospital
in Chicago.

I specialized
in pediatrics and obstetrics...

until I stopped practicing.

Do you seriously expect me
to believe that?

The girl's life depends on it.

Well, now, let me
tell you my credentials.

Nursing school,

Got my R.N. five years ago.

Got an appointment
at the county hospital last May.

Look, nurse...
I have a position,

a career, a pension
at the end of it.

Now, do you seriously expect me
to sacrifice all of that

for a-a... A field worker,

who walks in here

and tells me
that he's a doctor?!

we might save her.

I can't.

It goes against
everything that I...

My friend.

Are you a doctor?

Yes, I am, Paco.

Then why does she...?

Well, uh...

See, I don't have papers either.

I trust you.

You will help my Maria.

I'll try.

Do you
have morphine?

Nurse, do you
have morphine?

In my bag.


H-how's your wife?

Hey, listen. I've been in
contact with the radio station.

They're gonna
send up a doctor...

My wife has a doctor.

She has a doctor?

He is my friend.

Y-you mean...

He is going to save
my Maria and the baby

with an operation.

An operation?
She needs an oper...?

Please, no more.

Hello, Harry?
Hey, Harry, are you there?

Yeah, kid.

Listen to this.

The woman's having an operation.

And a...
And a farm worker is doing it.

A farm worker! He claims he's...
He claims he's a doctor.

And here, despite the fire
which rages all around us,

everything has been pushed
into the background

except for the two lives
which are at stake:

a mother and her baby.

Mrs. Alvarez,
a farm worker's wife,

had followed her husband up
to the fire area

when it was discovered that
she needed a cesarean operation

to deliver her child.

There seemed little hope
for Mrs. Alvarez,

until another farm worker here
laid claim to being a doctor.

Everybody is wondering who the
mysterious medical man can be.

Where did he come from
and how did he happen

to be working as a farm worker?
There are no answers yet,

but we'll bring them to you
as they develop.

Meanwhile, the hearts and minds
of all of us

are focused on that tent
where a baby is being born.

This is Johnny Peters, K.R.G.A.

Boy, I'd give an arm and a leg
to be in that kid's spot.

Not if we can't
get him out.


What do you think
of the doctor angle?

Oh, probably some drunk
who lost his license.

Nice job, Johnny.

Stay on top of it, now.

Try to get interviews
with the doctor, the father,

anybody who knows about it.

We'll tape it and use the best.

Now, they're using bulldozers
to clear the road.

So get on this stuff
before a mess of old warriors

get up there and b*at you out.

Hi, captain.

Phil, have you been listening
to the news broadcast today?

No. Are they blasting us
on that Danbury case again?

I'm giving it
full time now.

No, I was thinking about
the newscast from California.

Forest fires.

A very interesting story
about a migrant worker,

a field hand they recruited
to help fight the fire.

They say he's performing
an emergency cesarean operation.


Southern California, about a
hundred miles east of San Diego

near the Mexican border.

My hunch,
my longshot hunch.

Did they say where exactly?

of the Salton Sea.

A place called
Hidalgo Grove.

Here. Here it is.

San Diego County.

This is Lieutenant Gerard.

Get me the sheriff
of San Diego County, California.

Hey, look.
They're getting through.

Everybody's getting ready
to move. Let's get with it.

It's a boy!


Paco, que bueno.

Are they all right?

For now.

Hey, congratulations.

I mean it, congratulations.

Thank you.

Hey, I want
to interview you.

I've got my transmitter...
I'm sorry. I, uh, can't.

Why not? You're a hero,

and everybody wants
to know about it.

I'd like to forget it.

I'd like you to forget it.


I want you to know...

I'm not sure how
to say this, doctor.

You've already said it.
Thank you.

They got through.

We'll be able to get out now.


There's going to be questions.

I can't answer them.

My friend!

What can I say?


Take care of that boy.

Boy, I can't
figure him out.

Do you know why
he won't let me interview him?

Why should he?

Are you kidding?
After what he did?

What did he do?

Well, he just...

What's the matter with you?
You were in there with him.

H-he delivered that baby.

He didn't deliver
my child.

Oh, come on, now.

He did not deliver my son.

Not him.

It was my friend, Cardinez.

Look, who are you trying to kid?

It was my friend,

Wasn't it?


You're covering for him.

My friend Cardinez
worked in Mexico

as a doctor for animals.

He tried.

And the nurse
help him.

We prayed.

And he saved
my Maria.

It was
my friend Cardinez.

Doris, have you really got
a woman up here

that's having a baby?

Yes, but she already
had it, doctor.

She's in there.

Johnny Peters!

Johnny Peters!

Over here.

I'm Pat Keenan, K.R.A.V.

This is our nurse.


We've got permission
from your station

to simulcast
your interviews.

You got 'em lined up?


Well, I'll do
the lead-in for you.

Uh, what's your
interview sequence?

First the father, Mr. Alvarez,

and then the nurse.


And the doctor last?

Last, but...

Well, he's really not a doctor.

Uh, his name
is, uh, Cardinez.

He was a...
A veterinarian down in Mexico.

Your story is gettin' better
all the time.

You sure fell into one.

Put him on.

Yes, this is Lieutenant Gerard.

Yeah, I can hear you, sheriff.
Go ahead.

Well, he was a field hand,
sure enough, lieutenant.

That operation came out
all right.

Must have had
some real medical experience.

Is it Kimble?

Cardinez is the name.

I don't care about his name.
Is it Kimble?

He's a bracero, lieutenant.

A Mexican.

A Mexican national.

Checked the papers myself.

A bracero doing
a major operation?

Lieutenant, you don't have
to take my word for it.

Look, this fire, this, uh...
This operation...

It's all big news.

Don't you boys have television
back east yet?

They've been having
the interviews on television

for the past couple of hours.

There was the bracero,

and the nurse, the father.

No, this bracero isn't
your Richard Kimble.

Turn on TV.
See for yourself.

All right.
Thank you, sheriff.

We're going to bring you

the hero of
the emergency again.

Mr. Cardinez, how does it feel
to have saved two lives?

I am very proud.

But I understand
that you were trained

only as a veterinarian?

That is true.

In my village in Mexico,
I have had to do such things.

I was
the only doctor.

And when one
is the only doctor,

well, sometimes...

To the baby!

A toast
to the doctor!

...Doctor Cardinez.

Hey, what about
the father?

A toast
to Paco Alvarez!

To Paco!

Hey, Paco,
it is your turn now.

You make a toast.

To absent friends.

There is no celebration
for a fugitive.

Richard Kimble moves on.

His objective?

Always the same:

To find the man
who alone can deliver him

from execution.