05x03 - Here Comes the Flood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grey's Anatomy". Aired: March 2005 to present.*
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A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.
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05x03 - Here Comes the Flood

Post by bunniefuu »

As a surgeon, we are trained to repair the damage.

Meredtith: I'm in a hurry. I can not stay. The leader organizes a big meeting. But I wanted to warn you that it's over this therapy.

The breaking point is where we started ... to work.

Dr. Wyatt: Meredith, this is not over. You've worked hard. Look where you are, you scratch the surface.

Meredith: Derek moved and move on to the next step.

Dr. Wyatt: He's not Derek.

Meredith: I'm happy.

Dr. Wyatt: It's not finished.

Meredith: I'm happy, this is the point?

Dr. Wyatt: No.

But in our lives, the breaking point is a sign of weakness ...

Dr. Wyatt: You have to stay.

Meredith: No, the meeting, the chief ... Thank you, Dr. Wyatt.Thank you for everything.

And we will do everything to avoid it.


Izzie: Wow!

Derek: Oh, sorry

Izzie: What are you doing here?

Derek: It will be my new office when you're gone.

Izzie: When I am gone? And when?

Derek: Oh ... soon

Izzie: You knew that Meredith wanted to move?

Alex: I'm a little busy here, Iz.

You can join us?

Izzie: No!


Alex: When you say we had planned to move?

Derek: When you had planned to tell them to move?

Meredith: What? Why should they leave?

Izzei: Meredith, I did that for you.

Derek: It's a zoo. A community, Alex and his courtship of women.

Izzie: Parades of b*tches.

Alec: I am looking for an apartment then?

Meredith: I know I have to think

Izzie: Eat the muffin, Wed Taste it. Do not forget the muffin.

Meredith: I love my roommates.

Derek: I love them too. This was your life. This is our life And I'm excited to build our lives together. Come on, it will be great.

Meredith: So Derek and Izzie wants Alex to move.

Cristina: Since when you do everything he says.

Meredith: I'm happy.

Cristina: They will not like ... But you do what you want.

Hahn: Hey, you've heard about the new rules?

Mark: From what I heard, you were holding hands while chatting late into the night.

Hahn: Excuse me?

Richard: Listen to all.

Mark: You mean the new rules of the boss. I thought you were talking about you and Torres. I am in error

Richard: We're very busy so I'll be brief. I set up a new protocol at Seattle Grace. Will the new rules and other former to be revised.

Cristina: Jack O'Brian, 47, must be operated for an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta. The last scan showed calcification So I asked a scan angiography to assess whether his condition had worsened or not.

Hahn: Good shot Yang. You can get off after visits.

Richard: Dr. Karev cares. Dr. Yang, you're done here, thank you.

The internal first, second and third years will not be able to specialize. This practice interferes with the development of a complete surgical teaching.

Meredith: Barry Patmore, 63 ... Suffering from recurrent headaches for 7 years. It is treated with narcotics and anti epileptics. And antipsychotics but without success.

Derek: How is the pain today, Mr. Patmore. From one to ten?

Mr. Patmore; Eight. It's always eight

Derek: The last consultation suggested a bilateral cingulotomie.

Cristina: A frontal lobotomy for a headache?

Mr. Patmore: Too loud. Please. You can stop this noise is needed these devices?

Derek: Mr. Patmore has severe pain every day

Meredith: But cingulotomie can cause seizures, cognitive or behavioral problems.

Derek: That's why we will explore all options. Before embarking on radical surgery.

Mr. Patmore: More tests?

Derek: Yes

Richard: Dr. Yang, you will assist Dr. Shepherd today.

Relations, dedication and personal preferences will no longer be a criterion of the program. Holders bring their education to all residents. We will focus our attention on communication and behavior with patients. For some, it means an effort of humanity and compassion. For others, means learning to treat patients while avoiding being too involved emotionally.

Izzie: Shelley Boden, 30, in a stage 4 colon cancer with liver metastases. Shelley has undergone chemo and radiation at high dose. And according to the scan, a liver resection at this stage could be beneficial.

Shelley: It will.

Bailey: You have questions?

-What happens if you find more cancers?

Shelley: No, Jenn. A: it will not happen and B: Izzie has already been answered 3 times.

Jenn: Izzie is not the chief of surgery

Shelley: Izzie is great. We love Izzie.

Richard: Here Dr. Grey.Elle will prepare you for the operation and answer your questions.

Shelley: Izzie does not stay?

This is a surgical program. Psychiatry is the 5th floor. Do not mix the two. Also, I talk to the owners, your house is your own reflection. If they fail, you fail. If they succeed, you succeed.This applies to holders with respect to internal. Teach with enthusiasm. Teach with enthusiasm. We are surgeons. We cut our malignancies. It starts now ...

Richard: O'Malley, here is Dr. Bennett Epstein. It will be your proctor now. You're ready, O'Malley?

George: Oh, yes Mr.

Richard: You have exactly three hours. When it starts, you can not leave. - Good luck, O'Malley.

George: Thank you, Mr. I can do. I am not married and I do not deceive my wife with my best friend. All is well.


Alex: f*cking chair. Not move. Looks like it's the wheel.

-It's always the same with me my f*cking toaster last month, then my cat has crossed my porch and collapsed. The image of my TV is green.

Alex: I'll take another one.

-No need, I'll walk it is less risky.

Alex: No, Mr. O'Brian, stay in this chair. It is the regulation of hospital.

Mr. O'Brien: I had three car accidents last year.

Alex: Mr. O'Brian! I need a stretcher!

Richard: Mr. I'm so sorry.

Mr. O'Brien: I banged my head.

Ricahrd: I'm really sorry. OK, do a scan, I want a report every hour.

Alex: Yes, Mr.

Richard: Everything will be fine. Mike, my ceiling is leaking.

Mike: A pipe farted. We'll have to shut off the water.

Richard: No, it's a surgery here. We need water to clean equipment and keep people alive. Fix this by keeping the water.

Mike: I'll try.

George: Right? There's a kind of leak in the room.

Richard: No kidding.

George: Would not another place to take the exam? I can look myself. Thank you, Mr.


Hahn: We have a problem. Mark Sloan has blown.

Calie: Mark has been known for a lease, I told him.

Hahn: It's Mark Sloan!

Calie: You have no one to confide in?

Hahn: You're the only person I say this. And I like having my privacy ... Especially with respect to ... Mark Sloan.


Jenn: How long does the surgery?

Meredith: At least two hours.

Jenn: It could be longer?

Meredith: In case of complications or discoveries of new metastases

Shelley, It will not happen Jenn ...

Jenn: But if ...

Shelley: Jenn, stop! Mom and Dad called and told them two hours. Since the diagnosis of my cancer, my sister talking about it and it's much worse than cancer. I do not know you yet, tell me.

Meredith: Talk about what?

Shelley: Anything, please, before it asks you the description of my liver. Please.

Meredith: You want the story of my idiot boss or my idiot boyfriend?

Shelley's boyfriend! The boyfriend of course.


Derek: OK, Mr. Patmore. I will give you different pulses to see the waves generated. Remove your hands from your eyes.

Derek: OK, you are still eight?

Mr. Patmore: It's still eight.

Cristina: We start the visual stimuli.

Derek: At my place, you would have them go ... The roommates. I am not unreasonable ... - The pulse slows. But you have to admit, you want them to go. At my place, you would have them go? If it works, I'll let the trepanning.

Cristina: Well, I want them to leave.

Derek: I knew it. OK, Mr. Patmore. It will change your position.

Lexie: Dr. Yang, I think I have an idea.

Cristina: Do not think so, be sure and will look for the lab results.


Meredith: Izzie and Alex made cakes is handy.

Shelley: OK, when I have more cancer and that I could go out with a sexy doctor. That upsets me and wants to live with me. I forget the cakes and crafts.

Meredith: Oh, watch out for 12 hours!

Derek: For your guidance, Cristina think they should go, talk to him.

Shelley: You did not mention his hair.

Meredith: Yeah, the hair ... One of the many things that make me happy.

Lexie: Dr. Sloan, I worked with Shepherd on a patient with pain, and I read this article in helping George to revise ...

Mark: Pathetic.

Lexie: Yes, I'm pathetic but I read this article I have a photographic memory. And the chief highlights the internal with the new program ...

Mark: Grey birth.

Lexie: He needs an ear, nose. You are not ear-nose?

Alex: How are you Mr. O'Brian?

O'Brian: Not too bad. My brain could be saved by my ears.

Alex: It's spiritual. A few more minutes, stand firm.

Izzie: Look what I found ... a nice apartment with wooden floors. A fireplace where you can make cool fires. And I can not pay me. So ... If you wanted, we could live together?

Alex: No, thank you.

Izzie: I told you about the flooring and the fireplace?

Alex: I'd rather live in my single car.

Izzie: Okay.

Richard: How it will Karev? It is good for the prosecution?

Alex: There was no image yet, but ... not. This guy is not of such prosecution.

Richard: Hopefully.

O'Brian: hey? eh?

Richard: I do not know how to apologize you, treat him like a king. You hear, Mr. O'Brian? Dr. Karev will take good care of you. You are a top priority today. Are you?

Brian O 'God hates me.

Alex: Mr. O'Brian, I'm ...

O Brian: My wife left me, my accountant steals. The store where I worked burned. I found an aneurysm that must be operated in a hospital that looks ... To collapse around me.God hates me.


Bailey: We can easily identify tumors that remain here.

Meredith: The liver looks good.

Bailey: That's the beauty of surgery. You know, evil surrounded the property. We cut the evil and all is well. Just you and your scalpel, face to face, mano a mano ... OK, that's how my enthusiasm for teaching. Oh no ...


Richard: O'Malley

George: What!

Richard: If you finish your test ... The hospital is flooded, the scan is laid up. I have a waiting list for my patients post op and pre op. I have overcome all this before patients are discovering And we descend below the rank 12.

-I found a very quiet room to spend your psychological exam.

Richard: Oh, I see. Go ahead.

George: Right. I am still your house today. I can help.


Mark: Dr. Shepherd, one word.

Derek: Excuse me one second

Mark: I can do a quick test on your patient?

Derek: He suffers a lot. There is no need for abdominal surgery.

Mark: It's fun. No, Dr. Grey has had an interesting idea. And unlike you, I take seriously the new chief of protocol, and I listen.

Lexie: I read something on the swelling and compression of the ethmoid nerve. I think if you put a lift in his nose ...

Cristina: Excuse me ... In his nose?

Mark: If Dr. Grey is right, the patient will tell. Mr. Patmore, I'm Dr. Sloan. Chief of plastic surgery and ENT. I would like to make a quick test if you may.

Mr. Patmore: I saw ENT 16, none could help me. Breathe normally. I'll get this from this angle. Tell me if you feel ... Pain or other ...

Mr. Patmore: That's it! This is pain! That's what causes the pain! Oh, my God!

Mark: anterior ethmoid neurovascular complex. A simple turbinectomy fix it. Unless you still want to take out his little brain.

Derek: Well done.


Shelley: How did it go?

Bailey: Hi Shelley ... Metastases are much more extensive than what the scan showed, and the tumor developed in and around the main blood vessel behind the liver.

Jenn: We'll just start chemo. That's all I have already called your oncologist. That's him. I come back.

Bailey: You can manage your pain. I'm sorry for not having better news.

Shelley: So you took ... a decision for your roommates?

Meredith: I'm sorry, Shelley.

Shelley: Go. Your boyfriend is a sexy good move in bed?


Hahn: Listen ... We even know where we stand. Why Mark Sloan knows? Why do you say to him ... Instead of me?

Mark: Ladies. I interrupt?

Hahn: You're not alone. Really?

Mark: You were going to junk?

Calie: Stop, you must stop.

Mark: I am unable.

Calie: Seriously, she hates it.

Mark: That's why I can not. You want a spanking? I ...


Meredith: You told Derek that I should turn?

Cristina: No. No, I .. I shall sketch them but not you. And I just said it because I got drunk.

Meredith: So I have to do it? Because I think I will. This is adult stuff, no?

Cristina: What does your shrink?

Meredith: I dropped the shrink. I am happy, we're happy.
Lexie: Hey, I can sit? George! George, how did it go?

George: There's a problem of water leakage. I'm just trying to help the leader. Even if all my medical knowledge flow from my ear.

Lexie: Eat it, it's good for the brain.

Alex: And the guy with the aneurysm? He fell into the water, hit her and got stuck in the scan.

Meredith: My patient is dying. I hate seeing my loved ones die.

Lexie: Our patient is living with pain. With a current of 8 for 7 years. Because of an inflamed nerve in his nose, it's crazy.

George: I wish I had an inflamed nerve in the nose This guy can not live with an eight.

Cristina: It's a wimp. His eight is a three for me, I bear the pain.

Meredith: You can not talk to my boyfriend 10 minutes.

Cristina: There's pain and t*rture ... And I endure the pain, go test me. Nothing.

Alex: It's impressive

George: Shut up! You've barely touched. Ouch!

Meredith: Stop.

Cristina: How did you diagnosed this nerve because I have never heard of that?

Lexie: I remembered an article in the British journal of ENT.Number 47, page 19, 1964. Photographic memory

Alex: Shit! Lexipédia.

George: I hate you.

Lexie: Do not hate me, I can help you.


Bailey: What about the flood?

Ricahrd: This is not a flood, Bailey. It is a tube that has ... This is a minor. Do not worry. You're not going for surgery?

Bailey: Yes, Mr. Head, a few months ago, Tuck dropped a small toy in the toilet. And I thought it was okay ... But I found myself in a kitchen flooded with water and shit.

Richard: In the shit?

Bailey: In my kitchen, Mr.

Richard: Thank you Dr. Bailley, but everything is under control.

Bailey: Yes, Mr.

Richard: In the shit ...


Izzie: There's a leak, and the leader wants to put all the pre op in the clinic. Who will help me? Ouch!

Alex: And this threshold to pain?

Izzie: You know what, turns me on. Not me, just him.

Alex: She loves me more.

Izzie: I make cakes and cleaning. The only thing you bring is the grime. What is the List Meredith? A chocolate cake or an STD ...

Cristina: Water! Oh, my God, are everywhere. What happens, come. Notify the head.

Richard: Post-op in rooms 2415. Pre-ops in rooms 5 and 2233.4. The flood reached the clinic.

Bailey: Head?

Richard: I control the situation here, but I need oversight Stevens with pre-op clinic.

Bailey: Maybe there should be close. Send patients to Mercy West Seattle Press. They can fix the pipe and it will be up and running quickly.

Richard: I send my patients to dry I just left two open blocks, maintenance has isolated the broken pipe. So thank you Dr. Bailley. But when I say that I control ... this is the case.

Bailey: Mr. hose may be isolated, but a lot of water has escaped. I mean ...

Richard: Dr. Bailey, the clinic!

Bailey: Yes, Mr. I will make.


Lexie: OK, then.

George: Wait, you're sure to have the time?

Lexie: I really want you to pass your exam.

George: Thank you.

Mark: Grey? You have bad taste in guys, but you're not useless. The case of Mr. Patmore is very rare ... And you found it. You can operate!

Lexie: Now? You operate now? With the flood ...

Mark: The flood is under control, our patient suffered for seven years, see you in surgery.

Lexie: I can not. I'm sorry but, uh, I'm busy. I support the Head ... Finally, the internal head. - Thank you, may be another time?

No, Lassie. Will there be a next time Pathetic.


Cristina: Mr. Patmore, I'll do a blood test and put a topical decongestant before the operation.

Mr. Patmore: Of course.

Cristina: How is the pain now?

Mr. Patmore: Eight. It is always eight.

Cristina: You seemed to get better.

Mr. Patmore: I spent 7 years ... I saw 39 doctors ... And I tried all painkillers and nothing worked. I had doctors who told me that it's psychological. I was crazy ... I was mistaken for a junkie. My wife died last year. Having spent years lead me from one doctor to another, test after test, then she died ... This was my best friend. My favorite person. And she died ... And I felt nothing. I did not feel this pain because I was too busy with this one. And now I know what's wrong And Dr. Sloan will fix it.So you're right. I feel relief.

Cristina: OK, do this blood test.


O'Brian: I would not, I will not have surgery. It will be painful.She'll cut in half and probably k*ll me. If it kills me not, it will still horribly wrong. Probably that become infected. I want to do

Alex: Look, you're afraid, but to live, you must be operated.

O'Brian: If I want to live? You have not been paying attention?

Alex: My girlfriend has become crazy after a phantom pregnancy, she has earned the wrists when I was there, it had to be interned. My roommate wants me out, I can not pay bail.So with luck, I may become homeless.

O'Brian: You invent it to make me feel better?

Alex: Look, you have to live for a purpose. Or even the possibility for that to happen.

O 'Brian: There's this girl at the grocery store. I want to say hello. But I ... I ask only articles.

Alex: Okay, well do you operate. It may be that the wheel turns in your favor. It's science. This is ... this is statistical. The wheel will turn. And then ... Tell her hello.

O'Brian: You tell him hello.


Izzie: Chips?

Cristina: Chocolate?

Izzie: Thank you.

Cristina: What?

Izzie: You're not a horrible person.

Cristina: OK.

Izzie: We rarely agree but ... I found this awesome apartment. It is opposite the hospital. Super bright. I know you have the means then there is no Burke ... It must be awful to live in his old apartment. Think about it.


Hahn: You can remove a little more if you want a better view.Be sure to hold the small intestine inside. Let us avoid a post-op ileus.

Alex: That would be better. This guy is sure to be pursued by bad luck.

Hahn: It is in melodrama. What's this?

Alex: What?

Hahn: What is ...?

Bailey: Hey, clear, clear the patient!

Alex: What?

Bailey: Move the patient!

Hahn: Oh, my God! Everybody all right? How's the patient?

-It is stable.

Hahn: All right, we clean.

Bailey: I can help?

Hahn: Go tell the chief what happens. We need another block.Close all blocks except this one and that of Dr. Sloan. Karev, Sloan find. It has just begun, it may perhaps stop Everybody helps me. We'll move Mr. O'Brian.

Alex: What I say to Sloan?

Hahn: The sky is falling on us!

Mark: Nasal Speculum and xylocaine. Speculum largest and xylocaine.

Cristina: You look only?

Derek: I am a pain specialist and I want to miss it. So yes I'm just looking.

Cristina: Do you use it more than me to try to influence it. It is not a team with Meredith.

Alex: We need the block. We need the block!


Ricahrd: On a patient?

Bailey: Yes, Mr.

Richard: He collapsed?

Bailey: Your team is not injured, but the patient's abdomen was opened. I think it is stable.

Ricahrd: Dr. Bailey, spread the word We close the surgical department and sending patients to Mercy West and Seattle Presbyterian ...

Bailey: Yes, Mr.

Richard: And, Dr. Bailey. Do not brag when you leave.

Bailey: I do not boastful M.

Hahn: Other damage, it's bleeding somewhere?

Derek: No, no blood, I cleared the bottom left upper quadrant.

Mark: Pass me the irrigator.

Alex: Dr. Hahn, look over there. The pancreas is due to damage?

Hahn: No, no ... This is a tumor.

Alex: Let shit.


You're the shrink?

Wyatt: Yes.

Cristina: You can not let it stop.

Wyatt: Let me guess ... Cristina?

Cristina: She talks about ... whatever. You can not let it stop because I can not take longer than having to give my opinion. I support ... Then you are my last hope. I mean ... it's your job.You are paid for advice?

Wyatt: Yes

Cristina: OK, so ... It is eight in his life. His pain ... Every day, his pain is eight. And he not seize it. He moves in and wants to turn his roommates? It shows how he understands it not, because it needs them. Then you should tell him not to fire them! It will not work over the long term, and be happy but she thinks it's wrong. It's your job to tell him!

Wyatt: It must be painful for you ... Leaving Meredith to Derek.

Cristina: You're a terrible shrink.


Jenn: I speak with the oncologist

Shelley: No

Jenn: There is a clinical trial with chemotherapy and Avastin.And there ...

Shelley: You're not a doctor. Stop talking to me like a doctor.

Meredith: Did you call me?

Shelley: Yes ... because ... I'm dying and I want to stay without knowing what you decided. You look very serious ... Oh, my God. You will break up with him? Not that. I'm dying and you leave everything to the wind. No way. It's not fair ... It's not fair ... It's not fair ... It's not fair!


Alex: Dr. Hahn will speak to you in a few minutes.

O'Brian: How did it go? Well?

Alex: Actually, not really, the flood brought down the ceiling of the block. The ceiling collapsed, scattering pieces in your incision. So we had to explore the abdomen, more carefully than expected. And found a malignant tumor on your pancreas

O'Brian: Cancer? You found a cancer?

Alex: Wait. Listen, listen, let me explain. We sent the tumor pathology. It's just a stage. Only stage 1. One never senses of pancreatic tumors so early. When the diagnosis, it is often already condemned. But not for you. Was removed the whole tumor. We removed. You will not even need chemo. This ceiling ... You saved my life. Your luck has turned. She turned!

O'Brian: I'll say hello ... this girl. I'll say hello.


George: Right. Head? Chief, I downloaded the analyzes and radios of your patients on DVD, and I joined your records.There's something else I can do?

At Joe's

Lexie: How did it go? I know ... e'm pathetic. George and ignores me, and I missed the operation and bah blah, blah.Tell me just how was the surgery?

Mark: We have not performed the operation. Mr. Patmore was sent to another hospital. And he will suffer more this time tomorrow. Photographic memory, huh? Periodic, go!

Lexie: Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur ... I can continue.

Calie: It can burn wood?

Cristina: You see? This is what I prefer. Do not you anymore.Look at that, it's fantastic.

Izzie: What do you think?

Cristina: Thank you! This is a great apartment!

Callie: We love it.

Cristina: I love it. It's really nice Izzie, thank you.

Izzie: Are you kidding? You're kidding, right? Cristina, you're kidding me? I'm getting kicked out of my house, and you think I made this announcement to you I asked you to move in with me.

Cristina: Oh, sorry ...

Izzie: Oh, yes

Cristina: I'm ... wow ...

Izzie: hilarious.

Cristina: No, I'm sorry.

Calie: I, I go to the bar.

Izzie: You know what? You're just ... Give me the announcement ...

Cristina: I have already paid the deposit, sorry, you should have been clearer.

Izzie: Well, you know what? Well, the guard. All is well, you know. All going well! Thank you.

Callie: You're kind of quiet but not me, I say out loud what I am.And I'm too invested in my marriage. I can not ... No question of making the same mistakes. And Mark is my friend ...

Hahn: I guess I hate him because he saw you naked.


Meredith: What was the purpose? All those hours and money?It was used for what? The world is horrible. Young people are dying of disease. It's crazy to be happy in a world so horrible.

Wyatt: Yes

Meredith: What?

Wyatt: Yes, horrible things happen. Happiness face all this ...This is not the goal. Feel what is horrible and knowing that will not die despite it. That's the goal. And you have not done You've made progress because you feel things and you tell me. There's six months, you would have been alone with a bottle of tequila. My door is always open.

The bones break ... The bodies explode ... The flesh is torn ...

Meredith: Are you okay?

Izzie: You know, I'm happy for you. Really, for you and Derek And glad to see you move. I know not why I person ... I have nobody.

Meredith: It's not true, Iz. This is not true.

We can sew the flesh, repair the damage ... Relieve pain.

Derek: I found the vintage martini of your mother.

Meredith: This is my family. You can not believe I'll turn my family. And do not tell them where most catch me. And not going to try to rally Cristina at your side. This is my family I have them. You and them.

Derek: I would like to talk about it when you're ready. But for now, OK.

Meredith: So you still love me?

But when life breaks down ... When we love ...

Derek: Yes.

There is neither science nor preconceived rules. We should just go there, and a surgeon, there is nothing worse or no better

George: You're sure Mr.? the day was long.

Richard: It's one thing to make a speech. But if I want our program to be the best, and I want it. It starts here, and with me. I have done nothing against the flood. But I can give you a chance O'Malley, You've earned it. - Ready?

George: Yes Mr.

Richard: You have three hours. Here we go ...
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