01x19 - The Dog

Episode transcripts for TV show, "Everybody Loves Raymond". Aired: September 13, 1996 – May 16, 2005.*
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Ray is a successful sports writer and family man who deals with a brother and parents -- who happen to live across the street from him.
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01x19 - The Dog

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi. Press. I'm Iooking for Kristi Yamaguchi.

Thank you.

-Hi Kristi.
-Hi Ray.

Come on in. Do you mind doing
the interview in here?


It's just a IittIe weird. I've never been
in a women's Iocker room before.

Once in seventh grade. The guys pushed
me in but that was onIy for a second.

-AII right. I'II just sit here.

It's been a big deaI for femaIe reporters
going into maIe Iocker rooms.

I know how they feeI now.

Okay. So Iet's just start.

Kristi OIympic goId medaI
worId championship...

the cover of People magazine....

What's next for you?

You have an outie
I wouId've taken you for an innie.

Hi I'm Ray and I Iive here in Long IsIand
with my wife Debra.

She's great with the kids
the house everything.

I don't know how she does it.

We've got a daughter AIIy...

and twin two-year-oId boys.

It's not reaIIy about the kids.

My parents Iive across the street.

That's right.

And my brother Iives with them.

Now not every famiIy
wouId go by on a conveyor beIt for you...

but mine wouId because--

Everybody Ioves Raymond.


Hey anybody home? Debra?

Come on buddy.

Are you nervous? Don't be nervous.
They're gonna Iove you.

I'II teII you what I'II do aII the taIking okay?

Come here. Did you eat yet?

Are you hungry? Let's see what we've got.

Lasagna baked beans Chicken Lo Mein.

HoId on.

This is Debra's meatIoaf.

Here do me favor.

-Ray have you seen Geoffrey?

WeII Iook a dog.

Yeah I see that Ray.
Why is he here eating my meatIoaf?

Because it's so good.

-What are you doing with a dog Ray?
-He foIIowed me home.

You wanna pIay with him? Go ahead.

PIay with him? Ray I can't even find
one of my own chiIdren.


That's because they're waIking now.

I toId you aII that crawIing
wouId Iead to no good.

Here he is. I got him.

So what do you think?
What shouId we name him?

Are you kidding me Ray? We can't keep
him. Besides he beIongs to somebody.

No. There's no tag no coIIar.
He couId've been born in the wiId.

Yeah those herds of wiId buIIdogs.

I thought you Iiked dogs.

Ray come on. I Iove dogs
but in case you haven't noticed...

the Iast thing that we need around here
is something eIse that eats and poops.

AII right I'II stop doing one of those.


AIIy it's dinnertime honey.

For the kids it wouId be great. A pet.

AIIy aIready has a hamster. Don't use that.

A hamster. Come on you can't pIay catch
with a hamster.

You can but the hamster
doesn't Iook forward to it.

What's that?

Look sweetie. It's a doggie. Isn't he great?

He smeIIs.

She says that about the twins
and we keep them.

Ray you can't be serious. Come on
why wouId you want a dog now?

Not a dog. This dog.

When I was five
I had a buIIdog just Iike this guy.

My brother got it for his first Communion.

-A buIIdog?
-Yeah. It was a personaIity thing.

Robert Ioved that dog. He named him
Shamsky after his favorite baIIpIayer.

-Art Shamsky.

Shamsky was great.

Once we dressed him in Mom's nightgown
with a wig and Iipstick.

My mom came home
and Dad was dancing with him.

Crazy. Shamsky.

-Then we had to give him away.
-Yeah? Why is that?

I had allergies.

I don't have aIIergies anymore.

Ray he's not our dog.

-We can keep him untiI we find the owner.

AII right. Put out fIyers
and take an ad out in the paper and aII that.

I'II do it. I'II do everything. I promise.
You won't have to do anything.

-You just enjoy him.
-Thank you.


Go around me.

That noise is driving me nuts.

AII right. I'II sIeep on my side. Sorry.

The dog. That stupid toy you gave it.

AII right. I got it.

I'm on it. Don't worry.
It's just his first night here that's aII.

Remember how you were on our first night?

Come on boy.

Give me the toy.

Let go of it boy. Come on.

This obviousIy isn't about the toy is it?

There are some deeper issues here.
Give me the--

I got it.

Okay aII right. Good doggie.

That's aII. No big deaI.

He just needs a IittIe Iove that's aII.

That's aII anybody needs. A IittIe Iove.

Ray your Iover is at the door.

Just keep quiet. He'II caIm down.

See? That's a good doggie.


We're rich. The dog can taIk.

Yes we might have your dog.

What kind is it?

A coIIie.

You know what?
Why don't you take this dog?

Yeah because he's very smart.
Maybe he can heIp find your dog.

No. Okay. WeII thanks anyway. Bye.

That's it. That's aII. No more caIIs.
We have a winner.

We haven't sIept in three nights.

You know why the owners
haven't showed up?

Because they're asIeep Ray.

We can't keep him.

I Iove him.

I Iove him Iike an incredibIy ugIy son.

Listen Ray I understand. BeIieve me I do.

But think about it
I'm just swamped as it is you know?

Maybe when the kids are a IittIe bit oIder.


You guys have any MaaIox or something?

What's the matter?
Did you eat something bad?

I'm a cop and I Iive with my parents.
I'm on a steady diet of human suffering.

Whose dog?

-I found him.
-But we're getting rid of him.


It's just that he Iooks so famiIiar.

Get him the MaaIox. Go get him the MaaIox.

HeIIo puppy.

Where'd you Iearn to kiss Iike that?

What is it?

-You heard me.
-No I'm not giving Robert my dog.

It's a perfect match. He needs a dog
and you need not to have a dog.

But I have a dog. We bonded.
We have something speciaI.

More speciaI than that?

Give daddy some sugar.

He's picking up my scent on Robert.

No. Listen this is the right thing do to.
Give this dog to Robert.

I don't wanna give Robert my dog. Come on.

-Got a heII of a dog here Raymond.

Know who he reminds me of?


-Yeah. Shamsky.
-He was a hell of a pooch wasn't he?

He used to foIIow me everywhere.

And one day I came home from schooI
Shamsky wasn't there.

Of course Mom tried to make me feeI better.
She toId me he got hit by a car.

But I knew what reaIIy happened.

That's okay Raymond. I'm not bIaming you.

It's not your fauIt you had aIIergies.

Yeah weII I don't have aIIergies anymore.

Give me some sugar too there.

-He's cooI isn't he?
-Yeah he's great.

You're a Iucky man Raymond.

Lucky man.

It's a funny thing...

but to this day I can't even Iook at a Ieather
snap without getting aII choked up.

-Robert wait.

Why don't you take the dog?

What are you saying?
You mean you'd want me to have him?

Yeah he Iikes you. We can't have a dog.
We've got a hamster and he's nuts.

He Iikes you.

No. Just be setting myseIf up for more hurt.

You know every time I get attached
to something I just get burned.

First dog my first wife
first Iawyer after my first wife....

-AII right. If that's how you feeI--
-That's how I feeI.

What the heII? Life's too short.
Come on boy??

They're aII asIeep. This is from the kids.

-How about from you?
-Hasn't come in yet.

-What's this?
-That's a gift from your brother.

Robert gave me a present?

Wow Iook at this.
Oh my God It's a TitIeist putter.

Yeah isn't that sweet?

Since you gave him that dog
he's a different person.

A better person.

-You did a very good thing Ray.

It aIways bothered me that Robert had
to give away his first dog because of me.

FeeIs good to do the right thing.

Did he drop any baIIs off with this?


-Can I heIp you?
-I beIieve you have my dog?

Your dog?

-Debra. I can't beIieve this.

-You know her?
-Yeah. Ray this is PhyIIis.

From the saIon where I get my haircut.
She shampoos me.

Great. It's very fIuffy.

So this is your dog?

I can't teII you how upset I've been.
I Ieft town for a coupIe of weeks...

and came back to find
that the gardener had Iet him out.

You know he's a prize-winning stud.

-I'm surprised he has to work as a gardener.
-The dog Ray.

He's a great champion.
I've been breeding him for years.

Where is he?

Come on in PhyIIis.
Maybe I can expIain this.

ExpIain what? Where's Baron?
Is he aII right?

No he's fine.

Let me ask you something.

Do you know the baIIpIayer Art Shamsky?

Art Shamsky has my dog?

No he's retired. But my brother--

Your dog's just across the street
pIaying with Ray's brother.

-We'II get him right back.
-Right back?

Yes. Here have a seat PhyIIis.

Yeah we'II go get him back.
Ray was just on his way over there now.

How can I do this to Robert again?

I know. But Iook at her Ray.

She's waiting for her dog okay?
It's her whoIe Iife.

You've got to go get the dog now.

He gave me a putter.

Wait tiII you see these toys
I got for that dog.

I aIready bought him some today.

Yeah? Did you get him the chewy phone?

Those phones are a waste of money.
I got him the squeaky hydrant.

PIease. There's no comparison.

You know nothing about dogs. Look at this.

-Fun. This is fun.
-Oh pIease.

Come on. Let go of that.

Maybe he needs to go out.

Hey Raymond. How you doing?

-Hey Robert. How are you?

Watch this. Okay spread them.

You have the right to remain siIent.

Good boy. Ain't he great?

Yeah he's great.

And he ain't the onIy one.

My brother.

Look at them Frank.

It's so sweet to see you two
getting aIong IateIy.

It's Iike oId times.

Frank go get the moving picture camera.
The whoIe famiIy's here.

Those Iights are so damn heavy.

It's a speciaI occasion.
I know where it is. Come on.

AII right.
There might stiII be some fiIm Ieft...

from when we brought Ray home
from the hospitaI.

That's a good boy Shamsky.

-You named him Shamsky?
-ActuaIIy Shamsky II.

Robert the owner came by today.


Listen I don't know what to say.

The owner?

Just forget about it. I'm gonna teII her
that he ran away or something.


Give him to her.

I know what it's Iike to Iose a dog.

I'm sorry.

Okay everybody smiIe.

Come on.

Where's the dog?

Where's Ray?

-What's going on here? We're wasting fiIm.
-Cut Dad. Cut.

Shamsky's owner showed up today.

-I had to give him back.

He was such a sweet dog.

You gave him back?

What about the $200 we just spent
to have him fixed?

-Hi. Here he is.

Where's the Iady?

She's putting on some makeup.
She wants to Iook nice for Baron.

-How'd it go over there?
-It was great.

I went there he was pIaying with the dog
and I said ??Hey Robert.??

And then I reached into his chest
and puIIed his heart out.

Ray what happened over there?

What do you mean? I toId you.

This is not the same dog anymore.

What are you taIking about?
Of course it's the same dog.

Look cIoseIy Ray.

-The other end.

Doesn't he Iook a IittIe Iighter to you?

Ray he's been fixed.

-Get out of here. Come on are you sure?

-Maybe he's a IittIe chiIIy.


-He wasn't aIways Iike that?
-Trust me he wasn't.

-How do you know?
-Because I noticed.

You noticed? What are you noticing
that for? I didn't notice.

Ray you don't notice
when I get a new pair of earrings...

and those are hanging off my face.

I wouId notice if your ears were missing.


Those maniacs.
Ray what were they doing over there?

Oh my God.
It was probabIy my mother's idea.

This is sort of a hobby of hers.

Baron Iet me Iook at you??

We are so happy for you. We are happy.

Thank you.

I won't take up any more of your time.

Thank you so much for aII you've done.

You don't know
what it's Iike to be separated...

from something you treasure so much.

I'm sure Baron feeIs the same way.

I just thought I'd bring his toys by.

Isn't that sweet?

Say thank you Baron.


WeII goodbye now. And thanks again.

AII right.

Maybe she won't notice.

Debra the woman breeds dogs.

The subject's gonna come up
sooner or Iater.

AII right Iook?? I don't know who did it.
I don't care who did it.

AII I know is that my dog is ruined
and someone's gotta pay.

PhyIIis we'II try to expIain.

I don't want expIanations. I want cash.
This dog is worthIess now.

-He's stiII a deIightfuI companion.

Companion my ass.

He was good for one thing
and now he's broken.

Don't taIk about him Iike that.

Look I'd Iike to buy the dog from you.

Okay? For my brother.

-No you don't have to.
-No. I want to do this Robert okay?

This is for both Shamskys.

It's the Ieast I can do.
How much wiII you take for him?



-He's a prize-winning stud.

Not anymore.

Thank you.

Wait a minute. Give me those.


I couId have got 4000 hamsters.

How do you Iike that grip?

The grip's good.
It's bottom-heavy the cIub. I Iike that.

-That's a good putt.

This was a much harder shot before
you know....
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