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05x33 - Who's Afraid of Amanda Woodward?: Part 2

Posted: 04/22/22 09:58
by bunniefuu
Hey! Hey! Who are you?

What's goin' on? Where's Sam?
What is this?

Easy, kid, easy. Settle down.

L.A.P.D. We've got
a search warrant.

Well, if this is about Jim
Reilly, Samantha already

turned him in, he should
be in custody right now.

Apparently, he was tipped off.

You okay? What are...
You cuffed her?

We're arresting her, Billy.
Aiding and abetting.

I believe you're familiar with
the definition of that charge.

Take her out to the car,
I'll be along in a second.

I didn't do anything,
Billy, I swear.

Hey, if you're arresting her,
you can arrest me too, okay?

Why, Billy? You haven't
done anything.

Sam's the one who led us
on the wild goose chase.

Look, Jim's no idiot, he
probably figured it out.

He saw you coming.

Well, grasp at all
the straws you want.

The fact is, that
girl lied to you,

and I'll bet it wasn't
the first time, either.

Get your girlfriend
an attorney, son.

She's gonna need one.

♪ ♪


I need to speak to Dr. Burns.

This is Dr. Shulman
at the hospital.

Is this an emergency?

Nothing medical.

But he's an hour late
to a staff meeting.

I'll give him the message.

Who was that?

Who cares, when you got
this in front of you?

No, no, I'm serious.
Who was on the phone?

Just that Shulman creature.

You hate her.

It's the weekly staff meeting!

God, I'm late! Peter!

You were supposed
to set the alarm!

God, what are you
wearing anyway, huh?

I mean, I thought we'd gone
over this, how many times?

I need a pill.

And you know what
really makes me sick

is that cheap perfume
that you wear,

and these trashy outfits.

Just do me a favor and
get rid of both of 'em.

I knew you had to
come out eventually.

Wonderful, now you're
stalking me.

I called you last night five
times, knocked three times.

One second, you're supposed
to be with me at the opening,

the next, you disappear.

I saw you with Amanda.

One dance, and you
melted like yogurt.

I wasn't about to stand
around and watch.

Come on, she was drunk
and acting like an idiot,

and I told her so.

You weren't doing any talking,

just a lot of slobbering.

Would you stop?

Amanda is a joke.

And I told her so last night.

My infatuation is over.

Okay, you don't
believe me? Watch this.

Amanda. Kiss my butt!

Look at that.

An insult, and I don't,
uh, even feel a thing.


Not even a wince.

Get in here, you goof.

Here's a little tape
of our interview

with Sam this morning.

I won't kid you.
It was a tough session,

much longer than
it needed to be.

Got it cued up here.

No, I didn't want him
to go back into jail.

I just... I didn't think
that I had any choice.

But it hurt turning
him in that way.

Billy kept saying that I had to,

and I was...
I was scared, okay?

You love your father, don't you?


You warned him we were coming.


No... I mean, yes, I loved him,

not... not... not yes,
that I warned him.

She was scared,
and she was tired.

I'll let Sam out this second,

if you agree to help us.

She'll be kept
under surveillance,

we'll tap your phone.

But most importantly, you'll be
asking some subtle questions.

You want me to spy
on my girlfriend?

If you want her to get out
of jail any time soon,

you don't have a choice.

Yeah, I do, and I'm making it.

You can take your
offer and shove it.

All right, your choice.

And the pièce de résistance,
four 30-second spots

during the '98 NFC
Championship game.

Very nice presentation, Amanda.

Thank you.
Now, give me the damage.

$15 million, not a penny more.

Last year it was 10 for the
same amount of material.

Yes, but your profits
increased by 24%.

A good agency is
your partner, Ted.

You benefit, we benefit.

Still, Amanda,
maybe Ted has a point.


The man's absolutely correct.

Amanda's figures are
grossly inflated.

Sydney, sit down.

No, he needs to hear this.

I ran a comparison
between these figures

and last year's costs,

and, well, excuse me
for saying it, Mr. Kroeger,

but you are getting
fleeced here,

to the tune of $5 million.

Amanda is speechless

because she knows I'm right.

Well, we'll get back to
work to our calculators,

Mr. Kroeger, and call
you with a new figure.

Leslie, why don't you
show Mr. Kroeger here

to the elevator? I know the way.

You have until the end
of the week, Amanda.

I'll get to work on
those new figures.

No one leaves this room
until you explain to me

what in God's name
you were thinking.

I know a snow job
when I see it, Amanda,

and so does Mr. Kroeger.

Sydney, this whole
business is snow jobs,

blizzards of snow jobs.

You just tossed out
our whole profit margin.

And Craig, how could you allow
her to run those numbers?

Of all the lame-brain
things you have done,

this one takes the cake!

I don't have to listen to this.

No, you're gonna fix it.

Fix it, or I swear to God,
I will bury you both!

You don't have to
take that, you know.

What I should do is tell
her to go jump in a lake.

So, do it.

I would, only she owns
half of the only thing

I've got left in this
world, this agency.

Hey, remember when you
said our time would come?

Maybe that time is now.
Right now, today.

Sydney, you can't quit the job
when you own the company.

Start a new company.

Our own agency.

We'll put the bitch
out of business.

What do you say, Craig?

Come on.

Jake, where are you?

Out here.

This makes a lot of sense. What?

Hardly anything works
inside, so you're out here

playing around with
a basketball net.

That's one of the great
things about this place.

There'll be plenty of time
to do everything.

Oh yeah, by the way, the, um,

papers were delayed another day.

There's some liens that
Danny didn't take care of,

so we're gonna have
to spend the night.


You wanna tell me
what's on your mind?


Yeah, look at this place, Jake.

It's a dump.


It is now.

But, with a little work...

You sold sh**t, you
pulled up stakes,

all for a broken-down
wide space in the road.

No, for a dream. Our dream.

No, your dream.

It was never my dream any
more than a family was.

I'll tell you
what's gonna happen.

We are gonna rot here,
just like that backboard.

Don't you get it?

Dreams aren't what
life is made of.

Dreams are what
disappointment is made of.

The bike shop, the
charter boat, sh**t?

This is just another in
a long line of failures.

Why are you saying this now?

I guess I just can't fool
myself the way you can.

Self-delusion isn't in my blood.

Well, I'm signing those papers,

with or without you.

It'll be without me.

I'm going home.

Damn it, Alison!

Don't do this!

Let's work this out!

♪ ♪


Jeez, are you crazy?!

You know we can't
be seen together!

Peter's at the hospital, Megan
just left five minutes ago.

I waited in the lobby
till she was gone.

Michael, I couldn't
wait another second.

You were right. We haven't
taken him down far enough.

He's back to his old tricks,
including wanting me

to be Beth and Beth alone.

He hasn't hit rock bottom yet,
and we need to get him there.

I knew you'd come
around eventually.

I'm desperate.

You tell me what to do,
and I will do it.

You already did. All I
needed was your permission.

You mean, we go public with
his little abuse problem.

Exactly. How though?

I mean, if you do
it, you're betraying

that patient-doctor
thing, right?

And if I do it,
Peter will k*ll me.

That's why we have
to find a third party.

Megan! Look, you lying pig!

No, I knew this would happen
the minute I turned my back!

No, it's not what it appears...

Don't deny it, okay?

I saw you two at sh**t.

Jennifer said she
saw you at Kyle's.

You couldn't be further
from the truth here.

You, shut up. Hey!

Taylor, please, please, Taylor.

Will you just leave, okay?

I'll explain everything to her.

Come on, go.


Look, uh, Taylor and I

are not having an affair, okay?

I would have explained everything
to you if I could have,

but... but Taylor
swore me to secrecy.

I swear to God, if you tell me

that she has a brain tumor...

No, no, no.
It's nothing like that.

Um, it's her relationship
with Peter.

You know, I really shouldn't
be telling you any of this.

Well, you know what,
if you don't,

I'm going to strangle you
to death with my bare hands.

All right, all right, but
I'm telling you, it's ugly.

Now, um, Peter has a problem.

He's been physically
abusing Taylor.

She came to me a few weeks ago,

and as a result,
I went to Peter,

and we discovered that he has
this rare form of epilepsy.

He gets blackouts,
he goes crazy.

As I said, this
is very ugly stuff.

Oh, and you've been
keeping this a secret?

I mean, allowing it to continue.

I mean, if Taylor's
an abused woman...

Well, who doesn't want
to lose her boyfriend.

Yeah, but she will when
she goes nuts some night

and sets his bed on fire.
Look, you've gotta give

Peter some help and get
her out of that house.

But, I can't without
exposing him.

If this got out, his
career would be ruined.

But if she's in
danger, Michael...

Yeah, but it doesn't matter!
We have to keep it quiet,

for the practice.

And, because Taylor
begged me to.

Come on, Megan.

Come on, you...
You gotta promise

you're gonna keep this a secret.

You know my position
on this sort of thing.

Lying for you, secrets?

It's not for me, it's for Peter.

So if you care about him,

you'll stand by me on this.

All right.

But just for the time being.

That's a good girl.

I knew I could depend on you.

♪ ♪

After last night, I wasn't
sure we'd ever see you again.

You know, forget
about last night.

I was tipsy and wasn't
thinking clearly.

Well, I thought you
were kinda cute.

You know, the truth is,
you are a single man

and you can see
whoever you want,

and I don't have, nor do I want,

any say in the matter.


There's a call for you
in your office. Line 2.

I'll be right back.

So, Amanda.

What'll it be?

If I remember correctly,
last night it was martinis.

Lots of martinis.

Mineral water is fine.


Look, Amanda, there's no
easy way to broach this,

so I'm just gonna come
right out and ask.

There's nothing going on

between you and Kyle, is there?

Our relationship is
strictly business.


Those were the exact
words that Kyle used.

He also mentioned
some other stuff.

About you being celibate.

I mean, that's not for
real, is it, Amanda?

No doubt, that would be unthinkable
amongst the Mancini clan.

Come on, Amanda!

No sex?! Ever?

At all?

God, I couldn't last
a week, let alone...

How long has it been?

A month, two months?

You know, I'm beginning
to see why Kyle's fling

with you was so short-lived.

Is that what he told you?

Same line he gave to Taylor.

Truth is, it was five months,

daily for five months,
in motels, backs of cars,

even in the alley behind
the restaurant.

Actually, if there was a word

for the opposite of celibate,

that woulda been us.

Oh, but there is a
word, Jennifer.

It's "tramp."

Where's Amanda?

She got paged or something.

She had to go.

Look at this tie.

Is it ever straight? Mm.

♪ ♪

Hello, Billy.

Rough night?

Worse on Sam, I'm afraid.

Save it, okay? I'm gonna do it.

I'll... I'll be your
spy, or whatever.

Just let her go.

Be a couple hours to
process the paperwork,

get the tap on your phone.

There'll be papers
to sign as well.

Fine, whatever. I don't care.

Got them here somewhere.

And just so you know,

you tell Sam what we're about,

well, then all bets are off,

and I throw you both in jail.

Won't happen.
And just so you know,

I'm still betting that Sam has
no idea where her father is.

You say that enough times, you
might start to believe it.

Just let her go, and I'll
take care of the rest.

Excuse me, excuse me.

Well, Ted Kroeger jumped ship.

And worse, it's some
fly-by-night operation

I've never even heard of.

Sky High Advertising.
I mean, what idiot

names an agency
Sky High Advertising?

I kind of like it.
Sky's the limit, and all that.

And would you look at this logo?

Sky High Advertising is ours,
Amanda... Sydney and mine.

We're going out on our own.

Oh, but first, one minor detail.

We quit.

And to anyone who
wants to join us,

we are offering a 20% raise.

Medical and dental
included, of course.

You're raiding your own agency.

Oh, not to worry, Amanda,
you can have my half of D&D.

In a week, it should
be worth, well,

exactly nothing.

Anyways, uh, who's gonna
be the first to sign up?

Think before you leap, people.

These imbeciles have
no clients, no offices,

just a bad name
and a worse logo.


No, Billy, let her talk.
It's great.

You walk out of here today,
and you can never come back.

You'll be dead at D&D,
dead in this industry.

Just so you all know,
our door is always open.

Except for tyrants, of course.

Come on, Sydney.

What is this, Norma Rae?
Get back to work.

You too, Billy.

♪ ♪


Hey, you, it's your Uncle
Matt, what's going on?

God, you will not believe this.

Do you know what I'm
watching this very second?


And you were so right
about Helen Hunt's 'do.

God, class-whatever tornado,

but her hair is still perfect.

Hey, are you okay about
tomorrow's hearing?

Hm, a little nervous,
but otherwise fine.


Oh, that's mom.

She's home. I gotta go, Matt.

I'll see you tomorrow?

Okay. Okay.

Oh, boy, I had
too much to drink.


Oh, man, the room is spinning,

I've gotta lie down.

Oh, I do, I do.

Well, hey there, cutie.

You must be, uh, Kelsey, is it?


Um, excuse me, I... I
thought my mom was alone.

Whoa, what's the big rush?

Your mom wouldn't
mind us talking.

We're old friends from Europe.

I'm Dex.

Hasn't she mentioned me?

She gave me a call today,
and we had some drinks.

Has anyone ever told
you how pretty you are?

Mom! Mom, wake up.

Mom, please wake up!

Whoa! Hey, kid,
what are you doin'?


Oh, great, you're here.

I really, really
appreciate this, Colleen.

Jake and I had this
huge fight up in Ojai,

and I drove off in a huff,
completely forgetting

I had all his escrow
papers in the back of my car.

I mean, I'd take them to him
myself, but it's still

too weird, and he
really, really needs them.

I thought maybe you could take David,
that it might be fun for him...

I mean, for both of you.

Alison, I gotta say,
I am really confused.

A couple days ago, you show
up at my door drunk,

with all these
questions about Jake,

if I still care about him.

Just... just silly jealousy.

No, no, it was more than that.

And now this obvious ruse to
get David and I up to Ojai.

What? You think I'm trying to
push the two of you together?

Well, are you? No!

No. But... but,

even if I were, would
that be so terrible?

You said you
still care about him.

I do remember that much.

What... what if the way
were suddenly clear?

What would you do?

I don't know. I do.

I think that you'd
jump at the chance,

because you've been
around enough to know

that opportunities like
this rarely come along

once in a lifetime,
much less twice.

Look, Alison...

I think we've said
enough, don't you?

Here are the papers.

You decide what you
wanna do with them.

♪ ♪

Hey, partner. Giving
any speeches tonight,

or are we gonna be spared
that little annoyance?

Listen, have either of
you two seen Taylor?

Oh, not me. Megan?

Excuse me.

Hey, what's with her? All of a
sudden, she can't stand me.

Dr. Mancini? A note for you.

Oh, thank you.

Um, duty calls.
Excuse me, Peter.


I wanted your opinion on the
dress before Peter sees it.

Ooh, that's 100% you
and 0% Beth.

I think Peter's
gonna hit the roof.

And Megan's gonna be
there to see it, right?


Michael, are you
sure about this?

So far, we've both begged Megan
not to blow the whistle.

This is classic
reverse psychology.

Look. Megan has been questioning

everything I do these days.

She's convinced I do
everything underhandedly,

which, of course, is true.

But conversely, she's determined
to take the high road.

This virtually guarantees

that she blows her
whistle on Peter.

Now, go in there
and make him nuts.

I'll make sure
Megan sees it all.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I'd like to introduce...

You know, Michael, I
shouldn't be enjoying this,

but I am.

I think I have a
real talent for it.

Yes, it's the ability
to stir up trouble.

It's a gift.

Tonight we salute you,
each and every one of you,

for your generous
contributions to our...

Our giving fund.

I personally feel that
we have a tendency

to be a bit
self-centered in life, and...

uh, this... this giving
fund exemplifies

the generosity
that we... we all, um...

we've taken part in.

And without that generosity,
the bottom line

is that this institution
could not exist.

So please, give
yourself a hand for that.

Ah! Ow!

Oh, my God, did you
just see that?

Yeah. It's not our concern.

Oh, like hell it's not. Megan!

You know what I think,
I think you're doing this

deliberately to embarrass me.

This is who I am, and if
you don't like it, tough!

Well, you look like a two-bit
whore, that's what you look like.

Let go of her! Megan, no scenes.

Look, this is about
what Peter's doing, okay,

and I'm not gonna stand
by and just watch.

Get a handle on
your wife, Michael!

I'm trying!

You're hurting me!

We'll discuss this at home.

Ah! Ow!

Peter, stop! Ow!

Well, what's a
hospital reception

without a little drama?

Is he always this rough
on his girlfriends?

Well, you know, you hear things,

but, you know, who really knows?

We can only hope he
never crosses the line.

Che... Chelsea? What's wrong?


I just wanted to
stay here tonight.

Mom put me in a cab.

It's okay, isn't it?

You two have a fight
or something?

Look, whether we did or didn't

doesn't really matter, right?

The hearing's tomorrow.

What's gonna happen will happen.

Look, I am...
I'm really beat.

Can I just go to bed?


♪ ♪

They finally let me out.
Out of the blue!

Even my attorney
couldn't believe it.

That's great! That's great.

You know what the
weirdest thing is?

They were all being nice to me,

Detective Stevenson
even drove me home.

It's like they believe
me, you know, that I...

That I didn't tell Dad
that they were coming.

You believe me, don't you?

You're being so quiet.

I just couldn't get a word
in, of course I believe you.

Oh, that's all
that matters then.

You know what? I am so tired.

I just wanna go to bed.

Okay, let me just lock up.
I'll meet you in there.



♪ ♪


Mm. Mm.

We are back on track.

My dad and the police,

seems like a million years ago.

So you really think
your dad's out of town?

He made such a big deal about
not going anywhere without you.

It's, like, weird that
he just vanished.

He hasn't tried to contact you?

Of course not. Don't
you think if he had,

I would have said something?

Something doesn't add up.

Are you sure when you
turned him in, you gave him

the exact time and place?

God, listen to you.

There's just a lot of
unanswered questions, honey.

Well, that doesn't mean
that I have the answers.

Well, if you don't,
then who does?

Stop it, okay? You're
sounding like the cops.

I didn't mean to imply
anything, I just...

Imply? No, I think that
was an accusation.

I have to get ready for work.

♪ ♪

Oh, stop it, Michael,
you're not listening to me.

I keep telling you, it's not
our place to do anything.

You have no sense
of responsibility.

Not when it comes to
someone else's wife.

I went to see her, Michael.

She is in a classic
state of denial.

He has her completely
under his control.

She didn't say it,
but she probably thinks

she deserves this treatment.

I swear, I'm seriously thinking

about going to the authorities.

No! No, Megan! No police, Megan!

We've been over this!

Look, I refuse to just sit
here and do nothing, okay?

If something bad happens to her,

I don't want it
on my conscience.

Wait a second.

Oh, man, why didn't I
think of this before?

The hospital has these
programs, diversion programs.

The heal thyself kind of deal.

Psychiatrists, therapy sessions,

a full treatment program
for doctors in crisis.

It's the perfect place
for Peter and Taylor to go

to get the help they
so desperately need.

This is great. This is perfect.

Mm-hmm. So, who do we go to?

Where do we sign them up?

Let's see. That would be, uh,

Dr. Shulman's area, I think.

Yeah, yeah, Dr. Irene Shulman.

Um, you know, and I'd
call her, but...

Patient-doctor confidentiality.

Mm-hmm. It's okay,

'cause I'll do it, first
thing on my work to work.

See what good things can happen

when we put our heads together?

Clients, employees, now offices!

We've really done it, Craig.

All that's left is, uh,
to make it official.

Oh, ha, partnership
papers, no doubt.

My naive side was kind of hoping

it wouldn't be necessary, but...

Now what's this?
Airline tickets.

Round trip to Las Vegas.

There are wedding chapels
on every corner.

Oh, yeah, and, uh,

this comes along with it.

Would you marry me, Sydney?

You know,
all this ruining Amanda

and starting the agency...

It would be so many
hollow victories

if you didn't say yes.

Yes. Yes?

Yes, I'm saying yes!


Just one little thing.

One teeny, weenie thing.

Um, instead of Vegas,

could we have a big wedding?

You know, flowers, dress, gifts.

I mean, of course,
if that's what you want.

It'll be the biggest party
you've ever seen.

Mm, mm, one...
One final request,

and then I promise I'll stop.

Can I rip your clothes off
and make savage love to you?

Since when have you
ever had to ask?

I don't know.

No, Megan, you did
what you had to.

These problems don't
go away by themselves,

especially in the
case of doctors.

Well, listen, if there's
anything else I can do,

give me a call.

Thank you.

Dr. Burns, do you have a second?

Yeah, if it's important.

You could say that.

I'm waiting.

I've been waiting too,
Doctor, for months now.

I knew all I had to
do was be patient,

and eventually
you would slip up.

Thank goodness Megan Mancini
came to me with her concerns

and not someone else.

What concerns? What are
you talking about?

Oh, just the fact
that you've been

regularly beating
your girlfriend.

I understand you almost
put her in the hospital.

Good choice.

Denying it would just
make matters worse.

Irene, you've gotta understand.

It's not like I'm
just some nut case.

I don't know, it sounds
pretty nutty to me.

It's a medical condition.

It's rare, I know that
you've heard of it.

Rage epilepsy, I've been taking
medication for two weeks now.

Really, and last
night's manhandling

of your girlfriend,
what was that?

You just forgot
to take your pills?

Doctor, I'm calling a meeting for
tomorrow morning at 9:00 A.M.,

at which time you will
be officially relieved

of your duties as
Chief Of Staff.

You can't do this!

Actually, Peter,
I could do a lot worse.

But just getting you
out of that office

will have to suffice.

You have yourself
a good day, Doctor,

if that's possible.

Do you, Matt Fielding,
swear to tell the truth,

the whole truth, and nothing but
the truth, so help you God?

I do. Please be seated.

Chelsea, what did you tell
Matt about me last night?

Nothing. Don't worry about it.

I don't know what I was
thinking with that guy.

I am so embarrassed.

It was a one-time thing.

I said don't worry about it.

Mr. Fielding, you were
once arrested,

were you not?

Soliciting of a police
officer, I believe?


the charges were dropped.

You've also been treated
for prescription drug abuse.

Is that correct?

Yes, a year ago. I'm fine now.

Mr. Fielding, you are a
h*m*, are you not?

Objection, Your Honor,
if I may...

People, this is
a custody hearing.

Proceeding's informal.

Just about any question
is allowable.

However, if Mr. Fielding
doesn't want to answer,

he doesn't have to.

No, Your Honor. I'm all right.

Yes, I am a gay man.

But I don't see
how that has anything

to do with my ability
to raise a child.

Well, isn't it true,
Mr. Fielding,

that recently a
male friend of yours

spent the night at
your apartment,

in the same bed as you,

while the minor in question
was in the next room?

Yes, but it was a friend of mine

who lost his lover to AIDS.

I was comforting him,
that... that's all.

I mean, he just
didn't wanna be alone.

My God, where are you
getting all this?

No more questions, Your Honor.

Chelsea, you knew all along

what that diary was for.

This court is adjourned
until tomorrow.

All rise.

♪ ♪

That does it then.
It's all yours.

Thanks for everything.

Good luck with it. Thanks.

Yeah, I wanna feel
great about this,

but, it's kind of strange
without Alison here.

Yeah, it does seem
odd she stayed away.

I thought we'd reached
the perfect compromise.

I agreed to live without kids,

she agreed to move up here.

Uh, the drinking might
explain some of it.

I mean, even the way she asked
me to bring these pages up.

Yeah, it was like she
had some kind of agenda.

I thought about not signing

until I figured it out,
but I love this place.

I love the idea
of making it work.

Of course it'll work.

Fresh coat of paint,
new curtains,

uh, maybe even a
better sign out front.

Take it from me,

everybody'll be coming from
all over to eat at Jake's.

Hey, there's your sign.
"Eat At Jake's."

Well, first, we need
to find a broom.

The dust in here is terrible.

♪ ♪

What's wrong?

That's just it. Nothing's wrong.

Everything's perfect.

Why? Why in God's name
are you doing this to me?

I didn't have a choice, okay?

You obviously can't control
your violent impulses.

I'm on medication,
prescribed by your husband.

Taylor is still terrified.

What is so wrong with
Shulman putting you

in a diversion program?
A diversion program?

She's firing me, and
it's all your fault!

You know, you could have come to
me first, do you realize that?

I mean, I am your
boss, after all.

Would you calm down?
Can't you control

this wife of yours?
Sure, sure. Come on.

How did she find out?
Did you tell her?

No, no, of course not.

She snooped around
my personal stuff.

Started asking questions.

But mostly, she did
figure it out by herself,

which wasn't a huge leap
after last night.

9:00 A.M. tomorrow,

I'm no longer Chief Of Staff.

Oh, Peter, I'm sorry, man.

I feel terrible about this.

I'm totally responsible.

You know, if there
was anything...

Wait a second. What?

What if you resign?

Maybe you weren't listening.

No, no, I mean before
Shulman fires you.

All you have to do is resign

and appoint me as
your successor.

In the interim, of course.

Then you do your
diversion program gig,

log some therapy time,

and when you get your
clean bill of health,

I'll give you your job back.

Michael! No, no, no,

I'll put it in writing.

Look, if you call your
attorneys right now,

we can have this wrapped
by close of business.

I love this job, you know.

Yeah, well, it's either me

or the she-wolf of
Wilshire Memorial.

It's decision time, buddy.


Well, I guess half
a snowball's chance

is better than none at all.

All right, you got
a deal, Michael.

♪ ♪

We need to talk.

Hey. You know, when we
say catch of the day,

we mean that it
was caught today.

How's that for a catchy slogan...

I need to get my money
out of the club.

The whole 50%, a check is fine.

I need to get it into the
bank before it closes.

One slow night,
and you're bailing?

Look, I can't give
you explanations.

Just give me my money.
Look, Amanda,

there's no money to give.
Every cent is invested,

the bar, the sound system,
cocktail napkins...

Oh, you know what,
I knew you'd do this.

What am I doing?
You are making me beg!

Beg? You haven't even asked.

I am losing my company!
Do you know what that means?

You still got half a jazz club,

and you got a beautiful
apartment building.

Oh, "the glass is
half full" crap.

I've given that
same speech myself.

Huh, what happened to you?

Come on, where's that woman
from the museum opening

that was talking
about fulfilling

her lost dreams, huh?

That free spirit that was
frolicking in the surf

on that beach in the Dominican Republic?
Where is she?

You know what, it was a
mistake coming down here.

I just hope the traffic
isn't as bad going back.

Look at these babies!

We'll serve them on the
half-shell right at the bar.

So, what did Amanda want?

With her, that's always
a good question.

Forget that old
stick in the mud.

You promised me a shrimp
cocktail, remember?


Oh, you're home.

Whew, I must have dozed off.

I'm sorry about the clothes,

or lack thereof.

I was gonna change, I just...

Your clothes are fine, Taylor.

You wear whatever you want, huh?

This game is, uh...

This game's over.

Rock bottom!

That's a great term, isn't it?

It sort of describes the...
The condition perfectly.

What happened?

I guess that my
violent tendencies

sort of caught up with me.

Dr. Shulman found out
from Megan Mancini, and...

Oh, my God, Peter.
This is horrible.

You know, I just spent
the last two hours

in my attorney's office

effectively turning over
my job as Chief Of Staff

to Michael.

Of course that's not the
end of it, you know.

It's more of the beginning.

I have to, uh...

Well, I'll be taken off
rounds, and then they'll...

They'll test me and...
And I'll go to therapy.

And in a couple weeks
the entire hospital

will know about it.

It's, um, it's sorta like...

sorta like being hit by a train.

I'm so sorry.

You know, Taylor?

You're the only one who
stood by me this whole time.

I'm not going anywhere.

We'll get through
this, together.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

Whatever it is, it's
going to have to wait.

I have a very important
meeting scheduled.

Yeah, well, I think you
should cancel that meeting.

Excuse me?
Peter's already resigned

as Chief Of Staff, appointing
me to the interim position,

as is his obligation and right.

I smell your dirt all
over this, Mancini.

You've wanted this job forever.

Oh, be that as it may...

You probably hatched
this plan months ago,

used everyone in sight.

The girlfriend, me,
even your wife.

Let me ask you something. Does
Peter even have a problem?

Well, it's immaterial at
this point, don't you think?

Dr. Mancini, I'm calling for

a special investigation
into all this.

I'll get the whole
board involved.

Hell, I'll even hire a private
investigator if I have to.

Unfortunately, Irene, you're not
gonna have time for all that,

what with your new position
at the hospital and all.

What, what position?
What are you talking about?

Well, as my first act
as new Chief Of Staff,

I'm appointing you as the
new Chief Of Neurology,

which is a position
you've been looking at

for what, two years now?


Well, thank you.

Uh, thank you very
much, Michael.

And, uh, listen, congratulations
on your new position.

Thank you.



You can be the second
to congratulate me.

I am the new Chief Of Staff
at Wilshire Memorial.

Peter appointed me
to serve in his absence

while he seeks treatment.

Peter must be so grateful
for all of your help.

This is wonderful, I know you've
been waiting for this chance.

Aren't you glad you
did it on your own,

honestly, without an
ounce of manipulation?

You know, I must say,
the honesty part

was the best part.

Wow, congratulations,
darling, I'm so proud of you.

Thank you, darling.

Oh, oh.

Thank you.

Exactly how long have you
known your uncle, Chelsea?

I mean, through the years,

how many times have you
visited each other?

Mm, not that often.

Um, at Christmas, when I
was, like, nine, I think.

And once before that
he came to Florida.

So, we're saying twice
in your lifetime,

plus these last few weeks,

and that's it. Pretty much.

Two last questions, Chelsea.

First, have you
forgiven your mother

for leaving you?

Yes, I have.

Uh, we talked about it.

Last question.

Is there any reason,
any reason at all,

that Denise Fielding wouldn't
make a great mother?

♪ ♪

I'll assume your silence means

you can't think of any reasons.

Uh, no, actually,
there is something.

Um, you all talked about
Matt having a guy

over to his apartment.

Well, um, the other
night, my mom had a man

in our hotel room, and
he'd been drinking.

And, um, after
my mom fell asleep,

he came after me.

And, uh, I got away, but...
And I went to Matt's.

None of that is true!

Chelsea, tell them
you're exaggerating.

I'm not. It happened.

I... they said to tell the truth.

It's all right, Chelsea.
You did the right thing.

This court is adjourned
until tomorrow morning,

11:00 A.M., at which time
I will render my decision.

All rise.

♪ ♪

Just stay away from me.

Chelsea, I didn't
know, I'm sorry.

10 to one, you get the kid.

Yeah, bottom line, Amanda,
you're finished.

You've got one small
client left, Lindy Toys.

As far as your employees go,

you're pretty
much down to no one.

So much for loyalty.

This is not over until
there are no clients

and no employees. Even then,

as long as I'm
alive and kicking,

this place still exists.

At least I can count
on you, Billy,

my one loyal employee.

Unless you have plans
tonight, I need you.

We have one client left,
Mr. Lindy at Lindy Toys,

and I need you to set up
a meeting right away.

I'm sorry.

Today's my last day.

I start at Sky High
Advertising tomorrow.

You ungrateful bastard.

A few more bucks in the
envelope, and poof,

you're out the door?
After all I've done for you?

After all you've done for me?

For four years you've
treated me like dirt!

Right, you stepped on
me, ridiculed me...

I relied on you!

Yeah, you relied
on me, all right.

To be your number one chump!

Fine, fine! Get out of here!

And leave your keys on
the reception desk.

It didn't have to be
this way, Amanda.

♪ ♪

Jake. You're back.

Who are you?

What are you doing
in my apartment?

Hey, look, I'm just
a friend, all right?

Get outta here!
You didn't tell me

you were involved with anybody!

Have you completely
lost your mind?

Look, Jake,

not everyone can be as
righteous as you are.

Maybe I just wanted to
get off the dream team

for a night and
have a little fun.

You know, all work and no play

does make Jake a dull boy.

Shut up!

I begged you, I begged
you not to drink anymore,

and look... you bring
some guy here?

You bring some pig
into our apartment?

You know what, why don't
you just throw me out?

I'm gonna go to Amanda's.

No, I'll leave. I gotta get away

from the stench in this place.


I was worried.

Um, yeah, I'm okay, he left.

That's what you wanted, right?

Yeah. Yeah, it worked.

You know, being in A.A.
has had its challenges,

but helping you out of this one

has got to take the cake.

Pretending to be drunk?

I'll tell you, it's scary
how quickly it came back.

Yeah. Well, you
did me a big favor.

If this doesn't push him
away, I don't know what will.


Yeah, all right.

I'll get it.


Hello? Is somebody there?

Hey there, little girl.

It's your old pappy callin'
from down Mexico way.


Well, you did it to me again,

didn't you, girl?
Turned in your old man.

I didn't know what else to do.

You were talking crazy talk.

Yeah, well, you can relax now.

You and that weak-kneed
little boyfriend of yours.

I just called to say adios.

Did you hear that, Billy boy?

I know you're on the extension,
I heard you pick up.

You take care of
my little girl, Billy.

Otherwise, I may just
have to come back

and kick your ass.

I'll see you kids.
Have a nice life.

So you did tell the
truth, thank God.

I thought that you
always believed that.

Yeah, of course I did.

Got him on the trace.

Saloon just outside of Ensenada.

Authorities are being
contacted as we speak.

You tapped our phone?
How can you do that?!

Who gave you permission?

This is no time to get
indignant, Miss Reilly.

That call just got you
off the hook.

Both of you off the hook.

We'll let you know
when he's in custody.

Good night, folks.

Oh, yeah. Thanks, Billy.

You gave them permission?

And you've been spying on me?

That's what all those
questions were about.

It was the only way they
were gonna let you out.

Was I just gonna
leave you there?

I've told you the
truth 100 times,

but you wouldn't believe me.

What kind of trust is that, what
kind of relationship is that?

Maybe you are the
weak-kneed jerk

my father says you are.
Oh, fine.

You know what, if you
really believe that,

why don't you just get on
the next plane to Mexico

and live with your
low-life father, okay?

I'll bet you really miss him!

I'm sure you're
just so sad he's gone!

And what if I am? Is that
so difficult to understand?

Yes, it is.

If you gave a damn
about me at all,

you would at least
try to understand.

I just want to get
back to what we had.

Oh, that was just a
fantasy, and now,

the fantasy, it's over.
It's over.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna go to Sydney's,

and I'm gonna sleep over there.

Excuse me, excuse me!

I... I have to get
in there to see.

Mr. Lindy, it's very important!

I'm sorry, Mr. Lindy
left 15 minutes ago.

We're locking up. That's crap!

He never goes home before 10:00!

I just talked to his assistant.

I'm sorry. Oh, my God!

My whole business
is depending on this!

Hey, lady, are you all right?

I'll call an ambulance!

Base, this is unit 21. Call 911!

We need an ambulance right away!

Your test results are in.

It wasn't a heart attack.

If it wasn't a heart
attack, what was it?

loss of consciousness.

Looks like transient
circulatory collapse.

Probably stress-related.


Wait, I am not some nut case.

I didn't take my vitamins,
and I skipped lunch.

It's no big deal.

Amanda, they found
you crumpled up

in the bushes barely
breathing, and when I asked

for symptoms, the paramedics
said that you responded,

and I quote, "Tell Mr. Lindy
this is his last chance."

Are we referring to
the Broadway Lindy, here?

Toy Lindy.

Toy Lindy! Oh, I see.

Well, if that doesn't sound off
its rocker, I don't know what is.

Okay, so I may have
been a little stressed.

A lot stressed.

Um, I'm losing D&D.

That's the best news in the world,
you oughta just concentrate

on that jazz club,
or whatever it is.

Better yet, take a
couple months off.

Wait a minute, did I
ask for your advice?

I mean, none of this is
any of your business.

You know what, you're
absolutely right.

That's why I'm handing
you off to a specialist.

I got my own problems, you know?

Well, do what you want,
it doesn't matter to me,

'cause I'm checking
out of this dump.

Hey, hey, hey, you leave here

when I say you can leave
here. Until then,

you're gonna go
through a rash of tests.

And if you don't cooperate,
I'm sending you off

to the psycho ward.
Good luck, Amanda.

Well, isn't this interesting?

No flowers. No visitors.

They probably haven't heard yet.

As soon as they do, this place
will fill up with well-wishers.

Well, in the meantime,
may I suggest...


Peter, there you are.
I've been looking for you.

Uh, I believe our
next appointment

isn't until tomorrow, Doctor.

No, this is about the
repeat EEG I ran.

I have carefully
looked at your results.

Temporal lobe epilepsy, otherwise
known as rage epilepsy.

I'm taking my medication.

No, no epilepsy, Peter.

No trace of anything.
The EEG is totally clean.

Well, things like this
just don't go away.

No, they don't.

Any chance your original diagnosis
may have been an error?

No. It's impossible.
I have the symptoms.

My partner Dr. Mancini
ran the tests...

And he was very thorough.

Well, results can get mixed up.

Yes, they can.

Thank you, Doctor,
I'll look into this.

♪ ♪

Hi. Is Jake here? Hi.

Um, no.

No, he stayed in
a motel last night.

We had a little disagreement
about things.

Oh, could I use your
phone to call him?

Oh! Yeah. Harvest Motel.

The number's right by the phone.

Okay, thanks.

So, David,

I thought you'd be
in Hawaii by now.

Things keep coming up,
which is cool with me.

I get to spend more
time with Jake.

I'm really gonna miss him.

Did you tell him that?

Mom said it wouldn't
be fair to him.

He's got his plans,
we've got ours.

You know, David, your mom

doesn't really need
to go to Hawaii.

And neither do you,

especially if it's
not what you want.

Well, we can't just
hang around here forever.

What if that's what Jake wants?

You think it is?

Well, that's something you're
gonna have to ask him.

But, if you don't ask,
you'll never know, right?

Guess not.

I'll tell you what, David.

Why don't you talk
it out with everyone?

And I bet everything will
work out just fine.

You think so?

I know so.

This was not an
easy decision for me.

Chelsea, in two years,

you're gonna be legally
on your own.

You've already demonstrated

a maturity beyond your years.

Still, you need strong
parental guidance.

And while I do believe
that your mother and you

have things to work out,

I'd like to be the one
to give you that chance.

Therefore, I'm ruling in favor

of the child's real mother,
Denise Fielding.

This court is adjourned.

All rise.

Thank you.

I don't understand it.

It doesn't make any sense.

Sure it does.

A choice between a biological
parent and a gay man,

they always choose the parent,

no matter how unfit they are.

Hey, there. How are you doing?

I would have come sooner,
but I just heard

from Taylor, of all people.

Oh, well, whatever she said,

I'm sure she exaggerated.
I'm fine.

Clean bill of health.
I get out in the morning.

So, it wasn't a
heart attack, then.

Oh! Not even remotely close.

Good news.

Look, I talked to the
bank this afternoon,

and they said we can take
a loan out on the club

and get you your cash.

Not a lot, unfortunately.
Right around 10 grand.

Maybe a little bit more.

Well, sorry, Kyle,
but that's too little,

way too late.

I mean, it might have made
a difference a day ago,

when I first asked you.

No, you never asked,
Amanda, you demanded.

Semantics. The point is
you turned me down.

No, the point is, nobody
likes to be browbeaten.

Especially macho ex-marines.

Whose being macho here, me?

No, I don't think so.

You needed help, but you couldn't
just come out and say it.

Now, maybe you call that pride,
but I call that stupidity.

Can't you just say,
"I need you?"

The words that difficult?

You can't exist as
an island, Amanda.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I've managed
pretty good so far.

Yeah, you're doing a bang-up job.
You got no business,

no money, not a friend
in this world.

Lady, I wouldn't
trade places with you

for a million dollars.

I don't think anybody would.

♪ ♪

Did you want to get caught?

Booze behind the sink and...

drunk here in the apartment.

Or did you think you
could get away with that?

I guess it just
wasn't the issue.

You just wanted to break
us up any way you could.

maybe that's true.

The point is, it's over.


I could never be
who you want me to be.

That's gotta be pretty
obvious by now.


Yes, it is.

I'm sorry.

Are you?

I said some pretty mean
things about your dreams.

Just because they aren't mine

doesn't mean they're
not good dreams.

I do hope they
come true for you.

This really hurts.

Maybe you'd better go.

Are you gonna get some help?

Already working on it.


Jake, don't.

Don't ever mistake
pity for love.

Go to Ojai.

♪ ♪

You know, this just
doesn't make sense.

Either I... I have a
condition or I don't.

Taylor, I want you to
tell me what I did

during the blackouts.

I want you to give me
very specific details.

You hit me.

You screamed and you ranted.

About what? Who?

A couple of times
you said Beth's name,

but mostly it was just, you know,
crazy talk and bad language.

But people don't have
blackouts for no reasons.

It's dr*gs, alcohol, seizures.

Something caused these episodes,

and if it wasn't
epilepsy, then what?

Peter, maybe it was the test.

Maybe the new test,
maybe it was wrong.

No, no, no, he ran
it twice, I saw it.

Look, I'm gonna go for a walk and
clear my head. You wanna come?

No, I think I'm gonna
just turn in early tonight.

You know, this could be...
This could be good news.

If we find out what
caused the episodes

and it's something that's
simple and treatable,

I could be back on
top in no time, hm?


♪ ♪

Hello? We've got a problem,

a big problem.

Peter's one step away
from figuring it out.

Wait a second,
that's impossible.

He did a repeat EEG,

and it came up negative for
that rage epilepsy thing.

Now, he's asking me all these
questions about the blackouts.

I'm telling you, Michael,
he is this close

to putting the
whole thing together.

Yes, I'm sure.

Well, you're supposed
to... I don't know what.

So, what are we gonna do?

Well, Michael, you better
come up with something!

I'm just a phone call away.

I mean, you can come
and visit me up in Ojai,

and I'm definitely coming
to visit you in Hawaii.

Why are you always
saying goodbye to me?

Why are you always leaving?

Do you think I really
want to go to Hawaii?

I don't.

I never have.

I wanna go to Ojai with you.

David, you know nothing
would make me happier.

So, let me come with you.
And mom can come, too.

You know she wants
to, she's told me so.

All you gotta do is ask her.

It's not that easy.

Sure, it is.

I mean, it was for me just now.

I've been wanting to
say this stuff to you

since I got to Los Angeles.

If you never say stuff,

you're not gonna find out.

You're just always gonna wonder.

I love you, Dad.

Please don't leave me again.

All right, well, let's go
see if you're right.

Well, Jake.

I guess this is goodbye.

It doesn't have to be.

There's something I
gotta ask you, Colleen.

I know this is last
minute and crazy,

and I wouldn't blame
you if you told me

to go jump in a lake, but...

you see, I have this dream,

and I can't get away from it.

My dream is to have a
family and move up to Ojai

and run this little
country diner.

I just realized,

after David pointed it out,

that my dream is standing
right in front of me,

and it has been all the time.

I can't promise you anything,

and I wouldn't blame you
if you thought I was

completely out of my mind...

Stop. Stop right there.

The answer to your question,
if there is one

in there somewhere, is yes.

Yes, we will come with you.

♪ ♪

Hey, you got everything?


So, uh, before I go.

I... I just wanted to tell you

that I'm really sorry about
how things worked out.

It's not fair.

And I'm really gonna miss you.

I really love you, Uncle Matt.

Yeah, I know, I love you, too.

Okay, look,

enough of this, okay?

Look, your mom's gonna
be here any second,

and then she's gonna
take you off to Europe,

and it's gonna be a whole
new life for you.

And that's gotta be so exciting.

You're right, I better
go fix my makeup.


Hello. Matt, it's Denise.

You know that parking lot
right around the corner?

Could you come down here?

I... I don't understand. What...

Hurry, okay?

Hey, Chelsea, I gotta
go out for a second.

I'll be right back. Okay!

Thanks for meeting me.

What is this? Chelsea's
back there waiting.

I was up all night.
I couldn't sleep.

I kept wondering if maybe

you really are better for her.

The truth is, I'm just...

her biological mother,

and we both know
that doesn't make you

a real mother.

I listened to you
in court yesterday

talking about
responsibilities, and...

And what it takes
to be a good parent,

and I thought, "He really
is a better parent",

because he knew
that and I didn't."

I thought that if I could
just love her enough

that it would be
okay and everything else

would fall into place.

But I am just a mess.

I can't even take
care of myself.

Do you know that
I've gone around

the planet I think five times

and I still can't get
away from who I really am.

I've thought about this and
I've thought about this,

and, if I really love Chelsea,

and I do,

that I have to do
what's right for her.

And you are what's right
for her, she loves you.

And I'm not gonna
take her away from her...

I mean, you. I'm just
not gonna do it.

Denise, you need
to talk to Chelsea.

You know, it's funny,
I used to write her

all the time and
never send them.

Will you please make
sure that she gets this?

I can't face her.

See, on top of everything else,

I'm the biggest coward around.


No, you're not.

What you're doing, it's...

It takes an incredible
amount of courage.

I don't know what else to say.

Just say that you'll take
good care of my little girl.

And every now and then
will you please remind her

that her mother loves
her very much?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry! Thanks.

I just don't understand it.

All the wedding
invitations are out,

and we haven't gotten
one R.S.V.P. yet.

Not to worry, I guarantee
you that everyone here

at Sky High Advertising will
be there or lose their jobs.

No, I'm talking about the people

from the apartment building.
You know, my friends.

Well, to hell with that bunch.

As soon as we've got
a little socked away,

we are moving out of that dump.


Billy? Hey, welcome.

Hey, Sydney.

So, where do you want me?

Well, that is going
to be up to Craig.

I am off to meet with
a baker about the cake.

Hey, you're coming to the
wedding, aren't you?

I wouldn't miss it.


All right, bye.

The corner office is
yours on one condition,

that you be my best man.

That's nice, Craig, but, uh,

you sure you wouldn't rather have
one of your college buddies?

That's my old life,
my father's life.

This is the beginning
of a new dynasty,

and you could be
a big part of it.

I don't know. I just uh...

Billy, I'm your boss, what
do you want me to do,

order you to be my best man?

Okay, if that's what you want.

Good man.

We'll talk bachelor
parties over lunch?

Guy, why don't you show
Billy here to his office?

Hey, is this weird or what?

Same faces, different address.

This arrived by messenger
from Alison.

Man, wouldn't it be
great if we got her

over here as well?


Hey, what about your office?

You know what? I gotta go, Guy.

Could you just, uh, put
that stuff in there?


I'll just be a second.
I left it in the office.


Oh, good, you're just in time.

Barnett, the name
sound familiar, Michael?

It should, since he's
the guy whose chart

you switched with mine.

You see, it says Mr. Barnett
suffers from rage epilepsy.

But I don't, do I?


No, there's... there's nothing
wrong with me, is there,

except a case of temporary
insanity for ever believing you?

Look, why don't you take a
deep breath and calm down?

Or what? Or I'll
have another seizure?

No, you made me think
that I had a problem

so you could steal
my job and Taylor

could get me under
some kind of control.

All right, all right, you may
not have rage epilepsy, okay?

But you do have a problem.

Drug induced! I checked

your prescription
records on our computer.

You and Taylor drugged me,
and then you cooked up

your twisted little scenario!

Is even one word of this true?

Can't answer, can you?

You're gonna pay
for this, Michael.

Peter, come on, man.
Let's talk about this.

No, I'm finished talking!

Peter! No! Get out of the way!

Wait, wait. Listen.
You want abuse, Michael?

Huh, you want abuse?

I'll give you abuse!

What have you done?

Call 911. Come on, okay.

Call 911! Hurry!
All right, all right!

♪ ♪


Hi. I was just on my way home.

I thought I'd surprise you.

Well, that's great.

Hey, you had your first
therapy session tonight.

How'd it go? It went great.

I got a lot off my chest.

You'll never believe what
the doctor suggested.

I can't imagine.

That I whisk you away
for a romantic weekend.

Oh, that sounds heavenly.

But it can't be this weekend

because I am throwing
that wedding reception

for Sydney, of all people.

Well, you let Kyle
worry about that.

I already made the reservations.

I packed your bag, my car
is right over here.

Peter, really, I can't go.

No, no, I won't take
no for an answer.

That's all there is to it.

Well, if you insist. I do.

♪ ♪

Ladies and gentlemen,
Global flight ♪614

to Atlanta, Georgia
is now boarding at Gate 22.

Hey, Al.

Hey. What are you doing?

Where are you going?

You know, I got your
letter and everything,

but divorcing Jake,
moving to Atlanta?

When did you decide this?

We're divorcing each other.

Look, Jake is finally
gonna be happy.

That's what matters.

You leave the guy and
that makes him happy?

I'm... I'm confused.

He's stubborn.
You know, sometimes

what's best for him could be
right in front of his face,

and he just...
He can't see it.

I just pointed it out.

And as for Atlanta,
it just seems like

a great place to start over.

You know, the Olympic
spirit and everything.

So you're really going?

Well, obviously.

I'm sorry, I just
can't believe it.

You know, you've moved away
before and changed jobs,

but you were always close by,

and now you're not gonna be.

What exactly are
you trying to say?

I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss our friendship.

No matter what we had
going on in our lives,

we always had that, you know?

Yeah. We did.

Ladies and gentlemen,

this is the final boarding
call for Global flight 614...

Maybe... maybe you could
take a later flight.

We could go get a cup
of coffee and hang...

Billy, that'll just
make everything harder.

Obviously, my mind's made up.

It's just weird, you know?

I'm always a step behind,
and life's just whizzing by

and I can't seem to catch up.

And when I do, it's too late.

What is that?

Everybody's always
a step behind.

It's just the way life
is. I mean, if we knew

everything that was gonna happen,
life would be boring, right?

Sometimes, you just
gotta go for it.

Look, I'll...

I'll write you,
you can write me.

We can be pen pals, you know?

Anyway, I just...

Yeah, I guess you gotta go.


I'm gonna miss you.

I'll miss you, too.

♪ ♪

Oh, God.

After everything we've been through,
that's the best you can do?

♪ ♪

Good luck.

Yeah, you too.



Thank you very much.

♪ ♪

Taylor has disappeared
off the face of the earth.

Peter, too. I've checked

his condo, his office...

Well, maybe we should
call the police.

I already did.

I filed a complete report,

why Peter att*cked you,

and why Peter would be out
for revenge against Taylor.


Do you have any concept
of what you've done,

how many lives
that you have ruined?

Peter's, Taylor's, your own?

I guess.

It's just a case of never
thinking I'd get caught.

Yeah, and that's supposed
to make a difference?

You know, you are
one sick puppy, Michael.

And you know, what's worse is
you don't even realize it.

You know, I'd bet you
would do it all over again

if you thought you could
get away with it.


I'm sorry.

Yeah, so am I, Michael.

I'm sorry I ever
laid eyes on you.


I've been doing some
thinking, and uh,

there's no
excuse for what I did.

And I know that saying I'm
sorry will never be enough.

But I just don't want us to
take the easy way out here.

What's easy about it?


Quitting is the easiest
thing in the world

that we could do.

You know, but staying here
and... and working at it,

working it out, fixing it,

you know, that's the hardest
thing in the world to do.

I did something.
I did a weird thing.

I wrote down a list of,
uh, of all the reasons

that I love you.

It's not in any
particular order.

So, I guess I'll read it.

Um, your beauty, your warmth.

Your honesty.

The ♪ la la, la di da ♪
thing that you do.

Hey, I underlined right here.


See, nobody's loyal
anymore, you know?

We're all just
flying through life

in our own little worlds.

But, you, you care

about other people's worlds,
and I love you for that.

And I can't lose you.

I can't.

I have to get to work.

You gotta give me something.
You gotta say something.

I guess I have to make
a list of my own.

Oh, this is so beautiful!

How did you find it?

A guy back at the hotel said

it's the most romantic
spot on the coast.

Ah, well, I'm so glad
you talked me into it.

I feel like we're on the verge
of a real breakthrough, Peter.

Yeah, me, too.

We'll just erase
everything that's happened

in the past months.

We'll make this our honeymoon.

A day we'll never forget.

Not to put pressure on you
when you already have so much,

but I need to
tell you something.

It's the most incredible news.

Peter, I'm pregnant.

I'm pregnant with your child.

♪ ♪

All tied up, 9-all.

The kid fakes to the
left, he goes right!

He sh**t!

Oh, he scores!!


Hey, you two, dinner's ready.

And David, you need
to wash up, okay?


You put up a pretty good fight.

Yeah, for an old guy.

I really love it here, Jake.


I'm glad.

Alison was right.

She told me to just
say what I felt

and everything would turn out.

Oh, yeah? She said that?

What else did she say?

Not much.

Hey, where'd she go, anyway?

I don't know.
She wouldn't tell me.

I better get in or mom
will k*ll me. You coming?

Yeah. I'll be in in a minute.

Jennifer, Kyle. Hey!

We have final seating here.

Get you in there. All right.

I'm the best man and the usher.

Would you please
not hang on my arm?

But you are my date.

No, we came in the same car.

That does not mean
that we're dating.

Hey, guys, just so
you both know,

I'm the new manager
of the building now,

so if you need anything
or you're just looking

for someone to pay the
rent to, I'm your guy.

What about Amanda?

She's moving to New York.

Probably leaving any second
now, you didn't know?

♪ ♪

Dearly beloved,
we are gathered here today

to join this man and this woman

in holy matrimony.

Sydney and Craig have
come to us before God

to declare their eternal
love for each other

and to celebrate,
both in words and music,

the most sacred of bonds,

the one between man and wife.

If anyone has a reason
why these two

should not wed, speak now,

or forever hold your peace.


Oh! Sorry.

No. No objections at all.

I just... I gotta go somewhere.

So, at Sydney
and Craig's request,

we'll begin with our soloist,
Andre Litchuck.

♪ Ave ♪

♪ Maria ♪

Mm, there you go.

Hi. Paper or plastic?


Empty the cash drawer, Sam.

We're gonna need it for
our little trip together.

I thought you were in Mexico.

I was, but I had
to make the cops

think I was gone
before I came back.

Now open the drawer, little
one, and fill the bag!

Hey, shut up!

Shut up! Shut up! Just shut up!

Now listen up, cashiers.

Here, you take this bag
and you fill it

and you pass it along!

Don't be lookin' at me!

You, get on the floor!
You wanna die?

Get down on the floor!

All right, come on!
Put that cash in there!

I ain't got all day! Let's go!

Turn around! Don't you
be lookin' at me!

Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on!

Oh, this is great.

What, you just pick up and move?

When were you gonna tell me?

When I got around
to it. Excuse me.

No, I got it! Oh!

Look, Amanda, stay.
Okay? Don't go.

Why? Give me one good reason.

Because I need you,

on a lot of different
levels, some of which

I haven't even figured
out yet, but I need you.

I think you need me, too.

Oh, well, I don't admit
to things like that.


But you're never gonna
know if you don't try.

See ya.


All right.

All right what?

All right, I need you, too.

Which I could ignore,
and I have ignored,

and I could live without,

if I didn't want you so much.

Lady, you already got me.

Hell, you had me months ago.

♪ ♪

Two blocks, there's an on-ramp.

My license is on file
at the market.

They have a description
of the car, how far

do you think we're gonna get?

All the way to the
border, I'm hoping.

Then take the car and
go, please, Daddy!

Everything that I
care about is here.

I have a chance for a new life,

I have a chance for something.

I won't let you control
me anymore.

And I won't let you blame me

for things that you've done!

I love Billy, and I
almost messed it up.

And I'm telling
you, he's a jerk!

Now you turn left, this corner!

There's a church just
ahead, and Billy's there.

You can just let me off,

and take the car, and
go wherever you want.

You just can't keep
me from Billy, Dad.

Think about it, Sam.

What the...?

What are you gonna do?

Are you gonna tie me up
for the rest of my life?

You gonna put me in some closet?

It won't matter.
I'm not gonna stop

loving Billy, Daddy.

Anything you do is just gonna
make me love him more.

Just... just let me go.

Please, Daddy, let me go.


Your Billy have any idea

how lucky he is?


No, I'm the lucky one.


No, what are you
doing, dad? Let go!

Quit fighting me!
Let go of the wheel!

All right, thank you,
everybody, if we could,

I'd like to have just
a few pictures

of just the bride alone.

Oh, okay. Okay.

If you could, Miss,
step right over here.


No, what are you
doing, dad? Let go!

Quit fighting me!
Let go of the wheel!

Dad, don't! No, Dad!

What are you doing?! Let go!

Pull the car over!

Let go of the wheel!

May I be the first
to kiss the groom?

Pull over!

Dad! Get back, you bastards!

No, let go! Daddy, no!

You can't outrun the
police! Just let go!

Let go!

Look out!



Somebody call an ambulance!

Sydney! No!

Oh, my God!

Sam! No!!!

Sam! Open...

Oh, my God! No!

Can somebody help me
get this door open?


Somebody help me here!

Oh, my God.

She's dead!

♪ ♪

♪ ♪