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05x32 - Who's Afraid of Amanda Woodward?: Part 1

Posted: 04/22/22 09:57
by bunniefuu
Oh, God. What happened?

You've been gone forever.

Did Dad get the money?

Yeah, your psycho father sure
as hell did get the money.

Then he hauled off and he
slugged me for my trouble.

You see that?

What? Wait a minute!

My father's not a deacon or
anything, but he's not violent!

What, you don't think I know
whose fist slammed into my face?

Well, maybe you did
something to provoke him.

Maybe you said something.

Would you wake up?

Your father isn't a
victim of bad luck,

or some rotten class system,

or a lousy crab
harvest, all right?

He's a con. You understand?

And he hates me.
He's obsessed with you

for some weird revenge reason
that passes all understanding.

He said right to my face,

"I'm not leaving
town without her!"

You get it now?

I can't believe it.

Well, you better. And you
better do something about it,

or I don't know what's
gonna happen to us.

Oh, God.


Please don't hurt me.

I'll be good, I promise.


What are you talking about?

No, stay away from me!

If you hit me again,
I swear I'll call the police.

Hit you? I...

I would never hit you.

The hell you wouldn't!

You had a couple of drinks,

and you went into
some crazy rage or something.

You started
blaming me for everything.

And then you att*cked me

and you tore the place apart.

Taylor, this is crazy.
I wouldn't...

No! You're crazy.

You're crazy, Peter.

I've never seen
you like this before.

I don't remember
any of this happening.

I... I'm so...

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I...

Look, why don't you just...

Just leave me alone
down here for awhile?

And you go on upstairs and...

we'll talk about this
in the morning, okay?

That bruise on your face,

I should look at that.

You might have
a broken bone there.

No, I don't want
you touching me.

I'm gonna sleep in the downstairs
bedroom with the door locked.

So why don't you just...

go on up to bed, okay,
and we'll...

leave it at that for now?

All right.

I honestly don't
remember any of this.

I'm so sorry.


We'll talk about it tomorrow.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪



How was your shower?

Thank you. Fine.

Ah. Good.

I just got off the phone
with Danny up in Ojai. Milk?

No. Thanks.

And uh... we haggled out
the price for his diner.

See, that's the thing about doing
business with your friends.

You can be honest
with each other

and you don't need
the so-called professionals

getting in there
to muck things up.

Anyway, all I gotta do
is sell sh**t,

and we'll have
the money to buy...

are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I guess.


I'm just...
I'm just worried

that you might be giving
up what you really want

to do what... what maybe seems
like the right thing.

Hey, come on.

What happened to your dream
about taking a chance,

about jumping off
into the unknown?

Colleen, David, hi.

I'm sorry, Jake.

I promised myself I wouldn't
pop in on you again.

But, uh... we're in kind
of a situation right now,

and David wanted to see you
before we left for Hawaii.

Just tell him, Mom.

Dad left us.

What? When?

Come in.

Um... you remember Alison.

Alison, this is Colleen.

And... this is David.

My son, David.


I'm sorry to barge in
on you like this.

No, no, no. Don't
worry about it.

Um, I'm... I'm gonna
go get dressed.

Jake: You okay?

I guess so. It's weird.

I don't want to move to Hawaii.

I work for a hotel chain,

and they have an opening there.

So we're leaving Friday.

Well, hey...

that gives us
three days together.

We'll have a great
time, I swear, really.

Don't let this go to your head,

but you did a great job
on the lawsuit.

There's something
you should know.

And I don't care how personally
humiliating it was for you.

It was worth it for the company.

Amanda, I want you to meet DD's
new efficiency coordinator.

I'll be needing a meeting
with you later today, Amanda,

to go over some
personnel changes.

Oh, no. No way in hell.

Get this piece
of over-reaching garbage

out of here right this minute.

Oh, I'm sorry, no can do.

My position here is part
of the settlement contract

signed by Craig, a full
partner, if I'm not mistaken.

Am I, Craig?

No, you're absolutely right,

a legal and binding agreement.

I thought you knew better
than to mess with me.

Hey, sweetheart, good morning.

Look, I'm sorry I
didn't call last night.

The hospital was a bear...

Look, I called the hospital
last night, okay?

To see how you were
doing because Icare.

But they said that
you weren't on call,

so I wanna know, where were you?

Why are you lying to me?

Wait, wait. I don't know who
the heck you talked to,

but if you really
don't trust me,

maybe I should get a signed
note from the night nurse

every time I'm transferred to
the ER for emergency surgery.

Now come on, Megan,

Kimberly is dead and buried,

so can you quit the jealous
wife act for a second?

Have some faith in the
man you supposedly love?

Michael, you know I love you,

all right? I was... I was
just worried, that's all.

Yeah, yeah, of course.

I'm... look...

I'm sorry I snapped at you.

You know, we're both just tired.

That's all.

So look, um...

let's have some
dinner tonight, okay?

Maybe we'll go
to bed early, huh?


How does that sound?

That is music to my ears.

Peter. Good morning.

What's with him?

Go. I don't know.

You know, usually when
someone closes their door

it means that they'd
like to be alone.

Well, uh...

usually, but...

this time it could
be a cry for help.

Partner, you look a mess.

Well, thanks for the compliment.

Now would you go?

All right, whatever you say.

I just thought you might
need a sympathetic ear.

Wait a second.

Close the door.

Look, I want to just ask you
something, if you, uh...

have you ever had blackouts?

Not really.

Well, maybe a couple
of times in college,

you know, when I
overdid the tequila,

but not since.


Have you, recently?

Yeah, I uh...

I sort of lost track
of things last night,

but you know, I think you might
have hit on it right there.

You know, I mean, I've had all this
stress from the chief of staff

and, you know,
the practice here,

and obviously,
my personal life is a mess.

But I've also been
self-medicating in the evening.

You know, scotch,
always more than one.

What exactly happened
anyway, Peter?

Now come on, if you're
having blackouts,

maybe I should
do some tests, huh?

Get an E.E.G. done?

No, no, no. Michael, I'm okay.

I just have to stop
drinking, and I know that.

Listen, I want to thank
you for the help. Really.

All right, okay,

but ju... look, if
anything else happens,

just, you know,
I'm here for you.

I know that, and I'm
grateful, really,

but I've got it handled.
Thanks again.

All right.

The campaign for Upstairs
will focus on the idea

that this club harkens back
to the golden age of jazz,

that this is a place of
refuge from the pop culture.

You'll find classy music
in a classy atmosphere.

Now, I want to go
all out on this...

Radio and print ads,

the best coverage and quality.

DD is going to make sure

that this is the most successful

new club this year.

So if there's nothing else,

let's get working
on this right now.

I'm sorry, but we haven't
heard Sydney's opinion yet.

And we're not going to.

You know, I have to say,
I don't see

the cost effectiveness
in this project.

I mean, no offense, Kyle,

but you don't have
two nickels to rub together.

I mean, how is DD
going to profit?

That's not your concern, Sydney.

Billy: She might have a point.

You know, it would be kind of
a drag to do all this work

and not have the capital
to get it out.

I guarantee there's money, okay?

Now, everyone, get
going, and get to work.

It just seems suspicious to me.

I'd like to see some paperwork
on my desk before we commit.

Everybody out. Now.

Kyle: Thanks, Syd.

That was an interesting meeting.

What possessed you
to hire Sydney?

I didn't.

Look, it's a long story,

so why don't you get our
club up and running

so we can generate
some cash flow?

You know what? I know
that you're still upset

about Jennifer, whether you
care to admit to it or not,

but she is staying on my couch

because she's got
no place else to go.

Now, if you let her have Nick's
place, then maybe you and I can...

Wait, there is no you
and I, you understand?

But if you want to live next to

the junior Mancini, that's fine.

Just get me a filled-out lease

and first and last month's rent.

Now, unless you have
any other favors

to ask of me,
I've got work to do.



You would have made
a hell of a Marine.

Well, look who's here,

my favorite daughter.

Billy came home with a huge
bruise on his face last night.

Did you hit him?

Whoa there, girl.

I don't know what your
California rich kid told you,

but he was all over me,
pushing and shoving.

After 5 years in the pen,
I react badly to that.


And why haven't you left town

like you said you would?

You know that
every day you're here

you put both
Billy and me in danger.

I know.

I know. And it makes me sick
to put you in harm's way,

but I could give a damn about

that useless boyfriend of yours.

You know, you could do
a lot better.

I'm not rising
to the bait, Daddy.

I just want to know when
you're leaving town.

As soon as you're all packed
and ready to go with me.



you don't think
I broke out of prison

and came 3,000 miles
across the country

just for a little
visit, did you?

Hey, sweetheart,
you didn't mean to,

but when you testified
against me,

you ruined my life.

But now, we both get a chance
to make up for the past.

Now, you get your
things together

and we'll go to Mexico,

and we'll leave all this behind.

You're serious, aren't you?

I sure as hell am.
You changed my life.

And now I'm changing yours,
but for the better.

It's simple.

Peter still doesn't
think he's sick,

so we have to give him
another drug treatment,

and we have to do it quickly,

before Megan thinks I'm having
an affair and slits my throat.

All right, so we move
tomorrow tonight.

I'll be over at 7:00.

You get him upstairs
so I can sneak in,

and we'll weave
another dream for him.

Michael, we don't need to
do anything more to Peter.

He's treating me great.

He stopped drinking alcohol.

He's just drinking orange
juice by the gallon.

And what about the Beth thing?
Did he stop that?

Well, no. Not exactly,

but soon, he promised
me he would.

Oh, right.

We both know, as soon
as Peter gets

his confidence back he's
gonna forget any promises.

He'll have you playing
Beth, Judy Garland,

and the Vienna Boys' Choir.

We gotta bring him down,
Taylor, to the bottom.

Convince him he's as sick
as Charlie Manson.

Now, I'm gonna be there
tomorrow night with the dr*gs.

And believe me, you're
gonna thank me for it.

I don't know
about this, Michael.

Yeah, well I do.

And that's all that matters.

I called the market.
I called everywhere.

Where have you been?


I saw my father.

What? You went to him?

What, are you mental?

Why didn't you tell me
you were gonna do this?

What if the police saw you?

Billy, calm down. Please.

How can I? Look what
you are doing to us!

You're keeping secrets from me.

I don't know when or if
you're ever coming home.

I mean, I love you, honey, but...

But what? What, you found
out what I really am,

a white trash chick who's
not good enough for ya?

Well, you're right!

My father is a psycho convict,

and when I'm not babbling
on like some stupid twit,

I'm lying to you all the time.

Now, the money, and the police,

and I'm ruining your life,

all because of who I am,

a nothing,

a lying, dirt poor nothing.

I'm sorry, Billy.

I didn't mean to bring
you into all of this

and bring all this
ugliness with me.

Maybe I should just
go away with him.

What are you talking about?

You're not going anywhere.

Everything you said was true.

He said it straight to my face.

"Come on, Sam.

We're going off
to sunny Mexico."

He's crazy, Billy.

What am I supposed to do?

You're gonna straighten
all this out.

We're going down to
the police station tomorrow

and you're gonna turn him in.

Hey, look...
Hey, look at me.

There is nothing ugly about you.

You... you are sunlight
and sweetness.

You're the best thing that
ever happened to me, okay?

And I love you,
and nothing that's happened

or is ever going to happen
is going to change that.

Promise me you'll
always be with me.

Promise me.

I promise, Samantha Reilly.

I promise.

Chelsea, I know
that your mom and me

fighting over you has not
made your life any easier.

I mean, you barely
had time to deal

with your loss of your dad,

and now all of this drama.

I just... I'm...

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I know you're trying
to do the right thing,

but you know, so is my mom.

I guess I'm the only one
who's still trying

to figure out what
the right thing is.

Yeah, but we've been
having a lot of fun lately,

don't you think? Mm-hmm.

But my mom's gonna
be here any second.

And it's her turn
to be nice to me now.

You know, uncle Matt, I've
really only known you

for a little while now, but
you've done tons for me,

and you've cared.

And you're not, like,
a phony or anything.

And it's, like, helped me.

So... thanks.


Thank you.

Chelsea, you mean
the world to me.

I'm telling ya,

something about this
jazz club account stinks.

I just know there's
shadow money somewhere,

like a slush fund, or something.

I just think that
Amanda is ripping you off

and you're letting her
get away with it.

Syd, she can mount
a campaign if she wants to.

She's a managing partner.

Craig, it's not real.

You know, it's like money
laundering or something.

I say that we gather
up as much of

these records as we can
and bust her, you know?

Challenge her to her face!

Look, I've known
Amanda for a while now,

and I know it never works
to go at her head-on.

She gets majorly vicious.

What, are you afraid of her?

Craig, I am telling you,

the scam she is pulling is a
golden opportunity for you.


But you're the real
gold around here.

Let me give you a little advice.

Don't make so many waves.

Watch what Amanda does.

Learn from her, keep track
of everything she does

that might seem suspicious.

Then, when the time is right,

Amanda will regret ever
selling either of us short.

You mean, be sneaky.


I can do that.

One other thing...

would you mind it
so much if I kissed you?

Somebody might see us.

I don't care.

Neither do I.

Here's the address of the motel

where my father is staying,

though I called last night

and they said he's checked out.

But the other thing there

is where the strip mall is

where I'm supposed to
meet him Friday night.

I think he said, 9:00.

That's all I know.

So, you met with Jim Reilly

after we had you in here

and told you he was a fugitive?

After we told you that any
assistance you gave him,

you could end up under arrest

and prosecuted for
aiding and abetting.

Now, that makes you

either not very bright
or not very trustworthy.

Hey, come on, all right?
Give her a break.

She's told you everything
now, all right?

It's her father,
for God's sakes.

Young man, I'd keep my
mouth shut if I were you.

I'm gonna take a chance and
believe you, Samantha.

We'll go meet your dad,
instead of you.

If you're being
straight with us,

everybody's problems
might be over.

Just don't hurt him, okay?

I'm afraid that
depends on your father.

You two go home.

We'll let you know how it goes.

Hey, you guys better
get in here.

The pizza's getting cold.

Yeah, all right!
We'll be right there!

Let's go.


You know, this has
been the most fun

couple of days I can remember,

in a row, at least.

Yeah, it has been fun,
hasn't it?

I just hope things don't change.

I mean, I know things can't
stay exactly the same,

what with me moving
to Hawaii and all.

Things aren't going to change.
Hawaii's not that far.

Duh, Dad. I wasn't
born yesterday.

It's like halfway to China.

I guess I should
have asked, huh?

I mean, is it okay
if I call you dad?

Yeah. It's okay.

It's perfect.

Let's go to the movies tonight.

We haven't been out in ages.

And now that you're
not drinking,

we should do something relaxing.

And if we hurry,
we can make a 7:15.

No, I really can't.

I've got to go over these charts for
a staff meeting tomorrow morning.

I just want to get up in the tub

and do a little bit
of reading, okay?

Maybe tomorrow night, huh?

Michael! What are
you doing here?

You said you weren't
coming till 7:00!

Well, I felt
your feet getting cold,

so I borrowed Peter's
extra keys from the office,

got here early to make sure
everything goes according to Hoyle.

Well, I say no. I'm
not doing this again.

Oh, my God. Peter.

Mm, I spiked his orange juice.

Thanks for the info.

What are you going
to do with him now?

Oh, don't you worry.

I got a great little idea.

You just do as you're told

and everything's
going to be just fine.

Boy 1: Is he dead?

Boy 2: I don't know.
Poke him with a stick.

No! You do it!

Are you all right, mister?

What... where?

Is that your car, mister?

Oh, hey. Oh! There you are.

Where'd you take off
so early this morning?

I just went out to get some
groceries for breakfast.

Oh, sh**t. I can't stay.

I gotta go to the real
estate office one more time,

then I gotta go to the bank.

Then I'm picking up David and
we're headed to the zoo.

You wanna come?

Oh, no. I've got things to do.

Michael, have you got a minute?

Sure. Come on in.

Whoa, Peter, are you all right?

I didn't think it was possible,

but you look even worse
than the other day.

Listen... just listen
to me, would you,

and save your judgments.


Remember I told you that I was...

I had a blackout
the other night?


Well, it seems that there's
more to it than that.

It seems, um...

it seems that during
the blackout, um...

I hit Taylor.

You what?

I mean, as in striking her?

Yes. But I don't
remember doing it.

It was... I thought
it was alcohol

and the stress, but...

You know, that maybe
this just happened once

and that it wouldn't
happen again.

It was a moment
I had snapped, but...

last night, Michael,
you know, no drinks,

I'm feeling fine, right?

You know, one minute I'm taking
my tie off in the bathroom,

and the next minute it's morning

and I wake up in the
middle of a playground

and there's neighborhood
kids staring at me

and my car is parked
under a swing set!

Peter, oh, my God.
Okay, all right...

But, I go to the condo, right?

And Taylor's locked herself
into the bathroom,

and she's so terrified,
she can't even talk!

Okay, okay, man.
Calm down, all right?

Now here, take a seat.
Come on, now.

I've gone over this
and over this,

and I have to be having some
sort of seizures, or something.

Okay, but don't worry about it.

Okay, we're gonna
do... we'll do a whole

battery of tests, okay?

We'll get to the bottom of this.

We'll do blood work ups,
E.E.G., everything.

I'm sure there's a very
simple answer, buddy.

I'm sure it's obvious,

but no one can know about this.

Blind analysis on all
the tests, you know?

Hey, don't worry. It's
doctor-patient confidentiality.

I swear. I won't tell anyone.

And, we're friends, Peter.

Friends and partners, right?

Good. Good.

This is a nightmare, Michael.

Don't worry about it, buddy.

It's all gonna work out.

Alison. This is a surprise.

Do you mind if
I pop in for a second?

Yeah. Of course.

I just thought it was time

the ladies of the house
had a little powwow.

Don't you think
that's a good idea?

I hope you don't
mind me saying this,

but you seem a little looped.

Why, yes I am.

And why not?

I am celebrating.

I am celebrating the bond
between a man and his son,

the joy of a family
connecting again.

Look, I'm sorry.
I knew coming here

was going to be tough
on you, and me, too.

But I thought it was
important for David.

We'll be leaving here
in a couple of days.

I mean, I promise.

I really don't want to mess
things up between you and Jake.

Oh, no-no-no. Of course not.

Because that would be mean...

and you're nice,
aren't you, Colleen?

So! Uh...

when Jake came to visit you
in your little town,

did he tell you
what a bitch I was?

That I push him one way
and then the other?

"Go away, Jake.
Come back, Jake."

Back and forth?

No. He said he loved you.


But he was miserable, wasn't he?

Come on.

You can tell me.

Sort of, but that was because

you two were having problems.

No. No.

I know why he was miserable.
You don't.

You don't know.

So, tell me this.

All those years ago,

or now,

did you really want
Jake out of your life?

Alison, please.
This really isn't helpful.

Tell me, Colleen.

I need to know.

It's just between us, I promise.

Well, no.

No, I didn't want to lose him.

But I know he really
loves you, and you love him.

You're married,

and I accept that, Alison.
I honestly do.

Don't accept anything
at face value.

Things change.

Oh! And, um...

don't go running off to Hawaii.

Not just yet.

Gentlemen, thank you.
That was great.

Hey, thank you very much, Kyle.

I'll let you know
by tomorrow, okay?

Hey, that sounds great.

What, are you gonna tell me that
you didn't like these guys either?

Well, I don't know. They
just didn't do it for me.

They didn't do it for you.

Look, Amanda, you are aware that

that guy that was
playing the piano

that was Joe Sample, all right?

He's well known. He's respected
throughout the whole jazz community.

I gave my opinion. I'm
entitled, aren't I?

You know, I'm the music fan
here, all right?

It was my dream to have this
jazz club in the first place.

And I'm the one
who put up the money.

Don't hold that up. Don't
you ever hold that over me.

I'm sorry. We'll go
with whoever you want.


forget it.

I didn't mean to lose my temper.

Don't worry about it.

No... this is about
something else.

When we were in
the Dominican Republic,

I felt like we really
connected, all right?

Then, because some old
girlfriend of mine shows up

that I am finished with,

I guarantee you that,

you shut down on me.

You know, maybe this doesn't have
anything to do with Jennifer.

Maybe I'm just not ready to
give up my vow of celibacy.

I don't think that's it,

but I do know what
your problem is.

Oh, you do?

Yeah. You're a control freak.

No, you are, think of it.

No, you try to
control everything.

You want to control
the musicians,

you know, your emotions.

You definitely try to
control this relationship.

I mean, that's why we
haven't really kissed.

I mean, that's why we
haven't really made love,

because you're afraid
you're gonna lose control.

Oh, is that right?

Yeah. You know it is.

Prove it.


Didn't lose control at all.

But you said that you found something.
What is it?

Yeah. It's your E.E.G.

The neurologist read it,
and it...

Well, it seems you have a
pretty rare problem, Peter...

temporal lobe epilepsy.

And when you add
the att*cks on Taylor

and the other acting out,

well, the diagnosis
is rage epilepsy.

Rage epilepsy?


Are you sure?

Oh, yeah. I'm sure.

The neurologist found it, and it
seems to fit what's been happening...

The lack of memory,
the bursts of v*olence.

I mean, it took a while
to show itself, but...

I've read about this.

There's uh... there's
medication for this.

Oh, yeah, yeah, and I'll give
you a prescription for it.

It'll help. But the uh...

Well, the most
important thing is,

you gotta take it easy.

You know, enough stress and that
could trigger another attack.

You know, you've been
working pretty hard, buddy.

Maybe you should think about letting
go of some of your obligations.

Yeah, yeah, I'll give
that some thought.

I'm going home,
so hold my calls.

All right.

File that in the
uh... confidential area there.

What's going on?

Oh, nothing, babe.

But I'll tell you this,

you married one damn
smart doctor.

You know, Michael, that little
argument that we had, um...

the other day where you
mentioned trust?

Sure, yeah.

Well, I just want to let you
know that I do trust you,

that trust is something that...

Especially with our history...

Is more important
than the air we breathe.

Okay. That's pretty
intense talk there.

Is there something on your mind?

You know, Michael, it's just
gotten a little ridiculous

that we live together,
we're married,

and I hardly ever see you
before midnight anymore.

I mean, what do you
want me to do?

So, um...

we're on for dinner
tonight, for sure?


You're not on call?

Absolutely, absolutely.


Babe, all right, I forgot.

I may be held up a
little while on rounds.

I mean, I'm talking
just an hour or two,

because I have
a special patient.

But as soon as
I can get out of there,

I'm gonna get home, I'm gonna
take you someplace romantic,

and I am gonna make this
all up to you, I promise.

Okay? Mm.

Good to see you again.
Thanks for coming.



Hey, how are you doing?

Hey. Hey!

Hey, how are you doing, man?

Congratulations, man.

Two bloody marys. Uh-uh.

There you go, two martinis,
extra dry, with olives.

Thank you very much.

So you are Michael's sister?

That's wild.

I guess.

But even a guy like him
has to have relatives.

So you just came out for a visit

and decided to give it a try?

Yeah, but it's not
just for family reasons.

Kyle and I were seeing
each other in Boston.

Did you hear that?

Are you okay?

I'm sorry, I just can't get
what's going to happen

to my dad tonight off my mind.

Well, you'd better try, because
you did the right thing, okay?

So there's nothing
more you can do.

Come on, let's go
listen to the music.

So, I've got to ask,
what do you think?

You know, a pro's point of view?

Sir? Thank you.

Yeah, well, I'm almost
out of the bar business,

but, man, I think you've
got a winner here.

This is cool. Thanks.

You know, is Alison
gonna make it?

No. She wanted to, but I guess
she came down with something.

She's feeling pretty lousy.

Sorry to hear that.

Hey. Excuse me.

Yep. Go ahead.

Well, fashionably late,
I see. You look beautiful.

Well, I would've been later,

but I was looking
forward to seeing you.

Oh, well, that's good.

It means the kiss did its magic.

Ha, no comment.

But how about you get me a vodka
martini and see what that does?


I've got to admit, the music sounds
better than it did yesterday.


Must be the change
in atmosphere.

Wait, wait. Wait a minute.

What the hell is she doing here?

You didn't clear this with me.

Clear it with...

Look, it's not a big deal.

I mean, I needed a bartender.

No, the big deal
is that just when

I let down my guard with you,

Jennifer is right there
in my face.

Oh, com...
You know what?

You want to cut the crap?

All right, I needed a bartender.
It's nothing.

No. No, it's sick.

It's like you can't
stop yourself from

advertising who you slept with.

I'll tell you right now,

it'll never be with me.
Would you stop it?

You're starting to
sound a lot like Taylor.

Oh, well, I guess
she had good reason

to sound like this, didn't she?

Enjoy the evening.

Well, looks like
Jim Reilly's a no-show.

That's not just bad news for us,

that's real bad news
for his daughter.

We've got a suspect
in the alley back there,

just walked in.

Close it up and get him.

There he is. Let's go!

It's not Jim Reilly.

Who are you?

What are you doing here?

I'm Fred.

Some guy told me to come here

to meet him here
about a job or something.

What guy? Where?

I don't know, just
some guy this morning.

This has got to be
some kind of a set up.

This is exactly where
the daughter said he'd be.

What do you mean, set up?

What do you think I mean?

Damn daughter said
he'd be here and he's not!

Yeah, but if she went to all
the trouble to rat him out,

why would she tip him off?

I don't know.

We'll have to ask
Samantha Reilly that

when we pick her up.

Nice club, Amanda.

Thank you. Now go away.

You know...

it's a good idea for you
to diversify, I think.

You're really losing
the old Amanda touch,

it seems to me.

I mean, there I am
in your company,

criticizing your every move

and you can't get rid of me.

The old Amanda would've
done something about it,

but you can't, can you?

Oh, that's right, you don't have
Craig on your leash anymore.

To make matters worse,
he's on my side.

You are an idiot, aren't you?

You think that because you
jump in the sack with Craig,

you're suddenly
the all-powerful Oz?

You're a substitute,

and a pretty pathetic
one at that.

Let me tell you,

anytime I want
that little weasel...

I can have him.

You know, it is really sad

to see the old lioness
losing her teeth,

sitting here getting sloshed,

living in her dream world.

Watch and learn, little one.

The concept is...

Excuse me, sir. We have
some business to do.

Excuse me. No problem.

Amanda, this is unexpected.

But not unappreciated, is it?

Well, no, but...

Admit it,

you've had all kinds
of fantasies, haven't you?

I'd pick Sydney
over you any day.


You know what?

I'm starting to think
you really are evil.