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05x29 - Ultimatums and the Single Guy

Posted: 04/22/22 09:55
by bunniefuu
I'm hoping you'll show me L.A.'s

best and brightest, you know?

Somehow, I don't think
Michael's gonna offer me

the grand tour. Absolutely.

I'm sorry that
you two aren't closer.

But maybe that'll change
now that you're here.

I kinda doubt it.

So, do you miss college life?

Not really.

I mean, I liked
Boston College okay,

but those East coast
winters got old real fast.

And the waitressing
jobs I had to take

to get by sucked big time.

No, I'm glad I
finally graduated.

Being in a new city is exciting.

Well, I am glad
you're staying with us.

Me too.


I hope everything
is satisfactory.

Yes, yes. Thank you.

Some wine?

Yes, I'd like some.

Jennifer, are you all right?


would you mind if we just left,

because uh... I'm not
feeling very good.

No, of course not.

Are you sure? Are you
sick to your stomach?


You bastard!

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Wait a second.
Let me get this straight.

So you're sitting there,
you're having dinner,

and suddenly you get
an urge to slap

the restaurant owner
in the face.

Put it in park, Michael.

I told you, I don't
want to talk about it.

Well, you are gonna
talk about this.

Look, she doesn't have to.

Just leave her alone.

Look, a woman slaps a man,
it's gotta be about sex.

Did you know him in Boston?

Were you doing him?

You are such a pig, Michael.

You'd better watch
your mouth, young lady.

You're very close to
being out on your butt.

Ah, the man himself.

Now tell me, how did
you know my sister,

and why did she feel the
need to reset your clock?

Okay, this is strange.

I had no idea that
she was your sister.

I just came over to ask Megan

if she knew where
I could find...

Jennifer, could we talk... alone?

I'm gonna wait out on the beach.

I worked for him at his
restaurant in Boston.

Anything further is none
of your damn business.

She was doing him.

I deserved that shot last night.

It was stupid of me.

It made you more important
than you really are.

And I owe you an apology for
how I ended things in Boston.

You owe me squat, Kyle.

Jennifer, I don't know what
you're doing here, but...


Let's get one thing straight.

If I had so much as an inkling

that you had moved out here,

I wouldn't have stepped
foot off the plane.

You've gotta understand.

I was married.

I had to honor that commitment.

When Taylor found out
about our little fling...

Is that what it was to you?

A "little fling"?

Five months of relentless sex,

you make me love you, and
you call it a little fling?

Jennifer, I never meant to
hurt you, and I'm sorry.

Stuff your apologies, Kyle.

I guess you've had some rough
times since then, huh?

Don't flatter yourself, Romeo.

The only rough time
I've had is right now

trying not to puke
at your phony sincerity.

So I suggest that
you crawl off to Taylor

or whoever you're screwing
around with these days

and stay the hell
out of my life.



Who was that on the phone?

Ah, that was my dad.
I called him in Chicago

and he says to say "hi."

Oh, that's one long distance
bill I don't mind paying.



I know I said you could
use my ATM card,

but $400 is a lot.

I had some old bills
that were overdue,

and I was hoping
that I would make enough

to pay you back before
you got the statements.

Please don't be angry.

I just wish you would've told me

that it was gonna be
that much, that's all.

Is this why you're
suddenly taking this job?

No. I mean, well partly.

I guess I just don't feel right
about you paying for everything.

We've been through this before.

I make a good salary.

You know, you don't need to stoop
to being a supermarket checker.


There's nothing wrong
with being a checker.

Oh, what, is that
a little too blue collar

for a girlfriend
of Billy Campbell's?

No. It's just that
I could've landed you

a better job at D&D.

Yeah, but you would've
had to land me a job,

and I don't want
to work somewhere

where everyone knows
that I was hired

because I was sleeping
with one of the execs.

Well, if you get tired
of those old ladies

yelling at you
about double coupons...

my offer still stands.

I gotta go. Love you.

I love you, too.

Chelsea? I'll see you later.

Chelsea? Chelsea, wait up.
Don't walk away.

Why don't you just
leave me alone?

My mom's picking me up, okay?
I'm staying with her.

No, you are coming home with me.

It's what the judge ordered.

It's what your father wanted.

My father is dead,

and my mom's alive,
and she wants me.

So why are you being so dense about this?
It's stupid.


because I am trying to
do what is best for you.

Look, Chelsea, I know it
sounds romantic for you

to fly off to Paris and
live with the mother

that you've always dreamed of.

But this isn't a fantasy.

It's reality. Denise
lives out of hotels.

She's not gonna be able to
give you a sense of stability.

It's no life for you, Chelsea.

I'm afraid I disagree.

She'll make friends easily,

and we'll give
each other stability.

Matt, I may have done some
foolish things in my life,

and not being closer
to Chelsea was one of them.

But I'm her mother,

and I love her
no matter what you think.

What I think isn't
important right now.

What the court thinks is.

And that man right over there

is here to make sure that
Chelsea comes home with me.

Looks like your uncle has
come armed and dangerous.

We're gonna have to do
things his way for now.

But that's not fair. I know.

But we're gonna win in the end.

I promise.

Go on.

I'll call you later. Go on.

Come on in.

I hope I didn't pull you away
from anything important.

Oh, no, not at all.

I needed to get out of there

before I clawed the face
off a certain redhead.

Say no more.

Come on, it's upstairs.

Ta da!

I've had my eye on it since
the restaurant opened.

There was a photographer
using it for a studio,

but he lost his lease,

so I think we can
get a good deal on it.

Hmm. It needs a little work.

Yeah, absolutely.

Look, this is what
I was thinking.

I was thinking that the bar

could go right here
along this wall.

Dance floor.

We would have
the bandstand over yonder,

and uh... my office would be
back there in that corner.

We've got a separate
entrance from the street.

And our kitchen
downstairs, I think,

can handle a limited bar menu.

You've been dreaming about this

for a long time, haven't you?

Yes, I have.

And you're sure you want me
in as a full-time partner?

Yeah, I do if...

if I can be sure that
you really believe in it.

See, the restaurant
was successful,

but not that important to me

because my partner never cared.

And this...

and this has to be different.

I need to know that
you have as much

passion for it as I do.

Well, I'm offering a quarter
of a million dollars cash,

handshake deal, no paper trails.

Gotta cover my butt.

And that's as passionate as
I get with the lights on.

But I think you've
got a winner here,

and I really like
your dream, a lot.




I just thought I'd see
how you were doing.

Bad time?

Uh... let's see.

I can't eat anything
that requires two hands.

I can barely dress myself,

and now it looks like I can only

shampoo the left
side of my head.

Okay, it's a bad time.

Do you want me to do your hair?

Bathing buddies?

Well, actually,
I had that sink in mind.

Oh. I think I'll just muddle
through by myself, thanks.

Sydney, I know
what you're going through.

Look, I separated my
shoulder once in college,

and I remember what a bitch
it was to do anything.

Now, you can spend all night aggravating
yourself and your shoulder,

or you can let me have five
minutes with you at that sink.

Then I promise I will
get out of your hair.


It would be much easier.

Okay, Maurice, a quick
wash and a rinse.

All right.

I'll get the stuff.

You know, this act of yours
is incredibly transparent.

What act is that?

This anything-

can-I-wash your-hair act.

I'm not dropping the lawsuit,

no matter how nice
you are to me.

So you can just give it up.


You got a ton
of knots back here.

Tell me about it.

I'm a wreck.

Well, maybe you should
take some time off,

you know, maybe hit the
spa for a couple of days,

get massaged, get pampered.

Lovely idea.

When I win the lawsuit
I'll be able to afford it.

Why not right now?

You know D&D held a seminar

at the Four Winds
in Palm Springs.

I've still got
a couple of vouchers

to their deluxe spa package.

Won't cost you anything.

I'll even pop for the
car to take you there.

You really are
persistent, aren't you?

Okay, Palm Springs it is.


Hey. You want a beer?

Yeah, you read my mind.

Alison is drinking?

Just a beer,
same as you're having.

Jake, she's an alcoholic.

There's no such thing
as just a beer.

She's not getting drunk.
She's just having a beer.

She can handle that.

I can't believe
you're saying that.

How long has this been going on?

Nothing's going on.
She's having a beer.

Face it, Billy.

Alison's got it
together a lot more now

than she did when...

when you guys were together.

She's happy with her life,
she's happy with me,

so just relax.

Oh, I see. When she was with me

she was an out-of-control

Now that she's married to you,

you know, she's...

magically transformed
into a superwoman

who can handle her booze
no sweat. Come on.

Hey, give it a rest, okay?

It doesn't work like that, Jake.
All right?

It's a disease.
You are nurturing it.

I said give it a rest.
She's my wife.

I don't want anyone
upsetting her.

You understand that?

Just, enjoy your beer.

Thanks. Think I lost my thirst.

Do you want to try

deep-heating balm
on your shoulder?

It might help it
to heal quicker.

Oh, no thanks.

I'm kind of encouraging it

to take its own sweet time.

Mmm, great. Oh!

Are you enjoying yourself?

What are you doing here?

I'm taking some clients on
a round of golf nearby.

I thought I'd stop in and
see how you were doing.

How convenient.

So, do you like?

What's not to like?

Well, I must warn you about something.
You know, uh...

The food here is mostly

this tofu health stuff. It's...

I can dial out for pizza
with one finger.

My point is is that I'm
friends with the chef.

And he'll make you the
steak of your dreams

with all the trimmings.
You'll love it.

You're asking me to dinner.

That's what it looks like, yes.

8:00 all right?

You are too funny.

All right, Mr. Smooth,

I'll meet you at 8:00.

It's a date.


what were you doing
promising Midline Airways

all those spots
at such a low price?

Are you trying to k*ll us?

Oh, Amanda. Relax.

I saw Charles Tyree downstairs.

He told me
what you said at lunch.

We'll lose a fortune
on a deal like that.

Amanda, Midline has brought
this company huge profits.

I just thought it was time

we showed them a little
appreciation, that's all.

We can afford it.

Our normal rate
is mostly pad anyway.

You had no authority to offer
that kind of discount.

And that "pad"
pays for overhead.

Your salary, for instance.

And your lawsuits, maybe?

Have you been drinking?

A polite glass of wine
at lunch with Charles.

Just being a good schmoozer,

sucking up to the clients.

You know, your boozing pretty much
k*lled your career the last time,

and I won't stand for it.

Consider yourself on probation.

And if I can't find
a way out of this

ludicrous deal that you made,

consider yourself fired.

She's totally wrong
to be this upset.

She's right about one thing.

I saw you at sh**t
last night... drinking.

Oh, Billy.

Would you stop trying
to be my white knight?

I am fine.

She's just upset because
I showed a little spunk.

You ought to try it sometime.

How'd it go?

His holiness gave me a
couple of weeks reprieve.

Thanks for calming him down.

He was really ticked about
that Amanda interview.

Yeah, well don't lie to him
about job interviews anymore.

Here's back to '94. Thanks.

Hello. Have you two met?

Dr. Burns, this is Jennifer
Mancini, Michael's sister.


Well, it's a pleasure.

Now I see who got all
the good looks in the family.

That would be me.

You're Michael's partner, right?


Brave man.

What the hell
are you doing here?


Oh, I see the two
of you have met.

Now I know where that trail
of slime came from outside.

I guess you have.

Taylor, your taste

in clothes may have
gone all to hell,

but you're still as sweet
and endearing as ever.

Listen you little home wrecker,

you come anywhere near this man,

I'll rip your lungs out!

You and...?

Mm, and I was just thinking

that you seemed like
an intelligent man.

Hey, wait a minute here.

That's my little sister you're
calling a home wrecker.

And isn't that just a
little hypocritical of you,

after what you did to Amanda?

Oh, look who's talking,
Mr. Married-Four-Times.

What are you talking
about, Michael?

Hey, hey, hey.

This is a doctor's
office, damn it.

You and you,
back to your offices now.

And you, go get a job.

And you.

What can I do for you?

Not a damn thing.

You know, it's funny how you
can live so close to somebody

and not really know
anything about them.

I mean, not just you,

but I don't really
know anyone in our building.

Oh, well, I wouldn't
really worry about it.

You're not missing much.

They're all too busy
tormenting me anyway.

Now, why would
they want to do that?

I don't know.

Sometimes I think maybe I have
"Kick Me" stamped on my backside.

I'm like everybody's
favorite doormat.

Starting with my sister, Jane.

She always hated me,

and the only thing I
ever did was love her.

What was her problem?

Well, um...

my marrying her husband

might have had
a little to do with it.

But now that Jane's
moved away, it's Sam.

I don't know what it is.

That girl has had it in
for me from the get-go.

Well, you don't have
to tell me about Sam.

I have firsthand experience
with that cold shoulder.

Then there's Taylor
McBride, trash queen.

She hates me.

But, you know, the way
she bats her eyes

at anything in pants,

it's no wonder
her husband has to

look elsewhere for comfort.

Sounds like firsthand
experience, too.

We had our brief moment.

He was the first
person in a long time

who liked me for who I was.

You know? No judgments
or preconditions.

Bad timing, though.

It was, you know,
clean and honest,

and we're still good friends.

Well, good friends
are in short supply.

I mean, if I ever find one,

I'd probably hang on
for dear life.


Thanks. This looks great.

Can I get you anything else?

You all right?

I'm fine.

No, thank you.

Here, let me help you with that.


Oh, it's you, girl.

Who else would it be?

Well, I can't be too careful.

A wanted man doesn't
have any friends.

All I could dig up was $20.

I don't get a paycheck
until next week.

God bless you for this,

for all of this,

for all you're doing.

The thing is...

I'm gonna need at least $1,000

to get me on the road to Mexico.

Dad. $1,000?

I don't know how to get
that kind of money.

Well, you're my last
hope, Samantha.

I don't know where else to turn.

I thought maybe...

this might clean
the slate between us.

You know, for you turning
me in all those years ago.

If you do this one final thing,

I'll be out of
your life for good.

And I can start over.

I'll do what I can.

I know you will.

Listen, I know I
have been giving you

a really hard time lately.

But I really appreciate
the attention,

even though you have
a not-so-hidden agenda.

Hidden agendas were
just part of my growing up.

I don't think I'd know
an honest feeling

if it walked up
and hit me in the face.

That doesn't sound like a
very loving childhood.

Well, my father was
master of mixed emotions.

"Come here. Go away."

"I need you. I hate you."

I never knew
what he wanted from me.

I've had
relationships like that.

I know I've seriously
considered moving

to some remote mountain cabin

with 12 cats and a rocking chair

where I would never
have to worry

about opening up my heart
to anyone ever again.

Oh, I know that place.

It's safe.

But too damn lonely.

I can't believe what I'm seeing.

Harry, what the hell
are you doing here?

That's my line.

I finally track you down,

and you're skinny-dipping
with the man we're suing.

First of all, I am
not skinny-dipping,

and second of all, you're
not my damn chaperone.

You two must have
business to go over.

I gotta get back to L.A. anyway.

You know, that's
a very good idea.



for listening.

Good night, Sydney.

And, thank you.


Where's your wife?

She's sleeping.

Oh. Did she get a little
too crocked last night?

Where the hell do you get off?

You tell her that
because of her,

we lost Midline Airways.

When I couldn't match the
numbers that Alison promised,

they thought we were
pulling a bait and switch.

Dropped us, just like that.

Our third biggest client,

all because Alison
got drunk at lunch

and shot off her big mouth.

Well, it sounds to me
like you're blaming Alison

for some screw-up of your own.

How does this sound?
She's fired.

Well, hey, I'll tell you what.

Hey, you're doing her a favor!

What was all that racket?

What time is it?

Oh, God! I'm gonna be late!


That was Amanda.

She was, um, going on about...

Midline Airways
or something like that,

and, um...

she fired you.


She can't do that!

I'm gonna talk to her.

She's gone.

Look, Alison,

clearly she was just trying
to make you the scapegoat

for her losing the account.

She basically said so.

Well... so, she fires
me just like that?

After she begged me
to come back?

What is she,
psycho or something?

If you ask me, yeah.
I've always said that.

Come on,
you'll land another job.

Any company would k*ll to
have a talent like yours.

You were miserable there!

Look, think of this as a
blessing in disguise.

We can work together again.

We always made a great team.

I... I... I just don't understand.


Peter: Hi, it's me.


What a nice surprise,

you calling in the
middle of the afternoon.

I'll be home at 7:00.

Have dinner ready for me
just like last night.


You know, I was
thinking of making that...

And wear the same outfit.


Okay, I can wear
the same kinda thing.

Don't you want me to tell you...

I didn't call to chat.

I called to tell you what to do.

And I expect you to do it.



Chelsea, I'll be in late.

These night rounds are k*ller.

And there's some chicken
salad in the refrig...

And oh, I, um...

I rented you some videotapes

in case you want to see a movie.

Look, Chelsea...

one day you will understand
what I am doing and why.

Hmm, let's see. Because
you're a selfish jerk,

and you don't care
about what I want.


Because no matter what
happened before, I love you,

and I'm gonna make
sure that you have

the best life that you can get.

I'll see you later.


Hi, it's me.

Um... he's left.

And did you talk to the lawyer?


You need to document everything,

lay a groundwork for a
challenge in court.

Whether that has to do
with your environment,

his lifestyle, something.

He also suggested
that you keep a diary

of every move that your uncle Matt makes.
Can you do that?

I guess. It just sounds so
sneaky, though. You know?

Chelsea, we need
everything we can get.

Okay, I'll do it.

I love you, mom.

I love you, too, honey.

I'll get you back.

I promise.

Okay. Bye.

Good news, partner.

I'll have a cashier's
check for you by tomorrow.

Cha-ching! That's great.

Look, I promise you a good
return on your money.

I'm anticipating one.

I'll stop by your restaurant
tomorrow night after work.

And Kyle...


To us both.

See you.

So... you're stashing all
your cash with Kyle.

I'd be careful if I were you.

Didn't your daddy teach
you that eavesdropping

could be very hazardous
to your health?

Actually, he taught us how to use
it to our advantage, you know,

but in this case, it was my
timing and your open door.

So what was that crack about
Kyle supposed to mean?

Oh, I heard that he's got
a weak spot for women.

You know, love 'em
and leave 'em type.

He's a man.

Is that your big revelation?

No, but the last girl he dumped
was your favorite tenant, Sydney.

Sydney and Kyle?

Mm-hmm. And he broke
her heart, too.

Oh, well, that just tears me up.

You know, why don't you work on
getting her teeth out of our business

instead of sitting there
playing town gossip?

Peter, no!


That was great.

The way you resisted me

all the way up to
the end like that.

You know, just thinking about it

is getting me turned on again.


it's... it's just...
It's starting to scare me.

The lovemaking is getting
a little weird, and...

it's almost violent.

Actually, it's getting...

closer to nirvana.

But that's okay, Beth.

You just relax. It's all a game.

I want you to pour me a drink.


Peter, you just called me Beth.

Well, isn't that what
this is all about?

As long as you're
your big sister,

you get to stay.

Now, why don't you
pour me that drink,

okay... Beth?

I'm not Beth!

I'm not going to
take it anymore!


Taylor, you all right?

Michael, what...
What are you doing here?

I had some papers
for Peter to sign.

Wardrobe problems, huh?

It's none of your business!


Jeez, uh...

what's wrong?

It's Peter. I...

I can't take it anymore.

What did he do?

You shouldn't know. Uh...

You wouldn't believe it.

No, sure I will. Come on,
you gotta talk to somebody.

You can trust me.

It's like he's torturing me.

He's got this twisted obsession
with my dead sister Beth,

and he's making me dress
like her and act like her,

and now he's even
calling me by her name,

even when we make love,
and you know what?

I just... I can't do it anymore.

I... I won't do it anymore.

Jeez, I'm sorry. It sounds
like you've been through hell.

I don't know what to do.

I don't want to lose him.

Of course.

But he needs help, Taylor.

I know.

But don't worry.

We'll take care of everything.

You and I...

we'll fix everything.

I promise.





One for you...

and a little more for me.

Oh, God, what a day!

Now, see, isn't it better
being out here with me

than being cooped up in that
windowless office at D&D?

Mmm... trying to get
my work done

with Amanda screaming in my face

and Craig sneaking around
in my files.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe this is all for the best.

Forgot how free I felt

last time I left that den
of psychotics behind.


We have so much, Al. Together.

But we've lost a lot, too.

So much, sometimes, I
wonder what we have left.

We have the best.
We have each other.

I love you more than ever.

I love you, too.


Here you go, sweetie. Catch.

Thank you.



I'll never know what it's
like to be that mom,

fixing a picnic for my kids.

That's not really
true, you know.

What do you mean?

I've been thinking
more about it.

We really could adopt.

I know some people think
it's not the same,

but everything I've heard
says that's not true.

You don't have to sell me.

You're right.

I... I think we should.

I think we should adopt a baby.


I think it's a wonderful idea.

Hello, Matt.

Mark, this is a surprise.

I haven't seen you in ages.

Yeah, well, I was
just taking a walk

in the neighborhood,

and I remembered
that you lived here.

Well, yeah, come on in.

I mean, the place is a mess.

I've got my niece
living with me.

I'm studying up all night and...

hey, how...
How's Jeremy?

Well, he, uh...

he's not too good, actually.

He died last night.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

It's been pretty bad these
last couple of weeks.

He's been so sick.

With the pain,
he couldn't sleep.

Mark, what can I do for you?

I'm just feeling so...

lost right now.

I can't go back
to the apartment.

No, no, listen. You stay here.

You stay here. You shouldn't
be alone tonight.

I've got my niece
staying in the bedroom,

but if you don't mind listening
to me snore on the couch...

Thanks, Matt.

Just for the night.

As long as you need.

As long as you need.



Chelsea, this is
my friend, Mark.

He's gonna stay
with us the night.

Just kind of
going through a crisis.

A mutual friend
of ours just passed away.

I'm sorry about this.

Oh, no, no, no. It's okay.

Sorry about your friend.


Well, look who's here.

Is Kyle in?

Mmm. Not yet, but I get
dibs on him first.

He's got an old friend in town,

little tramp he used to nail
behind my back in Boston.

I can't wait to see
the look on his face

when he finds out she's
Michael Mancini's sister.

Kyle and Jennifer Mancini?


Is that one of God's
little jokes, or what?

I caught 'em in our
ladies' room after hours.

It was disgusting.

When you see him, um...

tell him I'll just
talk to him later.

Sure thing, blondie.

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

Hey! Hey!


What about real estate?

People make a lot of money
in this town selling houses.

You could get your license
in a few months...

Mm, yuck. More school.

I think I've had enough
of that for a while.

You never even got around to
graduating college, did you?

That was mom on the phone.

You know, you had her
fooled, too, for a while?

But it seems
the university library

was a little overzealous in
tracking down their overdue books.

They told mom that the records
indicated that you had dropped out.

Now, Jennifer...
are there any other lies

you'd like to tell me about,
or does that about cover it?

I didn't tell you the
truth because I figured

you'd behave just
as you are now...

Judgmental and condescending.

Young lady, we have opened
up our house to you.

I would like to know
what's really going on.

Now, are you out here
sniffing after Kyle McBride?

No, I'm not!

I'm out here, because I was
looking for a little support

from my big brother who I
thought gave a damn about me.

But I guess I was wrong
there, wasn't I?

Look, just calm down,
Jennifer, okay?

He didn't mean that.

The hell I didn't!

Now, is this some sort of
halfway house for loose girls

on the make for married
grill cooks, or what?

Michael! Forget it, Megan.

This is the real Michael,
and you can have him.

Now I guess I remember why
the whole family hates you.

You're better than
everyone, aren't you?

Too good to be a baker's son.

Too good to have
a sister like me.

Well, don't worry,
because you won't

have me around anymore.

You couldn't pay me to stay
here, you stuck up quack!

Don't go, please.

We can work this out.

Megan, stay out of this.

Yeah, Megan, behave!

Your master has spoken!

I don't know how you
live with this bastard.

God help you.

Don't go, please.


It's okay.

I'm better off as far away

as I can get from this jerk.

Looking for a new hairdresser?

No. Going for a late swim.

You know, the Jacuzzi
really helped.

I turned the heat
way up this morning.

It'll be a month before Amanda

gets the bill and catches on.

Well, my lips are sealed.

Here, let me help you with that.

Oh, thanks.

Careful right there. It's just...

Hold on a second.

Sydney, get inside.

Who are you, and who
are you working for?

I'm working for you, imbecile!

No, you're not.

You're working
for Amanda, aren't you?

Where do you think you're going?

Hey, I'm talking to you!

Keep your hands off of me!

What the hell are you doing?

You wait here. Hey!

Are you crazy?
He's our investigator!

This is your
investigator, Amanda.

I want you to butt out of this!

You're screwing everything up.

Now, call your g*ons off,
or you'll regret it.

I'll see you in my
office in the morning.

You'd better have
a new attitude.

You all right?



maybe a little scared.

Look, you gotta believe me.

I had nothing to do with that.

I think I do.

Well, here's your towel.


Uh, Craig...

listen... you have to
believe me.

All I want to do is collect
the money that I am due.

I mean, I really hurt
myself on the stairs,

and Amanda, it's like all she
wants to do is punish me.

It's not fair!

I swear, she won't bother you again.
I promise.

Thank you.

You know what?

An honest emotion just walked
up and hit me in the face.

I... I'm sorry.

I'm just complicating something
that's already complicated.

But, Craig, it...
It feels right.

I know.

Good night, Sydney.

Good night.

Hi, dad.

What the hell?