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05x23 - 101 Damnations

Posted: 04/22/22 09:49
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

That was incredible.

I never thought that
it would be so good.

I think this calls
for a celebration,

and I got just what we need.

I'll be right back.

There's a bottle of
the good stuff here somewhere.

I've been saving it
for this moment.

You know, Amanda,

we make a great team...

in business, and in bed.

I can't wait to see
their expressions at D&D.

How about a toast?

As far as I'm concerned,
this never happened.

This never will happen again,

and if you breathe a word
of this to one living soul,

I'll have to k*ll you.

Okay, okay, I'll be discreet.

But Amanda, we had
something going here.

Amanda, come on. Don't leave.

Amanda, don't do this.

Okay tonight was great.

You know what,
it was better than great.

Hey, I know that you felt it.

I know you felt something.

Would you just shut up?


That goes for you, too.


Oh, my God.

Do you think they
actually slept together?

Yeah, in Craig's dreams.

No, no, didn't you
just hear what he said?

Of course the guy was trying,

but even Amanda
wouldn't sink that low.

♪ ♪

Good morning.

Not really.

Your wife punched
me out yesterday.


Are you all right?

Oh, I'm fine,

but she obviously
knows about us.

Yes, she does.

I saw her yesterday.

She was watching us
while we were...

She saw us making love?

And you knew about it,
and you didn't say anything?

I didn't see much point.

Not much point?

Peter, she could tell Kyle now.

This whole thing
could fall apart.

I mean, there's no telling
what he would do.

I might not be able
to see you again.

♪ ♪


This was never about
you and me, was it?

This was about you and Amanda.

Why should I even
come here anymore?

I don't know.

You've been after me
since day one

like some...
Some desperate school girl

who thinks I'm just gonna
whisk her off her feet

to some magical kingdom.

Well, get a grip.

I'm married by a thread
and so are you,

so if you think it's time
to end this, well, then fine.

Maybe you ought to go.

Maybe we can at least salvage
the rest of our lives.

I don't know why
I keep coming here,

but I can't stop
thinking about you.

And it makes me sick
what I'm doing to Kyle,

but I can't help it.

Just don't hate me.

Don't worry.

That's an emotion I
generally reserve for myself.

Hey, Kyle.


Oh, you just missed
a call from Nick.

He said he needs his last
paycheck and he's gone.

Fine, I'll mail it to him.

Did he leave
a forwarding address?

Yeah, uh...

Constitution Hotel on Wilshire.

Taylor been in yet?

No, I figured she'd be sleeping
in this morning though

after getting decked yesterday.

What are you talking about?
Who got decked?

Your wife, by that blonde
that used to do our ads...

Amanda something?

Walks up to Taylor
and cold-cocks her.

Uh, she didn't tell you?

No... no.

She doesn't like to talk
about the ones she loses.

Um, I'm gonna go
see if she's okay.

Will you be home if I need you?

No, she just joined
that new gym up the street,

so I'm going to go check there.

She works out every morning now.

Or so she says.

Excuse me, you know,
my husband must have the key.

Could you let me in?

We're really
not allowed to do that.

That's all right, I won't tell.

♪ ♪

Looking for those nasty
tapes I made of you?

Give me the tapes, Josh!

I mean it!

Those tapes go public,

it could ruin Michael's career

and our marriage.

And I'm not gonna
let you do that to me.

I'll k*ll you first!

Sweetheart, sweetheart, I don't
want to wreck your married life.

She does.

She who?

You know who I'm talking about.

The lady who wants him
back for herself.

Now, uh, if you wanna
k*ll me, go ahead.

Pour me a drink first.


That's okay, I'll pour.

Yep, Kimberly, that's her name.

She fixed my parole
by telling the board

she had a job waiting for me.

Of course, she didn't
mention the job

was getting you
to turn tricks again.

She couldn't have.
I know Kimberly.

She wouldn't do that to me.

Sad, isn't it...

what people will stoop to?

The thing is, you don't want

to go back to the johns

and I don't want
to go back to the joint,

so we might as well join forces

just like the old days.

What do you mean?

Make Kimberly think
you turned pro again

so she keeps me out of prison.

Then she tells your husband
you're hustling.

That would prove that I'm not,

and she looks like a fool.

Simplest thing in the book.

Yeah, you expect me to believe

that you're just going
to come to my rescue

when this whole thing
starts unraveling, Josh?!

Megan, me and you
are like family.

I'm the one you could
always come back to.

I knew you since you were 15.

I hid you from the cops.

I gave you my last bite of food.

I even saved your life once.

I love you, girl.

I'd never do anything
to hurt you.

Listen to me... listen to me!

Look, we'll do this, all right,
and then after that we're done.

You walk...

You walk away.

And I still have Michael.

Did somebody page me?

Someone's waiting for you.

Matt: Mom? Matt.

What are you doing here?

Mom, what's the matter?
What is it?

It's your brother. It's Luke.

He's been k*lled. What?

It was a...
It was a plane crash.

One of those small ones.

M-m-mom, are you sure?

I just spoke to him last month.

He's dead, Matt. He's dead.

What about Chelsea?

She wasn't
on the flight, thank God.

This makes her
practically an orphan.

I mean, nobody's heard
from her mother for years.

Okay, okay.

Look, let's sit down.

Look, we're going
to get through this.

I will handle whatever
needs to be done.

Where's Chelsea now?

She's... she's flying in tomorrow

for the funeral.

After that, I... I don't...

We'll take this
one step at a time.

All right, I pick her up
from the airport

and we will go from there, okay?


Are you okay?

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, it seems...

you're going through
something with Craig...

I am not going through
anything, all right?

Craig is a child who happened

to move into
the wrong neighborhood.

No, Craig is a reptile.

I think you should watch
your step, that's all.

I'm a big girl.

Yeah, you're a big girl
in a bad place.

I know things aren't going
well between you and Peter,

and you know that Craig is
going to try to exploit that.

Actually, I took
advantage of him.

I was mad at Peter,
and I did something

really stupid, and now...

Craig thinks he's in love.

He'll survive...

just like I did.

Well, if it's any consolation,

the time I used you,
I knew you'd bounce back.

Aw, your confidence in me
is very touching, Amanda.

I'm not such a nice person
sometimes, am I?

Apology accepted.

Long night, huh?


Uh, we're low on chardonnay.

How was the gym this morning?


You worked out at
your new gym today, right?

Yeah, I did.

It was fine.

Was it really fine?

What are you talking about?

I went there, Taylor.
You didn't.

I did, too.

You probably
showed up after I left.

Actually, I talked
to the manager

and he checked his files,
you're not a member there.

You've never even
been in the place.

Well, you must have gone
to the wrong gym.

No, I went to the one
you told me to go to.

The one where you said you got
this bruise on your face.

Only, I found out that's
where Amanda popped you.

Now, why would she do
something like that?

Because she's crazy,

and she has some
paranoid fantasy

and she won't leave me alone.

Look, I was nervous to tell you,

especially after
Nick's accusations,

but I did hurt myself
at the gym.

It's just a wild coincidence
that it happens to be

right where Amanda hit me, okay?

And I don't know what gym
you went looking for me at,

but you obviously did not go
to the gym I'm going to...

Don't, Taylor.
Don't say another word.

Kyle, where are you going?

So, you've brought
Josh into our lives.

What are you talking about?

There's no point
in denying it, Kimberly.

He told me you hired him.

I don't know
who this Josh person is

or how he got my name,
but you can't blame me

if this house of cards you built

is finally coming down.

Look, you have no idea
what you have done.

I'm sure none of this
is as serious

as you're making out.

Let me tell you
about Josh, okay?

He rescued me from my childhood

when I was 15,

My savior, my hero,

my first lover.

And then he turned me
into a whore.

It was degrading, and scary...

but he convinced me
it was the only thing

that I would ever be good at,

that he was the only man
that could ever love me.

And I believed him.

If he's such a problem for you

maybe you should leave town.

I can give you some money.

You know, Kimberly, you are
always trying to get rid of me.

I want you to stop that.

You used to be my friend.

I still am.

Let's not let this Josh,
whoever he is,

come between us.

Then stop lying
about him, at least.

He told me that you're
trying to pull me down

so you can have Michael.

Kimberly, you don't understand.

Michael is my life raft.

He gave me back my dignity.

And now you're trying
to take it away again?

I would never hurt you, Megan.

You have to believe me.

Then how could you
turn Josh loose on me?

Look, he is an animal
and he will not go away

until he's had his fill.

I'm sure everything
will be just fine.

I'm sure of it.

You told Megan about me.

You weren't supposed to.
Why'd you tell her, Josh?

I didn't say a word.
She guessed, okay?

Figured you had the motive.

You wanted your man back.

So you must have
arranged the whole deal.

Yeah, well, the deal's off.

This is torturing her.
I'm pulling the plug.

Sorry, lady, but the ball's
rolling now.

People have been paid.

Look... it's all set up
for tomorrow night.

The day after that, you can have.

Dr. Mancini
all to yourself again.

Okay what's your plan, Josh?

A friend of mine is meeting her

at the bar downstairs.

He'll bring her up here,

and I'll make sure
Mancini sees it all.

And you promise she won't get

physically hurt in any way?

Not her or the doctor.

It'll just put a strain
on their relationship,

So you can step in.

Yeah, and when this
is over, you leave.

You have to swear
to get out of our lives.

Cross my heart, and hope to die.

Hey... I'm on parole,
and you own the lease.

Why would I want
to tick you off?

Trust me, you wouldn't.

Craig: "Jazmeen perfume..."

Let the love begin."

maybe Alison
should do the pitch.

It's a little more
believable coming from her.

Oh, sure, I have
no problem with that.

Actually, I feel very
strongly about the product.

My romantic side, I guess.

Well, romance and advertising
don't mix, I'm afraid.

You know, you're
too cynical, Amanda.

You gotta let yourself open up
to your true feelings more.

My true feelings
are cynical, Craig,

and with good reason,
in my experience.

Maybe we should just focus
on the presentation itself.

Alison can start
with the slogan...

Forget the slogan.

What we need to say is that when
two people care about each other...

Perfume is not about caring.

It's about sexual manipulation.

It's about being overpowered
by your desires, Amanda.

Why don't you just admit that?

You know, why don't you just
handle the meeting yourself?

Take it easy there, ace.

You know, She wants
to be left alone.

What are you, her
personal secretary?

Back off.

So... let's talk perfume.

Hey, come on in.

Lunch is served.

Now, that is what
I call service.

Well, hey, you know, I used to
be in the service profession.

I know, I know, and I'm
the proud beneficiary.


how terrible would it be

if everyone found out
what I used to do?

Don't worry about it,
nobody's ever gonna find out.

I know, I know,
but what if they did,

I mean, like, your patients
or the other doctors?

Look, reputation is
everything in my business,

but even if they did learn
you used to be a call girl,

what's past is past.

This is America.

Everybody gets to invent
themselves and who they are now.


let's be newlyweds now.

I mean, we really never
did have a honeymoon

to speak of.

I just think we should
go away for a week.

Get away from everything.

Look, I'd love to, babe,

but business is skyrocketing.

You know, ever since Peter
became chief-of-staff,

I'm socked in with patients.

But just for a few days?

No, I can't do it.

But I tell you what, what
about a fancy dinner, huh?

Um, I think I can free
myself up tomorrow night.

Uh, tomorrow...

yeah, if we're around.

I'm kind of committed
somewhere else.

Really? Where?

Matt's mom's house.

You know, you heard that
Matt's brother was k*lled,

and I said I would go over
and help set up the food

after the funeral,
you know, lend a hand.

You know, that is very sweet.

You know, I think service
is in your blood.


Are you okay?

Are you related
to this young lady?

Yeah, she's my niece,
is there a problem?

Yeah, you can call it that.
She got drunk on the plane.

Oh, you're kidding... Chelsea!

Are you okay?

Can we go now?

Yeah, sure, your grandmother's
waiting for us.

Hold it, this girl's a minor.

I'm going to need
a parent to release her to.

Yeah, well you're
going to have to wait

till your hair
falls out there, fatso.


My deadbeat mom is in France
and my dad's just dead, so...

All right, that's all
I have to take of this.

We're going right back
to the t*nk, okay?

Wait, you know what...
She's not kidding.

Her father just passed away.

She's in for the funeral.

Will you cut her
some slack, please?

Look, I'm her uncle,
I'll take responsibility.

See, same last name.
I'm a med student.

All right, take her. Go, go on.

Thank you.

Yeah, sorry about your brother.

I appreciate it.
I'll get her out of here.

Got your paycheck.

Want a receipt?
No, I want to talk.

Go find a shrink.

I want you to tell me
about these pictures

that you supposedly have
of Taylor and Peter.


Suppose you just get the hell out
of my room, we'll call it even.

She's been lying to me, Nick.

Aw, really? You know,
that's hard to imagine.

I want to know what you know.

They pull a simple bait-and-switch
on you with my photos,

you turn me out in the cold,

and now you want my help?

I don't think you're ready
for the truth yet, pal.

Try me.

You know, I protected you
for a long time, Kyle.

You're on your own now.

What's this?

Taylor's voice: You get
that sound in your voice.

It makes me so excited, Peter.

I can feel your lips
all over me again.

On my neck, on my mouth.

I can't get enough.

I wake up dreaming about it...

What the hell
did you do that for?

That's for not telling
me as soon as you knew

and for enjoying this too much.

♪ ♪

Oh, where were you all night?

You might have called.

I might have.

The question is, called where?

Here? Peter's place?

What, are you gonna get on me

about what gym
I belong to again?

I talked to Nick.

Oh, that's a reliable
source of information.

If you ask me, he swallowed
a little too much nerve gas

in the Gulf w*r.

That's not a very nice
thing to say, is it?

I'm sorry.

I thought you saw him
for who he was now.

He played a tape for me.

What tape?

It was you and Peter.

It sounded like one of
those 900 numbers.

Something about you being
hot underneath his palm.

Maybe you're gonna tell me that
was Nick throwing his voice.

Well, you know, you had an
affair in Boston, didn't you?

Not quite the same thing,
though, is it?

That was accidental,
it was short,

and then it was over.

This thing with Peter
was planned.

It was alibied...

Workouts at the gym, huh?

Hmm, you must have had
a good laugh.

We never laughed at you, baby.

If you ever call me baby again,

I'm gonna rip your tongue out.


You ought to lie down.

I can handle things here.

No, that's okay,
couldn't sleep, anyway.

My mind just keeps working.

We'll have to take better care
of each other from now on.

I'm going to go see
to the coffee.

Helps if I can feel useful.

Would you mind
checking on Chelsea?

I think she's in the kitchen.

Thanks, honey.


Awful sorry to hear
about your brother.

Oh, you know, thanks, Michael.

It's been really weird...

Yeah, um, I'm looking for Megan.

You know where she is?

No, actually.

She called earlier to apologize,

said she wouldn't be able
to come over and help me out.

At all?

Excuse me.


♪ ♪

Hello, I'm looking for a woman.

Her name is Denise Fielding.

She's my mother.

Well, this is the last
address she gave me.

She wrote two years ago.

Wait, is this 48 Rue de Bois?

Well, I don't know
how to pronounce it!

If I knew, then...

Hello? Hello?

Damn it!

What are you looking at?

Anything I can do to help?


Must be hard...

not knowing anybody here.

I can handle it.


You remind me of your father.

He was always the tough guy
in the family.

Tell me about it.

I always used to fight with him.

Matter of fact,
that was the last thing

we did before he died.

I'm sorry.

Hey, he didn't die because
he was angry with you though,

any more than your mother
left because she was.

You don't know squat
about my mother,

or me.

Why isn't she here?

Peter, I need to see you.

I'm on rounds right now.

You think you could
call me in my office?

No, now!

You all go ahead. I'll catch up
with you in a minute, thank you.

Taylor, you cannot
come in here and interrupt...

Peter, Kyle knows!
He knows everything.

Nick made a tape of our phone
conversation the other night.

Okay, he knows.
We'll deal with it.

You don't know him like I do.

He is wound up like a spring.

And I'm afraid he's
going to hurt someone.

I don't know what to do.

All right, settle down.

Settle down?
I can't settle down!

My marriage is over.

I don't know what to do.

Stop it!

♪ ♪

Look, we'll get
through this, all right?

We'll deal with it.

We'll deal with it together.

You'll be there
for me, won't you?

Please, just tell me that
you'll be there for me.

Yeah, I'll be there.

I'll be there.

Please get out of my car.

Okay please give me $5,000.

I don't have that kind of money.

Look, you've ruined my life.

Can't you just leave me alone?

I can and will, you little slut,

but you kind of trashed
my life, too.

And I want punitive damages,

so here's the deal.

You got a bank account.

You got a restaurant
with a big cash flow.

I want five grand
by 6:00. Right here.

I'll wait.

You're crazy.

I just overreact
whenever I get angry.

You know, it's a Marine thing.

It's like my hands
get a life of their own.

Sometimes they hurt
people real bad.

Your boyfriend, for example,

he can get hurt.

He can die.

You wouldn't do that.


Don't be late.

Kyle, we got a problem.

Nick stopped me.

He wants money... Lots of it.

So I went to the bank,

but they said that
you emptied out the account.

Now, that's not fair because
that is my money, too.

And it's not right for you...

Not right? Hmm?

Look, I know
you're angry with me,

and you have every reason to be.

But if I don't get
that money to Nick

at the hospital
parking lot by 6:00,

he's going to k*ll Peter.

I've been packing up
some of your stuff

because I figured that,
you know, you'd want to be

out of here as soon as possible.

What do you want to do
with the wedding crystal?

Are you listening to me?

He's going to k*ll Peter.

I don't care what you do
with the crystal.


Neither do I.

Kyle, I'm begging you.

Good, I'll remember you
that way, Taylor.

Okay, we're all set.

The guy's name is Tony.

He's sitting right there
at the bar in the blue suit.

Is Kimberly here?

Don't worry.

Just go sit with Tony
and offer yourself to him.

He'll pay you $300,
which he owes me,

and you two take
the elevator up.

Then you can go home.

Kimberly will see
just what you want her to.

I'm putting my life
into your hands, here.

Just like old days, huh?


♪ ♪

Okay, we're all set.

But Michael's not around
to see it happen.

Something's wrong. We need
to call the whole thing off.

Kimberly, I'm telling you,
this is the only way

you're going to get him back.

It's all gonna be over
in a few painless minutes.

In fact, look.

It's a done deal.

Say bye-bye, Megan.

Megan! Megan, stop!

You're under arrest
for prostitution.

Let's go.

Josh, what are you doing? Why?

It's my nature.

Officer: You have
the right to remain silent.

Megan was right about you.

Yeah, Well, like I said before,
me and her go way back.

As far as me and you
are concerned,

we're clear of each other.
Nobody owes nobody.

Is she gonna go to prison, Josh?

You know,
this could destroy her.

Yeah, well, you got
what you wanted.

Let me worry about
picking up the pieces!

I'm going home now,
but I'm on call,

So you know how to reach me.

Yes, Dr. Burns.
Have a good night.


Hey, slick.

Going my way?

So now I've gotta
leave town, I guess.

Sorry to hear that, Nick,

but I'm sure
wherever you wind up

you're gonna land
right on your feet.

You don't give a damn
about anybody

but yourself, do you?

You take care, now.

Oh, and, um...

Dr. Burns,

if you would?



Sorry, doc.
This is just round one.

Stop it, you freak!

Get off me!

You watching this, Taylor?

You're not gonna want
to miss this.

Come on... come on!

Nick! That's enough.

No, it's not!

I said knock it off, Nick!

Stop it!

I called the police
and they're on their way.

Listen to me!
That's enough, man.

You gotta get out of here, man.

Okay, you get out of here,
you don't come back.

Don't let them find you.

♪ ♪

Don't worry, you'll live.

No thanks to you
and your psycho friend.



It's okay.

This way,

Right here.

Ahem... Megan.


I guess you didn't have time

to make it to Matt's mom's
house after the funeral, huh?

Michael, I was set up.

Oh, by Josh, right?

No, Josh and Kimberly.

Oh, Kimberly's in the act now.

Yes, she got Josh out of jail.

She hired him to break us up.

Look, he sent me
to the hotel last night.

Megan, I read the police report.

You propositioned
an undercover cop.

He gave you money.
You were going to his room.

Yeah, but it was
a part of the sham!

I was doing it to protect you

because Josh was going to show

these old tapes of me
to your hospital bigwigs.

It was all just a big mistake.

Yeah, I think maybe it was.

Michael, you're not
gonna leave me here.

I've arranged for your bail.

You'll be out
in a couple of hours.

Look, I'm not like them.

We'll talk.

prost*tute: I'm not like them
either, sugar.

"Those disbursements
to be divided equally.

"There remains then only
the issue of guardianship

of my sole child
Chelsea Fielding, a minor."

I just love being an issue.

"I have set aside
a trust for her

"consisting of all my
remaining financial assets,

"which trusts
shall be administered

"by her appointed
legal guardian,

whom I hereby name to be
my brother Matthew Fielding."


There must be some mistake.

I assure you,
everything's in order.

I... I can't do this.

Of course he can't. It's
my place to raise Chelsea.

She's my grandchild.

I'm afraid this is
legally binding.

Matt is obligated...

I don't even know him.

Don't worry, sweetheart.
We'll work this out.

I don't know you either.

What about...
What about her mother?

Denise Fielding gave up
all custodial rights

at the time of the divorce.

I can't raise a kid.

Oh, don't worry,
you won't have to.

♪ ♪

Man, we really screwed things up

this time, didn't we?

I knew you wouldn't let me down.

You'll give me the ticket?

Yeah. There you go.

And I got you some
walking-around money too.

Hey, thanks, buddy.

I, uh, sorry about everything.

I was just looking
out for you, you know?

Yeah, well...

Siemper fie.

Forget it.

Okay, um...

Guess I'd better get going.

Look, if I'm ever
in L.A. Again...

No, Nick, forget it.

You know, I want you
to get on this bus

and I want you to live your life

far away from here.

It turned out the way
it turned out, but it's over.


Hi, Michael.
I heard about Megan.

Look, Kimberly, if you're here
to tell me I told you so,

I'm not in the mood, okay?

Michael, I'm the one
who found her

and set you up with her
in the first place.

I just... I never thought
it would come to this

for any of us.

I'm just so sorry.
I feel responsible somehow.

That's funny, because she says
you are responsible.

She must feel so alone now.

Actually, what she said was
you set her up to take the fall,

which, I gotta say, doesn't
come as a big surprise to me.

Michael, how can you
even think that?

You know I love you,
and I would never

hurt Megan like this.


you wanna hear something
sad, Kimberly?

I don't trust
either one of you anymore.

Kyle, hey... are you moving out?

No. Taylor is.

Really? How come?

Let's just call it
irreconcilable differences.

Wow, I'm sorry.

I mean, well,
I never liked her, but...

No, Syd, I don't need to hear
from one more person

what a lying tramp
my wife has been.

Oh, hey! Not from me.

I just...

I mean, I know that
you must feel bad,

whatever this is about,

so, um... I hope
it works out for you.

Excuse me.

Can I talk
to my husband, please?

Ah, well...
you'd better ask him.

Now would be a good time
for you to move in with Peter.

Kyle, I don't want to lose you.

Well, it's a little
late for that, isn't it?

I can't excuse what I've done.

I don't even understand it.


I had this pressure
inside of me.

It was pushing me
to this secret world.

It's not real. This is my real
life, with you, Kyle, yes.

Really? Hmm.

I never meant to hurt you, Kyle.

Please, I don't want us to end.

Please, baby?


get your sorry...

ass... outta here.

Good-bye, Taylor.

And good night.

Go to hell!!!

Ah. Going someplace?

Another country, I hope.

Your husband's condo, actually.

He's waiting for me.

Congratulations. You win.

Of course, you had
to break up two marriages

on the way, but hey,
who's counting?

♪ ♪

Woman: You have
reached Jamie Chun.

Leave a message,
and we'll get back to you

as quickly as possible.

Jamie, this is Amanda Woodward.

Craig Field introduced us.

I would like to make
an appointment

to see you tomorrow,
if possible.

I've decided to go ahead
and file for divorce.

Hey there, little girl.

You need a ride?

Looks like the good doctor
didn't come by to pick you up.

Hoo! What a shock.

Leave me alone!

Took all day to get you
bailed out, too!

But he's been really
busy, I'm sure.

You know what, you're the one
who put me in jail,

if I remember correctly.

It was purely an object lesson.

I was just trying
to get your attention.

Get away from me
before I call the police.

They'd believe that one,
wouldn't they?

Let's just visit the real
world for a second, Megan.

Your little hubby
turned his back on you.

He never wanted you
in the first place.

He just wants some girl
who can play "doctor's wife."

I'm the only one
who loves the real you.

You have no clue who I am.

No? Well, you're
walking the street.

Is that a clue?

I tell you what, though.

You're the best.

You understand
just what a man wants

and how to give it.

You got nothing else
going for you.

But that's your gift!

Nobody knows that
better than me.

Listen to me,

I don't have to listen
to this anymore.

Yeah? When everyone
kicks you out of bed,

I'll be right here
for you, babe.

This is where you live!

♪ ♪