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05x21 - Frames 'R' Us

Posted: 04/22/22 09:48
by bunniefuu
Taylor, what are you doing here?

I know. Last night
was such a disaster,

and I had no idea Kyle
was going to come home.

I'm sorry.

I just... I wanted so
badly to come with you.

Look, I've got to tell you,

I think this whole thing has
started getting out of hand here.

No. There's so much
going on between us.

I know you feel it.

You felt it
from the first moment

you kissed me in front of
the apartment building.

But, Taylor, this
all seems like a bad reaction

to our screwed-up lives.

No, it doesn't.

It was meant to be.

And I can prove it to you.

I know I can.



Taylor, listen...

I meant what I said.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ All I want is all
you have to offer ♪

♪ I won't accept anything less ♪

♪ If you can't commit,
go run home to your father ♪

♪ 'Cause you ain't ready
for the real world yet ♪

♪ If your heart ain't
in it, don't call ♪

♪ Don't pretend that
I'm someone special ♪

♪ The river won't dry,
the sky won't fall ♪

♪ If your heart ain't in it ♪

Little late getting in.
Busy morning?

Yeah. Obvious, isn't it?

I had to pick the flowers up.


You're usually at the
flower mart by the crack

of dawn and still get
here before anyone else.

It was busy, all right?

It took a little
longer than usual.

God, do you have any more
questions you'd like to ask me?

No, ma'am.

I know everything
I need to know.

Hey, sweetheart? Come here.

You left so early
this morning...

I didn't get
a chance to tell you

how great you were last night.

Well, so were you, baby.

Mmm. I've got
to get to the bank.

I will be right back.


Can I have it, please?
Thank you.


So, Kyle...

you told me to look after your
wife for you while you were gone,

but you haven't
asked me for a report.

Nick, I was just
joking around, man.

Look, I know you and Taylor
don't get along very well,

but she's my wife,
I love her. I trust her.

Besides, rumors...
they just cause pain.

Hey, thought you
might want another cup.

Oh, yeah.

It's a long way back
to Los Angeles.


Yeah, and I think I'm gonna

stop over tonight in Salinas.


Oh, you did a nice job
on the fence.

Yeah, well... I guess
it would've been nicer

if I hadn't kicked it
in in the first place.


So are you ever going to tell me

what's really going on between
you and your girlfriend?

Yeah, um...

yeah, she's, uh... she's pregnant.

Alison's going to have a baby.

And somehow, even though
I'm doing everything

I know how to do that's right,

it just keeps
getting screwed up.

And now it looks like, uh...


I'm gonna lose that
kid, like our son...

And the whole family thing.

Look, back when
we were together,

I never told you I was pregnant

because I knew
how rigid you were.

Come on, that's bull.

Just listen to me, okay?

It's not that you're
not a good man.

You are.

But when something happens,

you have to handle it your way.

It's the only way you see it.

And it's the only
way you'll accept it,

no matter what anybody else
thinks or feels.

Look, you can't control
everything, Jake.

And this family thing...

is not just a two-way street.

It's all directions all at once.

I knew...

I knew you weren't the person
who could slug through

all that mess with me,

'cause you want everything
cleaned up.

Your way or it's the highway.

Do you really
think that's what I am?

You tell me.

I mean, you choose the highway,

you're not only
gonna lose a kid...

You're gonna lose Alison, too,

just like you lost me.

Mom, we're gonna be late!

I can't find my gym shoes.

They're on top of the dryer.

I'll get them...
Just give me a second.

It's really good
to see you again.

And, uh... I hope things
work out for you.

Take care.

So you're done
running away, huh?

Yeah. I guess I am.

You know, I knew who you
were when you showed up.

Mom never said anything
but I just knew.

You did, huh?


Hey, remember that
time we talked

about getting pissed
off at stuff?


Well, I used to get
really angry at you

'cause you weren't around.

Yeah, I'm sorry about that.

You know, things were
kind of complicated.

And by the time
I did get to meet you,

your dad was going to adopt you,

so I... you know,
I had to let you go.

I know.

I'm not mad at you anymore,

'cause like you said,
I already have a dad.

It's just... I used
to wonder about you.

Like, where you were,

did you care about me at all?

I care.


Hey, I'm glad you came.

I liked talking to you.
It means a lot to me.

Yeah, me, too.

You're a good kid.



I have been going over
this for days now,

trying to figure out
how to approach this

with you, how to deal with
the rage that I feel.

Okay, and finally,
you know what?

It's simple.

I am here to tell you that you
cannot sleep with Michael.

Okay, I have no intention
of being the other woman.

Megan, you need to understand...

um... things are...
Things are different now.

I just... I can't go into it.

Yeah. You're damn right
things are different.

He's my husband.

So you married him after all.

The problem is, Michael's
the love of my life.

Oh, stop throwing that
in my face, okay?

He is mine now.

And I am not going to
share him with you, okay?

He didn't want
to hurt you, okay?

But what was I going to tell
him, that it was your idea?

I might upset your plans.

Well, I'm not trapped by your plans
or your lies anymore, Kimberly.

Stop being so angry
with me, Megan.

There's nothing
I can do about this.

In my heart I'm his only wife.

You're not going
to push me aside.

I'm not going to let you.

Megan, what are you doing here?

Michael, you should've told
me that you married her.

You told her?

I'll be right back.
You're leaving.

And what did you tell her for?

I thought we agreed that she was
too sick to hear about this.

I'll tell you this, Michael.

I don't think she's
ever going to die.

I don't even think
she's sick at all.

Oh, for God's sake,

you don't know what
you're talking about.

She's got a tumor the size
of a peach pit in her head.

Then tell me why she keeps fighting
so hard to keep you, Michael.

Tell me that.


It's time for you to
give me my office back.

Wait a minute.

I spent thousands expanding
that bullpen office for you.

And you'll love working there.

But, personally, I like
separation from the staff,

and since we are partners
now and I am the more equal

of the two, I'll be
moving back in here.

You know, you really
are amazing, you know that?

Yes, I do.


Since you asked so graciously,

you can have your office back
starting tomorrow,

only because I care about you.

And one day you'll
realize that not only

am I a great business partner,

but I'm also a great guy to
have for the rest of your life.

Don't hold your
breath... partner.


Peter, it's me.

I was on my way over
and I spotted Nick.

He's parked his pickup
out in front of the condo.

It's like he's staking us out.

Okay. Listen, don't worry
about it, all right?

I'll take care of it.

Don't come over. Go home.

All right.



Nick, what are you
doing out here, huh?

All alone.
Did you come to visit?

I mean, because if you
came to visit, well,

please, come in, we'll
have a cup of coffee, huh?

Ah, I'll take
a rain check on that.

I like the view from out here.

I'm kind of a people
watcher, you know?


You know, Nick, I don't
like to be watched,

for one thing, and I don't like
my friends to be followed.

Okay? I mean, you know
what I mean, don't you?

Your friend is married
to my friend,

so I'm just making sure you two
aren't getting too friendly.

Did Kyle send you?

Because if he did,
you can tell him

there's nothing going on... no
matter what his bartender thinks.

Okay. Good.

Just so you know,
I look out for Kyle,

and if anybody hurts him, they'll
regret it for a long time.

Nick, are you threatening me?

Call it what ..

Just stay away
from the man's wife.

Oh, uh, thanks for
stopping by, Nick.

Hey, stranger.

It's good to see you back.

Hi, Sam.

So, um, you had a good trip?

Everything went
all right and all?

Yeah. I'm fine.


'Cause we missed you
around here, you know.

Especially Alison...

Although you'd probably
have to pry it out of her.

You talk to her much
while I was gone?

A lot, actually.

I mean, she's still upset.

Amanda's feeding her anger,

but I know she still loves you.

No, it's not Amanda's fault.
It's mine.

You know, I've been
doing a lot of thinking

since I've been gone, and I was
just hoping there's some way

that I could let Alison
know that I've changed.

The only way I know is to get
in her face and tell her.


Is she at DD today?

Yes, she is.

But I don't think you're
welcome there.

They're still trying
to unscramble the file

cabinet that you tore up.

But I'm, uh, picking her
up in about an hour.

I'm going to take her
to an O.B. appointment.

Maybe we can arrange for
you to meet her there.

Well, I don't know
if that's such a good idea.

Okay, you're right.

Um, how about after,
in the parking lot?

It'll be great. It'll be
like an Oprah reunion.


Look, I don't have time
to get into this right now.

As you can see,
I'm up to my ears here.

I want to know what's
going on between us.

Well, as far as
I can see, nothing.

But I'm sure you and your boy,
Craig, have plenty worked out...

Unless you've moved
onto someone else by now.

I told you there
was nothing going on.

Oh, come on, Amanda.

The guy slobbers
around you like a dog.

And you let him.

Hell, he spent more
time at our apartment

when I was living there than
I did, and now that I'm not...

For God's sake, stop it.

But this isn't about me
and Craig, is it?

This is about you and Taylor.

Are you sleeping with her yet?

I'm not getting
into that with you.

No, no, of course not.

My bet is that one day you'll
get into it with Kyle.

Have a nice life.

Good afternoon. Kyle's.

Yeah, hi, hi, it's me.

Listen, um, we need
to get together.

There's some things
we have to talk about.

My God, Peter, you can't call me here.
It's dangerous.

I know, but I had
to take a chance.

I need you to meet me tonight

someplace where
no one can see us.

Meet me at the... the East Bridge
Country Club on the fifth tee.

It's... it's by the little
lake there, near the road.

Okay, sure.

Of course I want to see you.

Good, good. 10:00.

All right.

I... I really am sorry
about the other day.

I hope I didn't make things
tense between you and Amanda.

Oh, no, no. It's fine.

I just really want
to concentrate

on the future now, you know?


Coincidence. Honest.

Don't even try to sell that.

Alison, can I, uh, talk to you
for a couple seconds?

Promise, I'm not going to bust
anything up or anything.

Two minutes.

It's simple really. Um...

I was wrong.

I was completely wrong.

I love you, Alison.

And somehow that got lost
in all of the other stuff.

Think you can give me
another chance?

I don't know, Jake.

You scared me.

I really have to figure out how
I want to live my life now,

and I don't know whether
that can include you or not.

Anyway, I really
got to get back home.

Yeah. Maybe I'll see you again?



I am almost done.

You want to go to sh**t
after and play some pool?

Oh, sure.

Boy, you're really
getting into this

proletariat thing, aren't you?

Kyle, I'm not feeling real good.

If it's all right with you,
I'm going to head home.

Yeah. You going to be ok?

Yeah. I think I'm just tired.

So, Carter, you are getting
very good in the kitchen.

We're going to have
to give you a shot

at food preparation, huh?


You mean... you mean, like me
actually, um, cooking things?

Uh, I mean, like you
actually washing lettuce.

You know, you've got
to start somewhere.

Oh, good.

I'd like to head out early myself
early tonight, if that's okay.

Bar's closed up.

Get out of here, you bum.

All right.

Good night. Later.

Good night.

All right. Hit the kitchen, make
sure everything's turned off,

and then you and your girlfriend
can go and sh**t some eight-ball.


Nice kid.

I shouldn't say kid.

No, you're right.

In some ways he is a kid.

You know, in just the
way he looks at things.

Youthful enthusiasm.

I guess.

How are you doing?

I feel like I haven't
talked to you in weeks.


I was gone for a couple of days.

Taylor and I are finally
pulling things together.

Good. That's good.


All right, everything's off.

Great. Um, why don't
you two get out of here?

I'll lock up.

Okay. Good night.
Good job, Carter.

Thanks. Good night.

So, how is this new
car of yours driving?

Oh, God, it's great.

You know, Carter,
giving it to me was one

of the nicest things that
anybody has ever done for me.

Well, I'm just... I'm just glad you
were there to take it off my hands.

I'll be taking it off
your hands now, kiddies.

And I'll take that purse, too.

Please, just... just get
out of here, okay?

Just leave us alone.
Carter, he's got a knife.

It's okay. Just... just take it.
It's just stuff.

No, I'm not going to
let this happen.

Unh! Shut up!

How about I cut
your head off, huh?

Not a good idea, my man.

Oh, my God.

Kyle. Thank you.


You all right?

Yeah. I'm... I'm... fine.

Thank you.

Shh. It's okay.


Well, this is awfully romantic,

but what's the emergency?

Listen, I think things have
gotten way too complicated.

I mean, I've got this Neanderthal
parked outside of my condo and...

Oh, leave that to me.

I'll find a way
to take care of Nick.

The bottom line is,
Taylor, that you're married.

And so am I, for God's sake.

I mean, maybe not for long but...

You understand, this is my life
we're talking about here,

and everything's gotten too...
Too confused.

I've finally got my feet
on the ground at the hospital

and I try to concentrate
on making people well,

and all I can do is worry
about being caught up

in some lie-infested affair.

I just think that we need to keep
our... our distance for a while.

If that's what
you want, all right.

But I'll miss being
in your arms,

pulling you to me
and kissing you.

If this is good-bye,
I just, uh...

want you to think
about what you might lose.

I mean, you've pursued
and pursued Amanda

and you've hardly had
one happy moment with her.

But you and I,
we listen to each other.

What we get from each other
we can't get from anyone else.

With us it's destiny
brought together by Beth.

It's going to be hard
for me to say good-bye...

because I love you.

I adore everything about you.

And I just... want you
to feel that way about me.

Maybe just a little bit?

Maybe a little.

Maybe more than a little?


Well, I just don't understand
why you did it, that's all.

You know, you're
ambushing Alison

when she's her most vulnerable.

Oh, I wasn't ambushing anyone.

I was trying to put two people back
together again who were in love.

Two people who were having a
hell of a lot of problems.

The last thing she needs
is you upsetting her.

She's fine.

Well, she was a little ticked
off, but just for, like,

a half hour or so, and then
when we were in the car,

we were chatting about the
baby and everything was cool.

'Cause she didn't want you
to feel bad.

Of course, you didn't really
care how she felt, now did you?

Throwing Jake in her face?

I mean, you saw what
he did at DD.

Obviously, the guy's not
really good for her right now.

Oh, oh, I see.

But you are, aren't you, Billy?

Oh, for God's sake.

Is that what all this Cupid
crap's about, your jealous?

Well, whether you
believe it or not,

I was trying to
help Alison and Jake.

But as soon as he stepped
out of the picture,

you jumped in with both feet.

I saw you two at work.

The perfect couple
back together again.

And the last person
you want around

is the father of her child.

Oh, great. This is just great.

If you're going to dump me
and go back to her,

then at least
tell me to my face.

I'll tell you.

I'll tell you what.
This is completely insane.

It's ridiculous and childish

and I have no more time for it.

Billy, don't leave like this.

I'm late for work.


You know, I think I've had
my taste of the real world

and it's... it's very... it's
very interesting, you know,

but, uh, wouldn't it be
nice just to be able

to get away from it
all for a while?


Are you talking about a trip?

I'm... I'm talking
about me stopping

this pretense that I'm... I'm
not who I am, you know?

That I... that I don't
have this money and...

Yeah, I'm talking about
having my private jet

pick us up tomorrow night
and take us to Mexico.

Hell, you know, we'll go to
Buenos Aires after that.

I don't know.

Why get beat up in the
parking lots of L.A.

when you can... you can dance
in the streets in Rio?

Carter, really,
you don't have to do this.

I like you any way
you want to be.

If you want to wash dishes,
that is fine with me.

Well, you know what?

I've really thought
about that and, uh,

it's... it's not fine,
really, with me anymore.

You know, nothing
personal, but I just...

The real world really
kind of sucks.

And, um, I think that
I would just rather be

a filthy rich computer genius.

Um... so, what do you say?

Man: The prognosis...


Morning, Doctor.

Excuse me, Nurse.

Uh, I work with Dr. Stein,

and he is furious about
his patient's charts.

There are some that have
been here for three days.

Dr. Habib, we are
doing our best.

They're right over there
if you want them so badly.

Shaw, Kimberly.


What the hell are you doing?

I can explain.

Have you completely
lost your mind?

Dressing up like this
and sneaking around.

What for?

It's Kimberly.
She isn't really sick.

There's something going on here.

Oh, this is pitiful.

Then look at this
and prove me wrong.

There's a recent
M.R.I. in there.

I don't know what it means.
You tell me.

You know, you don't know
what you're talking about.

Now, will you take the lab coat
off before Dr. Habib comes back?


Oh, my God.

She's in remission.

Hi. Hi.

All right, this
is what happened.

I spent all morning
at work realizing

what a jerk I'd been,

and I saw Alison, so
I just told her that...

That you and I
really hope she works

everything out with Jake.

And that's it.

And then I spent all afternoon

trying to figure out
what I could get you

to make up in some
small way for...

All right, bring the loot over.

Let's see what you got.

Well, I really didn't know what
to get, so I got everything.

I got you the wine, and
I got you some flowers,

and I got you some candy...

It's Swiss chocolate with all the
nuts and everything, you know?

And I got you a box of pastels.

These are nice.

Thank you.

Yeah, well, I figured you
could do some drawing

while you're getting
drunk and pigging out.

And I also figured that you needed
to know how much I love you.

I love you, too.

And I can't stand
being mad at you.

Well, how about we just stay out
of other people's business?


Pay attention to ours.


I love when you get like this.

Where are you off to, Taylor?

None of your damn business.

What's this?

Photos of you and your boyfriend

out on the golf course doing
a little pitch and putt.

You scummy piece
of garbage, what is it?

What do you want, money?

No. No, you little tramp.

For some unknown reason,
Kyle loves you.

Now, you stop doing it with this
piece of dirt and be Kyle's wife

or I'll rip your
boyfriend's arms off

and shove them down his throat.
Now, are we clear?

I just wanted to tell you where
I went when I took off.

I really didn't know where
I was going but I ended up

in this little town up north

where my ex-girlfriend
and my son are.

Did you see them?


And I had a couple of long
talks with both of them.

But, you see, the thing is,
I really blew it with them.

And I guess you know how
I get so fixed on things,

and how they should be

and I hold on to things
so tight...

Jake, you're passionate.

That's good.

As long as you're not
breaking things up.

And, yes, you can be
a little bit... rigid,

but so can I.

I... I really think
it's more than that.

I think we have
different dreams.

Everybody does, don't they?

No. I mean, deep down.

You can't bury
who you are, Jake.

I think you really want the...

The perfect house and
the perfect family.

I... I don't think I can do that.

All right, then tell me,
what do you want?

My dreams got beaten
down so long ago,

I can't even see them anymore.

We're... we're perfect together.

We can fix all of that.

I don't know, Jake.

I don't know if we can.

Come on.

So, did your evening
stroll with the bartender

finally get him
out of your system?

Your command of the insulting
phrase has always amazed me.

You didn't answer my question.

Okay, uh, not exactly.

Well, your command of the
nothing phrase stuns me.

What happened?

Honestly, I...
I still care about him,

I just don't know if I'm
the right person for him.

The right person for him?

Remember, this is the
same jerk who was down

in the courtyard
screaming, making a fool

of himself, busting up DD.

For God's sake, Alison, the guy is
a selfish moron... like most men.


I hope you're not
turning back into

the weak-willed ninny you were
before you moved in with me.

Would you listen to yourself?


I appreciate your
support recently,

but I'm just trying to sort
things out, all right?

No, it's not all right.

Not if you're going to
buy into a bunch of lies

from a guy you can't trust.

Well, that's my
decision, isn't it?


Look at it logically.

You come to me,
miserable and abused,

I open up my heart and
move you in with me.

I give you your job back at DD,

we spend night after night
talking about your future,

your baby... for what?

For me!

To try to figure out what I'm
going to do... which I am doing.

I am not turning
into you, thank God.

So would you... would you
please just leave me alone?

Fine. I'll do that.


That was quite a donnybrook
you guys were having.


I think she has Jake
confused with Peter Burns.

So, how are you and Billy doing?

I got the idea from
him that I was

the cause of some
friction between you two.

Oh, no, no. We're fine.

He, uh, threw himself
at my feet.

That's one way to get
a girl in bed.

So, um, he said I was
the love of his life,

that, um... he really
wants to be with me.

Do you think
I should believe him?

I don't know.

I think I should.

I think I feel
the same way about him.

What the hell?

I mean, either you take a chance
or you end up alone, right?


I'll... I'll see you.

I'll see you.

Okay, so you see the
receptionist there and,

uh, she'll set
your next appointment.



Where've you been?

It's time you know something.

I didn't want to tell you
earlier because I didn't...

I didn't believe it,
really, and...

And then when I looked around,

you were with Megan and...

I've seen your records.

I know you're in remission.

So, congratulations
are in order.

Uh, but on the other hand,

you don't need a live-in
doctor anymore.

But I still need you,
Michael, more than ever.

Because... well, I don't know
when it could come back.

And it's because of you
that I'm getting better.

Your love and your belief in
me is what's making me well.

Don't... don't take
that away from me.

Listen, Kimberly, I...

You know, I've spent the last
few days and nights with Megan.

I mean, she's my wife

and I've treated her terribly,
and I... I can't do that anymore.

Now, you'll always
be my friend but...

But I'm married to Megan

and that's all there is to it.

If you need anything,
within reason, I mean,

please, go ahead and ask,
but outside of that...

I'm a friend? She's your wife?

Michael, I invented
this whole thing.

You can't leave me behind.

I know how everything started,
but that has all changed now.


Michael, I did
everything for you.

Don't leave me now.

If I've been given
a chance to live,

how can I live it without you?

You're my life.

Kimberly, I'm...
I'm sorry, but...

I have to stick with Megan.

Michael, you have got to
stop forgetting your key.

This is too Freudian.

Oh, my God.

Get out of here.

Look, I don't know you anymore.

Sure, you do, Megan.

I'm your best friend in
the whole world, remember?

Yeah, I remember you, Joshua.

You are a slick pimp
and you are nobody's friend.

Now, I'm asking you
to get out of here

before I have to call
the cops, all right?

Look, I'm not in
the business anymore.


That was really rude of you,

cutting off all those
guys like that,

ruining my reputation.

As a matter of fact, I got a
call from one of your clients.

The client says that you took money
and didn't perform the services.

Now that client wants
that money from me.

Look, whatever you need, okay?

Either I'll get it to you
or my husband will get...

Who the hell are you
to get married, huh?

You didn't ask me.

What? You thought you
turned into princess grace?

No, baby.

You are a whore.

That's something you
shouldn't forget.

You see, it's not
about the money.

It's about the principle.

I'm back in your life, Megan.

Now go get me a beer.


Carter, oh, my God.

Sydney told me about the trip
you're going to take her on.

I can't believe it.
That is so amazing.

So, is she around?

Uh, yes. She's in the
back with a supplier.

Carter, it really is a
cool thing you're doing.


That's what's I'm saying...

You know, you never get what
you really want, you know?

It's like, I've got
these 2 guys, right?

One has got serious,
and I mean, serious money.

And the other one... married.

And the married guy really makes
it happen for me, you know?

And the rich guy, I mean,
he's single and all,

but it's like
you're always looking

for that special
feeling, you know?

If the married one were single,

it wouldn't even be a contest.

You want my advice? Sure.

Go for the money.


Well, that's what
I'm going to do.

Okay, thank you.
Thank you very much.

Hey, doc, how's it going?

Fine. Fine.
What can I do for you?

It's what I can do
for you, lover boy.

Those are nice flowers.

They're not for
my friend's wife?

That'd be a real waste.

You know something, bartender?

I'm really getting tired
of you screwing with me.

It's funny you should
put it that way,

'cause if you're planning
any more midnight golf,

you'd better give it up.

Taylor's going to be
a good wife from now on.

Bake cookies, sleep
with her own husband.

You understand?

I don't know what
you're talking about,

but I know you're
getting on my nerves.

Hey look, Slick, I don't
like anything about you.

That country club smooth,
your phony smile.

Most of all, I don't
like you doing Taylor.

Now, I'll tell you one
more time... back off,

put an end to it, or I
will put an end to you.


Have a nice day.

Alison, hi.


Listen, um... what
happened between us

and the way you reacted,

all the things that
were said and done,

it caused a lot of damage.

Yeah. No, I know.

And... and it was... it was
all my fault.

No, no. Would you listen to me?
I've been thinking.

You said that you didn't
want to blow it again,

and neither do I.

And I do have a dream.

It may not be as... as clear
as yours, but it is definite.

I dream about taking
chances in my life,

about stepping off the
cliff into the unknown...

and never living
with regrets again.

I love that dream.

And I love you.

And the chance I want to
take is to be with you.

If you still want me.

More than anything
in the whole world.

Carter, I am so excited and
so looking forward to this.

God, what a beautiful jet.

How do you like
my travel outfit?

It's a Casablanca kind
of thing... matching hat.

I'm sorry.

I'm not sure I should be
going anywhere with you.

What... what do you mean?

I... I've changed everything.

I'm ready to run off with you.

I mean, I've given
up things. What...

You don't have to.

You can go back to your life

and get what you really want,

because you don't really
want me, Sydney.

I... I do. I do.



We can go to Mexico,
go on the beach,

have some drinks, talk, what...

I'm flying to San Francisco

and I'm taking back control
of my company, Sydney.


some day you will find the guy
who has everything you need.


What if it's you?