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05x17 - Better Homes and Condos

Posted: 04/22/22 09:45
by bunniefuu
Oh, my God!

Michael! Michael!


Oh, my God!

O.K.! I'm coming in!

Oh, my God!

We have to let him slide.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

What the hell
are you doing here?

We were trying to save you!

Flag him down! Get help!

Stop! Stop!

Please! What happened?

A man is hurt! Please call 911!

I'll call right away!

Breathe, damn you!

It's okay.


Please, God!

Oh, my God. What have I done?


♪ There's something
I want to tell you ♪

♪ Shouldn't say it outright ♪

♪ But if there's someone
who's there with you ♪

♪ Then I think I just might ♪

♪ Whisper it to the wind ♪

♪ Who'll tell the stars
to tell the rain ♪

♪ But the rain won't want
to tell you ♪

♪ And the rain won't
want you to know ♪

♪ Well, I've got something
to tell you ♪

♪ Baby, yeah ♪

Comin' through, come on, guys.

Clear the hall.

Hey, I just heard Michael's
in serious trouble.

What happened? Car accident.

His vitals are fine
but he's not waking up.

Help me get him to CAT scan.
You got it.

Well, your x-rays look good,
no serious injuries.

I guess somebody
up there likes you.

Must be my lucky day.

Are you O.K.?

Just terrific.

I don't understand

why I'm alive and
Michael's nearly dead.

How'd this happen, Megan?

I told Michael
what you were going to do.

We drove out to stop you
and we started arguing.

All those lies,
I told him everything.

I was so afraid to lose him,
I-I grabbed him,

he swerved,
and your car was there.

You really screwed up,
didn't you?

This was your game, not mine.

Yeah, and if
you'd played it right,

Michael would still be walking
and I'd be out of my misery.

You dragged me into this.

I didn't wanna have
any part of it.

I didn't want to know
what you were going to do.

Why did you even tell me?

Because I thought
you were my friend.

I am. Do you think a friend would
just let you die like that?

I couldn't, all right?

Look... neither could Michael.

Michael cares about you,
and so do I.

Don't you get it?

Oh, aren't you sweet?

There you go.

Breakfast of champions.

You got your fiber

and then you got
your fresh fruit.

You got your
diamond engagement ring.

You didn't.


It's beautiful.

Here. Put it on.


I must be retaining water.

That's O.K.
We can have it sized.

Listen, I gotta go.

Um... I'm meeting
a new supplier at sh**t.

Oh. O.K.

I'll see you tonight?

Finish your breakfast, okay?

Remember, you're eating for two.

W-w-what's that?

Oh, socks, pajamas.

Mostly stuff I don't care
about getting wrinkled.

Well, why are you
bringing them here?

I'm moving in.
What does it look like?

I don't want you as a roommate.

I'm glad we agree on that.

You can find a place
in a couple days, can't you?

Aw, heck. Take a week.

What are you talking about?

Jane said that I could
keep the apartment.

Well, I know for a fact that
your name's not on the lease,

and I just had Amanda transfer my
security deposit to this unit,

so it's mine now.

Oh, no no no.

I've signed the papers, so
you're really out of luck.

We'll see about that.

It's not James' decision.

It's not yours, either.

Amanda, don't listen to her.

Make it snappy, you two.

I've got to go
to work and a funeral.

It's already turning
into a long day.

Jane said...
Jane's gone.

Sydney wants that space and
you're not on the lease.

But Sydney's apartment
is open now,

so you're welcome
to apply for it.

Well, I can't afford
first and last.

I can barely afford
rent by myself.

Well, you can pay the
deposit over time.

You still have a job, don't you?

Actually, I was thinking about
cutting back her hours.

Then I can't afford
any place, then.

Well, in that case, it was
nice having you as a tenant.

Share the wealth, brother.

I could use a good meal.

This is the officer's
mess, butt wipe.

If I'm the wipe,
you're the butt.

It's "butt wipe, sir!"

Sir! Butt sir!

All right.

Where have you been, man?

I've been around,
here and there.

Let me look at you.

I just got into town.

Where are you gonna stay?

Staying with you, buddy,

just like old days.

Semper fi, huh? Yeah.

Hey, sweetheart,
look who's here.

Hey, Nick. Good to see you.

Come out to the bar, soldier.

Buy you a drink.

Little early in the day for
a drink, isn't it, baby?

It's a special occasion.

I want him gone by the morning.

Look, I know Nick has had
his trouble in the past.

There's nobody I'd rather
have watching my back

in a firefight.

Desert Storm is over.

He goes when he's ready to go.

Kyle: Nick?

Nick: Hey! Ha ha!

Why do you even work here?

Oh, so now you're
going to fire me.

Believe me, I would love to,

if only Jane hadn't
insisted that I keep you.

But feel free to quit.

Oh, no, no. I don't think I could
give you the satisfaction.

Sydney? Hi.

You ready for lunch?

Oh, yeah. Where are we going?

It's... it's a surprise,

sort of a Meals on
Wheels kind of thing.

Anything to get out of here.

If you're not gonna quit,

why don't you close up
at the end of the day!

I'm going to take
a very long lunch.

Where's your limo?

Madam, your coach.

No way. Ha ha!

You chartered this
entire bus just for us?

All right, we're going to go see
all the movie stars' homes.

And we get to see
Marilyn's bungalow.

Too cool.

Plus, bologna sandwiches.

Ah! But first...

I have a favor to ask you.

Don't tell me you want me
to dress up like Marilyn.

No. Ha!

I want you to come to San
Francisco with me tomorrow.

To do what?

To... to escape from my life,

to break the shackles
of sl*very to the company.

To strike a blow for freedom,

at least for the weekend.

Right. I'll bet this bus

doesn't even make it to Wilshire

before Walter calls
with some business deal.

No, no, you see, here's
the thing about that, okay?

Walter doesn't know I'm going.

He's not going to know
where I am.

And that is a revolt

I can support.

Consider me your
willing accomplice.

I am Spartacus.


I've never seen a funeral
go on for so long.

Those eulogies were endless.

A lot of people
admired my father.

People were afraid of him.

You know that
better than anyone.

Yeah. I was so afraid
that I k*lled him.

Craig, he had a heart attack.

He died instantly.
You're off the hook.

Self-pity is purely optional.

Don't you ever take a day off
from being Amanda Woodward?

but I usually regret it.

Why don't we split up
today's messages?

I can't deal with work today.

Guess that leaves me.


Oh, hi, Amanda.

What are you doing here?

I... well, I came by
to let you know

that I rented a condo
down at the marina.

I wanted to...

get you this address
and phone number,

you know, for your mailbox.

1 for you.

Oh. You could have
called me with this.

Oh! Well, yeah, I just...

I wanted to see you.

I've been pretty busy
at the hospital lately

and we really haven't talked
much or touched base, so I...

or traded numbers.

This feels so permanent.

Oh, no! It's just
a month-to-month thing.

You know, nothing's
written in stone.

So, you know, if you
want to get together or...

Oh. That's I.C.U.

Michael was in
a car wreck last night.

You're kidding. Is he O.K.?

He's got a concussion.
There's no telling how serious.

I should probably
get to him now.

You can use my phone.

Oh, no, I'll just...
I'll call on the way.


It's good to see you, Amanda.


give a call sometime.

Michael shouldn't be dying.
This isn't fair.

None of this makes any sense.

Megan: Yeah, well, life doesn't
have to make sense, Kimberly.

You know, sometimes you just have
to play the hand you're dealt

and do the best you can.

Well, that's easy to say

when you've got your
whole life ahead of you.

Oh? And what does Michael have?

Kimberly, this time, it isn't about you
or your plans or your illness, O.K.?

It's about somebody that I love.

Peter, how is he?

I've got no breath sounds
on this side.

Pressure's gone. Looks
like internal bleeding.

He's got a collapsed lung.

I need a number 10 blade
and a chest tube.

I'm losing his pulse.
Yes, Doctor.


Try a piggyback dopamine.

Chest tube.

Pressure 40 over 30, dropping.

Respiration 20.
We're losing him.

Pulse ox 5.

All right. Let's get
this hooked up stat.

Yes, Doctor.

Not looking good here.

We're hooked up.

What's the pulse ox?


Paddles, charge to 300...

I know this place.

Where is everybody?


Help me.

Please help me.

Kimberly. What's going on?

Come this way.

I need you to be here beside me.

Are you sure about this?

Megan: Michael, don't do it.
Stay with me.

You don't belong down there.

She's just seducing you.
I'm your soul mate...


Michael, it's
our time together now.

Michael, you can't go.

You can't go with Megan!

This is about Michael.

He's dying.

Listen, what happened, happened.

It was an accident.

Yeah, but if he hadn't been out
there trying to save my life...

It's out of our hands now.

Can you forgive me?

He's back!

All right, we got a pulse.

Check his pressure.

Michael's going to be fine.

Oh, my God.

That was so cool!

That your first time
in a helicopter?

Of course it was.

So this is where you grew up?

Yep. It's pretty pathetic, huh?

No. No, it's sweet. It's...

It's very salt-of-the-earth.

Carter: Yeah, salt-of-the-earth.

Sydney: Yeah.

This is where it all started.

What, the Industrial Revolution?

Carter: Yeah, right.

This is where I took apart

my very first Atari.

I wanted it to be more real.

But then again,
reality has never quite

lived up to my fantasies.

I never had any fantasies.

I just trailed along
behind Jane,

grabbing at her leftovers
when she wasn't looking.

Now, that doesn't sound
like very much fun.

It was.

It was like discovering
abandoned treasure.

I love that about you.


Just the way that you can

make your own fun with

you know, in front of you.

Like you?

That your helicopter out there?

Well, move it!
You're scaring my chickens.

Billy: Hey, honey.
Need some help?

Samantha: Oh... you don't
know the half of it.

Syd's gone for the weekend,

I'm here all alone,

plus, she's kicking me out
of Jane's apartment.

She can't do that. Tell Amanda.

Amanda's letting her. Jane
didn't put me on the lease.

Well, you have
squatter's rights.

Squatter's what?

Amanda knows
you've been living there

and she's been allowing it.

So she can't kick you out now.


Yeah. It's like a tenant issue.

You should totally get a lawyer.

Actually, I do know one.

I hope he's not too expensive.

As a matter of fact,
he is very expensive,

but he owes me a favor.

How so?

Well, he's sort of an ex.

The ex you came here with?

Ah, don't worry, Billy.

He's nothing to me
except a very good lawyer.

So, I was driving
around yesterday.

It was a detour,
I took a wrong turn,

and there it was.

Alison: Oh...

I'm telling you,
like, it's destiny.

This is our place.

Oh, Jake. I don't know
if I'm ready for this.

It's got a great yard, and
it's really inexpensive.

But what about our lease
with Amanda

and our friends at the building?

I'm sure Amanda would let
us sublet our place,

and our friends
could visit us here.

This... this is a home.

Wait till you see
the kitchen... Wait!

This isn't about decor.

This is about our life.


All my life I told myself

that if I ever had a kid,

growing up would be
different for him.

Well, I did become a dad,
and guess what?

I blew it.

I couldn't handle it.
I ran away from everything.

Well, this is a chance
for me to do it again.

This is a chance for me
to do it right

with a yard and a fence and...

Jake, we could make
our life together anywhere,

any life we want.

Yeah, but this is
the way I see it.


Oh, thank God you're awake.

Listen, what happened?

We hit Kimberly's car.

You got a concussion
and a collapsed lung.

Peter saved your life.

Are... are you O.K.?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm so sorry I lied to you.

No, no, no, I...
I understand.

You were trying
to help Kimberly.

She did fine after the accident.

You saved her life
by running into her.

She pulled me.

In my dreams,
she was pulling me down.

It wasn't a dream... she did. She
pulled you from the wreckage.

No, no, no.

She was pulling me into hell.

It's the tumor.
It makes her crazy.

She wanted to k*ll both of us.

Oh, come on, Michael.
She doesn't want you to die.

Kimberly's been sacrificing herself
for you ever since I met her.

Yeah, yeah, how do
you figure that?

Well, for one thing,
when she couldn't have sex,

she gave me to you as a gift.

She was just feeling guilty.

Look, if you want to be
upset with someone,

be upset with me for the
lies that I've told you

and the secrets that I've kept.

But, listen, don't
take it out on Kimberly.

She loves you.

Yeah. She almost
loved me to death.

Well, the clock is ticking.

In a few weeks
she'll be gone forever.

It will be too late to make up,

and then all you'll be left with
is a lifetime of regret.

You gotta be there for her.

Every last day she has,
be there for her.

Forgive her.

You know, in my dream,

when Kimberly was
dragging me into hell,

it was you who saved me.

Easy. Easy...


Hi, Peter. It's me.

I just wanted to find out
how Michael was doing.

He's fine. I mean,
he's annoying as ever,

but I'll probably send
him home in a couple days.

Good, good. I'm glad.

So, was there anything else?

Um... no.

I just needed to hear
a friendly voice.

Oh. Well, I can be
as friendly as you want.

I don't know what I want, Peter.

How about an immediate

Don't push it.


Well then, how about a little
late-night dinner conversation?

Make it breakfast.

I'll bring it to your
place around 9:00?

I know where you
live now, remember?

Right. Well, I'll be waiting.

Grrrah! You're too old and too...


You lose!

You cheated, man! No, I didn't cheat.
Eat up!


Think we need more beer.

I'll go get some.

You stay here and clean up

before we get tossed out

on the streets.

Place is kind of small
for wrestling, don't you think?

Boys will be boys.

So how long are you
planning on staying, Nick?

I don't know.
I'm starting to like it here.

Well, L.A.'s a real tough
town to break into, you know.

Hey, you're the one who dragged
my man out to La-La Land.

I'm just looking after him.

He can take care of himself.

And I don't want you
distracting him right now.

The restaurant needs
his full concentration.

It needs both ours.

I'll stay out of your way.
You stay out of mine.

Oh, I'd never get
in your way, Nick,

unless I had to.

Don't be so jumpy, sugar.

Just going out for some air.

Very nice.

I hate it.

All this furniture's rented and,
I mean, all these paintings,

you know, they all look
manufactured, and...

I don't know.

Just feels like a...
Like a hotel.

Yeah. Well...

I've been spending a lot
of time at D D these days,

which is at least
one step below that.

Well, I guess that's
life in the fast lane

for 2 high-powered aces like us.

Pretty lame.

Pretty lonely.

Um, we should probably
start eating breakfast.

I've got a full day ahead.

Yeah. So do I.

Listen, I hope you
brought some tableware.

I really don't have
any around here yet.

Oh. I hadn't thought of that.

What are you thinking about?

I really should get going.

What about breakfast?

I'll take a rain check.


Stay in touch.

I'll call you.

You were totally
close to this guy.

You sure you want me
to come along?

Yes, I'm sure.

It was your idea to get a
lawyer in the first place.

Besides, if he asks questions
about the building,

you can answer them.

Well, what's he like?

He's like a slick attorney.

He worships money,

he kisses up to anyone who
can help him advance.

He's oily and smarmy

and he wears these
incredibly pretentious

expensive Italian suits.


Oh, good evening.

Meeting party here?


Yes, Sam!

Come here.

It is so great to see you, ohh!

And you must be Billy. Yeah.

All right. Kenny Jackson.
How are you?

Great. Sam told me what
a great guy you are.

I'm really glad we're finally
getting to meet like this.

So am I.

You look... healthy.

Fit as a fiddle.

Yeah, I'm treating myself
now and everybody else

a lot better these days.

So, um, you still working at
that Century City law firm?

No, no... no.

You were totally right. That
was the wrong path for me.

I'm working at a storefront
legal clinic now.

Just trying to earn back
my soul.

Get outta town!

Why haven't you called me?

Too embarrassed.

I behaved so badly with Sam.

I can't believe you got
back in touch with me.

I think she just needs
some legal advice.

Right, yeah, she told told me

the whole problem
over the phone.

You know, what I don't get

is why don't you two just move
in together at Billy's place?

I mean, you got
a lease, don't you?


I mean, Sam and I,

we got our own place after, what
was that, three weeks together?

Four... four, I think.

Yeah. Four, maybe.

Haven't you two been
together that long?

No. Not exactly.

Yeah. Well, no matter.

We'll get this whole
thing all straightened out.

How about some wine first, yeah?

All right. Yeah.

Loosens things up, whether
we're whispering words of love

or contract law.

Sydney: No, I've always
wanted to go to Alcatraz.

As a tourist, I mean.

Well, I'll tell you something.

You are a lot better-looking
than Ma Barker.


I feel like a kid.

I have not had a day
to just play like this

since I rented
Ringling Brothers.

A whole circus?

Yeah. I kind of needed some
cheering up at the time.

Yeah. I heard about breaking
up with your last girlfriend.

How did you hear about that?

Walter mentioned something.

Yeah. Yeah, I did
have a girlfriend.

But, um...

you see, the thing is,
is the more serious we got

the more she wanted
me to change,

to, um, grow up.

So I tried,

but then I had trouble
creating my computer games,

which, of course,
the kid in me makes.


What happened?

I started having
real trouble with work,

and so she left me.

What a jerk.

Her, I mean.

Yeah, I guess.

See, the problem is...

I'm still creatively blocked.

Walter mentioned that, too.

Oh. Is there anything
that he didn't mention?

How would I know
if he didn't mention it?

You know, you are
quite the diplomat.

I've been called
a lot of things,

but never a diplomat.

I warn you...

I am really out of practice.

It's O.K.

I'm a very good teacher.

Kenny: Well, this
was really great.

I can't tell you
how glad I am you called.

So am I.

Yeah. Me, too.

I can fix your apartment
thing up in no time.

That is such a relief.

It's a done deal.

No, look, I got it.

No... I got it.

You trumped me.

Well, listen,
I got to get going.

Oh, I'll keep you company while
the valet gets your car. Billy?

Yeah. I'll just
wait here for the check.

Good to meet you, Billy.
Yeah, you too.

Thanks for dinner.


Peter: One more.

Come on.

There, it sounds good.

I want to keep you
a couple more days, though.

Yeah, well, I'm leaving tomorrow
whether you like it or not.

Well, are you going
to be home alone

or will there be someone there
to keep an eye on you?

I'm staying with Megan
from now on.

She's coming to see me
this evening,

so I can tell her what to do.

All right.

So if you get dizzy,
I want her to lay you flat.

And if you...
Hey, hey, hey!

I'm a doctor, remember?

Yeah. And I expect you
to start seeing patients

in our office Monday.

So, please, Michael,
don't blow it

by acting macho
for your latest babe.


That's O.K., Peter.

Acting macho is like
breathing for Michael.

He won't even break a sweat.

Well, I'm sure you two
have a lot to talk about.

Hey, Peter, before you go,

well, I just want to thank you.

Saving your life, Michael?

I didn't even break a sweat.

How are you feeling?

Pretty good,
except I hurt all over.

How are you feeling?


Listen, Kimberly, I'd
like to say something.

No. Don't say anything.

Let me talk first, please.

If I don't get this out
all at once,

I'm afraid I'm going
to fall apart.


When I found out I was dying,

I tried to cut you off.

I went to a lot of trouble
pushing you away

because I was scared
that you would leave me,

and now I realize
that I can ask for help.

So I'm going to do the
scariest thing of all and...

I'll ask you to spend time
with me at the beach house,

as much time as you can...

these last few weeks.

And to be with me while I die.

We covered a lot of ground over
the last few years, haven't we?

Hard to believe
the story's ending.

Not your story, Michael.
Just mine.


Well, don't you worry.

I'm going to see you
through with it.

Thank you.

Thank you. O.K.


What time is it?

6:00 a.m.?

I thought you were
trying to get away

from business this weekend.

No, you see,
this is not business.

Okay? This is fun.

I'm... I'm... I'm unblocked.

I figured out the glitch in
that game I couldn't finish.


And I unblocked you.

We need to get
right back to L.A.

But... don't we have
one more day?

Hang around and... play?


We can probably still catch
the first flight out.

Hey, Sam.

Oh, hi, Billy.

I'm glad I caught you. Yeah.

Thank you so much for
making me see a lawyer.

I just know that he's gonna
help me save my apartment.

Yeah, actually, we
should talk about that,

'cause I was thinking that maybe
you don't need to save it.

You know, maybe...
Maybe we could, uh...

Got it! This is gonna
make your landlord

think twice
about evicting you here.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Gosh, I had no idea
it could happen so fast.

Yeah, neither did I.
That's cool.

I'll see ya.


Amanda, I would like for you to
meet my lawyer, Kenny Jackson.

Hi. This is a copy of the
tenants' rights act.

And this is a subpoena
initiating action

against retaliatory eviction.

Oh. O.K. Um...

you can stay in the apartment
if you sign a lease.

But Sydney's already signed,
so you have to be roommates.

Well, I gotta run now, O.K.?

Talk to you later. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Oh, Sydney, you look kinda down.

Something go wrong
in San Francisco?

Uh, I'm not sure.

Uh, Sam signed a lease, Sydney,

so you'd better work it out.

No way!

'Fraid so.

If you want, you can stay
in your old apartment,

and I'll just let Sam stay put.

No! That was Jane's place.

It was meant to be mine.

She always wanted it to be mine.

I mean, it's a matter
of principle,

not to mention it's
a much nicer apartment.

It's not a debate, Sydney.
It's a decree.

Thought you might
like some nourishment.

Hey. No. No, thanks.

I'm not really hungry.

How did the legal
stuff go with Amanda?

Kenny had her wrapped
around his little finger.

He was fantastic!

You're really
getting a soft spot

for these smooth
operators, aren't you?

What do you mean?

Well, Craig and Kenny.

It's like there's a pattern
starting to emerge.

No. Kenny's changed.

Right into sheep's clothing.

He's my lawyer!

Like you weren't
all over him at dinner?

Look, you don't have to be jealous.
You're my guy.

Carter, you have to...

Oh. It's you.

I'm here to see Carter.

Are you, now? Mm-hmm.

Oh, I take it you did sleep
with him this weekend.

Well... was it as good for you

as it was for the corporation?

I am sure that is none
of your business.

And, speaking of business...

your services will no
longer be required.

I have already told you my
relationship with Carter

has nothing to do with money.

I like him. I don't like you.
Where is he?

What are you doing?
Let go of me!

Protecting the company.

Carter's breakthrough will carry us
through two more years, at least.

And you'd just be a
distraction at this point.

You're already
too big an influence.

That is ridiculous.
Take her home, please.

What is...
Let go of me!


Hey... what's all the commotion?

Sydney was just here

trying to extort us, I'm afraid.

What are you talking about?

I didn't want to tell you this,

but Sydney's been demanding
money to be with you, Carter.

And, up until now,
I've given in.

That's ridiculous.

These are the checks
I've issued.

But don't you worry
about anything.

She won't be coming
around here anymore.

She was insisting on a huge payment
for this weekend's services,

and I had to cut her off.

Services? Wa-wait a minute.

We had a great weekend together.

We... we have so much in common.

She's obviously been
researching your life.

It was all a part of
her plan to cash in

on making you love her.

I don't believe this.

Carter, the best
advice I can give you

is to focus on your first love...

Your computer games.

Hi. Hey.

You been waiting long?

No, I just got here.

I brought some soup.
How is she feeling?

Restless, but she's
finally asleep.

Oh, my God,
that's my goal in life.

All right, come on.
Let's go home.


Oh, Megan. I heard voices.

I'm so glad it's you.

Kimberly, how are you feeling?

A little shaky, actually.

Let's get you back in bed.

Wait. Um...

I just wanna ask both of you

if it would be all right
if Michael spent the night?

It would just mean so much to me

to know that he's here...

just, you know,
just to get settled.

Of course. Whatever you need.

I knew I could count on you.

I'm just gonna go back to bed
and let you two say good night.

So, it's, um, it's
just one night, right?

Oh, absolutely. I'll be
home after work tomorrow.

So you're not gonna, like,

you know, sleep with her?

Well, no, no! Of course not.
I'll be on the couch.

You know, Megan,

there are not many women
that would be so giving.

Well, I owe Kimberly.

She gave me a lot, once, you know.
She gave me you.

It's just hard that what
you can do for her now

is to stay, and what I
can do is to leave.


Kimberly: Michael?

Yeah. Well...

I better get going.


Michael, is that you?

Yeah. I'm right here, babe.

Could you just hold me?


It's gonna be O.K. now.

It's gonna be O.K.