05x15 - Escape from L.A.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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05x15 - Escape from L.A.

Post by bunniefuu »

What the hell is this?

Megan, Kim, I swear if you're
trying to pull something, I'll...

I don't know what I'll do.

But you're going to regret it.

Listen, Michael,
calm down, okay?

It isn't Kimberly, it's me.

I came over here to confront her

to tell her how much I loved you
and you loved me,

and that there was nothing
she could do to change that.

Yeah, and I was stupid
enough to let her in.

Why? What's your angle?

Idle curiosity.
I wonder what you saw

in this cheesy tramp.

That's it. That's it.

I've had enough.

I brought these
divorce papers over

because I thought maybe we could
discuss this once last time.

But you're right.
Why waste time?

It's done, okay?

I'm finished...

with this, this whole...

this whole wigged-out,
sad, happy,

"touch me, don't touch me" life!

Over and out.

Thank you, Michael,
for the opportunity

to meet your cheap
little friend.

Go to hell!
We're going to Vegas!

If you boil it down, Billy
really listens to me.

I mean, really listens.

I guess that's not
an easy task, is it?

It's just that
I've never been able

to talk to anybody
like I talk to him.

Maybe that's why
the sex is so great.

Yeah, probably.

I'm sorry. I sound
like I'm bragging.

No. No, not at all.

Guess I kinda miss that.

I had the chance with Jake.

Come to think about it,

everyone else just
made me feel more alone.

Good evening, ladies.

Hi, Billy.

Sam, ready to go? Mm-hmm.

You're early. Yeah, sorry.

I thought maybe we'd drink
a little wine before the movie,

you know, have a little
chance to talk.

That's fine, you guys go.


Are you sure? I can stay.

No, no, no, I'm fine.

Go ahead, have fun.
I'll lock up.

See you later. Okay.

Good night. Good night.


Oh, I'm sorry, sir.
We're closed for the day.

I was looking for something
for my girlfriend.

Like maybe
a couple of these soaps.

I'm sorry.

Really, we are
closed for the day.

You can come back
tomorrow, though.

I'm here right now.

Why don't you hand me
that bank bag, okay?

Do it.

Please, don't hurt me.

Take whatever you want.

Yeah, I can do whatever I want.

Come here. Down, get down.


Take anything you want.

You got any more
cash stashed anywhere?


Oh, not bad.

Not bad.

You keep it quiet, all right?

You know something?

I could have a lot
of fun with you.

Maybe some other time, okay?

Keep it quiet.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ It's Saturday night,
and I was feelin' all right ♪

♪ Got in a hole because
you're so out of sight ♪

♪ I'm ready to party,
to tear up this town ♪

♪ Tonight there's nothing
gonna bring us down ♪

♪ I'll pick you up ♪

♪ Baby, don't be late ♪

♪ You drive me crazy when
you make me wait ♪

♪ The things you do,
I go out of my mind ♪

♪ But, girl, I need you ♪

♪ Running out of time ♪

♪ Every night and every day ♪

♪ So good to me, yeah... ♪

I can't believe you have done

the impossible, Billy Campbell.

You have left me speechless.

That's good.


Hi, Billy, it's Sydney.

Hi, Sydney. Sam there?

Yeah, she's right here.

Hi, Syd, what's up?

Good morning, Samantha. I trust
your evening was pleasantly carnal.

Uh, yeah, whatever.
So, what do you want?

Last night after you left
the shop early

to satisfy your desires,
Jane was robbed...

at gunpoint.

Oh, my God. Oh, no.

Is she okay?

Physically, she's fine.

The rest of her is a wreck,

as if you care.

I do, I do. I'll be right over.

No! No, you won't.

You are going to
open the shop today.

The only person Jane wants to see
right now is her newfound mom.

The last person I want to see
right now is you,

so run the shop today

and we'll see if you still
have a job tomorrow.

Oh, Jane.

Everything's under control.

Samantha is gonna
take care of the shop.

Um, and I've got
some tea for you.

Did my mom call?

Uh, no.

Not yet.

But, um, the detectives called,

and they would
like you to go down

and look at some more mug sh*ts.


It's about time.

Sydney, I just got your message.

What's going on?
Something happened to Jane?

Uh, yeah, you could say that.

Last night, she was robbed.

Bound and gagged,

and she spent the night
in the police station

every two seconds
asking for you,

who, of course
couldn't be found.

Where were you?

I don't think that's
any of your business.

Where is she?

She's in the bedroom.

I'll see if she still
wants to see you.

I assume this tea is for her.


Sherri just showed up. Do
you still want to see her?

Of course. Honey.


I'm so glad you're here.

So, I'll just check back later?

Alison, coffee's ready.

Hey, you all right?
You look white as a sheet.

I don't feel so great.

I almost got sick.

How about some water?

Yeah, thank you.

God, I don't know
what's come over me.

It isn't like you haven't been

working a whole bunch
of shifts lately.

You're exhausted.

Why don't you take the day off?

You sure you can handle it?
I'm positive.

Besides, I'm sure I can get Matt

to come back to work
for a shift or two.

I'll drag him out
on my way to sh**t.

You know,
you're the first person

who's ever really
taken care of me.

It's like I finally
got a family,

and it's just the two of us.

That's all it takes.


You know, I was
thinking last night

when you had your arms around me

and I felt so safe and happy,

that I hope we didn't do too
much damage to our friends.

I mean, they're kind of like
our extended family in a way.

You know, you think
an awful lot, Alison.

Are you mad? No, not at all.

But if I don't
go open up the bar,

we're not gonna have
a family business anymore.

Don't worry about it.

I'll fix things
with Billy, all right?

I love you.

You should. I'm a saint.

Hey, Jake.

Hey, man, how's it going?
Listen, um...

Alison's feeling
pretty lousy this morning.

I know you just quit,

but I was wondering if maybe
you could cover for her today?

Oh, you know, today
is not good for me.

I've just... I've fallen
behind in my studies and...

Oh, man, what happened to you?

Hmm? Oh!

Nothing really.

I was just helping Dan
with one of his patients

who was acting out,

and it just got a little
out of hand, that's all.

Oh, wow.
You really got clobbered.

Hey, Matt.

I came by to see
how you were doing.

Hey, Jake, you know Dan.

Yeah, we met at
the bar the other day.

That's right.
Good to see you again.

Jake, I'm sorry
I can't help you out.

I'll make it up to you.

Yeah, don't worry about it.

Are you sure you're all right?


Yeah. I'll talk to you later.

I don't know why you're here.

I have nothing to say to you.

You're right.

I mean, I can't defend
what I did.

You sure the hell can't,
so why don't you leave?

No, just give me a chance, okay?

Just give me a chance?

I just want to prove to you
that I am not the monster

that you probably
think I am right now.

I swear this will
never happen again.

I'll do anything I can
to make up for what I did.

Like what, like what?
Take this back?

Look, let me try in a small way

to begin to make this
up to you, okay?

Meet me tomorrow night
for dinner at Kyle's restaurant,

and I've got
a little surprise for you.

You don't show up, I understand.

Remember something, Matt,

I love you.

And I always will.

Amanda Woodward.

I thought you might be
working late, Miss Woodward.

This is the rejuvenated
hotshot surgeon.

Dr. Burns calling.

Peter, I can't talk right now.

I'm working on a presentation.

Okay, all right, how about this?

I finish up with the charts

I've got stashed up here,

giving you time to
clean things up there,

and then we meet someplace,

not Kyle's, and we start
putting this old beaten-up

marriage of ours back together.

I think it's a good idea
that we talk,

but I can't tonight.

I'm just not up to it.

Well, how about tomorrow night,

or the night after?

Amanda, I'm better.

It's like I've come out of
some kind of deep sleep

at the most important
part of my life,

my wife isn't here.


we can repair this.

We've got to at least try.

We will, but I can't right now.

Emotionally I am
completely tapped out.

I'll call you, I promise.


I hope we're not
napping on the job.

We've got a pile of work
to do this week.

No, I, um, just
clearing my head.

Okay, if you say so.

We still going out
Wednesday night?

Yeah. Sure.

Good. I'm looking forward to it.

So, Kimberly,
how are we feeling?

Well, I don't know
how you're doing, Doc,

but, uh, I'm feeling
pretty damn terminal.


Well, how about specific
physical symptoms?

Any change?

Oh, some.

The numbness in my hands
is getting worse.

But, um...

recently the dizziness
has backed off a bit.

The hardest thing to get used to

is this complete lack of energy.

Well, that would be
consistent with

the blood work I just
got back on you.

Your T-cells are way down,

but I'd like to
schedule another MRI

to check on the tumor's growth.

No, no.

No, no more MRis.
No more blood tests.

No more medication.
No more poking...



and sad smiles.

It all stops now.

I'm not your science project
any longer.

It's time for me
to say my good-byes,

and I'll start with you.

'Cause all I want to do now
on my own terms is die.

So, maybe we could do
something fun today?

Just the two of us?


That is what today is all about.

We'll have the staff
whip us up a great lunch...

and then maybe before
you go to work,

we can make plans for later.

Well, that would be great.

But I was just wondering...

Carter, I'm sorry.

It's Mr. Meyers from Stanford.

He wants you in an on-line
conference for a few minutes.

I'll have to do that.

Wait, what were you wondering?

I was wondering if...

if maybe we could
go out to lunch,

you know,
get away from all this?

You know, I'm really
kind of tied here.

But I promise you,

we will have a great time, okay?

Walter will sh**t for me, okay?

Hello, Mr. Myers.

I'm fine, thank you.
Is everybody there?


Sydney, you're not
leaving, are you?

Yes, Carter, I am.

I learned a long time ago

not to make time for a guy
who can't make time for me.


Wait, don't go, okay?

I really have fun with you.

You have a funny way
of showing it.

Look, I know that I'm not
really good at this, okay?

I mean, you just seem to me

like the first
real person I've met

in, I don't know, how long.

And, uh...

I don't want to lose, you know,

um, our friendship.

You're still doing
that on-line conference?

I kind of have to,

but it won't take too long.

Actually, um...

I don't know how long
it will take me.

Why don't you call me when
you can put together an hour

without all your
business... crap.

Miss Andrews, may I have
a word with you?

I know this is
difficult for you.

Carter knows he's not
an easy man to be with.

But in my opinion, he needs you.

Walter, I'm not
going to sit around

and wait for him
to get off the phone

or the computer
or whatever, you know?

It's just not worth it.

Well, perhaps
I can make it "worth it."

I have some discretionary funds,

and we'd be glad to compensate
you for your time.

I'm going to pretend that
you didn't say that.

Get out of my way.

Man: That'll be ready
in a couple of minutes.


Hey, Alison?

Hi. How are you doing?

I'm fine. How are you?

I'm good. I'm filling up
a prescription.

Ms. Reilly, your prescription
is ready.

Now, you are familiar
with this dispenser?

Remember, these aren't
really effective

if you haven't been taking
them regularly for two cycles.

I know.

I wanted to tell you that I know

that you were really
important to Billy,

and that you two were like
Romeo and Juliet or something.

It's not like I'm trying
to replace you,

it's just that I found something
really special with him...

Look, I'm happy for you. Really.

He deserves to find
someone like you.

Well, thanks.

Uh, listen,

I don't know you very well,

so I'd appreciate it
if you didn't

tell anybody about
the pregnancy test.

Please. There's nothing
more private

than what a girl buys in a drug store.

So we have white wine for
the lady

and a draft beer
for the gentleman,

but those are on the house.

Thanks. What's the occasion?

Nothing, really.

I thought I'd try to make
things better between us.

That is so nice. To friendship.

Long may it wave.

Yeah, to friends.

You know what's going on
with Matt lately?

He's got this huge shiner, and
then there's this guy he's seeing?


There is something off
about that guy.

I don't know. We saw him at the
auction but really haven't met him.

We're having dinner
with them tonight at Kyle's,

but I'm sure everything's fine.

I'll check it out. Okay.

Who is it?

It's Sherri, your mother.

Hi. Come on in.


have you been holed up here
like this since yesterday?

What about your shop?

I've told you before,
I'm not going back there.

I can't face it.

I can't face anything anymore.

I've been walking around all day

trying to figure out what
I could do to help you.

I guess all I can do

is what I did for myself
when I was low.

Believe me, I've been lower
than you can even imagine.

Can you just stay with me?
Comfort me?

No, I can't.

I've realized that
that's just not who I am.

I want to tell you something,

and I want you to listen
because it's the truth.

If you lie down now, the world is
just gonna run right over you.

So here's the deal.

I want you to get up,
I want you to get dressed,

and we're going to go down
to your shop tonight,

and we're going to face
whatever it is that scares you.

No, Mom, please, I can't.
Yes, you can.

You'll walk in there, into the
place that you were robbed,

and you'll confront
those demons.

And you'll be better and
stronger for it, I promise you.

Come on. Let's go.

Mom, just let go.

Honey, I've been there.

I know what it's like. You
can't let them beat you.

You're a grown woman.

Stop it! I'm not like you!

Hey, what's going on here?

I'm trying to help her.

I think that maybe you should just...

Go on. Get out of here.

It's not your fault.

I guess I'm just not like you.

I guess you're not.

I can't believe that woman.

Why doesn't she
just leave you alone?

Can't she see this
isn't a good time?

Dan: This guy is waving
his arms around...

a heavy withdrawal problem,

and boom!

Matt gets it in the face.

Yep. Wrong place, wrong time.

Enough about my w*r wounds.

Let's talk about you two.

Dan: How long have
you guys been a couple?

It's been coming along
for a while now.

Yeah, we've been hot and
heavy for about a week.

More wine?


Matt's had enough.
You guys help yourself.

I'm sorry. Force of habit.

Huh. I'm the drunk, here.

Why am I preventing Matt
from having a good time?

We'd better get used
to each other.

We're going to be in pretty
close company from now on.

Ah! You're moving in
together? That's great.

Yeah, we were having a drink

before you guys showed up,

and I suggested it.

Matt decided to make an
honest man out of me.

That's quick.

Yeah. Thursday night,
as a matter of fact.

I can use help moving in, Billy.

Sure. Hey, Syd!

Hey, you guys.

There you go.

I'd like something sweet and
very alcoholic, please.

Syd, how's it going?

Oh. Could be better.

My sister is flirting
with the deep end again.


And that guy sent me flowers.

Well, he's successful and all,

but completely work-obsessed.

I mean, you know,
that's okay, to a limit.

Like, you work your
butt off around here.

But his career just
runs him, you know?

You seem to have it
all in perspective,

and that's rare, I guess.

Well, man doesn't live
by work alone.

Syd, you deserve a man who
pays as much attention to you

as whatever career
he's got going on.

Like, say, a chef in a busy
restaurant with the orders backed up?

Yes, sweetheart, like that.

See ya, Syd.

I've never known a chef to spend

so much time at the bar,

like, every time she shows up.

I needed cognac
for the duck sauce.

Ought to try some yourself.

Might take you down a notch.

Hey. So you're working
every night, huh?

I'd call that a
prescription for burn-out.

Well, if you couldn't
tell from my surroundings,

I'm fighting for my life here,

and I'd like to get back to it.

Not until you tell me
what I can do

to get you back.

I admit I got a little
strange, but so did you.

Okay? So, can't we forget that

and get back to what we had?

I need you to believe
in me again.

Peter, it's not
that I don't love you.

I wish it were that simple.

But after all we went through

and after I poured myself
into helping you,

and trying to understand...

I know, and I'm grateful.

Would you let me talk?

I'm not good at this sort of
"baring your soul" stuff.

But just when everything seemed
to be getting back to normal,

and it was me needing you,

you seemed to turn
into someone different.

Come on, Amanda.
I was always still me.

And I always still loved you.

That is not the point!

What scared me...

was that you reminded me
of my father,

a man who lied
as easy as breathing,

who only thought of himself,
could never be counted on,

and who, ultimately, was weak.

And all of the good
that you and I had together

seemed like a dream.

When I woke up
I was face-to-face

with a man who was
just as self-absorbed

and weak as my father.

I just can't believe
in someone like that.

Well, I never met your father,

but I know who I am.

I'm your husband,
and I love you.

You can count on me,
and you can trust me.

Honestly, I don't know
if that's true.

For God's sake, Amanda.

This is our marriage, our
life we're talking about.

I don't want to talk about this
anymore, all right?

Just, please, leave me alone.

That's what I love
about this town!

There's money flying everywhere,

there's showgirls
prancing around on stage

dressed up like eagles
and flamingos,

and they're all topless!

Oh! Hey!

No, no, no...

You can have total nudity
right here, anytime you want.

Oh, that's what I call

Michael? Yes, yes.

Do you love me?
Oh, of course I do.

Then marry me.

You wanna get married now?

Well, yes! Why not?

We're here, you're divorced.

Please, please be my husband.

Oh, what the hell. Why not?

Yes! Yes!

There you go.

Thank you very much. Enjoy it.


Pardon me.

Jane, what are you doing here?

You said you would take it easy.

Yeah, but I've been
thinking about it.

Sherri's right. I should
stand up and face my fears.

Well, it looks like they're
about to knock you down.


Listen, why don't I go
in the back and lock up?

We'll close early tonight, and I'll
take you back to the apartment.

Syd, really, I'm fine, I am.

Right. Don't move.

Mom. Dad.

Jane, sweetheart.
Are you all right?

It's okay, baby. We're here now.

Thank you.

Thank you.

God, that doesn't
look like a double.

Looks more like a triple.

Um, keep the change.

We'll have another round
in a few.

Sure. Thanks.

Hope that one isn't driving.

Oh, don't worry, he's not.

How did I let you do this?

I mean, isn't the guy supposed
to get the girl drunk?

I hope you plan on taking
advantage of me later.

We'll see. But back to
the subject at hand.

Your father?

You keep alluding to having him
where you want him.

Yeah, away from me,
and you, too.

You ought to be grateful.

Oh, I am. I'm just curious
how you did it.

Trying to learn
something from you.

Yeah, right.

Like it's not obvious
that you think

I'm a complete idiot.

That is not true.

When you first showed up here,

you were a real threat to me,

and now, you've won me over.

I'm starting to trust you
and even like you.

If I knew you trusted me,
you and I might be even closer.

Do you mean
what I think you mean?

I don't know.

I don't even know what
you even have on your father.

This is between
you and me, understand?

It's m*rder. That's what it is.

Talk about skeletons
in the closet, huh?

Your father k*lled someone?

Shh. Yeah.

My grandpa.

My mom's dad.

He had all the money,
the companies, everything.

My father worked for him,

and they hated each other.

But grandpa...

had everything in the will
for mom and dad.

I was 12.

We were up at the lake.

I was going to go
fishing with my grandpa.

So I went over there to
meet him at the boathouse,

and my dad was already
there with him.

And they were arguing.

And my dad hit him.

He hit him so hard,
that my grandpa

hit his head on the piling.

And I shouted out,

and my dad turned
and stared at me...

with one of his looks..

Like a cornered animal.

And I didn't say
anything to him.

I just helped my father
put grandpa in the boat.

My God.

When they found the body,

they ruled it as
an accidental drowning.

From that day on,

my father ran the company.

He divorced my mother.

I mean, he told me
that whatever he did,

he did for us, for me,

and that I was part of it,

that it was our secret.

And you've kept that secret
all this time?


I never had anybody
I could trust before.

I'm sorry I put you
through so much.

I've never felt more confused
and hopeless in my life.

You're certainly not
"hopeless," sweetheart.

You know, when Sydney called...

She told you to come?

God, I've been so mean to her.

Don't worry about
your little sister.

She understands.

When she called
your father and me,

I said it didn't matter
how long we were here.

We would stay as long
as you needed us.

If you wanted to bring your
biological mother into your life,

then we would help you
in any way we could.

'Cause you see, Janie,

it doesn't matter
about the genes.

You're my daughter.

You've had a part of my soul

from the first moment
I held you,

all through all of
the years of new teeth

and pink patent leather
shoes and broken hearts.

I've always loved you.

And I always will.

The biggest. The most.
Always and forever.

I don't want to stay here.

Mom, I want to come home
with you and dad.

Can I come home, please?

Of course you can.

Hi. Oh, hi.

Great. Just what we don't need.

Dad, meet Sherri.

It's Jane's real mom.

And Ed, her pal.

I'm Jane's dad.

Very happy to meet you.

Good to meet you. Same.

And you're here why?

I was hoping to see
Jane one last time.



Hi. I thought I heard you.

Could I talk
to you for a minute?


I just realized that...

well, maybe after everything
that's happened,

you didn't know
that I loved you.

No matter what happened
or what will happen,

that will never change.

I love you, too. I really do.

My parents are here.

I'm going back
to Chicago with them.

I need a new start.

I know what that's like.

I'm just glad you have them.

I'm so glad you have the mom
and dad you really need.


Come on.

Let's go.

Bye, Ed.

Let's go. They gotta pack.

Sherri, wait.

I-I just want to thank you
for my daughter.

No, I'm the one who's grateful.

I'm so happy for her that...

you love her so much.

Will you write to me sometime?

She has the address.

Yes. We'll all
be in touch, I promise.


So... are you okay?

I think so.

And I also think this would
be the perfect time

for you to ask me to marry you.

Oh, it is, is it?

That's right, big guy.

And the answer is yes.

That's everything, huh? Yeah.

Matt, I care about you,

and so does Jake and everybody
else back in the building.

We're a little worried,
okay, 'cause I, uh...

I saw Dan's hand
at dinner the other night.

The way he's acting...

You figured that he's
beating me up, is that it?

That's it all right,

and your friends
are concerned about it.

You know what?
Billy, thank you very much

for taking the day off
of work to help me move.

Now leave.

I know you, and you would
not be this defensive

if there wasn't some truth
to what I'm saying.

No, that's it! Sure!

Dan's using me
like a punching bag,

and I just stand there
and I take it

because I'm some wimpy
little q*eer, right?

Come on... No. You know what?
I want you to leave.

And you can tell the people
back at the building

I don't need them talking
about me behind my back.

I don't need their concern.

With all the sarcasm
you were using,

you forgot to ever deny it.

It's sort of hard to do
when it's the truth.

I was embarrassed, okay?

No, you're
forgetting I'm the one

that's gonna be professionally
embarrassed if it got out.

Dan, let go of me.

Not until you agree that you've
got to be more discreet!

I will talk the way
I talk, okay?

What is wrong with you?

Shut up! Just shut up!

Are we going to round three?
Go ahead, take your best shot!

I'm sorry, Matt.

Hey, I'm sorry.

You can't let me get like this.

Go ahead! Go ahead!

I know how you feel.
Go ahead. Do it.

No. I am not like you.
I am not like you at all.

What can I do for you,
Dr. Burns?

Well, I was wondering
about Kimberly Shaw.

I saw her yesterday, and it seemed
like she was saying good-bye.

Doctor, I wonder if you
could extend me

a little professional courtesy.

You know, Kimberly used to be
a patient of mine, and...

but what's her problem, exactly?

Doctor, you know I can't
discuss that with you.

It's just that she had brought
me her MRI a while back,

wanting a second opinion.

From you? Doctor, you're
not a neurosurgeon.

How would you know
what to tell a person

with such a serious condition?

Thank you, Doctor.
That's all I need.

Believe it or not, this is
my first marriage ever.

Megan Mancini.

That has a nice ring,
don't you think?

Yeah. Sure does.

Better than all those
other Mrs. Mancinis.

Oh. Ooh.


Michael, it's Peter.

Look, we've got an emergency.

Look, I told you, partner.

You'll have to pull
your own weight

without me for a few days.

It's not the practice.
Michael, it's Kimberly.

I figured out
what's going on with her.

She's got cancer.

She's got a brain tumor.
It's bad.

It's real bad.

I wish we could have seen the g*ng
at the building before we left.

Well, you can't have everything.

Who did this?

Amanda: It was all Sydney,
believe it or not.

Take care, Jane. Thanks.

Thank you for everything.
You're welcome.

I'll miss you.

See you, Janie.

Don't go driving off
any cliffs, Louise.

Not without you right beside me.


We really are going to miss you.

You know, we had a little
rough time there, but...

I know. I'll miss you.

I'll miss all of you.

Bye. Bye-bye, Jane.


Take care of the boutique, Syd.

It's yours now.

I'll do my best.

I'm really going
to miss you, Jane.

I'm glad you're back
in our family.

I never really left.

You never left me, Syd. Thanks.


♪ ♪
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